Topic: Jewish Man Exposes Israel's Lies
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Sat 09/08/12 03:27 PM
So much conflicting information from both sides. Its no wonder a person has to resort to alternative news sources and sites to get a decent perspective of what is really going on.

So much propaganda. We are fools, all of us, to believe one side over the other. There is propaganda on both sides I am sure.

But then there are the facts too, and some that you can't really deny. Israel is a nuclear power with advanced weapons and military and American backing them up and sending them arms and money. They are also surrounded and outnumbered by people who don't like them. They also seem to want to rule the entire Middle East... maybe even the world, since they brag about how America does what ever they ask....

huh Why would we do that?

s1owhand's photo
Sat 09/08/12 04:41 PM

So much conflicting information from both sides. Its no wonder a person has to resort to alternative news sources and sites to get a decent perspective of what is really going on.

So much propaganda. We are fools, all of us, to believe one side over the other. There is propaganda on both sides I am sure.

But then there are the facts too, and some that you can't really deny. Israel is a nuclear power with advanced weapons and military and American backing them up and sending them arms and money. They are also surrounded and outnumbered by people who don't like them. They also seem to want to rule the entire Middle East... maybe even the world, since they brag about how America does what ever they ask....

huh Why would we do that?

Because Israelis actually do NOT want to rule the Middle East.
Because Israel actually does not attack anybody.
Because they actually do not brag about controlling America.

Because they are outnumbered and surrounded by hateful bigots
who are against all the very things that both Americans and
Israeli's hold dear. Freedom. Democracy. Religious Tolerance.
Women's Rights. Culture and modern egalitarian plural society.
Because Israel is among our most steadfast allies.

There is not a shred of evidence that Israel wants to control
the Middle East much less the World.


They are about 15% smaller than the size of Vermont and have
about the same aspirations towards World Domination as Vermonters too.


There is plenty of propaganda for sure but I will always go with
the objective truths every time.


no photo
Sat 09/08/12 07:10 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 09/08/12 07:11 PM
Your propaganda can't be taken seriously. It's a caricature and no where near the truth.

Because Israel actually does not attack anybody.

rofl rofl rofl rofl

What an outrageous lie.

no photo
Sat 09/08/12 07:27 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 09/08/12 07:28 PM

In 2008, a Jewish Israeli woman filed a police report after discovering that a man she had just had consensual sex with was Palestinian and not Jewish, as she had assumed.

After spending two years under house arrest, an Israeli court convicted the man of “rape by deception” and sentenced him to 18 months in prison. A former senior Justice Ministry official was quoted as saying, “In the context of Israeli society, you can see that some women would feel very strongly that they had been violated by someone who says he is Jewish but is not.”

This is to be expected, as The Palestine Center‘s Yousef Munayyer explains:

“An ideology that seeks to build a society around a certain type of people defined by ethnicity or religion is inevitably going to feature racism, supremacy and oppression — especially when the vast majority of native inhabitants where such an ideology is implemented are unwelcomed.”

s1owhand's photo
Sat 09/08/12 08:10 PM

Fortunately almost no one claims to be Jewish who isn't Jewish and
almost no one claims to be Christian who isn't a Christian.

you can't be Jewish (according to Israel) just because you devoutly believe in or practice Judaism

I don't know where you get this totally incorrect nonsense but a Jew
is the same in Israel or out of Israel and almost everyone who claims
to be Jewish really is Jewish except for Jews for Jesus who are really
Christian because they believe in Christ as the Messiah.


And according to Israel official demographics:

The demography of Israel is monitored by the Israel Central
Bureau of Statistics. The State of Israel has a population of
approximately 7,848,800 inhabitants as of 2012.[1] 75.3% of them
are Jewish (about 5,865,300 individuals),
20.5% are Arabs
(About 1,597,300 individuals), while the remaining 4.3% (about
318,200 individuals) are defined as "others" (family members of
Jewish immigrants who are not registered at the Interior Ministry
as Jews, non-Arab Christians, non-Arab Muslims and residents who do
not have a religious classification).

laugh laugh laugh

Apparently the vast majority of native inhabitants of Israel are Jewish so....

Discrimination against Jews? Almost fallacious...

Well, once or twice the Jews have been discriminated against. There
was the Holocaust thing...but that only murdered half the Jewish
population on earth so that is not much discrimination. But there
was also the Inquisition which was a few years back. Then the Arabs
kicked all the Jews out of their countries, the Egyptians had a
few slaves for a while...


