Topic: Jesus Is NOT The Father.........So How can He be God ?
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Mon 01/09/12 06:08 PM
If something means anything it is because it "fits our understanding." Otherwise IT MEANS NOTHING to us.

That makes it meaningless.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 01/09/12 06:22 PM

If something means anything it is because it "fits our understanding." Otherwise IT MEANS NOTHING to us.

That makes it meaningless.

No scriptures interpret scriptures.. The who;le reason Yahshua has the name he has is pointing to Yahweh as the Father the head of everything.. Yahshua is the head of us but not the father.. Yahshua literally means Yahweh is Salvation.. If Yahweh is salvation the comforter comes through Yahshua from the father. The Holy Spirit is thee spirit of Yahweh. we have the ability to have the same spirit as yahshua had. He said we would do greater things than him. How is that possible if he is the father? Its not.. No trinity.. That goes completely against the 3rd commandment thus teaching this Blasphemes Yahweh.s spirit because he is one and thier is no one else. Thats scripture. Blessings..Miles

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Mon 01/09/12 06:23 PM
Edited by CeriseRose on Mon 01/09/12 06:34 PM

I see alot of making the scripture fit our understanding and not making our understanding fit the scriptures.. This is what makes the word for the Priest benefit.. Pharasidical philosiphy alive and well.. Blessings..miles

I know that you have had some access to scripture. I'm not sure what your belief is.

The New Testament is the completion of the Old Testament.

The Saviour is promised in the Old and is sent in the New.

Are you of this understanding?

If you believe the Son was sent, why do you not realize that the Son sent the Holy Spirit to help our learning of the Word of the Father?

OLD Testament:

"Lead me in thy truth, and teach me:
for thou art the God of my salvation;
on thee do I wait all the day."
Psalms 25:5

NEW Testament:

Joh_14:16, And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

Joh_14:26, But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Joh_15:26, But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:

Joh_16:7, Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

Joh_16:13, Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 01/09/12 06:52 PM

I see alot of making the scripture fit our understanding and not making our understanding fit the scriptures.. This is what makes the word for the Priest benefit.. Pharasidical philosiphy alive and well.. Blessings..miles

I know that you have had some access to scripture. I'm not sure what your belief is. I have yet to see you glorify God as Father. The New Testament is the completion of the Old Testament.

The Saviour is promised in the Old and is sent in the New.

Are you of this understanding?

If you believe the Son was sent, why do you not realize that the Son sent the Holy Spirit to help our learning of the Word of the Father?

OLD Testament:

"Lead me in thy truth, and teach me:
for thou art the God of my salvation;
on thee do I wait all the day."
Psalms 25:5

NEW Testament:

Joh_14:16, And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

Joh_14:26, But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Joh_15:26, But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:

Joh_16:7, Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

Joh_16:13, Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

Has this been completed..

Isa 66:17-21

17 "Those who sanctify themselves and purify themselves,
To go to the gardens
After an idol in the midst,
Eating swine's flesh and the abomination and the mouse,
Shall be consumed together," says Yahweh.

18 "For I know their works and their thoughts. It shall be that I will gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come and see My glory. 19 I will set a sign among them; and those among them who escape I will send to the nations: to Tarshish and Pul and Lud, who draw the bow, and Tubal and Javan, to the coastlands afar off who have not heard My fame nor seen My glory. And they shall declare My glory among the Gentiles. 20 Then they shall bring all your brethren for an offering to Yahweh out of all nations, on horses and in chariots and in litters, on mules and on camels, to My holy mountain Jerusalem," says Yahweh, "as the children of Israel bring an offering in a clean vessel into the house of Yahweh. 21 And I will also take some of them for priests and Levites," says Yahweh.

or this?

Zech 14:16-19

And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, Yahweh of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. 17 And it shall be that whichever of the families of the earth do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, Yahweh of hosts, on them there will be no rain. 18 If the family of Egypt will not come up and enter in, they shall have no rain; they shall receive the plague with which Yahweh strikes the nations who do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. 19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all the nations that do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.

What does Ex 3:14

no photo
Mon 01/09/12 07:27 PM

If something means anything it is because it "fits our understanding." Otherwise IT MEANS NOTHING to us.

That makes it meaningless.

No scriptures interpret scriptures.. The who;le reason Yahshua has the name he has is pointing to Yahweh as the Father the head of everything.. Yahshua is the head of us but not the father.. Yahshua literally means Yahweh is Salvation.. If Yahweh is salvation the comforter comes through Yahshua from the father. The Holy Spirit is thee spirit of Yahweh. we have the ability to have the same spirit as yahshua had. He said we would do greater things than him. How is that possible if he is the father? Its not.. No trinity.. That goes completely against the 3rd commandment thus teaching this Blasphemes Yahweh.s spirit because he is one and thier is no one else. Thats scripture. Blessings..Miles

Sorry Miles, I guess I don't read the same Bible as you do. I have not read any such things. I guess there are more Bibles out there than I realized.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 01/09/12 07:40 PM

If something means anything it is because it "fits our understanding." Otherwise IT MEANS NOTHING to us.

That makes it meaningless.

No scriptures interpret scriptures.. The who;le reason Yahshua has the name he has is pointing to Yahweh as the Father the head of everything.. Yahshua is the head of us but not the father.. Yahshua literally means Yahweh is Salvation.. If Yahweh is salvation the comforter comes through Yahshua from the father. The Holy Spirit is thee spirit of Yahweh. we have the ability to have the same spirit as yahshua had. He said we would do greater things than him. How is that possible if he is the father? Its not.. No trinity.. That goes completely against the 3rd commandment thus teaching this Blasphemes Yahweh.s spirit because he is one and thier is no one else. Thats scripture. Blessings..Miles

Sorry Miles, I guess I don't read the same Bible as you do. I have not read any such things. I guess there are more Bibles out there than I realized.

I read fron the NKJV is the one I prefer.. I just replace Yahweh's name where it was taken out and Elohim because g-d is gawd same sound.

Their are bibles with these replaced but most of us prefer to read the same ones most people do because its easier to relate to others because the corrections confuse them.

What is it you do not understand me saying? I will never say I can not be wrong.. when i am shown I am wrong I Praise Yahweh
(HalleluYah) we all learn.. it is a win win situation for everyone to study to shew yourself approved and learning comes from many sources.. who's to say that the Holy Spirit is not speaking to me or anyone else when we are corrected.. anyone who feels thiers never no correction has decieved themselves already.. Blessing of Shalom..Miles

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Mon 01/09/12 08:55 PM
It is confusing enough that hundreds of religions use the Bible as their gospel, but then they rewrite it, or change the names of their messiah etc. I just don't understand the point of all of that. Then few agree on the details and the translations.

They all say "Just read the scripture." And then none of them agree on what it means. Even if I wanted to be a Christian, or a Muslim or a Jewish person I would have no idea what to believe.

So I don't believe or follow any of it.

I have faith in what is. I have faith in the truth whatever it is.

Truth is God. Truth is what is.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 01/09/12 09:40 PM

It is confusing enough that hundreds of religions use the Bible as their gospel, but then they rewrite it, or change the names of their messiah etc. I just don't understand the point of all of that. Then few agree on the details and the translations.

They all say "Just read the scripture." And then none of them agree on what it means. Even if I wanted to be a Christian, or a Muslim or a Jewish person I would have no idea what to believe.

So I don't believe or follow any of it.

I have faith in what is. I have faith in the truth whatever it is.

Truth is God. Truth is what is.

You are right.. I have a very strong belief and have studied for a very long time.. we have on our web sites the very thing I said.. we welcome all views.. we also expect respect.. faith is a strong measure of peoples life and we need to respect each other.. I know sometimes I go maybe to far. The name of Yahweh is very dear to me because it defines to me who the creator is.. I have studied it and almost all scholars in any research you do will tell you yes this is what the I Am Who I Am said his name was. You have to decide for yourself nobody can do that for you.. Please forgive me and call me on it if i ever insult you or anyone else..I am human and I make mistakes.. Blessings of Shalom..Miles

Num 6:24-26

24 "Yahweh bless you and keep you;
25 Yahweh make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
26 Yahweh lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace."'

no photo
Tue 01/10/12 03:04 PM
PLEASE NOTE : Jesus was also called Everlasting is NOT NOT NOT to be confused with e FATHER .

JESUS is NOT called THE FATHER , but Everlasting Father !!!


The Son is NOT the Father and the Father is NOT the Son.

The Holy Spirit is NOT the Son, and the Holy Sprit is NOT the Father.








..............His Name--The Everlasting Father..............

December 9th, 1866


“The Everlasting Father.”- Isaiah 9:6

How complex is the person of our Lord Jesus Christ! Almost in the same breath the prophet calls him a “child,” and a “counselor,” a “son,” and “the everlasting Father.” This is no contradiction, and to us scarcely a paradox, but it is a mighty marvel that he who was an infant should at the same time be infinite, he who was the Man of Sorrows should also be God over all, blessed for ever; and that he who is in the Divine Trinity always called the Son, should nevertheless be correctly called “the everlasting Father.” How forcibly this should remind us of the necessity of carefully studying and rightly under standing the person of our Lord Jesus Christ!

We must not suppose that we shall understand him at a glance. A look will save the soul, but patient meditation alone can fill the mind with the knowledge of the Savior. Glorious mysteries are hidden in his person. He speaks to us in plainest language, and he manifests himself openly in our midst, but yet in his person itself there is a height and depth which human intellect fails to measure.

When he has looked long and steadily the devout observer perceives in his Well- beloved beauties so rare and ravishing that he is lost in wonder; continued contemplation conducts the soul, by the power of the Holy Spirit, into an elevation of delighted admiration which the less thoughtful know nothing of. So deep is the mystery of the person of our Lord that he must reveal himself to us or we shall never know him. He is not discovered by research nor discerned by reason. “Blessed art thou, Simon Barjonas,” said Christ to Peter, “for flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto thee.” “When it pleased God,” says the apostle, “to reveal his Son in me.”

Another apostle asked the question, “How is it that thou dost manifest thyself unto us?” There is no seeing Jesus except by his own light. He is the door, but NO man opens that door BUT JESUS HIMSELF ; for “he opens, and no man shuts; he shuts, and no man opens.” He is the lesson, but he is also the schoolmaster. He is both key and lock, answer and riddle, way and guide.

He is that which is to be seen, for we are to look unto him; but it is by him that we are enabled to see, for he gives sight to the blind. Let us then, dear friends, if we really desire to understand that most excellent of all sciences, the science of Christ crucified, entreat the Lord himself to be our Rabbi, and beg to be allowed to sit with Mary at the Master’s feet. Be this our prayer, that “we may know him;” and be this our desire, that “we may grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ;” for “to know him is life eternal,” and to be taught of him is to be “wise unto salvation.”

The title before us is a somewhat difficult one. Some years ago I preached to you from “His Name- Wonderful.” I felt I could expatiate upon that with ease. We advanced as far as “Counselor,” and then we halted a while. After a time we were led to preach upon “The Mighty God;” but we have been somewhat diffident of our ability to open up this particular title, for there is a depth in it which we are not able to fathom.

This morning I cannot pretend to dive into the profound depths of the word, but can only skim the surface as the swallow skims the sea. Silver of deep learning and gold of profound thought have I none; but such as I have, give I you. If my basket contains nothing more than a barley loaf and a few small fishes, may the Master of the feast multiply the food in the breaking, that there may be food convenient for his people.

It is necessary at the outset to observe that the Messiah is NOT here called “Father,” by way of any confusion with him who is pre- eminently called “THE FATHER.” Our Lord’s proper name, so far as Godhead is concerned, is not the Father, but the SON. Let us beware of confusion. The Son is NOT the Father, neither is the Father the Son; and THOUGH THEY BE ONE GOD, essentially and eternally, being for evermore ONE and indivisible, yet still the distinction of PERSONS is to be carefully believed and observed.

For the mere word “Persons” we do not contend; it is but a make- shift word, although we know not what better term to use; but the fact is all- important that the Father is NOT the Son, and the Son is NOT the Father. Our text has no bearing upon the position and titles of the three Persons with regard to each other; it does not indicate the relation of Deity to itself, but the relation of Jesus Christ to us. He is to us “the everlasting Father.”

The light of the text divides itself into three rays:- Jesus is Everlasting” he is a “Father;” he is the “Everlasting Father.”

I. First, Jesus Christ is EVERLASTING. Of him we may sing with David, “Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever.” A theme for great rejoicing on our part. Rejoice, believer, in Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to- day, and for ever.

Jesus ALWAYS WAS. The Babe born in Bethlehem was united to the Word, which was in the beginning, by whom all things were made. The title by which Jesus Christ revealed himself to John in Patmos was, “Him which is, and which was, and which is to come.” “His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow,” to betoken that he is the Ancient of Days.

“Ere sin was born, or Satan fell, He led the host of morning stars; (Thy generation who can tell, Or count the number of thy years?)”

In his priesthood, Jesus, like unto Melchizedek, “has neither beginning of days nor end of life.” His pedigree is thus declared by Solomon: “When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water. Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth; while as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world.

When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass upon the face of the depth: when he established the clouds above: when he strengthened the fountains of the deep: when he gave to the sea his decree, that the waters should not pass his commandment: when he appointed the foundations of the earth: then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him; rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men.” Think not that the Son of God ever commenced to be.

“Ere the blue heavens were stretched abroad, From everlasting was the Word; With God he was; the Word was God, And must divinely be adored.”

If he were not God from everlasting, we could not so devoutly love him; we could not feel that he had any share in the eternal love, which is the fountain of all covenant blessings. He must be eternal who has a part in the eternal purpose. Since our Redeemer was from all eternity with the Father, we trace the stream of divine love to himself equally with his Father and the blessed Spirit.

We were chosen in him from before the foundation of the world, and thus in our eternal election he shines forth gloriously. We bless and praise, and magnify him that the name “Son” does not at all import any time of birth or generation, or of beginning, but we know that he is as eternally the Son as the Father is eternally the Father, and must be looked upon as God from everlasting.

For he is “the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: for by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him and for him: and he is before all things, and by him all things consist.”

As our Lord always was, so also he is for ever more the same. Jesus is not dead; he ever lives to make intercession for us. He has not ceased to be; he hath gone out of sight; but he sits at the right hand of the Father. Of him we read, “And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands: they shall perish; but thou remains; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment; and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail.”

Jesus is as truly the I AM, as that Jehovah who spoke out of the burning bush to Moses, at Horeb. He lives! He lives! This is the foundation of your comfort, “Because he lives you shall live also.” “Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”

Resort to him in all your times of need, for he is waiting to bless you still. He is made higher than the heavens, but he still receives sinners, and effectually puts away their sins; and since “he ever lives to make intercession for them, he is able to save unto the uttermost them that come unto God by him.”

