Topic: Atheist have no chance | |
Any site I've been on, it's the same way. Shrugs. Even a few of the atheist/freethinker sites are not useful, at least that I've found.
yeah those freethinker"dating" sites are just full of Emos |
I thought you were asking for an evaluation of why you might not be having luck dating Christians. I have no problem with atheists or with dating them. I would not date a serious Christian myself. They might try to get me to go to their church. ![]() I think the best thing to do is to just not talk about religion or politics with your date, have a nice meal and some hot sex and be done with it. ![]() I'm more like krupa I guess, I think I'm god. I do believe in myself, so I'm not an atheist. ![]() Well, that works if you want to just go out. But not for semi-serious dating! ![]() I take my dating very serious. As long as it is not leading to a long term institution or contract with the state. ![]() LOL! Personal preference then on dating. I prefer the cards laid out on the first date. I have no interest in dating someone who is so far off from my preferences. I'll date an atheist, agnostic or pagan. Never again with a Christian, the married man who wanted to F around was the final straw. I'm not so into the need to date or screw some guy that I don't know his views, religious or political. Even if he promised to show up in a kilt, ![]() ![]() |
Sorry to bust your guys bubble..... I am God. Deal with it. THIS is the trick with dating a Christian. They are FREAKS..they feel guilty and dirty the next day. Take them out to a club/bar...get them bombed...have cro-mag neandrethal sex....then they feel bad cause God will spank them when they die if they don't go feel bad about it at church the next day. So...for Catholics and Seventh day Adventist...take em out on Fridays. Baptists you can take out Friday AND Saturday. Sleep off your hangover in church the next day while checking out the other christians who did the same damned thing you did last night. IF they wanna talk religion during non-intercourse moments....bite the bullet and just do it. I mean seriously...ANY partner is gonna have an interest that you wont actually give a damned about...God...Oprah...LifeTime.... In the interest of getting some happy time....pretend like you give a f***. If you ain't willing to.... someone else will hit it. Haha,a bit of sense in a dry moment... But don't forget that they possess a bit of humanity too. Pretending that we give a f*** is what makes us humans seem humane, no? Just keep 'em outta that missionary position-thing... that's a bad rep all around. Thank you Teditis. I found his post quite crude and distasteful. There is nothing wrong with thinking you are god, because I believe we all are. But some gods are insensitive jerks. ![]() ![]() If a man (or woman)seriously thinks he/she can "pretend to care" and fool anyone for very long, then he/she is only fooling them self. Hmm, don't get me wrong here... but Krupa is one of the sharpest kids on the block... jmho. I take no umbridge at most anything he says... 'cause everything he says has shades to it, see? I'm just barkin' because I have a bit of skin in the topic... otherwise, I don't give a chit... |
Any site I've been on, it's the same way. Shrugs. Even a few of the atheist/freethinker sites are not useful, at least that I've found. yeah those freethinker"dating" sites are just full of Emos LMAO!! Yep, yep! |
A belief in a god can't be proven wrong, no way. A beleif in no god also can't be proven wrong, no way. But the Bible and its definition of God as a Christian god can very easily be proven to be riddled with gaping logical impossibilities, which necesseraly render the bible not to be believed. But please don't lose heart, Christians; all scriptures, of all religions, are riddled with logically impossible stuff. In the Hindu religion, for instance, the Creator gets born to a couple, a relgular earthling couple, and later in his life the creator, when he is old enought to be able to know this, goes back in time to tell his parents to travel to such and such city to conceive him, nine months of course before his birth. And I imagine that still later in his life he creates the world that contain his own parents, who will later birth him. The Hindus beieve that this is the absolute truth. Christians believe that God forgave everyone, as he has said, he advises to not judge as he has also forgiven everyone, and then God also says to us better to avoid sin coz we'll be judged and punished for our sins -- which, he just finished saying, have been forgiven. The Christians believe that this is the absolute truth. I took a comparative religions course in college, and enjoyed going to the Buddhist temple (they are essentially an atheistic belief system) and a Hindu temple. At the Hindu temple, the