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Topic: honesty
no photo
Wed 10/11/06 10:20 AM
i've heard some different points of view on this and would like to hear
yours. some people say that it is ok to tell a little lie or to lie to
spare someones feelings but i don't agree. you don't have to be rude
about a touchy subject but i don't think you should lie about it, how do
you feel?

no photo
Wed 10/11/06 10:25 AM
I want people to be straight up with me always. The truth hurts
sometimes, but I would rather hurt a little now, than to suffer the
extreme hurt later of finding out someone I trusted had lied to me.

dylux35's photo
Wed 10/11/06 10:33 AM
I believe "there is no such thing as a good lie."

Myself, I am pretty blunt and I often tell people, "If you didn't want
an honest answer to your question, then you should never have asked me
in the first place."

Honesty truly is the best policy.

lionsbrew's photo
Wed 10/11/06 10:34 AM
yeah i agree 100% like if i have a cliffhanger please tell me so i am
not walking around with a boogie hangin out my nose

David_Stuart's photo
Wed 10/11/06 10:39 AM
doesnt matter a lie is a lie no matter what

no photo
Wed 10/11/06 10:46 AM
i like the way you put it lion. i care about you too much to not let
other people laugh at you and talk about the booger hangin outta your
nose lol

brandy12345's photo
Wed 10/11/06 10:50 AM
I cant tell a lie king I am in LUST with your shirt in ur pic

no photo
Wed 10/11/06 10:53 AM
you're into cowboys huh

brandy12345's photo
Wed 10/11/06 10:58 AM
Cowboys rock

greeneyedlady42's photo
Wed 10/11/06 11:42 AM
You're right dylux35- I too rely on honesty and sometimes it is not
easy. But there are always tactful ways to be honest if you just take
time to thnk before you speak.

I feel that if you cant be honest with me on something small how are you
gonna be honest when the big things come. Practice makes perfect

dylux35's photo
Wed 10/11/06 12:17 PM
Great minds think alike! ;-)

no photo
Wed 10/11/06 06:53 PM
Honesty is the only way to go and you can do it nicely without out right
hurting someone, use tact and diplomacy. All lies get you is more lies
to cover the first set of lies and its just a vicious cycle and soo you
will be destoyed by the lies and then what do you have left in the end?? one...totally alone and void of life...sad

Peachiepoohie's photo
Thu 10/12/06 10:17 AM
Well, I'm bluntly honest...and people either love me or hate me for it.
I always tell people that if you ask a question then you should be
prepared for the answer. Do these pants make my ass look big??'s not the pants, you just have a big ass.

And I expect it back too. In fact, not telling me because you are
trying to save my feelings is just gonna piss me off in the end. If I
ask if I look good in something and you tell me yes...I better not have
a damn stranger tell me otherwise. Happened to me in a bar once...some
woman in the restroom told ne that my shirt looked horrible and I
shouldn't ever wear it again. I got back to my friends and was like,
"what the hell guys???"

Or how about when someone makes something for dinner that is just
horrific? If you lie and say you love it...they're just gonna cook it
again, and you don't want that.

KB, I agree...honesty and tact you hand in hand...

no photo
Thu 10/12/06 10:29 AM
them are some good comments, i can't get over how many people will ask a
question when they already know the answer and they still aren't
prepared for the truth lol.

Peachiepoohie's photo
Sat 10/14/06 07:26 AM
Honestly KB, I have always said, "if you don't want the answer then
don't ask the question."

Really, people ask a question and get pissed when you give them the
honest answer. If you wanted me to sugar coat it or should've
let me know.

no photo
Sat 10/14/06 07:34 AM
ok so right along with that...

When it comes to our kids and them asking questions when they were very
young like where did I come from? does Santa exist? and so on. Do we
give it a little lie or tell it like it is. I know what I did with mine
and its not the same as with adults which I agree. If you dont want to
know the truth dont ask.

no photo
Sat 10/14/06 08:06 AM
the where did i come from one isn't as hard as the santa one for me. the
santa one seems alittle harder for me to break because it seems to be
such an important part of christmas for them and you always want them to
have a good christmas. i don't see anything wrong with teaching them
that santa is a symbol of christmas eithr and i think that i would
probably let them ask the questions and answer them honestly. alot of
kids don't ask whether he is real or not until they are ready to
understand anyway.

sweetcountrygirl's photo
Sat 10/14/06 08:22 AM
I agree with Poochie....
King...about Santa...depending on the ages of the kids, and whether or
not they believe in God...explaining about Santa can be difficult or
When they are small and not able to understand...Believing in Santa is
okay...but when they are smart and intelligent enough to ask, I think
the truth should be told...that all things come from, money,
etc...and that Christmas is a time of HOPE and LOVE and gifts are
exchanged because of the LOVE we have for one another...a time of
celebration of LIFE...
Exchanging gifts at Christmas is more of a tradition, nothing to do with
the root word...Christ...
Didn't mean to go on and on...
At any rate...TRUTH...always be honest...

Peachiepoohie's photo
Sat 10/14/06 08:44 AM
Kids are a hard one and I really think it depends on the child. My best
friend's daughter is too damn smart for her own good. And her bullshit
meter already works, so with her you have to be a pretty creative
thinker and good at coming up with stuff at a moments notice.

Kids deserve the truth too depends on what you're talking
about. Santa? Go ahead. The tooth fairy? Sure. Where did I come
from? Tell the truth...just less detail. "You came from inside mommy's
tummy." Generally will suffice for children younger than puberty.
Sometimes you have to share truthful knowledge with your kids...and that
can be scary.

no photo
Sat 10/14/06 09:40 AM
it can be scary and i think that's where the little lies come from, they
aren't meant too decieve. the funny thing is that it happens most of the
time because the parents aren't ready to have that talk lol. children
are curious and i don't think there is anything wrong with telling them
the truth because it will be easier to deal with than if they find out
later that everything they thought they knew was lie but i agree with
you peachie, they don't have to know all the sordid details at once.

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