Topic: Jewish Man Exposes Israel's Lies
no photo
Thu 09/06/12 07:27 PM

Why not just run for president Jenni? Your platform can be that you will kill all the Jews in the world Thus finishing Hitlers work.

Don't be ridiculous.

The people who were behind Hitler are now running Israel. You just don't see it. know that a large number of Israeli families are
survivors of Nazi concentration camps? That Israel was founded
in part for these refugees to build a safe life for themselves
in a society which will always respect their religion without

Just trying to help point out how truly absurd it is to think
that Israelis had anything to do with Hitler except to be fortunate
enough and skillful enough to escape the Nazi massacres of Jews.

In response to your last paragraph, I didn't say they were "Jews" or even Israelis. But I do know that very high ranking Rabbi's betrayed their own Jewish people.

I said:
"The people who were behind Hitler are now running Israel. You just don't see it."

I did not say who they were, or that they were Isralis or even Jews. You assumed that. I'm not sure who they are. They claim to be Jews or Germans, but they could easily be lying about that.

The rest of your post about why Israel was founded is complete and utter rhetoric.

Religion had nothing to do with Germany expelling the Jews. Finding a "safe haven" had nothing to do with Israel being created. If the Jews really wanted a "safe haven" then they picked the worst possible place for it.

Also after the war, some Nazi war criminals went into hiding pretending to be Jews, and pretended to be survivors. Probably a lot more than you think. Some high ranking Nazi henchmen even had plastic surgery to look more Jewish.

In any case Jews have pretended to be German, Germans have pretended to be Jews, and religion has nothing to do with any of what is going on. It all has to do with families and bloodlines and genes and the desire or goal for a master race.

If you have no idea who you are talking about then I would only say that
there is no evidence whatsoever that Israelis or Jews who were "behind Hitler" and that there
is simply no tie between Israel and Hitler except for the well known
fact that many Israelis are survivors of Nazi death camps or
descendents of survivors of Nazi death camps or similarly descended from those who fortunately and skillfully escaped the Nazi Holocaust.

Also you might want to check your history again. Nazi Germany did
not expel Jews. They rounded them up and exterminated them solely
based on their religious affiliation as Jews or the affiliation of their parents or grandparents.


Many of the Jews bought their way out of Germany. Some could not afford it. The rich Jewish leaders or Rabbis were given the choice to pay money each for any Jew to be freed, but the ransom was not paid. They all could have been saved. Instead they were betrayed.

The only reason it is hard to tell who is responsible for these events is because the people who are responsible for these wars and all wars and world affairs pretend to be what they are not and they manipulate things in secret behind the scenes.

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 09/06/12 07:29 PM
As Montgomery Scott of the 2011 Star Trek movie would say,
"I like this thread. It's exciting here."

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Thu 09/06/12 07:38 PM

Many of the Jews bought their way out of Germany. Some could not afford it. The rich Jewish leaders or Rabbis were given the choice to pay money each for any Jew to be freed, but the ransom was not paid. They all could have been saved. Instead they were betrayed.

The only reason it is hard to tell who is responsible for these events is because the people who are responsible for these wars and all wars and world affairs pretend to be what they are not and they manipulate things in secret behind the scenes.

So, if it is difficult to tell who was responsible for these events, how did your source arrive at such a conclusion? I mean, the claim they all could have been saved via ransom payments is plainly absurd, therefore, I'm curious as to the source of this material.

no photo
Thu 09/06/12 07:54 PM

Again, I did not call those people "Jews." The criminal Cabal and secret societies can call themselves anything they want if it serves their purpose. They may call themselves "Jews," but then they could easily be lying. They will also call themselves "Christians" and "Germans" and/or anything else that serves their agenda and purpose. ..... because they lie about who they are.

Hitler claimed to be "Christian." laugh
That's a laugh!! How can you believe what anyone calls themselves?

The problem people have with this whole subject is that everyone is hung up with tons of this Jewish propaganda and about how the Jews are so much more persecuted (and for their religion no less) than everyone else

Really? Is that why they are persecuted? I don't think so!

Persecuted were the Africans, the whites, the Palestinians, the Arabs, women, witches, heretics, pagans, Chinese, American Indians, and the list goes on and on.

Now Israel wants to be the toughest guy on the block with America to back them up, and with every act of careless slaughter and "mistakes" they start whining that they are just "protecting themselves" .... because everyone hates them and wants to kill them.

In the middle east, they have been killing people since the Battle of Jericho if you believe that story.

