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Topic: Immigrant prosecutions exceed 50% of total
Peccy's photo
Fri 10/07/11 03:47 PM
Political Correctness is one of the reasons for this country going downhill. People don't want to hurt someone else's feelings by calling them a name.

Society needs to grow some balls and people need to stop pouting about what someone else says. I know I always say I'm a centrist and I try not to take a stance, but this reeks of liberal whining.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 10/07/11 03:50 PM
This is a general reminder...

"Do not attack/slam/insult others. You can discuss the message or topic, but not the messenger - NO EXCEPTIONS."

Thank you,


Peccy's photo
Fri 10/07/11 03:53 PM
Sorry if I got heated Kim

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 10/07/11 03:54 PM

Sorry if I got heated Kim

flowerforyou now go to your room laugh

Peccy's photo
Fri 10/07/11 03:56 PM
yes ma'am....sad sad frustrated tears ..........lol

no photo
Fri 10/07/11 05:21 PM

This has to do with felons and the other jobs that are being taken by illegal.

Illegals are also taking over the felon industry?! They are putting our domestic felons out of felony work?!


metalwing's photo
Fri 10/07/11 05:42 PM


We are not likely to see eye to eye, but this may interest you since you like census data. This particular table from the same census report compares the educational achievement back to 1970. As you'll see the rate of college grads increases by over 3 times just between 1970 and 2010. Though this table also breaks down by ethnic groups, I think for the purposes of this conversation only the total column is relevant.

Edit: I don't seem to be able to get the table pasted here, but here is the link...


If I'm not going to (obviously) convince you that our workforce is becoming more educated over time, and this the cause to the effect that the government opened the border initially, then I’d be interested to learn the reason(s) that you believe responsible for the implementation our country’s revolving door immigration policy around 1965?

In the same light, I’d also be interested to learn what you believe was the cause of Alabama’s failure to harvest? Do you attribute this to extended unemployment benefits? American laziness? Anything?

I don't have a problem with your concepts, it's your exaggerations. You state that you can't convince me that the workforce is becoming more educated when I am fully aware of that fact, stated so, and had taken the trouble to check out the census to see exactly how much more educated we are. The difference appears to be in how much of the educated population is in the workforce. You stated that the increase in the past ten years was much more than it actually is. I stated, correctly, that it was only a few percent. The difference over forty years doesn't really apply due to the multiple causes and governmental responses by different administrations churn the mix.

This topic is about crime by illegals. One of the reasons Alabama had trouble with their crop was the passage of an illegal alien bill which caused many to leave and go to another state. Some farmers reported that half their usual picking crews had left.

Not having sufficient crews to pick tomatoes is a burden on the farmer and the farming system but the bill passed by the State of Alabama was not about picking tomatoes. It was about the huge increase in crime and the fact that illegals were taking good paying jobs from state citizens. It was also about the fact that the federal government is not, in any way, doing it's job to protect the citizens and the borders of our country.

If I could save this country from a million sex crimes, as described in the above article, I would give up the illegal worker program and push for prison farm labor the way it used to be. I know that is not going to happen.

Please stick to the topic and tell us what you think should be done to fix, halt, slow, negate, cure, mitigate, or cure the problem with illegal crime in America.

Controlled immigration is a good thing. What we have is a bad thing. I think a good start is that every person entering this country should be checked at the border like every other civilized country in the world.

ThatMysteryGuy's photo
Fri 10/07/11 05:43 PM
"Illegals are also taking over the felon industry?! They are putting our domestic felons out of felony work?!"

This has to do with the felons and this also has to do with the service jobs that are being taken.

Happy now? :)

Dragoness's photo
Fri 10/07/11 05:45 PM

This has to do with felons and the other jobs that are being taken by illegal.

Illegals are also taking over the felon industry?! They are putting our domestic felons out of felony work?!


I know, huh?

