Topic: how do you feel about being tracked?
no photo
Sat 06/04/11 01:19 PM
how do you feel about all of the new gadgets, iphone ,facebook,computers, cameras, rfid ,verizon, smartphones,google ,yahoo,credit cards, foodstore loyalty cards tracking your every move and purchases?

soufiehere's photo
Sat 06/04/11 01:23 PM
No paranoia yet.

smokeybette's photo
Sat 06/04/11 01:26 PM
OH NO !!! you mean i've been found?
so much for the witness protection program.
noway laugh

no photo
Sat 06/04/11 02:08 PM
they plan to chip people soon .i just wondered what people thought about it.

lovetto's photo
Sat 06/04/11 04:31 PM

how do you feel about all of the new gadgets, iphone ,facebook,computers, cameras, rfid ,verizon, smartphones,google ,yahoo,credit cards, foodstore loyalty cards tracking your every move and purchases?

You're only tracked to the point of no return if you allow it.

no photo
Tue 06/07/11 12:52 AM

no photo
Tue 06/07/11 01:32 AM


I see what you're tryin' to do here.

You want me to copy the link in order to brainwash me on the gentle cycle so the chip implant won't be as painful, don't you?!

soufiehere's photo
Tue 06/07/11 02:19 AM

I see what you're tryin' to do here.
You want me to copy the link in order
to brainwash me on the gentle cycle
so the chip implant won't be
as painful, don't you?!

There is no getting anything by you.

ujGearhead's photo
Tue 06/07/11 05:00 AM
I occasionally go to the store with the hopes that they are tracking my purchases. Then I buy only rope, duct tape, an extra large K-Y Jelly, a gallon of vegetable oil, cat food, a pack of disposable razors and a family-sized bag of Skittles. Ever since I started doing that I've noticed a continual decline in the number of unwanted visits I get from salesmen and Jehovas Witnesses. Coincidence?

ThatMysteryGuy's photo
Tue 06/28/11 11:47 PM
as long as when i am camping hologram advertizements dont pop in my face im ok

Totage's photo
Tue 06/28/11 11:49 PM

as long as when i am camping hologram advertizements dont pop in my face im ok

No, they're going to put the ads in your dreams, like on Futurama.

no photo
Tue 06/28/11 11:51 PM

I hate it.
I think I'll go off the grid.

wux's photo
Wed 06/29/11 02:53 AM

they plan to chip people soon .i just wondered what people thought about it.

Well, that's unhealthy. Too much salt and and any amount of hydrogenated vegetable oils will kill you. Chips are 84% salt and poison, and only 16% edible.


I am sure the human right's advocates, who are lawyers, are all against it. Chipping people will reduce the occasion of crime by huge leaps and bounds, and that would spell disaster for the lawyering industry. Brr. Fate worse than death for this economy.

Because, basically, the economy is now supported by healthcare, by lawyers, and by military spending. The ole' methods of making money have become so efficient, that society's needs are met at very little effort. You see, first Agriculture became anti-labour intensive. Fewer than 2% of the populace is employed in agricultural production. Two hundred years ago that number was at 87%.

Then industry, the manufacturing, distribution and mining, was getting made better and better by the competition factor. You can buy a Californian-made computer now for $200 that is better and smoother than the cheapest one twenty years ago at $2,000, and that was in 1980 dollars, which means $20,000 in today's money.

Then they economists predicted that by today the service industries will support the economy. Did not happen. Because there are only so many haircuts you can possibly have in a year, and so many restaurant meals, and so many bjs.

There is only these five service-type industries in which people can make a lot of money in large industrial democracies: Government (incl. politicians and civil servants), banking, the military, law and medicine. Sports and enterainment seem to be big, but the number of people they employ is small. The needs of approx. five million people are met by the work of a sports team counting fewer than 30 people. Add the coach, the management, the accounting, the transportation, and the stadium maintenance, that's another hundred people. The money may be big, but the jobs generated and therefore the economy stimulated by sports events is therefore very little. The entertainment industry is in even deeper poo-poo, since the entertainment goods (movies, music, etc.) can be easily duplicated and basically stolen from the rightful owners by sending your favourite love songs to your boy fighting in Afghanistan. In the past you wanted to hear a song, you had to buy the record or the tape. Now there is nothing you have to spend to have the best of all what the world best entertainers can give you at your fingertips.


Which boils down to the fact that if we pull the rug out of under the legaling professions, then we are screwing ourselves big time in the rear. If the criminal activity of the US reduces by 50%, then imagine what impact it will have on the economy. Half the cops will be laid off. Half the prisons will close. Remember, each prisoner costs the system $80,000 a year. This sounds unfair, but remember, it's not the prisoner who gets this money, but the prison guard and the drivers and the honest manufacturers and people working in the manufacturer's factories, who make iron bars and schackles and mattresses and tin cans for the prisoners. The $80,000 goes partially to the American farmer who grows food to feed the prisoners with.

So reduce crime, and THEN the economy will go down a few thousands points again.

We're screwed. We must learn how to live in prosperity but not having to work for it. This is the real enemy of the American people, the resistence to new ideas, new ideolgoies. The real no. 1. enemy of the people is the hardships involved in learning and making the knowledge our own, that not working is not a sin.

STILLTRYIN2012's photo
Sat 07/16/11 10:02 AM
dont ever sign petitions outside the grocery store and walmart. they seem to always be outside of wallyworld. if you didnt know walmart has a high security, top secret building in bentonville arkansas behind a superwalmart. it has tons and tons of fencing and razor wire. why do they need a building built like a fortress? and those ppl collecting addresses and signatures and printed names? who knows but that info go to fusion centers. secret govt controlled buildings where they keep track of americans and would be terrorists. paranoid?? na im not. its just info we have collected.

RainbowTrout's photo
Sat 07/16/11 06:24 PM
And they thought the book '1984' was just a work of fiction.

motowndowntown's photo
Sat 07/16/11 06:36 PM
I gots a big roll of tin-foil. I can make lots of hats.

I ain't worried.

s1owhand's photo
Sun 07/17/11 10:34 AM
I track them right back!


RainbowTrout's photo
Sun 07/17/11 12:36 PM
I would think a tin hat would be detectable with a metal detector.:smile: