Topic: Immigrant prosecutions exceed 50% of total
no photo
Tue 10/04/11 09:02 AM
You have any documentation on this?

Reuters is probably a pretty credible source for this kind of thing.

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 10/04/11 10:10 AM
The fact they are here illegally means they ARE Criminals. How much more do we need to elaborate?

Or are some of you going to get all moral on me?

metalwing's photo
Tue 10/04/11 05:45 PM
It has been constantly reported that illegals do not take citizen's jobs and the number of illegals entering the country is down dramatically.

Here is a different take.

Border Patrol: 1.4 million entered the U.S. illegally in 2010…press ignores
• March 21, 2011

On March 9, Judicial Watch announced the contents of several new U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The documents detail the number of apprehensions made at the U.S./Mexican border in FY 2010.

According to the report, U.S. Border Patrol agents took into custody 463,382 individuals who crossed the border illegally in FY2010, including 8,905 smugglers.

The Border Patrol estimates that for every illegal alien they capture crossing the border, three more do so without being detected.

That translates into 1,390,146 illegal aliens who successfully entered the U.S. illegally last year.

This information is rather contradictory to current Homeland Security Department Secretary Janet Napolitano’s claim, that there are roughly 11 million illegal aliens in the U.S.

Napolitano also constantly claims that the number of those crossing the border has dropped dramatically.

So, in one year…we received more than 10 percent of the total, current illegal alien population, in a ‘down’ year?

That aside, the fact that 1.4 million illegal aliens entered this country in one year is staggering. The fact that this monumental disclosure (albeit a forced one) received absolutely no press coverage is outrageous.

If the majority of Americans are ever informed as to the actual number of foreign nationals living and working in this country illegally—they will see unchecked illegal immigration for what it truly is…the surrender of their nation to another.

Read more about the actual number of illegal aliens in the U.S.:

ThatMysteryGuy's photo
Tue 10/04/11 08:00 PM
Oh yes they take jobs. Practically every fast-food worker and bus-boy in the bayarea for one thing. Sure they aren't all illegal but the majority are. I have worked in the restaurant business and i know
and i have eaten at taco bell and mc donalds.

Alot of teens/young adults and even some older adults could use those jobs, especially now with this economy.

Saying that illegals don't take jobs or that nobody but them would take them is like denying the holocaust.

Total BS!!!!

no photo
Wed 10/05/11 10:04 AM
Edited by Abby678 on Wed 10/05/11 10:12 AM
This topic sounds more like a drug problem than an immigration probleme to me. Maybe the real issue is that Amrericans feel the immagrants are taking all the drug lord jobs in this country.

I have a little different viewpoint on illegal immigration. I’m not as upset with the immigrants as I am with our government for starting the migration to begin with…inadvertently as it may have been; they invited this.

The following statement is not my opinion…it's historical fact.

As education became easier to attain in America (now 4 times the percentage of kids attend college than in our grandparents day) and as America’s service industry grew to replace our departing manufacturing industry, our government adopted a revolving door policy to supply the labor needed to harvest and build what our own workforce was not able or willing to accomplish.

Now this is my opinion…based on common sense and rudimentary economics.

Had our government not been so quick to supplement our labor needs, the lack of produce alone would have driven up the price of living, naturally making it harder for some to pursue college…thus filling our labor pool once again, and reducing the price of produce. There would have been no necessary job openings and thus no need for revolving door immigrant labor…which started this out of control ball a-rolling in the first place. The natural balance of a free market economy was not allowed to go unmolested.

I contend that we have over-educated ourselves right out of a labor workforce. Unless they start handing out tool belts with diplomas, today’s generation of graduating youths are not likely to take up the jobs that immigrants now hold in the labor industries. While I’m sure there are still a percentage of Americans who are hardy and willing enough to take over those jobs, a good percentage of these would not be willing to do so at the current pay rates. As a whole those are not the kind of workers we produce in this country anymore…they are a dying breed. I don't see where we could possibly produce in this country…at this time…the amount of workers that would be needed to fill necessary labor jobs if every illegal were sent packing all at once.

