boredinaz06's photo
Mon 05/02/11 09:04 PM

The ugliness (celebrating death and being disgusting about his body) that is shown by Americans who shame all of us will be the reason that we Americans can never rest our minds from being hated throughout the world.

More cowardly liberal blah blah blah

How is the words typed above cowardly?

How can one woman's view be seen as cowardly?

I feel such contempt for those who hide behind such blase comments...that is cowardly.

Rather than give an educated and informed response you type something like that?

And Dragoness....I hope you know you are not hated as a country by me...I don't hate anyone...anywhere...and most everyday Australian I speak with don't hate your country...we react to the arrogance and posturing...but there is no hate.

Because everything that doesn't suit her beliefs is ugly, hateful, hate mongering, fear mongering and not to mention racist.

Ah, so it's because you don't like what she has to say about things she disagrees with? What do you expect? People to just nod along and agree with what you think all the time? There is an awful lot of hate in this forum and it does disgust me. I'm not sure how you can miss it.

No, its just the same mindless unfounded banter every single time. Its always hate, bigot, fear monger, hate monger, racist and she has nothing to back it up with. She just try's her damnedest to bait people, doesn't take psychologist top see it either.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 05/02/11 09:04 PM
Edited by mightymoe on Mon 05/02/11 09:05 PM

Yay, i was just reflecting o nthe whole "theory he died five years ago'
this is from 3/25/10

yea, a few tapes like that came out, but before he would send video tapes, then there was a pause for a few years, and then it was audio only after that... back then, the libs were saying it was a ploy from the conservatives to keep the war going... how quickly they forget...

Simonedemidova's photo
Mon 05/02/11 09:06 PM

I don't know what is right and what is wrong, there always seems to be so many hidden political agenda's that I have no idea what is truth.

Things can't be changed, reguardless fo who likes or dislikes anything.
Yep everyone feels relief when a danger is removed, just sometimes you can jump out of the way of one snake to find out that you jumped into a heap of others.
I only see what the media portrays, and really, they mix things up so much that I wouldnt know who is right or wrong.

I guess both sides will always have a reason for doing what they do..

Sadly for everyone, While America chose to go after the figureheads, the others really wont care they will just target everyone, and the more people who are there the better,

yep so many people on both sides have been hurt. and both country's are hurting, and both country's at times will rejoice in what they see as right.

But sadly in the long run we all lose..

thats why daddy bush was a one termer, he refused to go after saddam... that and a big lie...

Actually it was because of Ross Perot.

Hmmm I have heard of bush but not the other, and have no idea what they did or didnt do..

i don't like killing anyone, but everyone has a right to protect themselves, or their country. If someone tried to hurt any of my children and i had a gun, I would have no trouble stopping them, why, because its my job to protect them.. I wouldnt kill them as i wouldnt need to but i sure as heck would stop them. So noone can really say this or that should have happened as we wherent there we have no idea and never will, whats done is done and now we see what happens.
Both of our countries have a lot of good men out their, who risk their lives for us everyday.

We fight for what we believe in ( flowerforyou Jess included)
the same as your country does.

For me I am concerned about what will happen, but thats life.

we all are josie, each in our own way...flowerforyou

I know,

Our country will always stand behind yours, it always does.
And we can come across as abrasive at times and we do just say what we think, but we mean well, flowerforyou

i'm not thinking bad about anyone, I've always liked Aussies and their ways...we just disagreed on this, that's me, Aussies are like Canadians, only better...

hahaha, i dont know anything about aussies, except they have really thick accents, lol.

josie68's photo
Mon 05/02/11 09:08 PM

I don't know what is right and what is wrong, there always seems to be so many hidden political agenda's that I have no idea what is truth.

Things can't be changed, reguardless fo who likes or dislikes anything.
Yep everyone feels relief when a danger is removed, just sometimes you can jump out of the way of one snake to find out that you jumped into a heap of others.
I only see what the media portrays, and really, they mix things up so much that I wouldnt know who is right or wrong.

I guess both sides will always have a reason for doing what they do..

Sadly for everyone, While America chose to go after the figureheads, the others really wont care they will just target everyone, and the more people who are there the better,

yep so many people on both sides have been hurt. and both country's are hurting, and both country's at times will rejoice in what they see as right.

But sadly in the long run we all lose..

thats why daddy bush was a one termer, he refused to go after saddam... that and a big lie...

Actually it was because of Ross Perot.