Only the very highly educated know anything about it...


no photo
Sun 09/09/12 08:57 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 09/09/12 08:58 AM
I don't know where you get this totally incorrect nonsense but a Jew
is the same in Israel or out of Israel and almost everyone who claims
to be Jewish really is Jewish except for Jews for Jesus who are really
Christian because they believe in Christ as the Messiah.

rofl rofl

What about the secular atheist Zionists who govern Israel and claim to be Jews? They are still "Jews?" Oh... but IFF they believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah, they are NOT Jews?

So what happened to the claim that they are Jews because of their genetics or genes????

laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 09/09/12 09:09 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 09/09/12 09:29 AM
Example of Israel State Sponsored discrimination.

The State sponsored discrimination within Israel is against this Palestinian man who was jailed because he had consensual sex with a woman and afterwards she discovered he was NOT a Jew so she filed a police report against him.


So basically, they put him in Jail for lying, but they charged him with rape by deception.

That is totally ridiculous of course, but it CLEARLY demonstrates how bigoted the entire STATE of Israel and its government is against anyone who is not a Jew. They do not allow people to have equal rights.

Rape by deception? WOW that's a new one. If that were a law here, we could charge more than half the population with that crime. It is basically a law that makes it a crime to lie or deceive someone in any way. In this case, it would be to get sex, but lying is lying so it would have to apply to all lies.

Unless they write the law to say that only lying to get laid is illegal. All other lying is okay.... mmmmmm.

But Israel would probably write the law to say that only lying about your religion or ethnic background to get laid is a crime. ... Oh guess what, they don't have to write the law, it is now on the books by way of the court system!!

So there is now a law in Israel that lying about being a Jew or not disclosing that you are not a Jew in order to get laid equals the crime of "rape by deception" and punishable by imprisonment.

Wow what a country, Israel... sick

Every Politician in the world would be in jail if there are laws against lying.

Israel is now officially and legally a racist bigoted society BY LAW.

case in discussion:
Note: this woman only ASSUMED HE WAS JEWISH. So maybe he did not lie.

the case....

"In 2008, a Jewish Israeli woman filed a police report after discovering that a man she had just had consensual sex with was Palestinian and not Jewish, as she had assumed.

After spending two years under house arrest, an Israeli court convicted the man of “rape by deception” and sentenced him to 18 months in prison. A former senior Justice Ministry official was quoted as saying, “In the context of Israeli society, you can see that some women would feel very strongly that they had been violated by someone who says he is Jewish but is not.”

(Note: now, are they implying that he "said" he was Jewish...? Or are they simply making a general statement? did he lie or not? First they said that she assumed he was Jewish.")

If he did not say he was Jewish, then he is in jail only because that woman ASSUMED he was Jewish and he did not tell her anything to the contrary.)

quote continued:

"This is to be expected, as The Palestine Center‘s Yousef Munayyer explains:

“An ideology that seeks to build a society around a certain type of people defined by ethnicity or religion is inevitably going to feature racism, supremacy and oppression — especially when the vast majority of native inhabitants where such an ideology is implemented are unwelcomed.”

s1owhand's photo
Sun 09/09/12 05:02 PM

“An ideology that seeks to build a society around a certain type of people defined by ethnicity or religion is inevitably going to feature racism, supremacy and oppression — especially when the vast majority of native inhabitants where such an ideology is implemented are unwelcomed.”

How Ironic. This is more appropriately a statement against radical
Islamic anti-Zionist, anti-Israeli, and anti-Semitic bigotry!

Amusing! laugh

That an Arab writer would try to smear Israel with this allegation
when then Arab Islamic community is trying to rid the Middle East
of Jews and refuses to accept the tiny Jewish state of Israel in
the Jews traditional homeland of Judea.

The Israelis are on record for accepting Muslim states as their
peaceful neighbors including a new Palestinian state.

The Palestinians on the other hand and many of their Arab supporters
do NOT accept Israel as a Jewish state.

So the Palestinians and radical Islamists are discriminating with
racism, supremacy, bigotry, discrimination against women and
religious hatred. Israel in great contrast is a place where all
religions are protected and respected and racial discrimination and
discrimination against women is prohibited.

