Topic: Jewish Man Exposes Israel's Lies
mightymoe's photo
Mon 09/10/12 12:16 PM

So much conflicting information from both sides. Its no wonder a person has to resort to alternative news sources and sites to get a decent perspective of what is really going on.

So much propaganda. We are fools, all of us, to believe one side over the other. There is propaganda on both sides I am sure.

But then there are the facts too, and some that you can't really deny. Israel is a nuclear power with advanced weapons and military and American backing them up and sending them arms and money. They are also surrounded and outnumbered by people who don't like them. They also seem to want to rule the entire Middle East... maybe even the world, since they brag about how America does what ever they ask....

huh Why would we do that?

where did you come up with your facts? when did israel say they wanted to rule the middleast or the world for that matter? the reason they have the arms they have is to protect them from the haters that surround them. they would have wiped out years ago if not for the US helping them... thats one of the reasons the muslims hate us too...

One of the reasons??? It's the ONLY reason!!! noway

i'm sure our meddling over there has had it's impacts also, but for the most part, you are correct...

s1owhand's photo
Mon 09/10/12 01:01 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Mon 09/10/12 01:04 PM

I don't know where you get this totally incorrect nonsense but a Jew
is the same in Israel or out of Israel and almost everyone who claims
to be Jewish really is Jewish except for Jews for Jesus who are really
Christian because they believe in Christ as the Messiah.


And according to Israel official demographics:

The demography of Israel is monitored by the Israel Central
Bureau of Statistics. The State of Israel has a population of
approximately 7,848,800 inhabitants as of 2012.[1] 75.3% of them
are Jewish (about 5,865,300 individuals),
20.5% are Arabs
(About 1,597,300 individuals), while the remaining 4.3% (about
318,200 individuals) are defined as "others" (family members of
Jewish immigrants who are not registered at the Interior Ministry
as Jews, non-Arab Christians, non-Arab Muslims and residents who do
not have a religious classification).

laugh laugh laugh

What about the secular atheist Zionists who govern Israel and claim to be Jews? They are still "Jews?" Oh... but IFF they believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah, they are NOT Jews?

So what happened to the claim that they are Jews because of their genetics or genes????


Secular Jews? Those are just Jews who don't go to religious services
everyday. They still believe in Judaism just not as strictly
observant as the ultra-religious Jews. They are all still Jews of
course. Secular Jews don't govern Israel though - real Jews do and
that is one reason it is a Jewish state!

There are no "atheist" Jews. Judaism is monotheistic. There
are atheists of course from every religious background. They are
called "Atheists".


Same as Secular Christians or Secular Muslims.

The Jewish genome and DNA evidence linking Jews of all races all
over the world has been discussed previously. It is a done deal
scientifically. It is not surprising at all considering that Jews
usually have married within their religion over all the years.
The DNA evidence is very compelling and interesting. It shows that
Jews from all different races and countries and ethnicities have
definitely a common Middle Eastern origin. Of course this stands
to reason since the religion was founded in Israel several thousand
years ago and all Jews trace their heritage and roots from their
homeland in Israel. That is why the area has been called Judea from


And yep. I think you finally got it on this point.

Those who believe that Christ is the messiah are called "Christian".
Good Job! Might be on the way to a better understanding of religion.
It is really not so difficult so don't get discouraged. Bit by bit
it will gradually become clearer.



I agree. Atheists are not Jews.

And there are a lot of them but that is a different issue.

laugh whoa

no photo
Mon 09/10/12 01:06 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 09/10/12 01:06 PM

Non Biased Crisis guide. Very interesting for those who want to educate themselves about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

One thing that sticks out vividly is every time there's progress towards peace, it is sabotaged from within.

Very nice link John, thanks. Very non biased information.

Nice video presentation without the use of youtube. I'm just now starting a class to learn about how to do that with videos for my websites with Java and html-5.

no photo
Mon 09/10/12 01:20 PM

Non Biased Crisis guide. Very interesting for those who want to educate themselves about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

One thing that sticks out vividly is every time there's progress towards peace, it is sabotaged from within.