Their enemies have no formidable weapons against them. They are suicide bombers for God's sake. It doesn't get much more desperate than that. They must be thinking that they will be killed or enslaved and pushed out of their homes anyway, so what the hell.

The Israeli government are criminals and should beg for forgiveness. They won't though, ever. They are too busy pretending to be the "victims."

The Jewish people who don't like what their government is doing should get out of Israel. Their leaders have already abandoned them and I am afraid they will not be there when the people need them most.

no photo
Thu 09/06/12 08:14 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 09/06/12 08:15 PM

Many of the Jews bought their way out of Germany. Some could not afford it. The rich Jewish leaders or Rabbis were given the choice to pay money each for any Jew to be freed, but the ransom was not paid. They all could have been saved. Instead they were betrayed.

The only reason it is hard to tell who is responsible for these events is because the people who are responsible for these wars and all wars and world affairs pretend to be what they are not and they manipulate things in secret behind the scenes.

So, if it is difficult to tell who was responsible for these events, how did your source arrive at such a conclusion? I mean, the claim they all could have been saved via ransom payments is plainly absurd, therefore, I'm curious as to the source of this material.

My "sources" are many. I am not locked into the kind of popular history that is mostly propaganda and lies.

But how about from the real Jews against Zionism?


"If I am asked, "Could you give from the UJA moneys to rescue Jews, 'I say, NO! and I say again NO!"

Izaak Greenbaum -- head of Jewish Agency Rescue Committee
February 18, 1943

Addressed to the Zionist Executive Council.


Here is a Jewish source:

Min Hameitzar

Written by Rabbi Weissmandl this book describes his witness of the brutal Zionist role which prevented the rescue of the holocaust victims. Available in our bookstore.


no photo
Thu 09/06/12 08:17 PM
Zionism Promotes Anti-Semitism

Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), the founder of modern Zionism, recognized that anti-Semitism would further his cause, the creation of a separate state for Jews. To solve the Jewish Question, he maintained “we must, above all, make it an international political issue.”

Herzl wrote that Zionism offered the world a welcome “final solution of the Jewish question.” In his “Diaries”, page 19, Herzl stated “Anti-Semites will become our surest friends, anti-Semitic countries our allies.”

Zionist reliance on Anti-Semitism to further their goals continues to this day. Studies of immigration records reflect increased immigration to the Zionist state during times of increased anti-Semitism. Without a continued inflow of Jewish immigrants to the state of "Israel", it is estimated that within a decade the Jewish population of the Zionist state will become the minority.

In order to maintain a Jewish majority in the state of "Israel", its leaders promote anti-Semitism throughout the world to "encourage" Jews to leave their homelands and seek "refuge".

Over the recent years there has been a dramatic rise in hate rhetoric and hate crimes targeted toward Jews:
In Turkey...horrifying suicide bombings at two synagogues left 25 people dead and hundreds more injured.

In Britain...Scotland Yard recently warned Britain's Jewish Community that it faced imminent terrorist attacks after police spotted and questioned a group of "tourists" taking covert videotape of the Jewish community buildings in London.

In France...a caution was issued after an arson attack gutted a suburban Paris Jewish school--the latest incident in a frightening wave of French anti-Semitism.

BBC - UK: "In recent weeks, a poll for the European Commission suggesting that EU citizens see Israel as the biggest threat to world peace caused outrage among Israelis."

Anti-Semitic acts are on the rise across Europe and beyond. From Antwerp and London to Berlin and Istanbul, Jews are living in fear.

On November 17, 2003 Zionist leader, Ariel Sharon, the Israeli prime minister, told Jews in Italy the best way to escape "a great wave of anti-Semitism" is to move and settle in the state of Israel. This has been the Zionist ideology from the beginning to the present time. "The best solution to anti-Semitism is immigration to Israel. It is the only place on Earth where Jews can live as Jews," he said.

July 28, 2004: 200 French Jews emigrated to Israel following a wave of Anti-Semitism. They were personally greeted by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who recently urged French Jews to flee to Israel to escape rising anti-Semitism.

On July 18, 2004, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon urged all French Jews to move to Israel immediately to escape anti-Semitism. He told a meeting of the American Jewish Association in Jerusalem that Jews around the world should relocate to Israel as early as possible. But for those living in France, he added, moving was a "must" because of rising violence against Jews there. "

s1owhand's photo
Thu 09/06/12 08:22 PM

Again, I did not call those people "Jews." The criminal Cabal and secret societies can call themselves anything they want if it serves their purpose. They may call themselves "Jews," but then they could easily be lying. They will also call themselves "Christians" and "Germans" and/or anything else that serves their agenda and purpose. ..... because they lie about who they are.

