Topic: Jewish Man Exposes Israel's Lies | |
he General's Son. Miko Peled is a peace activist who dares to say in public what others still choose to deny. Born in Jerusalem in 1961 into a well known Zionist family, his grandfather, Dr. Avraham Katsnelson was a Zionist leader and signer of the Israeli Declaration of Independence. His Father, Matti Peled, was a young officer in the war of 1948 and a general in the war of 1967 when Israel conquered the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and Sinai. Miko's unlikely opinions reflect his father's legacy. General Peled was a war hero turned peacemaker. Miko grew up in Jerusalem, a multi-ethnic city, but had to leave Israel before he made his first Palestinian friend, the result of his participation in a dialogue group in California. He was 39. On September 4, 1997 the beloved Smadar, 13, the daughter of Miko's sister Nurit and her husband Rami Elhanan was killed in a suicide attack. Peled insists that Israel/Palestine is one state—the separation wall notwithstanding, massive investment in infrastructure, towns and highways that bisect and connect settlements on the West Bank, have destroyed the possibility for a viable Palestinian state. The result, Peled says is that Israelis and Palestinians are governed by the same government but live under different sets of laws. At the heart of Peled's conclusion lies the realization that Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace as equals in their shared homeland. Might be one of your Khazars! ![]() Or has he shown you his Jewish Genomes? |
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Fri 09/07/12 09:52 AM
he General's Son. Miko Peled is a peace activist who dares to say in public what others still choose to deny. Born in Jerusalem in 1961 into a well known Zionist family, his grandfather, Dr. Avraham Katsnelson was a Zionist leader and signer of the Israeli Declaration of Independence. His Father, Matti Peled, was a young officer in the war of 1948 and a general in the war of 1967 when Israel conquered the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and Sinai. Miko's unlikely opinions reflect his father's legacy. General Peled was a war hero turned peacemaker. Miko grew up in Jerusalem, a multi-ethnic city, but had to leave Israel before he made his first Palestinian friend, the result of his participation in a dialogue group in California. He was 39. On September 4, 1997 the beloved Smadar, 13, the daughter of Miko's sister Nurit and her husband Rami Elhanan was killed in a suicide attack. Peled insists that Israel/Palestine is one state—the separation wall notwithstanding, massive investment in infrastructure, towns and highways that bisect and connect settlements on the West Bank, have destroyed the possibility for a viable Palestinian state. The result, Peled says is that Israelis and Palestinians are governed by the same government but live under different sets of laws. At the heart of Peled's conclusion lies the realization that Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace as equals in their shared homeland. Might be one of your Khazars! ![]() Or has he shown you his Jewish Genomes? I don't know what his religion is, but according to YOUR idea of what a Jew is, he would be considered to be Jewish. But if he does not practice Judaism, then he only thinks he is "Jewish." He is from a Zionist family. He now realizes that Zionism is wrong. He does come from a Zionist Family- who claim to be Jews - and that's a fact. |
![]() If you practice and believe in Judaism, then you can call yourself Jewish. You won't hear an argument from me. "Jewish" means you believe in and practice Judaism. If you don't, then no. Doesn't matter if you parents are Jews....or not. My parents were Christians. That does not make me a Christian. And YES, we ARE RELATED. WE ARE A FAMILY. I'm sure we have some genes and DNA in common. SO?? Religion is just religion. It is NOT in your genes. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Why not just run for president Jenni? Your platform can be that you will kill all the Jews in the world Thus finishing Hitlers work. Don't be ridiculous. The people who were behind Hitler are now running Israel. You just don't see it. know that a large number of Israeli families are survivors of Nazi concentration camps? That Israel was founded in part for these refugees to build a safe life for themselves in a society which will always respect their religion without discrimnation... Just trying to help point out how truly absurd it is to think that Israelis had anything to do with Hitler except to be fortunate enough and skillful enough to escape the Nazi massacres of Jews. In response to your last paragraph, I didn't say they were "Jews" or even Israelis. But I do know that very high ranking Rabbi's betrayed their own Jewish people. I said: "The people who were behind Hitler are now running Israel. You just don't see it." I did not say who they were, or that they were Isralis or even Jews. You assumed that. I'm not sure who they are. They claim to be Jews or Germans, but they could easily be lying about that. The rest of your post about why Israel was founded is complete and utter rhetoric. Religion had nothing to do with Germany expelling the Jews. Finding a "safe haven" had nothing to do with Israel being created. If the Jews really wanted a "safe haven" then they picked the worst possible place for it. Also after the war, some Nazi war criminals went into hiding pretending to be Jews, and pretended to be survivors. Probably a lot more than you think. Some high ranking Nazi henchmen even had plastic surgery to look more Jewish. In any case Jews have pretended to be German, Germans have pretended to be Jews, and religion has nothing to do with any of what is going on. It all has to do with families and bloodlines and genes and the desire or goal for a master race. As for the German Jews,they were definitely Germans until the Nuremberg Laws stripped them of their Citizenship! Really don't know where you are getting your Non-Facts from! Crack a Book now and then please! |
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Fri 09/07/12 09:56 AM
Hitler's rants were rants of a mad man and a politician and a raving Zionist lunatic. I don't give them much credibility.