Very nice link John, thanks. Very non biased information.

Nice video presentation without the use of youtube. I'm just now starting a class to learn about how to do that with videos for my websites with Java and html-5.

Yw Jeannie,

I thought the presentation was good too... Very interactive!

Good luck with your class!

mightymoe's photo
Mon 09/10/12 01:24 PM

Non Biased Crisis guide. Very interesting for those who want to educate themselves about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

One thing that sticks out vividly is every time there's progress towards peace, it is sabotaged from within.

Very nice link John, thanks. Very non biased information.

Nice video presentation without the use of youtube. I'm just now starting a class to learn about how to do that with videos for my websites with Java and html-5.

i have to agree, it was very precise and to the point. much better than the Jew hating slop on youtube.

no photo
Mon 09/10/12 01:32 PM

Non Biased Crisis guide. Very interesting for those who want to educate themselves about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

One thing that sticks out vividly is every time there's progress towards peace, it is sabotaged from within.

Very nice link John, thanks. Very non biased information.

Nice video presentation without the use of youtube. I'm just now starting a class to learn about how to do that with videos for my websites with Java and html-5.

i have to agree, it was very precise and to the point. much better than the Jew hating slop on youtube.

This I agree! ^^^^ :thumbsup:

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 09/10/12 01:34 PM

Yes, that's right. The Palestinians waste their opportunity to
build a future and instead live their lives in a ghetto of hatred
of their own design and construction.


"on Dec. 27, 2008, Israel launched a three-week war on Gaza Strip to stop militants from firing home-made Palestinian rockets on Israeli towns and settlements. The Israeli offensive killed 1,400 Palestinians and injured 5, 400 others, leaving thousands of people homeless after having their houses totally or partially destroyed. The offensive also inflicted $1.6 billion in damages to the Gazan economy.

However, since the end of Gaza war on January 2009, Gaza has been blockaded,which is a situation that has caused a decline in the standard of living, unemployment, and poverty. In large parts of Gaza nowadays, there is no electricity. More than ever, Gaza is also like a prison, it is poorer and hungrier. In other words Israel is returning Gaza Strip to the Middle Ages.

It is truly disgusting how Hamas caused the war, refused to stop
attacking Israelis, continues to foment hatred, located their
rockets next to schools, mosques and hospitals cynically trying
to cause civilian casualties. Hamas has the blood of thousands
on their hands. They have caused by their bigotry and violence
all manner of poverty, despair and deaths of their own population.
Hamas has returned Gaza to the middle ages.

The blockade slur is a lie. Palestinians have access to non-military
goods and services including all humanitarian aid. Hamas is solely
responsible for the poverty of Gazans now that they have decided to
forego modernization and peaceful coexistence in favor of terrorist
attacks and 5th century radical Islamic society a la Taliban.

It is a prison I will agree with you but there are no bars.
Their isolation and prison sentence is their own Hamas-supported
cage of hatred and bigotry.

Remember. Had there been no rocket attacks there would never have
been any war. If they had stopped the rocket attacks when asked
the war would have been averted. Hamas caused the war and caused
the casualties. Hamas owns the hatred and is reaping the great
harvest of their own bigotry and irrational Jew-hatred.

Sad. But very true.

True, and it is quite telling how these dupes continually overlook this side of the story. 'But it is not 'anti-Semitism' criticising Israel.' If the bias is directed toward Israel without considering the fact that the Palestinian violence initiates these military responses, it is anti-Semitism.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 09/10/12 01:40 PM
where did you come up with your facts? when did israel say they wanted to rule the middleast or the world for that matter?

They didn't-it's just more lies from the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion.'

the reason they have the arms they have is to protect them from the haters that surround them. they would have wiped out years ago if not for the US helping them

True, sadly, one cannot help feeling some would it prefer it if Israel was extinguished.

