Topic: Christian Attitude
CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/22/11 11:49 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Mon 08/22/11 11:52 PM

Traditionally, old time Christianity is a male dominated religion that has always treated women like second class citizens or property.

thats why men are men and wo men are a bit lower but that doesnt mean

a man should treat you bad

a real christian man should treat you good and you should be happy

a good man is the head of the household and should treat you right

Notice the women have just as much power over the man as the man does over the woman.

1 Corinthians 7:4
4The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.

the wife not women

when they are married as one

they are equal

dont let new agers convince you that the woman is head

??? Just reread what you said. Women and men are equal. "Man" doesn't have ownership over women, they are not "higher" then women, they are not more important then women, they are not "in charge" of women. Women have just as much power on everything as men do. The only differences between man and woman is in the relationship/family itself. Not as just a person. Women don't have to get in the back of the line, they don't have to wait on the man. They don't have to hide their faces behind a veil. Or anything of such. Women are just as great, just as important, just as everything as a man. And a man is the same as a woman. The gender of a person matters none when it comes to this.

no photo
Mon 08/22/11 11:59 PM
Edited by volant7 on Tue 08/23/11 12:09 AM

Traditionally, old time Christianity is a male dominated religion that has always treated women like second class citizens or property.

thats why men are men and wo men are a bit lower but that doesnt mean

a man should treat you bad

a real christian man should treat you good and you should be happy

a good man is the head of the household and should treat you right

Notice the women have just as much power over the man as the man does over the woman.

1 Corinthians 7:4
4The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.

the wife not women

when they are married as one

they are equal

dont let new agers convince you that the woman is head

??? Just reread what you said. Women and men are equal. "Man" doesn't have ownership over women, they are not "higher" then women, they are not more important then women, they are not "in charge" of women. Women have just as much power on everything as men do. The only differences between man and woman is in the relationship/family itself. Not as just a person. Women don't have to get in the back of the line, they don't have to wait on the man. They don't have to hide their faces behind a veil. Or anything of such. Women are just as great, just as important, just as everything as a man. And a man is the same as a woman. The gender of a person matters none when it comes to this.

the reason they hide their body/face just like nuns is to avoid the

sons of GOD

you will have to relearn everything the world and school
has taught us

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 08/23/11 12:10 AM

Traditionally, old time Christianity is a male dominated religion that has always treated women like second class citizens or property.

thats why men are men and wo men are a bit lower but that doesnt mean

a man should treat you bad

a real christian man should treat you good and you should be happy

a good man is the head of the household and should treat you right

Notice the women have just as much power over the man as the man does over the woman.

1 Corinthians 7:4
4The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.

the wife not women

when they are married as one

they are equal

dont let new agers convince you that the woman is head

??? Just reread what you said. Women and men are equal. "Man" doesn't have ownership over women, they are not "higher" then women, they are not more important then women, they are not "in charge" of women. Women have just as much power on everything as men do. The only differences between man and woman is in the relationship/family itself. Not as just a person. Women don't have to get in the back of the line, they don't have to wait on the man. They don't have to hide their faces behind a veil. Or anything of such. Women are just as great, just as important, just as everything as a man. And a man is the same as a woman. The gender of a person matters none when it comes to this.

the reason they hide their body/face just like nuns is to avoid the

sons of GOD

What does nuns have to do with it? Nuns don't hide their face.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 08/23/11 12:13 AM

Traditionally, old time Christianity is a male dominated religion that has always treated women like second class citizens or property.

thats why men are men and wo men are a bit lower but that doesnt mean

a man should treat you bad

a real christian man should treat you good and you should be happy

a good man is the head of the household and should treat you right

Notice the women have just as much power over the man as the man does over the woman.

