Topic: Will you worship the next Jealous God?
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Thu 06/14/12 06:53 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/14/12 06:54 PM

Anyone else want to defend the war God of the Jews who ordered the merciless genocide of the people living in the alleged "promised land?"

It's amazing how far deep in the sand you can bury your head to keep your anti-Semitic stance...

Personally I don't believe the book of Joshua is even true.

I believe it is pure fiction. But the people who do believe it continue to make excuses for their blood thirsty God and the story of the genocide and theft of the alleged "promised land" by the alleged Israelite people. (And it never happened anyway.)

Christians have been taken in by these lies.

And the world 'Semitic' does not apply to a "people" but to languages of the Middle Eastern and East African region such as Arabic, Amharic, Tigrina, and Hebrew.

The expression "anti-Semitic" dates back only about one hundred years and it was an expression of European people's biases against their very own European Jews.

We are actually talking about myth and fiction here.

My beef is with people who insist that the God of Abraham was forgiving and merciful and then turn right around and defend the countless wars he supposedly led his people into.

I mean, seriously, killing women, children, babies... I don't care who told you they could talk to God and God said to do it.... even if that were true, does that really sound like a merciful forgiving God?

Jeannie, you totally ignored 2 passages that refute your claim that the murders were ordered by God.

Is the the non-believer's version of cognitive dissonance?

If you are saying that the story of Joshua was written by the "lying pen of the scribes," I totally agree with you.

I don't believe that God ordered any murders.

Like I said, I don't believe the story anyway. It never actually happened.

But there are plenty of Christians who believe it did.

And they defend the actions of Joshua and their God of War.

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Thu 06/14/12 06:57 PM

Anyone else want to defend the war God of the Jews who ordered the merciless genocide of the people living in the alleged "promised land?"

It's amazing how far deep in the sand you can bury your head to keep your anti-Semitic stance...

Personally I don't believe the book of Joshua is even true.

I believe it is pure fiction. But the people who do believe it continue to make excuses for their blood thirsty God and the story of the genocide and theft of the alleged "promised land" by the alleged Israelite people. (And it never happened anyway.)

Christians have been taken in by these lies.

And the world 'Semitic' does not apply to a "people" but to languages of the Middle Eastern and East African region such as Arabic, Amharic, Tigrina, and Hebrew.

The expression "anti-Semitic" dates back only about one hundred years and it was an expression of European people's biases against their very own European Jews.

We are actually talking about myth and fiction here.

My beef is with people who insist that the God of Abraham was forgiving and merciful and then turn right around and defend the countless wars he supposedly led his people into.

I mean, seriously, killing women, children, babies... I don't care who told you they could talk to God and God said to do it.... even if that were true, does that really sound like a merciful forgiving God?

Jeannie, you totally ignored 2 passages that refute your claim that the murders were ordered by God.

Is the the non-believer's version of cognitive dissonance?

If you are saying that the story of Joshua was written by the "lying pen of the scribes," I totally agree with you.

I don't believe that God ordered any murders.

Like I said, I don't believe the story anyway. It never actually happened.

But there are plenty of Christians who believe it did.

And they defend the actions of Joshua and their God of War.

So I can take it then that either you have changed your mind or you were lying earlier when you said this:

"This is not about semantics. Its about the question of whether or not we think that the God of Abraham, whatever name you want to call him, was a merciful and forgiving God.

Given the story of Joshua, I would say.... no, he was not. "

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 06/14/12 06:57 PM

Anyone else want to defend the war God of the Jews who ordered the merciless genocide of the people living in the alleged "promised land?"

It's amazing how far deep in the sand you can bury your head to keep your anti-Semitic stance...

Personally I don't believe the book of Joshua is even true.

I believe it is pure fiction. But the people who do believe it continue to make excuses for their blood thirsty God and the story of the genocide and theft of the alleged "promised land" by the alleged Israelite people. (And it never happened anyway.)

Christians have been taken in by these lies.

And the world 'Semitic' does not apply to a "people" but to languages of the Middle Eastern and East African region such as Arabic, Amharic, Tigrina, and Hebrew.