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Fri 09/07/12 10:28 AM
Hitler's rants were rants of a mad man and a politian and a raving Zionist lunatic. I don't give them much credability. really doesn't matter how much credibility you give Hitler! The Facts are out there for anyone who can read,provided they are willing to crack a book! Hitler was about as Zionist as the Pope! ![]() ![]() ![]() Here,for your perusal! Proves just about everything you say wrong! |
Hitler's rants were rants of a mad man and a politian and a raving Zionist lunatic. I don't give them much credability. really doesn't matter how much credibility you give Hitler! The Facts are out there for anyone who can read,provided they are willing to crack a book! Hitler was about as Zionist as the Pope! ![]() ![]() ![]() Here,for your perusal! Proves just about everything you say wrong! I have an entire store full of books that date from 1920. I would bet that I have read more books than you have. Before the Internet, and ebooks I spent a lot of my time in the library. What I have learned in reading many books is that they are all different points of view. They are all opinions. Just because something is in a book does not mean it is "fact." So no matter how much a person reads, they ultimately must form their own conclusions. |
Hitler also believed in Aliens and a Master race.
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Fri 09/07/12 12:07 PM
Because the books in my grandmother's store were actually written in the 1920's through the 1990's they have probably not been altered, rewritten. Not all are first editions though so it would be hard to tell without comparing them.
They give an accurate account of how people saw things at the time they were written, or what was being taught in the schools at that time. My grandmother was a teacher. |
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Fri 09/07/12 12:35 PM
I went to the shelves and took out a few books: I have stacks and stacks of these.
The Great Game of Politics by Frank R. Kent. On there are 2 available-- used of course. First published in 1923 My book is a 1931 reprint. $36.75 on One Life, One Kopeck 1937 by Walter Duranty New York NY: Literary Guild. 1937. First Edition?? I don't know.. Hardcover. Very Good condition, with no dust jacket; Disraeli, a picture of the Victorian Age by Andre' Maurois, 1927 (A vivid, fascinating biography of the former British prime minister and Victorian England, written by the celebrated French author.) Book is in excellent condition, hard back. Probably a first Edition unless there was another printing befor 1928. Still has a dust cover, (dust cover is not in good condition.) Copyright - 1927,1928 - by D. Appleton and Company, U.S. Inside Europe Today, John Gunther This Edition, hard cover printed in 1961 (Originally printed in 1938) this--Book is in excellent condition still has dust cover. This must be a good book as it has been reprinted a lot. I haven't read it. Modern History, by Carlton J.H. Hayes and Parker Thomas Moon New York, 1929 Copyright 1923. By the Macmillian Company. Various printings of this book sells from $50.00 to 25.00 on This book has historical pictures and maps in it. I may have a wealth of books in that store to sell.... I just took these off the shelf to see what first grab would get. No, I have not read them all... who has the time.? ![]() |
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Fri 09/07/12 01:03 PM
There are those who claim to be Jews but are not Jews. The Zionists. They do not practice Judaism and they are not Jews. They are Zionist liars. Zionism was supported by the German SS and Gestapo. Hitler himself personally supported Zionism. During the 1930's, in cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some 40 camps throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. As late as 1942 Zionists operated at least one of these officially authorized "Kibbutz" training camps over which flew the blue and white banner which would one day be adopted as the national flag of "Israel". ![]() Your "sources" are discredited Nazi propaganda and anti-Semitic websites! Hitler was a big fan of Israel? ![]() Hitler helped all the Jews resettle safely outside of Germany?! ![]() Gee Hitler wasn't so bad if that is to believed... ![]() Hitler and the Nazis rounded up as many Jews as they could possibly identify from whatever records were available and killed them all as expeditiously as possible with the worst forms of human torture ever committed by one human being on another! Millions of people! Jews were not trained by Nazis for anything but starvation labor and death. What do you think these forum boards are? A Nazi propaganda film showing Jewish kids frolicking at the pleasant relocation camps?! ![]() I mean that film was made already but we all knew the truth about this oh about 70 years ago! ![]() ![]() ![]() If one cannot distinguish Nazi propaganda from the truth then it is not surprising that one cannot understand what a Jew is either or Zionism or Americanism. Oh well. Slowhand you should read Hotrodelux's post and learn just a little something. Hitler was a Zionist because he..... ...."wanted to eject the Jews from German lands to relieve population pressure(lebensraum), although it was merely a pretext to make the 'relocation' palatable to the populace. Many plans for relocation were considered by the Nazis." Zionists caused the last holocaust and they will be behind the next one. The rich Zionist leaders (who are NOT Jews) will abandon the Israel Jews to their enemies. ![]() In the end, Hitler relocated the Jews alright. Relocated them right into oblivion. Tortured and Murdered. That was Hitler's agenda and his life's accomplishment. Hitler had nothing whatsoever to do with Zionism. Hitler was a violent anti-Semite. Zionists are Jews in fact. They are not atheists but are motivated by their Jewish religion to live in their homeland where their religion was founded and where their ancestors have lived for thousands of years - in Israel. All this gibberish about Zionists not being Jews is caca de toro. I agree with you that Jewishness is essentially defined by the religion but what you seem to fail to appreciate is that there is a wide range of observance just like with Christians. Some go to church once a year or even less often. Others pray religiously daily. They are all just as Jewish. Almost all of the world's Jews were born Jewish as Jews do not proselytize or even believe that anyone has to be Jewish to live a good ethical life. Less observant Jews are just as Jewish as more observant Jews and Zionists come in all levels of observance just like Americans come in all different levels of religious observance. Zionism and Zionists though are defined by their Jewish ties to Israel and there is nothing inherently evil or conspiratorial about either being a Jew or being a Zionist. ![]() All this "rich Zionist" diarrheal effluence is the same sort of discredited antisemitic Nazi conspiracy theories espoused and debunked earlier!! ![]() |
why am i not surprised about another Jew hating thread on here? haters will be haters...