Jesus, our Lord, ever shall be. He could not be called everlasting if it were supposable that he must one day cease to exist. No, believer; if God shall spare your life to fulfill your full day of threescore years and ten, you shall find that his cleansing fountain is still opened and his precious blood has not lost its power; you shall find that the Priest who filled the healing fount with his own blood still lives to purge you from all iniquity.

When only your last battle remains to be fought, you shall find that the hand of your conquering Captain has not grown feeble, nor his arm waxed short; the living Savior shall cheer the living saint. Nor is this all, for when death has taken you away as with a flood, and all the men of your generation have fallen like grass beneath the mower’s scythe, Jesus shall live, and you, caught up to heaven, shall find him there bearing the dew of his youth; and when the sun’s burning eye shall be dim with age, and the lamps of heaven shall be paled into eternal midnight, when all this world shall melt as melts the winter’s ice at the approach of spring; then shall you find the Lord Jesus still remain the perennial spring of joy, and life, and glory to his people.

Living waters may you draw from this sacred well! Jesus always was, he always is, he always shall be. He is eternal in all his attributes, and in all his offices, and in all his might, and power, and willingness to bless, corn fort, guard, and crown his chosen people.

The connection of the word “Father” with the word “everlasting” allows us very fairly to remark that our Lord is as everlasting as the Father, since he himself is called “the everlasting Father;” for whatever antiquity paternity may imply is here ascribed to Christ.

According to our common notions, of course, the Father must be before the Son, but we must understand that the terms used in Scripture to represent Deity to us are not intended to be literally understood, and rendered in their exact terrestrial sense; they are only so far descriptive as they may he but do not compass the whole truth, for human language utterly fails to convey the very essence and fullness of celestial things.

When God condescends to speak to men, who are but as infants before him, he adopts their childish speech, and brings down his loftiness of thought to the littleness of their capacities. Babes have no words for the thoughts of senators and philosophers, and such matters must be stated in childish language if babes are to know them, and then the statement must inevitably fall far short of the great fact.

The relation between the Father and the Son is a case in point; it is not precisely the same as the relation between a father and a son on earth, but that happens to be the nearest approach to it among men. We must beware of stretching and straining the word in its letter, especially in points where it would make us err from the spirit of the truth. CHRIST JESUS IS AS ETERNAL AS THE FATHER, OR HE WOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN CALLED "THE EVERLASTING FATHER ." !!!

It is the manner of the Easterns to call a man the father of a quality for which he is remarkable. To this day, among the Arabs, a wise man is called “the father of wisdom;” a very foolish man “the father of folly.” The predominant quality in the man is ascribed to him as though it were his child, and he the father of it. Now, the Messiah is here called in the Hebrew “the Father of eternity,” by which is meant that he is pre- eminently the possessor of eternity as an attribute.

Just as the idiom, “the father of wisdom,” implies that a man is pre- eminently wise, so the term, “Father of eternity,” implies that Jesus is preeminently ETERNAL; that to him, beyond and above all others, eternity may be ascribed.

No language can more forcibly convey to our minds the eternity of our Lord Jesus. Nay, without straining the language, I may say that not only is eternity ascribed to Christ, but he is here declared to be the parent of it.

Imagination cannot grasp this, for eternity is a thing beyond us; yet if eternity should seem to be a thing which can have no parent., be it remembered that Jesus is so surely and essentially eternal, that he is here pictured as the source and Father of eternity.

Jesus is not the child of eternity, but the Father of it. Eternity did NOT bring him forth from its mighty bowels, but HE BROUGHT FORTH ETERNITY . Independent, self- sustained, uncreated, eternal existence is with Jesus our Lord and God !!!

In the highest possible sense, then, Jesus Christ is “the everlasting Father.” I will only pause one minute to draw a practical inference from this doctrine. If our Immanuel be indeed then eternal and ever living, let us never think of him as of one dead, whom we have lost, who has ceased to be. What could be a greater sorrow than the thought of a dead Christ? He lives, and lives to care for us. He lives in ALL the attributes, which adorned him upon earth, as gentle and kind and gracious now, as he was then.

Come to him, Christian, REST upon him now, just as if he were visible in this place, and you could tell into his ear your troubles, and confess your sins at his feet. He is here spiritually; your eyes cannot see him, but faith will be better evidence to you than eyesight.

Trust him now with your cares! REST upon him in your present difficulties! And thou, poor sinner, if Christ were on this plat form wouldst thou not come and touch the hem of his garment, and cry, “Jesus, let thy pitying eye look on me and change my heart”?

Well, dear friend, Jesus lives; He is the same to- day as he was in the streets of Jerusalem; and though your feet cannot bear you to him, yet your desires shall serve you instead of feet; and though your finger cannot touch him, your confidence shall be instead of a hand to you. Trust him now! He whose love made him die lives on. His precious blood can never lose its power. Come ye now, humbly come, and confide in “the everlasting Father.”

II. We come, in the second place, to the difficult part of the subject; namely, Christ being called FATHER.

In what sense is Jesus a Father?( notice again ...NOT to be confused with GOD THE Father )

Answer, first. He is federally a Father representing those who are in him, as the HEAD OF A TRIBE REPRESENTS HIS DESCENDANTS. The apostle Paul comes to our help here, for in the memorable chapter in the Corinthians, he speaks of those who are in Adam, and then he talks of a second Adam. Adam is the father of all living; he federally stood for us in the garden, and federally fell and ruined us all. He was the representative man by whose obedience we should have been blessed, through whose disobedience we have been made sinners. The curse of the fall comes upon us because Adam stood in a relation towards us in which none of us stand towards our fellows. He was the representative head for us; and what a fall was there when he fell! for every one of us in his loins fell in him. “In Adam all die.”

Since his day there has been but one other hither to the human race federally. It is true, Noah was the father of the present race of men, for we have all sprung of him; but there was no covenant with Noah in which he represented his posterity, no condition of obedience by which he might have obtained a reward for us, and no condition of disobedience for the breach of which we are called to smart. The only other man who is a representative man before God is the SECOND ADAM , THE MAN CHRIST JESUS, THE LORD FROM HEAVEN .

Brothers and sisters, we call Adam father mournfully, for we are cast out of Eden by him, and we till the ground with the sweat of our face; in sorrow did our mothers bring us forth, and to the grave in sorrow must we go; but we who have believed in Jesus call another man father, namely, the Lord Jesus; and we speak this not sorrowfully but joyfully, for he has opened the gates of a better Paradise; he has taken away the sweat of toil from our faces spiritually, for we who have believed do “ENTER INTO REST;” he has borne himself the pangs which were brought upon us by sin, he took our sicknesses and bore our sorrows; while death itself, the heaviest affliction, he has overcome, so that he that lives and believeth in him shall never die, but pass out of this world into the life celestial.

The grand question for us is this, Are we still under the old covenant of works? If so, we have Adam to our father, and under that Adam we died.

But are we under the covenant of grace? If so, we have Christ to our Father, and in Christ shall we be made alive. Generation makes us the sons of Adam; regeneration acknowledges us as the sons of Christ. In our first birth we come under the fatherhood of the fallen one; in our second birth we enter into the fatherhood of the innocent and perfect One.

In our first fatherhood we wear the image of the earthy; in the second we receive the image of the heavenly. Through our relation to Adam we become corrupt and weak, and the body is put into the grave in dishonor, in corruption, in weakness, in shame; but when we come under the dominion of the second Adam we receive strength, and quickening, and inward spiritual life, and therefore our body rises again like seed sown which rises to a glorious harvest in the image of the heavenly, with honor, and power, and happiness, and eternal life.

In this sense, then, Christ is called Father; and inasmuch as the covenant of grace is older than the covenant of works, CHRIST IS , WHILE ADAM IS NOT , “the everlasting Father;” and inasmuch as the covenant of works as far as we are concerned passes away, being fulfilled in him, and First, the covenant of grace never passes but abides for ever, Christ, as the head of the new covenant, the federal representative of the great economy of grace, is “the everlasting Father.”

Secondly, Christ is a Father IN THE SENSE OF A FOUNDER. You know, perhaps, or at least you readily remember when I remind you, that the Hebrews are in the habit of calling a man a father of a thing, which he invents. For instance, in the fourth chapter of Genesis, Jubal is called the father of such as handle the harp and organ; Jabal was the father of such as dwell in tents, and have cattle; not that these were literally the fathers of such persons, but the inventors of their occupations. Jabal first took upon himself a nomadic tent life, and set the example of wandering about with flocks and herds; and Jubal first put his fingers to musical strings, and his lips to pipes from which the wind is breathed melodiously. The Lord Jesus Christ is in this sense the Father of a wonderful system.

Now, our Lord Jesus Christ, who brought life and immortality to light, and introduced a new phase of worship to this world is, in that respect, a Father; he is the Father of all Christians, the Father of Christianity, the Father of the entire system under which grace reigns through righteousness. Jesus is the Father of a great doctrinal system. All the great truths, which we are in the habit of delivering in your hearing as the precious truths of God sent down from heaven, fell first, clearly and powerfully, from the lips of Jesus.

These things were dimly hinted at in the ceremonies of the law, but Christ first of all put them into plain letter so that he who runs may read. Practically it is Jesus who teaches us the doctrine of electing love; it is Christ who reveals to us redemption by blood; it is Christ that reveals regeneration by the work of the Spirit. Saying plainly, “Ye must be born again.” It is Christ that reveals the perseverance of the saints. In fact, there is no doctrine of the Christian system which is not so clearly set in the light of his own glorious Spirit by his teaching that we may not fairly call him the Father of it.

Our great Master is also the Father of a great practical system. If there be any in the world who “love their neighbors as themselves,” the Man of Nazareth is their Father; for, albeit that the law signified all that, yet men had not discovered it, but had misread the law. “Eye for eye and tooth for tooth” was their version of law; but Christ comes and says, “I say unto you, Resist not evil; if any man smite you on the one cheek, turn to him the other also.”

If any man can suffer with patience and can return good for evil, heaping coals of fire upon the head of his foes, this man is a child of Christ. If men worship God in the spirit and have no confidence in the flesh, if they know no holy place, but recognize every place as holy where a holy man is found, such are the true children of Christ, for he said, “They that worship God must worship him in spirit and in truth.” He is the Father of spiritual worship. It has been common to call Socrates the “father of philosophy;” Jesus is Father of the philosophy of salvation; Galen, the “father of medicine,” Jesus is Father of the medicine of souls; Herodotus, “father of history;” but Jesus is the Father of heaven on earth. He is the Father of disinterested living, of true love to men; he is the Father of forgiving one’s enemies; the Father, in fact, of the divine system of Christian life.

The system of salvation claims Christ to be its Father. Who ever said, “By grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God”? Who but the apostle of this man, Christ Jesus? Who told men that it was not by works of righteousness, which they had done, but by the merit of his passion and his life that they were saved?

Who revealed the way of faith to men but Christ, the great doctrine of “Believe and live”? and those who receive it may claim Christ as Father. He is the Father of the Christian faith- a faith, my brethren, which, albeit that it has done much already for the world, for in old Rome it put down the fights in the Coliseum, threw down the bestial gods of heathendom, and albeit that it is doing much for the world even now, and helping to purge the vast Augean stable of humanity, is to do more still; it is to cast out war, it is to destroy error, it is to regenerate the human race. The Father of this purifying system which is doctrinal and practical, and which has already worked the best results to men, is the Lord Jesus, and since it was devised of old, and will be prolonged as long as the world stands, he is called “the everlasting Father.”

Now, there is a third meaning. The prophet may not so have understood it, but we so receive it, that Jesus is, in the third place, a Father in the great sense of a Life Giver, That is the main sense of “father” to the common mind. Through our fathers we are called into this world. Now it is by Christ that there is a communication of divine energy to the soul, it is through him, through his teaching, through the Spirit that he hath given, through the blood that he hath shed, that life is given to those who were dead in trespasses and sins. He that sits upon the throne says, “BEHOLD , I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW.” “If any man be in Christ, he is a NEW CREATURE; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become NEW.”

“This is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.” “For as the Father raises up the dead, and quickens them; even so the Son quickens whom he will. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God; and they that hear shall live. For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself.” We know that through Jesus Christ the divine LIFE is given to us. “In him was LIFE, and the LIFE was the LIGHT of men.” He gives the LIVING WATER, and then it is in us “a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”

He is that LIVING grain of wheat which was cast into the ground to die, that it might not abide alone, but become a root that brings forth fruit, which fruit we now are, receiving life from him as the stem receives life from the seed from which it sprang. Jesus is our Father in that sense. It is the Spirit of God who operatively quickens the soul and makes us live, but Jesus Christ’s gospel is the channel through which the Spirit works, and Jesus Christ is the true life to us.

“He that HATH THE SON HATH LIFE ; he that hath not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”

As through the energy of Adam this vast world is peopled till hill and dale are covered with a teeming population, so through the life- energy of our Lord Jesus Christ the plains of heaven and the celestial hills shall be peopled with a throng that no man can number.

Out of every realm, an people, speaking every language, having been bronzed by the heats of the torrid zone, or frozen amidst the frosts of the frigid north, Christ shall find a people into whom his quickening shall come, and they shall live through the energy of his Spirit, and he shall be their everlasting Father.


Everything in us calls Christ “Father.” He is the AUTHOR and FINISHER of our FAITH.

If we love him, it is because he first loved us, If we patiently endure, it is by considering “him who endured such contradiction of sinners against himself.” He it is who waters and sustains all our graces. We may say of him, “All my fresh springs are in thee.” The Spirit brings us the water from this well of Bethlehem, but Jesus is the well itself. Spring up, O Well! Spring up, O Well! Divine Father, blessed Jesus, prove thy Fatherhood by re- quickening our souls this morning according to thy word!

4. Fourthly, I do not think that we have yet come to the bottom of this title of “Everlasting Father.” The term implies that Jesus Christ is to be in the future, the Patriarch of an age. Many translators render the passage, “the Father of the future age.” So Pope in his famous Poem of the Messiah understands it, and calls him, “The promised Father of the future age.”

It has been the custom with men to speak of ages as “the age of brass or iron,” and “the age of gold.” This age of gold we are always looking for; the world’s face is constantly turned to it; so much so that quacks play upon the simplicity of men and tell them when this golden age is coming, and fleece them of their pence, and sometimes of their pounds, under the notion that they can tell them somewhat about the good times which are coming. They know nothing about it whatever; they are blind leaders of the blind: but this one thing is clear to every one who cares to see it, namely, that such an age of gold shall come, that a period brighter far than fancy paints will dawn upon this poor, darkened, enslaved world.

