Topic: The Death Penalty
lulu24's photo
Sat 07/21/07 08:49 AM
it's a sad comment to humanity that so many people can just say "kill 'em".

oldsage's photo
Sat 07/21/07 09:51 AM
Not saying "KILL THEM". Saying enforce the laws. Professional crooks have "TOLD ME." If death penalty was used they would do somethings different. If we had PUBLIC HANGINGS, lots of these gang bangers running around spraying bullets, would think twice.
If prisons were for punishment rather than rest hotels, people would not want to go there.

I am very sorry for those that these OPINIONS up set. Attorneys have changed the laws to line their pockets. Once, in jail the taxpayers have to foot the bill for all their legal expenses. Used to be you lost your rights, once a felon. My answer to all that want to complain about the death sentences, then you come & take these people & care for them, feed them, let them live with YOUR families. If you don't want them, why force others to care for them.

lulu24's photo
Sat 07/21/07 09:55 AM
people have been wrongly executed. that's a fact.

not to makes about as much sense as corporal punishment. "i don't want you hitting, so i'll hit you in reprisal." it's also NOT that much of a the heat of the moment, you aren't thinking about what trouble you'll get in.

i could NEVER take a life, period. i can't imagine wishing another human being dead...the detriment to MY being just from such negative thoughts.

oldsage's photo
Sat 07/21/07 10:08 AM

West of the Mississippi some states still have a law on the books, if a person riding a horse, can't prove they own it, they can be hung from the closest tree. Old days horse stealing was worse than murder or bank robbery.
Yes a few innocent got hung, but horse stealing was basically stopped.

Yes that is extreme on one side. Thru "Imminent Domain" I have seen a fimily & all their belongings put in the street & handed a ticket to move their possession's in 24 hrs; or it will be hauled away as trash. Interstate was going thru.
Show me a time in history when a few innocent haven't suffered for the betterment of the whole.

History shows when the PENALTY is STIFF enough & enforced;
crime rates go down.
The laws & punishments are on the books, just need to stop the deals.

Shakespere said it in the play Richard III; "Firstthing we do, KILL ALL the LAWYERS!!"

Clear back then people could see the sense of no lawyers.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 07/21/07 10:13 AM
I say shoot them yourself,put it on youtube.Save tax dollars.

knightless's photo
Sat 07/21/07 11:04 AM
I have to say I agree with Don, Sea, husband didn't get a choice, he was shot execution style....and the thought of them walking free today makes my blood boil.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 07/21/07 11:13 AM
Humm well I'm from Texas so what ya think my opinion would be lol


no photo
Sat 07/21/07 11:16 AM
Would everyone feel the same way if there child were facing the death penalty ?????

oldsage's photo
Sat 07/21/07 11:19 AM
Told my son, "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time."

The older he gets the more he is like me.

adj4u's photo
Sat 07/21/07 11:25 AM
the death penalty is needed

but should have a very strict use confinement

if someone is caught in the act of

stranger rape, murder or forced child molestation no doubt (if caught in the act)

but evidance can and has been manipulated to get the verdict wanted

and b4 you say dna when was the last time you thru a tissue
you sneezed on or cleaned a hair brush or maybe lost a hair or two while using a public restroom or motel room

something to think about

but hey what do i know

creationsfire's photo
Sat 07/21/07 11:26 AM
Knight I'm so sorry that happened to you:cry: And I agree that the death penalty should not only stay, but be shown to the general public via pay per view so parents could chooses to let thier kids see it or not.

As far as innocent people, DNA! I agree they deserve the benefit of the doubt, but do the crime pay the price. Like sage said, even today laws stand. But I say, if a cop stops you and you can't prove the car you are driving is yours, they haul it away and leave you standing there with your thumb up your butt.

I have seen immenant domain working here too. They have been putting people out on the streets and or giving them 1/4 of what the land and home are worth. Even a handicapped guy who had his house specifically built to his needs costing tons of money he saved and they just kicked him out. It was all over the news. At least several people took pity on him and helped him build another home to fit his needs, but it result was the same. He still had to do without cuz he spent all his savings to build the other home.

Thing is that this issue is so hot that no one is ever going to come to a mutual understanding. It can only lead to redudant posts and or arguements.

At least I hope not.

adj4u's photo
Sat 07/21/07 11:27 AM
not sure but i don't think the death penalty is used that often in a crime of passion situation

maybe in tx

but it is just a thought

did not research it

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 07/21/07 11:28 AM
First of all a child due to the laws will never face the death penalty now one at 18 might. But if they go out and murdered one of your family members would your choice change then. Just curious. I still believe if they kill someone that they should face death also but funny we give them lethal injection humm a nite nite shot there victims did not get it so easy.

Ohh just for grins figures I woud throw this in sure ya'll all reemember the case of the taninted dog food were several people lost there pets. Well now I thought this was a little extreme for the dog food came from China. China has certain laws about food does not matter if for animals or people if it is tampered with and results happen from it guess what they get THE DEATH PENALTY BY GUN !! Ohhh and the Man that was responable for the dog food getting here he has already been executed. Check out China's crime status compared to ours and the amount of people they have. They do there in less than 30 days.

Lorraine227's photo
Sat 07/21/07 11:29 AM
I,m against it, I believe that someone has been killed unjustly.

adj4u's photo
Sat 07/21/07 11:31 AM
maybe it should be mandatory that all need to carry a firearm

unless deemed mentally handicapped

ya may not use it

may not want to

but the perc would not know it

no photo
Sat 07/21/07 11:31 AM
WE SHOULD hang em at the courthouse lawn closest to the scene of the crime, not behind prison walls. in all countries where public executions have been practiced, , the crime rate is less than one percent.

no photo
Sat 07/21/07 11:32 AM
... so in reality, the executions would be very rare.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 07/21/07 11:33 AM
I think life in prison being raped and beat up is more of a punishment than death.I think life should be life ,period the end.
Brandy if my children cold bloodly killed someone then they will face the consequences of their choice as will I and the victims family.
If someone killed my one of my kids then all bets are off because I am only human and I will make my peace with God later.

adj4u's photo
Sat 07/21/07 11:34 AM
creation read the post above yer last one

creationsfire's photo
Sat 07/21/07 11:35 AM
Good reply Txsgal! Why the humane injections? WTF? They were not humane what they killed innocent people? Or children! If you are 18, you pay the price same as everyone else. Hang them, shoot them, I say draw and quarter them but that might be a pipe dream LOL..........if you think drawing and quartering just means pulling them apart four ways.......should read up on it. Grusome!!!!