... thats one of the reasons the muslims hate us too...

One of many, but it is the primary motivation for terrorist attacks on the US.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 09/10/12 01:41 PM
another side of this mess is that Palestine wants their own state as well, but everyone seems to forget that it is run by Hamas, a worldly renowned terrorist group. HR is right, they are only doing this to themselves. they would have a very big shot at at statehood IF they renounced Hamas and had a non terrorist government....

no photo
Mon 09/10/12 02:00 PM

Yes, that's right. The Palestinians waste their opportunity to
build a future and instead live their lives in a ghetto of hatred
of their own design and construction.


"on Dec. 27, 2008, Israel launched a three-week war on Gaza Strip to stop militants from firing home-made Palestinian rockets on Israeli towns and settlements. The Israeli offensive killed 1,400 Palestinians and injured 5, 400 others, leaving thousands of people homeless after having their houses totally or partially destroyed. The offensive also inflicted $1.6 billion in damages to the Gazan economy.

However, since the end of Gaza war on January 2009, Gaza has been blockaded,which is a situation that has caused a decline in the standard of living, unemployment, and poverty. In large parts of Gaza nowadays, there is no electricity. More than ever, Gaza is also like a prison, it is poorer and hungrier. In other words Israel is returning Gaza Strip to the Middle Ages.

It is truly disgusting how Hamas caused the war, refused to stop
attacking Israelis, continues to foment hatred, located their
rockets next to schools, mosques and hospitals cynically trying
to cause civilian casualties. Hamas has the blood of thousands
on their hands. They have caused by their bigotry and violence
all manner of poverty, despair and deaths of their own population.
Hamas has returned Gaza to the middle ages.

The blockade slur is a lie. Palestinians have access to non-military
goods and services including all humanitarian aid. Hamas is solely
responsible for the poverty of Gazans now that they have decided to
forego modernization and peaceful coexistence in favor of terrorist
attacks and 5th century radical Islamic society a la Taliban.

It is a prison I will agree with you but there are no bars.
Their isolation and prison sentence is their own Hamas-supported
cage of hatred and bigotry.

Remember. Had there been no rocket attacks there would never have
been any war. If they had stopped the rocket attacks when asked
the war would have been averted. Hamas caused the war and caused
the casualties. Hamas owns the hatred and is reaping the great
harvest of their own bigotry and irrational Jew-hatred.

Sad. But very true.

True, and it is quite telling how these dupes continually overlook this side of the story. 'But it is not 'anti-Semitism' criticising Israel.' If the bias is directed toward Israel without considering the fact that the Palestinian violence initiates these military responses, it is anti-Semitism.

indifferent Is this a joke Borg?

Hamas is backed by Iran & Syria... Both these countries have advanced weapons systems capable of delivering much heavier munition payloads with accuracy. Why are they using "home made" papier mache rockets?

Israel is holding 1.5 million population hostage because of a few rogue elements... Israels military incursions are like smashing a fragile egg with a bulldozers shovel... Get a grip Borgie!

Hamas is now a political party and as such, is responsible for the populations well being. In essence, Hamas is the only entity helping the people right now and that's precisely why the locals support them.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 09/10/12 02:06 PM

Yes, that's right. The Palestinians waste their opportunity to
build a future and instead live their lives in a ghetto of hatred
of their own design and construction.


"on Dec. 27, 2008, Israel launched a three-week war on Gaza Strip to stop militants from firing home-made Palestinian rockets on Israeli towns and settlements. The Israeli offensive killed 1,400 Palestinians and injured 5, 400 others, leaving thousands of people homeless after having their houses totally or partially destroyed. The offensive also inflicted $1.6 billion in damages to the Gazan economy.

However, since the end of Gaza war on January 2009, Gaza has been blockaded,which is a situation that has caused a decline in the standard of living, unemployment, and poverty. In large parts of Gaza nowadays, there is no electricity. More than ever, Gaza is also like a prison, it is poorer and hungrier. In other words Israel is returning Gaza Strip to the Middle Ages.