I am always jealous with a godly jealousy lest you should forget this doctrine, or throw it up in disgust, because of the shameful way in which it is made merchandize of by others. Brethren, calculate no dates, sit down to devise no charts, but in your heart be satisfied with this, that there will be a kingdom and a reign, and that in that kingdom there shall be no strife to vex the nations, there shall be no affliction to grieve the people; in that kingdom Jesus, the King, shall be conspicuous, and his refulgent glory shall be the light of all the inhabitants; it shall be a New Jerusalem coming down from heaven, prepared by God, as a bride is prepared for her husband, worthy of her Lord, and a meet recompense for the crown of thorns, for the flagellation of his shoulders, for the shame, the spitting, and the cross. High lift the cross, my brethren, for it shall be lifted high.

Speak not of Christ with bated breath, for he comes to be a King. Ye Christians, think not yourselves, though despised and rejected of men, to be men of a mean birth, for “it doth not yet appear what you shall be; but we know that when he shall appear ye shall be like him, for ye shall see him as he is.” Joyfully drink the cup of bitterness, for you shall soon drink the wines on the lees well refined; cheerfully pass through the darkness, for the morning breaks, and the day dawns, and the shadows flee away. Be content to ho the offscouring of all things, for one day, when kings shall bow down before him, and all nations shall call him blessed, you shall partake in his honor, and shall be as princes upon the throne with him, Yes, he is to be the Father of a future age.

Men have called certain great patriots the fathers of their country. To- day let us call Christ the Father of our world. O Jesus, thou hast given to earth far better than a creation. Thou hast not only formed it from chaos into order, and then brought it from darkness into light, and then from death into warm life and beauty, but thou hast recovered it from worse than pristine chaos, and saved it from a darkness worse than the primeval gloom, and a death more horrible than the primeval shades.

Thou hast descended into the depths into which this pearl, the world, was cast, and like a mighty diver all the waves and billows have gone over thee, but thou hast come up again bringing this pearl with thee, and it shall glisten in thy crown for ever when thou, shalt be admired of angels and adored of all created spirits. This shall be the sweetest part of their admiration and their adoration, thou was slain and hast redeemed us unto God by thy blood, and therefore unto thee be glory for ever and ever. He shall be in this sense, then, the Father of an everlasting age.

5. Once more- for the text is very prolific- Christ may be called a Father in the loving and lender sense of a Father’s office. Here is a text to show what I mean. God is called the Father of the fatherless, and Job, I think, says of himself, that he became a father to the poor. You know what it means, of course, at once; it means that he exercised a father’s part.

Now, albeit that the Spirit of adoption teaches us to call God our Father, yet it is not straining truth to say that our Lord Jesus Christ exercises to all his people a Father’s part. According to the old Jewish custom the elder brother was the father of the family in the absence of the father; the firstborn took precedence of all, and took upon him the father’s position; so the Lord Jesus, the firstborn among many brethren, exercises to us a Father’s office.

Is it not so? Has he not succoured us in all time of our need as a father succors his child? Has he not supplied us with more than heavenly bread as a father gives bread unto his children? Does he not daily protect us, nay, did he not yield up his life that we his little ones might be preserved? Will he not say at the last, “Here am I, and the children that thou hast given me; I have lost none”? Does he not chastise us by hiding himself from us, as a father chastens his children?

Do we not find him instructing us by his Spirit and leading us into all truth? Has he not told us to call no man father upon earth in the sense that he is to be our true guide and instructor, and we are to sit at his feet and make him our Rabbi and our authoritative Teacher? Is he not the head in the household to us on earth, abiding with us, and has he not said, “I will not leave you orphans (that is the Greek word); I will come unto you”?

As if his coming was the coming of a Father. If he be a Father, will we not give him honor? If he be the head of the household, will we not give him obedience, and say in our hearts, “Other lords have had dominion over us, but henceforth, thou everlasting Father, we will give thee reverence.” If he be in all these senses “the everlasting Father,”

“Then let us adore, and give him his right,
All glory and power, and wisdom and might,
All honor and blessing, with angels above,
And thanks never- ceasing, for infinite love.”

III. Lastly, we weigh the words, “EVERLASTING FATHER.” I have already explained what this means. Christ is called “the everlasting Father” because he does not himself, as a Father, die or vacate his office. He is still the Federal Bead and Father of his people; still the Founder of gospel truth and of the Christian system; not allowing archbishops and popes to be his vicars and to take his place. He is still the true Life- giver, from whose wounds and by whose death we are quickened; he reigns even now as the patriarchal King; he is still the loving family Head; and so, in every sense, he lives as a Father.

But here is a sweet thought. He neither himself dies, nor becomes childless. He does not lose his children. If his church could perish, he would not be the Father. How a Father without a son? And this is the best of all, that he is “an everlasting Father” to all those to whom he is a Father at all. If thou hast entered into this relationship so as to be in union with Christ, and to be covered with the skirts of his garment, thou art his child, and thou shall for ever be. There is no unfathering Christ, and there is no unchilding us.

He is everlastingly a Father to those who trust in him, and he never does at any one moment cease to be Father to any one of these. This morning you may have come here in trouble, but Christ is still your Father. This day you may be much depressed in spirit and full of doubts and fears; but a true father never ceases, if he be a father, to exercise his kindness to a child; nor does Jesus cease to love and pity you. He will help you. Go to him, and you shall find that loving Friend to be as tender as in the days of his flesh.

He is the author of an eternal system. As I glanced at the words “everlasting Father,” and thought of him as the Founder of an everliving system, I said to myself, “Ah then, the Christian religion will never die out!” It is not possible that the truth as it is in Jesus should ever be put away if he is “the everlasting Father.” I feel as if I could quote again Master Hugh Latimer, when, standing hack to back with Ridley, “Courage, Master Ridley,” said he, “we shall this day light such a candle in England as shall never be put out.”

Look yonder at Christ on the cross! He did that day light such a candle as never can be put out. He is “the everlasting Father.” He set rolling that day as it were a snow- flake of truth as he died upon the cross; and you know what the snow- flake does upon the high Alps; a bird’s wing perhaps sets it rolling, and it gathers another and another and another, till, as it descends, it becomes a mass of snow; and by- and- bye as it leaps from crag to crag, it grows greater and greater and greater, until ponderous masses of ice and snow cohere together, and at the last, with an awful thundering crash the avalanche rolls down, fills the valley, and sweeps all before it; even so this Everlasting Father on the cross set in motion a mighty force which has gone on swelling and increasing, gathering to be a ponderous mass of mighty teaching, and the day shall come when, like an irresistible avalanche it shall fall upon the palaces of the Vatican and upon the towers of Rome, when the mosques of Mahomet and the temples of the gods shall be crushed beneath its stupendous weight, and the Everlasting Father shall have done the deed.

“The everlasting Father,” last of all, because he is the Father, in all his people, of eternal life. Adam, thou art a father, but where are thy sons? If thou couldst return to earth, O Mother Eve! where wouldst thou find thy children? Methinks I see her as she paces round the earth and finds nothing but little grassy mounds, heaps of turf, and sometimes a valley sodden blood red where her children have been slain in battle. I hear her weeping for her children; she will not be comforted because they are not! But hush, Mother Eve, what life didst thou give them? What life was that which Father Adam conferred upon thy sons and daughters?

Why, only life terrestrial, a bubble life, that melted and disappeared. But Jesus as he comes again will find none of his children dead, none of his sons and daughters lost; because he lives they live also, for he is the everlasting Father, and makes those to have everlasting life who live and breathe through him. Thrice happy they who have an interest in the truth of our text!

Now, dear hearers, may I ask you whether Christ is an everlasting Father to you? There are other fathers. The Jew said, “We have Abraham to our father,” and to this day certain divines teach that we have covenant rights because of our earthly fathers. They believe in the Abrahamic covenant much after the manner of the Jews. “We have Abraham to our father;” therefore we have a right to baptism, therefore we are church members; “born into the church.” Yes, I have heard it said, “born into the church.”

Let no man deceive you; this is not Christ’s teaching. “Ye must be born again.” If not, though your mother were a saint in heaven, and your father an undoubted apostle of God, you should derive no advantage, but a world of solemn responsibility from the fact, except you be yourself born again. Do not then say unto yourself, “we have Abraham to our father,” for God is able of the very stones to raise up children unto Abraham. We had a very remarkable instance not very long ago in this Tabernacle, of how God does sometimes bless the outcasts and leaves some of you, the children of godly parents, in the hardness of your heart to perish. There was a man known in the village where he lives by the name of Satan, because of his being so thoroughly depraved.

He was a sailor, and as another sailor in that town had been the means of the conversion of all the sailors in a vessel that left the town, this man desired to sail with him to try and beat his religion out of him. He did his best, but he signally failed; and as they happened to be coming to London, his friend asked him whether he would come to the Tabernacle. He did not mind coming to hear me, for as it happened, I was brought up near the place where he lived. This Satan came here on the Lord’s day morning, when the text was upon soul murder, and he sat (some of you noticed him that day), and sobbed and cried under the sermon at such a broken- hearted rate that he could only say, “People are noticing me, I had better go out;” but his companion would not let him go out, and that man from that day forth was begotten by the Everlasting Father, and is living and walking in the truth, an earnest believer, doing all that he can for the spread of the kingdom, and singularly clear in his doctrinal knowledge. Here is a man who had been everything that was possible in the way of badness, yet God met with him; and some of you who have Abraham to your father, and are related to godly people, are just all the more hardened for all the preaching you have heard. May God have pity upon you and save you yet! Do not be content with fleshly fatherhood; get the spiritual fatherhood, which comes from Christ.

Others of you are this day perhaps saying, “Well, we can trust in our good works.” Well, then, Adam is your father, and you know what will come of you. Adam was driven out of Paradise, and you will never be admitted there. Adam lost all his hopes, and you will lose yours. On the ground of the law shall no flesh living be justified. Alas! I fear that many here have another father. How does Christ put it? “Ye are of your father, the devil,” says he, “for his works ye do.” Not works merely of open sin in the form of adultery, uncleanness, theft, and such like, but opposition to Christ is peculiarly a work of the devil, and unbelief in Christ is the devil’s masterpiece. If you do not then trust the Lord Jesus, do not say to- night when you kneel at the bedside, “Our Father, which art in heaven,” for your father is not in heaven, your father is in hell. Go to the blood of Jesus and ask that you may be cleansed from all iniquity, and then may you say through the everlasting Father, “O God, thou hast made me thy child, and I love and bless thy name.” May God be pleased to give you all his blessing for Jesus’ sake. Amen.


no photo
Tue 01/10/12 04:08 PM
Now you know I'm not going to read all of that.laugh laugh

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 01/10/12 05:52 PM

PLEASE NOTE : Jesus was also called Everlasting is NOT NOT NOT to be confused with e FATHER .

JESUS is NOT called THE FATHER , but Everlasting Father !!!


The Son is NOT the Father and the Father is NOT the Son.

The Holy Spirit is NOT the Son, and the Holy Sprit is NOT the Father.








..............His Name--The Everlasting Father..............

December 9th, 1866


“The Everlasting Father.”- Isaiah 9:6

How complex is the person of our Lord Jesus Christ! Almost in the same breath the prophet calls him a “child,” and a “counselor,” a “son,” and “the everlasting Father.” This is no contradiction, and to us scarcely a paradox, but it is a mighty marvel that he who was an infant should at the same time be infinite, he who was the Man of Sorrows should also be God over all, blessed for ever; and that he who is in the Divine Trinity always called the Son, should nevertheless be correctly called “the everlasting Father.” How forcibly this should remind us of the necessity of carefully studying and rightly under standing the person of our Lord Jesus Christ!

We must not suppose that we shall understand him at a glance. A look will save the soul, but patient meditation alone can fill the mind with the knowledge of the Savior. Glorious mysteries are hidden in his person. He speaks to us in plainest language, and he manifests himself openly in our midst, but yet in his person itself there is a height and depth which human intellect fails to measure.

When he has looked long and steadily the devout observer perceives in his Well- beloved beauties so rare and ravishing that he is lost in wonder; continued contemplation conducts the soul, by the power of the Holy Spirit, into an elevation of delighted admiration which the less thoughtful know nothing of. So deep is the mystery of the person of our Lord that he must reveal himself to us or we shall never know him. He is not discovered by research nor discerned by reason. “Blessed art thou, Simon Barjonas,” said Christ to Peter, “for flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto thee.” “When it pleased God,” says the apostle, “to reveal his Son in me.”

Another apostle asked the question, “How is it that thou dost manifest thyself unto us?” There is no seeing Jesus except by his own light. He is the door, but NO man opens that door BUT JESUS HIMSELF ; for “he opens, and no man shuts; he shuts, and no man opens.” He is the lesson, but he is also the schoolmaster. He is both key and lock, answer and riddle, way and guide.

He is that which is to be seen, for we are to look unto him; but it is by him that we are enabled to see, for he gives sight to the blind. Let us then, dear friends, if we really desire to understand that most excellent of all sciences, the science of Christ crucified, entreat the Lord himself to be our Rabbi, and beg to be allowed to sit with Mary at the Master’s feet. Be this our prayer, that “we may know him;” and be this our desire, that “we may grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ;” for “to know him is life eternal,” and to be taught of him is to be “wise unto salvation.”

The title before us is a somewhat difficult one. Some years ago I preached to you from “His Name- Wonderful.” I felt I could expatiate upon that with ease. We advanced as far as “Counselor,” and then we halted a while. After a time we were led to preach upon “The Mighty God;” but we have been somewhat diffident of our ability to open up this particular title, for there is a depth in it which we are not able to fathom.

This morning I cannot pretend to dive into the profound depths of the word, but can only skim the surface as the swallow skims the sea. Silver of deep learning and gold of profound thought have I none; but such as I have, give I you. If my basket contains nothing more than a barley loaf and a few small fishes, may the Master of the feast multiply the food in the breaking, that there may be food convenient for his people.

It is necessary at the outset to observe that the Messiah is NOT here called “Father,” by way of any confusion with him who is pre- eminently called “THE FATHER.” Our Lord’s proper name, so far as Godhead is concerned, is not the Father, but the SON. Let us beware of confusion. The Son is NOT the Father, neither is the Father the Son; and THOUGH THEY BE ONE GOD, essentially and eternally, being for evermore ONE and indivisible, yet still the distinction of PERSONS is to be carefully believed and observed.

For the mere word “Persons” we do not contend; it is but a make- shift word, although we know not what better term to use; but the fact is all- important that the Father is NOT the Son, and the Son is NOT the Father. Our text has no bearing upon the position and titles of the three Persons with regard to each other; it does not indicate the relation of Deity to itself, but the relation of Jesus Christ to us. He is to us “the everlasting Father.”

The light of the text divides itself into three rays:- Jesus is Everlasting” he is a “Father;” he is the “Everlasting Father.”

I. First, Jesus Christ is EVERLASTING. Of him we may sing with David, “Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever.” A theme for great rejoicing on our part. Rejoice, believer, in Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to- day, and for ever.

