Topic: Jewish Man Exposes Israel's Lies | |
he General's Son. Miko Peled is a peace activist who dares to say in public what others still choose to deny. Born in Jerusalem in 1961 into a well known Zionist family, his grandfather, Dr. Avraham Katsnelson was a Zionist leader and signer of the Israeli Declaration of Independence. His Father, Matti Peled, was a young officer in the war of 1948 and a general in the war of 1967 when Israel conquered the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and Sinai.
Miko's unlikely opinions reflect his father's legacy. General Peled was a war hero turned peacemaker. Miko grew up in Jerusalem, a multi-ethnic city, but had to leave Israel before he made his first Palestinian friend, the result of his participation in a dialogue group in California. He was 39. On September 4, 1997 the beloved Smadar, 13, the daughter of Miko's sister Nurit and her husband Rami Elhanan was killed in a suicide attack. Peled insists that Israel/Palestine is one state—the separation wall notwithstanding, massive investment in infrastructure, towns and highways that bisect and connect settlements on the West Bank, have destroyed the possibility for a viable Palestinian state. The result, Peled says is that Israelis and Palestinians are governed by the same government but live under different sets of laws. At the heart of Peled's conclusion lies the realization that Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace as equals in their shared homeland. |
![]() They already live side by side in the same country. This country is called Israel. It is a Jewish state but respects the rights of all its citizens Jews, Arabs and all other ethnicities and religions. ![]() The problem is that a large number of their violent neighbors keep attacking this peaceful country to try to destroy it because it is a Jewish state which has complete freedom of religion and if they can't destroy it militarily they wish to immigrate into Israel and destroy it politically. ![]() For some odd reason Israelis don't wish to have their country destroyed by either method. Fortunately, this is an extremely simple problem with an extremely simple solution. The neighbors stop attacking Israel and live side by side with them in peace while accepting the Jewish state. Everyone at peace and happy and prosperous at last. Here is where you can learn about this problem by someone who has actually studied it for an extended period of time. |
I don't know what world you live in, but is sure is not Israel or Palestine.
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Wed 09/05/12 11:23 PM
yes obviously dont live in the brain-dead, koo-koo, anti-semite world of many leftist Americans.
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Thu 09/06/12 02:40 AM
From the Hamas Charter:
Preamble Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious. It needs all sincere efforts. It is a step that inevitably should be followed by other steps. The Movement is but one squadron that should be supported by more and more squadrons from this vast Arab and Islamic world, until the enemy is vanquished and Allah's victory is realised. Article Seven: The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the links in the chain of the struggle against the Zionist invaders. It goes back to 1939, to the emergence of the martyr Izz al-Din al Kissam and his brethren the fighters, members of Muslim Brotherhood. It goes on to reach out and become one with another chain that includes the struggle of the Palestinians and Muslim Brotherhood in the 1948 war and the Jihad operations of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1968 and after. Moreover, if the links have been distant from each other and if obstacles, placed by those who are the lackeys of Zionism in the way of the fighters obstructed the continuation of the struggle, the Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to the realisation of Allah's promise, no matter how long that should take. The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Muslim). Article Seventeen: The Muslim woman has a role no less important than that of the Muslim man in the battle of liberation. She is the maker of men. Her role in guiding and educating the new generations is great. The enemies have realised the importance of her role. They consider that if they are able to direct and bring her up they way they wish, far from Islam, they would have won the battle. That is why you find them giving these attempts constant attention through information campaigns, films, and the school curriculum, using for that purpose their lackeys who are infiltrated through Zionist organizations under various names and shapes, such as Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, espionage groups and others, which are all nothing more than cells of subversion and saboteurs. These organizations have ample resources that enable them to play their role in societies for the purpose of achieving the Zionist targets and to deepen the concepts that would serve the enemy. These organizations operate in the absence of Islam and its estrangement among its people. The Islamic peoples should perform their role in confronting the conspiracies of these saboteurs. The day Islam is in control of guiding the affairs of life, these organizations, hostile to humanity and Islam, will be obliterated. Article Twenty: In their Nazi treatment, the Jews made no exception for women or children. Their policy of striking fear in the heart is meant for all. They attack people where their breadwinning is concerned, extorting their money and threatening their honour. They deal with people as if they were the worst war criminals. Deportation from the homeland is a kind of murder. Article Twenty-Two: For a long time, the enemies have been planning, skillfully and with precision, for the achievement of what they have attained. They took into consideration the causes affecting the current of events. They strived to amass great and substantive material wealth which they devoted to the realisation of their dream. With their money, they took control of the world media, news agencies, the press, publishing houses, broadcasting stations, and others. With their money they stirred revolutions in various parts of the world with the purpose of achieving their interests and reaping the fruit therein. They were behind the French Revolution, the Communist revolution and most of the revolutions we heard and hear about, here and there. With their money they formed secret societies, such as Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, the Lions and others in different parts of the world for the purpose of sabotaging societies and achieving Zionist interests. With their money they were able to control imperialistic countries and instigate them to colonize many countries in order to enable them to exploit their resources and spread corruption there. You may speak as much as you want about regional and world wars. They were behind World War I, when they were able to destroy the Islamic Caliphate, making financial gains and controlling resources. They obtained the Balfour Declaration, formed the League of Nations through which they could rule the world. They were behind World War II, through which they made huge financial gains by trading in armaments, and paved the way for the establishment of their state. It was they who instigated the replacement of the League of Nations with the United Nations and the Security Council to enable them to rule the world through them. There is no war going on anywhere, without having their finger in it. "So often as they shall kindle a fire for war, Allah shall extinguish it; and they shall set their minds to act corruptly in the earth, but Allah loveth not the corrupt doers." (The Table - verse 64). The imperialistic forces in the Capitalist West and Communist East, support the enemy with all their might, in money and in men. These forces take turns in doing that. The day Islam appears, the forces of infidelity would unite to challenge it, for the infidels are of one nation. "O true believers, contract not an intimate friendship with any besides yourselves: they will not fail to corrupt you. They wish for that which may cause you to perish: their hatred hath already appeared from out of their mouths; but what their breasts conceal is yet more inveterate. We have already shown you signs of their ill will towards you, if ye understand." (The Family of Imran - verse 118). It is not in vain that the verse is ended with Allah's words "if ye understand." Article Twenty-Eight: The Zionist invasion is a vicious invasion. It does not refrain from resorting to all methods, using all evil and contemptible ways to achieve its end. It relies greatly in its infiltration and espionage operations on the secret organizations it gave rise to, such as the Freemasons, The Rotary and Lions clubs, and other sabotage groups. All these organizations, whether secret or open, work in the interest of Zionism and according to its instructions. They aim at undermining societies, destroying values, corrupting consciences, deteriorating character and annihilating Islam. It is behind the drug trade and alcoholism in all its kinds so as to facilitate its control and expansion. Arab countries surrounding Israel are asked to open their borders before the fighters from among the Arab and Islamic nations so that they could consolidate their efforts with those of their Muslim brethren in Palestine. As for the other Arab and Islamic countries, they are asked to facilitate the movement of the fighters from and to it, and this is the least thing they could do. We should not forget to remind every Muslim that when the Jews conquered the Holy City in 1967, they stood on the threshold of the Aqsa Mosque and proclaimed that "Mohammed is dead, and his descendants are all women." Israel, Judaism and Jews challenge Islam and the Muslim people. "May the cowards never sleep." Article Thirty-Two: World Zionism, together with imperialistic powers, try through a studied plan and an intelligent strategy to remove one Arab state after another from the circle of struggle against Zionism, in order to have it finally face the Palestinian people only. Egypt was, to a great extent, removed from the circle of the struggle, through the treacherous Camp David Agreement. They are trying to draw other Arab countries into similar agreements and to bring them outside the circle of struggle. The Islamic Resistance Movement calls on Arab and Islamic nations to take up the line of serious and persevering action to prevent the success of this horrendous plan, to warn the people of the danger eminating from leaving the circle of struggle against Zionism. Today it is Palestine, tomorrow it will be one country or another. At the heart of Peled's conclusion lies the realization that Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace as equals in their shared homeland.
