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Topic: Christ without Christianity
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Mon 11/07/11 03:44 PM

Cowboy....ONLY because you say you are a christian, am I addressing

you about this one ...last.... time:

what you are posting here on this forum, is NOT

NOT NOT what the bible teaches at all.


I will agree with you on that point MorningSong. flowerforyou

Then please, I beg of you. Show me my error.

Cowboy, don't worry about it. Everyone these days are making up their own religions.

You have the right to do it to.

So don't worry about it.

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 11/07/11 03:50 PM
Cowboy wrote:

No it's just you didn't comprehend what I was saying. Not ment as an insult either. If you tell someone play with fire, they'll wind up burnt. If they continue playing with fire, it is their OWN fault they got burnt. God doesn't condemn anyone. The only one that condemns someone, is themselves. We are told not to do certain things, and the outcome of it if we choose to disobey. Now, who's fault would it be if the someone receives the punishment? It would be the person in question, not God's. God told us not to play with fire. So why not listen, and obey? Why get burned intentionally?

Well, I don't mean to insult you either, but clearly you aren't comprehending what I'm saying.

Fire can burn you if you mishandle it. And that would indeed be YOUR FAULT for having played with fire. And that would be especially true if you were warned ahead of time that it was dangerous.


However, God is NOT DANGEROUS (supposedly)

You can't "burn yourself" by playing with God.

If God want to HURT you he's going to have to do it INTENTIONALLY.

If he casts you into a fiery furnace and gnashes your teeth he could have only done this with the INTENT to do you harm.

Fire does not INTENTIONALLY hurt you. It just is what it is. If you burn yourself playing with fire, you did that to yourself.

If a God INTENTIONALLY casts you into a fiery furnace and gnashes your teeth, he did that TO YOU, ON PURPOSE and FULLY AWARE of what he was doing.

So such a God would be a mean cruel bully. And to try to pretend that the person merely 'burned' themselves because they didn't listen simply doesn't compare at all.

The Biblical God would need to be an INTENTIONAL BULLY.

He's a sentient being who has CONTROL over his own actions.

He's not just a mindless flame.

So your comparison with a nasty BULLY God with playing with fire doesn't even come close to addressing this issue.

I hope that you can understand my point by now. I can hardly spell it out any plainer than this.

You can't put the "blame" for a nasty cruel God onto the person that he is being cruel to. That's nonsense.

And this is especially true in the case of mere "non-belief".

That would just be a truly nasty bully of a God.

Your analogy with playing with fire doesn't fit at all. FIRE is not a sentient being. GOD is!

So if God hurts you, he did it on PURPOSE. Knowingly and intentionally.

no photo
Mon 11/07/11 03:50 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Mon 11/07/11 03:52 PM
Then please, I beg of you. Show me my error

I have, Cowboy...for months....over and over and

over...step by step I went thru scriptures with you...YET each

time you come back with the very same erroneous teaching

on here...time and time again.


Abracadabra's photo
Mon 11/07/11 03:52 PM

Cowboy....ONLY because you say you are a christian, am I addressing

you about this one ...last.... time:

what you are posting here on this forum, is NOT

NOT NOT what the bible teaches at all.


I will agree with you on that point MorningSong. flowerforyou

Then please, I beg of you. Show me my error.

Cowboy, don't worry about it. Everyone these days are making up their own religions.

You have the right to do it to.

So don't worry about it.

It doesn't do any good to show him his errors anyway. He'll just argue that he's not wrong. laugh

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 11/07/11 03:57 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Mon 11/07/11 04:01 PM

Then please, I beg of you. Show me my error

I have, Cowboy...for months....over and over and

over...step by step I went thru scriptures with you...YET each

time you come back with the very same erroneous teaching

on here...time and time again.


Yep, that's my observation too.

I mean, I disagree with the actual Bible anyway. But still, even I can see where Cowboy's interpretations are often quite off in left field.

Of course, then again, like Jeanniebean says, that's really true of just about everyone.