Jesus ALWAYS WAS. The Babe born in Bethlehem was united to the Word, which was in the beginning, by whom all things were made. The title by which Jesus Christ revealed himself to John in Patmos was, “Him which is, and which was, and which is to come.” “His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow,” to betoken that he is the Ancient of Days.

“Ere sin was born, or Satan fell, He led the host of morning stars; (Thy generation who can tell, Or count the number of thy years?)”

In his priesthood, Jesus, like unto Melchizedek, “has neither beginning of days nor end of life.” His pedigree is thus declared by Solomon: “When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water. Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth; while as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world.

When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass upon the face of the depth: when he established the clouds above: when he strengthened the fountains of the deep: when he gave to the sea his decree, that the waters should not pass his commandment: when he appointed the foundations of the earth: then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him; rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men.” Think not that the Son of God ever commenced to be.

“Ere the blue heavens were stretched abroad, From everlasting was the Word; With God he was; the Word was God, And must divinely be adored.”

If he were not God from everlasting, we could not so devoutly love him; we could not feel that he had any share in the eternal love, which is the fountain of all covenant blessings. He must be eternal who has a part in the eternal purpose. Since our Redeemer was from all eternity with the Father, we trace the stream of divine love to himself equally with his Father and the blessed Spirit.

We were chosen in him from before the foundation of the world, and thus in our eternal election he shines forth gloriously. We bless and praise, and magnify him that the name “Son” does not at all import any time of birth or generation, or of beginning, but we know that he is as eternally the Son as the Father is eternally the Father, and must be looked upon as God from everlasting.

For he is “the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: for by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him and for him: and he is before all things, and by him all things consist.”

As our Lord always was, so also he is for ever more the same. Jesus is not dead; he ever lives to make intercession for us. He has not ceased to be; he hath gone out of sight; but he sits at the right hand of the Father. Of him we read, “And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands: they shall perish; but thou remains; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment; and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail.”

Jesus is as truly the I AM, as that Jehovah who spoke out of the burning bush to Moses, at Horeb. He lives! He lives! This is the foundation of your comfort, “Because he lives you shall live also.” “Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”

Resort to him in all your times of need, for he is waiting to bless you still. He is made higher than the heavens, but he still receives sinners, and effectually puts away their sins; and since “he ever lives to make intercession for them, he is able to save unto the uttermost them that come unto God by him.”

Jesus, our Lord, ever shall be. He could not be called everlasting if it were supposable that he must one day cease to exist. No, believer; if God shall spare your life to fulfill your full day of threescore years and ten, you shall find that his cleansing fountain is still opened and his precious blood has not lost its power; you shall find that the Priest who filled the healing fount with his own blood still lives to purge you from all iniquity.

When only your last battle remains to be fought, you shall find that the hand of your conquering Captain has not grown feeble, nor his arm waxed short; the living Savior shall cheer the living saint. Nor is this all, for when death has taken you away as with a flood, and all the men of your generation have fallen like grass beneath the mower’s scythe, Jesus shall live, and you, caught up to heaven, shall find him there bearing the dew of his youth; and when the sun’s burning eye shall be dim with age, and the lamps of heaven shall be paled into eternal midnight, when all this world shall melt as melts the winter’s ice at the approach of spring; then shall you find the Lord Jesus still remain the perennial spring of joy, and life, and glory to his people.

Living waters may you draw from this sacred well! Jesus always was, he always is, he always shall be. He is eternal in all his attributes, and in all his offices, and in all his might, and power, and willingness to bless, corn fort, guard, and crown his chosen people.

The connection of the word “Father” with the word “everlasting” allows us very fairly to remark that our Lord is as everlasting as the Father, since he himself is called “the everlasting Father;” for whatever antiquity paternity may imply is here ascribed to Christ.

According to our common notions, of course, the Father must be before the Son, but we must understand that the terms used in Scripture to represent Deity to us are not intended to be literally understood, and rendered in their exact terrestrial sense; they are only so far descriptive as they may he but do not compass the whole truth, for human language utterly fails to convey the very essence and fullness of celestial things.

When God condescends to speak to men, who are but as infants before him, he adopts their childish speech, and brings down his loftiness of thought to the littleness of their capacities. Babes have no words for the thoughts of senators and philosophers, and such matters must be stated in childish language if babes are to know them, and then the statement must inevitably fall far short of the great fact.

The relation between the Father and the Son is a case in point; it is not precisely the same as the relation between a father and a son on earth, but that happens to be the nearest approach to it among men. We must beware of stretching and straining the word in its letter, especially in points where it would make us err from the spirit of the truth. CHRIST JESUS IS AS ETERNAL AS THE FATHER, OR HE WOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN CALLED "THE EVERLASTING FATHER ." !!!

It is the manner of the Easterns to call a man the father of a quality for which he is remarkable. To this day, among the Arabs, a wise man is called “the father of wisdom;” a very foolish man “the father of folly.” The predominant quality in the man is ascribed to him as though it were his child, and he the father of it. Now, the Messiah is here called in the Hebrew “the Father of eternity,” by which is meant that he is pre- eminently the possessor of eternity as an attribute.

Just as the idiom, “the father of wisdom,” implies that a man is pre- eminently wise, so the term, “Father of eternity,” implies that Jesus is preeminently ETERNAL; that to him, beyond and above all others, eternity may be ascribed.

No language can more forcibly convey to our minds the eternity of our Lord Jesus. Nay, without straining the language, I may say that not only is eternity ascribed to Christ, but he is here declared to be the parent of it.

Imagination cannot grasp this, for eternity is a thing beyond us; yet if eternity should seem to be a thing which can have no parent., be it remembered that Jesus is so surely and essentially eternal, that he is here pictured as the source and Father of eternity.

Jesus is not the child of eternity, but the Father of it. Eternity did NOT bring him forth from its mighty bowels, but HE BROUGHT FORTH ETERNITY . Independent, self- sustained, uncreated, eternal existence is with Jesus our Lord and God !!!

In the highest possible sense, then, Jesus Christ is “the everlasting Father.” I will only pause one minute to draw a practical inference from this doctrine. If our Immanuel be indeed then eternal and ever living, let us never think of him as of one dead, whom we have lost, who has ceased to be. What could be a greater sorrow than the thought of a dead Christ? He lives, and lives to care for us. He lives in ALL the attributes, which adorned him upon earth, as gentle and kind and gracious now, as he was then.

Come to him, Christian, REST upon him now, just as if he were visible in this place, and you could tell into his ear your troubles, and confess your sins at his feet. He is here spiritually; your eyes cannot see him, but faith will be better evidence to you than eyesight.

Trust him now with your cares! REST upon him in your present difficulties! And thou, poor sinner, if Christ were on this plat form wouldst thou not come and touch the hem of his garment, and cry, “Jesus, let thy pitying eye look on me and change my heart”?

Well, dear friend, Jesus lives; He is the same to- day as he was in the streets of Jerusalem; and though your feet cannot bear you to him, yet your desires shall serve you instead of feet; and though your finger cannot touch him, your confidence shall be instead of a hand to you. Trust him now! He whose love made him die lives on. His precious blood can never lose its power. Come ye now, humbly come, and confide in “the everlasting Father.”

II. We come, in the second place, to the difficult part of the subject; namely, Christ being called FATHER.

In what sense is Jesus a Father?( notice again ...NOT to be confused with GOD THE Father )

Answer, first. He is federally a Father representing those who are in him, as the HEAD OF A TRIBE REPRESENTS HIS DESCENDANTS. The apostle Paul comes to our help here, for in the memorable chapter in the Corinthians, he speaks of those who are in Adam, and then he talks of a second Adam. Adam is the father of all living; he federally stood for us in the garden, and federally fell and ruined us all. He was the representative man by whose obedience we should have been blessed, through whose disobedience we have been made sinners. The curse of the fall comes upon us because Adam stood in a relation towards us in which none of us stand towards our fellows. He was the representative head for us; and what a fall was there when he fell! for every one of us in his loins fell in him. “In Adam all die.”

Since his day there has been but one other hither to the human race federally. It is true, Noah was the father of the present race of men, for we have all sprung of him; but there was no covenant with Noah in which he represented his posterity, no condition of obedience by which he might have obtained a reward for us, and no condition of disobedience for the breach of which we are called to smart. The only other man who is a representative man before God is the SECOND ADAM , THE MAN CHRIST JESUS, THE LORD FROM HEAVEN .

Brothers and sisters, we call Adam father mournfully, for we are cast out of Eden by him, and we till the ground with the sweat of our face; in sorrow did our mothers bring us forth, and to the grave in sorrow must we go; but we who have believed in Jesus call another man father, namely, the Lord Jesus; and we speak this not sorrowfully but joyfully, for he has opened the gates of a better Paradise; he has taken away the sweat of toil from our faces spiritually, for we who have believed do “ENTER INTO REST;” he has borne himself the pangs which were brought upon us by sin, he took our sicknesses and bore our sorrows; while death itself, the heaviest affliction, he has overcome, so that he that lives and believeth in him shall never die, but pass out of this world into the life celestial.

The grand question for us is this, Are we still under the old covenant of works? If so, we have Adam to our father, and under that Adam we died.

But are we under the covenant of grace? If so, we have Christ to our Father, and in Christ shall we be made alive. Generation makes us the sons of Adam; regeneration acknowledges us as the sons of Christ. In our first birth we come under the fatherhood of the fallen one; in our second birth we enter into the fatherhood of the innocent and perfect One.

In our first fatherhood we wear the image of the earthy; in the second we receive the image of the heavenly. Through our relation to Adam we become corrupt and weak, and the body is put into the grave in dishonor, in corruption, in weakness, in shame; but when we come under the dominion of the second Adam we receive strength, and quickening, and inward spiritual life, and therefore our body rises again like seed sown which rises to a glorious harvest in the image of the heavenly, with honor, and power, and happiness, and eternal life.

In this sense, then, Christ is called Father; and inasmuch as the covenant of grace is older than the covenant of works, CHRIST IS , WHILE ADAM IS NOT , “the everlasting Father;” and inasmuch as the covenant of works as far as we are concerned passes away, being fulfilled in him, and First, the covenant of grace never passes but abides for ever, Christ, as the head of the new covenant, the federal representative of the great economy of grace, is “the everlasting Father.”

Secondly, Christ is a Father IN THE SENSE OF A FOUNDER. You know, perhaps, or at least you readily remember when I remind you, that the Hebrews are in the habit of calling a man a father of a thing, which he invents. For instance, in the fourth chapter of Genesis, Jubal is called the father of such as handle the harp and organ; Jabal was the father of such as dwell in tents, and have cattle; not that these were literally the fathers of such persons, but the inventors of their occupations. Jabal first took upon himself a nomadic tent life, and set the example of wandering about with flocks and herds; and Jubal first put his fingers to musical strings, and his lips to pipes from which the wind is breathed melodiously. The Lord Jesus Christ is in this sense the Father of a wonderful system.

Now, our Lord Jesus Christ, who brought life and immortality to light, and introduced a new phase of worship to this world is, in that respect, a Father; he is the Father of all Christians, the Father of Christianity, the Father of the entire system under which grace reigns through righteousness. Jesus is the Father of a great doctrinal system. All the great truths, which we are in the habit of delivering in your hearing as the precious truths of God sent down from heaven, fell first, clearly and powerfully, from the lips of Jesus.

These things were dimly hinted at in the ceremonies of the law, but Christ first of all put them into plain letter so that he who runs may read. Practically it is Jesus who teaches us the doctrine of electing love; it is Christ who reveals to us redemption by blood; it is Christ that reveals regeneration by the work of the Spirit. Saying plainly, “Ye must be born again.” It is Christ that reveals the perseverance of the saints. In fact, there is no doctrine of the Christian system which is not so clearly set in the light of his own glorious Spirit by his teaching that we may not fairly call him the Father of it.

Our great Master is also the Father of a great practical system. If there be any in the world who “love their neighbors as themselves,” the Man of Nazareth is their Father; for, albeit that the law signified all that, yet men had not discovered it, but had misread the law. “Eye for eye and tooth for tooth” was their version of law; but Christ comes and says, “I say unto you, Resist not evil; if any man smite you on the one cheek, turn to him the other also.”

If any man can suffer with patience and can return good for evil, heaping coals of fire upon the head of his foes, this man is a child of Christ. If men worship God in the spirit and have no confidence in the flesh, if they know no holy place, but recognize every place as holy where a holy man is found, such are the true children of Christ, for he said, “They that worship God must worship him in spirit and in truth.” He is the Father of spiritual worship. It has been common to call Socrates the “father of philosophy;” Jesus is Father of the philosophy of salvation; Galen, the “father of medicine,” Jesus is Father of the medicine of souls; Herodotus, “father of history;” but Jesus is the Father of heaven on earth. He is the Father of disinterested living, of true love to men; he is the Father of forgiving one’s enemies; the Father, in fact, of the divine system of Christian life.

The system of salvation claims Christ to be its Father. Who ever said, “By grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God”? Who but the apostle of this man, Christ Jesus? Who told men that it was not by works of righteousness, which they had done, but by the merit of his passion and his life that they were saved?

Who revealed the way of faith to men but Christ, the great doctrine of “Believe and live”? and those who receive it may claim Christ as Father. He is the Father of the Christian faith- a faith, my brethren, which, albeit that it has done much already for the world, for in old Rome it put down the fights in the Coliseum, threw down the bestial gods of heathendom, and albeit that it is doing much for the world even now, and helping to purge the vast Augean stable of humanity, is to do more still; it is to cast out war, it is to destroy error, it is to regenerate the human race. The Father of this purifying system which is doctrinal and practical, and which has already worked the best results to men, is the Lord Jesus, and since it was devised of old, and will be prolonged as long as the world stands, he is called “the everlasting Father.”

Now, there is a third meaning. The prophet may not so have understood it, but we so receive it, that Jesus is, in the third place, a Father in the great sense of a Life Giver, That is the main sense of “father” to the common mind. Through our fathers we are called into this world. Now it is by Christ that there is a communication of divine energy to the soul, it is through him, through his teaching, through the Spirit that he hath given, through the blood that he hath shed, that life is given to those who were dead in trespasses and sins. He that sits upon the throne says, “BEHOLD , I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW.” “If any man be in Christ, he is a NEW CREATURE; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become NEW.”

“This is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.” “For as the Father raises up the dead, and quickens them; even so the Son quickens whom he will. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God; and they that hear shall live. For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself.” We know that through Jesus Christ the divine LIFE is given to us. “In him was LIFE, and the LIFE was the LIGHT of men.” He gives the LIVING WATER, and then it is in us “a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”

He is that LIVING grain of wheat which was cast into the ground to die, that it might not abide alone, but become a root that brings forth fruit, which fruit we now are, receiving life from him as the stem receives life from the seed from which it sprang. Jesus is our Father in that sense. It is the Spirit of God who operatively quickens the soul and makes us live, but Jesus Christ’s gospel is the channel through which the Spirit works, and Jesus Christ is the true life to us.

