Topic: What War With Iran Might Look Like
Bestinshow's photo
Tue 01/17/12 05:07 PM

If we do anything in Iran it will only be limited targeting of their
nuclear facilities to destroy them. There will likely be few if any
boots on the ground and no need for troops to be deployed there for
any length of time or for any significant duty.

That would be an act of war so lets hope we dont. The media hype is so one sided its as if we live in Stalins Russia or Hitlers Germany.

Only a rube can think Iran wont retaliate and not many are convinced after the debacle in Iraq that Iran is doing anything its not supposed to.

I think cooler heads will prevail because an attack on Iran will have huge economic consequences and create far more suffering.

Havent we all suffered enough with all these wars and we have gained NOTHING!

Except make fools of ourselves, our country and its people.

Oh and the one percenters got a little richer.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 01/17/12 05:17 PM

If we do anything in Iran it will only be limited targeting of their
nuclear facilities to destroy them. There will likely be few if any
boots on the ground and no need for troops to be deployed there for
any length of time or for any significant duty.


I agree, all though we might have a lot of ships in there if they try to close off the strait.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 01/17/12 05:18 PM

If we do anything in Iran it will only be limited targeting of their
nuclear facilities to destroy them. There will likely be few if any
boots on the ground and no need for troops to be deployed there for
any length of time or for any significant duty.

That would be an act of war so lets hope we dont. The media hype is so one sided its as if we live in Stalins Russia or Hitlers Germany.

Only a rube can think Iran wont retaliate and not many are convinced after the debacle in Iraq that Iran is doing anything its not supposed to.

I think cooler heads will prevail because an attack on Iran will have huge economic consequences and create far more suffering.

Havent we all suffered enough with all these wars and we have gained NOTHING!

Except make fools of ourselves, our country and its people.

Oh and the one percenters got a little richer.

Nothing happened when Israel knocked out the reactor in Iraq and in Syria. Iran wont do crap because they are pathetic and weak.

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 01/17/12 05:27 PM

If we do anything in Iran it will only be limited targeting of their
nuclear facilities to destroy them. There will likely be few if any
boots on the ground and no need for troops to be deployed there for
any length of time or for any significant duty.

That would be an act of war so lets hope we dont. The media hype is so one sided its as if we live in Stalins Russia or Hitlers Germany.

Only a rube can think Iran wont retaliate and not many are convinced after the debacle in Iraq that Iran is doing anything its not supposed to.

I think cooler heads will prevail because an attack on Iran will have huge economic consequences and create far more suffering.

Havent we all suffered enough with all these wars and we have gained NOTHING!

Except make fools of ourselves, our country and its people.

Oh and the one percenters got a little richer.

Nothing happened when Israel knocked out the reactor in Iraq and in Syria. Iran wont do crap because they are pathetic and weak.
Lets hope its all hype to drive up the oil prices and keep us poor.

Thats seems to be the result of all this bluster.

Nothing good has come from any of these wars nothing good at all, well unless your a one percenter.

carold's photo
Tue 01/17/12 05:39 PM

Wow I had no idea how many misinformed people we have in this country.........I blame the usual suspect, Fox news.
Don't watch itohwell

carold's photo
Tue 01/17/12 05:43 PM

Lets review some facts. the CIA over threw the democratic government in Iran and placed the Shaw in power and his police were far more brutal than Sadams henchmen we proped him up for many years while his people suffered.

Any war with Iran would send gas prices through the roof and cripple the economy and align Russia and China against us. Any one who thinks a war with Iran is a good idea didnt learn a damn thing about Iraq.

Man you have to be retarded to buy into that WMD crap again.

Who cares if they get a bomb anyhow? At least our brave leaders wont start another war if they get one to all our benefit.

Russia and China are already aligned against us. laugh As far as gas prices thats BS, Iran is driving our gas prices through the roof by just threatening to close the Strait.
And why aren't we drilling for oil in the gulf? We have oil and we can get it else where. The government just wants to keep us in fear. Just look at the news.

carold's photo
Tue 01/17/12 05:44 PM

If we do anything in Iran it will only be limited targeting of their
nuclear facilities to destroy them. There will likely be few if any
boots on the ground and no need for troops to be deployed there for
any length of time or for any significant duty.