It is my belief that to remedy this problem effectively and without shocking the economy (worse than it’s been) would take a calculated program enforced over a substantial period of time.

I’m sure this is another topic altogether, but easy access loans that allow us to educate such a high percentage of our youths contribute greatly to our debtor status.

That’s what I believe. Take it or leave it…but at least consider it first.

Lpdon's photo
Wed 10/05/11 10:18 AM
1986 Simpson-Mazzoli Bill that Kennedy helped draft.

metalwing's photo
Wed 10/05/11 10:28 AM

This topic sounds more like a drug problem than an immigration probleme to me. Maybe the real issue is that Amrericans feel the immagrants are taking all the drug lord jobs in this country.

I have a little different viewpoint on illegal immigration. I’m not as upset with the immigrants as I am with our government for starting the migration to begin with…inadvertently as it may have been; they invited this.

The following statement is not my opinion…it's historical fact.

As education became easier to attain in America (now 4 times the percentage of kids attend college than in our grandparents day) and as America’s service industry grew to replace our departing manufacturing industry, our government adopted a revolving door policy to supply the labor needed to harvest and build what our own workforce was not able or willing to accomplish.

Now this is my opinion…based on common sense and rudimentary economics.

Had our government not been so quick to supplement our labor needs, the lack of produce alone would have driven up the price of living, naturally making it harder for some to pursue college…thus filling our labor pool once again, and reducing the price of produce. There would have been no necessary job openings and thus no need for revolving door immigrant labor…which started this out of control ball a-rolling in the first place. The natural balance of a free market economy was not allowed to go unmolested.

I contend that we have over-educated ourselves right out of a labor workforce. Unless they start handing out tool belts with diplomas, today’s generation of graduating youths are not likely to take up the jobs that immigrants now hold in the labor industries. While I’m sure there are still a percentage of Americans who are hardy and willing enough to take over those jobs, a good percentage of these would not be willing to do so at the current pay rates. As a whole those are not the kind of workers we produce in this country anymore…they are a dying breed. I don't see where we could possibly produce in this country…at this time…the amount of workers that would be needed to fill necessary labor jobs if every illegal were sent packing all at once.

It is my belief that to remedy this problem effectively and without shocking the economy (worse than it’s been) would take a calculated program enforced over a substantial period of time.

I’m sure this is another topic altogether, but easy access loans that allow us to educate such a high percentage of our youths contribute greatly to our debtor status.

That’s what I believe. Take it or leave it…but at least consider it first.

Good post. Where I think you are in error is that only 27% of Americans have graduated college. Historically, the non-college graduates takes up other jobs such as starting businesses, skilled labor such as carpenters, electricians, heavy equipment operators, plumbing, etc. In the south, many of these skilled jobs are rapidly being taken by illegal workers. The government estimates that 1/7th of all construction jobs are held by illegals but that percentage is much higher in Texas and other southern states.

The fact is, the laws were not enforced for years in any meaningful way so aliens took advantage. Companies in the US also took advantage.

In order to get through college, many students took construction jobs to pay their way (like me). Most of those jobs are now unavailable due to the supply of aliens.

The one true shortage of workers that others would not do is the picking of produce. This situation has not been true in construction since the pay is better. The aliens moved to the better jobs because they could.

In addition, many former illegal aliens have started their own sub-contractor and contractor companies which hire illegals almost exclusively.

The new half trillion dollar jobs bill currently being considered has an exclusion of illegals in the House version but no exclusion of illegals in the Senate version which would result in hundreds of thousands of illegals getting hired if the Senate bill passed.

Chazster's photo
Wed 10/05/11 11:19 AM

This topic sounds more like a drug problem than an immigration probleme to me. Maybe the real issue is that Amrericans feel the immagrants are taking all the drug lord jobs in this country.

I have a little different viewpoint on illegal immigration. I’m not as upset with the immigrants as I am with our government for starting the migration to begin with…inadvertently as it may have been; they invited this.

The following statement is not my opinion…it's historical fact.

As education became easier to attain in America (now 4 times the percentage of kids attend college than in our grandparents day) and as America’s service industry grew to replace our departing manufacturing industry, our government adopted a revolving door policy to supply the labor needed to harvest and build what our own workforce was not able or willing to accomplish.