Ras427's photo
Sun 09/09/12 07:15 PM

If you practice and believe in Judaism, then you can call yourself Jewish. You won't hear an argument from me.

"Jewish" means you believe in and practice Judaism.

If you don't, then no.

Doesn't matter if you parents are Jews....or not.

My parents were Christians. That does not make me a Christian.


I'm sure we have some genes and DNA in common. SO??

Religion is just religion. It is NOT in your genes. laugh

rofl rofl
jewish genomes???

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 09/10/12 03:27 AM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Mon 09/10/12 03:29 AM
This thread started out as ridiculous and has become insane. The blatant ignorance and anti-semitism is repellent.


HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 09/10/12 03:37 AM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Mon 09/10/12 03:54 AM
Slowhand you should read Hotrodelux's post and learn just a little something. Hitler was a Zionist because he.....

...."wanted to eject the Jews from German lands to relieve population pressure(lebensraum), although it was merely a pretext to make the 'relocation' palatable to the populace. Many plans for relocation were considered by the Nazis."

What I posted about relocation plans posited early by the Nazis in no way makes Hitler a Zionist. S1owhand is well aware of these relocation plans. Please don't misrepresent my posts again.

And your ridiculous claim that anything that does not support your rhetoric is "Nazi propaganda" is absurd.

That is in reference to the Kibbutz scenario you mentioned. That was indeed, Nazi propaganda.

And the website I linked to are the real Jews, not Zioinist criminals. And you call them anti-Semitic? They are the REAL JEWS, not Zionist criminals trying to dominate the entire world.

They claim to be 'real Jews'. Do you know of Jon Galt?

A Jew is a person who is serious about Judaism and practices it. Not some Zionist atheist with an agenda to get all Jews to move to Israel and build a wall around them.

It is not for you, or anybody else to decide who is a Jew or who is not.

Can you beleive they wanted to build a wall?


Unbelievable? Logical is a better description, especially in light of the constant attacks.

Real Jews should get out of Israel, as I have said before, their leaders are Zionist criminals and they will abandon those people to their enemies.

Is this sane?

Zionists caused the last holocaust and they will be behind the next one. The rich Zionist leaders (who are NOT Jews) will abandon the Israel Jews to their enemies.

This certainly isn't.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 09/10/12 03:39 AM

Example of Israel State Sponsored discrimination.

The State sponsored discrimination within Israel is against this Palestinian man who was jailed because he had consensual sex with a woman and afterwards she discovered he was NOT a Jew so she filed a police report against him.


So basically, they put him in Jail for lying, but they charged him with rape by deception.

That is totally ridiculous of course, but it CLEARLY demonstrates how bigoted the entire STATE of Israel and its government is against anyone who is not a Jew. They do not allow people to have equal rights.

Rape by deception? WOW that's a new one. If that were a law here, we could charge more than half the population with that crime. It is basically a law that makes it a crime to lie or deceive someone in any way. In this case, it would be to get sex, but lying is lying so it would have to apply to all lies.

Unless they write the law to say that only lying to get laid is illegal. All other lying is okay.... mmmmmm.

But Israel would probably write the law to say that only lying about your religion or ethnic background to get laid is a crime. ... Oh guess what, they don't have to write the law, it is now on the books by way of the court system!!

So there is now a law in Israel that lying about being a Jew or not disclosing that you are not a Jew in order to get laid equals the crime of "rape by deception" and punishable by imprisonment.

Wow what a country, Israel... sick

Every Politician in the world would be in jail if there are laws against lying.

Israel is now officially and legally a racist bigoted society BY LAW.

case in discussion:
Note: this woman only ASSUMED HE WAS JEWISH. So maybe he did not lie.

the case....

"In 2008, a Jewish Israeli woman filed a police report after discovering that a man she had just had consensual sex with was Palestinian and not Jewish, as she had assumed.

After spending two years under house arrest, an Israeli court convicted the man of “rape by deception” and sentenced him to 18 months in prison. A former senior Justice Ministry official was quoted as saying, “In the context of Israeli society, you can see that some women would feel very strongly that they had been violated by someone who says he is Jewish but is not.”

(Note: now, are they implying that he "said" he was Jewish...? Or are they simply making a general statement? did he lie or not? First they said that she assumed he was Jewish.")