monk explained a broad overview of their views, and when I asked his view on atheism, he just responded that all paths return to God. An atheist has to walk his/her path as well, and as long as one follows the basic moral tenets of being a good person, then they're still working for God. I thought it was interesting. Do you believe that Christianity teaches the same thing? Personally, no. With a Hindu, one could be Christian and still be Hindu. With a Christian, it's always said that the only way into Heaven is by acknowledging Jesus and His dying for one's sins. Otherwise, one is going to the Christian Hell. I know a very few Christians who still feel so long as you're good, you have a chance, but it's slim to none, if they're honest about it. I said Christianity, not Christians... One has to acknowledge Jesus in Christianity. So, still no. Like the OP, you have made up your minds about Christians... Oh well.... Just don't call me close-minded. (or Christians in general, because I am one) |
Edited by
Thu 06/16/11 07:32 PM
I thought you were asking for an evaluation of why you might not be having luck dating Christians. I have no problem with atheists or with dating them. I would not date a serious Christian myself. They might try to get me to go to their church. ![]() I think the best thing to do is to just not talk about religion or politics with your date, have a nice meal and some hot sex and be done with it. ![]() I'm more like krupa I guess, I think I'm god. I do believe in myself, so I'm not an atheist. ![]() Well, that works if you want to just go out. But not for semi-serious dating! ![]() I take my dating very serious. As long as it is not leading to a long term institution or contract with the state. ![]() LOL! Personal preference then on dating. I prefer the cards laid out on the first date. I have no interest in dating someone who is so far off from my preferences. I'll date an atheist, agnostic or pagan. Never again with a Christian, the married man who wanted to F around was the final straw. I'm not so into the need to date or screw some guy that I don't know his views, religious or political. Even if he promised to show up in a kilt, ![]() ![]() I can dig that. ![]() I am actually celibate. I find sexual relationships to be draining for my creative and spiritual energy. I am also very picky about a man's mind and his beliefs -- that is why I prefer being single. I can't really open up and get close to another person on an intimate level. |
I've been an Atheist for more than 20 years. I have, from time to time, come across people that seemed to fear (I don't think that's too strong of a word) me. As if having no relationship with god means I must be completely without morals and may kill them for the slightest infraction. However, this is not the norm. I haven't had any trouble finding women to date. In fact, it's never been an issue for me. I have dated Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and many others. Perhaps you take Atheism to seriously? Really? They call you "demonic?" Could it have something to do with the weird demonic looking picture in your profile? Or calling yourself "athiest" rather than "non religious" or "other"? For me, when a person makes it a point to label themselves atheist, my impression is that they are flat out making a statement I DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD, PERIOD. Then on top if it, a scary looking picture.... well all I can say is quit whining. I thought you were asking for an evaluation of why you might not be having luck dating Christians. I have no problem with atheists or with dating them. I would not date a serious Christian myself. They might try to get me to go to their church. ![]() I think the best thing to do is to just not talk about religion or politics with your date, have a nice meal and some hot sex and be done with it. ![]() I'm more like krupa I guess, I think I'm god. I do believe in myself, so I'm not an atheist. ![]() ![]() |
Ah, so you're one of those who thinks it's ok for christians to talk about christianity to everyone, but not ok for atheists to do the same. Projection? That's cute. Projection is completely new and nobody who was obviously losing an argument has ever used it in desperation. EquusDancer thinks it's okay to preach Atheism, but it's not okay to preach Christianity. That's called a double standard or hypocrisy. Not that it's relevant to the discussion, but since you brought it up...I think everyone should be able to freely talk about their beliefs. I've had nice conversations with Muslims, Hindus and Christians of various sects and we've always found a way to be polite and find common ground. I find the dogmatic atheists (the one who have turned atheism from a rejection of the belief in a God into a religion with them as it's