Now this is my opinion…based on common sense and rudimentary economics.

Had our government not been so quick to supplement our labor needs, the lack of produce alone would have driven up the price of living, naturally making it harder for some to pursue college…thus filling our labor pool once again, and reducing the price of produce. There would have been no necessary job openings and thus no need for revolving door immigrant labor…which started this out of control ball a-rolling in the first place. The natural balance of a free market economy was not allowed to go unmolested.

I contend that we have over-educated ourselves right out of a labor workforce. Unless they start handing out tool belts with diplomas, today’s generation of graduating youths are not likely to take up the jobs that immigrants now hold in the labor industries. While I’m sure there are still a percentage of Americans who are hardy and willing enough to take over those jobs, a good percentage of these would not be willing to do so at the current pay rates. As a whole those are not the kind of workers we produce in this country anymore…they are a dying breed. I don't see where we could possibly produce in this country…at this time…the amount of workers that would be needed to fill necessary labor jobs if every illegal were sent packing all at once.

It is my belief that to remedy this problem effectively and without shocking the economy (worse than it’s been) would take a calculated program enforced over a substantial period of time.

I’m sure this is another topic altogether, but easy access loans that allow us to educate such a high percentage of our youths contribute greatly to our debtor status.

That’s what I believe. Take it or leave it…but at least consider it first.

Good post. Where I think you are in error is that only 27% of Americans have graduated college. Historically, the non-college graduates takes up other jobs such as starting businesses, skilled labor such as carpenters, electricians, heavy equipment operators, plumbing, etc. In the south, many of these skilled jobs are rapidly being taken by illegal workers. The government estimates that 1/7th of all construction jobs are held by illegals but that percentage is much higher in Texas and other southern states.

The fact is, the laws were not enforced for years in any meaningful way so aliens took advantage. Companies in the US also took advantage.

In order to get through college, many students took construction jobs to pay their way (like me). Most of those jobs are now unavailable due to the supply of aliens.

The one true shortage of workers that others would not do is the picking of produce. This situation has not been true in construction since the pay is better. The aliens moved to the better jobs because they could.

In addition, many former illegal aliens have started their own sub-contractor and contractor companies which hire illegals almost exclusively.

The new half trillion dollar jobs bill currently being considered has an exclusion of illegals in the House version but no exclusion of illegals in the Senate version which would result in hundreds of thousands of illegals getting hired if the Senate bill passed.

Lol I know that to be true about illegals having contracting companies. My dad had his back patio extended and the people that did the cementing had to bring someone to translate spanish to english when he came out to bid. XD

ThatMysteryGuy's photo
Wed 10/05/11 12:05 PM
There are plenty of people like myself who are in the middle of the road in regards to there education. Current student /non-graduate.

There is some truth in what you say but the fact remains many of us could use those jobs, even if only on a temporary basis to save up some money.

I know that plenty of high schoolers could use pt jobs, especially in poor neighborhoods, some college students as well. Ok Not many of us are going to work at MC donalds for <10 an hour. But for the people who just lost there jobs, etc there always was a job, any kind of job to fall back on, even a crap job. Better then being homeless!!!!

So if you want to defend illegal immigration go ahead, just take note you are stabbing your fellow americans in the back for your liberalism.

no photo
Wed 10/05/11 01:53 PM

Where I think you are in error is that only 27% of Americans have graduated college.

Your 27% counts all US citizens, not just the workforce. (It’s like stating that 20% of our population poops their pants without mentioning that 18% are infants.) So take baby boomers and older out of that equation for a more realistic percentage of our educated workforce today.

I’m not just talking about college degrees, but education in general. We’ve have an 88% high school graduation rate since 2005 in this country and 63% of students go straight to college from there. It’s somewhere around 53% of those entering college that graduate with a bachelors degree or higher and that does not factor in the students who chose associate programs, spent 3 years in college and opted out before their degrees were attained or those who went straight into the workforce, started businesses and attended college courses on a needed basis later in life. We are highly educated as a whole in this country.

In order to get through college, many students took construction jobs to pay their way (like me). Most of those jobs are now unavailable due to the supply of aliens.

