Topic: Will you worship the next Jealous God?
CowboyGH's photo
Fri 06/15/12 09:36 AM

Nice talking to you. I gotta go now. bye! waving

Don't kill anyone.

Bye, you don't kill anyone either lol.

no photo
Fri 06/15/12 09:39 AM
God chooses no certain group. People choose God.


Again, this land was taken from a group of people worshipping false Gods.

...and taken by another group of people worshiping another false God.

So therefore the land was given to a group of obedient children. God didn't "choose" these people, these people chose God.

No those people chose to believe in a false God that ordered them to commit genocide, murder, theft, and plunder on another group of people.
Those people justified their crimes by convincing themselves that they were being "obedient" children to their false God of War.

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 06/15/12 09:42 AM

God chooses no certain group. People choose God.


Again, this land was taken from a group of people worshipping false Gods.

...and taken by another group of people worshiping another false God.

So therefore the land was given to a group of obedient children. God didn't "choose" these people, these people chose God.

No those people chose to believe in a false God that ordered them to commit genocide, murder, theft, and plunder on another group of people.
Those people justified their crimes by convincing themselves that they were being "obedient" children to their false God of War.

Ah, but they were being obedient to the one true and living God. Only you have placed your faith in it being a false God. Again, please try to keep on track about what the specific discussion is, and not branch off into it being a false or true God. We already know you don't believe in God and believe all "Gods" to be false. So if you're going to discuss in the "religion" forum, which is generally about "God(s)", then please stick to the topic and no need to continually remind everyone that you do not believe in God.

no photo
Fri 06/15/12 09:43 AM

I agree people should stop killing for their false Gods. But you're painting it out like that's the only or the main reason people kill others.

No, the real reason people kill others (in war) is to steal their land and their possessions. That is the truth of the matter.

They justify it and ease their guilt, by convincing themselves that they are doing if for "God."

no photo
Fri 06/15/12 09:47 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 06/15/12 09:48 AM

God chooses no certain group. People choose God.


Again, this land was taken from a group of people worshipping false Gods.

...and taken by another group of people worshiping another false God.

So therefore the land was given to a group of obedient children. God didn't "choose" these people, these people chose God.

No those people chose to believe in a false God that ordered them to commit genocide, murder, theft, and plunder on another group of people.
Those people justified their crimes by convincing themselves that they were being "obedient" children to their false God of War.

Ah, but they were being obedient to the one true and living God. Only you have placed your faith in it being a false God. Again, please try to keep on track about what the specific discussion is, and not branch off into it being a false or true God. We already know you don't believe in God and believe all "Gods" to be false. So if you're going to discuss in the "religion" forum, which is generally about "God(s)", then please stick to the topic and no need to continually remind everyone that you do not believe in God.

My concept of God is the entire universe. (Pantheism) So don't tell me I do not believe in "God."

You may believe that your God is the one true living God but he is a false God, and just as false as all the other Gods on earth who claim to be the almighty one true living God. Yes, they are all false gods!!

You can know that by their deeds. (Murder and genocide and war)

The true God, does not go around getting involved in the petty wars of humans who kill each other over their possessions.

no photo
Fri 06/15/12 09:51 AM
The one true living universe, the living God, has no need for land or possessions and does not get involved in petting human wars on the tiny planet earth.

The petty demons on earth are running around convincing humans that they are Gods, all claiming to be the one true God. That's pathetic.

no photo
Fri 06/15/12 04:40 PM

If you believe the Bible, your God ordered Joshua to send his troops into that "promised land" and kill all the men, women and children without mercy and steal their land.

Do you even comprehend or get the significance of that?

Take your head outta the sand and look at what you wrote...

If you are saying that the story of Joshua was written by the "lying pen of the scribes," I totally agree with you.

I don't believe that God ordered any murders.

Like I said, I don't believe the story anyway. It never actually happened.

You sound like every other person who lusts after power and forces their own interpretation of the Bible on others.

If you agree with what was written that I showed you, then you're being hypocritical to demand that those who believe the Bible must belive something that you don't. I believe "some" of the Bible, are you going to insist I must have the same opinion of God as you?

Seriously Jeannie, where's the love you always preach?

no photo
Fri 06/15/12 05:46 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 06/15/12 05:49 PM

If you believe the Bible, your God ordered Joshua to send his troops into that "promised land" and kill all the men, women and children without mercy and steal their land.

Do you even comprehend or get the significance of that?

Take your head outta the sand and look at what you wrote...

If you are saying that the story of Joshua was written by the "lying pen of the scribes," I totally agree with you.

I don't believe that God ordered any murders.

Like I said, I don't believe the story anyway. It never actually happened.

You sound like every other person who lusts after power and forces their own interpretation of the Bible on others.

laugh That IS really funny.

I am not the one who is forcing the Bible on anyone. I have spent my life listening to Religious fanatics of all denominations trying to force their interpretations on me and that includes YOU.

Everyone has their own ideas including ME. I have just as much right to voice my opinions as anyone else. Loudly, boldly and in any way I want.