Correction, its a Criminal Cabal Zionist hating thread.
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If you won't watch the video posted in the O.P. you have nothing to say as far as I am concerned.
Hitler was a Zionist. Does that mean he was a Jew? No, even though some say he had Jewish blood, you are not a "Jew" unless you believe in and practice Judaism. So says the real (anti-Zioinist) Jews who actually do practice their religion Judaism. Don't argue with me, take it up with them. I believe them because they are real Jews. |
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Fri 09/07/12 01:21 PM
why am i not surprised about another Jew hating thread on here? haters will be haters... A person who claims to be a Jew who does not practice or believe in Judaism is a poser or a hypocrite. The same goes with Christians who claim to be Christian but don't really believe in it or practice it. Religion is religion. That is all it is.... a belief in some kind of creator God. It has nothing to do with race or ethnic background. The video I would like you all to watch is by an Ex Zionist so-called "Jew" (I don't know what his religious beliefs are) and he has some eye opening things to say, if you don't take time to listen to him then you have nothing to contribute here in this thread with your "Jew hater" accusations. At the heart of Peled's conclusion lies the realization that Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace as equals in their shared homeland. Stop hating and start opening YOUR eyes. |
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Fri 09/07/12 02:04 PM
Less observant Jews are just as Jewish as more observant Jews and
Zionists come in all levels of observance just like Americans come in all different levels of religious observance "Less observant?" Your word for "they don't truly believe in their claimed religion, and don't practice it, but their friends and relatives do so they pretend to go along with it to fit in to the group. We have a name for that. Hypocrites. It is group dynamics. Peer pressure. People can't be honest about who and what they are so they lie. Liars. Posers. Pretenders. Hypocrites, spies, etc. |
why am i not surprised about another Jew hating thread on here? haters will be haters... A person who claims to be a Jew who does not practice or believe in Judaism is a poser or a hypocrite. The same goes with Christians who claim to be Christian but don't really believe in it or practice it. Fortunately almost no one claims to be Jewish who isn't Jewish and almost no one claims to be Christian who isn't a Christian. ![]() This supposed fake Jew conspiracy is nonsense! Israel is a Jewish state because of the Jews! ![]() The practicing, believing, worshipping, non-atheist Zionist Jews of Israel! ![]() Sure there are some Jews who don't agree with Israel or Israel's policies. There are also some Catholics who don't agree with every edict from the Holy See. ![]() Big Frikkin Deal... ![]() That doesn't mean that Zionists aren't just as Jewish as those few Jews who disagree with them! ![]() Fortunately most of the civilized world admires and respects the open, free and egalitarian government in Israel. Only a few rabid anti-Israeli and anti-semitic individuals rail incessantly against and try to minimize all the positive qualities of modern Israeli society. |
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Fri 09/07/12 02:37 PM
Fortunately most of the civilized world admires and respects the
open, free and egalitarian government in Israel. Only a few rabid anti-Israeli and anti-semitic individuals rail incessantly against and try to minimize all the positive qualities of modern Israeli society. Civilized? Yeh, civilized people would rather drop bombs from afar than kill someone everyday face to face. (That's much too messy.) The Israel government is the most officially racist government on the face of the earth. Positive qualities of modern Israeli society? What might they be? Do you live there? If so, why not? You talk as if you do, and that Israel is equal to heaven for Jews. Real Jews are anti-Zionist and they want nothing to do with Israel. |
Now if I had just a nickel for every laughing head you ever posted I could probably come close to paying the national debt.
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Fri 09/07/12 02:44 PM
Fortunately almost no one claims to be Jewish who isn't Jewish and
almost no one claims to be Christian who isn't a Christian. That exists only in a world where people are what they claim to be. So, if you want to believe them, I guess that is certainly your privilege. And for the record, In Israel, not everyone who claims to be "Jewish" is accepted as Jewish according to their law. You can't be Jewish just by claiming to be Jewish, and you can't be Jewish (according to Israel) just because you devoutly believe in or practice Judaism. |