In light of the excerpts posted above Peled must be quite naive to truly believe this. As an aside, the rhetoric of hate highlighted in bold sounds awfully familiar. ![]() I just love the story where the Jews were responsible for the First World War. ![]() |
Wow! Another Jew hating thread! How original.
Wow! Another Jew hating thread! How original. We gotta have one every day it seems. |
Why not just run for president Jenni? Your platform can be that you will kill all the Jews in the world Thus finishing Hitters work.
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Thu 09/06/12 06:34 AM
Why not just run for president Jenni? Your platform can be that you will kill all the Jews in the world Thus finishing Hitters work. Don't be ridiculous. The people who were behind Hitler are now running Israel. You just don't see it. You guys have not watched the video. That man is a Jew and has been in a Zionist family all his life. His father too! They see the truth, so why can't YOU? So stop with your ridiculous name calling claims and learn the truth. |
Why not just run for president Jenni? Your platform can be that you will kill all the Jews in the world Thus finishing Hitters work. Don't be ridiculous. The people who were behind Hitler are now running Israel. You just don't see it. You guys have not watched the video. That man is a Jew and has been in a Zionist family all his life. His father too! They see the truth, so why can't YOU? So stop with your ridiculous name calling claims and learn the truth. Jeannie, expressing your opinion or posting eye opening material about Israel is sure to bring out the Mingle "Borgs"... They just love to bring up Hitler, antisemitism in most of their responses. It's the only way they know how to debate, to make you feel like you're saying something wrong. Although I don't agree with everything you post, I'm mature enough to hear you out and make my own informed decision on the matter. We're done with Israels war machine... We're done with the thousands of civilian murders... We're done with illegal settlements and land grabs... we're done with unilateral decision making. We're frikkin DONE! So post away! and Viva Le Borgs ![]() |
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Thu 09/06/12 01:12 PM
Why not just run for president Jenni? Your platform can be that you will kill all the Jews in the world Thus finishing Hitters work. Don't be ridiculous. The people who were behind Hitler are now running Israel. You just don't see it. You guys have not watched the video. That man is a Jew and has been in a Zionist family all his life. His father too! They see the truth, so why can't YOU? So stop with your ridiculous name calling claims and learn the truth. Jeannie, expressing your opinion or posting eye opening material about Israel is sure to bring out the Mingle "Borgs"... They just love to bring up Hitler, antisemitism in most of their responses. It's the only way they know how to debate, to make you feel like you're saying something wrong. Although I don't agree with everything you post, I'm mature enough to hear you out and make my own informed decision on the matter. We're done with Israels war machine... We're done with the thousands of civilian murders... We're done with illegal settlements and land grabs... we're done with unilateral decision making. We're frikkin DONE! So post away! and Viva Le Borgs ![]() So, what do you think of the naive claims in the OP in light of the Hamas charter? Or would you rather denigrate forum members as opposed to actually having a constructive debate? Btw, are you still pissed off that your PM married a Jew? |
Why not just run for president Jenni? Your platform can be that you will kill all the Jews in the world Thus finishing Hitters work. Don't be ridiculous. The people who were behind Hitler are now running Israel. You just don't see it. You guys have not watched the video. That man is a Jew and has been in a Zionist family all his life. His father too! They see the truth, so why can't YOU? So stop with your ridiculous name calling claims and learn the truth. Jeannie, expressing your opinion or posting eye opening material about Israel is sure to bring out the Mingle "Borgs"... They just love to bring up Hitler, antisemitism in most of their responses. It's the only way they know how to debate, to make you feel like you're saying something wrong. Although I don't agree with everything you post, I'm mature enough to hear you out and make my own informed decision on the matter. We're done with Israels war machine... We're done with the thousands of civilian murders... We're done with illegal settlements and land grabs... we're done with unilateral decision making. We're frikkin DONE! So post away! and Viva Le Borgs ![]() So, what do you think of the naive claims in the OP in light of the Hamas charter? Or would you rather denigrate forum members as opposed to actually having a constructive debate? Btw, are you still pissed off that your PM married a Jew? Constructive debate? Ok I'll try again I guess "Co-founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin stated in 1987 and the Hamas Charter affirmed in 1988 that Hamas was founded to liberate Palestine from Israeli occupation and to establish an Islamic state in the area that is now Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip.[17][18] In July 2009, Khaled Meshal, Hamas's Damascus-based political bureau chief, said the organization was willing to cooperate with "a resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict which included a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders," provided that Palestinian refugees hold the right to return to Israel and that East Jerusalem be the new nation's capital." -1967 pre-war borders... Sounds resonnable to me -Sharing Jerusalem as capital... Again, resonnable if peace is ever to become part of this region. -Palestinian refugees to return Listen Borg... You got it all wrong...AGAIN. I could care less who our PM married, I do take offence to our "tough as nails" nation no longer being a peacekeeping country. This "goy" had enough with the war mongers ![]() |
Why not just run for president Jenni? Your platform can be that you will kill all the Jews in the world Thus finishing Hitlers work. Don't be ridiculous. The people who were behind Hitler are now running Israel. You just don't see it. know that a large number of Israeli families are survivors of Nazi concentration camps? That Israel was founded in part for these refugees to build a safe life for themselves in a society which will always respect their religion without discrimnation... Just trying to help point out how truly absurd it is to think that Israelis had anything to do with Hitler except to be fortunate enough and skillful enough to escape the Nazi massacres of Jews. |
Edited by
Thu 09/06/12 05:01 PM
Why not just run for president Jenni? Your platform can be that you will kill all the Jews in the world Thus finishing Hitters work. Don't be ridiculous. The people who were behind Hitler are now running Israel. You just don't see it. You guys have not watched the video. That man is a Jew and has been in a Zionist family all his life. His father too! They see the truth, so why can't YOU? So stop with your ridiculous name calling claims and learn the truth. Jeannie, expressing your opinion or posting eye opening material about Israel is sure to bring out the Mingle "Borgs"... They just love to bring up Hitler, antisemitism in most of their responses. It's the only way they know how to debate, to make you feel like you're saying something wrong. Although I don't agree with everything you post, I'm mature enough to hear you out and make my own informed decision on the matter. We're done with Israels war machine... We're done with the thousands of civilian murders... We're done with illegal settlements and land grabs... we're done with unilateral decision making. We're frikkin DONE! So post away! and Viva Le Borgs ![]() So, what do you think of the naive claims in the OP in light of the Hamas charter? Or would you rather denigrate forum members as opposed to actually having a constructive debate? Btw, are you still pissed off that your PM married a Jew? Constructive debate? Ok I'll try again I guess "Co-founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin stated in 1987 and the Hamas Charter affirmed in 1988 that Hamas was founded to liberate Palestine from Israeli occupation and to establish an Islamic state in the area that is now Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip.[17][18] In July 2009, Khaled Meshal, Hamas's Damascus-based political bureau chief, said the organization was willing to cooperate with "a resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict which included a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders," provided that Palestinian refugees hold the right to return to Israel and that East Jerusalem be the new nation's capital." -1967 pre-war borders... Sounds resonnable to me -Sharing Jerusalem as capital... Again, resonnable if peace is ever to become part of this region. -Palestinian refugees to return Listen Borg... You got it all wrong...AGAIN. I could care less who our PM married, I do take offence to our "tough as nails" nation no longer being a peacekeeping country. This "goy" had enough with the war mongers ![]() It appears you would rather denigrate forum members than have a constructive debate. If you continue to label me 'Borg' would you mind terribly if I address you as 'Idiot'? I'll try again. So, what do you think of the naive claims in the OP in light of the excerpts from the Hamas charter posted above? Your response was not an answer, but a digression. Yea ever since our Prime Minister got voted in, He turned us from peacekeeping missions to full on aggressors. You guess it
Prime Ministers wife is Jewish ![]() ![]() |
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Thu 09/06/12 05:06 PM
Why Israel Feels Threatened