If you agree with what was written that I showed you, then you're being hypocritical to demand that those who believe the Bible must belive something that you don't.

I am not demanding anything of anyone. People can believe whatever they want. I am simply exercising my right to be assertive about what I believe just like all the hell fire and damnation preachers I have known in my life.

Frankly I've grown tired of having the Bible and the fake Bible stories thrown in my face as if there is any truth to any of that.

I believe "some" of the Bible, are you going to insist I must have the same opinion of God as you?

Seriously Jeannie, where's the love you always preach?

laugh laugh No I don't care what opinions YOU have about God.

Love has nothing to do with it.

What I see are people in this modern world who are still justifying their violent acts and their bloody wars by saying that God is on their side and that they are fighting a "holy war."

I say to the world that they are fools if they believe that.


Kleisto's photo
Sun 06/17/12 09:01 PM
I have two things to say here.....

1. I find it astounding, and also quite sad, that just because "God commands it" suddenly mass murder becomes ok and lawful when EVERYONE knows it is wrong. How does it suddenly become ok for God to break his own damn law? It is as Jeannie has already said, insanity!

2. It has been said here that we are not under the law of the old testament any longer, so this "judgment" no longer applies and no longer happens. My response to that? SO WHAT? It should NEVER have been happening in the first place! The fact alone that this God would have ever done it, disqualifies it from any worship or respect right there. Doesn't matter if it doesn't do it now, fact is it still did it, and there is no justification for it regardless of what your religion tells you.

I can say a whole lot more......but for the purposes of this I will leave it at that.

no photo
Sun 06/17/12 09:43 PM
drinker waving

msharmony's photo
Sun 06/17/12 10:51 PM
mans laws and Gods laws and mans guidance concerning mans laws and traditions

all easy to confuse,,,

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 06/17/12 11:04 PM

I have two things to say here.....

1. I find it astounding, and also quite sad, that just because "God commands it" suddenly mass murder becomes ok and lawful when EVERYONE knows it is wrong. How does it suddenly become ok for God to break his own damn law? It is as Jeannie has already said, insanity!

2. It has been said here that we are not under the law of the old testament any longer, so this "judgment" no longer applies and no longer happens. My response to that? SO WHAT? It should NEVER have been happening in the first place! The fact alone that this God would have ever done it, disqualifies it from any worship or respect right there. Doesn't matter if it doesn't do it now, fact is it still did it, and there is no justification for it regardless of what your religion tells you.

I can say a whole lot more......but for the purposes of this I will leave it at that.

1. I find it astounding, and also quite sad, that just because "God commands it" suddenly mass murder becomes ok and lawful when EVERYONE knows it is wrong. How does it suddenly become ok for God to break his own damn law? It is as Jeannie has already said, insanity!

God isn't and wouldn't be breaking any law. Murder is unlawful taking of a life. God has told us the laws and the consequence for breaking those laws eg., the only reward for sin is death, ect.

It has been said here that we are not under the law of the old testament any longer, so this "judgment" no longer applies and no longer happens.

Out in left field a bit? Nobody even mentioned any old testament laws. Notice, these following verses of "judgement" are from the new testament.

John 5:22
22 For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son

2 Timothy 4:1
4 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom

Acts 17:31
31 Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.

Kleisto's photo
Mon 06/18/12 01:27 AM
Edited by Kleisto on Mon 06/18/12 01:28 AM

I have two things to say here.....

1. I find it astounding, and also quite sad, that just because "God commands it" suddenly mass murder becomes ok and lawful when EVERYONE knows it is wrong. How does it suddenly become ok for God to break his own damn law? It is as Jeannie has already said, insanity!

2. It has been said here that we are not under the law of the old testament any longer, so this "judgment" no longer applies and no longer happens. My response to that? SO WHAT? It should NEVER have been happening in the first place! The fact alone that this God would have ever done it, disqualifies it from any worship or respect right there. Doesn't matter if it doesn't do it now, fact is it still did it, and there is no justification for it regardless of what your religion tells you.

I can say a whole lot more......but for the purposes of this I will leave it at that.

1. I find it astounding, and also quite sad, that just because "God commands it" suddenly mass murder becomes ok and lawful when EVERYONE knows it is wrong. How does it suddenly become ok for God to break his own damn law? It is as Jeannie has already said, insanity!

God isn't and wouldn't be breaking any law. Murder is unlawful taking of a life. God has told us the laws and the consequence for breaking those laws eg., the only reward for sin is death, ect.

It has been said here that we are not under the law of the old testament any longer, so this "judgment" no longer applies and no longer happens.

Out in left field a bit? Nobody even mentioned any old testament laws. Notice, these following verses of "judgement" are from the new testament.

John 5:22
22 For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son

2 Timothy 4:1
4 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom

Acts 17:31
31 Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.

First off, when it's your God doing the's still wrong, I don't care how you wanna try and justify it. It's one thing to say: "Ok if you do this this or this, you could possibly die, so I would suggest you didn't". It's ENTIRELY different to say: "Ok if you do this this or this, I will see to it that you die" one is an example of natural consequence, the other is just violent murder by a jealous and controlling being. you not even remember what you wrote 3 days ago dude??? Seriously? You made the claim we are not under old testament law any longer, and as such the way of dealing with sin then doesn't apply now. So no this is not out of left field at all, you said it!

