Topic: How old is too old? What's the oldest person you'd date?
tksmooth's photo
Wed 07/18/07 02:19 AM
I wouldn't date a woman older than 36.

T00Lfan's photo
Wed 07/18/07 09:05 AM
No more than 10 years older than me, and younger than 18.

mnhiker's photo
Wed 07/18/07 09:35 PM
alexia, enough of your inane assumptions.

You assume I only date younger women.

You're wrong.

So much for the vast amount you know
about me or psychology or people in general.

You don't know squat, but you sure like to
pretent you do and brag about yourself.

By belittling me, you show an unflattering
mean streak and show a lot about yourself.

By bragging about your supposed knowledge,
you also reveal how little you know.

no photo
Wed 07/18/07 10:28 PM
Age to me does actually kinda matter. It seems like the "younger" women are still just way to childish and it seems that the older women are set in their ways and harder to get to know. Basically, I'm screwed. If I could find a younger woman who was mature, that would be great OR and older woman who was open to new things and willing to bend a little, great. Wow, now I dont feel so good lolohwell

BR77R's photo
Thu 07/19/07 04:48 AM
I've went out on dates with a 38 year old & a 35 year old in the last 6 months. But, it was kinda weird. In their defense both looked younger.

no photo
Thu 07/19/07 05:35 AM
Definitely wouldn't date anyone older than my oldest brother and he's It's nothing personal against older men - just my personal preference.

no photo
Thu 07/19/07 05:54 AM
I don't have a set age "limit" but I do prefer some commonality of experience and I'm not sure you can get that by dating someone considerably younger or older. But, that's my own personal preference. I get asked out a lot by men much younger than me and I find that after chatting a while, we don't really have much in common. I wouldn't totally rule it out, though, because you never know and I never say never to anything.

no photo
Thu 07/19/07 11:09 AM
MN Hiker,

Assumptions, abuses of logic, trolling, delusions, the list goes on. Discriminating readers can see it for what it is - you were right that she is worthy of pity. But why bother responding? Let her have the last word and then just ignore her.

no photo
Thu 07/19/07 04:18 PM
depends.... ill change em. lol

alexiateigra's photo
Thu 07/19/07 04:53 PM
:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

MNhiker & M-trade,

It amazing what a warped sense of reality you both must have. smokin smokin smokin If either read all the post from beginning to end, it is quite obvious that you both are the ones have sunk so low to name calling.

A question was ask. You both simply did not like responses from anyone who choose to disagree with you. Once again, I will remind both of you that if you do not want listen to the views of others, then do not ask the question.

Allow me to remind you both that MNhiker stated in a previous post........

"The women I date are sometimes around my age, but sometimes they might e 5-10 years younger than me. I would never, ever date anyone under 21."

After both of you attempted to make a poor attempt to insult me once again by implying that I had a low self-esteem (LMAO LMAO LMAO), I wrote this..........

"Mnhiker, you should avoid psychology since you are not very adept at it. A person who speaks his/her mind & provides their educational background for the subject matter is not a sign of low self-esteem. It is done quite commonly amongst the professional world since a person's background often provides insight to how he/she has a tendency to think. I have never in my life suffered low self esteem.

On the other hand, there have been several documented cases of low self esteem in males who have a tendencies to date women that are significantly younger. For instance, your age it would include any man that had a tendency to date women younger than greater than 5 years.

The reason I noted human development, sociology, and psychology is because I have actually studies these subjects in great depth.

I applaud those women who had the guts to tell you that they were not interested in someone who was too old for them.


If age means so little to you, then why is it you only date women your age or younger. Would you date a woman who was in her fifties and sixties?????


Here is the definition of trolling:
to speak rapidly "

So, you both can make all the false claims, call me whatever names, but it does not mean my words are not true!


no photo
Thu 07/19/07 05:07 PM

superstar23's photo
Thu 07/19/07 05:11 PM
I dated a guy when i was 21 he was 34 had 3 kids and after like 4 months wanted a comittment so i ran...I really dont have a limit but i want to have kids and most of the older guys i have went out with already had kids and didn't want anymore so i think i will stick to guys my own age from know on...:smile:

no photo
Thu 07/19/07 05:42 PM
I dont have an age limit, but i am very active so she has to keep up.

no photo
Sat 07/21/07 08:09 AM
My mom and I are twenty years apart, so I'd date someone ten years older, so no more than 30.

PinkPrincess's photo
Sun 07/22/07 08:33 AM
It would be hard for me to date one in their 30's unless it was late 30's then it would take some getting used to. I do like one close to my age or older. I just don't want them to look older than me. Guess I sound confused which is probably why I am still single. ohwell

no photo
Sun 07/22/07 08:50 AM
i have enjoyed a wide range of age differences...

still do, i don't seem to register an age ... it's interesting, if i never had a pic to look at i seem to find it easier to relate to the actual voice of the speaker.

our programs about what is asthetically pleasing or attractive really do get in the way.

i am guilty of this first and foremost..i am not attracted to men that remind me or look like my father, and he was already 63 when i was born....

and i am 53... humph !

c'est la vie....c'est l'amourlaugh laugh laugh ohwell

no photo
Sun 07/22/07 08:56 AM
To me age should not be a issue. However, I have just ended a long term relationship with someone 17 years older then me. I am 33 and he is 51.

no photo
Sun 07/22/07 09:08 AM
:heart: WOW,,A girl after my own heart,lol,lol
bigsmile flowerforyou Gee so fifty would be a younger guy for you,lol I like you....:wink: Keep them older dudes feeling wanted,,,,because im ONE OF THEM,,lol,,lol

Me, I could go back to maybe 28-29 and up to maybe 53 if they
held it good,lol age that is. :heart:

someone2hold's photo
Sun 07/22/07 10:51 AM
so far recently i have dated people from 18 to 52,
does that make me strange or open-minded?

gunblademaster's photo
Tue 07/24/07 01:35 AM
anywhere from 17 to 30 is all good with me but im still kind of picky