Hitler claimed to be "Christian." laugh
That's a laugh!! How can you believe what anyone calls themselves?

The problem people have with this whole subject is that everyone is hung up with tons of this Jewish propaganda and about how the Jews are so much more persecuted (and for their religion no less) than everyone else

Really? Is that why they are persecuted? I don't think so!

Persecuted were the Africans, the whites, the Palestinians, the Arabs, women, witches, heretics, pagans, Chinese, American Indians, and the list goes on and on.

Now Israel wants to be the toughest guy on the block with America to back them up, and with every act of careless slaughter and "mistakes" they start whining that they are just "protecting themselves" .... because everyone hates them and wants to kill them.

In the middle east, they have been killing people since the Battle of Jericho if you believe that story.

Their enemies have no formidable weapons against them. They are suicide bombers for God's sake. It doesn't get much more desperate than that. They must be thinking that they will be killed or enslaved and pushed out of their homes anyway, so what the hell.

The Israeli government are criminals and should beg for forgiveness. They won't though, ever. They are too busy pretending to be the "victims."

The Jewish people who don't like what their government is doing should get out of Israel. Their leaders have already abandoned them and I am afraid they will not be there when the people need them most.

laugh laugh laugh

Israelis couldn't lie about being Jewish even if they tried!!

laugh laugh laugh

Many were investigated and found to be Jewish by the Nazis!
They have numbers tattooed on them. They have papers which
document their heritage and religion. They attend Jewish
celebrations and services. They pray Jewish prayers.

They were expelled from their homes in neighboring Muslim
countries and their possessions stolen for being Jewish.

Someone may be lying but it is not the Jews. There is objective
DNA evidence. They could not lie if they wanted to although as
far as I can tell they don't lie anyway since the attacks against
the Jews and the Jewish state of Israel are extremely well
witnessed and documented!!



no photo
Thu 09/06/12 09:50 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 09/06/12 09:59 PM
Israelis couldn't lie about being Jewish even if they tried!!

Of course they could.

Not all "Israelis" are Jews.
Many are atheist Zionists and lie about being Jewish.

They claim to be Jews but they are not.

Someone may be lying but it is not the Jews.

Yes, someone is lying.
There are those who claim to be Jews but are not Jews.
The Zionists. They do not practice Judaism and they are not Jews.
They are Zionist liars.

Judaism is a religion, not a race. Throughout history, whoever joined the Jewish religion was called a Jew, no matter what his race, and whoever abandoned the Holy Torah was not considered a Jew. In fact, the biggest names in Jewish history were converts or descendants of converts: King David, Zipporah, Rabbi Akiva, Rabbi Meir, Shmaya and Avtalyon.

The proponents of Zionism, for their own political and financial advantage, have transformed the Jewish religion into a race. Similarly, they have taken the Torah, a book of Divine law which teaches fairness, peace and piety, and transformed it into a vehicle for their political goals, a source for their claims to a piece of land. These claims took their latest form this week, when, to our sorrow, the Zionist falsification was brought to the world's eyes by the media.


Nazi Support of Zionism

Zionism was supported by the German SS and Gestapo. Hitler himself personally supported Zionism. During the 1930's, in cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some 40 camps throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. As late as 1942 Zionists operated at least one of these officially authorized "Kibbutz" training camps over which flew the blue and white banner which would one day be adopted as the national flag of "Israel".

The Transfer Agreement (which promoted the emigration of German Jews to Palestine) implemented in 1933 and abandoned at the beginning of WWII is an important example of the cooperation between Hitler's Germany and international Zionism. Through this agreement, Hitler's Third Reich did more than any other government during the 1930's to support Jewish development in Palestine and further the Zionist goals.

Hitler and the Zionists had a common goal: to create a world Jewish Ghetto as a solution to the Jewish Question.


Safe haven? Hardly. They are surrounded by their enemies.

Their leaders, the criminal Zionist, (who are not real Jews,) will abandon them!

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Thu 09/06/12 10:49 PM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Thu 09/06/12 11:34 PM

Many of the Jews bought their way out of Germany. Some could not afford it. The rich Jewish leaders or Rabbis were given the choice to pay money each for any Jew to be freed, but the ransom was not paid. They all could have been saved. Instead they were betrayed.