1 Corinthians 7:4
4The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.

the wife not women

when they are married as one

they are equal

dont let new agers convince you that the woman is head

??? Just reread what you said. Women and men are equal. "Man" doesn't have ownership over women, they are not "higher" then women, they are not more important then women, they are not "in charge" of women. Women have just as much power on everything as men do. The only differences between man and woman is in the relationship/family itself. Not as just a person. Women don't have to get in the back of the line, they don't have to wait on the man. They don't have to hide their faces behind a veil. Or anything of such. Women are just as great, just as important, just as everything as a man. And a man is the same as a woman. The gender of a person matters none when it comes to this.

the reason they hide their body/face just like nuns is to avoid the

sons of GOD

What does nuns have to do with it? Nuns don't hide their face.

The nun's wear a habit. But it is not biblically mandatory, this is purely their catholic church's doing. There is nothing in the scriptures telling us/them to dress that way.

msharmony's photo
Tue 08/23/11 12:23 AM

Traditionally, old time Christianity is a male dominated religion that has always treated women like second class citizens or property.

This is not the christians I know, but IM sure there are males who believe in superiority regardless of their religious beliefs, in some form or another.

Just look at battery laws, and public perception. There is an absolute difference in perception across the line when a woman hits on a man then when a man hits on a woman. If there was a notion of some 'equality' both actions would be on an equal judgment.

But society says women are to be 'protected', which can be translated to mean that they are 'weaker' or 'lesser'

In the end, if it means we care about each other, the semantics dont matter much to me.

msharmony's photo
Tue 08/23/11 12:25 AM

Traditionally, old time Christianity is a male dominated religion that has always treated women like second class citizens or property.

The religion did not teach this, the people did this on their own. Using verses to justify their actions, but not taking other verses into consideration.

The bible sets it up that the man is the head of the house. But as the head, he is to love and cherish his wife, to take care of her. People would forget about that last part and basically "control" their woman. It's sad.

The religions itself repressed women. The Catholic Church comes from the old school and if a man died his wife then became the responsibility of his brother. A woman was seen as someone who needed a husband. At one time the Catholic Church did not even consider women to be human.

A woman was expected to be 'provided' for which was the husbands job. Not necessarily a negative at all. ITs much the same today but we call it 'alimony' and we take the actual relationship out of the equation and just rely on a check.

msharmony's photo
Tue 08/23/11 12:27 AM

Traditionally, old time Christianity is a male dominated religion that has always treated women like second class citizens or property.

thats why men are men and wo men are a bit lower but that doesnt mean

a man should treat you bad

a real christian man should treat you good and you should be happy

a good man is the head of the household and should treat you right

women are different than men, I hope we never loose sight of that. I hope we do , however, get rid of the notion that this makes them lesser.

I always abhorred the cultural value that said providing money to the household was more significant or important than raising and nurturing the children. Both jobs are incredibly important and I dont know why they continue to be compared and contrasted in terms of superior and inferior roles.

jrbogie's photo
Wed 08/24/11 02:44 AM

Traditionally, old time Christianity is a male dominated religion that has always treated women like second class citizens or property.

This is not the christians I know, but IM sure there are males who believe in superiority regardless of their religious beliefs, in some form or another.

Just look at battery laws, and public perception. There is an absolute difference in perception across the line when a woman hits on a man then when a man hits on a woman. If there was a notion of some 'equality' both actions would be on an equal judgment.

But society says women are to be 'protected', which can be translated to mean that they are 'weaker' or 'lesser'

In the end, if it means we care about each other, the semantics dont matter much to me.

semantics sure matter to my very christian daughter. during the last presidential election we were watching the democratic candidates debate together. hillary had just responded to a question when my daughter said, "well, i can't vote for hillary or any other woman." i asked why and she went on and on for ten minutes about the bible saying that a wife must be subserviant to her husband so electing hillary would be no different than electing bubba for and unconstitutional third term. to my knowledge every member of her congregation feels the same way and my experience says that many christian men AND women feel this way.

i simply don't agree that "society says women are to be 'protected'" or that women are "weaker" or "lesser". at least not the society i'm familiar with in modern america. i go out of my way as do our laws to support the downtrodden whether it be sexual, racial, ethnic, whatever. yes, bigotry does exist, even in america, but i refuse to accept that when slightly more than half the americans in THIS society are in fact women that society says anything at all unless the women folk are doing alot of the sayin'. and i damn sure do not run accross many america women today who say she's to be protected because she's weaker or lesser. yeow, i'm a big guy and hardly a weakling but some things even scare the crap out of me.

jrbogie's photo
Wed 08/24/11 03:03 AM

Concerning broken relationships,,,is it christian 'enough' to not wish the other harm

or should we still be 'cheering' them on and wishing them good will

I ask, because I am completely numb concerning the ex. I dont wish him harm for certain, but I dont 'cheer' him on anymore either.

I Certainly would be happy if he got his life together because he would be a better father for his child.

He just feels because I am short with him, that I have an 'unchristian' impatience. I just dont like to lead people on or prolong things unnecessarily and if we dont talk about our child, I just dont have an interest in what he is saying(usually things I have already heard at least a hundred times)

,,,Should I try harder to be his 'friend'(keep in mind he constantly blames me and accuses me of things even now)

or is it enough that I wish him well and leave him to live his own life?

can't help but think about another broken relationship; that between america and saddam, and have to wonder how many christians prayed that he be sent to hell in a most expiditious manner.

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 08/24/11 04:17 AM
Matthew 19:21

Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.

It worked for me. I just said draw up a paper and I will sign it. My three garbage of clothes were delivered to my hotel room. The divorce papers were sent by the sheriff in front of my work place for me to sign. The child support papers were given to me from her lawyer for me to sign. The money was automatically deducted from my paycheck. I didn't even have to sign anything there. But like Jesus said the poor will always be among us. I felt so rich. I didn't have to buy the garbage bags.:smile:

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 08/24/11 04:42 AM

Matthew 19:21

Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.

It worked for me. I just said draw up a paper and I will sign it. My three garbage of clothes were delivered to my hotel room. The divorce papers were sent by the sheriff in front of my work place for me to sign. The child support papers were given to me from her lawyer for me to sign. The money was automatically deducted from my paycheck. I didn't even have to sign anything there. But like Jesus said the poor will always be among us. I felt so rich. I didn't have to buy the garbage bags.:smile:

You didnt have to do much at all. Its all better from here on out.

So true. As I have read you can't take it with you.:smile:

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 08/24/11 05:14 AM

Matthew 19:21

Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.

It worked for me. I just said draw up a paper and I will sign it. My three garbage of clothes were delivered to my hotel room. The divorce papers were sent by the sheriff in front of my work place for me to sign. The child support papers were given to me from her lawyer for me to sign. The money was automatically deducted from my paycheck. I didn't even have to sign anything there. But like Jesus said the poor will always be among us. I felt so rich. I didn't have to buy the garbage bags.:smile:

You didnt have to do much at all. Its all better from here on out.

So true. As I have read you can't take it with you.:smile:

Apparently, you can have it delivered in garbage bags, however. :wink:

:smile: Yeah. And she made sure her jeans weren't in there. She used to hate it when I wore her jeans. We were the same size in the waist.laugh

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 08/24/11 05:18 AM
Which brings up an interesting point. If a man thinks he should wear the pants in the family and he is wearing her pants...Aw skip it.laugh

msharmony's photo
Wed 08/24/11 07:24 AM

Traditionally, old time Christianity is a male dominated religion that has always treated women like second class citizens or property.

This is not the christians I know, but IM sure there are males who believe in superiority regardless of their religious beliefs, in some form or another.

Just look at battery laws, and public perception. There is an absolute difference in perception across the line when a woman hits on a man then when a man hits on a woman. If there was a notion of some 'equality' both actions would be on an equal judgment.