I would hope that people will realize that if they are looking for a hispanic criminal a white one has the advantage.

no photo
Fri 10/07/11 05:51 PM

"Illegals are also taking over the felon industry?! They are putting our domestic felons out of felony work?!"

This has to do with the felons and this also has to do with the service jobs that are being taken.

Happy now? :)

Honestly? I was happier when it was easy to distort your meaning. happy

Thanks for not be offended by my self-amusement.

ThatMysteryGuy's photo
Fri 10/07/11 05:52 PM
Edited by ThatMysteryGuy on Fri 10/07/11 05:52 PM
This has to do with felons and the other jobs that are being taken by illegal.

Illegals are also taking over the felon industry?! They are putting our domestic felons out of felony work?!

I know, huh?

I would hope that people will realize that if they are looking for a hispanic criminal a white one has the advantage.

metalwing's photo
Fri 10/07/11 05:56 PM

This has nothing to do with strawberry pickers and work-visas...

This has to do with felons and the other jobs that are being taken by illegal.

We can argue back and forth all day about how many illegal are taking service jobs if you like. I can go through the effort of providing sources, ins raid listings, personal stories etc if you like!!!

As far as American work ethics, yes there is defiantly some truth in that statement but also it is conveniently always the people who have been in the most advantageous position to profit from that mentioned work ethic that bring that up!!!

And no I am not talking specifically or Necessarily about you.

I for one also see danger in a round them all up approach because it gives people an excuse to exercise there inner most animosity on others but the fact remains we have to get tough on immigration, REALLY tough and that means putting political correctness aside and having some spine.

Nicely put! Unfortunately, I don't see the spine anywhere.

metalwing's photo
Fri 10/07/11 05:58 PM
Edited by metalwing on Fri 10/07/11 06:04 PM

This is a general reminder...

"Do not attack/slam/insult others. You can discuss the message or topic, but not the messenger - NO EXCEPTIONS."

Thank you,


Come join us Kim! This topic is close to home and you are allowed to play in the threads.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 10/07/11 06:01 PM

In general if you are looking for one color criminal it gives another color one the advantage so I know all the white, black, etc..., criminals are hoping that everyone is looking for a hispanic criminal, right?

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/07/11 11:40 PM

In general if you are looking for one color criminal it gives another color one the advantage so I know all the white, black, etc..., criminals are hoping that everyone is looking for a hispanic criminal, right?

this makes sense

I think in some cases, facts are known about the 'criminal' because of witnesses or video or something where race can be somewhat substantiated

I think in other cases, assuming a race, with no other viable visual backup of that information, does give any criminal not of that race an upper hand,,,

ThatMysteryGuy's photo
Fri 10/07/11 11:56 PM

Not having legal status also makes it harder to catch criminals.

Ultimatly nobody really benefits in the LONG RUN from illegal immigration, except criminals and certain business factions.
It is the most disadvantaged who are hurt most by our lack of willingness to fix this problem.

The ease of access to this country illegally also facilitates human trafficing nobody has mentioned this.

metalwing's photo
Sat 10/08/11 03:25 AM
A big story on last night's news was a kidnapping gang was found who promised illegals passage to Houston from Mexico for $1000. When they got to Houston, they were imprisoned and told to have their families send $2500 more. Newsclips of illegal alien crime are regular fodder for the nightly local news.

jrbogie's photo
Sat 10/08/11 04:51 AM
that fifty percent of federal prosecutions were directed at immigrants doesn't surprise me as the vast majority of all prosecutions are conducted by the states and local municipalities.

metalwing's photo
Sat 10/08/11 06:59 AM
For those interested in the history of illegal immigration, the causes, the economic causes, and regional effects, an in-depth study was done in 2001.


no photo
Sat 10/08/11 08:57 AM
Edited by Abby678 on Sat 10/08/11 09:00 AM

I don't have a problem with your concepts, it's your exaggerations.

From the content of our conversation so far, I would not have guessed that you agree with anything I've stated.

