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Topic: The pope has gone too far
PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 07/27/07 07:26 AM
I'm sittin watchin TV last night when I hear the pope shoot of his mouth about
how Catholicism is the ONLY Christian belief and the rest of them are all wrong
and confused. Now, no offense to Catholics, I believe that what one believes
is their business, BUT, Catholicism is also the ONLY Christian belief that has
murdered hundreds of thousands to "convert" them and/or steal their gold.
What makes the pope think he is THE divine messenger of God??? He is elected
to the position by other men. What galls me the most is the the fact that
the vatican, with all its opulence, is located in THE poorest part of Europe.
People that live in that neighbourhood die from starvation regularily. The
vatican generates more revenue than most major corporations and yet
hoards it instead of helping the people around it.
This Pope is going to hell along with many other popes. Not all, but many.
It makes me wonder JUST how Christian the Vatican and some popes are.
When the 2nd World War ended and the Nazi's were being rounded up, many
escaped to South America via the Vatican. Pope Pious X (I believe) gave
them asylum, then provided forged documents for them to get out of Europe.
Then again, with the Vatican's own record in the New World, it's hardly
surprising they had no problem helping a bunch of mass murderers to escape,
the Vatican has plenty of blood on its own hands from the mass murder of
the South and Central American Indians, just to steal their gold.
Guess those 10 commandments DON'T apply to the Pope or the Vatican, ya know,
thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not covet another's
possessions. And yet the current pope "explains" how all the other Christian
faiths have it all wrong??? Sheeeesh what a dork!

ArtGurl's photo
Fri 07/27/07 07:45 AM
oh oh, more fear and damnation then? How Christ-like of him...

I am not amused grumble

s1owhand's photo
Fri 07/27/07 09:12 AM
weeellllll, i'm not gonna slam the pope but i will say that i do not agree with everything he says or with some of the positions taken by the Holy See. but mostly i view this as an opportunity to post a link to Rowan Atkinson's "Welcome to Hell" sketch which is uproarious fun for a Friday if you haven't seen yet!

Pretty much all of your answers may be found in this sketch.

Tryingtofindyou's photo
Fri 07/27/07 09:46 AM
Dude, judge not lest ye be judged. Perhaps you could share with the rest of us that list you have that says who's going to hell (and who's not).

no photo
Fri 07/27/07 11:43 AM
judge ye righteously... woops not a real popular verse.

no photo
Fri 07/27/07 11:48 AM
i believe we have not only the ability but the obligation to look for the truths, as if something is truly of God how could it be a lie. The catch is that we had better keep an open mind while doing so.
I love those Catholics as i knom a ton of em and thy are all fine upstanding people..... but really dont understand how a lot of thier beliefs could be considered scriptual.
i wouldent want to be a false teacher when my judgment day comes.. like say the pope, bishops, cardnals, ect.

Differentkindofwench's photo
Fri 07/27/07 01:37 PM
rambill, "judge ye righteously" may not be popular, but I'm thinkin' it most definitely applies. Another phrase comes to mind: "Money talks and bulls*hit walks."

Differentkindofwench's photo
Fri 07/27/07 02:07 PM
slow - laugh laugh laugh

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 07/27/07 02:35 PM
Would you please tell where did you find all that information about the catholic church and the popes i would like to read it.
Because it's not to easy just to rise a statement with no plausible proof.

lulu24's photo
Fri 07/27/07 02:46 PM
good thing you're not catholic then, eh?

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Fri 07/27/07 05:10 PM
maybe be you should smoke some more weed..i hear you can find Enlightenment that way.but watchout for us Catholics.We've been kickin but and taking names since before Christ was a child.:wink:

Differentkindofwench's photo
Fri 07/27/07 05:22 PM
laugh Cutelittledevil's!

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 07/27/07 06:09 PM
jax u kill me girl
laugh laugh laugh

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 07/27/07 06:12 PM
Actually, I've heard about his speech, even read a blurb from it on another web site. It really didn't phase me all that much, but from the reaction of others, I see, there was much offense taken.

It's only recently, with forums such as JSH, that I've discovered that a new wave of Christianity has become popular. People who form congregations or religious communities, based on little more than faith in God and Jesus as savior. No hell, only eternal life in the sight of God for those who have such faith. No list of taboo's, no prayers for absolution and often no rituals other than baptism and marriage. Easy going, non-judgmental people who share a common belief.

However, it was not always like this. Anyone who is associated with the older, more ritualistic or fundamentalist religions such as Lutheran, Episcopal, Baptist, Methodist, Calvary, and Evangelical and the many others, can tell you, that they are taught and believe as they do because it is the one true path to salvation. Any sin can demote one to non-existence but 'their' particular religious teachings are to help correct that issue and therefore, any who do not believe as they do, do not walk the way as they walk it, is bound for hell.

This is old news, this is the way and the reason that so many sects of Christianity exist today.

With that in mind, I find it not only amazing but somewhat distasteful that so many would find the words of the Pope appauling. Sounds like a double standard issue to me. He, the Pope, is only saying, in front of a rather huge audience, what every other fundamentalist religion has been preaching and believing for several hundred years.


For those of you who hold to the NEW wave of Christian ethics, I would expect you all to take a deep breath and sigh, with head shaking, and saying a prayer for the the unfortunate crowds who are led astray by such comments.

And for those of you connected with or laying claim to any of the old, fundamentalist, more common faiths, I would like to know why your dogma (doctrines) are any better than the Catholics?

no photo
Fri 07/27/07 07:50 PM
because my beliefs are bible based, not doctrine of man. e.g.
purgatory????? where in the bible?
trinity??????? "
the pope???? "

the bible says to call no one Father except your father which is in Heaven....

one of the top 10 is thou shalt not kneel before a craven image
.... theres 21 craven images complete with kneeling stations around the perimeter of the sanctuary in a catholic church

lets not even go into the history of this church and thier transgressions....

lulu24's photo
Fri 07/27/07 07:55 PM
craven? what, exactly, is cowardly about these images?

no photo
Fri 07/27/07 07:57 PM
.. and how can i take any of these so called religions seriously when they cant even get the sabbath day right? The punishment for not observing the sabbath day being death.

no photo
Fri 07/27/07 07:58 PM
COWARDLY? TRY Against Gods law.

damnitscloudy's photo
Fri 07/27/07 07:58 PM
I've been kicked out of the Catholic Church and told I was going to hell. Its just however each church defines their beliefs. I don't hate any Catholics in that congregation, or do I hate the pastor. What he did was wrong, and we are all human so we can't be right 100% of the time. Its only natural.

lulu24's photo
Fri 07/27/07 08:00 PM

1. lacking even the rudiments of courage; abjectly fearful; "the craven fellow turned and ran"; "a craven proposal to raise the white flag"; "this recreant knight"- Spenser

1. an abject coward

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