If he did not say he was Jewish, then he is in jail only because that woman ASSUMED he was Jewish and he did not tell her anything to the contrary.)

quote continued:

This is to be expected, as The Palestine Center‘s Yousef Munayyer explains:

“An ideology that seeks to build a society around a certain type of people defined by ethnicity or religion is inevitably going to feature racism, supremacy and oppression — especially when the vast majority of native inhabitants where such an ideology is implemented are unwelcomed.”

don't you just love those Protocols?laugh

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 09/10/12 03:43 AM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Mon 09/10/12 03:54 AM
don't you just love those Protocols?laugh

Don't you just love this tit bit of Palestinian propaganda:

"An ideology that seeks to build a society around a certain type of people defined by ethnicity or religion is inevitably going to feature racism, supremacy and oppression — especially when the vast majority of native inhabitants where such an ideology is implemented are unwelcomed.”

Oh, the hypocrisy inherent within this gem.

s1owhand's photo
Mon 09/10/12 05:15 AM

Fortunately almost no one claims to be Jewish who isn't Jewish and
almost no one claims to be Christian who isn't a Christian.

you can't be Jewish (according to Israel) just because you devoutly believe in or practice Judaism

I don't know where you get this totally incorrect nonsense but a Jew
is the same in Israel or out of Israel and almost everyone who claims
to be Jewish really is Jewish except for Jews for Jesus who are really
Christian because they believe in Christ as the Messiah.


And according to Israel official demographics:

The demography of Israel is monitored by the Israel Central
Bureau of Statistics. The State of Israel has a population of
approximately 7,848,800 inhabitants as of 2012.[1] 75.3% of them
are Jewish (about 5,865,300 individuals),
20.5% are Arabs
(About 1,597,300 individuals), while the remaining 4.3% (about
318,200 individuals) are defined as "others" (family members of
Jewish immigrants who are not registered at the Interior Ministry
as Jews, non-Arab Christians, non-Arab Muslims and residents who do
not have a religious classification).

laugh laugh laugh

What about the secular atheist Zionists who govern Israel and claim to be Jews? They are still "Jews?" Oh... but IFF they believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah, they are NOT Jews?

So what happened to the claim that they are Jews because of their genetics or genes????


Secular Jews? Those are just Jews who don't go to religious services
everyday. They still believe in Judaism just not as strictly
observant as the ultra-religious Jews. They are all still Jews of
course. Secular Jews don't govern Israel though - real Jews do and
that is one reason it is a Jewish state!

There are no "atheist" Jews. Judaism is monotheistic. There
are atheists of course from every religious background. They are
called "Atheists".


Same as Secular Christians or Secular Muslims.

The Jewish genome and DNA evidence linking Jews of all races all
over the world has been discussed previously. It is a done deal
scientifically. It is not surprising at all considering that Jews
usually have married within their religion over all the years.
The DNA evidence is very compelling and interesting. It shows that
Jews from all different races and countries and ethnicities have
definitely a common Middle Eastern origin. Of course this stands
to reason since the religion was founded in Israel several thousand
years ago and all Jews trace their heritage and roots from their
homeland in Israel. That is why the area has been called Judea from


And yep. I think you finally got it on this point.

Those who believe that Christ is the messiah are called "Christian".
Good Job! Might be on the way to a better understanding of religion.
It is really not so difficult so don't get discouraged. Bit by bit
it will gradually become clearer.



metalwing's photo
Mon 09/10/12 05:40 AM

Fortunately almost no one claims to be Jewish who isn't Jewish and
almost no one claims to be Christian who isn't a Christian.

you can't be Jewish (according to Israel) just because you devoutly believe in or practice Judaism

I don't know where you get this totally incorrect nonsense but a Jew
is the same in Israel or out of Israel and almost everyone who claims
to be Jewish really is Jewish except for Jews for Jesus who are really
Christian because they believe in Christ as the Messiah.


And according to Israel official demographics:

The demography of Israel is monitored by the Israel Central
Bureau of Statistics. The State of Israel has a population of
approximately 7,848,800 inhabitants as of 2012.[1] 75.3% of them
are Jewish (about 5,865,300 individuals),
20.5% are Arabs
(About 1,597,300 individuals), while the remaining 4.3% (about
318,200 individuals) are defined as "others" (family members of
Jewish immigrants who are not registered at the Interior Ministry
as Jews, non-Arab Christians, non-Arab Muslims and residents who do
not have a religious classification).

laugh laugh laugh

What about the secular atheist Zionists who govern Israel and claim to be Jews? They are still "Jews?" Oh... but IFF they believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah, they are NOT Jews?

