Community > Posts By > gunblademaster

gunblademaster's photo
Sun 05/17/09 06:16 PM
loyalty, a sence of humor, my whole heart, slaps on the ass and bad spelling lol

gunblademaster's photo
Tue 11/18/08 02:25 AM
yup yup yup

gunblademaster's photo
Tue 11/18/08 02:09 AM
ya deffinetly ours are the same way smart asses though i tell ya you yell at the and thay argue its the funniest thing in the world

gunblademaster's photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:56 AM
hes a black lab rott mix ya he was a good dog but kept getting infights w/ my dads dogs (before i left) so i gave him to a freind and those arent his he was fixed my dad has a couple of pure rotts and thay actualy just had there 2nd litter

gunblademaster's photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:24 AM
my pleasure man and once agean thx

gunblademaster's photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:23 AM
aint never been one to be skiddish but i am more cousious the second time around wont put myself out there that far agean for awile but thx man

gunblademaster's photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:09 AM
nope my i just gave her the sim card i pay the bill and not realy it just seems to end up like that with a couple but those couple make me trust woman less and less

gunblademaster's photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:07 AM
never said i would but damn it man

gunblademaster's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:45 AM
Edited by gunblademaster on Tue 11/18/08 12:51 AM

ok i know its kind of ****ed up but me and this girl i met on here have been going out for about a year now and she gave me her account info awile back to change something but i kept it but i just looked at it and she has been calling this other guy master gave him her # and apperintly has been sending him pics i pay for the phone so i gave the phone bill a looksi and there it was his area code poping up all over the place i realy do love this girl and we are actualy engaged but after this im about to drop the whole thing and say **** it

Best for you to RUN LIKE HELL away from that one.

Got you all engaged to her and chit and she still wants to play fantasy games with some other dude? That's just plain fugged up. On YOUR damn phone no less?

She'd have a big foot print on her a$$ if she was at my house, with her chit being tossed right out behind her silly ass.

Plenty of GREAT women out there that would die for a decent guy to fall for.

Don't waste your time on this loser...

and don't freaking marry her!!!!!!!!

after this S@$@ f!@# no i wont and thank god shes not around cuz i dont beleve in raisen a hand to a woman but f#@$

gunblademaster's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:42 AM
ya ive seen it happen a few times myself the girl i was dateing before i got to basic got prego the last week i was there by some other dude tore me up but we were only together for a few mothes befor i joined now we are realy good freinds i dont think i could do the same here though
btw nice burn lolz she got what she deserved....

gunblademaster's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:29 AM
her dads dead

gunblademaster's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:27 AM

I'm retired Army, been there, done that and have the tee shirts...

She is using one of your phones and she thinks you wouldn't find out... You have to call her and ask her stright out what is going on, better to find out sooner then later... There might be another reason she is calling him, how long are the calls??? If she tells you she just needs to talk to someone, that's bull, she should be calling "you"... You may want to call the number yourself and talk to this guy to find out...

Good luck to you... and Thank you for all you do before 9AM...


ok thanks man i think ill do that

gunblademaster's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:25 AM
well so DID i untill i saw her status was looking for man for relationship wich i figured she just dident change after we got back together 2 or 3 monthes ago (we only broke up for a week) so i was going to change it for her, then i got curious

gunblademaster's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:18 AM
funny thing is she dont cheat nether acording to her

gunblademaster's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:13 AM

move on

get a new girlfriend

and her password


but hes right i cought anouther one of my gfs back a couple of years ago on the phone bill and comments on her myspace she haddent deleted yet for what reasen would i not want to keep ther password

gunblademaster's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:11 AM
ya thats pritty much it huh
thank god for parranoia and nosieness right lol

gunblademaster's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:05 AM
i just cant beleve it was all a waste a ****ing year all the scrapeing just to go see her not to mention the money time and effert trying to make a long distance relationship work i dont normaly do that

gunblademaster's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:00 AM
maybe but ive allways been the face to face guy and god ive put so much into this one it just hurts cuz she knows that

gunblademaster's photo
Mon 11/17/08 11:58 PM

I could be wrong but I think the lessonn quiet speaks of is something about "fishing around where you shouldn't"

are you talking about here???

Talking about when you fish for stuff you just might find the last thing you really wanted to find....

wasent realy fishing at the time just kinda happend

I don't blame you for wanting to look necessarily but it "DID NOT JUST HAPPEN" you kept her info and you used it.. You found out she's basically cheating on you.. That sucks sorry....
i edited the post once i understood what you ment

gunblademaster's photo
Mon 11/17/08 11:57 PM
i guss your right but its better i find out now.... right????

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