that is what i mean all the _------- _hit that goes on sorry i brougt this >hit up u all have a nice night _______
how old are you?
and do you think its bad to be made to say the plegde or pray? buy pray i mean 5 mins to do your own thing? pray to god satin or what ever? really im just askin.. |
Me ??
its up 2 u if u want 2 prey 2 the devel then its 2 u
really just askin.. |
Or everybody ...... errr .
Nevermind . Im 23 and we said the pledge when I was a child during class all standing with our little hands on our hearts fine and dandy . I dont see the need for it . If someone wants to say it and pray go ahead take your 5minutes . It doesnt bother me but why should I be made to do it or exposed when it is not my belief ? |
just wondering!!
the plegde is just a way to say yeah im an american and i proud!! i think people dontknow that anymore but as far as prayin hey im all for foin what ya do!! 23?no sh!t? hehe thought you was like 16 18 something like that!!! cool... |
if u r talking 2 me thanks
16-18 geee thanks for the compliment . Actually I get that alot some lady asked me if I was ready for school to start back the other day .
I have other ways of showing that I love my country without saying the pledge . Words dont mean that much anyone can say them . |
you go girl!!!
i tottaly understand!! |
good night all
Goodnight Eagle .
I say we Should put prayer back in school
and chanting bowing to Mecca develop non-burning incense so the kids can set the mood for meditation on Mondays they can all pledge allegiance to the Maroon Monkeys of Mars...........Hop on one leg while spinning counter clockwise three times.........or practice their right not to practice. |
| guys had to do a pledge of allegiance???? No wonder America is so patriotic
and dizzy
The problem is the pledge of allegiance is so full of symbolism and imagery that kids don't is the Bible...Instead of making kids memorizing things and making them recite these things about teaching them what these images mean...and let them make their own decision on whether they should participate or not.
I remember being 6 years old, in first grade, and the class would say the pledge every morning. Nobody had any idea what "indivisible" meant (most of the kids said "invisible") or "allegiance," or half the other words. And no one ever bothered to explain it.
Just a bunch of little kids parroting words they didn't understand, and who had no idea what the underlying purpose of it all was. We didn't understand the word "indoctrination" back then, either. |
mandatory vaccines...................
get out now... |