Topic: They call themselves Christians... | |
sexual tastes, like culinary tastes, can and do go through changes and adaptations
what people are 'into' can and does change and adapt none of those things. by themself, can define in absolute terms someones IDENTITY or SOUL I disagree with those who are convinced otherwise, and I feel sad for them, but there would be no need for them to argue it with me YOU DISAGREE with what other other people feel? You KNOW exactly how every homosexual feels about their sexuality? You certainly seem to know a lot more about what other people feel than even those people? AND YOU FEEL SAD FOR THEM - now that's a random act of kindness on your part - does that make you feel good? I bet you're one of those who look at fibromyalgia sufferers and think, they are just hypochondriacs. You see there's absolutely nothing that medical science can find wrong with those people - so quite obviously those people must CHOOSE to ACT they way they do just to try to get disability. Right? There are a lot of diseases for which a cause has not been found that doesn't mean they don't exist. Just becasue you feel like EVERYONE has this sexual chioce does not make it true. So what is the difference between a person having fibromyalgia or a person being gay? You can not possibly know the cause of either so do you think fibro people are lying? the difference, I would imagine, is one affects the physical BODY in a way that causes PHYSICAL pain, and one affects the emotions and influences the behaviors both , are sad if they define a persons self identity If you're straight though, it's still a part of who you are. You can't just on a whim decide to be attracted to girls can you? It's rather unfair to expect them to do something that even you yourself cannot do. By saying, there's something with them, you are suggesting that they can change who they are attracted to in the physical, when in reality that really isn't quite true. of course it is, what attracts us evolves as we do, I Was once not attracted to men above thirty, but now that I am older, guess what? those attractions evolve and are not stagnant enough to define me but beyond what we are INITIALLY Attracted to is also those things that attract us beyond the initial physical impulse which can DEVELOP , themself, into a physical impulse later down the line perhaps my frame is different because I do and HAVE decided/realized , in my twenties that I was ATTRACTED to girls as well, BUT what I Chose to do about it was indeed something I had control over in any case,,,whomever I am attracted to today, in no way is the DEFINITION of who I am, just a description of what my situation is at the moment,, which can ALWAYS evolve or change into something else |
perhaps if I Said, I love criminals without needing to condone their crimes clearly a contradiction ...since the criminal behavior is part of that which makes up the essence of the soul (religious lingo) can't love one without loving and condoning the other pretty sure Eva Peron used the same reasoning dealing with Hilter...when he's not murdering 6 million Jews he's a pretty nice guy not a contradiction at all, everyone has MOMENTS, its the preponderous of which types of moments that accumulate into the BALANCE of who they essentially are,, which is usually pretty complex for all of us behavior is a temporary part of the very long list of things that evolve or devolve as our experiences grow, it is very easy to seperate it BECAUSE it is temporary...ONE momentary choice out of billions that occur in a lifetime or it could be the billions of choices in a lifetime that lead to that one criminal choice, as forrest gump would say "a person is as a person does"... this is why for you to claim to love the criminal you therefore love and condone what made them that particular person that you claim that you love ... lots of women fall in love with's called The Bad Boy Syndrome is the potential law breaking and danger which attracts them to the person which means they condone the criminal actions DISCLAIMER: lots of men also fall in love with criminal women and drama queens so I wasn't generalizing about women just making a point if you love the person then you have to take the good with the bad ....I think people call it "Forgiveness" ... |