“He that HATH THE SON HATH LIFE ; he that hath not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”

As through the energy of Adam this vast world is peopled till hill and dale are covered with a teeming population, so through the life- energy of our Lord Jesus Christ the plains of heaven and the celestial hills shall be peopled with a throng that no man can number.

Out of every realm, an people, speaking every language, having been bronzed by the heats of the torrid zone, or frozen amidst the frosts of the frigid north, Christ shall find a people into whom his quickening shall come, and they shall live through the energy of his Spirit, and he shall be their everlasting Father.


Everything in us calls Christ “Father.” He is the AUTHOR and FINISHER of our FAITH.

If we love him, it is because he first loved us, If we patiently endure, it is by considering “him who endured such contradiction of sinners against himself.” He it is who waters and sustains all our graces. We may say of him, “All my fresh springs are in thee.” The Spirit brings us the water from this well of Bethlehem, but Jesus is the well itself. Spring up, O Well! Spring up, O Well! Divine Father, blessed Jesus, prove thy Fatherhood by re- quickening our souls this morning according to thy word!

4. Fourthly, I do not think that we have yet come to the bottom of this title of “Everlasting Father.” The term implies that Jesus Christ is to be in the future, the Patriarch of an age. Many translators render the passage, “the Father of the future age.” So Pope in his famous Poem of the Messiah understands it, and calls him, “The promised Father of the future age.”

It has been the custom with men to speak of ages as “the age of brass or iron,” and “the age of gold.” This age of gold we are always looking for; the world’s face is constantly turned to it; so much so that quacks play upon the simplicity of men and tell them when this golden age is coming, and fleece them of their pence, and sometimes of their pounds, under the notion that they can tell them somewhat about the good times which are coming. They know nothing about it whatever; they are blind leaders of the blind: but this one thing is clear to every one who cares to see it, namely, that such an age of gold shall come, that a period brighter far than fancy paints will dawn upon this poor, darkened, enslaved world.

I am always jealous with a godly jealousy lest you should forget this doctrine, or throw it up in disgust, because of the shameful way in which it is made merchandize of by others. Brethren, calculate no dates, sit down to devise no charts, but in your heart be satisfied with this, that there will be a kingdom and a reign, and that in that kingdom there shall be no strife to vex the nations, there shall be no affliction to grieve the people; in that kingdom Jesus, the King, shall be conspicuous, and his refulgent glory shall be the light of all the inhabitants; it shall be a New Jerusalem coming down from heaven, prepared by God, as a bride is prepared for her husband, worthy of her Lord, and a meet recompense for the crown of thorns, for the flagellation of his shoulders, for the shame, the spitting, and the cross. High lift the cross, my brethren, for it shall be lifted high.

Speak not of Christ with bated breath, for he comes to be a King. Ye Christians, think not yourselves, though despised and rejected of men, to be men of a mean birth, for “it doth not yet appear what you shall be; but we know that when he shall appear ye shall be like him, for ye shall see him as he is.” Joyfully drink the cup of bitterness, for you shall soon drink the wines on the lees well refined; cheerfully pass through the darkness, for the morning breaks, and the day dawns, and the shadows flee away. Be content to ho the offscouring of all things, for one day, when kings shall bow down before him, and all nations shall call him blessed, you shall partake in his honor, and shall be as princes upon the throne with him, Yes, he is to be the Father of a future age.

Men have called certain great patriots the fathers of their country. To- day let us call Christ the Father of our world. O Jesus, thou hast given to earth far better than a creation. Thou hast not only formed it from chaos into order, and then brought it from darkness into light, and then from death into warm life and beauty, but thou hast recovered it from worse than pristine chaos, and saved it from a darkness worse than the primeval gloom, and a death more horrible than the primeval shades.

Thou hast descended into the depths into which this pearl, the world, was cast, and like a mighty diver all the waves and billows have gone over thee, but thou hast come up again bringing this pearl with thee, and it shall glisten in thy crown for ever when thou, shalt be admired of angels and adored of all created spirits. This shall be the sweetest part of their admiration and their adoration, thou was slain and hast redeemed us unto God by thy blood, and therefore unto thee be glory for ever and ever. He shall be in this sense, then, the Father of an everlasting age.

5. Once more- for the text is very prolific- Christ may be called a Father in the loving and lender sense of a Father’s office. Here is a text to show what I mean. God is called the Father of the fatherless, and Job, I think, says of himself, that he became a father to the poor. You know what it means, of course, at once; it means that he exercised a father’s part.

Now, albeit that the Spirit of adoption teaches us to call God our Father, yet it is not straining truth to say that our Lord Jesus Christ exercises to all his people a Father’s part. According to the old Jewish custom the elder brother was the father of the family in the absence of the father; the firstborn took precedence of all, and took upon him the father’s position; so the Lord Jesus, the firstborn among many brethren, exercises to us a Father’s office.

Is it not so? Has he not succoured us in all time of our need as a father succors his child? Has he not supplied us with more than heavenly bread as a father gives bread unto his children? Does he not daily protect us, nay, did he not yield up his life that we his little ones might be preserved? Will he not say at the last, “Here am I, and the children that thou hast given me; I have lost none”? Does he not chastise us by hiding himself from us, as a father chastens his children?

Do we not find him instructing us by his Spirit and leading us into all truth? Has he not told us to call no man father upon earth in the sense that he is to be our true guide and instructor, and we are to sit at his feet and make him our Rabbi and our authoritative Teacher? Is he not the head in the household to us on earth, abiding with us, and has he not said, “I will not leave you orphans (that is the Greek word); I will come unto you”?

As if his coming was the coming of a Father. If he be a Father, will we not give him honor? If he be the head of the household, will we not give him obedience, and say in our hearts, “Other lords have had dominion over us, but henceforth, thou everlasting Father, we will give thee reverence.” If he be in all these senses “the everlasting Father,”

“Then let us adore, and give him his right,
All glory and power, and wisdom and might,
All honor and blessing, with angels above,
And thanks never- ceasing, for infinite love.”

III. Lastly, we weigh the words, “EVERLASTING FATHER.” I have already explained what this means. Christ is called “the everlasting Father” because he does not himself, as a Father, die or vacate his office. He is still the Federal Bead and Father of his people; still the Founder of gospel truth and of the Christian system; not allowing archbishops and popes to be his vicars and to take his place. He is still the true Life- giver, from whose wounds and by whose death we are quickened; he reigns even now as the patriarchal King; he is still the loving family Head; and so, in every sense, he lives as a Father.

But here is a sweet thought. He neither himself dies, nor becomes childless. He does not lose his children. If his church could perish, he would not be the Father. How a Father without a son? And this is the best of all, that he is “an everlasting Father” to all those to whom he is a Father at all. If thou hast entered into this relationship so as to be in union with Christ, and to be covered with the skirts of his garment, thou art his child, and thou shall for ever be. There is no unfathering Christ, and there is no unchilding us.

He is everlastingly a Father to those who trust in him, and he never does at any one moment cease to be Father to any one of these. This morning you may have come here in trouble, but Christ is still your Father. This day you may be much depressed in spirit and full of doubts and fears; but a true father never ceases, if he be a father, to exercise his kindness to a child; nor does Jesus cease to love and pity you. He will help you. Go to him, and you shall find that loving Friend to be as tender as in the days of his flesh.

He is the author of an eternal system. As I glanced at the words “everlasting Father,” and thought of him as the Founder of an everliving system, I said to myself, “Ah then, the Christian religion will never die out!” It is not possible that the truth as it is in Jesus should ever be put away if he is “the everlasting Father.” I feel as if I could quote again Master Hugh Latimer, when, standing hack to back with Ridley, “Courage, Master Ridley,” said he, “we shall this day light such a candle in England as shall never be put out.”

Look yonder at Christ on the cross! He did that day light such a candle as never can be put out. He is “the everlasting Father.” He set rolling that day as it were a snow- flake of truth as he died upon the cross; and you know what the snow- flake does upon the high Alps; a bird’s wing perhaps sets it rolling, and it gathers another and another and another, till, as it descends, it becomes a mass of snow; and by- and- bye as it leaps from crag to crag, it grows greater and greater and greater, until ponderous masses of ice and snow cohere together, and at the last, with an awful thundering crash the avalanche rolls down, fills the valley, and sweeps all before it; even so this Everlasting Father on the cross set in motion a mighty force which has gone on swelling and increasing, gathering to be a ponderous mass of mighty teaching, and the day shall come when, like an irresistible avalanche it shall fall upon the palaces of the Vatican and upon the towers of Rome, when the mosques of Mahomet and the temples of the gods shall be crushed beneath its stupendous weight, and the Everlasting Father shall have done the deed.

“The everlasting Father,” last of all, because he is the Father, in all his people, of eternal life. Adam, thou art a father, but where are thy sons? If thou couldst return to earth, O Mother Eve! where wouldst thou find thy children? Methinks I see her as she paces round the earth and finds nothing but little grassy mounds, heaps of turf, and sometimes a valley sodden blood red where her children have been slain in battle. I hear her weeping for her children; she will not be comforted because they are not! But hush, Mother Eve, what life didst thou give them? What life was that which Father Adam conferred upon thy sons and daughters?

Why, only life terrestrial, a bubble life, that melted and disappeared. But Jesus as he comes again will find none of his children dead, none of his sons and daughters lost; because he lives they live also, for he is the everlasting Father, and makes those to have everlasting life who live and breathe through him. Thrice happy they who have an interest in the truth of our text!

Now, dear hearers, may I ask you whether Christ is an everlasting Father to you? There are other fathers. The Jew said, “We have Abraham to our father,” and to this day certain divines teach that we have covenant rights because of our earthly fathers. They believe in the Abrahamic covenant much after the manner of the Jews. “We have Abraham to our father;” therefore we have a right to baptism, therefore we are church members; “born into the church.” Yes, I have heard it said, “born into the church.”

Let no man deceive you; this is not Christ’s teaching. “Ye must be born again.” If not, though your mother were a saint in heaven, and your father an undoubted apostle of God, you should derive no advantage, but a world of solemn responsibility from the fact, except you be yourself born again. Do not then say unto yourself, “we have Abraham to our father,” for God is able of the very stones to raise up children unto Abraham. We had a very remarkable instance not very long ago in this Tabernacle, of how God does sometimes bless the outcasts and leaves some of you, the children of godly parents, in the hardness of your heart to perish. There was a man known in the village where he lives by the name of Satan, because of his being so thoroughly depraved.

He was a sailor, and as another sailor in that town had been the means of the conversion of all the sailors in a vessel that left the town, this man desired to sail with him to try and beat his religion out of him. He did his best, but he signally failed; and as they happened to be coming to London, his friend asked him whether he would come to the Tabernacle. He did not mind coming to hear me, for as it happened, I was brought up near the place where he lived. This Satan came here on the Lord’s day morning, when the text was upon soul murder, and he sat (some of you noticed him that day), and sobbed and cried under the sermon at such a broken- hearted rate that he could only say, “People are noticing me, I had better go out;” but his companion would not let him go out, and that man from that day forth was begotten by the Everlasting Father, and is living and walking in the truth, an earnest believer, doing all that he can for the spread of the kingdom, and singularly clear in his doctrinal knowledge. Here is a man who had been everything that was possible in the way of badness, yet God met with him; and some of you who have Abraham to your father, and are related to godly people, are just all the more hardened for all the preaching you have heard. May God have pity upon you and save you yet! Do not be content with fleshly fatherhood; get the spiritual fatherhood, which comes from Christ.

Others of you are this day perhaps saying, “Well, we can trust in our good works.” Well, then, Adam is your father, and you know what will come of you. Adam was driven out of Paradise, and you will never be admitted there. Adam lost all his hopes, and you will lose yours. On the ground of the law shall no flesh living be justified. Alas! I fear that many here have another father. How does Christ put it? “Ye are of your father, the devil,” says he, “for his works ye do.” Not works merely of open sin in the form of adultery, uncleanness, theft, and such like, but opposition to Christ is peculiarly a work of the devil, and unbelief in Christ is the devil’s masterpiece. If you do not then trust the Lord Jesus, do not say to- night when you kneel at the bedside, “Our Father, which art in heaven,” for your father is not in heaven, your father is in hell. Go to the blood of Jesus and ask that you may be cleansed from all iniquity, and then may you say through the everlasting Father, “O God, thou hast made me thy child, and I love and bless thy name.” May God be pleased to give you all his blessing for Jesus’ sake. Amen.


Jesus is the everlasting father, for he is our father. He is the one whom made us.

Genesis 2:7
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

This is why Jesus is our everlasting father, he is the one whom created us. The word "God" in a sense is similar to "family". That is why we are refered to as Gods, such as know ye not that ye are Gods" and multipe other verses. When one becomes "saved" they are a new being.

And verses like this also shows what I'm saying here.

Psalm 82:7

7But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.

Die LIKE men. With Jesus and being born again, we are no longer a "man" or a "woman". We are children of the father, we are Gods.

Exodus 20:3
3Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Notice in this particular verse, it says "no other gods before me". Does not say there are no other gods but me, but that we should put nobody before our father.

no photo
Tue 01/10/12 07:16 PM
Geeze go easy on the quote button for those long posts. Too much blue. My eyes are going crossed. laugh :tongue:

DrewDrew340's photo
Tue 01/10/12 07:28 PM
Well I have some some strange thoughts about whether Jesus was God.
No I don't believe he is at all. I will be the first to say that your religion and beliefs are completely one persons choice. So If I happen to say anything that really upsets anyone, no offense, these are just thoughts to make you go hmmm.
First would you not agree that we are all children of God. Jesus, I believe was not born with the abilities of God's grace. Jesus received these abilities shortly before his death. The intent on giving Jesus these abilities was in order to teach the world about Him, God, the Father. The purpose for this act was to prevent the world from being destroyed such as in the flood. So that we as children of God would increase our faith in Him. Yes Jesus may have been "chosen" by God to teach the world but we are all children. Jesus was not our father but our brother. This is just getting started but why spoil a "story" that was written lifetimes ago that has so many questionable events. And if you choose to believe a little, some, most, or all than there is a whole questionable argument that challenges a religion and its practices in a way that is not pleasant to think about. Many many thoughts and ideas that just wow me when i think about our Father, our Creator, our Puppet Master. Whatever or whoever you want to call him I truly believe that is our Future. Oh and the bible says GOD told us not to worship false idols only Him our Father. So why worship anyone but God. Are we not all worthy of talking to Him. God is all knowing, loving, entity that is there to give us comfort in the time we need it most. Just because we don"t always understand the meaning or the level of comfort he is giving us does not mean that it is not there. Maybe you just closed your mind too much to see the love he gives. Yes God our Father, not Jesus his son, our brother. But he is a brother i would want on my side.

s1owhand's photo
Tue 01/10/12 10:57 PM
Personally I only see the Trinity as one way of describing a single
monotheistic God. I do not think it is any better or worse than the
Muslim description of Allah or the Jewish description of the Father
as the single God or as the Taoist vision of the Tao or the Hindu
description of God as having many parts and faces or the Buddhist
concepts of Karma, Buddha, Dharma, Sangha and the Middle Way.