But society says women are to be 'protected', which can be translated to mean that they are 'weaker' or 'lesser'

In the end, if it means we care about each other, the semantics dont matter much to me.

semantics sure matter to my very christian daughter. during the last presidential election we were watching the democratic candidates debate together. hillary had just responded to a question when my daughter said, "well, i can't vote for hillary or any other woman." i asked why and she went on and on for ten minutes about the bible saying that a wife must be subserviant to her husband so electing hillary would be no different than electing bubba for and unconstitutional third term. to my knowledge every member of her congregation feels the same way and my experience says that many christian men AND women feel this way.

i simply don't agree that "society says women are to be 'protected'" or that women are "weaker" or "lesser". at least not the society i'm familiar with in modern america. i go out of my way as do our laws to support the downtrodden whether it be sexual, racial, ethnic, whatever. yes, bigotry does exist, even in america, but i refuse to accept that when slightly more than half the americans in THIS society are in fact women that society says anything at all unless the women folk are doing alot of the sayin'. and i damn sure do not run accross many america women today who say she's to be protected because she's weaker or lesser. yeow, i'm a big guy and hardly a weakling but some things even scare the crap out of me.

Im sure semantics matter to alot of people, Im not sure how to tell what EVERY member of any congregation feels, but thats another story,,,lol

I know people who dont feel women should lead such roles, and I dont begrudge them for it because I can understant the logic to some degree

I think, in large part, plenty of parents should be spending more time on the parent part and less in roles which put such emphasis on THINGS and status , I think families have suffered from this shift more than they have been helped,, but thats another story too,,,

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 08/24/11 10:34 AM

Traditionally, old time Christianity is a male dominated religion that has always treated women like second class citizens or property.

This is not the christians I know, but IM sure there are males who believe in superiority regardless of their religious beliefs, in some form or another.

Just look at battery laws, and public perception. There is an absolute difference in perception across the line when a woman hits on a man then when a man hits on a woman. If there was a notion of some 'equality' both actions would be on an equal judgment.

But society says women are to be 'protected', which can be translated to mean that they are 'weaker' or 'lesser'

In the end, if it means we care about each other, the semantics dont matter much to me.

semantics sure matter to my very christian daughter. during the last presidential election we were watching the democratic candidates debate together. hillary had just responded to a question when my daughter said, "well, i can't vote for hillary or any other woman." i asked why and she went on and on for ten minutes about the bible saying that a wife must be subserviant to her husband so electing hillary would be no different than electing bubba for and unconstitutional third term. to my knowledge every member of her congregation feels the same way and my experience says that many christian men AND women feel this way.

i simply don't agree that "society says women are to be 'protected'" or that women are "weaker" or "lesser". at least not the society i'm familiar with in modern america. i go out of my way as do our laws to support the downtrodden whether it be sexual, racial, ethnic, whatever. yes, bigotry does exist, even in america, but i refuse to accept that when slightly more than half the americans in THIS society are in fact women that society says anything at all unless the women folk are doing alot of the sayin'. and i damn sure do not run accross many america women today who say she's to be protected because she's weaker or lesser. yeow, i'm a big guy and hardly a weakling but some things even scare the crap out of me.

Women are not weaker, or lesser, or anything below a man. There is NOTHING in the scriptures that would keep a woman from being president. Yes, women are to be the submissive one in a MARRIAGE, but no in life in general. We ALL are to be submissive to a degree in life. Makes things go smoother and easier. But with being submissive we aren't to use others either. So with that being said, if everyone was submissive to the needs of others and nobody was out to use someone else or control them, then we'd all get along like one big family. Again, NOTHING in the scriptures state anything a long any lines saying a woman can not or should not be say the president of a country.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 08/24/11 10:37 AM

Traditionally, old time Christianity is a male dominated religion that has always treated women like second class citizens or property.

This is not the christians I know, but IM sure there are males who believe in superiority regardless of their religious beliefs, in some form or another.

Just look at battery laws, and public perception. There is an absolute difference in perception across the line when a woman hits on a man then when a man hits on a woman. If there was a notion of some 'equality' both actions would be on an equal judgment.

