Topic: If You Are Unemployed, You Should Starve
wux's photo
Sat 11/12/11 02:28 PM

So you feel that able bodied adults should be allowed to choose to not work and they should be supported by other people? Why should they be supported? Supported by whom?

Sir, we are not talking about what I feel. We are talking about the stupidity imbedded in the statement, in that quote. If we talk about what I feel, I feel like a bj and a coffee, quite frankly.

I suggest we stick to the topic.

no photo
Sat 11/12/11 02:30 PM

She's obviously taking about people who can provide for themselves, but choose not to.

What is obvious to you may not be obvious to others.

If we are to talk about what she says, we must talk about what she says, not what we think she obviously meant.

If we accept that we know better than she does what she means when she says something, then we are degradign ourselves to the level of scummy Bible scholars, who purport to know better what God means than God himself.

So let's stich with what she said, please, not what we think she obviously meant.


I had forgotten how willfully ignorant you people were. I've about hit my quota of dealing with fools in just 2 days of being back.


no photo
Sat 11/12/11 02:34 PM

So you feel that able bodied adults should be allowed to choose to not work and they should be supported by other people? Why should they be supported? Supported by whom?

Sir, we are not talking about what I feel. We are talking about the stupidity imbedded in the statement, in that quote. If we talk about what I feel, I feel like a bj and a coffee, quite frankly.

I suggest we stick to the topic.

You are sadly mistaken. The stupidity is embedded in your head, not the quote.

wux's photo
Sat 11/12/11 02:36 PM
Sir, I need not you to tell me what the quote means. I think you must tell me what is wrong with my pointing equivalences to the quote's statement.

I am quite confident that my equivalences are spot on. You are not showing me how they are wrong; you simply give me alternative explanations.
I am not interested in alternative explanations until after you prove that what I claim are equivalences are not equivalences.

Until then, please, do not call me child, stupid or troll. Just opposing you does not a troll make.

Instead, I ask you to please CONSIDER the truths in my statements.

If you can't, and you can't refute them, either, then let's close this debate.

I debate using logic. Maybe that is why I can't become religious, or a follower of a party, or a person who gives in other than to logical rebuttals that prove me wrong, or to brute force or a gun pointed to my head.

wux's photo
Sat 11/12/11 02:38 PM
Edited by wux on Sat 11/12/11 02:41 PM

So you feel that able bodied adults should be allowed to choose to not work and they should be supported by other people? Why should they be supported? Supported by whom?

Sir, we are not talking about what I feel. We are talking about the stupidity imbedded in the statement, in that quote. If we talk about what I feel, I feel like a bj and a coffee, quite frankly.

I suggest we stick to the topic.

You are sadly mistaken. The stupidity is embedded in your head, not the quote.

Please refrain from personal slurs and insults. Whether you are right or wrong about my stupidity, is immaterial; it has no bearing on the topic of discussion.

Please allow me to direct you yet once more back to the topic, and please allow me to ask you to show with logic how my statements that I claimed are equivalent or directly following form the said quote are false, not equivalent or not directly following from the quote.

This is a debate, sir, not an insult-fest. Please do behave yourself.

wux's photo
Sat 11/12/11 02:46 PM

I had forgotten how willfully ignorant you people were. I've about hit my quota of dealing with fools in just 2 days of being back.

With all due respect, sir, if the whole world is always against you, so to speak, then maybe the whole world has a point.

I belive it is time for you to reexamine your apparent belief and your demonstrated blind faith in your own superiority and invincibility of deciding the truth of that kind which is decidable only by examining facts and using logic.

wux's photo
Sat 11/12/11 03:05 PM
Edited by wux on Sat 11/12/11 03:10 PM

She's obviously taking about people who can provide for themselves, but choose not to.

Sir, you lambasted some participants in this topic who gave an interpretation to the quote. That was on the first page. You then pointed out that the interpretation was false, and we must go to the source, and not use a journalist's interpretation of the original.