The way I look at it, there is One Universal God binding all of these
concepts and the rest is just different descriptions of the same
infinite and eternal truth.

No one picture is inherently better than another. All paths can lead
to enlightenment if one only makes the sincere effort to better oneself.


Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 01/11/12 09:15 AM

Now you know I'm not going to read all of that.laugh laugh

I am with you.. Put it in your own words.. Miles

wux's photo
Thu 01/12/12 03:48 AM

PLEASE NOTE : Jesus was also called Everlasting is NOT NOT NOT to be confused with e FATHER .

JESUS is NOT called THE FATHER , but Everlasting Father !!!


The Son is NOT the Father and the Father is NOT the Son.

The Holy Spirit is NOT the Son, and the Holy Sprit is NOT the Father.








..............His Name--The Everlasting Father..............

December 9th, 1866


“The Everlasting Father.”- Isaiah 9:6

How complex is the person of our Lord Jesus Christ! Almost in the same breath the prophet calls him a “child,” and a “counselor,” a “son,” and “the everlasting Father.” This is no contradiction, and to us scarcely a paradox, but it is a mighty marvel that he who was an infant should at the same time be infinite, he who was the Man of Sorrows should also be God over all, blessed for ever; and that he who is in the Divine Trinity always called the Son, should nevertheless be correctly called “the everlasting Father.” How forcibly this should remind us of the necessity of carefully studying and rightly under standing the person of our Lord Jesus Christ!

We must not suppose that we shall understand him at a glance. A look will save the soul, but patient meditation alone can fill the mind with the knowledge of the Savior. Glorious mysteries are hidden in his person. He speaks to us in plainest language, and he manifests himself openly in our midst, but yet in his person itself there is a height and depth which human intellect fails to measure.

When he has looked long and steadily the devout observer perceives in his Well- beloved beauties so rare and ravishing that he is lost in wonder; continued contemplation conducts the soul, by the power of the Holy Spirit, into an elevation of delighted admiration which the less thoughtful know nothing of. So deep is the mystery of the person of our Lord that he must reveal himself to us or we shall never know him. He is not discovered by research nor discerned by reason. “Blessed art thou, Simon Barjonas,” said Christ to Peter, “for flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto thee.” “When it pleased God,” says the apostle, “to reveal his Son in me.”

Another apostle asked the question, “How is it that thou dost manifest thyself unto us?” There is no seeing Jesus except by his own light. He is the door, but NO man opens that door BUT JESUS HIMSELF ; for “he opens, and no man shuts; he shuts, and no man opens.” He is the lesson, but he is also the schoolmaster. He is both key and lock, answer and riddle, way and guide.

He is that which is to be seen, for we are to look unto him; but it is by him that we are enabled to see, for he gives sight to the blind. Let us then, dear friends, if we really desire to understand that most excellent of all sciences, the science of Christ crucified, entreat the Lord himself to be our Rabbi, and beg to be allowed to sit with Mary at the Master’s feet. Be this our prayer, that “we may know him;” and be this our desire, that “we may grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ;” for “to know him is life eternal,” and to be taught of him is to be “wise unto salvation.”

The title before us is a somewhat difficult one. Some years ago I preached to you from “His Name- Wonderful.” I felt I could expatiate upon that with ease. We advanced as far as “Counselor,” and then we halted a while. After a time we were led to preach upon “The Mighty God;” but we have been somewhat diffident of our ability to open up this particular title, for there is a depth in it which we are not able to fathom.

This morning I cannot pretend to dive into the profound depths of the word, but can only skim the surface as the swallow skims the sea. Silver of deep learning and gold of profound thought have I none; but such as I have, give I you. If my basket contains nothing more than a barley loaf and a few small fishes, may the Master of the feast multiply the food in the breaking, that there may be food convenient for his people.

It is necessary at the outset to observe that the Messiah is NOT here called “Father,” by way of any confusion with him who is pre- eminently called “THE FATHER.” Our Lord’s proper name, so far as Godhead is concerned, is not the Father, but the SON. Let us beware of confusion. The Son is NOT the Father, neither is the Father the Son; and THOUGH THEY BE ONE GOD, essentially and eternally, being for evermore ONE and indivisible, yet still the distinction of PERSONS is to be carefully believed and observed.

For the mere word “Persons” we do not contend; it is but a make- shift word, although we know not what better term to use; but the fact is all- important that the Father is NOT the Son, and the Son is NOT the Father. Our text has no bearing upon the position and titles of the three Persons with regard to each other; it does not indicate the relation of Deity to itself, but the relation of Jesus Christ to us. He is to us “the everlasting Father.”

The light of the text divides itself into three rays:- Jesus is Everlasting” he is a “Father;” he is the “Everlasting Father.”

I. First, Jesus Christ is EVERLASTING. Of him we may sing with David, “Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever.” A theme for great rejoicing on our part. Rejoice, believer, in Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to- day, and for ever.

Jesus ALWAYS WAS. The Babe born in Bethlehem was united to the Word, which was in the beginning, by whom all things were made. The title by which Jesus Christ revealed himself to John in Patmos was, “Him which is, and which was, and which is to come.” “His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow,” to betoken that he is the Ancient of Days.

“Ere sin was born, or Satan fell, He led the host of morning stars; (Thy generation who can tell, Or count the number of thy years?)”

In his priesthood, Jesus, like unto Melchizedek, “has neither beginning of days nor end of life.” His pedigree is thus declared by Solomon: “When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water. Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth; while as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world.

When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass upon the face of the depth: when he established the clouds above: when he strengthened the fountains of the deep: when he gave to the sea his decree, that the waters should not pass his commandment: when he appointed the foundations of the earth: then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him; rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men.” Think not that the Son of God ever commenced to be.

“Ere the blue heavens were stretched abroad, From everlasting was the Word; With God he was; the Word was God, And must divinely be adored.”

If he were not God from everlasting, we could not so devoutly love him; we could not feel that he had any share in the eternal love, which is the fountain of all covenant blessings. He must be eternal who has a part in the eternal purpose. Since our Redeemer was from all eternity with the Father, we trace the stream of divine love to himself equally with his Father and the blessed Spirit.

We were chosen in him from before the foundation of the world, and thus in our eternal election he shines forth gloriously. We bless and praise, and magnify him that the name “Son” does not at all import any time of birth or generation, or of beginning, but we know that he is as eternally the Son as the Father is eternally the Father, and must be looked upon as God from everlasting.

For he is “the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: for by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him and for him: and he is before all things, and by him all things consist.”

As our Lord always was, so also he is for ever more the same. Jesus is not dead; he ever lives to make intercession for us. He has not ceased to be; he hath gone out of sight; but he sits at the right hand of the Father. Of him we read, “And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands: they shall perish; but thou remains; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment; and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail.”

Jesus is as truly the I AM, as that Jehovah who spoke out of the burning bush to Moses, at Horeb. He lives! He lives! This is the foundation of your comfort, “Because he lives you shall live also.” “Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”

Resort to him in all your times of need, for he is waiting to bless you still. He is made higher than the heavens, but he still receives sinners, and effectually puts away their sins; and since “he ever lives to make intercession for them, he is able to save unto the uttermost them that come unto God by him.”

Jesus, our Lord, ever shall be. He could not be called everlasting if it were supposable that he must one day cease to exist. No, believer; if God shall spare your life to fulfill your full day of threescore years and ten, you shall find that his cleansing fountain is still opened and his precious blood has not lost its power; you shall find that the Priest who filled the healing fount with his own blood still lives to purge you from all iniquity.

When only your last battle remains to be fought, you shall find that the hand of your conquering Captain has not grown feeble, nor his arm waxed short; the living Savior shall cheer the living saint. Nor is this all, for when death has taken you away as with a flood, and all the men of your generation have fallen like grass beneath the mower’s scythe, Jesus shall live, and you, caught up to heaven, shall find him there bearing the dew of his youth; and when the sun’s burning eye shall be dim with age, and the lamps of heaven shall be paled into eternal midnight, when all this world shall melt as melts the winter’s ice at the approach of spring; then shall you find the Lord Jesus still remain the perennial spring of joy, and life, and glory to his people.

Living waters may you draw from this sacred well! Jesus always was, he always is, he always shall be. He is eternal in all his attributes, and in all his offices, and in all his might, and power, and willingness to bless, corn fort, guard, and crown his chosen people.

The connection of the word “Father” with the word “everlasting” allows us very fairly to remark that our Lord is as everlasting as the Father, since he himself is called “the everlasting Father;” for whatever antiquity paternity may imply is here ascribed to Christ.

According to our common notions, of course, the Father must be before the Son, but we must understand that the terms used in Scripture to represent Deity to us are not intended to be literally understood, and rendered in their exact terrestrial sense; they are only so far descriptive as they may he but do not compass the whole truth, for human language utterly fails to convey the very essence and fullness of celestial things.

When God condescends to speak to men, who are but as infants before him, he adopts their childish speech, and brings down his loftiness of thought to the littleness of their capacities. Babes have no words for the thoughts of senators and philosophers, and such matters must be stated in childish language if babes are to know them, and then the statement must inevitably fall far short of the great fact.

The relation between the Father and the Son is a case in point; it is not precisely the same as the relation between a father and a son on earth, but that happens to be the nearest approach to it among men. We must beware of stretching and straining the word in its letter, especially in points where it would make us err from the spirit of the truth. CHRIST JESUS IS AS ETERNAL AS THE FATHER, OR HE WOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN CALLED "THE EVERLASTING FATHER ." !!!

It is the manner of the Easterns to call a man the father of a quality for which he is remarkable. To this day, among the Arabs, a wise man is called “the father of wisdom;” a very foolish man “the father of folly.” The predominant quality in the man is ascribed to him as though it were his child, and he the father of it. Now, the Messiah is here called in the Hebrew “the Father of eternity,” by which is meant that he is pre- eminently the possessor of eternity as an attribute.

Just as the idiom, “the father of wisdom,” implies that a man is pre- eminently wise, so the term, “Father of eternity,” implies that Jesus is preeminently ETERNAL; that to him, beyond and above all others, eternity may be ascribed.

No language can more forcibly convey to our minds the eternity of our Lord Jesus. Nay, without straining the language, I may say that not only is eternity ascribed to Christ, but he is here declared to be the parent of it.

Imagination cannot grasp this, for eternity is a thing beyond us; yet if eternity should seem to be a thing which can have no parent., be it remembered that Jesus is so surely and essentially eternal, that he is here pictured as the source and Father of eternity.

Jesus is not the child of eternity, but the Father of it. Eternity did NOT bring him forth from its mighty bowels, but HE BROUGHT FORTH ETERNITY . Independent, self- sustained, uncreated, eternal existence is with Jesus our Lord and God !!!

In the highest possible sense, then, Jesus Christ is “the everlasting Father.” I will only pause one minute to draw a practical inference from this doctrine. If our Immanuel be indeed then eternal and ever living, let us never think of him as of one dead, whom we have lost, who has ceased to be. What could be a greater sorrow than the thought of a dead Christ? He lives, and lives to care for us. He lives in ALL the attributes, which adorned him upon earth, as gentle and kind and gracious now, as he was then.

Come to him, Christian, REST upon him now, just as if he were visible in this place, and you could tell into his ear your troubles, and confess your sins at his feet. He is here spiritually; your eyes cannot see him, but faith will be better evidence to you than eyesight.

Trust him now with your cares! REST upon him in your present difficulties! And thou, poor sinner, if Christ were on this plat form wouldst thou not come and touch the hem of his garment, and cry, “Jesus, let thy pitying eye look on me and change my heart”?

Well, dear friend, Jesus lives; He is the same to- day as he was in the streets of Jerusalem; and though your feet cannot bear you to him, yet your desires shall serve you instead of feet; and though your finger cannot touch him, your confidence shall be instead of a hand to you. Trust him now! He whose love made him die lives on. His precious blood can never lose its power. Come ye now, humbly come, and confide in “the everlasting Father.”

II. We come, in the second place, to the difficult part of the subject; namely, Christ being called FATHER.

In what sense is Jesus a Father?( notice again ...NOT to be confused with GOD THE Father )

Answer, first. He is federally a Father representing those who are in him, as the HEAD OF A TRIBE REPRESENTS HIS DESCENDANTS. The apostle Paul comes to our help here, for in the memorable chapter in the Corinthians, he speaks of those who are in Adam, and then he talks of a second Adam. Adam is the father of all living; he federally stood for us in the garden, and federally fell and ruined us all. He was the representative man by whose obedience we should have been blessed, through whose disobedience we have been made sinners. The curse of the fall comes upon us because Adam stood in a relation towards us in which none of us stand towards our fellows. He was the representative head for us; and what a fall was there when he fell! for every one of us in his loins fell in him. “In Adam all die.”

Since his day there has been but one other hither to the human race federally. It is true, Noah was the father of the present race of men, for we have all sprung of him; but there was no covenant with Noah in which he represented his posterity, no condition of obedience by which he might have obtained a reward for us, and no condition of disobedience for the breach of which we are called to smart. The only other man who is a representative man before God is the SECOND ADAM , THE MAN CHRIST JESUS, THE LORD FROM HEAVEN .

Brothers and sisters, we call Adam father mournfully, for we are cast out of Eden by him, and we till the ground with the sweat of our face; in sorrow did our mothers bring us forth, and to the grave in sorrow must we go; but we who have believed in Jesus call another man father, namely, the Lord Jesus; and we speak this not sorrowfully but joyfully, for he has opened the gates of a better Paradise; he has taken away the sweat of toil from our faces spiritually, for we who have believed do “ENTER INTO REST;” he has borne himself the pangs which were brought upon us by sin, he took our sicknesses and bore our sorrows; while death itself, the heaviest affliction, he has overcome, so that he that lives and believeth in him shall never die, but pass out of this world into the life celestial.

The grand question for us is this, Are we still under the old covenant of works? If so, we have Adam to our father, and under that Adam we died.

But are we under the covenant of grace? If so, we have Christ to our Father, and in Christ shall we be made alive. Generation makes us the sons of Adam; regeneration acknowledges us as the sons of Christ. In our first birth we come under the fatherhood of the fallen one; in our second birth we enter into the fatherhood of the innocent and perfect One.

In our first fatherhood we wear the image of the earthy; in the second we receive the image of the heavenly. Through our relation to Adam we become corrupt and weak, and the body is put into the grave in dishonor, in corruption, in weakness, in shame; but when we come under the dominion of the second Adam we receive strength, and quickening, and inward spiritual life, and therefore our body rises again like seed sown which rises to a glorious harvest in the image of the heavenly, with honor, and power, and happiness, and eternal life.