perhaps if I Said, I love criminals without needing to condone their crimes clearly a contradiction ...since the criminal behavior is part of that which makes up the essence of the soul (religious lingo) can't love one without loving and condoning the other pretty sure Eva Peron used the same reasoning dealing with Hilter...when he's not murdering 6 million Jews he's a pretty nice guy not a contradiction at all, everyone has MOMENTS, its the preponderous of which types of moments that accumulate into the BALANCE of who they essentially are,, which is usually pretty complex for all of us behavior is a temporary part of the very long list of things that evolve or devolve as our experiences grow, it is very easy to seperate it BECAUSE it is temporary...ONE momentary choice out of billions that occur in a lifetime or it could be the billions of choices in a lifetime that lead to that one criminal choice, as forrest gump would say "a person is as a person does"... this is why for you to claim to love the criminal you therefore love and condone what made them that particular person that you claim that you love ... lots of women fall in love with's called The Bad Boy Syndrome is the potential law breaking and danger which attracts them to the person which means they condone the criminal actions DISCLAIMER: lots of men also fall in love with criminal women and drama queens so I wasn't generalizing about women just making a point if you love the person then you have to take the good with the bad ....I think people call it "Forgiveness" ... loving someone has NOTHING to do with condoning everything they do,,, |
perhaps if I Said, I love criminals without needing to condone their crimes clearly a contradiction ...since the criminal behavior is part of that which makes up the essence of the soul (religious lingo) can't love one without loving and condoning the other pretty sure Eva Peron used the same reasoning dealing with Hilter...when he's not murdering 6 million Jews he's a pretty nice guy not a contradiction at all, everyone has MOMENTS, its the preponderous of which types of moments that accumulate into the BALANCE of who they essentially are,, which is usually pretty complex for all of us behavior is a temporary part of the very long list of things that evolve or devolve as our experiences grow, it is very easy to seperate it BECAUSE it is temporary...ONE momentary choice out of billions that occur in a lifetime or it could be the billions of choices in a lifetime that lead to that one criminal choice, as forrest gump would say "a person is as a person does"... this is why for you to claim to love the criminal you therefore love and condone what made them that particular person that you claim that you love ... lots of women fall in love with's called The Bad Boy Syndrome is the potential law breaking and danger which attracts them to the person which means they condone the criminal actions DISCLAIMER: lots of men also fall in love with criminal women and drama queens so I wasn't generalizing about women just making a point if you love the person then you have to take the good with the bad ....I think people call it "Forgiveness" ... loving someone has NOTHING to do with condoning everything they do,,, that's odd since the end result of everything they do is what makes then that person .... I guess the most logical question to ask a Christian that goes by this Love everyone philosophy you also love Satan? MsHarmony....please say yes |
perhaps if I Said, I love criminals without needing to condone their crimes clearly a contradiction ...since the criminal behavior is part of that which makes up the essence of the soul (religious lingo) can't love one without loving and condoning the other pretty sure Eva Peron used the same reasoning dealing with Hilter...when he's not murdering 6 million Jews he's a pretty nice guy not a contradiction at all, everyone has MOMENTS, its the preponderous of which types of moments that accumulate into the BALANCE of who they essentially are,, which is usually pretty complex for all of us behavior is a temporary part of the very long list of things that evolve or devolve as our experiences grow, it is very easy to seperate it BECAUSE it is temporary...ONE momentary choice out of billions that occur in a lifetime or it could be the billions of choices in a lifetime that lead to that one criminal choice, as forrest gump would say "a person is as a person does"... this is why for you to claim to love the criminal you therefore love and condone what made them that particular person that you claim that you love ... lots of women fall in love with's called The Bad Boy Syndrome is the potential law breaking and danger which attracts them to the person which means they condone the criminal actions DISCLAIMER: lots of men also fall in love with criminal women and drama queens so I wasn't generalizing about women just making a point if you love the person then you have to take the good with the bad ....I think people call it "Forgiveness" ... loving someone has NOTHING to do with condoning everything they do,,, that's odd since the end result