Kleisto's photo
Mon 06/18/12 01:30 AM

mans laws and Gods laws and mans guidance concerning mans laws and traditions

all easy to confuse,,,

It's really quite simple when you let go of your own bias to prove what you believe to be correct. If God is not human, he will not ACT human. Jealousy and anger to name a few things are HUMAN traits. Make up your mind, is God human or is he spirit?

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/18/12 01:32 AM
if God is nature, made nature, and controls nature

than any death facilitated by him is 'natural'

he is the creator, life is his to give or take,,,

Kleisto's photo
Mon 06/18/12 02:02 AM

if God is nature, made nature, and controls nature

than any death facilitated by him is 'natural'

he is the creator, life is his to give or take,,,

So commanding mass killings is natural to you? Like Jeannie said, STOP excusing murder. Cause that's what it is. And it's not what love would do, to say: "Obey me or I kill you" no....that doesn't work. There is no justification for that type of behavior of a parent. Any good parent here would lose custody of their child for acting that way and quite rightly, so how does God get a pass? It's insanity.

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/18/12 02:39 AM

mans laws and Gods laws and mans guidance concerning mans laws and traditions

all easy to confuse,,,

It's really quite simple when you let go of your own bias to prove what you believe to be correct. If God is not human, he will not ACT human. Jealousy and anger to name a few things are HUMAN traits. Make up your mind, is God human or is he spirit?

but as a human , who are we to possibly assume HOW he would or should act?

besides the bible, what reference can we use to assign behavior to one great enough to create life itself?

how unreasonable is it for a creator to INCLUDE some of their own traits in the creation?

,,,so its the creation behaving like its creator,, not the other way around...

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/18/12 02:42 AM

if God is nature, made nature, and controls nature

than any death facilitated by him is 'natural'

he is the creator, life is his to give or take,,,

So commanding mass killings is natural to you? Like Jeannie said, STOP excusing murder. Cause that's what it is. And it's not what love would do, to say: "Obey me or I kill you" no....that doesn't work. There is no justification for that type of behavior of a parent. Any good parent here would lose custody of their child for acting that way and quite rightly, so how does God get a pass? It's insanity.

Do not soldiers in EVERY country, have leaders whom they have to trust with the knowledge and intelligence to discern when killing may be a necessary evil?

as much as war is natural, Gods 'mass killing' is as well,,,

God MAKES life, he is more than a mortal parent,,,he makes a LIFE CYCLE that has a beginning and an end and he says OBey me and I will give you EVERLASTING LIFE

its easier to understand if ones point of view is of men that are supposed to exist for GODS glory, instead of a God that is supposed to function for mans,,,,

Kleisto's photo
Mon 06/18/12 04:58 AM

mans laws and Gods laws and mans guidance concerning mans laws and traditions

all easy to confuse,,,

It's really quite simple when you let go of your own bias to prove what you believe to be correct. If God is not human, he will not ACT human. Jealousy and anger to name a few things are HUMAN traits. Make up your mind, is God human or is he spirit?

but as a human , who are we to possibly assume HOW he would or should act?

besides the bible, what reference can we use to assign behavior to one great enough to create life itself?

how unreasonable is it for a creator to INCLUDE some of their own traits in the creation?

,,,so its the creation behaving like its creator,, not the other way around...

I'll put it like this, if God is supposed to be ABOVE us, he's not gonna act WORSE than us. Yet the Biblical God does exactly this, doing things even WE know are wrong to do, or at least we SHOULD.

Kleisto's photo
Mon 06/18/12 05:00 AM
Edited by Kleisto on Mon 06/18/12 05:02 AM

if God is nature, made nature, and controls nature

than any death facilitated by him is 'natural'

he is the creator, life is his to give or take,,,

So commanding mass killings is natural to you? Like Jeannie said, STOP excusing murder. Cause that's what it is. And it's not what love would do, to say: "Obey me or I kill you" no....that doesn't work. There is no justification for that type of behavior of a parent. Any good parent here would lose custody of their child for acting that way and quite rightly, so how does God get a pass? It's insanity.

Do not soldiers in EVERY country, have leaders whom they have to trust with the knowledge and intelligence to discern when killing may be a necessary evil?

as much as war is natural, Gods 'mass killing' is as well,,,

God MAKES life, he is more than a mortal parent,,,he makes a LIFE CYCLE that has a beginning and an end and he says OBey me and I will give you EVERLASTING LIFE

its easier to understand if ones point of view is of men that are supposed to exist for GODS glory, instead of a God that is supposed to function for mans,,,,

A being that creates something SOLELY for its' own glory and nothing else.....has serious ego and control problems. And we're told we're not supposed to be prideful? Uh......I think that's called hypocrisy.......

Oh and again......."obey me or you die eternally" does NOT equal free will. It cannot truly exist with a threat attached to it. Sorry, try again.