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Topic: Interracial Relationships Yay or Nay??
msharmony's photo
Wed 12/28/11 05:26 AM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 12/28/11 05:31 AM

Dating and living in inter-racial relationships have many pluses and minuses. Love is rare and if you find it in an interracial relationship you have tough choices to face. It is easy to be all PC when just converseing but it is a whole another story when you live it day in day out. Watching a mate suffer just becasue they are not your race and there are people int he world that have no better then to do than make and issue of it is no fun.

People who decide to cross racial lines are wise to look into their own skill sets to see if they have what it takes to live in a counter cultural relationship. It is not impossible but it is tough. It will not be an easy relationship. And it is not something you do an just say oops it it doesn't work out. People get hurt on all sides of the equation and memories can be really long. If you don't have some serious courage, self confidence, independence, and absoute committment I don't recommend it.

Love does not thrive in a vacume of just two people and if you don't have some serious friends and family to support it it can wear you out even if you don't want it to and do every thing you can to make it work..

Those who think "love overcomes all" fail to realize that racism is pervasive and sometimes so subtle that it is hard to identify and overcome. The constancy of it can wear out or severly rough up even good relationhips on a regular basis. People who think freinds and family will be enough or even step up are often dissappointed.

And while it is hard to endure when it is personal it is excruciateing when it is directed at your children which it will, with out a doubt, be.

In my experience for a biracial child, even an adult, the feeling of being without real acceptance anywhere is not a really great experience. Saying you can know how it feels because it is your child is deludeing yourself.

ID say, in any situation, its wise to know if you can deal with it and what your support system is.

kids can be teased for many reasons, their appearance, their intelligence, their financial status,,,but a strong support system and a foundation that has taught them confidence and prepared them for the realities of struggle and consequence can usually counter those childhood issues fairly well

much of my life people have made the 'assumption' that I am mixed, even though I am not,,,and there have been those who took issue with it,,,but for the most part, other children really didnt and dont care once they get past the elementary years when they are still learning social skills,,,

my mother had similar issues because people assumed she was mixed and some thought she was too light to be black and others thought she was not pale enough to be white,,,,but such is life, we have to learn there will always be some who have an issue with how we look,,,mixed, black, white, or otherwise,,and it truly is just their issue,,,

oh,, I think its also regional,,,, I had that whole 'people will treat us badly' mentality about interracial dating all the way up until I finally took the leap to date someone white

in my own town, eighty percent of the time people minded their own business, the other twenty percent people just caused us to laugh at THEM because they were so ridiculous

in the town where we worked, however, more of a KKK area, it was probably more like fifty fifty, and it was cool that we only had to be there when we worked,,,and those idiots at work who took issue,, usually just made us laugh,,,

Here in vegas, where billboards feature same sex couples and you can regularly see people carrying their pets into establishments of business,,, there is a much more 'whatever makes you happy' culture,,,

Okami04's photo
Wed 12/28/11 01:18 PM
Always she is doing amazing,

Real talk though how does a white guy approach a black girl who has never dated a white guy before

Seakolony's photo
Wed 12/28/11 01:33 PM
I am interracial.

msharmony's photo
Wed 12/28/11 06:46 PM

Always she is doing amazing,

Real talk though how does a white guy approach a black girl who has never dated a white guy before

how does the white guy come to know the black girl never dated a white guy? seems like he must have already 'approached' on some level or another

best solution is to be oneself, its the only way to know if its you she is attracted to and not waste time trying to figure out how to try to fit her ideals of attraction,,,,

SweetiePie01's photo
Wed 12/28/11 07:27 PM
Yay and Nay here. I think as long as the person treats you well thats all that counts. But I do think that it can cause emotional problems for the children in the future. For instance, a friend of mine has a mixed son who is the most gorgeous child I've ever seen. He's 12 and is insistant he is ugly because he's mixed from all the nasty comments he's heard. That's heart breaking to me. But when it comes down to it, you can't help who you love and there's only one race amoung us, humans. That's it for me. And also, as for the children... it's better for a child to have unpleasant experiences in the world and have two parents madly inlove with each other because regardless they will have unpleasent experiences in the world. So when it comes down to it, it's just if you're in love with the person and if he/she treats you like a king/queen!

Karma_09's photo
Wed 12/28/11 07:31 PM
It would be great if we (as a society) were blind and didn't care about looks and fell in love with people instead of what they look like

SweetiePie01's photo
Wed 12/28/11 07:38 PM

It would be great if we (as a society) were blind and didn't care about looks and fell in love with people instead of what they look like

Yes.. but we're getting closer each and every day!!!

wux's photo
Wed 12/28/11 07:54 PM

Mixing people is natural.
Animals are out.

You mix people after putting out the cat and the dog. Check.

(I learn so much on these forums.)

Now, if I may ask a quesition please.

You use CuisineArt, or a hand-held blender?

wux's photo
Wed 12/28/11 07:56 PM

I am interracial.

Me too. I am not BOTH Hungarian and Jewish, I am instead trying to decide which one I am. Between races, as I were. Interrace.

wux's photo
Wed 12/28/11 07:58 PM

It would be great if we (as a society) were blind and didn't care about looks and fell in love with people instead of what they look like

"The "me" generation"

"The "new" you"

"The blind ambition"

"The blind faith"

"The blind race"


Not bad, lady.

hemis_sphere's photo
Sun 01/01/12 05:50 AM
It is a big Yay

ybcat1's photo
Sun 01/01/12 01:30 PM

Always she is doing amazing,

Real talk though how does a white guy approach a black girl who has never dated a white guy before

I would say, like he would approach any other woman he found interest in. Be yourself and see if she is interested.

