Topic: The internet
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Mon 05/30/11 07:24 AM
you can also buy many things that you can't find anywhere else.

lionsbrew's photo
Mon 05/30/11 07:31 AM That is all.laugh laugh

axl_rose40's photo
Mon 05/30/11 09:36 AM
I've learned to deal with a lot of different people from different walks of life as I meet lots of friends all over the world.

I've also learned that there's almost no limitations to human learnings with the help of the internet, making the learning so much easy as a click of mouse.

no photo
Mon 05/30/11 09:39 AM
I've learned that childhood obesity went through the roof because of the internet

winterblue56's photo
Mon 05/30/11 09:44 AM

I have been with the internet since vrtually day 1 as friends of mine developed virtual reality and many internet applications at a research facility in mini silicon valley (dayton ohio) where I lived while the internet was in it's formative years

I saw some of the first emails - tho it was many years before I actually sent any of my own- as I was a housewife and banned from the fraternitylaugh

but in some ways welcomed


I also (oh loathe to admit) used computers before WINDOWS - when I had to totally shut down one ap before I could use another

crazy I know shoo boop de doo

has the internet helped me - it's my way of life - whe people tell me they have no internet it's beyond my understanding - pirate if u must----------no internet = no life

Yep! Meee too...lived in the dino age when DOS was the norm. Also...remember BBS's? Bulliten Board Systems. That was the only way back then to communicate with the living laugh . DOS was not too hard for me as I was in college for Computer Science. Now I wish I would have completed my degree <sigh>. I love ALL the information happy

markecephus's photo
Mon 05/30/11 10:33 AM
I must apologize for having to bail on this thread, busy..

One of the points i wanted to make, is this. Had this been available to me say around age 20, i could have taken online courses, maybe earned a couple of degrees, other than electro-mechanical technology (not to say that i can't now, just that it would have been much easier at 20, than now, at 50)

What i'm getting at, is if young people really apply themselves, their chances of a successful career, would be much higher, simply because the learning tools are more readily available, more convenient.

When an employer considers a potential employee, the more the employee has on the resume, the better. Having multiple degrees almost guarantees a higher paying position.

no photo
Thu 06/02/11 11:53 AM
What was that Mark? Sorry, I was busy playing Black ops online laugh

Seriously, I had a 20yr old who worked for me... Always on his crackberry.
He asked what people my age did as kids to keep in touch with friends

I replied, Simple, We got off our arses.... rode or walked to the park where everyone would meet up and go from there.

He said: You're serious aren't you noway

msharmony's photo
Thu 06/02/11 12:00 PM

What was that Mark? Sorry, I was busy playing Black ops online laugh

Seriously, I had a 20yr old who worked for me... Always on his crackberry.
He asked what people my age did as kids to keep in touch with friends

I replied, Simple, We got off our arses.... rode or walked to the park where everyone would meet up and go from there.

He said: You're serious aren't you noway

yeah,,lol, we had much less 'child obesity' then too,, come to think of it.

elementary schoolers with cell phones,,,,whoa whoa whoa

Simonedemidova's photo
Thu 06/02/11 12:08 PM
i have met a lot of people online, and I am new the past year to being an on-liner type.

i have learned that even really ugly people can be mean and insensitive too, not just good looking people...

I love you no longer need a dictionary, or pay for the paper, or go into an establishment to submit applications, you dont have to call in your dinner order anymore, you just order online. It's great...

I still get plenty of exercise...the comment about obesity, true, but dont blame the internet, blame the parents...

Harmony, i agree, it's absurd elementary kids walking with cell phones, especially with the risk of cancer floating around. My kids will not have a cell. they have the choice to be responsible and use the house phone or a pay phone in an emergency. Plus they are more likely to break or lose a phone...

Online courses----cooooool

msharmony's photo
Thu 06/02/11 12:36 PM
I understand what you mean simoned

I try to be a proponent of the concept of BALANCE, which means I generally dont do the 'blame' thing, but the responsibility thing instead

its not any ONE thing that made our children obese, I didnt mean to imply it, but it was an attack on the BALANCE in our childrens lives

not only did we start encouraging and promoting 'activities' which didnt involve ANY movement, we then took alot of the physical activity out of their school day , we started to encourage and promote unhealthy foods and snacks and fast food more and more and we INCREASED their access to those things beyond anything that was responsible,,,,

the IMBALANCE of an INCREASE in unhealthy lifestyle and diet being promoted and encouraged without a similar INCREASE in physical activity and HEALTHY diet promotion,, did a great deal of harm in the long run,,,,, but there are so many 'harmless' things that we dont see the affect of until it is too late,,,,

no photo
Thu 06/02/11 12:41 PM
The problem is, instead of actually learning words and/or their proper spelling and punctuation... people rely on Spell Check or Google.

There's a difference between retaining information and using it solely for instantaneous results.

soufiehere's photo
Thu 06/02/11 12:43 PM

I now keep my toothbrush in the living room,
because I was told by e-mail that
water splashes out of the toilet.


The things you learn :-)

no photo
Thu 06/02/11 12:53 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/02/11 12:54 PM

One huge thing for me is the sheer availability of information. I had to do a ton of research on the planet Neptune and its moons when I was writing my first book, and it was amazing how much I was able to dig up in a very short time.

I first got on line in 1996; prior to that, I would have had to go to the library for this kind of information.

A few days ago, I had a flash of memory about a cartoon I had seen when I was a kid, maybe 4 years old. I went to youtube, found the cartoon and watched it again, after all these years. (It wasn't quite as good as I remembered it.) But it just amazes me that I can click a few buttons and bring back things I haven't even thought about for ages.

Yes I think the Internet is amazing! I used to spend hours at the Colorado Springs Library checking out tons of books and when I move her the library sucked. I felt lost.

Now literally anything you want to know about is a few clicks away. Thanks to google and other good search engines.

no photo
Thu 06/02/11 01:03 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/02/11 01:06 PM
As for me, the Internet was my savior.

It's my only social life... sad (I know that's sad)

It is my news and information source.

I learned all about aliens, conspiracy theories, who killed Kennedy, and lots of other interesting things that may or may not be true.

Its my entertainment.
I watch Netflex and Youtube videos all the time.

I don't waste time playing games or look at porn.

It's my business.
I make websites for some people, I sell my art and my tarot cards via the Internet and pay pal.

If I lost the Internet I would cry a lot.

I would be out of business, I would have no social life, I would not know what's going on in the world, and I would have no Library and information source for reasearch.


I think I would probably take up gardening, raise some chickens, and spend more time outside, fix up this run down shack I'm living in. laugh

Totage's photo
Thu 06/02/11 01:07 PM

Has been closed, lol, just kidding.

I started using the internet, quite a number of years ago. Since that time, i feel my knowledge has expanded greatly. I also feel, if i had access to this infinite vault of information, when i was younger, i would have progressed much faster, and achieved more goals in life.

Here is a list of things i've noticed over the years.

1) Gradually, my grammar improved, as i was never an 'a' student in English.

2) Interaction with others: I have found it easier to communicate with people from all walks of life.

3) I have learned to be more compassionate of those, who are less fortunate than i am.

4) I have made a lot of good friends, from all over the world.

What are some of the things you've learned? and how has the world wide web helped you?

I learned that it's really hard work to make money lazy.

I learned that I have a lot of rich uncles that die and leave me their fortunes.

I learned people can fall in love with me without even meeting or talking.

SunsetRose's photo
Thu 06/02/11 01:26 PM
I Learned alot from the internet but most certainly became dependent on it for everything hehehehe

I had to move and Had to go a week without it and you feel like you can't function I have forgotten simple things like using a phonebook to find a number lol

I use the internet to find everything

If I have it I can go days without using it but If I dont have it ...I need it for everthing lol

no photo
Thu 06/02/11 01:31 PM

As for me, the Internet was my savior.

It's my only social life... sad (I know that's sad)

It is my news and information source.

I learned all about aliens, conspiracy theories, who killed Kennedy, and lots of other interesting things that may or may not be true.

Its my entertainment.
I watch Netflex and Youtube videos all the time.

I don't waste time playing games or look at porn.

It's my business.
I make websites for some people, I sell my art and my tarot cards via the Internet and pay pal.

If I lost the Internet I would cry a lot.

I would be out of business, I would have no social life, I would not know what's going on in the world, and I would have no Library and information source for reasearch.


I think I would probably take up gardening, raise some chickens, and spend more time outside, fix up this run down shack I'm living in. laugh

1 and 3 here too ohwell

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 06/02/11 03:36 PM

I now keep my toothbrush in the living room, because I was told by e-mail that water splashes out of the toilet.

Hummm see we keep trying to make ya'll shut the lid but..................ohhhhhhhhh noooooooo bet ya do now lmaorofl rofl

markecephus's photo
Thu 06/02/11 03:54 PM

The problem is, instead of actually learning words and/or their proper spelling and punctuation... people rely on Spell Check or Google.

There's a difference between retaining information and using it solely for instantaneous results.

They just did a story on this very thing, on the WALB 6 o'clock news. The experts are divided, somewhat.

Some say that spell check makes people lazy, and some say that it actually helps improve people's spelling. I think it ultimately comes down, to the drive , (or willingness to excel) as opposed to those who simply do not have the desire to better themselves.

krupa's photo
Thu 06/02/11 04:37 PM
I donno...some people are just flat out dumb@$$es.