Without going back through 10 years of books, articles and newspapers read on the subject, I cannot show you the sources that you feel have "exagerated", but there are a great deal of widely accepted experts you disagree with on the numbers I have posted...not just me, as I have only agreed with them, and am not the one who has conducted the studies they are based on.

But if you think that I/they have exagerated, then you must believe that the 2010 census comparison from the years 1940 to 2010 are "exaggerations" as well, as the figures in the table are pretty well in keeping with my "exaggerations". My "exaggerations" include just one more census year than the table does; the 1930 census, which are an even less educated percentage of our current workforce.

This topic is about crime by illegals.

Yes, and as has been proven throughout history, the solution lies within understanding the cause and calculating the effects on the region and it's establishment of any given solution. So, I am not off topic unless your intent was to host a gripe session and not a serious discussion.

One of the reasons Alabama had trouble with their crop was the passage of an illegal alien bill which caused many to leave and go to another state. Some farmers reported that half their usual picking crews had left.

Not having sufficient crews to pick tomatoes is a burden on the farmer and the farming system but the bill passed by the State of Alabama was not about picking tomatoes. It was about the huge increase in crime and the fact that illegals were taking good paying jobs from state citizens. It was also about the fact that the federal government is not, in any way, doing it's job to protect the citizens and the borders of our country.

The question I put to you was misunderstood. I was asking if you have a theory on why the citizens of Alabama are still unemployed while tomatoes rot on the vine? I am not questioning why the current harvesters are gone...I well know that. That was the premiss of the subject being brought up at all.

Personally I think that every percentage of jobs taken back from illegals and made available to our unemployed citizens, should be matched in the same percentage of unemployment benefit cutbacks. Why would anyone opt to pick tomatoes when they have X amount of months of funding left to collect? I'm not saying there are not those who would rather work than collect, but the crops in Alabama surely show that there are not as many as we would have hoped.

Please stick to the topic and tell us what you think should be done to fix, halt, slow, negate, cure, mitigate, or cure the problem with illegal crime in America.

Controlled immigration is a good thing. What we have is a bad thing. I think a good start is that every person entering this country should be checked at the border like every other civilized country in the world.

I thought I have posted my thoughts for a solution throughout my pervious posts. I will restate as well as expound on them here, so you don't have to read back through all my posts.

I believe it was fallacy to open the revolving door to begin with, but since it's been a bandaid to our problems for so long, it will only result in a potentially fatal bleed to simply rip it off now.

I believe that controlled immigration based on the need for essential laborers is unavoidable for now in order to keep produce at a consumable price, as well as to keep other labor intensive services from inflating.

I will go even further now and state that I believe the controlled number of immigrants should be slowly replaced by US citizens over the next couple of generations. I believe it will have to be done this slowly in order not to effect the economy in a derogatory way.

I believe this can most effectively be achieved through a two plank process of cutting back unemployment benefits (and/or the implementation of attaching a work requirement to able bodied recipients), and by encouraging the growth of a US based labor force by reigning in government sponsored college funding in the forms of grants and easy loans…which in an unbalanced workforce where people with degrees are working at Wal-Mart (if they are working at all) are unable to make the payments anyway.

The idea of every US citizen not having easy access to a higher education is highly unpopular. But we are fast becoming a country full of architects and building engineers who cannot find a steelworker or bricklayer, and unless this changes, the need for necessary immigrant labor will only increase.

I too have given great consideration to putting convicts back into the workforce and endorse it done correctly. I believe that not only would this be an effective, but affordable solution on many fronts. Between being affordable labor and providing prison guard jobs, the cost and effect would be very workable; as has been proven in the past, and is still working in many other countries. Allowing qualified prisoners to work off a prison sentence earlier would also positively affect our prison overpopulation problem. On top of all that, it is widely accepted that manual work is a very helpful tool in rehabilitating a criminal mentality, and giving a convict returning to society the confidence of having experience in a legal and marketable form of future employment.

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