I also worked my way through, but these kids today have an abundance of assistance and easy loan access. When my niece's husband left her with a baby, she made the decision to go back to school to provide a better life for her child. I started giving her a pep talk about helping her get through it, she laughed at me and said that even her childcare expenses were covered and at age 20 she was able to get a low interest loan to pay for the portion the grant didn't cover, including housing allowances and books.

The one true shortage of workers that others would not do is the picking of produce. This situation has not been true in construction since the pay is better. The aliens moved to the better jobs because they could.

I don't know about a lot of other construction jobs, but I grew up in the roofing industry and know for a fact that it's hard to find a white roofer out there, and it's harder still to find a whole white crew. The last few white roofers that worked for my family took no pride in their work, were undependable and disrespectful to the homeowners and my family. They simply did not seem to want to do the job. In fact I've never met a white roofer with a good attitude about his job or who took any pride in doing it well. That's just my own personal experience in one construction trade, but there it is.

I'm not denying that there are those who want to work the labor jobs that can't find one due to illegals...I'm simply saying that there are not enough of them to fill all of labor jobs that keep this economy pumping.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 10/05/11 02:07 PM

This topic sounds more like a drug problem than an immigration probleme to me. Maybe the real issue is that Amrericans feel the immagrants are taking all the drug lord jobs in this country.

I have a little different viewpoint on illegal immigration. I’m not as upset with the immigrants as I am with our government for starting the migration to begin with…inadvertently as it may have been; they invited this.

The following statement is not my opinion…it's historical fact.

As education became easier to attain in America (now 4 times the percentage of kids attend college than in our grandparents day) and as America’s service industry grew to replace our departing manufacturing industry, our government adopted a revolving door policy to supply the labor needed to harvest and build what our own workforce was not able or willing to accomplish.

Now this is my opinion…based on common sense and rudimentary economics.

Had our government not been so quick to supplement our labor needs, the lack of produce alone would have driven up the price of living, naturally making it harder for some to pursue college…thus filling our labor pool once again, and reducing the price of produce. There would have been no necessary job openings and thus no need for revolving door immigrant labor…which started this out of control ball a-rolling in the first place. The natural balance of a free market economy was not allowed to go unmolested.

I contend that we have over-educated ourselves right out of a labor workforce. Unless they start handing out tool belts with diplomas, today’s generation of graduating youths are not likely to take up the jobs that immigrants now hold in the labor industries. While I’m sure there are still a percentage of Americans who are hardy and willing enough to take over those jobs, a good percentage of these would not be willing to do so at the current pay rates. As a whole those are not the kind of workers we produce in this country anymore…they are a dying breed. I don't see where we could possibly produce in this country…at this time…the amount of workers that would be needed to fill necessary labor jobs if every illegal were sent packing all at once.

It is my belief that to remedy this problem effectively and without shocking the economy (worse than it’s been) would take a calculated program enforced over a substantial period of time.

I’m sure this is another topic altogether, but easy access loans that allow us to educate such a high percentage of our youths contribute greatly to our debtor status.

That’s what I believe. Take it or leave it…but at least consider it first.


Now the issues I have with this. There are educated people who choose to do labor work, getting more reward from it so they say. Maybe they are the hands on people.

The place for labor jobs will always be.

Now consider this when people move to an area they bring with them human need, which generates jobs in the area. The grocers, the landlords, the public service, the trash removal, the sales taxes go up, etc... So immigration is not the terrible thing that it is portrayed to be. Especially since it is a lie that illegals can get foodstamps or welfare unless they are talking about California which uses their own state taxes to pay for help to the illegals but that is the only state that does that.

My issue with illegal immigration is the abuse of the humans that are too scared to call the police or labor board for help when abuse happens. The fact that the companies who hire them are getting by without proper wages, paying proper taxes, health benefits and insurance like workmens comp.

As to an earlier post on here, none of the spanish folks who work for Micky Ds or any of the fast food chains are illegals anyway. They verify before hiring. Just because they are spanish speaking doesn't make them illegal.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 10/05/11 02:09 PM

This topic sounds more like a drug problem than an immigration probleme to me. Maybe the real issue is that Amrericans feel the immagrants are taking all the drug lord jobs in this country.

I have a little different viewpoint on illegal immigration. I’m not as upset with the immigrants as I am with our government for starting the migration to begin with…inadvertently as it may have been; they invited this.

The following statement is not my opinion…it's historical fact.

As education became easier to attain in America (now 4 times the percentage of kids attend college than in our grandparents day) and as America’s service industry grew to replace our departing manufacturing industry, our government adopted a revolving door policy to supply the labor needed to harvest and build what our own workforce was not able or willing to accomplish.

Now this is my opinion…based on common sense and rudimentary economics.

Had our government not been so quick to supplement our labor needs, the lack of produce alone would have driven up the price of living, naturally making it harder for some to pursue college…thus filling our labor pool once again, and reducing the price of produce. There would have been no necessary job openings and thus no need for revolving door immigrant labor…which started this out of control ball a-rolling in the first place. The natural balance of a free market economy was not allowed to go unmolested.

I contend that we have over-educated ourselves right out of a labor workforce. Unless they start handing out tool belts with diplomas, today’s generation of graduating youths are not likely to take up the jobs that immigrants now hold in the labor industries. While I’m sure there are still a percentage of Americans who are hardy and willing enough to take over those jobs, a good percentage of these would not be willing to do so at the current pay rates. As a whole those are not the kind of workers we produce in this country anymore…they are a dying breed. I don't see where we could possibly produce in this country…at this time…the amount of workers that would be needed to fill necessary labor jobs if every illegal were sent packing all at once.

It is my belief that to remedy this problem effectively and without shocking the economy (worse than it’s been) would take a calculated program enforced over a substantial period of time.

I’m sure this is another topic altogether, but easy access loans that allow us to educate such a high percentage of our youths contribute greatly to our debtor status.

That’s what I believe. Take it or leave it…but at least consider it first.

Good post. Where I think you are in error is that only 27% of Americans have graduated college. Historically, the non-college graduates takes up other jobs such as starting businesses, skilled labor such as carpenters, electricians, heavy equipment operators, plumbing, etc. In the south, many of these skilled jobs are rapidly being taken by illegal workers. The government estimates that 1/7th of all construction jobs are held by illegals but that percentage is much higher in Texas and other southern states.

The fact is, the laws were not enforced for years in any meaningful way so aliens took advantage. Companies in the US also took advantage.

In order to get through college, many students took construction jobs to pay their way (like me). Most of those jobs are now unavailable due to the supply of aliens.

The one true shortage of workers that others would not do is the picking of produce. This situation has not been true in construction since the pay is better. The aliens moved to the better jobs because they could.

In addition, many former illegal aliens have started their own sub-contractor and contractor companies which hire illegals almost exclusively.

The new half trillion dollar jobs bill currently being considered has an exclusion of illegals in the House version but no exclusion of illegals in the Senate version which would result in hundreds of thousands of illegals getting hired if the Senate bill passed.

Lol I know that to be true about illegals having contracting companies. My dad had his back patio extended and the people that did the cementing had to bring someone to translate spanish to english when he came out to bid. XD

That doesn't mean anyone was illegal though.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 10/05/11 02:18 PM

There are plenty of people like myself who are in the middle of the road in regards to there education. Current student /non-graduate.

There is some truth in what you say but the fact remains many of us could use those jobs, even if only on a temporary basis to save up some money.

I know that plenty of high schoolers could use pt jobs, especially in poor neighborhoods, some college students as well. Ok Not many of us are going to work at MC donalds for <10 an hour. But for the people who just lost there jobs, etc there always was a job, any kind of job to fall back on, even a crap job. Better then being homeless!!!!

So if you want to defend illegal immigration go ahead, just take note you are stabbing your fellow americans in the back for your liberalism.

I don't think there is anyone who "defends" illegal immigration. I believe there are those who understand what the people are trying to do.

No one can really be "for" illegal immigration but I will defend the right of my fellow humans over choosing to be a bigoted hatemongerer who makes it a "them or me" instead of a "them and me" type of scenerio.

