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luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 09/18/11 02:13 PM

A few months ago, I got a bump on my lip, and I tried putting everything from "tree tea oil" to "neosporin", "alcohol", steaming it to a head, and popping it, draining it with a needle, ect.....and it would not go away, if fact it kept getting larger.

So I went to my primary care doctor, and asked him what it was. He told me it was a cyst. I asked him if he would remove it, and he told me "no, because it would require surgery, and he didnt do surgeries".

So I started calling around, to different dermatologists, and found out, that it would cost me, around $1000.00 to have it removed, and it was not covered by MediCal, or Health Insurance, because it was not life threatening, it was cosmetic. There was no way, I could possibly afford, $1000.00 to have it removed!

So I began to pray on it, everynight, asking God to heal it, as it was ugly, and embarrassing,(it looked like I had herpes on my lip), and really messed with my self confidence.

I started praying roughly a month ago, and the cyst is gone. It has completely disappeared, and all I did was pray for it to go away.

Miracles, like this, happen to me all the time. God is awesome!

Hallelujah Jesus! Praise God! Praise the Lord!

God bless.flowerforyou

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 09/18/11 02:22 PM
Church rocked today, as always. Its a high, that compares to no other! I love you Jesus!:angel:

My scripture for today is Corinthians 5:17

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come.


And im coming on strong, so WATCH OUT!laugh laugh

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 09/18/11 02:22 PM

A few months ago, I got a bump on my lip, and I tried putting everything from "tree tea oil" to "neosporin", "alcohol", steaming it to a head, and popping it, draining it with a needle, ect.....and it would not go away, if fact it kept getting larger.

So I went to my primary care doctor, and asked him what it was. He told me it was a cyst. I asked him if he would remove it, and he told me "no, because it would require surgery, and he didnt do surgeries".

So I started calling around, to different dermatologists, and found out, that it would cost me, around $1000.00 to have it removed, and it was not covered by MediCal, or Health Insurance, because it was not life threatening, it was cosmetic. There was no way, I could possibly afford, $1000.00 to have it removed!

So I began to pray on it, everynight, asking God to heal it, as it was ugly, and embarrassing,(it looked like I had herpes on my lip), and really messed with my self confidence.

I started praying roughly a month ago, and the cyst is gone. It has completely disappeared, and all I did was pray for it to go away.

Miracles, like this, happen to me all the time. God is awesome!

Hallelujah Jesus! Praise God! Praise the Lord!

God bless.flowerforyou


luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 09/18/11 02:23 PM

A few months ago, I got a bump on my lip, and I tried putting everything from "tree tea oil" to "neosporin", "alcohol", steaming it to a head, and popping it, draining it with a needle, ect.....and it would not go away, if fact it kept getting larger.

So I went to my primary care doctor, and asked him what it was. He told me it was a cyst. I asked him if he would remove it, and he told me "no, because it would require surgery, and he didnt do surgeries".

So I started calling around, to different dermatologists, and found out, that it would cost me, around $1000.00 to have it removed, and it was not covered by MediCal, or Health Insurance, because it was not life threatening, it was cosmetic. There was no way, I could possibly afford, $1000.00 to have it removed!

So I began to pray on it, everynight, asking God to heal it, as it was ugly, and embarrassing,(it looked like I had herpes on my lip), and really messed with my self confidence.

I started praying roughly a month ago, and the cyst is gone. It has completely disappeared, and all I did was pray for it to go away.

Miracles, like this, happen to me all the time. God is awesome!

Hallelujah Jesus! Praise God! Praise the Lord!

God bless.flowerforyou


luv2roknroll's photo
Mon 09/19/11 08:23 AM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Mon 09/19/11 08:24 AM

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 09/20/11 04:19 PM
See, now no one believes my testimony. You guys think im makin this stuff up.

I told you it was unbelievable, didnt I?

Kleisto's photo
Tue 09/20/11 04:53 PM
I do believe you, though I think part of the healing came from your faith as much as it did from God. You believed it could be healed, and so it was. Faith tends to move mountains like that. flowerforyou

I really think we are much more powerful than we know in that way.