Now, you turn around completely, and you insist that we must go back to interpretations of the quote, and abandon the quote altogether.

I do not know why you do something that just a few dozen posts before that you said we must not do.

This sort of contradictory behaviour on debates is very damaging to your reputation as a reasonable debater.


For your information, I did exactly what you demanded on the first page, to go back to the quote and examine it for its meanings.

I came up with a number of possible but logically unassailable equivalences. These equivalences were directly following from the quote. They also showed how nonsensical (I used then the word "stupid") the quote is in and by itself.

You did not like the equivalences, so your only means of validating the reasonability of the original quote was to reinterpret it.

PLEASE NOTE VERY WELL: I never reintrerpreted the quote. I drew equivalences.

So you needed to reinterpret the quote because the equivalences too painfully showed how nonsensical the quote was. You also called me stupid and a troll as you went along, as to give a punch to your argument, as to show to the world how you were right, because you were obviously arguing against someone "stupid".

So.... you were emotionally committed to the good values and ideas in the quote, and when I proved there was nothing good or valuable in what the quote said, you attacked with an ad hominem argument and called the whole thing invalid, because the original quote needed interpretation, and you went ahead and did your own interpretation.

Exactly what you decried as a thing which we must not do.

Do you see now why the the whole world is against you?

People don't like the rules changed as they go along, if the rule changes only to benefit their opponent. You changed the rule from "not permitted to interpret" to "now it's permitted to interpret."

People don't like to argue against somebody who becomes personally abusive in a debate when it is not called for. You called me stupid and a troll. I don't mind; but the whole world minds, and that is why it even has a name as a special type of fallacy.

Pleople don't liek to argue agaisnt somebody who is doggone stubborn, and in the face of all available evidence that his point is wrong he will still not capitulate and admit that his original point or stated argument was incorrect.


This is why in two days you met too many "willfully ignorant" people.

Here's looking at you, kid.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 11/12/11 03:45 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Sat 11/12/11 03:58 PM
Hi all!

Bachman doesn't think I should eat (by my understanding)

I'm 61 years old, have cancer concerns and other medical issues. I have been fighting for disability for 2 years now.

My Drs WON"T let me work, but the gov't says I should (or at least they've kept denying my claim wanting more "info" provided...11 Drs and 700+ pages of reports isn't enough for them!

No job I am skilled in or capable of, will hire me (due to age and health... which must be stated in truth on applications).

So.... I do anything I can (mostly computer related) to feed and house myself, but I am not employed.

I can't get help because I can't work by Drs opinion, but I have no certificate of disability, only pages of medical records.

I for one am not on the dole, but truely wish I could be, since I am unable, but willing, to work. My life would be much simpler with either!

I have paid into unemployment (depleted since my health crisis and the oil spill cost me my job), and for 40 years have paid into SS.

But I don't deserve to eat according to Bachman, by my translation...

She wants to cut my possibilities of getting what I paid in to SS as well, and medicaid, medicare... my only future options!
frustrated mad explode

BTW... my BP claim was denied until I get a determination for "causes" of my disability for job loss.... I'm screwd coming and going thanks to politicos like Bachman! I only have 4 years to refile, and they are 1/2 gone! Good reason for the inaction on their part I would say. May not live that long laugh

no photo
Sat 11/12/11 04:10 PM

If certain people would read the commentary on the page before replying.....

Yesterday morning during a speech at the Family Research Council in Washington, Michele Bachmann bashed the unemployed in perhaps the most heartless way possible. After vowing to weaken social safety net programs such as Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, and unemployment benefits, Bachmann said that if you are currently not working, you should not be eating.

Some people! frustrated

So you consider a journalists interpretation of what Michele Bachmann said to be a better source than an actual quote by her? That's an strange way to look at things, but then again people who don't value truth over winning come up with all sorts of interesting ways of justifying their beliefs.

