Topic: what liberalism means to me. | |
lets see.. no prayer in schools, abortion is birth control, being Gay is normal, happy holidays, no death penalty, disarm the good guys so the bad guys will behave, you can worship anything you like... except jesus, yank down those nativity scenes, ect. ect. ect. a recipe for chaos if i ever saw one.
Isn't it interesting that the "communists from within" could very well be the Bush Administration? They have done more to alter our way of life than anyone before. The constant living in fear with daily "terrorist warnings", "terror threat levels", and so on. As for the "without firing a single shot" theory, the only one in the Bush Administration to "fire a shot" was Cheney, when he shot his hunting buddy. 1-9/11: 15 of 19 hijackers were Saudis. 2-Saudi Arabia has been proven to be supplying terrorists in Iraq supplies and weapons. 3-Ever since 9/11, Bush has gone out of his way to suck up to Saudi Arabia. Liberals against America? I think not. The evidence shows, beyond a shadow of a doubt that Bush & Co. have done more to damage and weaken America than any liberal ever tried to. |
Taxes being used for social programs.
Ever heard of "corporate welfare" otherwise known as tax breaks to corporations? Did you know the largest corporations, thanks to our government, pay NO taxes? And the conservatives whine about poor people pay no taxes. Wanny see my paycheck stub? |
the saudis are also on bushes list of his middle east arms deal he is cooking up.
sorry rambill. i see most of those as freedom of choice not communism. except for the last four. a lot of states do have the death penalty. what good guys have we disarmed so that the bad guys will behave? i do agree that we have become a little too politically correct because some are taking advantage of it but we shouldn't take away the freedom to choose because of it. |
were you addressing me knoxman?
watch this...if you don't agree your a liberal....if you agree..well then maybe your not...but this sums up how crazy liberal social systems have screwed up just one aspect of our lives...he is right on target...pun intended
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knox, q-what happens when the corporations get tax breaks?
a- it all trickles down to more jobs for us. |
i agree with ted whole heatedly but i don't see how social systems have contributed. what social sysytems are you talking about.
| liberals always want to attack the rich or the big corporations...most started small and grew with hard work and ingenuity, but because you are lazy and don't want to go to college, or start you own business and work 16 hours a day to make your own think everyone should help you and others out with medical, health or other social services. Grow up and stop whining about those that have made a success out of their lives...that is the true mark of a liberal...and by the way..."Big Corporate America" is where your liberal Unions invest there pension money, Teachers, auto, etc..if Big business does does your retirement plans...but we don't want that..we all want to scrounge on Social security...the biggest fiasco and fraud the liberals ever gave us.
King...gun control...which is a liberal mindset...change the whole basis of the bill of rights for their social agenda. getting a bit off topic...but the States with the toughest gun control have the most violent crime rates.
whoa, hold on a minute. i consider myself a liberal and i didn't go to college. are you calling me lazy? i think someone needs to introduce you to the bottom side of life where not everyone has the money to pay for college. you do realize that that happens don't you. as far as health care why shouldn't a poor person have health care? just because they were poor doesn't mean that they need to die from having a cold does it?
are you in touch with reality redwine. work your butt off and you will get everything you ever dreamed of sounds nice but it does not always work that way in the real world. i'm glad that you were priveledged enough when you were young that you didn't have to get "icky" in the real world. |
i agree with you about gun control but i never thought of it as a social system. but like you said a result of a liberal mindset.
King..sorry you mistook what I was saying...I couldn't afford college either...but instead I worked my ass off...and believe me..I saw the bottom side of life..been there done that...was so low I had to peak over my socks to see...when I started my own manufacturing company...I worked 16 or more hours a day 7 days a week for the first 3 years, went days without eating sometimes because I couldn't afford it....and now I don't worry about money, but I'm suppose to share my wealth from all those years of no sleep, excruciatingly long days without seeing my kids or family except for a few hours on weekends with somone who doesn't want to work or pay their share...I don't think so...If they want to live off others they should move to Cuba or France..LOL...But King..Let me be clear about something..I am not without heart...I help a lot of people who genuinely need and want help to get on track...I believe that a "unemployment" policy is good..everyone in their lives needs help sometime...if you work and lose your job...a safety net is a good thing...what I have a problem with is generations of families living off my tax dollars on welfare, paying for illegals to have services here...just an example..An Admitted heroin dealer and drug addict sued the state of Florida for Social security disability...because he said his drug habit made him unable to work even though he admitted that he made money selling the drugs...he was awarded $20,000 in back disabilty pay and put on the SS payroll...Perfect example of liberalism...
| last thing...there is a fed policy that all hospitals in the US can not turn away emergency treatment to even the poor flood our emergency rooms and get free"health care".
i apologize then. i know what you are sayin and i agree with you on all of your points. i beleive in our social systems that help the disadvantaged though and i would rather see the abusers get dealt with rather then decrease the benefits because it is abused.
i know about the emergency room policy redwine but prescriptions and office visits are not covered. i've had broken bones before and all the hospital did was wrap an ace bandage around it and send me off. that's not adequate.