In this sense, then, Christ is called Father; and inasmuch as the covenant of grace is older than the covenant of works, CHRIST IS , WHILE ADAM IS NOT , “the everlasting Father;” and inasmuch as the covenant of works as far as we are concerned passes away, being fulfilled in him, and First, the covenant of grace never passes but abides for ever, Christ, as the head of the new covenant, the federal representative of the great economy of grace, is “the everlasting Father.”

Secondly, Christ is a Father IN THE SENSE OF A FOUNDER. You know, perhaps, or at least you readily remember when I remind you, that the Hebrews are in the habit of calling a man a father of a thing, which he invents. For instance, in the fourth chapter of Genesis, Jubal is called the father of such as handle the harp and organ; Jabal was the father of such as dwell in tents, and have cattle; not that these were literally the fathers of such persons, but the inventors of their occupations. Jabal first took upon himself a nomadic tent life, and set the example of wandering about with flocks and herds; and Jubal first put his fingers to musical strings, and his lips to pipes from which the wind is breathed melodiously. The Lord Jesus Christ is in this sense the Father of a wonderful system.

Now, our Lord Jesus Christ, who brought life and immortality to light, and introduced a new phase of worship to this world is, in that respect, a Father; he is the Father of all Christians, the Father of Christianity, the Father of the entire system under which grace reigns through righteousness. Jesus is the Father of a great doctrinal system. All the great truths, which we are in the habit of delivering in your hearing as the precious truths of God sent down from heaven, fell first, clearly and powerfully, from the lips of Jesus.

These things were dimly hinted at in the ceremonies of the law, but Christ first of all put them into plain letter so that he who runs may read. Practically it is Jesus who teaches us the doctrine of electing love; it is Christ who reveals to us redemption by blood; it is Christ that reveals regeneration by the work of the Spirit. Saying plainly, “Ye must be born again.” It is Christ that reveals the perseverance of the saints. In fact, there is no doctrine of the Christian system which is not so clearly set in the light of his own glorious Spirit by his teaching that we may not fairly call him the Father of it.

Our great Master is also the Father of a great practical system. If there be any in the world who “love their neighbors as themselves,” the Man of Nazareth is their Father; for, albeit that the law signified all that, yet men had not discovered it, but had misread the law. “Eye for eye and tooth for tooth” was their version of law; but Christ comes and says, “I say unto you, Resist not evil; if any man smite you on the one cheek, turn to him the other also.”

If any man can suffer with patience and can return good for evil, heaping coals of fire upon the head of his foes, this man is a child of Christ. If men worship God in the spirit and have no confidence in the flesh, if they know no holy place, but recognize every place as holy where a holy man is found, such are the true children of Christ, for he said, “They that worship God must worship him in spirit and in truth.” He is the Father of spiritual worship. It has been common to call Socrates the “father of philosophy;” Jesus is Father of the philosophy of salvation; Galen, the “father of medicine,” Jesus is Father of the medicine of souls; Herodotus, “father of history;” but Jesus is the Father of heaven on earth. He is the Father of disinterested living, of true love to men; he is the Father of forgiving one’s enemies; the Father, in fact, of the divine system of Christian life.

The system of salvation claims Christ to be its Father. Who ever said, “By grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God”? Who but the apostle of this man, Christ Jesus? Who told men that it was not by works of righteousness, which they had done, but by the merit of his passion and his life that they were saved?

Who revealed the way of faith to men but Christ, the great doctrine of “Believe and live”? and those who receive it may claim Christ as Father. He is the Father of the Christian faith- a faith, my brethren, which, albeit that it has done much already for the world, for in old Rome it put down the fights in the Coliseum, threw down the bestial gods of heathendom, and albeit that it is doing much for the world even now, and helping to purge the vast Augean stable of humanity, is to do more still; it is to cast out war, it is to destroy error, it is to regenerate the human race. The Father of this purifying system which is doctrinal and practical, and which has already worked the best results to men, is the Lord Jesus, and since it was devised of old, and will be prolonged as long as the world stands, he is called “the everlasting Father.”

Now, there is a third meaning. The prophet may not so have understood it, but we so receive it, that Jesus is, in the third place, a Father in the great sense of a Life Giver, That is the main sense of “father” to the common mind. Through our fathers we are called into this world. Now it is by Christ that there is a communication of divine energy to the soul, it is through him, through his teaching, through the Spirit that he hath given, through the blood that he hath shed, that life is given to those who were dead in trespasses and sins. He that sits upon the throne says, “BEHOLD , I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW.” “If any man be in Christ, he is a NEW CREATURE; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become NEW.”

“This is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.” “For as the Father raises up the dead, and quickens them; even so the Son quickens whom he will. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God; and they that hear shall live. For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself.” We know that through Jesus Christ the divine LIFE is given to us. “In him was LIFE, and the LIFE was the LIGHT of men.” He gives the LIVING WATER, and then it is in us “a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”

He is that LIVING grain of wheat which was cast into the ground to die, that it might not abide alone, but become a root that brings forth fruit, which fruit we now are, receiving life from him as the stem receives life from the seed from which it sprang. Jesus is our Father in that sense. It is the Spirit of God who operatively quickens the soul and makes us live, but Jesus Christ’s gospel is the channel through which the Spirit works, and Jesus Christ is the true life to us.

“He that HATH THE SON HATH LIFE ; he that hath not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”

As through the energy of Adam this vast world is peopled till hill and dale are covered with a teeming population, so through the life- energy of our Lord Jesus Christ the plains of heaven and the celestial hills shall be peopled with a throng that no man can number.

Out of every realm, an people, speaking every language, having been bronzed by the heats of the torrid zone, or frozen amidst the frosts of the frigid north, Christ shall find a people into whom his quickening shall come, and they shall live through the energy of his Spirit, and he shall be their everlasting Father.


Everything in us calls Christ “Father.” He is the AUTHOR and FINISHER of our FAITH.

If we love him, it is because he first loved us, If we patiently endure, it is by considering “him who endured such contradiction of sinners against himself.” He it is who waters and sustains all our graces. We may say of him, “All my fresh springs are in thee.” The Spirit brings us the water from this well of Bethlehem, but Jesus is the well itself. Spring up, O Well! Spring up, O Well! Divine Father, blessed Jesus, prove thy Fatherhood by re- quickening our souls this morning according to thy word!

4. Fourthly, I do not think that we have yet come to the bottom of this title of “Everlasting Father.” The term implies that Jesus Christ is to be in the future, the Patriarch of an age. Many translators render the passage, “the Father of the future age.” So Pope in his famous Poem of the Messiah understands it, and calls him, “The promised Father of the future age.”

It has been the custom with men to speak of ages as “the age of brass or iron,” and “the age of gold.” This age of gold we are always looking for; the world’s face is constantly turned to it; so much so that quacks play upon the simplicity of men and tell them when this golden age is coming, and fleece them of their pence, and sometimes of their pounds, under the notion that they can tell them somewhat about the good times which are coming. They know nothing about it whatever; they are blind leaders of the blind: but this one thing is clear to every one who cares to see it, namely, that such an age of gold shall come, that a period brighter far than fancy paints will dawn upon this poor, darkened, enslaved world.

I am always jealous with a godly jealousy lest you should forget this doctrine, or throw it up in disgust, because of the shameful way in which it is made merchandize of by others. Brethren, calculate no dates, sit down to devise no charts, but in your heart be satisfied with this, that there will be a kingdom and a reign, and that in that kingdom there shall be no strife to vex the nations, there shall be no affliction to grieve the people; in that kingdom Jesus, the King, shall be conspicuous, and his refulgent glory shall be the light of all the inhabitants; it shall be a New Jerusalem coming down from heaven, prepared by God, as a bride is prepared for her husband, worthy of her Lord, and a meet recompense for the crown of thorns, for the flagellation of his shoulders, for the shame, the spitting, and the cross. High lift the cross, my brethren, for it shall be lifted high.

Speak not of Christ with bated breath, for he comes to be a King. Ye Christians, think not yourselves, though despised and rejected of men, to be men of a mean birth, for “it doth not yet appear what you shall be; but we know that when he shall appear ye shall be like him, for ye shall see him as he is.” Joyfully drink the cup of bitterness, for you shall soon drink the wines on the lees well refined; cheerfully pass through the darkness, for the morning breaks, and the day dawns, and the shadows flee away. Be content to ho the offscouring of all things, for one day, when kings shall bow down before him, and all nations shall call him blessed, you shall partake in his honor, and shall be as princes upon the throne with him, Yes, he is to be the Father of a future age.

Men have called certain great patriots the fathers of their country. To- day let us call Christ the Father of our world. O Jesus, thou hast given to earth far better than a creation. Thou hast not only formed it from chaos into order, and then brought it from darkness into light, and then from death into warm life and beauty, but thou hast recovered it from worse than pristine chaos, and saved it from a darkness worse than the primeval gloom, and a death more horrible than the primeval shades.

Thou hast descended into the depths into which this pearl, the world, was cast, and like a mighty diver all the waves and billows have gone over thee, but thou hast come up again bringing this pearl with thee, and it shall glisten in thy crown for ever when thou, shalt be admired of angels and adored of all created spirits. This shall be the sweetest part of their admiration and their adoration, thou was slain and hast redeemed us unto God by thy blood, and therefore unto thee be glory for ever and ever. He shall be in this sense, then, the Father of an everlasting age.

5. Once more- for the text is very prolific- Christ may be called a Father in the loving and lender sense of a Father’s office. Here is a text to show what I mean. God is called the Father of the fatherless, and Job, I think, says of himself, that he became a father to the poor. You know what it means, of course, at once; it means that he exercised a father’s part.

Now, albeit that the Spirit of adoption teaches us to call God our Father, yet it is not straining truth to say that our Lord Jesus Christ exercises to all his people a Father’s part. According to the old Jewish custom the elder brother was the father of the family in the absence of the father; the firstborn took precedence of all, and took upon him the father’s position; so the Lord Jesus, the firstborn among many brethren, exercises to us a Father’s office.

Is it not so? Has he not succoured us in all time of our need as a father succors his child? Has he not supplied us with more than heavenly bread as a father gives bread unto his children? Does he not daily protect us, nay, did he not yield up his life that we his little ones might be preserved? Will he not say at the last, “Here am I, and the children that thou hast given me; I have lost none”? Does he not chastise us by hiding himself from us, as a father chastens his children?

Do we not find him instructing us by his Spirit and leading us into all truth? Has he not told us to call no man father upon earth in the sense that he is to be our true guide and instructor, and we are to sit at his feet and make him our Rabbi and our authoritative Teacher? Is he not the head in the household to us on earth, abiding with us, and has he not said, “I will not leave you orphans (that is the Greek word); I will come unto you”?

As if his coming was the coming of a Father. If he be a Father, will we not give him honor? If he be the head of the household, will we not give him obedience, and say in our hearts, “Other lords have had dominion over us, but henceforth, thou everlasting Father, we will give thee reverence.” If he be in all these senses “the everlasting Father,”

“Then let us adore, and give him his right,
All glory and power, and wisdom and might,
All honor and blessing, with angels above,
And thanks never- ceasing, for infinite love.”

III. Lastly, we weigh the words, “EVERLASTING FATHER.” I have already explained what this means. Christ is called “the everlasting Father” because he does not himself, as a Father, die or vacate his office. He is still the Federal Bead and Father of his people; still the Founder of gospel truth and of the Christian system; not allowing archbishops and popes to be his vicars and to take his place. He is still the true Life- giver, from whose wounds and by whose death we are quickened; he reigns even now as the patriarchal King; he is still the loving family Head; and so, in every sense, he lives as a Father.

But here is a sweet thought. He neither himself dies, nor becomes childless. He does not lose his children. If his church could perish, he would not be the Father. How a Father without a son? And this is the best of all, that he is “an everlasting Father” to all those to whom he is a Father at all. If thou hast entered into this relationship so as to be in union with Christ, and to be covered with the skirts of his garment, thou art his child, and thou shall for ever be. There is no unfathering Christ, and there is no unchilding us.

He is everlastingly a Father to those who trust in him, and he never does at any one moment cease to be Father to any one of these. This morning you may have come here in trouble, but Christ is still your Father. This day you may be much depressed in spirit and full of doubts and fears; but a true father never ceases, if he be a father, to exercise his kindness to a child; nor does Jesus cease to love and pity you. He will help you. Go to him, and you shall find that loving Friend to be as tender as in the days of his flesh.

He is the author of an eternal system. As I glanced at the words “everlasting Father,” and thought of him as the Founder of an everliving system, I said to myself, “Ah then, the Christian religion will never die out!” It is not possible that the truth as it is in Jesus should ever be put away if he is “the everlasting Father.” I feel as if I could quote again Master Hugh Latimer, when, standing hack to back with Ridley, “Courage, Master Ridley,” said he, “we shall this day light such a candle in England as shall never be put out.”

Look yonder at Christ on the cross! He did that day light such a candle as never can be put out. He is “the everlasting Father.” He set rolling that day as it were a snow- flake of truth as he died upon the cross; and you know what the snow- flake does upon the high Alps; a bird’s wing perhaps sets it rolling, and it gathers another and another and another, till, as it descends, it becomes a mass of snow; and by- and- bye as it leaps from crag to crag, it grows greater and greater and greater, until ponderous masses of ice and snow cohere together, and at the last, with an awful thundering crash the avalanche rolls down, fills the valley, and sweeps all before it; even so this Everlasting Father on the cross set in motion a mighty force which has gone on swelling and increasing, gathering to be a ponderous mass of mighty teaching, and the day shall come when, like an irresistible avalanche it shall fall upon the palaces of the Vatican and upon the towers of Rome, when the mosques of Mahomet and the temples of the gods shall be crushed beneath its stupendous weight, and the Everlasting Father shall have done the deed.

“The everlasting Father,” last of all, because he is the Father, in all his people, of eternal life. Adam, thou art a father, but where are thy sons? If thou couldst return to earth, O Mother Eve! where wouldst thou find thy children? Methinks I see her as she paces round the earth and finds nothing but little grassy mounds, heaps of turf, and sometimes a valley sodden blood red where her children have been slain in battle. I hear her weeping for her children; she will not be comforted because they are not! But hush, Mother Eve, what life didst thou give them? What life was that which Father Adam conferred upon thy sons and daughters?

Why, only life terrestrial, a bubble life, that melted and disappeared. But Jesus as he comes again will find none of his children dead, none of his sons and daughters lost; because he lives they live also, for he is the everlasting Father, and makes those to have everlasting life who live and breathe through him. Thrice happy they who have an interest in the truth of our text!