That would be an act of war so lets hope we dont. The media hype is so one sided its as if we live in Stalins Russia or Hitlers Germany.

Only a rube can think Iran wont retaliate and not many are convinced after the debacle in Iraq that Iran is doing anything its not supposed to.

I think cooler heads will prevail because an attack on Iran will have huge economic consequences and create far more suffering.

Havent we all suffered enough with all these wars and we have gained NOTHING!

Except make fools of ourselves, our country and its people.

Oh and the one percenters got a little richer.

Nothing happened when Israel knocked out the reactor in Iraq and in Syria. Iran wont do crap because they are pathetic and weak.
Lets hope its all hype to drive up the oil prices and keep us poor.

Thats seems to be the result of all this bluster.

Nothing good has come from any of these wars nothing good at all, well unless your a one percenter.
Just hype so the rich get richer

s1owhand's photo
Wed 01/18/12 08:03 AM

KaBoom! whOops.

Not everyone takes Iran seriously. An Israeli ad shows the Mossad working in Iran. There's even an App to attack the nuclear plant.

Video: Israeli Commercial Spoofs Mossad Bombing Iran Nuke Plant

carold's photo
Wed 01/18/12 08:08 AM
Is it fair for us to say who can and can't have nuclear weapons? And why? When we came out with this we didn't know it would come to this. I say stay out of there business. We could blow them away in a heart beat we have nothing to worry about. Unless all this bs is just for there oil.

s1owhand's photo
Wed 01/18/12 08:15 AM

Is it fair for us to say who can and can't have nuclear weapons? And why? When we came out with this we didn't know it would come to this. I say stay out of there business. We could blow them away in a heart beat we have nothing to worry about. Unless all this bs is just for there oil.

It is not only fair it is the only responsible thing to do.
You do not permit terrorist groups or their supporters - those
who are actively trying to kill as many innocent civilians as
possible to get nuclear weapons. If you can help it.

This is the issue. This is why it is the policy of so many countries is that
Iranian development of nuclear weapons is unacceptable.

If we learned anything from WWII it is to take threats of genocide
and terrorism seriously. And we do.

Iran can stop it simply by ceasing activities which could be used
to develop nuclear weapons - otherwise many around the world including
the US, our allies and most Arabic countries int the Middle East
will likely destroy this capability by force before it can be used
to kill large numbers of innocent people.

If peaceful pressure fails as it has been failing then the military
option will soon be the only option left.

Simple really.

no photo
Wed 01/18/12 08:22 AM

Is it fair for us to say who can and can't have nuclear weapons? And why? When we came out with this we didn't know it would come to this. I say stay out of there business. We could blow them away in a heart beat we have nothing to worry about. Unless all this bs is just for there oil.

It is not only fair it is the only responsible thing to do.
You do not permit terrorist groups or their supporters - those
who are actively trying to kill as many innocent civilians as
possible to get nuclear weapons. If you can help it.

This is the issue. This is why it is the policy of so many countries is that
Iranian development of nuclear weapons is unacceptable.

If we learned anything from WWII it is to take threats of genocide
and terrorism seriously. And we do.

Iran can stop it simply by ceasing activities which could be used
to develop nuclear weapons - otherwise many around the world including
the US, our allies and most Arabic countries int the Middle East
will likely destroy this capability by force before it can be used
to kill large numbers of innocent people.

If peaceful pressure fails as it has been failing then the military
option will soon be the only option left.

Simple really.


Conrad_73's photo
Wed 01/18/12 08:43 AM

If we do anything in Iran it will only be limited targeting of their
nuclear facilities to destroy them. There will likely be few if any
boots on the ground and no need for troops to be deployed there for
any length of time or for any significant duty.

That would be an act of war so lets hope we dont. The media hype is so one sided its as if we live in Stalins Russia or Hitlers Germany.

Only a rube can think Iran wont retaliate and not many are convinced after the debacle in Iraq that Iran is doing anything its not supposed to.

I think cooler heads will prevail because an attack on Iran will have huge economic consequences and create far more suffering.

Havent we all suffered enough with all these wars and we have gained NOTHING!

Except make fools of ourselves, our country and its people.

Oh and the one percenters got a little richer.

Nothing happened when Israel knocked out the reactor in Iraq and in Syria. Iran wont do crap because they are pathetic and weak.
Lets hope its all hype to drive up the oil prices and keep us poor.

Thats seems to be the result of all this bluster.

Nothing good has come from any of these wars nothing good at all, well unless your a one percenter.
Just hype so the rich get richer
Or the Greenies crapping all over themselves,and right now,with the present Administration they have thev upper hand!
United States is sitting on so much Oil,they could tell all those Mullahs,Sheiks etc to go and suck Oil and pound Sand!

It staggers the Imagination why the USofA isn't drilling their Own Oil!surprised

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 01/18/12 08:47 AM


KaBoom! whOops.

Not everyone takes Iran seriously. An Israeli ad shows the Mossad working in Iran. There's even an App to attack the nuclear plant.

Video: Israeli Commercial Spoofs Mossad Bombing Iran Nuke Plant

good one!:laughing: :thumbsup:

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 01/18/12 08:48 AM

If we do anything in Iran it will only be limited targeting of their
nuclear facilities to destroy them. There will likely be few if any
boots on the ground and no need for troops to be deployed there for
any length of time or for any significant duty.

That would be an act of war so lets hope we dont. The media hype is so one sided its as if we live in Stalins Russia or Hitlers Germany.

Only a rube can think Iran wont retaliate and not many are convinced after the debacle in Iraq that Iran is doing anything its not supposed to.

I think cooler heads will prevail because an attack on Iran will have huge economic consequences and create far more suffering.

Havent we all suffered enough with all these wars and we have gained NOTHING!

Except make fools of ourselves, our country and its people.

Oh and the one percenters got a little richer.
My Man,you really need to read up some on Soviet-Russia and Nazi-Germany before making those Statements!rofl

RKISIT's photo
Wed 01/18/12 08:58 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Wed 01/18/12 09:13 AM
Lets say the US military bombs the facilities cause everyone in the world knows the US will be the ones doing it.After the dust settles and the dead bodies if any remain are removed.Who is gonna go in Iran to be sure the US got it all and there isn't anymore facilities?US recon and land troops?Of course you're gonna have support from other countries when they know they aren't the ones that are gonna do the bombing.

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 01/18/12 01:40 PM
Maybe if we didnt stick our noses in other countries and topple elected governments as in the case in Iran and the Shaw they wouldnt hate us so much. Or maybe if we didnt send drones to spy on them or invade other countries for BS they wouldnt hate us so much.

Or the grandest of them all if maybe we didnt allow Israel to build and stockpile nuclear weapons we wouldnt look so totaly absurd in the eyes of the rest of the world.

Are we a nation that abides by treaties or just a big bully nation ?

If a person is objective it seems we will play nice with any dictator or form of government as long as they respect our economic interests, that is the interests of the 1%.

If you do not well you will not be able to do anything right and our lousy corperate media will lead the charge to demonize said government and rile up we stupid americans for yet another unjust war.

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 01/18/12 02:00 PM

If we do anything in Iran it will only be limited targeting of their
nuclear facilities to destroy them. There will likely be few if any
boots on the ground and no need for troops to be deployed there for
any length of time or for any significant duty.

That would be an act of war so lets hope we dont. The media hype is so one sided its as if we live in Stalins Russia or Hitlers Germany.

Only a rube can think Iran wont retaliate and not many are convinced after the debacle in Iraq that Iran is doing anything its not supposed to.

I think cooler heads will prevail because an attack on Iran will have huge economic consequences and create far more suffering.

Havent we all suffered enough with all these wars and we have gained NOTHING!

Except make fools of ourselves, our country and its people.

Oh and the one percenters got a little richer.
My Man,you really need to read up some on Soviet-Russia and Nazi-Germany before making those Statements!rofl
Mr. Conrad I am verry well read and history is one of my favorite subjects I wonder why you even bother commenting at all your so far off target so often.

When forming my opinion on 911 one of the first things that came to my mind was when hitler dressed german troops as polish troops and had them attack a radio station and then claim poland attacked germany first giveing him justification for the attack on poland.

Keep in mind Mr Conrad the Fuher, unlike Bush was beloved by his people and was a decorated war hero, he betrayed his people without batting an eye to get the war he wanted.

Why do you think our leaders have any more or less morality?

Before this country starts the killing machine we need to ask ourselves is this war realy worth fighting and who are we realy fighting it for?

All I know is it will raise gas prices possibly get my child drafted in protacted war, for sure kill hundreds of thousands of civilians none whome except for a few posters on here( who never even served) want. Futher destroy our crippled economy etc etc etc.

One would either have to be a shrill for the 1% or totaly insane to hope for a war.

I hope Iran gets a bomb so Israel and Iran can practise detante as we did with Russai for decades without incident.

The worlds interests would better served.

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 01/18/12 02:25 PM

If we do anything in Iran it will only be limited targeting of their
nuclear facilities to destroy them. There will likely be few if any
boots on the ground and no need for troops to be deployed there for
any length of time or for any significant duty.

That would be an act of war so lets hope we dont. The media hype is so one sided its as if we live in Stalins Russia or Hitlers Germany.

Only a rube can think Iran wont retaliate and not many are convinced after the debacle in Iraq that Iran is doing anything its not supposed to.

I think cooler heads will prevail because an attack on Iran will have huge economic consequences and create far more suffering.

Havent we all suffered enough with all these wars and we have gained NOTHING!

Except make fools of ourselves, our country and its people.

Oh and the one percenters got a little richer.
My Man,you really need to read up some on Soviet-Russia and Nazi-Germany before making those Statements!rofl
Mr. Conrad I am verry well read and history is one of my favorite subjects I wonder why you even bother commenting at all your so far off target so often.

When forming my opinion on 911 one of the first things that came to my mind was when hitler dressed german troops as polish troops and had them attack a radio station and then claim poland attacked germany first giveing him justification for the attack on poland.

Keep in mind Mr Conrad the Fuher, unlike Bush was beloved by his people and was a decorated war hero, he betrayed his people without batting an eye to get the war he wanted.

Why do you think our leaders have any more or less morality?

Before this country starts the killing machine we need to ask ourselves is this war realy worth fighting and who are we realy fighting it for?

All I know is it will raise gas prices possibly get my child drafted in protacted war, for sure kill hundreds of thousands of civilians none whome except for a few posters on here( who never even served) want. Futher destroy our crippled economy etc etc etc.

One would either have to be a shrill for the 1% or totaly insane to hope for a war.

I hope Iran gets a bomb so Israel and Iran can practise detante as we did with Russai for decades without incident.

The worlds interests would better served.

Read up on it yet?
You really need to do better before making statements like those!

Optomistic69's photo
Wed 01/18/12 02:30 PM

Mr. Conrad I am very well read and history is one of my favorite subjects I wonder why you even bother commenting at all your so far off target so often.

The thing with Mr Con is ....nobody is as well read as he is so their viewpoint has no place in his mind.

He is the master of put down but no solutions to problems....drinker

you looked in the Mirror this Morning,Opto?:laughing:

Actually it just peeves me when People make statement that show they haven' an inkling what they talk about!
Talking about the US being like the Soviet-Union under Stalin proves it!:laughing:

We are talking about Iran here...

What is your solution??

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 01/18/12 02:32 PM

Mr. Conrad I am very well read and history is one of my favorite subjects I wonder why you even bother commenting at all your so far off target so often.

The thing with Mr Con is ....nobody is as well read as he is so their viewpoint has no place in his mind.

He is the master of put down but no solutions to problems....drinker

you looked in the Mirror this Morning,Opto?:laughing:

Actually it just peeves me when People make statement that show they haven' an inkling what they talk about!
Talking about the US being like the Soviet-Union under Stalin proves it!:laughing:

We are talking about Iran here...

What is your solution??
Your Buddy was talking about Stalin in that Connection!
Whatever is necessary,regardless how much the Progressives howl!