of everything they do is what makes then that person .... I guess the most logical question to ask a Christian that goes by this Love everyone philosophy you also love Satan? MsHarmony....please say yes and yet, although I dont care for spinach, when it is mixed together to create SPINACH DIP, its rather tasty enjoying, loving an end product does not require that we enjoy each individual piece when it is set on its own as far as love, the short answer is YES, I have a (christian) love, for all its not the intimate love I may feel for my child, or the romantic love I may feel for a partner, or the respectful and reverent love I feel for my elders and my creator but it is a TYPE of love that I would feel for someone I never met and only knew to be a creation of God, a love that HOPES for that spirit to not perish, but instead, to find its place back with God,, |
perhaps if I Said, I love criminals without needing to condone their crimes clearly a contradiction ...since the criminal behavior is part of that which makes up the essence of the soul (religious lingo) can't love one without loving and condoning the other pretty sure Eva Peron used the same reasoning dealing with Hilter...when he's not murdering 6 million Jews he's a pretty nice guy not a contradiction at all, everyone has MOMENTS, its the preponderous of which types of moments that accumulate into the BALANCE of who they essentially are,, which is usually pretty complex for all of us behavior is a temporary part of the very long list of things that evolve or devolve as our experiences grow, it is very easy to seperate it BECAUSE it is temporary...ONE momentary choice out of billions that occur in a lifetime or it could be the billions of choices in a lifetime that lead to that one criminal choice, as forrest gump would say "a person is as a person does"... this is why for you to claim to love the criminal you therefore love and condone what made them that particular person that you claim that you love ... lots of women fall in love with's called The Bad Boy Syndrome is the potential law breaking and danger which attracts them to the person which means they condone the criminal actions DISCLAIMER: lots of men also fall in love with criminal women and drama queens so I wasn't generalizing about women just making a point if you love the person then you have to take the good with the bad ....I think people call it "Forgiveness" ... loving someone has NOTHING to do with condoning everything they do,,, that's odd since the end result of everything they do is what makes then that person .... I guess the most logical question to ask a Christian that goes by this Love everyone philosophy you also love Satan? MsHarmony....please say yes and yet, although I dont care for spinach, when it is mixed together to create SPINACH DIP, its rather tasty enjoying, loving an end product does not require that we enjoy each individual piece when it is set on its own as far as love, the short answer is YES, I have a (christian) love, for all its not the intimate love I may feel for my child, or the romantic love I may feel for a partner, or the respectful and reverent love I feel for my elders and my creator but it is a TYPE of love that I would feel for someone I never met and only knew to be a creation of God, a love that HOPES for that spirit to not perish, but instead, to find its place back with God,, MMsHarmony...if you bothered to read the bible you would know that it is not Satan's destiny to find his way back to God ... so again let's get pass all that legal mumbo jumbo... do you love Satan? ....Yes or No? |
perhaps if I Said, I love criminals without needing to condone their crimes clearly a contradiction ...since the criminal behavior is part of that which makes up the essence of the soul (religious lingo) can't love one without loving and condoning the other pretty sure Eva Peron used the same reasoning dealing with Hilter...when he's not murdering 6 million Jews he's a pretty nice guy not a contradiction at all, everyone has MOMENTS, its the preponderous of which types of moments that accumulate into the BALANCE of who they essentially are,, which is usually pretty complex for all of us behavior is a temporary part of the very long list of things that evolve or devolve as our experiences grow, it is very easy to seperate it BECAUSE it is temporary...ONE momentary choice out of billions that occur in a lifetime or it could be the billions of choices in a lifetime that lead to that one criminal choice, as forrest gump would say "a person is as a person does"... this is why for you to claim to love the criminal you therefore love and condone what made them that particular person that you claim that