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Topic: Iran vs Israel:
Optomistic69's photo
Fri 05/18/12 01:04 PM

Israel is a free democratic society which honors and respects all
religions with a thriving economy and culture. Israel does not
attack others unless directly threatened and when they do defend
themselves they do it with a minimum of required force and do their
best to prevent civilian injuries.

Dec/Jan 2008/2009

23 days of continuous bombing by american supplied F16s

1400 Murdered...vast majority women and children

only posting half of what was going on again i see... typical liberal move... why didn't you talk about the consistent shelling by Hezbollah for 6 months before that, while they (Hezbollah) was breaking a peace treaty, which they have broken every time they have one? i guess you "forgot" about that side of it.... and, they were not shelling military forces, they were shelling peoples homes, killing entire families...


oops, my bad... i meant Hamas...

Just goes to show you are not that interested

Long way from Lebanon to Sedrot

I will give you a second shot regarding shelling..there are very good statistics on the lead up to the Israeli War Crimes

mightymoe's photo
Fri 05/18/12 01:05 PM
2007–2008 Gaza Conflict

This stage of the ongoing warfare in Gaza consisted of a series of battles between Palestinian militants and the Israel Defense Forces beginning in mid-May of 2007. Palestinian forces fired more than 220 home-made Qassam rockets at the Israel town of Sderot and the western Negev region over the span of a week. The Israeli warplanes responded with air-to-ground missiles and bomb, targeting Hamas military and political infrastructure targets. On February 29, Israeli ground forces entered Gaza, killing nearly 100 Hamas militants. Israel also halted the transfer of electricity, fuel, and other supplies into Gaza in an attempt to weaken Hamas. Despite all attempts at contolling the violence, Hamas forces continued to launch missile attacks at Israel. It must be noted that Hamas, like the Hezbollah army in Lebanon, is allied with, and supplied by, Iran, which is a declared enemy of Israel. In June of 2008, Egypt, acting as the go-between, managed to arrange a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas. This cease-fire was broken several times by both sides, but largely brought a measure of peace to the Israel-Gaza border. Israel maintained closed borders with Gaza, hoping to pressure the Hamas regime economically. While Israel indicated a willingness to extend the cease-fire, Hamas began increasing its Qassem rocket attacks on Israel, forcing the Israeli government to make a decision on how to respond.


In 2011, the more-or-less quiet Gaza front exploded into action as Israel responded to a resumption of Hamas rocket attacks into Israel.

On August 18, 2011, squads of heavily-armed Popular Resistance Committee (PRC) guerrillas from Gaza travelled about 120 miles through Egyptian Sinai to attack Israeli citizens near the southern Israeli city of Eilat, killing eight Israelis. Israel retaliated with airstrikes on targets inside Gaza. The PRC is a relatively small Palestinian resistance group that has at times served as an ally of Hamas.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 05/18/12 01:06 PM

Israel is a free democratic society which honors and respects all
religions with a thriving economy and culture. Israel does not
attack others unless directly threatened and when they do defend
themselves they do it with a minimum of required force and do their
best to prevent civilian injuries.

Dec/Jan 2008/2009

23 days of continuous bombing by american supplied F16s

1400 Murdered...vast majority women and children

only posting half of what was going on again i see... typical liberal move... why didn't you talk about the consistent shelling by Hezbollah for 6 months before that, while they (Hezbollah) was breaking a peace treaty, which they have broken every time they have one? i guess you "forgot" about that side of it.... and, they were not shelling military forces, they were shelling peoples homes, killing entire families...


oops, my bad... i meant Hamas...

Just goes to show you are not that interested

Long way from Lebanon to Sedrot

I will give you a second shot regarding shelling..there are very good statistics on the lead up to the Israeli War Crimes

don't get to comfortable in your statements, Hezbollah was in the middle of it to, hamas was more the main problem though...

mightymoe's photo
Fri 05/18/12 01:08 PM
2008 Gaza War: Airstrikes and Ground Invasion

On December 27, 2008, Israeli forces launched a major air attack on Hamas political and military targets in Gaza. Early reports indicate that between 200 and 255 Palestinians died on the first day of the attacks. News reports also indicated that Israeli ground forces were moving toward the Gaza border. Hamas forces responded with more Qassem rocket attacks, with some newer, longer-range rockets reaching the Israeli cities of Ashkelon and Ashdod.

Mid East analysts view the massive Israeli response as a means of showing its enemies that Israel is still a military force to be reckoned with. After losing the Second Lebanon War in 2006, Israel felt that Hezbollah, Hamas, and their Iranian patrons no longer feared Israel. Ever since independence in 1948, Israel has existed surrounded by enemies and literally has fought nearly continuous wars along its borders ever since. To many Israelis, appearing weak, or acting weak in front of its mortal foes only invites further attacks. Thus, while the Qassem rocket attacks are a real danger to the quarter-million or so Israelis within range of the Gaza border, these Hamas rockets pose no immenent threat to Israel's existence. By responding so forcefully, Israel hopes to ward off other enemies whose attacks could be more deadly, in particular, Iran, who its developing nuclear ambitions.