The only reason it is hard to tell who is responsible for these events is because the people who are responsible for these wars and all wars and world affairs pretend to be what they are not and they manipulate things in secret behind the scenes.

So, if it is difficult to tell who was responsible for these events, how did your source arrive at such a conclusion? I mean, the claim they all could have been saved via ransom payments is plainly absurd, therefore, I'm curious as to the source of this material.

My "sources" are many. I am not locked into the kind of popular history that is mostly propaganda and lies.

But you only use one for these claims, I see. I studied history at an academic level-not at a populist level, so the veiled accusation is unwarranted. I am well aware of the academic process involved in assessing historiography-moreso than most. But enough of these logical fallacies (i.e. arguments from authority).

But how about from the real Jews against Zionism?


"If I am asked, "Could you give from the UJA moneys to rescue Jews, 'I say, NO! and I say again NO!"

Izaak Greenbaum -- head of Jewish Agency Rescue Committee
February 18, 1943

Addressed to the Zionist Executive Council.

Yes, Yitzhak was known for his imflammatory statements and bigotry.


In 1933 Gruenbaum made aliyah to Mandate Palestine. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Jewish Agency and the World Zionist Organization.

During the Holocaust, he served on the "Committee of Four" chosen at the outbreak of World War II to maintain contact with Polish Jewry and aid in their rescue. In 1942, when word reached the Yishuv of the mass extermination taking place in Eastern Europe, Gruenbaum was chosen to head a 12-member Rescue Committee comprising representatives of the various parties. Due to circumstances prevailing at the time, their rescue efforts failed to accomplish much.

In July, 1942, only a few months after the first word of the mass destruction of Polish Jewry reached Israel (this initial information did not mention the comprehensive plan to annihilate European Jewry), members of Agudat Yisrael contacted the Jewish Agency to propose the establishment of a joint rescue committee comprised of all Jewish community organizations in the Holy Land - Zionist and non-Zionist alike. Moshe Sharett, the Jewish Agency's "foreign minister," told them their suggestion was out of the question as long as they were not constituent members of the Jewish Agency. They received a similar response from Yitzhak Greenbaum, chairman of the smaller Rescue Committee established by the Jewish Agency.

In contrast, then-Jewish Agency chairman David Ben-Gurion preferred to collaborate with ultra-Orthodox groups but objected to their proposal of an "international committee." In a very late response to Rabbi Yitzhak Meir Levin, chairman of the International Steering Committee of Agudat Yisrael, Ben-Gurion wrote, "repeated attempts to establish a new international committee to address every new tragedy may only increase chaos in our public lives."

Levin, astounded by the delayed response and its content, replied, "for such a long time, you failed to find it proper to respond to our simple request and proposal - this is not a new international committee for every new tragedy. This is the greatest tragedy we have ever suffered - no similar tragedy has befallen the people of Israel since it became a nation."

Taking all this on board, it doesn't prove anything. That quote in context would be more desirable, considering that Poland was an occupied territory at this point in time, which is pointed out every time this claim is posited. He may have recognised the futility of such a venture (most can see it immediately). Even a feasibility study about rescuing Polish Jews in 1943 would have been a waste of funds. Whatever, it doesn't really support the scenario implied, nor the scale.

Here is a Jewish source:

Min Hameitzar

Written by Rabbi Weissmandl this book describes his witness of the brutal Zionist role which prevented the rescue of the holocaust victims. Available in our bookstore.


A secondary source that doesn't cite any original sources or provide a bibliography. Not really much good I'm afraid. Have you any original sources apart from this one website? You could cite Ben Gurion, but no-one truly believed what was going on at the time he wanted to rescue the children of European Jewry. Historical context is paramount.

Plus all you've given me is the secondary opinions surrounding two men. Hardly proof of of the scale suggested in previous statements. One Rabbi talking about a deal with an SS official does not indicate a universal policy regarding the matter. This is a well trodden road and I've seen 'Jews Against Zionism' cited on several occasions, but one needs to assess these statements in the original context. So, I hardly think the contention is set in stone so to speak. These citations certainly don't prove the scale originally implied, thus a strawman case has been made. There are obvious biases and methods behind that site and one should be skeptical.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Thu 09/06/12 11:50 PM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Fri 09/07/12 12:08 AM
Nazi Support of Zionism

Zionism was supported by the German SS and Gestapo. Hitler himself personally supported Zionism.