OK, we won't mention cutting the safety nets that seniors, disabled and unemployed rely on, AND HAVE PAID IN TO SO THEY WOULD HAVE THEM to get by.....and the world is a better place with her in it...


The drugs are'nt working!

I need drugs to read this threadslaphead

no photo
Sat 11/12/11 04:19 PM

No, it was too long ago. Just because someone says something about one of your heroes doesn't mean its a lie.

I'm not a big fan of hers, but what you said is a lie or perhaps you are just mistaken. Regardless, it's not true.

how do you know it;s not true, and how can you justify your attitude. I think it must be possible to post an opinion with out name calling and degrading statements

entitlement programs are necessary & need to be regulated, any wealthy individuals and corporations need to pay their proportional share in taxes. To me that is more of an issue than assistance to the unemployed & disabled

Chrysler. GM and the banks need to REPAY the taxpayers - that alone could fund assistance

msharmony's photo
Sat 11/12/11 04:39 PM

No, it was too long ago. Just because someone says something about one of your heroes doesn't mean its a lie.

I'm not a big fan of hers, but what you said is a lie or perhaps you are just mistaken. Regardless, it's not true.

how do you know it;s not true, and how can you justify your attitude. I think it must be possible to post an opinion with out name calling and degrading statements

entitlement programs are necessary & need to be regulated, any wealthy individuals and corporations need to pay their proportional share in taxes. To me that is more of an issue than assistance to the unemployed & disabled

Chrysler. GM and the banks need to REPAY the taxpayers - that alone could fund assistance

Chrysler and GM did both repay the taxpayers

Im not sure about the banks

Mothette's photo
Sat 11/12/11 04:44 PM

its irrelevant in most situations , because most assistance has fairly rigorous requirements that people

A) are trying to


B) are unable to work

so it is not set up to help those who WILL NOT work,,,

Exactly. I know very personally just how hard it is to get gov. assistance of any kind, even when you are truly unable to work and in desperate need of help. I find that the people that spew about gov. moochers also commonly espouse that most people receiving aid are such people, but can't name any such person of whom they know well either. One commentator's interpretation is probably true:

...her position on weakening programs that benefit ALL without jobs says clearly that she means to punish all unemployed this way and not just the ones who refuse to go out and get a job or put in the work necessary to keep one. Her words exclude can’t work (for whatever reason)[;] her motions and intended actions include them.

no photo
Sat 11/12/11 04:46 PM

No, it was too long ago. Just because someone says something about one of your heroes doesn't mean its a lie.

I'm not a big fan of hers, but what you said is a lie or perhaps you are just mistaken. Regardless, it's not true.

how do you know it;s not true, and how can you justify your attitude. I think it must be possible to post an opinion with out name calling and degrading statements

entitlement programs are necessary & need to be regulated, any wealthy individuals and corporations need to pay their proportional share in taxes. To me that is more of an issue than assistance to the unemployed & disabled

Chrysler. GM and the banks need to REPAY the taxpayers - that alone could fund assistance

Chrysler and GM did both repay the taxpayers

Im not sure about the banks

well that is good to know - especially if they repaid dollar for dollar! that is awesome! My apology - I am sooo apolitical harmony - not surprised I'm prolly the last person on earth who knows that

wux's photo
Sat 11/12/11 11:50 PM
Edited by wux on Sat 11/12/11 11:58 PM

No, it was too long ago. Just because someone says something about one of your heroes doesn't mean its a lie.

I'm not a big fan of hers, but what you said is a lie or perhaps you are just mistaken. Regardless, it's not true.

how do you know it;s not true, and how can you justify your attitude. I think it must be possible to post an opinion with out name calling and degrading statements

entitlement programs are necessary & need to be regulated, any wealthy individuals and corporations need to pay their proportional share in taxes. To me that is more of an issue than assistance to the unemployed & disabled

Chrysler. GM and the banks need to REPAY the taxpayers - that alone could fund assistance

Chrysler and GM did both repay the taxpayers

Im not sure about the banks

well that is good to know - especially if they repaid dollar for dollar! that is awesome! My apology - I am sooo apolitical harmony - not surprised I'm prolly the last person on earth who knows that

Hey. I did not even know what monies they ought to repay. But then again, I live in Canada.