The expression "anti-Semitic" dates back only about one hundred years and it was an expression of European people's biases against their very own European Jews.

We are actually talking about myth and fiction here.

My beef is with people who insist that the God of Abraham was forgiving and merciful and then turn right around and defend the countless wars he supposedly led his people into.

I mean, seriously, killing women, children, babies... I don't care who told you they could talk to God and God said to do it.... even if that were true, does that really sound like a merciful forgiving God?

Jeannie, you totally ignored 2 passages that refute your claim that the murders were ordered by God.

Is the the non-believer's version of cognitive dissonance?

If you are saying that the story of Joshua was written by the "lying pen of the scribes," I totally agree with you.

I don't believe that God ordered any murders.

Like I said, I don't believe the story anyway. It never actually happened.

But there are plenty of Christians who believe it did.

And they defend the actions of Joshua and their God of War.

Again, God ordered no "murderers"

Murder - The unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another

If God instructed one to do it, then it wasn't unlawful. There was not murder. Again, in the time these scriptures were written and in the time these actions were done, was when we were under the old covenant. In the old covenant, it was eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. People were judged on Earth by their peers and or the people around. It was a judgement, not a murder.

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 07:01 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/14/12 07:04 PM
True, God never ordered anyone to kill anyone. The entire book of Joshua is fiction.

God never talked to anyone ever, and never ordered killings or murders or anything and the entire book of Joshua is a fiction. It never actually happened.

SO you don't have to keep defending your God. It never happened. It is just the lies of the scribes.

You don't have to tell me about the old and new covenant because none of that makes any sense anyway and it doesn't matter.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 06/14/12 07:05 PM

True, God never ordered anyone to kill anyone. The entire book of Joshua is fiction.

God never talked to anyone ever, and never ordered killings or murders or anything and the entire book of Joshua is a fiction. It never actually happened.

SO you don't have to keep defending your God. It never happened. It is just the lies of the scribes.

You don't have to tell me about the old and new covenant because none of that makes any sense anyway.

Again, by all means it is your choice to believe it's fiction. But God instructed no one to "murder" anyone. Murder is again unlawful killing. God is the law, he gives the law. If and when he instructed someone(s) to take someone(s) life it was a judgement, not cold blooded murder. Cause once again, God is law. What he says is law. Therefore again, could not even remotely be "murder".

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 07:10 PM
If and when he instructed someone(s) to take someone(s) life it was a judgement, not cold blooded murder.

This is where you are wrong wrong wrong.
God does not, never will, never has instructed anyone to take someone else's life.

But if a man is delusional enough to think so, or delusional enough to think he has heard the voice of God telling him to kill someone, then he is probably hearing a demon.

And if any man believes another man who tells him that God told him he should kill, then that man is a fool.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 06/14/12 07:12 PM

If and when he instructed someone(s) to take someone(s) life it was a judgement, not cold blooded murder.

This is where you are wrong wrong wrong.
God does not, never will, never has instructed anyone to take someone else's life.

But if a man is delusional enough to think so, or delusional enough to think he has heard the voice of God telling him to kill someone, then he is probably hearing a demon.

And if any man believes another man who tells him that God told him he should kill, then that man is a fool.

Yes, now under the covenant we are under now, only Jesus has the right to judge anyone.

But why do you feel you should just be given everything without working for it? Do you feel God owes you something? Why shouldn't these jews have had to fight for the land they deserved?

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 07:16 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/14/12 07:16 PM

If and when he instructed someone(s) to take someone(s) life it was a judgement, not cold blooded murder.

This is where you are wrong wrong wrong.
God does not, never will, never has instructed anyone to take someone else's life.

But if a man is delusional enough to think so, or delusional enough to think he has heard the voice of God telling him to kill someone, then he is probably hearing a demon.

And if any man believes another man who tells him that God told him he should kill, then that man is a fool.

Yes, now under the covenant we are under now, only Jesus has the right to judge anyone.

But why do you feel you should just be given everything without working for it? Do you feel God owes you something? Why shouldn't these jews have had to fight for the land they deserved?

Why do you think they "deserved" that land?

What you are saying is that if you want something you should just go out there and steal it or take it from someone else. And oh, by the way, kill them while you are at it.