It is truly disgusting how Hamas caused the war, refused to stop
attacking Israelis, continues to foment hatred, located their
rockets next to schools, mosques and hospitals cynically trying
to cause civilian casualties. Hamas has the blood of thousands
on their hands. They have caused by their bigotry and violence
all manner of poverty, despair and deaths of their own population.
Hamas has returned Gaza to the middle ages.

The blockade slur is a lie. Palestinians have access to non-military
goods and services including all humanitarian aid. Hamas is solely
responsible for the poverty of Gazans now that they have decided to
forego modernization and peaceful coexistence in favor of terrorist
attacks and 5th century radical Islamic society a la Taliban.

It is a prison I will agree with you but there are no bars.
Their isolation and prison sentence is their own Hamas-supported
cage of hatred and bigotry.

Remember. Had there been no rocket attacks there would never have
been any war. If they had stopped the rocket attacks when asked
the war would have been averted. Hamas caused the war and caused
the casualties. Hamas owns the hatred and is reaping the great
harvest of their own bigotry and irrational Jew-hatred.

Sad. But very true.

True, and it is quite telling how these dupes continually overlook this side of the story. 'But it is not 'anti-Semitism' criticising Israel.' If the bias is directed toward Israel without considering the fact that the Palestinian violence initiates these military responses, it is anti-Semitism.

indifferent Is this a joke Borg?

Hamas is backed by Iran & Syria... Both these countries have advanced weapons systems capable of delivering much heavier munition payloads with accuracy. Why are they using "home made" papier mache rockets?

Israel is holding 1.5 million population hostage because of a few rogue elements... Israels military incursions are like smashing a fragile egg with a bulldozers shovel... Get a grip Borgie!

Hamas is now a political party and as such, is responsible for the populations well being. In essence, Hamas is the only entity helping the people right now and that's precisely why the locals support them.

hamas is a terrorist organization, not a political party... if Hamas would release control of Palestine, there would be peace... not so hard, now is it?

no photo
Mon 09/10/12 02:15 PM
Edited by JOHNN111 on Mon 09/10/12 02:20 PM
hamas is a terrorist organization, not a political party... if Hamas would release control of Palestine, there would be peace... not so hard, now is it?

Sir, I'm sorry we don't agree on this but having held fair elections in 06' and Hamas winning them? They became de-facto a political party


Allocate the 50billion$ US to Palestine this year instead of Israel. Treat the people better than Hamas ever could, and watch peace unfold. What are the chances Israel goes for that? laugh indifferent

no photo
Mon 09/10/12 02:21 PM

where did you come up with your facts? when did israel say they wanted to rule the middleast or the world for that matter?

They didn't-it's just more lies from the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion.'

the reason they have the arms they have is to protect them from the haters that surround them. they would have wiped out years ago if not for the US helping them

True, sadly, one cannot help feeling some would it prefer it if Israel was extinguished.

... thats one of the reasons the muslims hate us too...

One of many, but it is the primary motivation for terrorist attacks on the US.


You think the Muslims hate us now, just wait until we stop buying oil from them.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 09/10/12 02:21 PM

hamas is a terrorist organization, not a political party... if Hamas would release control of Palestine, there would be peace... not so hard, now is it?

Sir, I'm sorry we don't agree on this but having held fair elections in 06' and Hamas winning them? They became de-facto a political party

yea, well, they are a recognized terrorist organization... sorry if you cannot understand that... Canada even says they are terrorists, the US and the EU all say it... but we still give Palestine millions of dollars a year for their citizens, but will not support the terrorist government they have...

s1owhand's photo
Mon 09/10/12 02:21 PM

hamas is a terrorist organization, not a political party... if Hamas would release control of Palestine, there would be peace... not so hard, now is it?

