Topic: Will you worship the next Jealous God?
msharmony's photo
Thu 06/14/12 02:24 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 06/14/12 02:26 PM
who is to say whats
'in cold blood' though?

let me ask this? if you lived in a time and place where female children were being taken at their thirteenth birthday and raped and sold to be continuously used by men,,,,,would it be 'cold blooded' , as a mother, to take that childs life before that happened?

many slave parents did just this,, knowing an atrocity to come, they snuffed out the lives of their own children,,,,,do you consider that 'cold blooded'?

I understand the differences being that it was man who was ordered in the case of Joshua to do the snuffing out, and that is hard for the flesh to understand, but there was an abundant knowledge God had of spiritual atrocity and an opportunity to strengthen the resolve and trustworthiness of joshua that came together at that time to be played out like it was

these were different cultures and traditions in that TIME than they are now,,and they are hard to grasp, but I dont consider it 'cold blooded' for the reasons stated above,,,

right now, americans have for years been 'minding their own business' and eating what they want as much as they want and the long term result is becoming epidemic obesity

in the flesh, in the times of being satisfied by the flesh, humans cant always see or wont always aknowledge the potential longterm atrocity they are inviting through other wise 'harmless' actions

God has a broader vision

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 03:47 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/14/12 03:53 PM

who is to say whats
'in cold blood' though?

let me ask this? if you lived in a time and place where female children were being taken at their thirteenth birthday and raped and sold to be continuously used by men,,,,,would it be 'cold blooded' , as a mother, to take that childs life before that happened?

Cold blooded means to act without feeling. As a psychopath would.

many slave parents did just this,, knowing an atrocity to come, they snuffed out the lives of their own children,,,,,do you consider that 'cold blooded'?

I consider that insane.

I understand the differences being that it was man who was ordered in the case of Joshua to do the snuffing out, and that is hard for the flesh to understand, but there was an abundant knowledge God had of spiritual atrocity and an opportunity to strengthen the resolve and trustworthiness of joshua that came together at that time to be played out like it was

Mankind is more than "flesh." We are spiritual beings and most of us, (providing we are not cold blooded psychopaths,) have compassion for others and a sense of right and wrong.

I don't know about you, but there is not one human being on this earth that I would trust enough to believe that he or she was told by God to tell me to kill someone without mercy in cold blood.

I find comfort in my belief that the story told in the book of Joshua never actually happened, but I know that this kind of slaughter and genocide does happen and they all seem to happen in the name of some God against alleged "evil" people.

these were different cultures and traditions in that TIME than they are now,,and they are hard to grasp, but I dont consider it 'cold blooded' for the reasons stated above,,,

It is not "hard to grasp" at all. Killing without mercy is just that. Cold blooded and amoral.

right now, americans have for years been 'minding their own business' and eating what they want as much as they want and the long term result is becoming epidemic obesity

in the flesh, in the times of being satisfied by the flesh, humans cant always see or wont always aknowledge the potential longterm atrocity they are inviting through other wise 'harmless' actions

God has a broader vision

Obesity in this country is caused by the food Industry who pushes the junk food, alters the natural oils, puts sugar in everything, and advertises soda, candy, Twinkies, and other junk all over the television.

To live even a moderately healthy lifestyle is difficult in this country. I have to drive 50 miles sometimes just to get fresher veggies and fruit or organic produce.

And I don't get how you are comparing that problem to the problem of people thinking they have a right or obligation to murder their neighbor because some authority has declared that they are "evil."

George Bush claimed himself that God spoke to him. (Like Joshua did) He also called certain people "evil" and that itself suggests that he is about to rally his troops to go and wipe out the evil in this world.

Then he invaded Iraq.

Many innocent people were killed. Go figure.

Now our President has the power to assassinate (kill) anyone he decides to be "evil" or needs killing.

Go figure.

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 05:04 PM
Anyone else want to defend the war God of the Jews who ordered the merciless genocide of the people living in the alleged "promised land?"

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 05:09 PM

Anyone else want to defend the war God of the Jews who ordered the merciless genocide of the people living in the alleged "promised land?"

I do.

Anyone want to research the root Hebrew meanings of words before they speak of things?

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 05:21 PM

Anyone else want to defend the war God of the Jews who ordered the merciless genocide of the people living in the alleged "promised land?"

I do.

Anyone want to research the root Hebrew meanings of words before they speak of things?


Just stick with the King James version of the book and the book of Joshua please.

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 05:27 PM

Anyone else want to defend the war God of the Jews who ordered the merciless genocide of the people living in the alleged "promised land?"

I do.

Anyone want to research the root Hebrew meanings of words before they speak of things?


Just stick with the King James version of the book and the book of Joshua please.

No, I don't think I'll follow your stupid rules. Who do you think you are? God? rofl

Anyway, what makes you think you can take a book written in Hebrew and force anyone to adhere to a single English translation?

I don't need you to use Hebrew, that was just to show you how uninformed you are. The Hebrew word translated to "jealous" has dual meaning: "Jealous/Zealous".

Try debating this from the KJV

Ezekiel 22:28
King James Version (KJV)

28 And her prophets have daubed them with untempered morter, seeing vanity, and divining lies unto them, saying, Thus saith the Lord God, when the Lord hath not spoken.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 05:53 PM
OMG more rolling heads. ohwell

Most Bibles in the western world are written in English.
Jealous or Zealous I don't care how you translate the word.

This is not about semantics. Its about the question of whether or not we think that the God of Abraham, whatever name you want to call him, was a merciful and forgiving God.

Given the story of Joshua, I would say.... no, he was not.

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 05:54 PM
Anyone else want to defend the war God of the Jews who ordered the merciless genocide of the people living in the alleged "promised land?"

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 05:55 PM
Edited by Peter_Pan69 on Thu 06/14/12 06:13 PM

OMG more rolling heads. ohwell

Most Bibles in the western world are written in English.
Jealous or Zealous I don't care how you translate the word.

This is not about semantics. Its about the question of whether or not we think that the God of Abraham, whatever name you want to call him, was a merciful and forgiving God.

Given the story of Joshua, I would say.... no, he was not.

Given the lines quoted above, I would say MAN lied about what God said...


And for the record, semantics means everything, because with the proper definition, your topic title is misleading as you must first define the prior "jealous god"...

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 06/14/12 06:00 PM

Anyone else want to defend the war God of the Jews who ordered the merciless genocide of the people living in the alleged "promised land?"

It wasn't "genocide". It was a judgement and giving it to another person(s) it was promised to and deserved it. Notice this is from the old testament eg., they were under the old covenant. It was an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, sacrifice things for forgiveness ect. People were saved by works. Thus, these other people were worshipping false Gods, and we know the only reward for sin is death. So they were judged, sentenced, and convicted because of their disobedience and the land was then handed over to those that rightfully deserved it.

In someone being "righteous", they do what is right. It would not be right to allow a disobedient group of people have some land when a more obedient God loving group needed it. Thus, we have what happened in that set of scriptures.

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 06:14 PM
Edited by Peter_Pan69 on Thu 06/14/12 06:16 PM

Anyone else want to defend the war God of the Jews who ordered the merciless genocide of the people living in the alleged "promised land?"

It's amazing how far deep in the sand you can bury your head to keep your anti-Semitic stance...

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 06:19 PM

Jeremiah 8:8
King James Version (KJV)

8 How do ye say, We are wise, and the law of the Lord is with us? Lo, certainly in vain made he it; the pen of the scribes is in vain.

And for those who don't understand old English...

Jeremiah 8:8
New International Version (NIV)

8 “‘How can you say, “We are wise, for we have the law of the Lord,” when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 06:30 PM

Anyone else want to defend the war God of the Jews who ordered the merciless genocide of the people living in the alleged "promised land?"

It wasn't "genocide". It was a judgement and giving it to another person(s) it was promised to and deserved it. Notice this is from the old testament eg., they were under the old covenant. It was an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, sacrifice things for forgiveness ect. People were saved by works. Thus, these other people were worshipping false Gods, and we know the only reward for sin is death. So they were judged, sentenced, and convicted because of their disobedience and the land was then handed over to those that rightfully deserved it.

In someone being "righteous", they do what is right. It would not be right to allow a disobedient group of people have some land when a more obedient God loving group needed it. Thus, we have what happened in that set of scriptures.

Wow the Zionists of today's Israel would love to have you join them.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 06/14/12 06:34 PM

Anyone else want to defend the war God of the Jews who ordered the merciless genocide of the people living in the alleged "promised land?"

It wasn't "genocide". It was a judgement and giving it to another person(s) it was promised to and deserved it. Notice this is from the old testament eg., they were under the old covenant. It was an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, sacrifice things for forgiveness ect. People were saved by works. Thus, these other people were worshipping false Gods, and we know the only reward for sin is death. So they were judged, sentenced, and convicted because of their disobedience and the land was then handed over to those that rightfully deserved it.

In someone being "righteous", they do what is right. It would not be right to allow a disobedient group of people have some land when a more obedient God loving group needed it. Thus, we have what happened in that set of scriptures.

Wow the Zionists of today's Israel would love to have you join them.

God wouldn't ever do that now. We are again under a new covenant. People do not get judged for their sins by their peers. We have one judge, one judgement now. That is Jesus Christ, whom has not come for the judgement yet.

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 06:42 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/14/12 06:43 PM

Anyone else want to defend the war God of the Jews who ordered the merciless genocide of the people living in the alleged "promised land?"

It's amazing how far deep in the sand you can bury your head to keep your anti-Semitic stance...

Personally I don't believe the book of Joshua is even true.

I believe it is pure fiction. But the people who do believe it continue to make excuses for their blood thirsty God and the story of the genocide and theft of the alleged "promised land" by the alleged Israelite people. (And it never happened anyway.)