By BENNY MORRIS Published: December 29, 2008 MANY Israelis feel that the walls — and history — are closing in on their 60-year-old state, much as they felt in early June 1967, just before Israel launched the Six-Day War and destroyed the Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian armies in Sinai, the West Bank and the Golan Heights. More than 40 years ago, the Egyptians had driven a United Nations peacekeeping force from the Sinai-Israel border, had closed the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping and air traffic and had deployed the equivalent of seven armored and infantry divisions on Israel’s doorstep. Egypt had signed a series of military pacts with Syria and Jordan and placed troops in the West Bank. Arab radio stations blared messages about the coming destruction of Israel. Israelis, or rather, Israeli Jews, are beginning to feel much the way their parents did in those apocalyptic days. Israel is a much more powerful and prosperous state today. In 1967 there were only some 2 million Jews in the country — today there are about 5.5 million — and the military did not have nuclear weapons. But the bulk of the population looks to the future with deep foreboding. The foreboding has two general sources and four specific causes. The general problems are simple. First, the Arab and wider Islamic worlds, despite Israeli hopes since 1948 and notwithstanding the peace treaties signed by Egypt and Jordan in 1979 and 1994, have never truly accepted the legitimacy of Israel’s creation and continue to oppose its existence. Second, public opinion in the West (and in democracies, governments can’t be far behind) is gradually reducing its support for Israel as the West looks askance at the Jewish state’s treatment of its Palestinian neighbors and wards. The Holocaust is increasingly becoming a faint and ineffectual memory and the Arab states are increasingly powerful and assertive. More specifically, Israel faces a combination of dire threats. To the east, Iran is frantically advancing its nuclear project, which most Israelis and most of the world’s intelligence agencies believe is designed to produce nuclear weapons. This, coupled with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad’s public threats to destroy Israel — and his denials of the Holocaust and of any homosexuality in Iran, which underscore his irrationality — has Israel’s political and military leaders on tenterhooks. To the north, the Lebanese fundamentalist organization Hezbollah, which also vows to destroy Israel and functions as an Iranian proxy, has thoroughly rearmed since its war with Israel in 2006. According to Israeli intelligence estimates, Hezbollah now has an arsenal of 30,000 to 40,000 Russian-made rockets, supplied by Syria and Iran — twice the number it possessed in 2006. Some of the rockets can reach Tel Aviv and Dimona, where Israel’s nuclear production facility is located. If there is war between Israel and Iran, Hezbollah can be expected to join in. (It may well join in the renewed Israeli-Palestinian conflict, too.) To the south, Israel faces the Islamist Hamas movement, which controls the Gaza Strip and whose charter promises to destroy Israel and bring every inch of Palestine under Islamic rule and law. Hamas today has an army of thousands. It also has a large arsenal of rockets — home-made Qassams and Russian-made, Iranian-financed Katyushas and Grads smuggled, with the Egyptians largely turning a blind eye, through tunnels from Sinai. Last June, Israel and Hamas agreed to a six-month truce. This unsteady calm was periodically violated by armed factions in Gaza that lobbed rockets into Israel’s border settlements. Israel responded by periodically suspending shipments of supplies into Gaza. In November and early December, Hamas stepped up the rocket attacks and then, unilaterally, formally announced the end of the truce. The Israeli public and government then gave Defense Minister Ehud Barak a free hand. Israel’s highly efficient air assault on Hamas, which began on Saturday, was his first move. Most of Hamas’s security and governmental compounds were turned into rubble and several hundred Hamas fighters were killed. But the attack will not solve the basic problem posed by a Gaza Strip populated by 1.5 million impoverished, desperate Palestinians who are ruled by a fanatic regime and are tightly hemmed in by fences and by border crossings controlled by Israel and Egypt. An enormous Israeli ground operation aimed at conquering the Gaza Strip and destroying Hamas would probably bog down in the alleyways of refugee camps before achieving its goal. (And even if these goals were somehow achieved, renewed and indefinite Israeli rule over Gaza would prove unpalatable to all concerned.) More likely are small, limited armored incursions, intended to curtail missile launches and kill Hamas fighters. But these are also unlikely to bring the organization to heel — though they may exercise sufficient pressure eventually to achieve, with the mediation of Turkey or Egypt, a renewed temporary truce. That seems to be the most that can be hoped for, though a renewal of rocket attacks on southern Israel, once Hamas recovers, is as certain as day follows night. The fourth immediate threat to Israel’s existence is internal. It is posed by the country’s Arab minority. Over the past two decades, Israel’s 1.3 million Arab citizens have been radicalized, with many openly avowing a Palestinian