zealots) to be very difficult to have a civil conversation with. All they want is for everyone else shut up while they pontificate on how there is no God and only stupid and uneducated people say there is a God. Actually, she didn't say preach. She said talk about. There's a difference. Since you said everyone should be able to freely talk about their beliefs, I don't see why you had a problem with what she said. I also believe the same. However, I prefer not to be preached to and there are some christians who can't have a conversation about beliefs without preaching and trying to convert. Bingo! I enjoy talking with someone who's willing to talk. Heck, I have great memories of my mom and a Jehovah's Witness gentleman who would come around every couple of months and they'd talk back and forth for 2-3 hours. They never really changed each others views, but they both seemed to enjoy it. But it's not talk, if it's one-sided. It's a lecture, or preaching, or nagging... Exactly. Once it starts being a lecture/preaching, it's not so interesting to talk about anymore. |
So what? I am not only aethiest....I am anti-religion. But personal philosophy is only one aspect of a man/woman. It is one aspect of personality but it is not ALL of who we are. (If all they got is religion....I consider them lesser) But, people need thier faiths...I have my faiths in things I can't control...I bet RK has faith too. Probably what I got..."Faith in me" Don't give up. You will never find what you seek. It walks up quietly behind you and smacks you with a sledge hammer of love. Just be you amongst the took me three years of just wanting to be around people and Mingling with no real hope. Saturday...I fly to the coast from the middle of the have an actual and real Mingle date with a woman I dig. never has religion popped up. The women you want ARE gotta earn them bro. E, give her a hug for me and get one for yourself!!! ![]() ![]() |
another question might be
WHY would someone with an absolute belief there is NO GOD, want to date someone who , for instance, believes christ died on the cross and the bible is the word of God? I wonder if this wouldnt be such a question to ponder if there were other criteria like 'Im a drinker and when I mention this to health nuts they for some reason arent interested in me' or 'I think parents are useless, and when I Mention this to people who love their parents,, they for some reason arent interested' its hard to ask person 2 to feel 'compatible' with person 1 who is going to deny the relevance or logic of person 2's deepest held beliefs and values,,, |
A belief in a god can't be proven wrong, no way. A beleif in no god also can't be proven wrong, no way. But the Bible and its definition of God as a Christian god can very easily be proven to be riddled with gaping logical impossibilities, which necesseraly render the bible not to be believed. But please don't lose heart, Christians; all scriptures, of all religions, are riddled with logically impossible stuff. In the Hindu religion, for instance, the Creator gets born to a couple, a relgular earthling couple, and later in his life the creator, when he is old enought to be able to know this, goes back in time to tell his parents to travel to such and such city to conceive him, nine months of course before his birth. And I imagine that still later in his life he creates the world that contain his own parents, who will later birth him. The Hindus beieve that this is the absolute truth. Christians believe that God forgave everyone, as he has said, he advises to not judge as he has also forgiven everyone, and then God also says to us better to avoid sin coz we'll be judged and punished for our sins -- which, he just finished saying, have been forgiven. The Christians believe that this is the absolute truth. I took a comparative religions course in college, and enjoyed going to the Buddhist temple (they are essentially an atheistic belief system) and a Hindu temple. At the Hindu temple, the monk explained a broad overview of their views, and when I asked his view on atheism, he just responded that all paths return to God. An atheist has to walk his/her path as well, and as long as one follows the basic moral tenets of being a good person, then they're still working for God. I thought it was interesting. Do you believe that Christianity teaches the same thing? Personally, no. With a Hindu, one could be Christian and still be Hindu. With a Christian, it's always said that the only way into Heaven is by acknowledging Jesus and His dying for one's sins. Otherwise, one is going to the Christian Hell. I know a very few Christians who still feel so long as you're good, you have a chance, but it's slim to none, if they're honest about it. I said Christianity, not Christians... One has to acknowledge Jesus in Christianity. So, still no. Like the OP, you have made up your minds about Christians... Oh well.... Just don't call me close-minded. (or Christians in general, because I am one) Shrugs. So show me different beliefs in Christianity that state otherwise. I'm open to all sorts of things. Having done all kinds of reading, and researching, I don't see any proof of a Jesus, the Jesus Christ that makes Christianity Christianity, of even having existed. |