Here the situation is simpler. WE have fewer people, more oil than capita to sell abroad, and we have a happy and healthy tri-party system.

A tri-party system would appear to make things more complicated, no?

Well, no. Conservatives is a party which is made up of hard working honest rich people, and they have centre-of-the road policies. Supported by the rich, the rednecks, and the sensible. The Liberals, which is like the Democrats in the USA, are centre-of-the-road, and the politicians are lying cheating thieves. Middle-class and immigrants-supported. Then there is a third major party, NDP, which is a bit like communists. Hard working, poor people. Honest, too, both politicians and voters. They like to spend money: rob from the rich, give to the poor, but they don't pocket any. Supported by the fringe, by trade unions, by bleeding-heart do-gooders who would be otherwise helping the poor in church kitchens or going on missions, bu they are atheists, so they can't pretty well do that. The NDP is NOT supported by the working class, not even by the blue collar startum, unless they are in a trade union.

So what do we do. Most people would prefer a Liberal gov, and mostly that's the case. The Libs go on, until they accumulate too many scandals in their file and rank, and then the voters vote PC (progressive conservatives). The PC does an excellent job at governing, and a really, but really pathetic job at self-promotion to the public media. The state news agency hates them, the main media hate them, everybody hates them, but I like them.

There is always a period when the country is put back into order under the PCs, and when enough time has passed to forget the Liberal thieving, then people become once again sentimental and vote the Liberals in.

NDP is a minority party. They are vocal, and they oppose everything. Therefore they are treated by public opinion as a likable, sweet, but not-to-be-taken-seriously party. Not very much unlike a late teen is treated in the family, who is rebellious, but people look the other way, coz they know it's just their nature, the rebellious youth mean no harm.

There is a fourth party, a French separatist party, whose main objective comes to play in case there is no 51% vote for any one party (of the two) to form a government after an election. Government must be formed by a 51% majority. If there is no such lot, then the French party will put its support on the auction bloc, and sell itself to the highest bidder to form a coalition with. Their name is even Bloc Quebecois. This is serious, folks, look up their names in the Canadian Government website if you don't believe me.

Canadians therefore are not so ferocious about politics as Americans. Why? For one, we have a choice outside of issues. Here the issues are not a concern at all at election time, coz a party always votes in uniformity in parliament. No voice for the individual representatives. It's the party policy, vote for it, like it or not.

So the public is not bogged down with details, during elections we only have to look at the billboards and candidate-signs on the side of the road, and basically that's all the research we'd ever need to do during elections as a regular voter.

The public is not bogged down, so we can still watch a lot of tv and DVDs during a campaign. Free sex and unabashed adultery are unfortunately OUT for the time being, they are under repairs and we forgot to bring our ticket again to get it out of the shop. But if we could use them, politics would not interfere. A prime minister even articled that once, and made it law. "Government has no say in what goes on in the bedrooms of the nation." This is the single most famous Canadian political event in our entire history as a nation. This put Canada on the international political map. A prime minister before him got the Nobel Peace prize, but nobody knows when or why, or even that he did.

The other reason for being less political is that we are less angry, because we simply have less to worry about. Our banks are secure, we don't need to fear starvation if we lose our jobs, we don't need to sell the house and the kids down the river if we get seriously ill, because there is medicare. The medicare is financially managable because large settlements for malpractice by doctors are not the norm. In America, and I don't live there, so please correct me, there is no medicare, so people lose their homes potentially if they have a need for a liver transplant. Therefore Americans worry about their health, wealth, and existence. WE don't. And here, again, please if someone knows the exact figures, please correct me, the malpractice insce is ten thousand dollars a year for an average doctor, while in the USA it's like a hundred and fifty thousand. I don't stand behind these numbers.