identity and embracing Palestinian national aims. Their spokesmen say that their loyalty lies with their people rather than with their state, Israel. Many of the community’s leaders, who benefit from Israeli democracy, more or less publicly supported Hezbollah in 2006 and continue to call for “autonomy” (of one sort or another) and for the dissolution of the Jewish state. Demography, if not Arab victory in battle, offers the recipe for such a dissolution. The birth rates for Israeli Arabs are among the highest in the world, with 4 or 5 children per family (as opposed to the 2 or 3 children per family among Israeli Jews). If present trends persist, Arabs could constitute the majority of Israel’s citizens by 2040 or 2050. Already, within five to 10 years, Palestinians (Israeli Arabs coupled with those who live in the West Bank and Gaza Strip) will form the majority population of Palestine (the land lying between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean). Friction between Israeli Arabs and Jews is already a cogent political factor. In 2000, at the start of the second intifada, thousands of Arab youngsters, in sympathy with their brethren in the territories, rioted along Israel’s major highways and in Israel’s ethnically mixed cities. The past fortnight has seen a recurrence, albeit on a smaller scale, of such rioting. Down the road, Israel’s Jews fear more violence and terrorism by Israeli Arabs. Most Jews see the Arab minority as a potential fifth column. What is common to these specific threats is their unconventionality. Between 1948 and 1982 Israel coped relatively well with the threat from conventional Arab armies. Indeed, it repeatedly trounced them. But Iran’s nuclear threat, the rise of organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah that operate from across international borders and from the midst of dense civilian populations, and Israeli Arabs’ growing disaffection with the state and their identification with its enemies, offer a completely different set of challenges. And they are challenges that Israel’s leaders and public, bound by Western democratic and liberal norms of behavior, appear to find particularly difficult to counter. Israel’s sense of the walls closing in on it has this past week led to one violent reaction. Given the new realities, it would not be surprising if more powerful explosions were to follow. Benny Morris, a professor of Middle Eastern history at Ben-Gurion University, is the author, most recently, of “1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War.” A little perspective and balance. |
"Co-founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin stated in 1987 and the Hamas Charter affirmed in 1988 that Hamas was founded to liberate Palestine from Israeli occupation and to establish an Islamic state in the area that is now Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip.[17][18] In July 2009, Khaled Meshal, Hamas's Damascus-based political bureau chief, said the organization was willing to cooperate with "a resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict which included a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders," provided that Palestinian refugees hold the right to return to Israel and that East Jerusalem be the new nation's capital." ![]() Jews and Muslims already live side by side in the same country. This country is called Israel. It is a Jewish state but respects the rights of all its citizens Jews, Arabs and all other ethnicities and religions. ![]() The problem is that a large number of their violent neighbors keep attacking Israel to try to destroy it because it is a Jewish state which has complete freedom of religion and if they can't destroy it militarily they wish to immigrate into Israel and destroy it politically. ![]() For some odd reason Israelis don't wish to have their country destroyed by either method. Fortunately, this is an extremely simple problem with an extremely simple solution. The neighbors stop attacking Israel and live side by side with them in peace while accepting the Jewish state. Everyone at peace and happy and prosperous at last. Here is where you can learn about this problem by someone who has actually studied it for an extended period of time. |
"If the arabs put down their weapons today there would be no more violence. If the Israelis put down their weapons today there would be no more Israel". An often overlooked fact. |
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Thu 09/06/12 06:23 PM