But society says women are to be 'protected', which can be translated to mean that they are 'weaker' or 'lesser'

In the end, if it means we care about each other, the semantics dont matter much to me.

semantics sure matter to my very christian daughter. during the last presidential election we were watching the democratic candidates debate together. hillary had just responded to a question when my daughter said, "well, i can't vote for hillary or any other woman." i asked why and she went on and on for ten minutes about the bible saying that a wife must be subserviant to her husband so electing hillary would be no different than electing bubba for and unconstitutional third term. to my knowledge every member of her congregation feels the same way and my experience says that many christian men AND women feel this way.

i simply don't agree that "society says women are to be 'protected'" or that women are "weaker" or "lesser". at least not the society i'm familiar with in modern america. i go out of my way as do our laws to support the downtrodden whether it be sexual, racial, ethnic, whatever. yes, bigotry does exist, even in america, but i refuse to accept that when slightly more than half the americans in THIS society are in fact women that society says anything at all unless the women folk are doing alot of the sayin'. and i damn sure do not run accross many america women today who say she's to be protected because she's weaker or lesser. yeow, i'm a big guy and hardly a weakling but some things even scare the crap out of me.

Im sure semantics matter to alot of people, Im not sure how to tell what EVERY member of any congregation feels, but thats another story,,,lol

I know people who dont feel women should lead such roles, and I dont begrudge them for it because I can understant the logic to some degree

I think, in large part, plenty of parents should be spending more time on the parent part and less in roles which put such emphasis on THINGS and status , I think families have suffered from this shift more than they have been helped,, but thats another story too,,,

I know people who dont feel women should lead such roles, and I dont begrudge them for it because I can understant the logic to some degree

I understand the logic to a degree as well. Men naturally have more "authority" over the women for some reason. When it comes to orders and what not, the men are usually the one's in charge. That's why in say the army and what not, not many women are the drill sargents and positions of such. Or atleast they didn't use to be. This isn't because women are lesser, weaker, or below men. This is because naturally men tend to hold more authority over others.

jrbogie's photo
Sun 08/28/11 11:05 AM

Women are not weaker, or lesser, or anything below a man. There is NOTHING in the scriptures that would keep a woman from being president. Yes, women are to be the submissive one in a MARRIAGE, but no in life in general. We ALL are to be submissive to a degree in life. Makes things go smoother and easier. But with being submissive we aren't to use others either. So with that being said, if everyone was submissive to the needs of others and nobody was out to use someone else or control them, then we'd all get along like one big family. Again, NOTHING in the scriptures state anything a long any lines saying a woman can not or should not be say the president of a country.

there's the rub. you're a christian and quite confident that what you say is correct. my daughter is a christian and equally confident that she is correct and that you are dead wrong in your interpretation of the exact same scriptures. i of course think you're both dead wrong in thinking anybody need subvert him/herself to anybody else. so here we all are, you, my daughter, me; just the three of us. we each get one vote. whose right? the results are in and guess what? we're each dead wrong by a majority vote, 2-1.

at least when it comes to electing the president we have a constitution and a supreme court with sole power to interpret the damn thing. maybe you christian folk should get some supremes too. for sure some of you got the robes already.

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/28/11 11:15 AM
my ex wasnt christian, so Im not quite sure how this tangent was relevant to how he treated/treats

people from all walks of life and all beliefs have their ideas on the bible, because people and their experiences/languages/cultures are diverse

I was taught as Cowboy, that men and women are neither more or less than each other, and that husband and wife are equal but with different roles in their family unit

I was also taught(And shownn through the example of my family) a little added nugget , that women should be cherished and kept safe from harm,,,,,,(that could be interpreted as a woman being 'superior' actually, although I dont interpret it that way,,,lol)

this man does not and has not kept me safe or even respected, let alone cherished me,, so I just wish to go seperate ways as much as is possible with a child involved,,,

