Topic: "Love at First Sight?"
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Tue 08/07/07 04:52 PM
>> Love at 1st sight isn't anything more than simple attraction and/or crush.

Its true that "first sight" feelings lack just about everything I associate with real 'love' (depth of feeling, commitment, thorough mutual understanding,....) but I have had several relationships where that 'simple attraction' was -very- compelling, and we moved immediately into a relationship that lasted several years.

At 'first sight', I felt like I knew her already and we were touching affectionately on our first meeting.

It might not have been truly 'love', but it was something powerful at first sight which became love.

Robert1680's photo
Tue 08/07/07 04:57 PM
Let me throw in a twist here::
does it have to be sight -as in with the obvious ocular vision
or sight as in love's sight 'having maybe never met ,just talked??

joshyfox's photo
Tue 08/07/07 05:02 PM
I believe in "lust at first sight", which can evolve into love, but "love at first sight"? Nah!

Puffins1958's photo
Tue 08/07/07 05:05 PM
I'm not sure that it exists. I know it has never happened to me. It all takes time to evolve...

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

alexiateigra's photo
Tue 08/07/07 05:22 PM
MT, I'm not denying that. Crush and 1st attraction can very potent. In fact, crushes often stimulate emotions very similar to love. The distinction is that love is based upon knowning the person vs a crush is your image of that person.

So........In other words, I do NOT disagree.

lilbear286's photo
Tue 08/07/07 09:19 PM
oh i think there is a love at first sight, when the planets align and scorpio is in the house of virgil or uranus is on mars ...or however that it suppose to work but there is a moment when you both know and thats it, so maybe it should be worded differently like "when love is first sighted" cause it may be instant with the first words spoken or the 5th or 6th date when the moment takes over and you both know, but i think it has to be mutual and not one side cause i think if one sided us (being the male species) have love at first sight every six seconds!!!ha!!!

no photo
Tue 08/07/07 09:20 PM
I think there are some people who are in love with being in love...

no photo
Tue 08/07/07 09:25 PM
YES, but I also think that there are people who are in love with making love, lol,lol.

Or only FEEL IN-LOVE when making LOVE?:heart:

pkh's photo
Wed 08/08/07 12:16 AM
I guess it can happen.I have never had it happen to me.For me ,I would have to know them for quite awhile,before I could take it any further.Friends before lovers.

Cali66's photo
Wed 08/08/07 12:25 AM
psssssshhhtt...... <laughs and points>

Love at first sight is impossible.. Dr.phil said so.. ::laughs:: besides..

How can you love someone u know nothing bout? You have no idea who they are. They could be freakn _____________. Ya fill that in, anything goes.. Love is a development.


amerken's photo
Wed 08/08/07 08:50 AM
it's lust at first sight...........

no photo
Wed 08/08/07 08:51 AM
How do you love me now????laugh laugh laugh laugh

amerken's photo
Wed 08/08/07 08:52 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 08/08/07 09:06 AM
I believe most people experience a strong physical "lust" reaction and confuse it for love.

However, I also think that two people can meet and they can feel a deep, basic yearning for someone they just met...and be completely drawn to that person in a way that goes far beyond the physical. (I know...I'm a sap!)

Unfortunately, lust usually overshadows that voice...and just about everything else! :tongue:

no photo
Wed 08/08/07 09:10 AM
ok but can we mix a little lust in with this love???:wink: laugh

no photo
Wed 08/08/07 09:30 AM
OK my "GUY" opinion thrown out there........

LOVE...Is when you have a deep feeling in your chest...And would do anything for her...Your content being in her company...Your always looking in her eyes...And she gets the last piece of pizza...You adore her............ when you have a deep feeling in your groin...You would do anything to get her in bed.....You don't care if she leaves right after long as she comes back for more after your nap........You constantly look at her breasts and a**...You don't care if she eats or not..........You want her on top of you, underneath you, bent over the table, etc...........

debbiej29's photo
Wed 08/08/07 09:30 AM
lol........Gypsy I like your style.. me too.. I will take a little lust with my love please!!!

On a more serious note--a quote

"a recent study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships showed that the first few minutes of meeting someone has a huge influence on the course the relationship will ultimately take. (Which explains why you know before the drinks come that your "just perfect for you" blind date is a no-go, or that hunky online hottie has definite possibilities.)

Communications researchers Artemio Ramirez and Mike Sunnafrank randomly paired 164 college students and let them talk for periods of three, six or ten minutes. Then, the students filled out a questionnaire which asked them to predict what kind of relationship they would have, ranging from being casual acquaintances to close friends, as well as how much the two had in common and how much they liked the person they'd just met.

At the end of the nine-week course, the students were asked to judge how their initial predictions had held up. Students who reported a positive impression after the first meeting were more likely to have developed a friendly relationship after the nine-week period. This was true regardless of whether the initial chat was three, six or ten minutes, meaning the snap judgments we make based on first impressions are actually fairly accurate.

In a recent London Daily Mail article, Professor Artemio Ramirez, co-author of the study said: "Earlier research had assumed there was a cumulative effect that happens in the first few days of meeting that helps determine how a relationship will develop. But we're finding that it all happens much sooner than that — it's literally within minutes. Romantic relationships begin with people making judgments very quickly."

no photo
Wed 08/08/07 09:31 AM
ummmmm lust sounds like more fun!!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 08/08/07 09:32 AM
It islaugh

no photo
Wed 08/08/07 09:36 AM
Debbie Ive read something similar years ago.......something like the first seven seconds though......and after 10 minutes. It's true, we do make snap judgements, whether they are right or wrong.