Considering our closeness with that nation and the sad state of affairs there, illegal immigration will never stop so something has to be done that will not degrade our neighbors but will show them a way that they can better their lives without becoming victims in this country.

no photo
Wed 10/05/11 02:22 PM

There are plenty of people like myself who are in the middle of the road in regards to there education. Current student /non-graduate.

There is some truth in what you say but the fact remains many of us could use those jobs, even if only on a temporary basis to save up some money.

I know that plenty of high schoolers could use pt jobs, especially in poor neighborhoods, some college students as well. Ok Not many of us are going to work at MC donalds for <10 an hour. But for the people who just lost there jobs, etc there always was a job, any kind of job to fall back on, even a crap job. Better then being homeless!!!!

So if you want to defend illegal immigration go ahead, just take note you are stabbing your fellow americans in the back for your liberalism.

I didn't graduate either. Sometimes life gets in the way of goals...then moves on.

First of all, you are the first person on this earth to call me Liberal. If you get to know me, you will see how funny that idea really is.

Secondly, I'm not saying that I want illegals taking all the jobs. I'm simply saying that we don't have the manpower in this country at this time to eliminate every illegal that holds a labor job in one foul swoop without driving the economy into destruction.

I'm not talking about jobs at McDonalds...which greatly surprises me that a large corporation like that would risk hiring illegal employees.

The labor industry is attractive to illegals greatly due to the fact that they are hidden in the complex (often second party) hiring process. A contractor hires a legal company who is not required by law to disclose the legal status of his own employees...and the contractor is not allowed to ask.

Thirdly, far from a back stabber, I am a job provider who does not much appreciate the current administration, which is hell bent on stiffling the free market that would provide more jobs if our hands were untied. Instead, we are all volunteering pay cuts to keep current employees on staff.

Peccy's photo
Wed 10/05/11 02:23 PM

This topic sounds more like a drug problem than an immigration probleme to me. Maybe the real issue is that Amrericans feel the immagrants are taking all the drug lord jobs in this country.

I have a little different viewpoint on illegal immigration. I’m not as upset with the immigrants as I am with our government for starting the migration to begin with…inadvertently as it may have been; they invited this.

The following statement is not my opinion…it's historical fact.

As education became easier to attain in America (now 4 times the percentage of kids attend college than in our grandparents day) and as America’s service industry grew to replace our departing manufacturing industry, our government adopted a revolving door policy to supply the labor needed to harvest and build what our own workforce was not able or willing to accomplish.

Now this is my opinion…based on common sense and rudimentary economics.

Had our government not been so quick to supplement our labor needs, the lack of produce alone would have driven up the price of living, naturally making it harder for some to pursue college…thus filling our labor pool once again, and reducing the price of produce. There would have been no necessary job openings and thus no need for revolving door immigrant labor…which started this out of control ball a-rolling in the first place. The natural balance of a free market economy was not allowed to go unmolested.

I contend that we have over-educated ourselves right out of a labor workforce. Unless they start handing out tool belts with diplomas, today’s generation of graduating youths are not likely to take up the jobs that immigrants now hold in the labor industries. While I’m sure there are still a percentage of Americans who are hardy and willing enough to take over those jobs, a good percentage of these would not be willing to do so at the current pay rates. As a whole those are not the kind of workers we produce in this country anymore…they are a dying breed. I don't see where we could possibly produce in this country…at this time…the amount of workers that would be needed to fill necessary labor jobs if every illegal were sent packing all at once.

It is my belief that to remedy this problem effectively and without shocking the economy (worse than it’s been) would take a calculated program enforced over a substantial period of time.

I’m sure this is another topic altogether, but easy access loans that allow us to educate such a high percentage of our youths contribute greatly to our debtor status.

That’s what I believe. Take it or leave it…but at least consider it first.

Good post. Where I think you are in error is that only 27% of Americans have graduated college. Historically, the non-college graduates takes up other jobs such as starting businesses, skilled labor such as carpenters, electricians, heavy equipment operators, plumbing, etc. In the south, many of these skilled jobs are rapidly being taken by illegal workers. The government estimates that 1/7th of all construction jobs are held by illegals but that percentage is much higher in Texas and other southern states.