Christians have been taken in by these lies.

And the world 'Semitic' does not apply to a "people" but to languages of the Middle Eastern and East African region such as Arabic, Amharic, Tigrina, and Hebrew.

The expression "anti-Semitic" dates back only about one hundred years and it was an expression of European people's biases against their very own European Jews.

We are actually talking about myth and fiction here.

My beef is with people who insist that the God of Abraham was forgiving and merciful and then turn right around and defend the countless wars he supposedly led his people into.

I mean, seriously, killing women, children, babies... I don't care who told you they could talk to God and God said to do it.... even if that were true, does that really sound like a merciful forgiving God?

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 06:44 PM

Anyone else want to defend the war God of the Jews who ordered the merciless genocide of the people living in the alleged "promised land?"

It wasn't "genocide". It was a judgement and giving it to another person(s) it was promised to and deserved it. Notice this is from the old testament eg., they were under the old covenant. It was an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, sacrifice things for forgiveness ect. People were saved by works. Thus, these other people were worshipping false Gods, and we know the only reward for sin is death. So they were judged, sentenced, and convicted because of their disobedience and the land was then handed over to those that rightfully deserved it.

In someone being "righteous", they do what is right. It would not be right to allow a disobedient group of people have some land when a more obedient God loving group needed it. Thus, we have what happened in that set of scriptures.

Wow the Zionists of today's Israel would love to have you join them.

God wouldn't ever do that now. We are again under a new covenant. People do not get judged for their sins by their peers. We have one judge, one judgement now. That is Jesus Christ, whom has not come for the judgement yet.

Oh really? spock

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 06:46 PM
p.s. my new policy: I don't respond to posts or questions followed by laughing and rolling heads.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 06/14/12 06:48 PM

Anyone else want to defend the war God of the Jews who ordered the merciless genocide of the people living in the alleged "promised land?"

It's amazing how far deep in the sand you can bury your head to keep your anti-Semitic stance...

Personally I don't believe the book of Joshua is even true.

I believe it is pure fiction. But the people who do believe it continue to make excuses for their blood thirsty God and the story of the genocide and theft of the alleged "promised land" by the alleged Israelite people. (And it never happened anyway.)

Christians have been taken in by these lies.

And the world 'Semitic' does not apply to a "people" but to languages of the Middle Eastern and East African region such as Arabic, Amharic, Tigrina, and Hebrew.

The expression "anti-Semitic" dates back only about one hundred years and it was an expression of European people's biases against their very own European Jews.

We are actually talking about myth and fiction here.

My beef is with people who insist that the God of Abraham was forgiving and merciful and then turn right around and defend the countless wars he supposedly led his people into.

I mean, seriously, killing women, children, babies... I don't care who told you they could talk to God and God said to do it.... even if that were true, does that really sound like a merciful forgiving God?

I mean, seriously, killing women, children, babies... I don't care who told you they could talk to God and God said to do it.... even if that were true, does that really sound like a merciful forgiving God?

Sure it does. Would you forgive someone for punching you right in the nose? Probably if it was on accident, but what if they turned right around and did it again? And again? And again? Each time asking for forgiveness by doing it again and again, ect.

That is in a sence what they were doing to God. They were being disobedient to his commands, they were worshipping false Gods. If they would have repented/stop doing that action and asked for forgiveness, none of that would have happened. God "kills" no one. He judges righteously.

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 06:49 PM
Edited by Peter_Pan69 on Thu 06/14/12 06:52 PM

Anyone else want to defend the war God of the Jews who ordered the merciless genocide of the people living in the alleged "promised land?"

It's amazing how far deep in the sand you can bury your head to keep your anti-Semitic stance...

Personally I don't believe the book of Joshua is even true.

I believe it is pure fiction. But the people who do believe it continue to make excuses for their blood thirsty God and the story of the genocide and theft of the alleged "promised land" by the alleged Israelite people. (And it never happened anyway.)

Christians have been taken in by these lies.

And the world 'Semitic' does not apply to a "people" but to languages of the Middle Eastern and East African region such as Arabic, Amharic, Tigrina, and Hebrew.

The expression "anti-Semitic" dates back only about one hundred years and it was an expression of European people's biases against their very own European Jews.

We are actually talking about myth and fiction here.

My beef is with people who insist that the God of Abraham was forgiving and merciful and then turn right around and defend the countless wars he supposedly led his people into.

I mean, seriously, killing women, children, babies... I don't care who told you they could talk to God and God said to do it.... even if that were true, does that really sound like a merciful forgiving God?

Jeannie, you totally ignored 2 passages that refute your claim that the murders were ordered by God.

Is this the non-believer's version of cognitive dissonance?

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 06:52 PM

p.s. my new policy: I don't respond to posts or questions followed by laughing and rolling heads.

I'll believe that when you stop using them. whoa

I know you don't have a response, so you'll make up a new "policy" to hide the fact that you don't...

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl