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Topic: Obamas big day
boredinaz06's photo
Thu 01/12/12 10:21 AM

Don't forget golfing in Florida while a billion gallons of oil destroyed the gulf coast.

the gulf coast was destroyed? I Wasnt aware

are presidents permitted to personally clean up such messes?

Pretty much! The fishing isn't any where near being back to where it was. We have yet to see the full effect on the mangrove systems, but do know that much of flora will/has died.

The president should have been in charge of this mess being that it was a British company that did, instead he did and congress for that matter let em get away without any real punishment. When Obama asked for a moratorium on drilling he sure didn't try very hard.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 01/12/12 01:01 PM

Pre election year. Campaigning instead of doing his job.
First 2 years after election. Blaming Bush.
Second and third year. Pushing us Gazillion dollars more in debt and making sure Wall Street and ACORN are secure in their jobs.
Last year and all prior years. Golfing and vacations.
Present day. Golfing and campaigning. Planning vacations.

Nice freakin' job, if you can get it.slaphead

Don't forget his latest luxurious vacation in Hawaii (that I know of) where he managed on the last day of the year to sign that pesky NDAA bill that made it legal to indefinitely detain any U.S. citizen (along with anyone else) without charges or a trial!!

thats nothing , last year I took TWO cruises to mexico, guess I should feel like scum,,,,,,,because some people cant afford even one vacation,,,,oops oops rofl rofl

..last I checked, you weren't leading a country.

So, I doubt the Welfare Office went into chaos..

Just saying.

oh, so some jobs people hold should call for them to not have vacations or leisure time except when they sleep?


someone should have told all the other presidents that....

especially since the advent of technology and all,, I mean, whats the use,, we still should sit in an OFFICE if we want to truly achieve things and prevent chaos,,,,,whats the use of conference calls, video conference calls, telephones,,,? NOPE, if we arent IN an office, we cant possibly work or do our job,,,

Yeah, cause THAT'S what I meant. *sigh*

So, tell me, you use OUR money when you do your lil vacay?

no photo
Thu 01/12/12 02:31 PM
oh, so some jobs people hold should call for them to not have vacations or leisure time except when they sleep?

Actually almost universally when a company has a big shipment, or a huge amount to get accomplished vacations will not be approved.

If I was president in our current situation I would not take vacations and if I didn't need the money I wouldn't take it unless it was to turn around and give it to charity.

Politicians are dbags, its not about the people, it never is, its about personal gain.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 01/12/12 02:34 PM

oh, so some jobs people hold should call for them to not have vacations or leisure time except when they sleep?

Actually almost universally when a company has a big shipment, or a huge amount to get accomplished vacations will not be approved.

If I was president in our current situation I would not take vacations and if I didn't need the money I wouldn't take it unless it was to turn around and give it to charity.

Politicians are dbags, its not about the people, it never is, its about personal gain.



Does the president pay rent in the white house?
Does he have any actual bills while in office?

Just asking.

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/12/12 04:03 PM

Pre election year. Campaigning instead of doing his job.
First 2 years after election. Blaming Bush.
Second and third year. Pushing us Gazillion dollars more in debt and making sure Wall Street and ACORN are secure in their jobs.
Last year and all prior years. Golfing and vacations.
Present day. Golfing and campaigning. Planning vacations.

Nice freakin' job, if you can get it.slaphead

Don't forget his latest luxurious vacation in Hawaii (that I know of) where he managed on the last day of the year to sign that pesky NDAA bill that made it legal to indefinitely detain any U.S. citizen (along with anyone else) without charges or a trial!!

thats nothing , last year I took TWO cruises to mexico, guess I should feel like scum,,,,,,,because some people cant afford even one vacation,,,,oops oops rofl rofl

..last I checked, you weren't leading a country.

So, I doubt the Welfare Office went into chaos..

Just saying.

oh, so some jobs people hold should call for them to not have vacations or leisure time except when they sleep?


someone should have told all the other presidents that....

especially since the advent of technology and all,, I mean, whats the use,, we still should sit in an OFFICE if we want to truly achieve things and prevent chaos,,,,,whats the use of conference calls, video conference calls, telephones,,,? NOPE, if we arent IN an office, we cant possibly work or do our job,,,

Yeah, cause THAT'S what I meant. *sigh*

So, tell me, you use OUR money when you do your lil vacay?

nothing that had your name on it personally,, nope

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 01/12/12 04:07 PM

nothing that had your name on it personally,, nope

Thus, therein, is why stating such has no value.
Because you use your hard-earned money.

"..$3 million of tax-payers dollars went into.."


msharmony's photo
Thu 01/12/12 04:10 PM

oh, so some jobs people hold should call for them to not have vacations or leisure time except when they sleep?

Actually almost universally when a company has a big shipment, or a huge amount to get accomplished vacations will not be approved.

If I was president in our current situation I would not take vacations and if I didn't need the money I wouldn't take it unless it was to turn around and give it to charity.

Politicians are dbags, its not about the people, it never is, its about personal gain.

those unapproved vacations are a different situation because they
are in ANTICIPATION of work the employee will personally have to do and needs to be at a specific location to accomplish

for example, amazon may cancel vacations because the personnel who take orders will need to be TAKING orders during the holiday and the packers will also need to be packing orders

give me an example of what it is a President needs to be doing that can only be done from the white house? especially AFTER an oil spill where 'trained' professionals have already been sent to assess the damage,,,,

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 01/12/12 04:18 PM

oh, so some jobs people hold should call for them to not have vacations or leisure time except when they sleep?

Actually almost universally when a company has a big shipment, or a huge amount to get accomplished vacations will not be approved.

If I was president in our current situation I would not take vacations and if I didn't need the money I wouldn't take it unless it was to turn around and give it to charity.

Politicians are dbags, its not about the people, it never is, its about personal gain.

those unapproved vacations are a different situation because they
are in ANTICIPATION of work the employee will personally have to do and needs to be at a specific location to accomplish

for example, amazon may cancel vacations because the personnel who take orders will need to be TAKING orders during the holiday and the packers will also need to be packing orders

give me an example of what it is a President needs to be doing that can only be done from the white house? especially AFTER an oil spill where 'trained' professionals have already been sent to assess the damage,,,,

For the love of...

Are you failing to see the difference here?

Amazon - Uses Amazon money.
Sears - Uses Sears money.
McDonalds - Uses McDonalds money.
President - Uses tax payers money.

..you don't see my problem?

It's like you're telling me that the President has no income of his own. Unless, I'm misunderstanding something?

msharmony's photo
Fri 01/13/12 12:20 AM

nothing that had your name on it personally,, nope

Thus, therein, is why stating such has no value.
Because you use your hard-earned money.

"..$3 million of tax-payers dollars went into.."


IF it was even that much, it went to protecting and securing the family of our President,,,

my job at social service doesnt put me in quite the position of potential rebellion, hatred, and violence by SO MANY people all over the world...

msharmony's photo
Fri 01/13/12 12:23 AM

oh, so some jobs people hold should call for them to not have vacations or leisure time except when they sleep?

Actually almost universally when a company has a big shipment, or a huge amount to get accomplished vacations will not be approved.

If I was president in our current situation I would not take vacations and if I didn't need the money I wouldn't take it unless it was to turn around and give it to charity.

Politicians are dbags, its not about the people, it never is, its about personal gain.

those unapproved vacations are a different situation because they
are in ANTICIPATION of work the employee will personally have to do and needs to be at a specific location to accomplish

for example, amazon may cancel vacations because the personnel who take orders will need to be TAKING orders during the holiday and the packers will also need to be packing orders

give me an example of what it is a President needs to be doing that can only be done from the white house? especially AFTER an oil spill where 'trained' professionals have already been sent to assess the damage,,,,

For the love of...

Are you failing to see the difference here?

Amazon - Uses Amazon money.
Sears - Uses Sears money.
McDonalds - Uses McDonalds money.
President - Uses tax payers money.

..you don't see my problem?

It's like you're telling me that the President has no income of his own. Unless, I'm misunderstanding something?

AMAZON, uses customers money,, customers pay to keep AMAZON in business

SEARS uses customers money, customers pay to keep SEARS in business

McDonalds uses CUSTOMERS money, customers pay to keep MCdonalds in business,,,,etc,,

if customers stop paying, THEY HAVE NO INCOME EITHER, and they go out of business,,,,

the President has income of his own, and he also EARNS an income in the white house

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Fri 01/13/12 01:54 AM

oh, so some jobs people hold should call for them to not have vacations or leisure time except when they sleep?

Actually almost universally when a company has a big shipment, or a huge amount to get accomplished vacations will not be approved.

If I was president in our current situation I would not take vacations and if I didn't need the money I wouldn't take it unless it was to turn around and give it to charity.

Politicians are dbags, its not about the people, it never is, its about personal gain.

those unapproved vacations are a different situation because they
are in ANTICIPATION of work the employee will personally have to do and needs to be at a specific location to accomplish

for example, amazon may cancel vacations because the personnel who take orders will need to be TAKING orders during the holiday and the packers will also need to be packing orders

give me an example of what it is a President needs to be doing that can only be done from the white house? especially AFTER an oil spill where 'trained' professionals have already been sent to assess the damage,,,,

For the love of...

Are you failing to see the difference here?

Amazon - Uses Amazon money.
Sears - Uses Sears money.
McDonalds - Uses McDonalds money.
President - Uses tax payers money.

..you don't see my problem?

It's like you're telling me that the President has no income of his own. Unless, I'm misunderstanding something?

AMAZON, uses customers money,, customers pay to keep AMAZON in business

SEARS uses customers money, customers pay to keep SEARS in business

McDonalds uses CUSTOMERS money, customers pay to keep MCdonalds in business,,,,etc,,

if customers stop paying, THEY HAVE NO INCOME EITHER, and they go out of business,,,,

the President has income of his own, and he also EARNS an income in the white house

If customers stop paying (which would make me soooo freaking happy) you are right they go out of business.

Think the government would go out of business? lmao


This is the part where I say:

"Well, Amazon, Sears, McDonalds, also give you something in return for your money, but even a portion of that (via taxes) goes to the government; because ultimately, it doesn't exist unless they have their hand in it. The Government doesn't do anything for me."

To which you say:

"The government does plenty, like freedom, for example. They protect us from the outside world. etc"

So.. avoiding this entirely...
I'm going to simply walk away.


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