Sorry to bust your guys bubble..... I am God. Deal with it. THIS is the trick with dating a Christian. They are FREAKS..they feel guilty and dirty the next day. Take them out to a club/bar...get them bombed...have cro-mag neandrethal sex....then they feel bad cause God will spank them when they die if they don't go feel bad about it at church the next day. So...for Catholics and Seventh day Adventist...take em out on Fridays. Baptists you can take out Friday AND Saturday. Sleep off your hangover in church the next day while checking out the other christians who did the same damned thing you did last night. IF they wanna talk religion during non-intercourse moments....bite the bullet and just do it. I mean seriously...ANY partner is gonna have an interest that you wont actually give a damned about...God...Oprah...LifeTime.... In the interest of getting some happy time....pretend like you give a f***. If you ain't willing to.... someone else will hit it. Haha,a bit of sense in a dry moment... But don't forget that they possess a bit of humanity too. Pretending that we give a f*** is what makes us humans seem humane, no? Just keep 'em outta that missionary position-thing... that's a bad rep all around. Thank you Teditis. I found his post quite crude and distasteful. There is nothing wrong with thinking you are god, because I believe we all are. But some gods are insensitive jerks. ![]() ![]() If a man (or woman)seriously thinks he/she can "pretend to care" and fool anyone for very long, then he/she is only fooling them self. Of course he could be joking or trying to look like a macho insensitive jerk when deep deep down, he is a nice caring person. Its hard to tell. Crude?...yep Crass?..absolutely True?...I would bet my paycheck on it. I can't speak for the rest of the world but, around here...if you think you may have offended feel bad about Church. Christians are just as dirty as the rest of us. No worse. My Dad is the best man I have ever known and he is a devout and well studied Christian...he taught me very well. |
Atheist don't have a devine mission Christians do. So, they should preach to everyone, eh? I don't preach to everyone. That would get annoying. Not only for them but for me. Mostly I have people ask me if I am a Christian. I honestly don't know why but it happens a ton. But I will say this, I get along with people who are on spiritual paths. You don't have to walk hand in hand when you are spiritual cause a lot of times your spirits and souls do the talking. I have close friends up here where we don't talk the Christian talk at all but we know where our paths are. A lot of times you don't see deeply spiritual people fight as much as those pounding their hands and head against the wall to get across their point. There's no need to is there? |
I want to add, it seems rather juvenile and unchristlike for anyone to email someone that they are a demon,,thats not really acceptible in my opinion
likewise, its probably not very 'christian' to be dating just for the hell of it, so many christians probably are hoping for a long term relationship, in which it would be important to share a similar path and values |
So what? I am not only aethiest....I am anti-religion. But personal philosophy is only one aspect of a man/woman. It is one aspect of personality but it is not ALL of who we are. (If all they got is religion....I consider them lesser) But, people need thier faiths...I have my faiths in things I can't control...I bet RK has faith too. Probably what I got..."Faith in me" Don't give up. You will never find what you seek. It walks up quietly behind you and smacks you with a sledge hammer of love. Just be you amongst the took me three years of just wanting to be around people and Mingling with no real hope. Saturday...I fly to the coast from the middle of the have an actual and real Mingle date with a woman I dig. never has religion popped up. The women you want ARE gotta earn them bro. ![]() |