It really is true that modern day Christianity has indeed become an individual hobby. It won't be long before it will be like solitary witchcraft. bigsmile

Catholicism with their Pope actually represents the last "True Christianity". Protestantism was never anything more than "Designer Christianity" from the get-go, or as some people call it, "Salad Bar Christianity" - take what you like and reject the rest. :wink:

no photo
Mon 11/07/11 04:08 PM
There are many different religions that use the Bible as their holy book. Many other different religions that use other books. Each of those have their own peculiar ideas about God, right and wrong, sin, being saved, not being saved, not needing to be saved etc.

How many times a day they should pray, what day they should worship, blah blah blah..... on and on it goes.

Religious beliefs will continue to splinter until they stop gathering even in small groups because even in small groups they will find disagreement in what they should believe and how they aught to live their lives.

Each person will have their own personal religion. At that point, churches will cease to exist. Everyone will just be their own church and their own minister of good works.

Or bad works.

no photo
Mon 11/07/11 04:14 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Mon 11/07/11 04:14 PM
And hopefully, everyone one day will realize it was about

RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD all along......and was never about RELIGION

(religious WORKS) at all.


no photo
Mon 11/07/11 04:16 PM

Cowboy....ONLY because you say you are a christian, am I addressing

you about this one ...last.... time:

what you are posting here on this forum, is NOT

NOT NOT what the bible teaches at all.


I will agree with you on that point MorningSong. flowerforyou

Then please, I beg of you. Show me my error.

Cowboy, don't worry about it. Everyone these days are making up their own religions.

You have the right to do it to.

So don't worry about it.

All 4 of you guys are wrong...

no photo
Mon 11/07/11 04:16 PM

And hopefully, everyone one day will realize it was about

RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD all along......and was never about RELIGION

(religious WORKS) at all.


Morningsong I hope you realize that one day.

no photo
Mon 11/07/11 04:17 PM

Cowboy....ONLY because you say you are a christian, am I addressing

you about this one ...last.... time:

what you are posting here on this forum, is NOT

NOT NOT what the bible teaches at all.


I will agree with you on that point MorningSong. flowerforyou

Then please, I beg of you. Show me my error.

Cowboy, don't worry about it. Everyone these days are making up their own religions.

You have the right to do it to.

So don't worry about it.

All 4 of you guys are wrong...

How would you know?

I supposed you think YOU are right.

no photo
Mon 11/07/11 04:22 PM
Christianity is all about this RELATIONSHIP with God

(which comes thru

believing and accepting Jesus, thus rejoining us back into

RELATIONSHIP with God)....and never was

about RELIGION at all.


no photo
Mon 11/07/11 04:25 PM

There are many different religions that use the Bible as their holy book. Many other different religions that use other books. Each of those have their own peculiar ideas about God, right and wrong, sin, being saved, not being saved, not needing to be saved etc.

How many times a day they should pray, what day they should worship, blah blah blah..... on and on it goes.

Religious beliefs will continue to splinter until they stop gathering even in small groups because even in small groups they will find disagreement in what they should believe and how they aught to live their lives.

Each person will have their own personal religion. At that point, churches will cease to exist. Everyone will just be their own church and their own minister of good works.

Or bad works.

Hebrews 8:9-11
King James Version (KJV)

9 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord.

10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:

11 And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.

no photo
Mon 11/07/11 04:26 PM

Cowboy....ONLY because you say you are a christian, am I addressing

you about this one ...last.... time:

what you are posting here on this forum, is NOT

NOT NOT what the bible teaches at all.


I will agree with you on that point MorningSong. flowerforyou

Then please, I beg of you. Show me my error.

Cowboy, don't worry about it. Everyone these days are making up their own religions.

You have the right to do it to.

So don't worry about it.

All 4 of you guys are wrong...

How would you know?

I supposed you think YOU are right.

No, I KNOW I'm right...

no photo
Mon 11/07/11 04:28 PM

Christianity is all about this RELATIONSHIP with God

(which comes thru

believing and accepting Jesus, thus rejoining us back into

RELATIONSHIP with God)....and never was

about RELIGION at all.


That claim is so blatantly contradictory its ridiculous.

You say its not religion, its relationship with God, and then you inject your concept of God (Jesus) into the equation which is specific to a religion you call Christianity.