Take what ever you want huh? Kill anyone who gets in the way right?


no photo
Thu 06/14/12 07:19 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/14/12 07:20 PM
And for the record, I do believe in working for what I receive, but I don't believe in killing people for it or in stealing it from others. I don't think I would classify that as "working for it."

Now if I were a paid assassin, trained to lop off the heads of kings and babies, then I might feel I was working.

But I happen to feel that killing is wrong. No matter who I am working for.

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 07:22 PM
Nice talking to you. I gotta go now. bye! waving

Don't kill anyone.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 06/14/12 07:24 PM

If and when he instructed someone(s) to take someone(s) life it was a judgement, not cold blooded murder.

This is where you are wrong wrong wrong.
God does not, never will, never has instructed anyone to take someone else's life.

But if a man is delusional enough to think so, or delusional enough to think he has heard the voice of God telling him to kill someone, then he is probably hearing a demon.

And if any man believes another man who tells him that God told him he should kill, then that man is a fool.

Yes, now under the covenant we are under now, only Jesus has the right to judge anyone.

But why do you feel you should just be given everything without working for it? Do you feel God owes you something? Why shouldn't these jews have had to fight for the land they deserved?

Why do you think they "deserved" that land?

What you are saying is that if you want something you should just go out there and steal it or take it from someone else. And oh, by the way, kill them while you are at it.

Take what ever you want huh? Kill anyone who gets in the way right?


Absolutely not saying anything of that. Where in the world did you get that?

This land in question was given to them. Not because they just merely wanted it. God wanted them to have it, the one's that were there didn't deserve it. They were worshipping false Gods. Why should a group of law offending people have it when a God loving group needed it? Why should the law offenders be rewarded with the land and the law abiding group do without?

We only have in this life what we have because God has allowed us to have it. Gave us the ability to acheive it, directed us to it, or any number of possible methods God could have used.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 06/14/12 07:28 PM

And for the record, I do believe in working for what I receive, but I don't believe in killing people for it or in stealing it from others. I don't think I would classify that as "working for it."

Now if I were a paid assassin, trained to lop off the heads of kings and babies, then I might feel I was working.

But I happen to feel that killing is wrong. No matter who I am working for.

Yes, "killing" is wrong. Thankfully God doesn't "kill". He judges with a righteous hand.

no photo
Fri 06/15/12 09:16 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 06/15/12 09:17 AM
If you believe the Bible, your God ordered Joshua to send his troops into that "promised land" and kill all the men, women and children without mercy and steal their land.

Do you even comprehend or get the significance of that?

The very idea that some entity claiming to be God spoke to some man and told him to order his troops to kill all those people and take their possessions and their land is so absurd I can't believe anyone would defend that.

It is absurd to defend that by saying that "God" gave them the land but they had to "work" for it by committing genocide on the people already living there.

Justifying war by saying that it is "God's will" or "God's judgement" has been going on in this world for a long time. I am horrified to believe that you actually would fall for that. Still, people today are killing other people for their god.

It has got to stop!! Stop justifying murder and genocide! Stop killing for God. God does not get involved in humans petty conflicts and wars. If you believe this you have not evolved much since then.

Look around at the world today. People are still killing each other thinking they are doing God's will.

It is insanity. Stop the insanity. Stop killing for your false Gods.

no photo
Fri 06/15/12 09:18 AM

And for the record, I do believe in working for what I receive, but I don't believe in killing people for it or in stealing it from others. I don't think I would classify that as "working for it."

Now if I were a paid assassin, trained to lop off the heads of kings and babies, then I might feel I was working.

But I happen to feel that killing is wrong. No matter who I am working for.

Yes, "killing" is wrong. Thankfully God doesn't "kill". He judges with a righteous hand.


CowboyGH's photo
Fri 06/15/12 09:19 AM

If you believe the Bible, your God ordered Joshua to send his troops into that "promised land" and kill all the men, women and children without mercy and steal their land.

Do you even comprehend or get the significance of that?

The very idea that some entity claiming to be God spoke to some man and told him to order his troops to kill all those people and take their possessions and their land is so absurd I can't believe anyone would defend that.

It is absurd to defend that by saying that "God" gave them the land but they had to "work" for it by committing genocide on the people already living there.

Justifying war by saying that it is "God's will" or "God's judgement" has been going on in this world for a long time. I am horrified to believe that you actually would fall for that. Still, people today are killing other people for their god.

It had got to stop. Stop justifying murder and genocide. Stop killing for God. God does not get involved in humans petty conflicts and wars. If you believe this you have not evolved much since then.

Look around at the world today. People are still killing each other thinking they are doing God's will.

It is insanity. Stop the insanity. Stop killing for your false Gods.

If you believe the Bible, your God ordered Joshua to send his troops into that "promised land" and kill all the men, women and children without mercy and steal their land

They were stealing no land. The land is only ours to use, it does not belong to us. There was mercy, these people were worshipping false Gods. If they did not want to have been judged and sentenced to death, they would have turned and worshipped the one and only true living God. But they do not do as such, so they were judged and sentenced to death. The land was then given to a set of person(s) that deserved it.

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 06/15/12 09:21 AM

And for the record, I do believe in working for what I receive, but I don't believe in killing people for it or in stealing it from others. I don't think I would classify that as "working for it."

Now if I were a paid assassin, trained to lop off the heads of kings and babies, then I might feel I was working.

But I happen to feel that killing is wrong. No matter who I am working for.

Yes, "killing" is wrong. Thankfully God doesn't "kill". He judges with a righteous hand.


I'm killing for no false God, I'm not killing for our God. I'm not killing for anyone, what are you talking about? It is no longer our position to judge another, that is now in the hands of Jesus Christ, whom will return and judge the world.

no photo
Fri 06/15/12 09:27 AM

If and when he instructed someone(s) to take someone(s) life it was a judgement, not cold blooded murder.

This is where you are wrong wrong wrong.
God does not, never will, never has instructed anyone to take someone else's life.

But if a man is delusional enough to think so, or delusional enough to think he has heard the voice of God telling him to kill someone, then he is probably hearing a demon.

And if any man believes another man who tells him that God told him he should kill, then that man is a fool.

Yes, now under the covenant we are under now, only Jesus has the right to judge anyone.

But why do you feel you should just be given everything without working for it? Do you feel God owes you something? Why shouldn't these jews have had to fight for the land they deserved?

Why do you think they "deserved" that land?

What you are saying is that if you want something you should just go out there and steal it or take it from someone else. And oh, by the way, kill them while you are at it.

Take what ever you want huh? Kill anyone who gets in the way right?


Absolutely not saying anything of that. Where in the world did you get that?

This land in question was given to them. Not because they just merely wanted it. God wanted them to have it, the one's that were there didn't deserve it. They were worshipping false Gods. Why should a group of law offending people have it when a God loving group needed it? Why should the law offenders be rewarded with the land and the law abiding group do without?

We only have in this life what we have because God has allowed us to have it. Gave us the ability to acheive it, directed us to it, or any number of possible methods God could have used.

First of all, the story in the Bible about Joshua never happened.

The land was not given to anyone.

But Armies throughout the history of humankind have been killing people for their land. That is what they do. They invade and conquer. They rape and plunder and kill and steal.

And to the victor goes the spoils. But to make up some story about God telling them to do it is just a ploy to justify the horrendous crimes that they have committed.

When you kill another person in cold blood you do not have God's blessing for doing it. This seems to be the lie that the story of Joshua is telling us.

But most of all it is telling us the lie that God has chosen a certain group of people and the rest of humanity can just die and go to hell because they don't deserve to live. To kill them is not even a crime, because they have been judged by God.

This is a horrendous lie, don't believe this lie.


no photo
Fri 06/15/12 09:32 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 06/15/12 09:33 AM

And for the record, I do believe in working for what I receive, but I don't believe in killing people for it or in stealing it from others. I don't think I would classify that as "working for it."

Now if I were a paid assassin, trained to lop off the heads of kings and babies, then I might feel I was working.

But I happen to feel that killing is wrong. No matter who I am working for.

Yes, "killing" is wrong. Thankfully God doesn't "kill". He judges with a righteous hand.