I thought you were asking for an evaluation of why you might not be having luck dating Christians. I have no problem with atheists or with dating them. I would not date a serious Christian myself. They might try to get me to go to their church. ![]() I think the best thing to do is to just not talk about religion or politics with your date, have a nice meal and some hot sex and be done with it. ![]() I'm more like krupa I guess, I think I'm god. I do believe in myself, so I'm not an atheist. ![]() Well, that works if you want to just go out. But not for semi-serious dating! ![]() I take my dating very serious. As long as it is not leading to a long term institution or contract with the state. ![]() LOL! Personal preference then on dating. I prefer the cards laid out on the first date. I have no interest in dating someone who is so far off from my preferences. I'll date an atheist, agnostic or pagan. Never again with a Christian, the married man who wanted to F around was the final straw. I'm not so into the need to date or screw some guy that I don't know his views, religious or political. Even if he promised to show up in a kilt, ![]() ![]() I can dig that. ![]() I am actually celibate. I find sexual relationships to be draining for my creative and spiritual energy. I am also very picky about a man's mind and his beliefs -- that is why I prefer being single. I can't really open up and get close to another person on an intimate level. Yeah, that's the way I'm getting anymore. My mind has to be totally involved, for intimacy to be any good. I have to much respect for myself to just lay there and fake it, if I don't see a future with the guy. I don't want to be involved if I'm just left wishing I was out of it. |
Atheist don't have a devine mission Christians do. So, they should preach to everyone, eh? I don't preach to everyone. That would get annoying. Not only for them but for me. Mostly I have people ask me if I am a Christian. I honestly don't know why but it happens a ton. But I will say this, I get along with people who are on spiritual paths. You don't have to walk hand in hand when you are spiritual cause a lot of times your spirits and souls do the talking. I have close friends up here where we don't talk the Christian talk at all but we know where our paths are. A lot of times you don't see deeply spiritual people fight as much as those pounding their hands and head against the wall to get across their point. There's no need to is there? And yet, there are wars fought because of religion. |
another question might be WHY would someone with an absolute belief there is NO GOD, want to date someone who , for instance, believes christ died on the cross and the bible is the word of God? I wonder if this wouldnt be such a question to ponder if there were other criteria like 'Im a drinker and when I mention this to health nuts they for some reason arent interested in me' or 'I think parents are useless, and when I Mention this to people who love their parents,, they for some reason arent interested' its hard to ask person 2 to feel 'compatible' with person 1 who is going to deny the relevance or logic of person 2's deepest held beliefs and values,,, See, I've wondered why a Christian would want to date a non-Christian too (as well as drinkers, or folks who don't like animals - other issues I've dealt with). The whole "unevenly yoked" quote comes to mind. I can see teens and maybe twenty-year old's testing the waters, but with someone more mature, that doesn't make sense. Friendship is one thing. I think folks can get along just fine if they keep it light. I've got great memories of sitting around campfires discussing religion with Christian friends, Satanist friends, and other friends who have their own religions. We sit and laugh, and TALK, and have fun. |
I want to add, it seems rather juvenile and unchristlike for anyone to email someone that they are a demon,,thats not really acceptible in my opinion likewise, its probably not very 'christian' to be dating just for the hell of it, so many christians probably are hoping for a long term relationship, in which it would be important to share a similar path and values |
Atheist don't have a devine mission Christians do. So, they should preach to everyone, eh? I don't preach to everyone. That would get annoying. Not only for them but for me. Mostly I have people ask me if I am a Christian. I honestly don't know why but it happens a ton. But I will say this, I get along with people who are on spiritual paths. You don't have to walk hand in hand when you are spiritual cause a lot of times your spirits and souls do the talking. I have close friends up here where we don't talk the Christian talk at all but we know where our paths are. A lot of times you don't see deeply spiritual people fight as much as those pounding their hands and head against the wall to get across their point. There's no need to is there? I see spirituality as FAR different then religion. People like to mix that up, or combine the two terms. Someone who is spiritual is far more open, and usually essentially non-denominational in their beliefs, rather then say (since I'm in Texas) a Hell-Fire and Damnation Baptist, or the Cowboys for Christ groups that are in my area. |