Now, dear hearers, may I ask you whether Christ is an everlasting Father to you? There are other fathers. The Jew said, “We have Abraham to our father,” and to this day certain divines teach that we have covenant rights because of our earthly fathers. They believe in the Abrahamic covenant much after the manner of the Jews. “We have Abraham to our father;” therefore we have a right to baptism, therefore we are church members; “born into the church.” Yes, I have heard it said, “born into the church.”

Let no man deceive you; this is not Christ’s teaching. “Ye must be born again.” If not, though your mother were a saint in heaven, and your father an undoubted apostle of God, you should derive no advantage, but a world of solemn responsibility from the fact, except you be yourself born again. Do not then say unto yourself, “we have Abraham to our father,” for God is able of the very stones to raise up children unto Abraham. We had a very remarkable instance not very long ago in this Tabernacle, of how God does sometimes bless the outcasts and leaves some of you, the children of godly parents, in the hardness of your heart to perish. There was a man known in the village where he lives by the name of Satan, because of his being so thoroughly depraved.

He was a sailor, and as another sailor in that town had been the means of the conversion of all the sailors in a vessel that left the town, this man desired to sail with him to try and beat his religion out of him. He did his best, but he signally failed; and as they happened to be coming to London, his friend asked him whether he would come to the Tabernacle. He did not mind coming to hear me, for as it happened, I was brought up near the place where he lived. This Satan came here on the Lord’s day morning, when the text was upon soul murder, and he sat (some of you noticed him that day), and sobbed and cried under the sermon at such a broken- hearted rate that he could only say, “People are noticing me, I had better go out;” but his companion would not let him go out, and that man from that day forth was begotten by the Everlasting Father, and is living and walking in the truth, an earnest believer, doing all that he can for the spread of the kingdom, and singularly clear in his doctrinal knowledge. Here is a man who had been everything that was possible in the way of badness, yet God met with him; and some of you who have Abraham to your father, and are related to godly people, are just all the more hardened for all the preaching you have heard. May God have pity upon you and save you yet! Do not be content with fleshly fatherhood; get the spiritual fatherhood, which comes from Christ.

Others of you are this day perhaps saying, “Well, we can trust in our good works.” Well, then, Adam is your father, and you know what will come of you. Adam was driven out of Paradise, and you will never be admitted there. Adam lost all his hopes, and you will lose yours. On the ground of the law shall no flesh living be justified. Alas! I fear that many here have another father. How does Christ put it? “Ye are of your father, the devil,” says he, “for his works ye do.” Not works merely of open sin in the form of adultery, uncleanness, theft, and such like, but opposition to Christ is peculiarly a work of the devil, and unbelief in Christ is the devil’s masterpiece. If you do not then trust the Lord Jesus, do not say to- night when you kneel at the bedside, “Our Father, which art in heaven,” for your father is not in heaven, your father is in hell. Go to the blood of Jesus and ask that you may be cleansed from all iniquity, and then may you say through the everlasting Father, “O God, thou hast made me thy child, and I love and bless thy name.” May God be pleased to give you all his blessing for Jesus’ sake. Amen.


Jesus is the everlasting father, for he is our father. He is the one whom made us.

Genesis 2:7
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

This is why Jesus is our everlasting father, he is the one whom created us. The word "God" in a sense is similar to "family". That is why we are refered to as Gods, such as know ye not that ye are Gods" and multipe other verses. When one becomes "saved" they are a new being.

And verses like this also shows what I'm saying here.

Psalm 82:7

7But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.

Die LIKE men. With Jesus and being born again, we are no longer a "man" or a "woman". We are children of the father, we are Gods.

Exodus 20:3
3Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Notice in this particular verse, it says "no other gods before me". Does not say there are no other gods but me, but that we should put nobody before our father.

You know what? Maybe you are right. But I highly doubt it.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 01/12/12 04:35 AM

Then God isn't a very good parent, because NO good parent would EVER and I mean EVER reject their child forever no matter WHAT they did. Love always finds a way, and even if the person never receives it, they still love anyway. Casting out at any time, is NOT what love does.

I always find it amazing how we expect less of God than we do of ourselves. A friend of mine has a saying, she won't worship a God who is worse than she is. I'd say that's pretty wise words.

Oh and the Bible isn't God's word either, so that means little here. It's words of man masquerading as God, nothing more.

Oh, Kleisto.. Don't you read the Bible? xD

Here.. I got some quotes from it for you.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"The Lord is a man of war: The Lord is his name."
Exodus 15:3

(Oh, so he DOES like war. Now, see, that makes sense.)

"That whosoever would not seek the Lord God should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman."
2 Chronicles 15:13

(Even Children...? Nice. That's k ind of funny since... this:)

"Foolishness is bound to the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him."
Proverbs 22:15

(You see here it says children are foolish--Wait, beat them with a rod?! Promoting child abuse now, are we?)

Oh, please, let's continue to QUOTE a BOOK. Since, I had asked earlier why people, religious that is, resort to 'quoting' a book; to which, some stuff was said. >.> But I can't recall if the question had been answered? But, per the usual, all I see is a bunch of quoting going on.. So, shall we carry on? I know the Bible too, after all.

This is a confession from Saint Augustine:

"This malady of curiosity is the reason for all those strange sights exhibited in theater. It is also the reason why we proceed to search out the secret powers of nature - those which have nothing to do with our destiny - which do not profit us to know about, and concerning which men desire to know only for the sake of knowing. And it is with this same motive of perverted curiosity for knowledge that we consult the magical arts. Even in religion itself, this prompting drives us to make TRIAL OF GOD when signs and wonders are eagerly asked of him - not desired for saving any end, but only to make trial of him."

So, feel free, take that as you will...

"And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall surely be punished. Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished; for he is his money."

Exodus 21:20-21

Nice.. so if I'm reading that right, if he kills him in one day, he's doomed to face punishment; however, doing it in increments so as to not kill him; he'll be fine, because he has... money? What in the...?

"And he that curseth his father, or his m other, shall surely be put to death."

Exodus: 21:17

Let this be a lesson.. don't curse out your mom or dad; because in the eyes of the Lord... you will die.

Now, you can go ahead, quote scripture all freaking day long but it boils down to the simple fact: God did NOT write the Bible. EVEN if I was dense enough to believe half the stuff said it; how are you going to reference that to tell me this is why I should believe in Him, yet leave out all the horrors and atrocity He Himself has committed?

Massacring the first born child of Egypt? Flooding the 'entire world'. Yet Kane was permitted to live, and he killed his own brother. What makes one deserving of life, but not the next? How can you permit some to hold slaves, servants, and the likes; yet not all? He is by far, according to your literature, one of the most BIAS beings to exist.

Condoning the murder and beating of children? Seriously? We, as humans, are about to literally destroy the planet; you don't think now would be a good time to step in.. or is it that he truly does NOT care about us one bit? Forgiveness? PSH!

People have been massacred, raped, and tortured over this 'sacred book'; are you proclaimed that you are wiser than those before you? If so, then explain to me how that works.

How does the people who write it, get misinterpreted by thousands, only to be re-translated tears later into something entirely new?

If I sit here and ask you; how did God make all the animals in one day; when their existences are so stretched apart, i.e., Dinosaurs to humans; which spans well over a million years; but this is where you tell me, 'Well, God didn't specify how long one of his days were", right? What a load...

Your whole religion is based of a human written book. Period. You can have your warm and fuzzy feelings, you can be all wrapped up in your 'eyes of God' and 'voices' and that whole 'he has our paths laid out before us' but I refuse to buy it; until I can hear one decent argument without the resorting of a book.

Because guess what... God wanted us to be tempted by the Devil. Why? Well who else made him? We didn't. We were 'blind', didn't even know we were naked. He had the form of a 'snake'.. etc etc.

So, without resorting to your infamous book of fiction; can someone, anyone, lay out an argument as to why anyone should believe this stuff? I mean, if you want, I'll go write you an amazing biblical story, and start a massive following of worshipers.

Because guess what... I'm a writer too.

Fiction makes some of the best stories.

Just saying..

no photo
Thu 01/12/12 05:39 AM

Then God isn't a very good parent, because NO good parent would EVER and I mean EVER reject their child forever no matter WHAT they did. Love always finds a way, and even if the person never receives it, they still love anyway. Casting out at any time, is NOT what love does.

I always find it amazing how we expect less of God than we do of ourselves. A friend of mine has a saying, she won't worship a God who is worse than she is. I'd say that's pretty wise words.

Oh and the Bible isn't God's word either, so that means little here. It's words of man masquerading as God, nothing more.

Oh, Kleisto.. Don't you read the Bible? xD

Here.. I got some quotes from it for you.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"The Lord is a man of war: The Lord is his name."
Exodus 15:3

(Oh, so he DOES like war. Now, see, that makes sense.)

"That whosoever would not seek the Lord God should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman."
2 Chronicles 15:13

(Even Children...? Nice. That's k ind of funny since... this:)

"Foolishness is bound to the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him."
Proverbs 22:15

(You see here it says children are foolish--Wait, beat them with a rod?! Promoting child abuse now, are we?)

Oh, please, let's continue to QUOTE a BOOK. Since, I had asked earlier why people, religious that is, resort to 'quoting' a book; to which, some stuff was said. >.> But I can't recall if the question had been answered? But, per the usual, all I see is a bunch of quoting going on.. So, shall we carry on? I know the Bible too, after all.

This is a confession from Saint Augustine:

"This malady of curiosity is the reason for all those strange sights exhibited in theater. It is also the reason why we proceed to search out the secret powers of nature - those which have nothing to do with our destiny - which do not profit us to know about, and concerning which men desire to know only for the sake of knowing. And it is with this same motive of perverted curiosity for knowledge that we consult the magical arts. Even in religion itself, this prompting drives us to make TRIAL OF GOD when signs and wonders are eagerly asked of him - not desired for saving any end, but only to make trial of him."

So, feel free, take that as you will...

"And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall surely be punished. Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished; for he is his money."

Exodus 21:20-21

Nice.. so if I'm reading that right, if he kills him in one day, he's doomed to face punishment; however, doing it in increments so as to not kill him; he'll be fine, because he has... money? What in the...?

"And he that curseth his father, or his m other, shall surely be put to death."

Exodus: 21:17

Let this be a lesson.. don't curse out your mom or dad; because in the eyes of the Lord... you will die.

Now, you can go ahead, quote scripture all freaking day long but it boils down to the simple fact: God did NOT write the Bible. EVEN if I was dense enough to believe half the stuff said it; how are you going to reference that to tell me this is why I should believe in Him, yet leave out all the horrors and atrocity He Himself has committed?

Massacring the first born child of Egypt? Flooding the 'entire world'. Yet Kane was permitted to live, and he killed his own brother. What makes one deserving of life, but not the next? How can you permit some to hold slaves, servants, and the likes; yet not all? He is by far, according to your literature, one of the most BIAS beings to exist.

Condoning the murder and beating of children? Seriously? We, as humans, are about to literally destroy the planet; you don't think now would be a good time to step in.. or is it that he truly does NOT care about us one bit? Forgiveness? PSH!

People have been massacred, raped, and tortured over this 'sacred book'; are you proclaimed that you are wiser than those before you? If so, then explain to me how that works.

How does the people who write it, get misinterpreted by thousands, only to be re-translated tears later into something entirely new?

If I sit here and ask you; how did God make all the animals in one day; when their existences are so stretched apart, i.e., Dinosaurs to humans; which spans well over a million years; but this is where you tell me, 'Well, God didn't specify how long one of his days were", right? What a load...

Your whole religion is based of a human written book. Period. You can have your warm and fuzzy feelings, you can be all wrapped up in your 'eyes of God' and 'voices' and that whole 'he has our paths laid out before us' but I refuse to buy it; until I can hear one decent argument without the resorting of a book.

Because guess what... God wanted us to be tempted by the Devil. Why? Well who else made him? We didn't. We were 'blind', didn't even know we were naked. He had the form of a 'snake'.. etc etc.

So, without resorting to your infamous book of fiction; can someone, anyone, lay out an argument as to why anyone should believe this stuff? I mean, if you want, I'll go write you an amazing biblical story, and start a massive following of worshipers.

Because guess what... I'm a writer too.

Fiction makes some of the best stories.

Just saying..

Jeremiah 8:8
New International Version (NIV)

8 “‘How can you say, “We are wise,
for we have the law of the LORD,”
when actually the lying pen of the scribes
has handled it falsely?

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 01/12/12 05:53 AM
















Oh hobbywash..

The only way to honestly know that this is POSITIVE is to die. So, tell me, who died and then came back simply to tell you this?

How do you know? You don't. For all you know, there could be nothing that awaits us. I guess it's because a book told you so? I mean God is so awesome he watched his son be tortured, yet he couldn't stand some others becoming slaves?

So, basically, you're telling me. That God forgave 'us' for torturing that murdering his son; yet he couldn't forgive the Egyptians for enslaving his people? Via, the seven plagues? How ludicrous.

Um, waiter.. check please? We're done here.

actionlynx's photo
Thu 01/12/12 06:28 AM
I haven't read the entire thread, but I did have a thought which some may find interesting and worth discussion. Please do not ask me for specifics though, since I do not know scripture.

Referring to Jesus as God may have a much simpler and more mundane origin.

God, through Moses, banned religious idolatry. He was not to be given representation in physical form.

Along comes Jesus, the son of God, a living, breathing representation of God, giving God's divinity a physical form.

Throughout history, man has always made idols of the divine so they can feel a greater connection to the powers that be. While Jesus was alive, his followers had this connection without need for an idol. But after he passed on, the followers of Christ wanted to continue this connection, through the New Testament, relics, and even images of Jesus.

God had only banned images of himself, not his son. As Christianity spread, many converts were coming from religions which heavily made use idols. Just as the Apostles found that writing the teachings of Christ helped them to maintain their connection with the Son of God, the likeness of Christ provided converts - especially illiterate ones - with a way to more easily establish and maintain a connection with God by proxy, i.e. the image of Christ as representative of the divine.

So through the use of metaphor and idolatry, Christ became equated with God at the common level, even though the two are linked but separate.

Remember that the New Testament has been transcribed countless times. Even the most accurate transcription of The Bible came centuries after the death of Christ. Thus the wording of the Apostles may have been modified over time, referring to Christ as God.

And what is the most likely reason this change became necessary? Immaculate Conception.

It was an alien concept, even for pagan religions. In ancient religions, gods had to have intercourse with a human in order for conception to happen. Without the act of intercourse, what was the point of divine-mortal conception? Some gods were able to produce offspring by simply masturbating. Others produced offspring from spilt blood or a body part. But Christ was born of neither. His mother was supposed to be a virgin even after the act of conception. It was a radical idea at the time because a god needed to take physical form in the realm of mortals.

So equating Christ to God was really nothing more than a way to spread the teachings of Jesus amongst people used to pagan ideas. This kind of adaption constantly appears throughout the history of Christianity. In our current age, it is outdated and unnecessary, but it has become entrenched as part of the tradition. Thus it carries on, even if false according to the word of God.