no photo
Fri 11/11/11 06:54 PM

best wishes to my brother entering the air force in january <3
Indeed grand luck to your brother.

RainbowTrout's photo
Fri 11/11/11 07:06 PM
Edited by RainbowTrout on Fri 11/11/11 07:08 PM
I had a good time with my veteran, today. Since the VA got him the new hearing aids he has been more tolerable in one way in that he can hear better. One of our newbies who was trying to chair when I was chairing wants to chair. He lives closer to the meeting so we are getting him a key. I am so happy because I will be able to be a heckler like my veteran sponsor. He was tolerable before he got the hearing aids because I could get a word in edgewise. laugh With his hearing aides he can turn the volume up or down depending if wants to hear of not.laugh It will be so nice to let someone else be responsible so he won't be constantly going 'what did you say?':smile: I got the oil change, tune up done on my truck and the radio fixed so I can drive him to meetings because he has trouble seeing at night.flowerforyou

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 11/11/11 07:41 PM

I had a good time with my veteran, today. Since the VA got him the new hearing aids he has been more tolerable in one way in that he can hear better. One of our newbies who was trying to chair when I was chairing wants to chair. He lives closer to the meeting so we are getting him a key. I am so happy because I will be able to be a heckler like my veteran sponsor. He was tolerable before he got the hearing aids because I could get a word in edgewise. laugh With his hearing aides he can turn the volume up or down depending if wants to hear of not.laugh It will be so nice to let someone else be responsible so he won't be constantly going 'what did you say?':smile: I got the oil change, tune up done on my truck and the radio fixed so I can drive him to meetings because he has trouble seeing at night.flowerforyou

Since the veteran can hear better, I suspect that he has changed his will.

RainbowTrout's photo
Fri 11/11/11 07:48 PM
Makes me wonder since his son got him the new dentures.:smile: His son got him the 2 meter radio. I should get my license renewed so we can all ham it up. He keeps asking me when I will get my call sign back.:smile: I really should since the code has been dropped and all it will be is the written.:smile:

no photo
Sat 11/12/11 10:42 PM
To Vets near and far,here and above....Thank-you.

no photo
Sun 11/11/12 07:06 AM
Edited by tazzops on Sun 11/11/12 07:33 AM
Another Veteran's Day.
Thank You to the Sister's and Brother's who have served this great Nation.

Special Thanks to the support of the Wives and Husbands, of the service men and women serving today and in the past.

God Bless.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 11/11/12 07:17 AM

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 11/11/12 08:14 AM

pennyg281's photo
Sun 11/11/12 08:19 AM
All Gave some . . .Some Gave All Let use remember and and be humbled by their sacrifice.

Samareena's photo
Sun 11/11/12 08:27 AM
My thoughts and most sincere thanks for all Veterans today. And every day for those who are still fighting; who just want it to be over and come home.

Your service will never be forgotten.

no photo
Sun 11/11/12 08:35 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Sun 11/11/12 08:35 AM
Norah Jones...

no photo
Sun 11/11/12 08:41 AM
Thank You sweet lady for the link. flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 11/11/12 08:42 AM

All Gave some . . .Some Gave All Let use remember and and be humbled by their sacrifice.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Simonedemidova's photo
Sun 11/11/12 08:44 AM
Thank you everyone who has served to protect our country. Yr courage amazes me. I am strong but could never go into the military. Your strength encourages me.

no photo
Sun 11/11/12 08:45 AM

My thoughts and most sincere thanks for all Veterans today. And every day for those who are still fighting; who just want it to be over and come home.

Your service will never be forgotten.

I too wish they will, come home.

no photo
Sun 11/11/12 08:47 AM

Thank you everyone who has served to protect our country. Yr courage amazes me. I am strong but could never go into the military. Your strength encourages me.

Your Support gives them the strength.

Simonedemidova's photo
Sun 11/11/12 08:59 AM
Edited by Simonedemidova on Sun 11/11/12 08:59 AM
My grandpa survived the viet nam war and Pearl Harbor, he passed away a year and half ago. He once told me a story of Pearl Harbor and everyone was surprised because they said its not something they will ever usually talk about. "God told him to bend over into a ball and pray" and when my grandpa sat up, everyone on his ship was dead and carnage was everywhere.

no photo
Sun 11/11/12 09:00 AM

My grandpa survived the viet nam war and Pearl Harbor, he passed away a year and half ago. He once told me a story of Pearl Harbor and everyone was surprised because they said its not something they will ever usually talk about. "God told him to bend over into a ball and pray" and when my grandpa sat up, everyone on his ship was dead and carnage was everywhere.

The Angels were indeed watching over him.

no photo
Sun 11/11/12 12:11 PM

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 11/11/12 12:12 PM