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 09/20/11 04:56 PM

I do believe you, though I think part of the healing came from your faith as much as it did from God. You believed it could be healed, and so it was. Faith tends to move mountains like that. flowerforyou

I really think we are much more powerful than we know in that way.
They say we only use a small percentage of our brains, and look at all the technology we have.

Imagine, if we could use our WHOLE brains?


Kleisto's photo
Tue 09/20/11 05:06 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Tue 09/20/11 05:06 PM

I do believe you, though I think part of the healing came from your faith as much as it did from God. You believed it could be healed, and so it was. Faith tends to move mountains like that. flowerforyou

I really think we are much more powerful than we know in that way.
They say we only use a small percentage of our brains, and look at all the technology we have.

Imagine, if we could use our WHOLE brains?


Pretty deep isn't it?

I think more of us would, if we knew the truth of who we are, why we're here and the power we actually have as human beings. A lot of that is suppressed from us or lied about. Because of that we tend to give up a lot of that power to other sources, whether it be government or and no disrespect intended here, even God or at least the God we are told of anyway, instead of using it as we were created to.

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 09/20/11 05:09 PM

I do believe you, though I think part of the healing came from your faith as much as it did from God. You believed it could be healed, and so it was. Faith tends to move mountains like that. flowerforyou

I really think we are much more powerful than we know in that way.
They say we only use a small percentage of our brains, and look at all the technology we have.

Imagine, if we could use our WHOLE brains?


Pretty deep isn't it?

I think more of us would, if we knew the truth of who we are, why we're here and the power we actually have as human beings. A lot of that is suppressed from us or lied about. Because of that we tend to give up a lot of that power to other sources, whether it be government or and no disrespect intended here, even God or at least the God we are told of anyway, instead of using it as we were created to.
I totally agree!flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 09/20/11 05:38 PM
Luv...not sure if you knew this forum is a mix of all

kinds of beliefs...not just Christian.

Be Blessed ,Precious.

Love that Beautiful Imagery You Shared Above.


luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 09/20/11 05:40 PM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Tue 09/20/11 05:41 PM

Luv...not sure if you knew this forum is a mix of all

kinds of beliefs...not just Christian.

Be Blessed ,Precious.

Love that Beautiful Imagery You Shared Above.

Yeah, I did babe, and im totally cool with that. Im very much a "live and let live" person, most of the time!

Yeah, I love those pics too, had them a loooooooong time!

luv2roknroll's photo
Wed 09/21/11 07:50 AM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Wed 09/21/11 07:53 AM

Morning Glory said all hell was gonna break loose, and she wasent kidding!


The last time I made him angry, was when, I quit doing drugs, and I started to attend church, on a regular basis, and praise the Lord everyday.

I shortly, thereafter, got breast cancer.

I wont lie, I feel into the enemies trap, and cursed the Lord, asking how he could do this to me, when I was finally doing good things in my life, changing my bad habits, and praising him.what

Than I thought about it more, I realized it was not God at all, who was doing this to me, it was the enemy. He had me for 30 years, and if you read my other posts, you will read that I was a cheerleader, for the enemy, constantly, denying Gods existence.And that pleased him, im sure.pitchfork

I told, in my testimony, also in this thread, of having a cyst on my lip, and couldnt afford to have it removed for $1000.00, so I began to pray on it everynight, and it is now gone.:angel:

Well, I awoke this morining, with another cyst on my lip, just below where the first one was.sad2

The enemy, is not happy, that I have found a new church, and attended church, last Sunday, and praised the Lord. And I believe, he is, once again, trying to shake my confidence in the Lord.mad

Uh uh, sorry, its not happening! I will not let ANYTHING, ever, make me doubt, my father again. And I am sure, just like the last one, he will undoubtedly heal this cyst also. (These are not "cold sores". I saw my primary doctor, and they are cysts. And there is no logical reason, why I should be getting these).indifferent


I ask that you all, will please pray with me, that this cyst will heal, and go away, by the grace of the Lord, as did the last one.