Why not just run for president Jenni? Your platform can be that you will kill all the Jews in the world Thus finishing Hitlers work. Don't be ridiculous. The people who were behind Hitler are now running Israel. You just don't see it. know that a large number of Israeli families are survivors of Nazi concentration camps? That Israel was founded in part for these refugees to build a safe life for themselves in a society which will always respect their religion without discrimnation... Just trying to help point out how truly absurd it is to think that Israelis had anything to do with Hitler except to be fortunate enough and skillful enough to escape the Nazi massacres of Jews. In response to your last paragraph, I didn't say they were "Jews" or even Israelis. But I do know that very high ranking Rabbi's betrayed their own Jewish people. I said: "The people who were behind Hitler are now running Israel. You just don't see it." I did not say who they were, or that they were Isralis or even Jews. You assumed that. I'm not sure who they are. They claim to be Jews or Germans, but they could easily be lying about that. The rest of your post about why Israel was founded is complete and utter rhetoric. Religion had nothing to do with Germany expelling the Jews. Finding a "safe haven" had nothing to do with Israel being created. If the Jews really wanted a "safe haven" then they picked the worst possible place for it. Also after the war, some Nazi war criminals went into hiding pretending to be Jews, and pretended to be survivors. Probably a lot more than you think. Some high ranking Nazi henchmen even had plastic surgery to look more Jewish. In any case Jews have pretended to be German, Germans have pretended to be Jews, and religion has nothing to do with any of what is going on. It all has to do with families and bloodlines and genes and the desire or goal for a master race. |
Why not just run for president Jenni? Your platform can be that you will kill all the Jews in the world Thus finishing Hitlers work. Don't be ridiculous. The people who were behind Hitler are now running Israel. You just don't see it. know that a large number of Israeli families are survivors of Nazi concentration camps? That Israel was founded in part for these refugees to build a safe life for themselves in a society which will always respect their religion without discrimnation... Just trying to help point out how truly absurd it is to think that Israelis had anything to do with Hitler except to be fortunate enough and skillful enough to escape the Nazi massacres of Jews. In response to your last paragraph, I didn't say they were "Jews" or even Israelis. But I do know that very high ranking Rabbi's betrayed their own Jewish people. I said: "The people who were behind Hitler are now running Israel. You just don't see it." I did not say who they were, or that they were Isralis or even Jews. You assumed that. I'm not sure who they are. They claim to be Jews or Germans, but they could easily be lying about that. The rest of your post about why Israel was founded is complete and utter rhetoric. Religion had nothing to do with Germany expelling the Jews. Finding a "safe haven" had nothing to do with Israel being created. If the Jews really wanted a "safe haven" then they picked the worst possible place for it. Also after the war, some Nazi war criminals went into hiding pretending to be Jews, and pretended to be survivors. Probably a lot more than you think. Some high ranking Nazi henchmen even had plastic surgery to look more Jewish. In any case Jews have pretended to be German, Germans have pretended to be Jews, and religion has nothing to do with any of what is going on. It all has to do with families and bloodlines and genes and the desire or goal for a master race. If you have no idea who you are talking about then I would only say that there is no evidence whatsoever that Israelis or Jews who were "behind Hitler" and that there is simply no tie between Israel and Hitler except for the well known fact that many Israelis are survivors of Nazi death camps or descendents of survivors of Nazi death camps or similarly descended from those who fortunately and skillfully escaped the Nazi Holocaust. Also you might want to check your history again. Nazi Germany did not expel Jews. They rounded them up and exterminated them solely based on their religious affiliation as Jews or the affiliation of their parents or grandparents. ![]() |
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Thu 09/06/12 07:30 PM
If you have no idea who you are talking about then I would only say that there is no evidence whatsoever that Israelis or Jews who were "behind Hitler" and that there is simply no tie between Israel and Hitler except for the well known fact that many Israelis are survivors of Nazi death camps or descendents of survivors of Nazi death camps or similarly descended from those who fortunately and skillfully escaped the Nazi Holocaust. Also you might want to check your history again. Nazi Germany did not expel Jews. They rounded them up and exterminated them solely based on their religious affiliation as Jews or the affiliation of their parents or grandparents. ![]() The notion that Hitler's party was financed by Jewish backers stems from this article reprinted within this blog. This, and other attempts to prove Jews backed the Nazis are clearly clutching at straws, as exponents of this idea clearly overlook the timeline. Moreover, the interviewer is also unaware of the confiscations that occured when certain enterprises were nationalised under the Nazis. The evidence is poor, but this article freely circulates on anti-Semitic (used here in the accepted sense) sites as hard evidence of Jewish & Nazi collaboration. Sane people tend not to fall for it. |