The fact is, the laws were not enforced for years in any meaningful way so aliens took advantage. Companies in the US also took advantage.

In order to get through college, many students took construction jobs to pay their way (like me). Most of those jobs are now unavailable due to the supply of aliens.

The one true shortage of workers that others would not do is the picking of produce. This situation has not been true in construction since the pay is better. The aliens moved to the better jobs because they could.

In addition, many former illegal aliens have started their own sub-contractor and contractor companies which hire illegals almost exclusively.

The new half trillion dollar jobs bill currently being considered has an exclusion of illegals in the House version but no exclusion of illegals in the Senate version which would result in hundreds of thousands of illegals getting hired if the Senate bill passed.

Lol I know that to be true about illegals having contracting companies. My dad had his back patio extended and the people that did the cementing had to bring someone to translate spanish to english when he came out to bid. XD

That doesn't mean anyone was illegal though.

LOL! comment

Dragoness's photo
Wed 10/05/11 02:32 PM

This topic sounds more like a drug problem than an immigration probleme to me. Maybe the real issue is that Amrericans feel the immagrants are taking all the drug lord jobs in this country.

I have a little different viewpoint on illegal immigration. I’m not as upset with the immigrants as I am with our government for starting the migration to begin with…inadvertently as it may have been; they invited this.

The following statement is not my opinion…it's historical fact.

As education became easier to attain in America (now 4 times the percentage of kids attend college than in our grandparents day) and as America’s service industry grew to replace our departing manufacturing industry, our government adopted a revolving door policy to supply the labor needed to harvest and build what our own workforce was not able or willing to accomplish.

Now this is my opinion…based on common sense and rudimentary economics.

Had our government not been so quick to supplement our labor needs, the lack of produce alone would have driven up the price of living, naturally making it harder for some to pursue college…thus filling our labor pool once again, and reducing the price of produce. There would have been no necessary job openings and thus no need for revolving door immigrant labor…which started this out of control ball a-rolling in the first place. The natural balance of a free market economy was not allowed to go unmolested.

I contend that we have over-educated ourselves right out of a labor workforce. Unless they start handing out tool belts with diplomas, today’s generation of graduating youths are not likely to take up the jobs that immigrants now hold in the labor industries. While I’m sure there are still a percentage of Americans who are hardy and willing enough to take over those jobs, a good percentage of these would not be willing to do so at the current pay rates. As a whole those are not the kind of workers we produce in this country anymore…they are a dying breed. I don't see where we could possibly produce in this country…at this time…the amount of workers that would be needed to fill necessary labor jobs if every illegal were sent packing all at once.

It is my belief that to remedy this problem effectively and without shocking the economy (worse than it’s been) would take a calculated program enforced over a substantial period of time.

I’m sure this is another topic altogether, but easy access loans that allow us to educate such a high percentage of our youths contribute greatly to our debtor status.

That’s what I believe. Take it or leave it…but at least consider it first.

Good post. Where I think you are in error is that only 27% of Americans have graduated college. Historically, the non-college graduates takes up other jobs such as starting businesses, skilled labor such as carpenters, electricians, heavy equipment operators, plumbing, etc. In the south, many of these skilled jobs are rapidly being taken by illegal workers. The government estimates that 1/7th of all construction jobs are held by illegals but that percentage is much higher in Texas and other southern states.

The fact is, the laws were not enforced for years in any meaningful way so aliens took advantage. Companies in the US also took advantage.

In order to get through college, many students took construction jobs to pay their way (like me). Most of those jobs are now unavailable due to the supply of aliens.

The one true shortage of workers that others would not do is the picking of produce. This situation has not been true in construction since the pay is better. The aliens moved to the better jobs because they could.

In addition, many former illegal aliens have started their own sub-contractor and contractor companies which hire illegals almost exclusively.

The new half trillion dollar jobs bill currently being considered has an exclusion of illegals in the House version but no exclusion of illegals in the Senate version which would result in hundreds of thousands of illegals getting hired if the Senate bill passed.