Because I know, by the bible that.....

In Matthew 18:19 Jesus says:

"Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them".:angel:

Thank you for your prayers, brothers and sisters.:heart:
God bless.flowerforyou

luv2roknroll's photo
Wed 09/21/11 05:44 PM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Wed 09/21/11 05:52 PM
Pray that Friday, the results are negative please!flowerforyou

This one is not like the other one.

Its different.

Its much larger, and hurts alot.sad

Lets hope its not a tumor, and that my cancer has not returned.noway

In Jesus name,


no photo
Wed 09/21/11 08:49 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Wed 09/21/11 08:56 PM

Luv....Jesus Hears and Answers Prayer.

And I am Praying in Agreement, that cancer will NOT return, and

that the cyst is Completely Healed, in Jesus Name, Amen .

Luv, cysts can also be the body's way of cleaning itself and

throwing off toxins( may be caused also from taking too

many medications ).

Just to let you know, the cyst will go away, as the body is

purified and gets healthier.

Luv , although God is our healer, God gives us wisdom to do

OUR part too.flowerforyou

Drink lots of pure water, eat wholesome foods,get lots of

fresh air and exercise and rest, and avoid foods full of

artificial additives found in a lot of junk

foods...including sugar laden peeps.:wink:

Mostly,drink the milk of the Word,and eat your daily bread.

Love You Luv......Rest In God's Promises Now..He is Faithful Who




luv2roknroll's photo
Thu 09/22/11 07:01 AM
Luv, cysts can also be the body's way of cleaning itself and

throwing off toxins( may be caused also from taking too

many medications ).

I take alot of medications, 3 psyche meds,4 starting today when I pick them up.Prozac, Wellbutrin, and Clononzepam, and im starting another depression med, this week.(I dont remember that ones name), Anastrozol(its taken for 5 years after cancer) Vit.D w/Calcium(per the cancer also)Geritol(which I was just told is not that good, so im gonna change my multiple vitamine)Folic Acid, and sometimes sleeping pills.

I was also taking Simvastin, (for high cholestrol) but it was giving me headaches so I stopped.

Thank you for the kind words, and for having faith all will be well. I am keeping faith in my father also, no worries.flowerforyou

Hopefully things go well on Friday.

God bless.:angel:

I love you,:heart: Roberta

joy4gud's photo
Sat 09/24/11 07:28 AM

This is the first time I have ever posted in this section.

I have been on Mingle for 4 years, and post in the "General", or "Chit Chat" forums, but today I have a wonderful testimony to share with you all, that just happened to me!

I am a Christian, got saved while I was in jail, came out saved, quit using drugs, and became a Christian, got rebabtised, and started to attend bible study, and service every Sunday. I have been free of drugs for 4 years now. Praise Jesus!

I recently moved, and I dont own a car, I ride my bike everywhere. I have not been able, so far, to locate a church in my new area, that was close enough to ride to.

Today I was writing an email to a friend of mine on Mingle, and he had asked me about my being saved, so I dedicated the entire letter to telling him about how it all came about.

While in jail, my bunkee(who was a crack addict, and prostitute) and I deceided on day, we wanted to be saved. So we took our jailhouse issued bible in our hands, layed on the cement cell floor (because, even in the little reading of the bible I had done at that point in church, I remembered reading a verse that something something to the effect of, "as low as you can get, is as humble as you can be to Jesus")held hands, and asked to be forgiven all of our sins, and to be saved. We than started to attend church, every Sunday in jail, which was held in a classroom. This story goes on and on, but I want to get to what I came here to share.

Right in the middle of writing this email to my friend,(I started to cry, because I have missed not going to church to praise the lord), and suddenly there was a knock at my door. We NEVER have visitors, ever. I am single with no children. As I opened the door, there stood 2 young girls, with bibles in their hands, and asked to share some scripture with me. This has NEVER happened to me before, EVER! I immediately raised my hands to the lord, and praised him, and told the ladies, that I was just writing an email to my friend at Mingle, about Jesus,(which is also something ive NEVER done)and was crying because I had not yet found a church in my area, and missed worship!