A third reason is the gun law -- we walk the streets of Canadian cities in self-assured safety. The only paranoia is over child abductions. In the States people know that they can be made holy or else holey via rapture or via ruptured through the skin by a shower of bullets by any one on the street. That's another worry.

And lastly, it's the sense of humour we, Canadians, boast which is soooo very superior to American. True, the talk shows at midnight are way funnier in the States. No contest. Where Canadians lead in the laughter is the French Canadian movies. For one thing, they speak in French in them, so that alone is hilarious to listen to. For the other, these movies are kind, slowly and gently building, subtle, funny, mildly political, and like I said, extremely funny. These movies are made to target slightly higher IQ range than American movies. USA, Hollywood and Disney movies target the 80 to 120 IQ range, with the most shows written for the 85-105 level. French movies made in Canada are aimed at the 100-135 IQ range, with the bulk of the audience assumed at 110 to 120 in IQ points.

The English Canadians make no movies, they just watch Amy TV on TV.

So this is why Canadians are laughing all the way to wherever they are going, and this is why the Americans are really obnoxious and boorish and go to foreign lands to shoot up people into a heap of corpses and let the Jews of Israel take the runt of it by paying for it in bad reputation.

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/13/11 01:30 AM

No, it was too long ago. Just because someone says something about one of your heroes doesn't mean its a lie.

I'm not a big fan of hers, but what you said is a lie or perhaps you are just mistaken. Regardless, it's not true.

how do you know it;s not true, and how can you justify your attitude. I think it must be possible to post an opinion with out name calling and degrading statements

entitlement programs are necessary & need to be regulated, any wealthy individuals and corporations need to pay their proportional share in taxes. To me that is more of an issue than assistance to the unemployed & disabled

Chrysler. GM and the banks need to REPAY the taxpayers - that alone could fund assistance

Chrysler and GM did both repay the taxpayers

Im not sure about the banks

well that is good to know - especially if they repaid dollar for dollar! that is awesome! My apology - I am sooo apolitical harmony - not surprised I'm prolly the last person on earth who knows that

Hey, Im not political genius either,,,lol

this just HAPPENS to be something I read about when it was announced (when the last of their debt had been repaid,, that is)

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 11/13/11 06:12 AM

No, it was too long ago. Just because someone says something about one of your heroes doesn't mean its a lie.

I'm not a big fan of hers, but what you said is a lie or perhaps you are just mistaken. Regardless, it's not true.

how do you know it;s not true, and how can you justify your attitude. I think it must be possible to post an opinion with out name calling and degrading statements

entitlement programs are necessary & need to be regulated, any wealthy individuals and corporations need to pay their proportional share in taxes. To me that is more of an issue than assistance to the unemployed & disabled

Chrysler. GM and the banks need to REPAY the taxpayers - that alone could fund assistance

Chrysler and GM did both repay the taxpayers

Im not sure about the banks

well that is good to know - especially if they repaid dollar for dollar! that is awesome! My apology - I am sooo apolitical harmony - not surprised I'm prolly the last person on earth who knows that

Hey. I did not even know what monies they ought to repay. But then again, I live in Canada.

Here the situation is simpler. WE have fewer people, more oil than capita to sell abroad, and we have a happy and healthy tri-party system.

A tri-party system would appear to make things more complicated, no?

Well, no. Conservatives is a party which is made up of hard working honest rich people, and they have centre-of-the road policies. Supported by the rich, the rednecks, and the sensible. The Liberals, which is like the Democrats in the USA, are centre-of-the-road, and the politicians are lying cheating thieves. Middle-class and immigrants-supported. Then there is a third major party, NDP, which is a bit like communists. Hard working, poor people. Honest, too, both politicians and voters. They like to spend money: rob from the rich, give to the poor, but they don't pocket any. Supported by the fringe, by trade unions, by bleeding-heart do-gooders who would be otherwise helping the poor in church kitchens or going on missions, bu they are atheists, so they can't pretty well do that. The NDP is NOT supported by the working class, not even by the blue collar startum, unless they are in a trade union.