You don't own copyright on God. You can't insist that for a relationship with God to happen you HAVE TO BELIEVE AND ACCEPT JESUS.

That is religion. Your religion. In saying that, you are rendering all other belief in God or relationship with God as false.

I hope you will one day realize that relationship with God does NOT require Christianity.

Christianity does not own God.

Kleisto's photo
Mon 11/07/11 04:29 PM

Cowboy....ONLY because you say you are a christian, am I addressing

you about this one ...last.... time:

what you are posting here on this forum, is NOT

NOT NOT what the bible teaches at all.


I will agree with you on that point MorningSong. flowerforyou

Then please, I beg of you. Show me my error.

Cowboy, don't worry about it. Everyone these days are making up their own religions.

You have the right to do it to.

So don't worry about it.

All 4 of you guys are wrong...

How would you know?

I supposed you think YOU are right.

No, I KNOW I'm right...

Then prove it. Otherwise, don't make the claim.

no photo
Mon 11/07/11 04:29 PM

Cowboy....ONLY because you say you are a christian, am I addressing

you about this one ...last.... time:

what you are posting here on this forum, is NOT

NOT NOT what the bible teaches at all.


I will agree with you on that point MorningSong. flowerforyou

Then please, I beg of you. Show me my error.

Cowboy, don't worry about it. Everyone these days are making up their own religions.

You have the right to do it to.

So don't worry about it.

All 4 of you guys are wrong...

How would you know?

I supposed you think YOU are right.

No, I KNOW I'm right...

That is a fool's belief.

no photo
Mon 11/07/11 04:29 PM

Cowboy....ONLY because you say you are a christian, am I addressing

you about this one ...last.... time:

what you are posting here on this forum, is NOT

NOT NOT what the bible teaches at all.


I will agree with you on that point MorningSong. flowerforyou

Then please, I beg of you. Show me my error.

Cowboy, don't worry about it. Everyone these days are making up their own religions.

You have the right to do it to.

So don't worry about it.

All 4 of you guys are wrong...

How would you know?

I supposed you think YOU are right.

No, I KNOW I'm right...

Then prove it. Otherwise, don't make the claim.

Same to you next time you speak of "hell", K?

Kleisto's photo
Mon 11/07/11 04:30 PM

Christianity is all about this RELATIONSHIP with God

(which comes thru

believing and accepting Jesus, thus rejoining us back into

RELATIONSHIP with God)....and never was

about RELIGION at all.


That claim is so blatantly contradictory its ridiculous.

You say its not religion, its relationship with God, and then you inject your concept of God (Jesus) into the equation which is specific to a religion you call Christianity.

You don't own copyright on God. You can't insist that for a relationship with God to happen you HAVE TO BELIEVE AND ACCEPT JESUS.

That is religion. Your religion. In saying that, you are rendering all other belief in God or relationship with God as false.

I hope you will one day realize that relationship with God does NOT require Christianity.

Christianity does not own God.

Amen. This gets me all the time with a personal relationship. It CAN'T be personal if there's rules on dictating how to achieve it. That just flat is illogical.

no photo
Mon 11/07/11 04:30 PM

No, I KNOW I'm right...

That is a fool's belief.

Then can you admit that you're wrong?

Kleisto's photo
Mon 11/07/11 04:31 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Mon 11/07/11 04:33 PM

Cowboy....ONLY because you say you are a christian, am I addressing

you about this one ...last.... time:

what you are posting here on this forum, is NOT

NOT NOT what the bible teaches at all.


I will agree with you on that point MorningSong. flowerforyou

Then please, I beg of you. Show me my error.

Cowboy, don't worry about it. Everyone these days are making up their own religions.

You have the right to do it to.

So don't worry about it.

All 4 of you guys are wrong...

How would you know?

I supposed you think YOU are right.

No, I KNOW I'm right...

Then prove it. Otherwise, don't make the claim.

Same to you next time you speak of "hell", K?

I'm only going by what the supposed "good" book says. And even if there wasn't a hell according to it all, eternal death is not any better of an option. So either way, a God that would do either of those things is wrong.

But this isn't about me, you made the claim now either back it up or not. The burden of proof lies on you.

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