They both giggled, and I said,"God sent you to me, just now, this is a miracle", and we all praised the lord. They gave me the address to their church, and told me if it was too far to ride my bike, they would happily pick me up, every Sunday, and also gave me their phone numbers.

Stories like this are too glorious not to share, so I hope you welcome it, and me, to the "Religious Forums".

God bless you all!

Luv2roknroll, Roberta flowerforyou

O my God. Iam so happy for you. :heart: :heart: flowerforyou flowerforyou
I tell you accepting Jesus is the best thing that ever happen to anyone. happy

luv2roknroll's photo
Sat 09/24/11 10:36 AM

Luv, cysts can also be the body's way of cleaning itself and

throwing off toxins( may be caused also from taking too

many medications ).

I take alot of medications, 3 psyche meds,4 starting today when I pick them up.Prozac, Wellbutrin, and Clononzepam, and im starting another depression med, this week.(I dont remember that ones name), Anastrozol(its taken for 5 years after cancer) Vit.D w/Calcium(per the cancer also)Geritol(which I was just told is not that good, so im gonna change my multiple vitamine)Folic Acid, and sometimes sleeping pills.

I was also taking Simvastin, (for high cholestrol) but it was giving me headaches so I stopped.

Thank you for the kind words, and for having faith all will be well. I am keeping faith in my father also, no worries.flowerforyou

Hopefully things go well on Friday.

God bless.:angel:

I love you,:heart: Roberta


luv2roknroll's photo
Sat 09/24/11 10:38 AM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Sat 09/24/11 10:39 AM

This is the first time I have ever posted in this section.

I have been on Mingle for 4 years, and post in the "General", or "Chit Chat" forums, but today I have a wonderful testimony to share with you all, that just happened to me!

I am a Christian, got saved while I was in jail, came out saved, quit using drugs, and became a Christian, got rebabtised, and started to attend bible study, and service every Sunday. I have been free of drugs for 4 years now. Praise Jesus!

I recently moved, and I dont own a car, I ride my bike everywhere. I have not been able, so far, to locate a church in my new area, that was close enough to ride to.

Today I was writing an email to a friend of mine on Mingle, and he had asked me about my being saved, so I dedicated the entire letter to telling him about how it all came about.

While in jail, my bunkee(who was a crack addict, and prostitute) and I deceided on day, we wanted to be saved. So we took our jailhouse issued bible in our hands, layed on the cement cell floor (because, even in the little reading of the bible I had done at that point in church, I remembered reading a verse that something something to the effect of, "as low as you can get, is as humble as you can be to Jesus")held hands, and asked to be forgiven all of our sins, and to be saved. We than started to attend church, every Sunday in jail, which was held in a classroom. This story goes on and on, but I want to get to what I came here to share.

Right in the middle of writing this email to my friend,(I started to cry, because I have missed not going to church to praise the lord), and suddenly there was a knock at my door. We NEVER have visitors, ever. I am single with no children. As I opened the door, there stood 2 young girls, with bibles in their hands, and asked to share some scripture with me. This has NEVER happened to me before, EVER! I immediately raised my hands to the lord, and praised him, and told the ladies, that I was just writing an email to my friend at Mingle, about Jesus,(which is also something ive NEVER done)and was crying because I had not yet found a church in my area, and missed worship!

They both giggled, and I said,"God sent you to me, just now, this is a miracle", and we all praised the lord. They gave me the address to their church, and told me if it was too far to ride my bike, they would happily pick me up, every Sunday, and also gave me their phone numbers.

Stories like this are too glorious not to share, so I hope you welcome it, and me, to the "Religious Forums".

God bless you all!

Luv2roknroll, Roberta flowerforyou

O my God. Iam so happy for you. :heart: :heart: flowerforyou flowerforyou
I tell you accepting Jesus is the best thing that ever happen to anyone. happy
I hear that, Joy!flowerforyou

Thank you!:heart:

I know, its the best thing that ever happened to me!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

luv2roknroll's photo
Sat 09/24/11 12:12 PM


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