So what do we do. Most people would prefer a Liberal gov, and mostly that's the case. The Libs go on, until they accumulate too many scandals in their file and rank, and then the voters vote PC (progressive conservatives). The PC does an excellent job at governing, and a really, but really pathetic job at self-promotion to the public media. The state news agency hates them, the main media hate them, everybody hates them, but I like them.

There is always a period when the country is put back into order under the PCs, and when enough time has passed to forget the Liberal thieving, then people become once again sentimental and vote the Liberals in.

NDP is a minority party. They are vocal, and they oppose everything. Therefore they are treated by public opinion as a likable, sweet, but not-to-be-taken-seriously party. Not very much unlike a late teen is treated in the family, who is rebellious, but people look the other way, coz they know it's just their nature, the rebellious youth mean no harm.

There is a fourth party, a French separatist party, whose main objective comes to play in case there is no 51% vote for any one party (of the two) to form a government after an election. Government must be formed by a 51% majority. If there is no such lot, then the French party will put its support on the auction bloc, and sell itself to the highest bidder to form a coalition with. Their name is even Bloc Quebecois. This is serious, folks, look up their names in the Canadian Government website if you don't believe me.

Canadians therefore are not so ferocious about politics as Americans. Why? For one, we have a choice outside of issues. Here the issues are not a concern at all at election time, coz a party always votes in uniformity in parliament. No voice for the individual representatives. It's the party policy, vote for it, like it or not.

So the public is not bogged down with details, during elections we only have to look at the billboards and candidate-signs on the side of the road, and basically that's all the research we'd ever need to do during elections as a regular voter.

The public is not bogged down, so we can still watch a lot of tv and DVDs during a campaign. Free sex and unabashed adultery are unfortunately OUT for the time being, they are under repairs and we forgot to bring our ticket again to get it out of the shop. But if we could use them, politics would not interfere. A prime minister even articled that once, and made it law. "Government has no say in what goes on in the bedrooms of the nation." This is the single most famous Canadian political event in our entire history as a nation. This put Canada on the international political map. A prime minister before him got the Nobel Peace prize, but nobody knows when or why, or even that he did.

The other reason for being less political is that we are less angry, because we simply have less to worry about. Our banks are secure, we don't need to fear starvation if we lose our jobs, we don't need to sell the house and the kids down the river if we get seriously ill, because there is medicare. The medicare is financially managable because large settlements for malpractice by doctors are not the norm. In America, and I don't live there, so please correct me, there is no medicare, so people lose their homes potentially if they have a need for a liver transplant. Therefore Americans worry about their health, wealth, and existence. WE don't. And here, again, please if someone knows the exact figures, please correct me, the malpractice insce is ten thousand dollars a year for an average doctor, while in the USA it's like a hundred and fifty thousand. I don't stand behind these numbers.

A third reason is the gun law -- we walk the streets of Canadian cities in self-assured safety. The only paranoia is over child abductions. In the States people know that they can be made holy or else holey via rapture or via ruptured through the skin by a shower of bullets by any one on the street. That's another worry.

And lastly, it's the sense of humour we, Canadians, boast which is soooo very superior to American. True, the talk shows at midnight are way funnier in the States. No contest. Where Canadians lead in the laughter is the French Canadian movies. For one thing, they speak in French in them, so that alone is hilarious to listen to. For the other, these movies are kind, slowly and gently building, subtle, funny, mildly political, and like I said, extremely funny. These movies are made to target slightly higher IQ range than American movies. USA, Hollywood and Disney movies target the 80 to 120 IQ range, with the most shows written for the 85-105 level. French movies made in Canada are aimed at the 100-135 IQ range, with the bulk of the audience assumed at 110 to 120 in IQ points.