Yes King, and they still send you a bill, and hold it against your credit. This creates a non-ending circle that insures the poor stay poor.
The Social Security system is the only program in the government that shows a surplus. Did you know that? Yet everyday the government tells you that it is in trouble, and needs to be privatized. They rely on the fact that most Americans are sheep, who believe everything Uncle Sam tells them. The most dangerous thing to America is remaining complacent, and never reading the truth for themselves. com·pla·cen·cy (kəm-plāsən-sē) n. 1. A feeling of contentment or self-satisfaction, especially when coupled with an unawareness of danger, trouble, or controversy. The Truth, not some biased Alarmist web-site you choose to believe, but the Truth as it really exists. Its out there, but you must look for legitimate sources, and be willing to psychologically accept it no matter how hard it is for your belief system to incorporate. So help you Dubya!!! Social Security is not part of the Federal Budget general fund. It is a separate account and has its own source of income. Social Security payments do not go into the general fund, they go in the Social Security trust fund, and should NOT be counted as general revenue. The trust fund is supposed to be used to pay future benefits. But....keep reading.... Currently, there is more being payed into the Social Security Trust Fund than is being paid out to beneficiaries. What's left over is routinely being "borrowed" and used as if it were general budget revenue. Government agencies using that money promise to pay it back (IOUs). All of the money in the Social Security Trust Fund has been spent! That's part of the National Debt. So Social Security is just a very large tax collection tool. ( |
Just like a neocon-attacking without any knowledge of what you're talking about. For your information, I did not attack the rich. I merely stated that a lot of corporations end up paying no taxes. Please try to comprehend other people's posts. I never "whined" about other people being rich. My hat's off to anyone who's rich, whether it be by hard work, inheretence, or lottery winnings-long as it's not illegal. Please give an example of me "whining" about anyone making themselves a success. As for me being "lazy", listen, pal, I have an associates'degree in Business Administation. I work more hours a week than you probably do in a month. Maybe you should come up out of your mother's basement every once in a while and see how the real world works. You'd be amazed. I pay for my own insurance, and I've never asked for help or handouts in my life. Think about that next time mommy gives you your weekly allowance. Your comment about tax breaks provide more jobs is the most idiotic statement I've ever heard. Most of anything saved from tax breaks goes to the salaries of CEO's and Board of Directors. When a business shows major losses, that $50 million annual salary has to come from somewhere, doesn't it? And before you stare babbling about "low unemployment", strain your brain and try to think about this:How many of those jobs are full-time? Part-time? Well-paying? According to statistics, if you work one hour a week, you are considered employed. So the "low unemployment" argument is merely smoke and mirrors. I take it you have never heard the term "corporate welfare" before. Somehow, that doesn't suprise me. My advice to you is check out all sources of information before you decide that you can only compensate by attacking other posters. It would probably help if you could ever realize that there's more to business(and life) than the drivel Fox News and Rush spoon-feed you. |
'Serchin4MyRedWine' wrote;
"... liberals always want to attack the rich or the big corporations...most started small and grew with hard work and ingenuity, but because you are lazy and don't want to go to college, or start you own business and work 16 hours a day to make your own think everyone should help you and others out with medical, health or other social services. Grow up and stop whining about those that have made a success out of their lives...that is the true mark of a liberal...and by the way..."Big Corporate America" is where your liberal Unions invest there pension money, Teachers, auto, etc..if Big business does does your retirement plans...but we don't want that..we all want to scrounge on Social security...the biggest fiasco and fraud the liberals ever gave us..." Don't really know where to start. Which of the dozen general statements made above should we deal with first. Or how exactly do you deal with 'generalizations' so big, it is stripped of all meaning. "... ALL liberals attack the rich and the big corporations" "... NO liberals have ever started 'small' an grew through hard work and ingenuity" "... ALL liberals are lazy" "... NO liberals want to go to college" "... NO liberals ever have worked 16 hours a day to make their own wealth" "... ALL liberals expect that ALL others should help them out out with medical bills, and why not, ALL other bills" "... NO liberals have ever grown up" "...ALL liberals whine about ALL those that have made a success of their lives (that is the TRUE mark of a liberal)" "... social security is the biggest fiasco and FRAUD, ... liberals gave us" and a favorite of mine from the same author, and from a following post: "... King...gun control...which is a liberal mindset...change the whole basis of the bill of rights for their social agenda. getting a bit off topic...but the States with the toughest gun control have the most violent crime rates..." You've heard it folks: "... the States with THE TOUGHEST gun control...!!!" 'Serchin4MyRedWine', with all due respect, I would like to engage in some sort of exchange with you, as it is the purpose of these forums, but please say something!!! IMO hiding behind such HUGE generalities is equivalent to saying nothing other than YOU'RE NOT A LIBERAL! So what?!?!? We got that point! What else do you have to say!!! |
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