you love ... lots of women fall in love with's called The Bad Boy Syndrome is the potential law breaking and danger which attracts them to the person which means they condone the criminal actions DISCLAIMER: lots of men also fall in love with criminal women and drama queens so I wasn't generalizing about women just making a point if you love the person then you have to take the good with the bad ....I think people call it "Forgiveness" ... loving someone has NOTHING to do with condoning everything they do,,, that's odd since the end result of everything they do is what makes then that person .... I guess the most logical question to ask a Christian that goes by this Love everyone philosophy you also love Satan? MsHarmony....please say yes and yet, although I dont care for spinach, when it is mixed together to create SPINACH DIP, its rather tasty enjoying, loving an end product does not require that we enjoy each individual piece when it is set on its own as far as love, the short answer is YES, I have a (christian) love, for all its not the intimate love I may feel for my child, or the romantic love I may feel for a partner, or the respectful and reverent love I feel for my elders and my creator but it is a TYPE of love that I would feel for someone I never met and only knew to be a creation of God, a love that HOPES for that spirit to not perish, but instead, to find its place back with God,, MMsHarmony...if you bothered to read the bible you would know that it is not Satan's destiny to find his way back to God ... so again let's get pass all that legal mumbo jumbo... do you love Satan? ....Yes or No? it is written, love your enemies whatever his 'destiny' (which God will decide), I follow that guideline for myself |
Edited by
Fri 05/20/11 11:09 AM
My take on sexuality:
Universally, sexuality is an attractive force between two entities. In spirit form, there is no separation between the sexes. There is no male or female separation. Angels are said to be both male and female. Sexual attractions still happen in the spirit beings and new souls can be created when two spiritual beings come together, but that does not always happen. In the worlds of duality and opposites, the sexes are divided. This is a tricky thing and they are not always divided in the way they were meant to be simply because it is unnatural to be either a male or female. The spirit beings (angels) are not divided, they are both male and female. There are many children born today with both male and female equipment. Unfortunately our society thinks that is a mistake or a deformity and they will try to correct that and make the child either a boy or a girl (whatever the want it to be). They have a 50% chance of getting it right according to what the child might want. Maybe neither choice is right. Maybe they should let the child decide later. Some parents have done that. Other times the doctors will make that choice without even consulting the parents. Recent studies reveal that certain people who are sexually attracted to children rather than adults have a problem in their brain that can be seen. They have found that these people all have something going on in their brain that causes this. They are also born with this, or maybe it is some kind of chemical imbalance. It is chemicals that determine what sex you will be and it is chemicals that determine who your are sexually attracted to. These are not conscious life style choices. As for the religious "laws" concerning who you have sex with, these are man's laws according to the beings who were the human creators who designed the physical bodies to reproduce. In a physical world where there are opposites, this is the way things work most of the time, even though some animals are bi-sexual and can change sexes. It is not a universal law or God's law that makes sexual attraction wrong or immoral. The universal law is the law of attraction. Any other laws concerning what humans do are man's laws or laws given to them by their alien god. |
there were also laws against beastiality,, which to me are logical and likely to be in line with what a creator designed and the purposes of those creations
we have no absolute biblical reference to all the 'consentual' sexual interests of today, but it is rather clear that males and females were created for bonding(by both observing their anatomy and the RESULT of such physical bonds) it would be reasonable for this to be reinforced and supported more often than any other sexual activity which dont seem to have such a crucial and obvious purpose,,, |
I can see there being laws against certain sexual acts within a society. Yes they are logical. But the claim that these are "God's " law is questionable.