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 08/28/11 11:17 AM

Women are not weaker, or lesser, or anything below a man. There is NOTHING in the scriptures that would keep a woman from being president. Yes, women are to be the submissive one in a MARRIAGE, but no in life in general. We ALL are to be submissive to a degree in life. Makes things go smoother and easier. But with being submissive we aren't to use others either. So with that being said, if everyone was submissive to the needs of others and nobody was out to use someone else or control them, then we'd all get along like one big family. Again, NOTHING in the scriptures state anything a long any lines saying a woman can not or should not be say the president of a country.

there's the rub. you're a christian and quite confident that what you say is correct. my daughter is a christian and equally confident that she is correct and that you are dead wrong in your interpretation of the exact same scriptures. i of course think you're both dead wrong in thinking anybody need subvert him/herself to anybody else. so here we all are, you, my daughter, me; just the three of us. we each get one vote. whose right? the results are in and guess what? we're each dead wrong by a majority vote, 2-1.

at least when it comes to electing the president we have a constitution and a supreme court with sole power to interpret the damn thing. maybe you christian folk should get some supremes too. for sure some of you got the robes already.

Since your daughter is not here, nor can she explain how I may be wrong, her thoughts are moot. Their is no way to verify this nor does it matter, for the simple fact she is not the one in here in this discussion. So please show me how or why a woman could not or should not be president, using the scriptures.

jrbogie's photo
Tue 08/30/11 05:36 AM
Edited by jrbogie on Tue 08/30/11 05:46 AM

Women are not weaker, or lesser, or anything below a man. There is NOTHING in the scriptures that would keep a woman from being president. Yes, women are to be the submissive one in a MARRIAGE, but no in life in general. We ALL are to be submissive to a degree in life. Makes things go smoother and easier. But with being submissive we aren't to use others either. So with that being said, if everyone was submissive to the needs of others and nobody was out to use someone else or control them, then we'd all get along like one big family. Again, NOTHING in the scriptures state anything a long any lines saying a woman can not or should not be say the president of a country.

there's the rub. you're a christian and quite confident that what you say is correct. my daughter is a christian and equally confident that she is correct and that you are dead wrong in your interpretation of the exact same scriptures. i of course think you're both dead wrong in thinking anybody need subvert him/herself to anybody else. so here we all are, you, my daughter, me; just the three of us. we each get one vote. whose right? the results are in and guess what? we're each dead wrong by a majority vote, 2-1.

at least when it comes to electing the president we have a constitution and a supreme court with sole power to interpret the damn thing. maybe you christian folk should get some supremes too. for sure some of you got the robes already.

Since your daughter is not here, nor can she explain how I may be wrong, her thoughts are moot. Their is no way to verify this nor does it matter, for the simple fact she is not the one in here in this discussion. So please show me how or why a woman could not or should not be president, using the scriptures.

i've no interest whatsoever in scripture. my point was that different people interpret religious dogma in their own way and even choose which dogma, bible, koran, etc., is deserving of interpretation. my daughter not being here has nothing to do with my assertion that niether you nor she nor anybody of any faith can never know that you or they are correct or incorrect in believing what you or they believe. my daughter's comment during the presidential debate was but an example of an experience that i had and i AM here and will relate what experience I CHOOSE to relate that I CONSIDER is relevant to this disscussion. i might just as rightly used an afghan extremist muslim who believes that to be a head of state one must adhere to islamic shira law and that no woman could possible become head of state or even reveal her face in public. you would not accept his interpretation of scripture any more than you or i accept that of my daughter's but he would stand firmly on his belief as my daughter stands on hers and you on yours.

i cannot show you in scripture where you are wrong nor have i said you were wrong. were i to think that i could i would have to accept your bible to be fact which i don't. i've simply said that niether you or my daughter or even me can ever know that you are correct and actually prove it so. in fact a woman can be president as you and my daughter can prove to yourselves by reading article two of the constitution. not exatcly your scripture describing how you'll live your life nor my daughter's but it works for me.