Sir, I'm sorry we don't agree on this but having held fair elections in 06' and Hamas winning them? They became de-facto a political party

Hamas is both. It is a terrorist political party.
Like the Taliban or the Muslim Brotherhood. It is
a movement which advocates and carries out the killing
of innocent people as a political tactic. Hamas is
based on war crimes, torture and intimidation.

That is why Hamas in universally abhorred and condemned
by all civilized societies and why they do not advance
but rather abuse and befoul the Palestinians.

Hamas are war criminals and abusers of their own people
as well as others.

no photo
Mon 09/10/12 02:22 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 09/10/12 02:25 PM

hamas is a terrorist organization, not a political party... if Hamas would release control of Palestine, there would be peace... not so hard, now is it?

Sir, I'm sorry we don't agree on this but having held fair elections in 06' and Hamas winning them? They became de-facto a political party


Allocate the 50billion$ US to Palestine this year instead of Israel. Treat the people better than Hamas ever could, and watch peace unfold. What are the chances Israel goes for that? laugh indifferent

The chances? Slim and none.

They (Hamas) won by election, fair and square, so what can you say?

Its a democracy. Do we hate democracy now?


So if they are so terrible, I guess the people can vote them out of office. Right? Or have the voting places been bombed?

s1owhand's photo
Mon 09/10/12 02:25 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Mon 09/10/12 02:26 PM

hamas is a terrorist organization, not a political party... if Hamas would release control of Palestine, there would be peace... not so hard, now is it?

Sir, I'm sorry we don't agree on this but having held fair elections in 06' and Hamas winning them? They became de-facto a political party


Allocate the 50billion$ US to Palestine this year instead of Israel. Treat the people better than Hamas ever could, and watch peace unfold. What are the chances Israel goes for that? laugh indifferent

The chances? Slim and none.

They won by election, fair and square, so what can you say?

Its a democracy. Do we hate democracy now?


Hamas is not a democracy. They are thugs and war criminals.

Hamas is both a terrorist org and a political party.
Like the Taliban or the Muslim Brotherhood. It is
a movement which advocates and carries out the killing
of innocent people as a political tactic. Hamas is
based on war crimes, torture and intimidation.

That is why Hamas in universally abhorred and condemned
by all civilized societies and why they do not advance
but rather abuse and befoul the Palestinians.

Hamas are war criminals and abusers of their own people
as well as others.

no photo
Mon 09/10/12 02:27 PM
They had an election didn't they?

Isn't that what a democracy is all about?

no photo
Mon 09/10/12 02:30 PM

hamas is a terrorist organization, not a political party... if Hamas would release control of Palestine, there would be peace... not so hard, now is it?

Sir, I'm sorry we don't agree on this but having held fair elections in 06' and Hamas winning them? They became de-facto a political party

yea, well, they are a recognized terrorist organization... sorry if you cannot understand that... Canada even says they are terrorists, the US and the EU all say it... but we still give Palestine millions of dollars a year for their citizens, but will not support the terrorist government they have...

The "terrorist" lable is such an over used buzz word. I certainly don't know much about Hamas or what they are all about but I have become immune to name calling everyone "terrorists" or "suspected terrorists" to justify war and bombing civilian populations and infrastrucure.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 09/10/12 02:31 PM

hamas is a terrorist organization, not a political party... if Hamas would release control of Palestine, there would be peace... not so hard, now is it?

Sir, I'm sorry we don't agree on this but having held fair elections in 06' and Hamas winning them? They became de-facto a political party


Allocate the 50billion$ US to Palestine this year instead of Israel. Treat the people better than Hamas ever could, and watch peace unfold. What are the chances Israel goes for that? laugh indifferent

The chances? Slim and none.

They won by election, fair and square, so what can you say?

Its a democracy. Do we hate democracy now?


weak argument... you know they are considered terrorists... and how do you know it was "fair and square"? even our elections are anything but fair and square... ask al gore about that and see what he says....

Palestine is getting about 2 billion a year from the US, where Israel is getting about 10 billion a year...