Topic: Michigan People? Anywhere?
wcxidave's photo
Thu 11/15/07 01:38 PM
Tis the season to.......... Deck the halls with poison ivy
Fa la la la laaaaa and Kalamazoo.
Don't blame me I am just the morning guy trying to bring a smile to our state of depression.

Rhage's photo
Thu 11/15/07 01:52 PM
I'm from michigan, but i do hate michigan and its Economy.

twitchy2006's photo
Fri 11/16/07 11:57 AM
I'm from MI, about an hour and a half from Detroit.
Hello everyone!!! bigsmile

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 11:52 AM
Edited by la62163 on Sat 11/17/07 11:52 AM
Hello Mr. Radio Dave and fellow Michiganders. I'm Laura from a Detroit Suburb.

I see lots of HI's and Hello's but lets try for topic. Like, what we like about Michigan.Or, what the heck, what we dislike about Michigan.

I like the change of seasons but HATE the LONG winters when its cold for 5 months.

I love having the lakes in all directions.I just wish Summer was a bit longer.

I've found people in MI are definately more friendly here than other states but I hate that so many are leaving because of our economy. Gov. Jennifer must find other industries to come here now that the Auto Industy is heading downward.

burgundybry's photo
Sat 11/17/07 12:07 PM
well, up here in the soo, things are boring as hell, lol..happy to have a job anyway...pays the bills...barely...praying for summer already...i think God has a strange sense of humor, putting me way the hell up here, when he knows i hate winter, rofl..

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 12:46 PM
I'm sure the Soo is cold and miserable in the winter if you don't do the winter sports or activities but the summers must be gorgeous up there. Take the good with the bad I guess.

burgundybry's photo
Sat 11/17/07 12:54 PM
laura, the one good thing about winter...HOCKEY SEASON!!!lol.summers are quite beautiful here...only problem is its all "fudgie" shops, and bars...neither of which i do, lol..canada would be okay, as long as i didn't drive..its got more one way streets than ann arbor..

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 01:10 PM
Well, I like the fudgie shops and the other little shops up there but I'm not into the bar scene either. Anything near the water works for me though. I bet Fall is gorgeous up there too.

burgundybry's photo
Sat 11/17/07 01:13 PM
yep, very nice..especially along the lake superior scenic tour route..great for picture taking

kai67's photo
Sat 11/17/07 02:01 PM
I LOVE the weather here. Yes the long cold months would be nice if they were shorter. But, after 13 years in Florida I'll take the long cold. LOL! A little warm cider a fireplace and a sweet man will make me happy. drinker bigsmile

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 02:06 PM
Sounds like a great recipe for a nice cozy winter love life.

burgundybry's photo
Sat 11/17/07 03:47 PM
so, whats everyone's holiday plans?

wcxidave's photo
Sat 11/17/07 05:11 PM
Lets see what is nice about Michigan, the lakes yes but jobs are gone, quite literally. So would the last one leaving Mich. please turn out the lights. One good thing we are the second highest taxed state next to California, but they need it out there for all the fruit and nuts. If we are loosing so many jobs why do they have to raise taxes on the rest of us? Won't it just drive people and jobs away?
As for the holidays I am stuffing myself with turkey. And have to work Those days. No complaint, Doctors police fire and nurses all have to work that day to, so I will be in good company.

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 11/17/07 05:14 PM
<<<<<from Michigan, new to this site.

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 05:18 PM
All your points are good ones Dave. I just hope a smart company will swoop in and take up shop here, hire thousands of people to get our economic ball rolling again outside of the Auto Industry. We have great educated people here, good colleges, access to the rest of the world thru our waterways. Beautiful lakes, low air polution...Our seasons are nice, (winter is long but not always FREEZING), no earthquakes, mud slides, no fires that burn up hundreds of homes... no 100' temps, etc... Something has got to change soon, I just have to believe that.

kai67's photo
Sat 11/17/07 05:38 PM
smart company?... HAHA I'ts a really nice thought. as far as the weather is concerned Yes it is nice here. I have to say I love it. The Government sucks but we cant have it all...

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 05:46 PM
Ya, Gov. J. Gran. isn't who I voted for. I wonder if a business man would have us in a better position right now, had DeVos won.

burgundybry's photo
Sat 11/17/07 06:28 PM
5 am comes pretty early, so i'm off to bed..last one out, shut off the lights, eh?

DadnMe's photo
Sat 11/17/07 06:40 PM
Speaking of Michigan!!! How about that game today??? huh? huh? How about it? laugh <-----obviously from O-H-I-O

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 06:45 PM
Darn it! I hadn't heard who one. Come on now.. Be a good sport and dont' rub it in! LOL What was the score?