I'm killing for no false God, I'm not killing for our God. I'm not killing for anyone, what are you talking about? It is no longer our position to judge another, that is now in the hands of Jesus Christ, whom will return and judge the world.

YES YOU ARE. When you justify cold blooded murder and genocide in your mind, (and defend the action by saying it is for god) then it is as if you have done the killing yourself.

When I make the statement
I am talking to the ENTIRE WORLD.

Look around in this world. People are killing each other and justifying it by claiming they are doing it for their false gods.

That is insanity.



CowboyGH's photo
Fri 06/15/12 09:33 AM

If and when he instructed someone(s) to take someone(s) life it was a judgement, not cold blooded murder.

This is where you are wrong wrong wrong.
God does not, never will, never has instructed anyone to take someone else's life.

But if a man is delusional enough to think so, or delusional enough to think he has heard the voice of God telling him to kill someone, then he is probably hearing a demon.

And if any man believes another man who tells him that God told him he should kill, then that man is a fool.

Yes, now under the covenant we are under now, only Jesus has the right to judge anyone.

But why do you feel you should just be given everything without working for it? Do you feel God owes you something? Why shouldn't these jews have had to fight for the land they deserved?

Why do you think they "deserved" that land?

What you are saying is that if you want something you should just go out there and steal it or take it from someone else. And oh, by the way, kill them while you are at it.

Take what ever you want huh? Kill anyone who gets in the way right?


Absolutely not saying anything of that. Where in the world did you get that?

This land in question was given to them. Not because they just merely wanted it. God wanted them to have it, the one's that were there didn't deserve it. They were worshipping false Gods. Why should a group of law offending people have it when a God loving group needed it? Why should the law offenders be rewarded with the land and the law abiding group do without?

We only have in this life what we have because God has allowed us to have it. Gave us the ability to acheive it, directed us to it, or any number of possible methods God could have used.

First of all, the story in the Bible about Joshua never happened.

The land was not given to anyone.

But Armies throughout the history of humankind have been killing people for their land. That is what they do. They invade and conquer. They rape and plunder and kill and steal.

And to the victor goes the spoils. But to make up some story about God telling them to do it is just a ploy to justify the horrendous crimes that they have committed.

When you kill another person in cold blood you do not have God's blessing for doing it. This seems to be the lie that the story of Joshua is telling us.

But most of all it is telling us the lie that God has chosen a certain group of people and the rest of humanity can just die and go to hell because they don't deserve to live. To kill them is not even a crime, because they have been judged by God.

This is a horrendous lie, don't believe this lie.


But most of all it is telling us the lie that God has chosen a certain group of people and the rest of humanity can just die and go to hell because they don't deserve to live. To kill them is not even a crime, because they have been judged by God.

God chooses no certain group. People choose God. Again, this land was taken from a group of people worshipping false Gods. So therefore the land was given to a group of obedient children. God didn't "choose" these people, these people chose God.


Nobodies killing anyone for anything. Jesus possess all the power of judgement. We are not to judge others. If we judge others, we are just as guilty as them and will be charged with whatever crimes it was they were being charged for.

Matthew 7
1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 06/15/12 09:35 AM

And for the record, I do believe in working for what I receive, but I don't believe in killing people for it or in stealing it from others. I don't think I would classify that as "working for it."

Now if I were a paid assassin, trained to lop off the heads of kings and babies, then I might feel I was working.

But I happen to feel that killing is wrong. No matter who I am working for.

Yes, "killing" is wrong. Thankfully God doesn't "kill". He judges with a righteous hand.


I'm killing for no false God, I'm not killing for our God. I'm not killing for anyone, what are you talking about? It is no longer our position to judge another, that is now in the hands of Jesus Christ, whom will return and judge the world.

YES YOU ARE. When you justify cold blooded murder and genocide in your mind, (and defend the action by saying it is for god) then it is as if you have done the killing yourself.

When I make the statement
I am talking to the ENTIRE WORLD.

Look around in this world. People are killing each other and justifying it by claiming they are doing it for their false gods.

That is insanity.



I agree peole should stop killing for their false Gods. But you're painting it out like that's the only or the main reason people kill others.