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Topic: The pope has gone too far
armydoc4u's photo
Mon 08/20/07 11:32 PM
not to be on the catholic bashing bandwagon but....

wh is it if they have this sacred link to this JC fellow all they ever do is talk about the chaps mamma?

why isit as well that other works known to be of the time and place of christ some even written by those who say christ himself have been disavowed and deem heratic to the church.

how is it that it escaped them that mathew mark luke and john all contradict themselves, leaving only john to be written presumabley in the closest thing to first person as any of them could be considered. and his version of the said cross hanging (biblical linchin) was nothing like that written in earlier books.

how to is it that only the few men of the time ( umm i believe it was around 1099 a.d.) decided only after constantine died 600 years before what was it the bible should even read like, themselves leaving countless records back and forth discussing the matter (leave out this book, put in this one, take out that verse etcetera.) I mean the whole idea of basing ones faith on the honesty of other men who time and time again have been out for nothing but their own intrest truly baffles the hell out of me.

true scolars even of that day such as the historian josephues wrote about countless jesus run ins. were there precieved "miracles" in his testimony? umm dont remember reading them if there were.

even the catholic church has been on occassion themselves given to "redefine" what your good book says, further clouding any true judement. and to be the self righteous holders of the church of who "peter" wasnt it, the rock? well if he's my rock that im to immulate then give me a butterfly, it has more spine. i can not look up to or admire such a man who would cowar when challenged, hey turn the other cheek but there's only two to turn.

i think i ranted enough, sorry for stealing the thread,,,,here you can have it back, i feel dirty now.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 08/20/07 11:44 PM
the beauty of this country is the freedom of speech, thought, and dreams.
ergo if some people love to have paranoic dreams about the catholic church as an evil institution, i encourage everybody around to keep living in that narcotic dream.

armydoc4u's photo
Tue 08/21/07 06:47 AM
narcotics? LW im clean and sober.

politics, religion, and sex...you know thats the trinity we're not supposed to talk about. and freedom to believe what ever we believe so long as it is in agreeance with you. viscious man, retract the fangs bro, such hate and hostilities from a righteous man as you?

to question those in supposed authority is to do our moral obligation to keep the tempted honest. you can not preach on the honesty and integrity of a church or rather a group of men that have demonstrated time and again the true corrupt nature of man. have your beliefs, but as the good book says dont build upon the sand, cause brother you will be swept out to sea. your relationship to god is your personal right and belief that no man can ever take away from you, stand strong for your beliefs, and be proud of them, but to let man say something to do or be or your love is wrong, is just not right.

peace man- doc

adj4u's photo
Tue 08/21/07 07:28 AM
believe that which you feel is right

as for me i will stay away from the catholic doctrine

to many conflicts of their own teachings with what is biblical

and some have been listed in this thread

but ya all know how i feel about organized religion

organized religion ==== the root of all evil

Differentkindofwench's photo
Tue 08/21/07 01:32 PM
I don't know, Adj, is organized religion the root of all evil or does it really get down to a one word level - GREED, perhaps? You might wanna go with lust here too, only its the lust for one's own need to be a "have" rather than a "have not" (be it power, money, land, supremacy of some sort and in the greed mentality - all of the above).

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 08/21/07 07:11 PM
what i've seen within the catholic church since i was a little child, it is very far from what the media has sold to you. If I go just by what the media tries to sell people, then i will have your same state of mind. I try to go beyond what the media sells.
Catholicism has been built by men, and ofcourse the Church has commited irreparable mistakes inquisition, crusades, etc.
However, the root of my church priests, nuns, and volunteers who work hard everyday to make poor people lives better that is what the medio does not show, and that is the church I have experienced.
Men and women who go where there is war, just to satisfy the greedy interest of a few, and the great majority just suffer.
There where you go and shoot the enemy, and you don't even know if one of the bullets hit a little child or a pregnant woman.
There the people of my church go and try to bring a little bit of peace where you cause destruction.

Differentkindofwench's photo
Tue 08/21/07 08:59 PM
LW, this is just one of my clarifying moments, so please don't take this wrong. In the last line of your last post, by "you cause destruction" do you mean "others" cause destruction? I'm just thinking somebody with a name like "armydoc" sounds more like a healer style type person rather than a "causes destruction" type person. Again, just an observation.....

adj4u's photo
Tue 08/21/07 09:02 PM
wench think about the following statements

were does evil come from

where does the definition of evil evolve out of

yer the first one in 5 years that said anything civil enough

to deserve a response

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 08/21/07 11:46 PM
"you" is used broadly in this context.
not to point out anybody in specific.

no photo
Wed 08/22/07 01:57 PM
q- who killed Jesus?
ans., not the romans, but the sanhedren, the religious rulers of the day.

as for the catholics, whats up with mother mary worsip? and the saints? I must have missed the scripture about praying to them.

Robert1680's photo
Wed 08/22/07 02:01 PM
yep....(sips ice tea and stretches out in lazy-boy)....

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