The timing of Israel's attacks is rather interesting, but actually somewhat predictable. It is no secret that President George W. Bush is a fervent ally of Israel, and the Dec. 27 attacks began as President Bush had only 24 more days as President of the United States. Both in the media and in the United Nations, the United States under the Bush Administration has been an unwavering ally and supporter of Israel, blocking key votes in the UN, which called for a cease-fire. Unsure of how the incoming Obama Administration may perceive an attack on Hamas, Israel likely decided to act to secure its southern border while their good friend George W. Bush was still in office and able to provide moral and diplomatic assistance.

As of January 5, United Nations officials, as well as media outlets estimate that the Gaza War has seen 524 Palestinians killed and 2,600 wounded since the Israel began "Operation Cast Lead" on December 27, the majority of these casualties among members of Hamas security forces, but at least 200 of the dead were civilians. Israel reports one soldier and three civilians killed since December 27, with 30 civilians wounded by Hamas rocket attacks. Israeli artillery joined in the attacks on January 3, 2009. Despite the massive air attacks, Hamas was still able to launch over 400 rockets and missiles into southern Israel. It became apparent that air power alone would not achieve the stated Israeli goal of halting the cross-border attacks by Hamas upon Israel's civilian population.

On January 3, thousands of Israeli troops, in three brigade-size formations, backed by tanks and attack helicopters, launched the expected ground invasion of the Gaza Strip in what Israel calls the "second stage of Operation Cast Lead." The Israeli military reported 30 soldiers received wounds in the opening hours of the offensive, and also reported "dozens" of cas ualties among the defending Hamas forces. It was also reported that Israeli naval vessels assisted with the invasion, providing fire into the Gaza Strip in support of ground troops.

Go here to see Ehud Barak Announcement about the start of the Israeli ground offensive.

By the end of the first day of the ground offensive, Israel announced that its forces had bisected the Gaza Strip and surrounded the city of Gaza. Heavy combat war also reported near the northern Gaza towns of Beit Lahiya, Beit Hanun and Jabaliya.

On January 6, Israeli forces fired mortar rounds at what they say was a launching area for Hamas rockets. The Israeli mortar shells struck a United Nations-run school at which hundreds of Palestinian civilians had taken shelter. The UN reported approximately 40 dead civilians in this attack. The bombing of the school brought a large amount of criticism on Israel from around the world. Though Israel justified the attack by claiming Hamas launched rockets from that area, Israel took a hit in terms of world public opinion.

On January 8, Hezbollah forces launched rockets into Israel from Lebanon, raising the possibility of a second front in the new war.

Israeli troops pushed into a heavily populated area of Gaza City from the south on January 11 in hard fighting, in which Israeli and Hamas forces engaged in vicious unconventional asymmetrical warfare house to house, and street by street.

On January 17, Israeli announced a unilateral ceasefire, deciding to halt operations without first securing an agreement with Hamas.

The next day, January 18, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian militia groups declared they would halt the launching of rockets into Israel for one week, while demanding that Israel withdraw from Gaza within the week.

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 05/18/12 01:10 PM
Palestinians claim that Sedrot is their homeland so technically they are not attacking Israel

mightymoe's photo
Fri 05/18/12 01:12 PM

Palestinians claim that Sedrot is their homeland so technically they are not attacking Israel

they are still taking innocent lives... the people they are killing just want to live too... radicals are radicals, no matter what their cause is...

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 05/18/12 01:17 PM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Fri 05/18/12 01:18 PM

Palestinians claim that Sedrot is their homeland so technically they are not attacking Israel

they are still taking innocent lives... the people they are killing just want to live too... radicals are radicals, no matter what their cause is...

Yes, innocent Israeli Lives and Innocent Palestinian Lives

Just for the record the Killing Ratio is 100 to 1

100 Palestinians to 1 Israeli

Final Point.....Palestinians are entitled to resist their ethnic cleansing and occupation

mightymoe's photo
Fri 05/18/12 01:19 PM
the whole thing with Israel is that it was ruled in a world court to grant them this land... what the americans did to the native indians was way worse, and they got over it... kinda... these groups that are bombing Israel are terrorist groups, with no legal ties to this land, and killing innocent civilians. Israel is surrounded by enemies, with no choice but to fight back....

mightymoe's photo
Fri 05/18/12 01:21 PM

Palestinians claim that Sedrot is their homeland so technically they are not attacking Israel

they are still taking innocent lives... the people they are killing just want to live too... radicals are radicals, no matter what their cause is...

Yes, innocent Israeli Lives and Innocent Palestinian Lives

Just for the record the Killing Ratio is 100 to 1

100 Palestinians to 1 Israeli

Final Point.....Palestinians are entitled to resist their ethnic cleansing and occupation

your taking that way out of proportion. Israel just wants peace, and cannot have it because of the radical terrorists that surround them...

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 05/18/12 01:26 PM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Fri 05/18/12 01:32 PM

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 05/18/12 01:30 PM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Fri 05/18/12 01:31 PM

The First Right Wing Prime Minister of Israel was an avowed Terrorist and Leader of The Irgun, a Terrorist Organization .

What is the difference

Bible in one hand and a Gun in the other

In Palestine in 1940, Begin was incensed by British attempts to restrict immigration and instigated the underground military campaign against the mandate power. The British offered a reward for his capture, but they never caught him.

Under Begin's command, the underground terrorist group Irgun carried out numerous acts of violence.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 05/18/12 01:34 PM

The First Right Wing Prime Minister of Israel was an avowed Terrorist and Leader of The Irgun, a Terrorist Organization .

What is the difference

Bible in one hand and a Gun in the other

In Palestine in 1940, Begin was incensed by British attempts to restrict immigration and instigated the underground military campaign against the mandate power. The British offered a reward for his capture, but they never caught him.

Under Begin's command, the underground terrorist group Irgun carried out numerous acts of violence.

it seems to me that Israel is trying to right their past wrongs, but the terrorist groups aren't letting them... every country has done some wrongs in their past, and your also talking about over 70 years ago... most of those people are dead now...

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 05/18/12 01:51 PM

The First Right Wing Prime Minister of Israel was an avowed Terrorist and Leader of The Irgun, a Terrorist Organization .

What is the difference

Bible in one hand and a Gun in the other

In Palestine in 1940, Begin was incensed by British attempts to restrict immigration and instigated the underground military campaign against the mandate power. The British offered a reward for his capture, but they never caught him.

Under Begin's command, the underground terrorist group Irgun carried out numerous acts of violence.

it seems to me that Israel is trying to right their past wrongs, but the terrorist groups aren't letting them... every country has done some wrongs in their past, and your also talking about over 70 years ago... most of those people are dead now...

At least you have acknowledged that Israel has committed Terrorist Acts

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 05/18/12 02:14 PM
at least the Title of the Thread is right:"Iran VS............".

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 05/18/12 02:16 PM

The First Right Wing Prime Minister of Israel was an avowed Terrorist and Leader of The Irgun, a Terrorist Organization .

What is the difference

Bible in one hand and a Gun in the other

In Palestine in 1940, Begin was incensed by British attempts to restrict immigration and instigated the underground military campaign against the mandate power. The British offered a reward for his capture, but they never caught him.

Under Begin's command, the underground terrorist group Irgun carried out numerous acts of violence.

it seems to me that Israel is trying to right their past wrongs, but the terrorist groups aren't letting them... every country has done some wrongs in their past, and your also talking about over 70 years ago... most of those people are dead now...

At least you have acknowledged that Israel has committed Terrorist Acts
actually they were committed by Insurgents against British Military Targets!

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 05/18/12 02:26 PM
The Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948, when around 120 fighters from the Irgun Zevai Leumi and Lohamei Herut Israel Zionist paramilitary groups attacked Deir Yassin near Jerusalem, a Palestinian-Arab village of roughly 600 people.[1] The assault occurred as Jewish militia sought to relieve the blockade of Jerusalem during the civil war that preceded the end of British rule in Palestine.[2]
Around 107 villagers were killed during and after the battle for the village, including women and children—some were shot, while others died when hand grenades were thrown into their homes

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 05/18/12 03:39 PM
Iran will get what the Duck got,when the time is ripe!laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 05/18/12 03:42 PM

The Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948, when around 120 fighters from the Irgun Zevai Leumi and Lohamei Herut Israel Zionist paramilitary groups attacked Deir Yassin near Jerusalem, a Palestinian-Arab village of roughly 600 people.[1] The assault occurred as Jewish militia sought to relieve the blockade of Jerusalem during the civil war that preceded the end of British rule in Palestine.[2]
Around 107 villagers were killed during and after the battle for the village, including women and children—some were shot, while others died when hand grenades were thrown into their homes
you want to tell me that the Palestinians were hiding behind their Women and Children and Old Folks,and using them as Shields even then?sick
Just like in Cast Lead?

no photo
Fri 05/18/12 03:52 PM
The evil element in this world knows that their time here is limited.

You can know them by their deeds. Always.

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 05/18/12 03:59 PM

The evil element in this world knows that their time here is limited.

You can know them by their deeds. Always.

They Become Very Obvious as The Noose Tightens.

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