people just label themselves christians,cause they didnt pick hebrew or muslim or realism...hell they had to pick something i guess
people just label themselves christians,cause they didnt pick hebrew or muslim or realism...hell they had to pick something i guess Just to fit into society. Yes many do that because community and society is important for business, friendship etc. You have to be bold to stand for what you believe sometimes. |
people just label themselves christians,cause they didnt pick hebrew or muslim or realism...hell they had to pick something i guess do people label themself, or does the society agree upon certain labels , words, and definitions to describe people? I dont recall ever labeling myself 'black' for example, but I did learn what the social definition of that was and for the sake of COMMUNICATION I aknowledged how that definition does describe something about me christian is another 'label' that is defined in our vocabulary, and by its definition ( at least, ONE of its definitions), fits into how I would describe myself,,,, a : one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ |
perhaps if I Said, I love criminals without needing to condone their crimes clearly a contradiction ...since the criminal behavior is part of that which makes up the essence of the soul (religious lingo) can't love one without loving and condoning the other pretty sure Eva Peron used the same reasoning dealing with Hilter...when he's not murdering 6 million Jews he's a pretty nice guy not a contradiction at all, everyone has MOMENTS, its the preponderous of which types of moments that accumulate into the BALANCE of who they essentially are,, which is usually pretty complex for all of us behavior is a temporary part of the very long list of things that evolve or devolve as our experiences grow, it is very easy to seperate it BECAUSE it is temporary...ONE momentary choice out of billions that occur in a lifetime or it could be the billions of choices in a lifetime that lead to that one criminal choice, as forrest gump would say "a person is as a person does"... this is why for you to claim to love the criminal you therefore love and condone what made them that particular person that you claim that you love ... lots of women fall in love with's called The Bad Boy Syndrome is the potential law breaking and danger which attracts them to the person which means they condone the criminal actions DISCLAIMER: lots of men also fall in love with criminal women and drama queens so I wasn't generalizing about women just making a point if you love the person then you have to take the good with the bad ....I think people call it "Forgiveness" ... loving someone has NOTHING to do with condoning everything they do,,, that's odd since the end result of everything they do is what makes then that person .... I guess the most logical question to ask a Christian that goes by this Love everyone philosophy you also love Satan? MsHarmony....please say yes and yet, although I dont care for spinach, when it is mixed together to create SPINACH DIP, its rather tasty enjoying, loving an end product does not require that we enjoy each individual piece when it is set on its own as far as love, the short answer is YES, I have a (christian) love, for all its not the intimate love I may feel for my child, or the romantic love I may feel for a partner, or the respectful and reverent love I feel for my elders and my creator but it is a TYPE of love that I would feel for someone I never met and only knew to be a creation of God, a love that HOPES for that spirit to not perish, but instead, to find its place back with God,, MMsHarmony...if you bothered to read the bible you would know that it is not Satan's destiny to find his way back to God ... so again let's get pass all that legal mumbo jumbo... do you love Satan? ....Yes or No? it is written, love your enemies love your enemies perhaps explains why Christians shouldn't get a divorce it's so refereshing to see a woman duck and dodge instead of just telling a guy (Satan)that she loves him generally it's the women that complain about how Men can't say they love you without beating aound the bush .....I wonder if you have any such threads or posts of the such in the general chat forum ..I'm going to have to go check but anyway MsHarmony Loves Satan ..a match made in Hell .....oops I meant Heaven |
perhaps if I Said, I love criminals without needing to condone their crimes clearly a contradiction ...since the criminal behavior is part of that which makes up the essence of the soul (religious lingo) can't love one without loving and condoning the other pretty sure Eva Peron used the same reasoning dealing with Hilter...when he's not murdering 6 million Jews he's a pretty nice guy not a contradiction at all, everyone has MOMENTS, its the preponderous of which types of moments that accumulate into the BALANCE of who they essentially are,, which is usually pretty complex for all of us behavior is a temporary part of the very long list of things that evolve or devolve as our experiences grow, it is very easy to seperate it BECAUSE it is temporary...ONE momentary choice out of billions that occur in a lifetime or it could be the billions of choices in a lifetime that lead to that one criminal choice, as forrest gump would say "a person is as a person does"... this is why for you to claim to love the criminal you therefore love and condone what made them that particular person that you claim that you love ... lots of women fall in love with's called The Bad Boy Syndrome is the potential law breaking and danger which attracts them to the person which means they condone the criminal actions DISCLAIMER: lots of men also fall in love with criminal women and drama queens so I wasn't generalizing about women just making a point if you love the person then you have to take the good with the bad ....I think people call it "Forgiveness" ... loving someone has NOTHING to do with condoning everything they do,,, that's odd since the end result of everything they do is what makes then that person .... I guess the most logical question to ask a Christian that goes by this Love everyone philosophy you also love Satan? MsHarmony....please say yes and yet, although I dont care for spinach, when it is mixed together to create SPINACH DIP, its rather tasty enjoying, loving an end product does not require that we enjoy each individual piece when it is set on its own as far as love, the short answer is YES, I have a (christian) love, for all its not the intimate love I may feel for my child, or the romantic love I may feel for a partner, or the respectful and reverent love I feel for my elders and my creator but it is a TYPE of love that I would feel for someone I never met and only knew to be a creation of God, a love that HOPES for that spirit to not perish, but instead, to find its place back with God,, MMsHarmony...if you bothered to read the bible you would know that it is not Satan's destiny to find his way back to God ... so again let's get pass all that legal mumbo jumbo... do you love Satan? ....Yes or No? it is written, love your enemies love your enemies perhaps explains why Christians shouldn't get a divorce it's so refereshing to see a woman duck and dodge instead of just telling a guy (Satan)that she loves him generally it's the women that complain about how Men can't say they love you without beating aound the bush .....I wonder if you have any such threads or posts of the such in the general chat forum ..I'm going to have to go check but anyway MsHarmony Loves Satan ..a match made in Hell .....oops I meant Heaven love has little to do with physical proximity to others christians SHOULDNT get a divorce because the vow covers all ranges of 'better or worse',,,,and they are meant to cling for life however, divorce was ADDED because it is so hard for us to accept misery or pain that we can otherwise avoid by just leaving.... and its hard for our pride to give of ourself in a way that is not reciprocated on some consistent basis and because we still are not to love anyone MORE Than ourself , which means we have to demand a certain treatment for ourself that we would that person we 'love' love is complicated, if it was as simple as picking those who are involved in something we like,, and only those things we like or approve of,, it wouldnt have anything special about it because even our 'enemies' will do that |
people just label themselves christians,cause they didnt pick hebrew or muslim or realism...hell they had to pick something i guess Just to fit into society. Yes many do that because community and society is important for business, friendship etc. You have to be bold to stand for what you believe sometimes. word!!!! It takes much, much more courage to step out of the flock and find your own path then to be a cookie cutter.... the sheep says baaaaaaaa baaaaaaaa |
love is complicated, since to love everyone is a requirement of your religion...this does not make love takes the complication of out the equation and just make Love meaningless without substance this is why even though your religion requires you to do so you can not just come out and say that you love Satan ...because you know that you don't... |
love is complicated, since to love everyone is a requirement of your religion...this does not make love takes the complication of out the equation and just make Love meaningless without substance this is why even though your religion requires you to do so you can not just come out and say that you love Satan ...because you know that you don't... if only life were as simple as our assumptions,,, I am required to be a mom too, by nature of having had children, but being a mom is not therefore SIMPLE just because it is a requirement being a mom, is likewise, complicated and complex, not easily summed up and defined in any absolute terms on a public opinion forum,,, |
love is complicated, since to love everyone is a requirement of your religion...this does not make love takes the complication of out the equation and just make Love meaningless without substance this is why even though your religion requires you to do so you can not just come out and say that you love Satan ...because you know that you don't... if only life were as simple as our assumptions,,, I am required to be a mom too, by nature of having had children, but being a mom is not therefore SIMPLE just because it is a requirement being a mom, is likewise, complicated and complex, not easily summed up and defined in any absolute terms on a public opinion forum,,, your children is life that came from a womb ....required love is a concept you found in a book you can destroy and get back anytime you can you guess which one? |
love is complicated, since to love everyone is a requirement of your religion...this does not make love takes the complication of out the equation and just make Love meaningless without substance this is why even though your religion requires you to do so you can not just come out and say that you love Satan ...because you know that you don't... if only life were as simple as our assumptions,,, I am required to be a mom too, by nature of having had children, but being a mom is not therefore SIMPLE just because it is a requirement being a mom, is likewise, complicated and complex, not easily summed up and defined in any absolute terms on a public opinion forum,,, your children is life that came from a womb ....required love is a concept you found in a book you can destroy and get back anytime you can you guess which one? likewise does the idea that we must love everyone, come from a book that was the context in which I was discussing love and its complexity and COMPARING it to mothering and its complexities |