The English Canadians make no movies, they just watch Amy TV on TV.

So this is why Canadians are laughing all the way to wherever they are going, and this is why the Americans are really obnoxious and boorish and go to foreign lands to shoot up people into a heap of corpses and let the Jews of Israel take the runt of it by paying for it in bad reputation.
great post wux.... now I want to move to Canada

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 11/13/11 02:11 PM

Yesterday morning during a speech at the Family Research Council in Washington, Michele Bachmann bashed the unemployed in perhaps the most heartless way possible. After vowing to weaken social safety net programs such as Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, and unemployment benefits, Bachmann said that if you are currently not working, you should not be eating.

“Our nation needs to stop doing for people what they can and should do for themselves. Self reliance means, if anyone will not work, neither should he eat.”

Here is the video:
Its sick that none of these politicians with the exception of ron paul talks about cutting aid to other countries before they say things like this its no wonder people are out on the streets trying to make a differance.

Chazster's photo
Mon 11/14/11 06:31 AM

Yesterday morning during a speech at the Family Research Council in Washington, Michele Bachmann bashed the unemployed in perhaps the most heartless way possible. After vowing to weaken social safety net programs such as Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, and unemployment benefits, Bachmann said that if you are currently not working, you should not be eating.

“Our nation needs to stop doing for people what they can and should do for themselves. Self reliance means, if anyone will not work, neither should he eat.”

Here is the video:

I love how you take stuff out of context. Not that I agree with her statement at all but she uses the word "will". Someone who will not work is someone who refuses to work not someone who wants to work but is unemployed.

msharmony's photo
Mon 11/14/11 09:07 AM

Yesterday morning during a speech at the Family Research Council in Washington, Michele Bachmann bashed the unemployed in perhaps the most heartless way possible. After vowing to weaken social safety net programs such as Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, and unemployment benefits, Bachmann said that if you are currently not working, you should not be eating.

“Our nation needs to stop doing for people what they can and should do for themselves. Self reliance means, if anyone will not work, neither should he eat.”

Here is the video:

I love how you take stuff out of context. Not that I agree with her statement at all but she uses the word "will". Someone who will not work is someone who refuses to work not someone who wants to work but is unemployed.

I agree. but does she offer any solutions to verifying whether people 'will' not work as opposed to whether they 'can' not work or whether they can not find work?

the system is already set up for those who 'can' not work and not for those who 'will' not work , although some are deceptive enough to get through those cracks,,,

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 11/14/11 12:42 PM
Edited by Bestinshow on Mon 11/14/11 12:43 PM

Yesterday morning during a speech at the Family Research Council in Washington, Michele Bachmann bashed the unemployed in perhaps the most heartless way possible. After vowing to weaken social safety net programs such as Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, and unemployment benefits, Bachmann said that if you are currently not working, you should not be eating.

“Our nation needs to stop doing for people what they can and should do for themselves. Self reliance means, if anyone will not work, neither should he eat.”

Here is the video:

I love how you take stuff out of context. Not that I agree with her statement at all but she uses the word "will". Someone who will not work is someone who refuses to work not someone who wants to work but is unemployed.

I agree. but does she offer any solutions to verifying whether people 'will' not work as opposed to whether they 'can' not work or whether they can not find work?

the system is already set up for those who 'can' not work and not for those who 'will' not work , although some are deceptive enough to get through those cracks,,,
That it is, Here in ohio we have a program that is called "Ohio Works" it places those on welfare in certain jobs that pay like a dollar an hour and it allows them to still collect welfare.

That is a program she could have mentioned but choose to say what she did.

I didnt put any words in her mouth she said what she said, if you do not believe it follow the link and see for yourself.

( I am a bit suprised some right winger didnt say "but yea she is hot, what a milf" Kudos for not saying that.