Lol I know that to be true about illegals having contracting companies. My dad had his back patio extended and the people that did the cementing had to bring someone to translate spanish to english when he came out to bid. XD

That doesn't mean anyone was illegal though.

LOL! comment

Well it doesn't.

I worked for the refugee department in human services and those people did not speak english and they were not allowed to receive any money from us so they had to go to work. They were legally here and could not speak a lick of english.

Also there are so many different kinds of work visas and such that are given to people to make them legally here but not applying for citizenship that not speaking english is no sure fire sign of illegal status.

A$$ U Ming is not a good way to go about things that is for sure.

ThatMysteryGuy's photo
Wed 10/05/11 02:45 PM
Well i should have been more clear, i meant *your liberalism, more as a blanket statement towards leftist liberals rather then directly at you*

But i still disagree with you. Yes all the fast food places do hire illegals, they use fake ids and social security numbers, they can even be sued if they don't take peoples word on there legal status for discrimination. At the same time they can be penalized for hiring illegals. I think small businesses are more vunerable because they don't have big political allies like MC Donalds.

Yes, if we forced out all of the illegals overnight or within a very short period that could be armageddon but over a period of months, those low-level positions WOULD fill up and they would fill up FAST!!!! Maby we disagree on this....

You mention you didn't graduate but you have something going for yourself. That is very common , that is what makes this country great.
The flexibility and oppertunies that are present for us all to achieve our dreams.Or even create our own oppertunities!!!

However every day/week/month/year/decade oppertunities are shrinking, this is not the open country of oppertunities it was, 10,20 or even 50 years ago..........

those low-level jobs would create a nice cusion for those people falling through the cracks.

no photo
Wed 10/05/11 02:45 PM


Now the issues I have with this. There are educated people who choose to do labor work, getting more reward from it so they say. Maybe they are the hands on people.

The place for labor jobs will always be.

Now consider this when people move to an area they bring with them human need, which generates jobs in the area. The grocers, the landlords, the public service, the trash removal, the sales taxes go up, etc... So immigration is not the terrible thing that it is portrayed to be. Especially since it is a lie that illegals can get foodstamps or welfare unless they are talking about California which uses their own state taxes to pay for help to the illegals but that is the only state that does that.

My issue with illegal immigration is the abuse of the humans that are too scared to call the police or labor board for help when abuse happens. The fact that the companies who hire them are getting by without proper wages, paying proper taxes, health benefits and insurance like workmens comp.

As to an earlier post on here, none of the spanish folks who work for Micky Ds or any of the fast food chains are illegals anyway. They verify before hiring. Just because they are spanish speaking doesn't make them illegal.

I quite agree. The thing that most people don't realize when, insisting that immigrants are bad for our economy, is that in most labor pay systems a legal entity receives the payroll check, which is divided up into cash payments to the undocumented workers. In doing this, the legal entity takes on the whole of the illegal workers income tax debt. So besides bringing business and spending a good share of the funds they earn right here in the US, the government is also collecting their share of tax revenue...just not in their own names, but through their employer.

As far as receiving unfair treatment, abuse or inferior pay is unacceptable anytime and anywhere to or by anyone. Period. Most of the workers I’ve suspected to be illegal that I have known, did better work and received better pay….which is just how it’s supposed to be.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 10/05/11 02:54 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Wed 10/05/11 02:58 PM
Mickey Ds does not hire illegals. Fast Food chains do not hire illegals if they are large.

As a matter of fact most large corporations do not hire illegals.

There has to be one exception so I am allowing for it.

The illegal situation is not going to improve at all. Deportation doesn't work at all. It is a waste of tax payer dollars and our police forces. I know the game will continue in this arena but it is not accomplishing anything.

I don't have all the answers here either but I will never stand for Nazi style roundups of people in this country again. It happened once which we had to apologize for.

So it has to be worked through in a different way.

There are some really hateful people in this discussion on many boards who show great human ugliness when it comes to someone who is not them or like them, that we have to be very careful not to cater to these people. They are dangerous with all their hatred.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 10/05/11 02:56 PM

This is a good site for information on immigration and the different types of immigrants we have.

I do not think it covers the asylee and refugee catagories though. We do take in both from all over the world.