No news there. The Nazis wanted to eject the Jews from German lands to relieve population pressure(lebensraum), although it was merely a pretext to make the 'relocation' palatable to the populace. Many plans for relocation were considered by the Nazis.

As late as 1942 Zionists operated at least one of these officially authorized "Kibbutz" training camps over which flew the blue and white banner which would one day be adopted as the national flag of "Israel".

Interrupted by the implementation of the Final Solution?

The Transfer Agreement (which promoted the emigration of German Jews to Palestine) implemented in 1933 and abandoned at the beginning of WWII is an important example of the cooperation between Hitler's Germany and international Zionism. Through this agreement, Hitler's Third Reich did more than any other government during the 1930's to support Jewish development in Palestine and further the Zionist goals.

Again, no surprises there. Hitler wanted to rid German soil of Jewry and embraced any idea to expedite this ( e.g. The Madagascar Plan).

Hitler and the Zionists had a common goal: to create a world Jewish Ghetto as a solution to the Jewish Question.

Now we're getting into the realm of fancy. Hitler didn't want to create anything except a Germany without Jews, and as he conquered Europe and Russian territory, he extended his anti-Semitic (used here in the accepted sense) policy into these areas as well. Note that Hitler didn't really believe that the Zionists would get the support he craved (cf: Mein Kampf), nor did he trust them (they were Jews after all). It is worthy of note that Hitler also sought an Arab alliance with the Mufti Haj Amin Al-Hussein, to further his anti-Semitic programme in Palestine and Iraq. It is also noteworthy that Anwar Sadat (later, President of Egypt) was a German spy aiding the Mufti.

s1owhand's photo
Fri 09/07/12 02:48 AM

There are those who claim to be Jews but are not Jews.
The Zionists. They do not practice Judaism and they are not Jews.
They are Zionist liars.

Zionism was supported by the German SS and Gestapo. Hitler himself personally supported Zionism. During the 1930's, in cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some 40 camps throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. As late as 1942 Zionists operated at least one of these officially authorized "Kibbutz" training camps over which flew the blue and white banner which would one day be adopted as the national flag of "Israel".


Your "sources" are discredited Nazi propaganda and anti-Semitic websites!

Hitler was a big fan of Israel? laugh
Hitler helped all the Jews resettle safely outside of Germany?! laugh
Gee Hitler wasn't so bad if that is to believed...


Hitler and the Nazis rounded up as many Jews as they could possibly
identify from whatever records were available and killed them all
as expeditiously as possible with the worst forms of human torture
ever committed by one human being on another! Millions of people!

Jews were not trained by Nazis for anything but starvation labor and death.

What do you think these forum boards are? A Nazi propaganda film
showing Jewish kids frolicking at the pleasant relocation camps?!


I mean that film was made already but we all knew the truth about
this oh about 70 years ago!

laugh laugh laugh

If one cannot distinguish Nazi propaganda from the truth then it is
not surprising that one cannot understand what a Jew is either or
Zionism or Americanism. Oh well.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Fri 09/07/12 04:12 AM
Paraphrase some of the following and it becomes sadly familiar.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Fri 09/07/12 04:25 AM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Fri 09/07/12 04:43 AM

Your "sources" are discredited Nazi propaganda and anti-Semitic websites!

"True Torah Jews Against Zionism" by Jon Galt with support from CT superstar, David Icke.

Now, all we need is David Irving to weigh in and we have the trifecta. Or perhaps Richard Gage could educate us how Mossad planned 9/11?

metalwing's photo
Fri 09/07/12 06:26 AM

Paraphrase some of the following and it becomes sadly familiar.


no photo
Fri 09/07/12 08:49 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 09/07/12 09:07 AM

There are those who claim to be Jews but are not Jews.
The Zionists. They do not practice Judaism and they are not Jews.
They are Zionist liars.

Zionism was supported by the German SS and Gestapo. Hitler himself personally supported Zionism. During the 1930's, in cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some 40 camps throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. As late as 1942 Zionists operated at least one of these officially authorized "Kibbutz" training camps over which flew the blue and white banner which would one day be adopted as the national flag of "Israel".


Your "sources" are discredited Nazi propaganda and anti-Semitic websites!

Hitler was a big fan of Israel? laugh
Hitler helped all the Jews resettle safely outside of Germany?! laugh
Gee Hitler wasn't so bad if that is to believed...


Hitler and the Nazis rounded up as many Jews as they could possibly
identify from whatever records were available and killed them all
as expeditiously as possible with the worst forms of human torture
ever committed by one human being on another! Millions of people!