So what happened to the claim that they are Jews because of their genetics or genes????


Secular Jews? Those are just Jews who don't go to religious services
everyday. They still believe in Judaism just not as strictly
observant as the ultra-religious Jews. They are all still Jews of
course. Secular Jews don't govern Israel though - real Jews do and
that is one reason it is a Jewish state!

There are no "atheist" Jews. Judaism is monotheistic. There
are atheists of course from every religious background. They are
called "Atheists".


Same as Secular Christians or Secular Muslims.

The Jewish genome and DNA evidence linking Jews of all races all
over the world has been discussed previously. It is a done deal
scientifically. It is not surprising at all considering that Jews
usually have married within their religion over all the years.
The DNA evidence is very compelling and interesting. It shows that
Jews from all different races and countries and ethnicities have
definitely a common Middle Eastern origin. Of course this stands
to reason since the religion was founded in Israel several thousand
years ago and all Jews trace their heritage and roots from their
homeland in Israel. That is why the area has been called Judea from


And yep. I think you finally got it on this point.

Those who believe that Christ is the messiah are called "Christian".
Good Job! Might be on the way to a better understanding of religion.
It is really not so difficult so don't get discouraged. Bit by bit
it will gradually become clearer.



Nicely put. However, it does remind me of a farmer talking to a mule.:smile:

s1owhand's photo
Mon 09/10/12 09:32 AM

Gotta keep the barn clean and muck out once in a while.


no photo
Mon 09/10/12 11:03 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 09/10/12 11:34 AM
Secular Jews? Those are just Jews who don't go to religious services
everyday. They still believe in Judaism just not as strictly
observant as the ultra-religious Jews. They are all still Jews of
course. Secular Jews don't govern Israel though - real Jews do and
that is one reason it is a Jewish state!

There are no "atheist" Jews. Judaism is monotheistic. There
are atheists of course from every religious background. They are
called "Atheists".

I agree. Athiests "Jews" are not Jewish.

And there are a lot of them. I'm sure you don't know them all personally so I'm not going take your opinion seriously.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 09/10/12 12:00 PM
Edited by mightymoe on Mon 09/10/12 12:00 PM

So much conflicting information from both sides. Its no wonder a person has to resort to alternative news sources and sites to get a decent perspective of what is really going on.

So much propaganda. We are fools, all of us, to believe one side over the other. There is propaganda on both sides I am sure.

But then there are the facts too, and some that you can't really deny. Israel is a nuclear power with advanced weapons and military and American backing them up and sending them arms and money. They are also surrounded and outnumbered by people who don't like them. They also seem to want to rule the entire Middle East... maybe even the world, since they brag about how America does what ever they ask....

huh Why would we do that?

where did you come up with your facts? when did israel say they wanted to rule the middleast or the world for that matter? the reason they have the arms they have is to protect them from the haters that surround them. they would have wiped out years ago if not for the US helping them... thats one of the reasons the muslims hate us too...

no photo
Mon 09/10/12 12:06 PM

So much conflicting information from both sides. Its no wonder a person has to resort to alternative news sources and sites to get a decent perspective of what is really going on.

So much propaganda. We are fools, all of us, to believe one side over the other. There is propaganda on both sides I am sure.

But then there are the facts too, and some that you can't really deny. Israel is a nuclear power with advanced weapons and military and American backing them up and sending them arms and money. They are also surrounded and outnumbered by people who don't like them. They also seem to want to rule the entire Middle East... maybe even the world, since they brag about how America does what ever they ask....

huh Why would we do that?

where did you come up with your facts? when did israel say they wanted to rule the middleast or the world for that matter? the reason they have the arms they have is to protect them from the haters that surround them. they would have wiped out years ago if not for the US helping them... thats one of the reasons the muslims hate us too...

One of the reasons??? It's the ONLY reason!!! noway

no photo
Mon 09/10/12 12:06 PM
Edited by JOHNN111 on Mon 09/10/12 12:15 PM

Non Biased Crisis guide. Very interesting for those who want to educate themselves about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

One thing that sticks out vividly is every time there's progress towards peace, it is sabotaged from within.