MsDawnaMckenzie's photo
Sun 01/01/12 01:35 PM
I think it's a great way to get to know eachothers cultral diffrences. I personally enjoy dating asians men <3

Okami04's photo
Mon 01/02/12 05:56 PM

It would be great if we (as a society) were blind and didn't care about looks and fell in love with people instead of what they look like

woe woe woe no one ever said looks don't matter

were talking about dating based on race not beauty the 2 have nothing in common

kissablekiss's photo
Wed 01/25/12 02:38 AM
who killed my thread !!!!!!!!

s1owhand's photo
Wed 01/25/12 02:54 AM
With you kiss, would I blissfully share oblivion for a little

devil bigsmile

kissablekiss's photo
Wed 01/25/12 03:05 AM
Thinking ........
..Your such a tease

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 01/25/12 03:24 AM
Edited by Sin_and_Sorrow on Wed 01/25/12 03:43 AM
One Gangsta Phrase Comes to Mind:

"You do you cause Ima do me."

Gangsta Translation - A phrase that roughly translates into,

do wtf ever you want; because I'm going to do wtf ever I want.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 01/25/12 03:24 AM
Edited by Sin_and_Sorrow on Wed 01/25/12 03:45 AM

Always she is doing amazing,

Real talk though how does a white guy approach a black girl who has never dated a white guy before

try saying hi....

...that type of perception is borderline racist in itself.

A woman is a woman brudda.

Remember that.

Color is just like chocolate.

It comes it dark, light, or that gentle mix which gives it a tan color..

Unless you're from Jersey Shore..
..then it only comes in M&M orange.


..either way, it's still chocolate.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 01/25/12 03:27 AM
Edited by Sin_and_Sorrow on Wed 01/25/12 03:46 AM

Dating and living in inter-racial relationships have many pluses and minuses. Love is rare and if you find it in an interracial relationship you have tough choices to face. It is easy to be all PC when just converseing but it is a whole another story when you live it day in day out. Watching a mate suffer just becasue they are not your race and there are people int he world that have no better then to do than make and issue of it is no fun.

People who decide to cross racial lines are wise to look into their own skill sets to see if they have what it takes to live in a counter cultural relationship. It is not impossible but it is tough. It will not be an easy relationship. And it is not something you do an just say oops it it doesn't work out. People get hurt on all sides of the equation and memories can be really long. If you don't have some serious courage, self confidence, independence, and absoute committment I don't recommend it.

Love does not thrive in a vacume of just two people and if you don't have some serious friends and family to support it it can wear you out even if you don't want it to and do every thing you can to make it work..

Those who think "love overcomes all" fail to realize that racism is pervasive and sometimes so subtle that it is hard to identify and overcome. The constancy of it can wear out or severly rough up even good relationhips on a regular basis. People who think freinds and family will be enough or even step up are often dissappointed.

And while it is hard to endure when it is personal it is excruciateing when it is directed at your children which it will, with out a doubt, be.

In my experience for a biracial child, even an adult, the feeling of being without real acceptance anywhere is not a really great experience. Saying you can know how it feels because it is your child is deludeing yourself.

ID say, in any situation, its wise to know if you can deal with it and what your support system is.

kids can be teased for many reasons, their appearance, their intelligence, their financial status,,,but a strong support system and a foundation that has taught them confidence and prepared them for the realities of struggle and consequence can usually counter those childhood issues fairly well

much of my life people have made the 'assumption' that I am mixed, even though I am not,,,and there have been those who took issue with it,,,but for the most part, other children really didnt and dont care once they get past the elementary years when they are still learning social skills,,,

my mother had similar issues because people assumed she was mixed and some thought she was too light to be black and others thought she was not pale enough to be white,,,,but such is life, we have to learn there will always be some who have an issue with how we look,,,mixed, black, white, or otherwise,,and it truly is just their issue,,,

oh,, I think its also regional,,,, I had that whole 'people will treat us badly' mentality about interracial dating all the way up until I finally took the leap to date someone white

in my own town, eighty percent of the time people minded their own business, the other twenty percent people just caused us to laugh at THEM because they were so ridiculous

in the town where we worked, however, more of a KKK area, it was probably more like fifty fifty, and it was cool that we only had to be there when we worked,,,and those idiots at work who took issue,, usually just made us laugh,,,

Here in vegas, where billboards feature same sex couples and you can regularly see people carrying their pets into establishments of business,,, there is a much more 'whatever makes you happy' culture,,,

...only Harmony could be involved in a massively long paragraph debate or whatever this is with someone on such a simple topic. lol.

If she shivers your timber, then you best rock the boat.
If the one that does the shivering happens to be black/white/orange/half ape/smurf or otherwise, so effing what.


Love doesn't see color.
Love doesn't see race.
Love doesn't see hate.


If it ain't for you, then don't do it.
But don't cry and whine that 'Love doesn't exist'..
..you're the one with the strict priorities.

Cupid is color blind. Best believe that.

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