Jews were not trained by Nazis for anything but starvation labor and death.

What do you think these forum boards are? A Nazi propaganda film
showing Jewish kids frolicking at the pleasant relocation camps?!


I mean that film was made already but we all knew the truth about
this oh about 70 years ago!

laugh laugh laugh

If one cannot distinguish Nazi propaganda from the truth then it is
not surprising that one cannot understand what a Jew is either or
Zionism or Americanism. Oh well.

Slowhand you should read Hotrodelux's post and learn just a little something. Hitler was a Zionist because he.....

...."wanted to eject the Jews from German lands to relieve population pressure(lebensraum), although it was merely a pretext to make the 'relocation' palatable to the populace. Many plans for relocation were considered by the Nazis."

And your ridiculous claim that anything that does not support your rhetoric is "Nazi propaganda" is absurd.

And the website I linked to are the real Jews, not Zioinist criminals. And you call them anti-Semitic? They are the REAL JEWS, not Zionist criminals trying to dominate the entire world.

You are really confused.

A Jew is a person who is serious about Judaism and practices it. Not some Zionist atheist with an agenda to get all Jews to move to Israel and build a wall around them.

Can you beleive they wanted to build a wall?


Real Jews should get out of Israel, as I have said before, their leaders are Zionist criminals and they will abandon those people to their enemies.

Zionists caused the last holocaust and they will be behind the next one. The rich Zionist leaders (who are NOT Jews) will abandon the Israel Jews to their enemies.

no photo
Fri 09/07/12 09:00 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 09/07/12 09:04 AM
"............whoever abandoned the Holy Torah was not considered a Jew."

You can take that to the bank, it comes from real Jews.

Zionists are not Jews.

"Jews" are not "a people" or "a nation."

Judaism is a religion. A Jew is one who believes in and practices that religion.

...that is the only thing that really makes sense, and I don't care what any lying Zionist has to say about that.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 09/07/12 09:38 AM

he General's Son. Miko Peled is a peace activist who dares to say in public what others still choose to deny. Born in Jerusalem in 1961 into a well known Zionist family, his grandfather, Dr. Avraham Katsnelson was a Zionist leader and signer of the Israeli Declaration of Independence. His Father, Matti Peled, was a young officer in the war of 1948 and a general in the war of 1967 when Israel conquered the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and Sinai.
Miko's unlikely opinions reflect his father's legacy. General Peled was a war hero turned peacemaker.

Miko grew up in Jerusalem, a multi-ethnic city, but had to leave Israel before he made his first Palestinian friend, the result of his participation in a dialogue group in California. He was 39.

On September 4, 1997 the beloved Smadar, 13, the daughter of Miko's sister Nurit and her husband Rami Elhanan was killed in a suicide attack.
Peled insists that Israel/Palestine is one state—the separation wall notwithstanding, massive investment in infrastructure, towns and highways that bisect and connect settlements on the West Bank, have destroyed the possibility for a viable Palestinian state. The result, Peled says is that Israelis and Palestinians are governed by the same government but live under different sets of laws.

At the heart of Peled's conclusion lies the realization that Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace as equals in their shared homeland.
laugh laugh laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 09/07/12 09:40 AM

"............whoever abandoned the Holy Torah was not considered a Jew."

You can take that to the bank, it comes from real Jews.

Zionists are not Jews.

"Jews" are not "a people" or "a nation."

Judaism is a religion. A Jew is one who believes in and practices that religion.

...that is the only thing that really makes sense, and I don't care what any lying Zionist has to say about that.

still maintaining that in the face of scientific evidence to the contrary?rofl

no photo
Fri 09/07/12 09:43 AM

"............whoever abandoned the Holy Torah was not considered a Jew."

You can take that to the bank, it comes from real Jews.

Zionists are not Jews.

"Jews" are not "a people" or "a nation."

Judaism is a religion. A Jew is one who believes in and practices that religion.

...that is the only thing that really makes sense, and I don't care what any lying Zionist has to say about that.

still maintaining that in the face of scientific evidence to the contrary?rofl

That 50% of "Jewish" and people who claim to be "Jewish" are related, is not relevant.

A Jewish is a religion. A Jew is a person to believes in and practices that religion.

no photo
Fri 09/07/12 09:43 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 09/07/12 09:45 AM
If you practice and believe in Judaism, then you can call yourself Jewish.

If you don't, then no.

Doesn't matter if you parents are Jews.

My parents were Christians. I am not a Christian.