Hmmm I have heard of bush but not the other, and have no idea what they did or didnt do..

i don't like killing anyone, but everyone has a right to protect themselves, or their country. If someone tried to hurt any of my children and i had a gun, I would have no trouble stopping them, why, because its my job to protect them.. I wouldnt kill them as i wouldnt need to but i sure as heck would stop them. So noone can really say this or that should have happened as we wherent there we have no idea and never will, whats done is done and now we see what happens.
Both of our countries have a lot of good men out their, who risk their lives for us everyday.

We fight for what we believe in ( flowerforyou Jess included)
the same as your country does.

For me I am concerned about what will happen, but thats life.

we all are josie, each in our own way...flowerforyou

I know,

Our country will always stand behind yours, it always does.
And we can come across as abrasive at times and we do just say what we think, but we mean well, flowerforyou

i'm not thinking bad about anyone, I've always liked Aussies and their ways...we just disagreed on this, that's me, Aussies are like Canadians, only better...

Thats why i love mingle

josie68's photo
Mon 05/02/11 09:12 PM

I don't know what is right and what is wrong, there always seems to be so many hidden political agenda's that I have no idea what is truth.

Things can't be changed, reguardless fo who likes or dislikes anything.
Yep everyone feels relief when a danger is removed, just sometimes you can jump out of the way of one snake to find out that you jumped into a heap of others.
I only see what the media portrays, and really, they mix things up so much that I wouldnt know who is right or wrong.

I guess both sides will always have a reason for doing what they do..

Sadly for everyone, While America chose to go after the figureheads, the others really wont care they will just target everyone, and the more people who are there the better,

yep so many people on both sides have been hurt. and both country's are hurting, and both country's at times will rejoice in what they see as right.

But sadly in the long run we all lose..

thats why daddy bush was a one termer, he refused to go after saddam... that and a big lie...

Actually it was because of Ross Perot.

Hmmm I have heard of bush but not the other, and have no idea what they did or didnt do..

i don't like killing anyone, but everyone has a right to protect themselves, or their country. If someone tried to hurt any of my children and i had a gun, I would have no trouble stopping them, why, because its my job to protect them.. I wouldnt kill them as i wouldnt need to but i sure as heck would stop them. So noone can really say this or that should have happened as we wherent there we have no idea and never will, whats done is done and now we see what happens.
Both of our countries have a lot of good men out their, who risk their lives for us everyday.

We fight for what we believe in ( flowerforyou Jess included)
the same as your country does.

For me I am concerned about what will happen, but thats life.

we all are josie, each in our own way...flowerforyou

I know,

Our country will always stand behind yours, it always does.
And we can come across as abrasive at times and we do just say what we think, but we mean well, flowerforyou

i'm not thinking bad about anyone, I've always liked Aussies and their ways...we just disagreed on this, that's me, Aussies are like Canadians, only better...

hahaha, i dont know anything about aussies, except they have really thick accents, lol.

HUH, What accent,what what we dont have one..
It's not my fault that when I came to America half the people had no idea what i was saying.. Honestly , sometimes anaconda had to step in and speak for menoway noway made me think I couldn't talk properly

no photo
Mon 05/02/11 09:12 PM

No, its just the same mindless unfounded banter every single time. Its always hate, bigot, fear monger, hate monger, racist and she has nothing to back it up with. She just try's her damnedest to bait people, doesn't take psychologist top see it either.

Probably because some of the same people repeat the same hateful, bigoted things much of the time. Some people don't need baiting at all, they make themselves look bad on their own.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 05/02/11 09:13 PM

I don't know what is right and what is wrong, there always seems to be so many hidden political agenda's that I have no idea what is truth.

Things can't be changed, reguardless fo who likes or dislikes anything.
Yep everyone feels relief when a danger is removed, just sometimes you can jump out of the way of one snake to find out that you jumped into a heap of others.
I only see what the media portrays, and really, they mix things up so much that I wouldnt know who is right or wrong.

I guess both sides will always have a reason for doing what they do..

Sadly for everyone, While America chose to go after the figureheads, the others really wont care they will just target everyone, and the more people who are there the better,

yep so many people on both sides have been hurt. and both country's are hurting, and both country's at times will rejoice in what they see as right.

But sadly in the long run we all lose..

thats why daddy bush was a one termer, he refused to go after saddam... that and a big lie...

Actually it was because of Ross Perot.

Hmmm I have heard of bush but not the other, and have no idea what they did or didnt do..

i don't like killing anyone, but everyone has a right to protect themselves, or their country. If someone tried to hurt any of my children and i had a gun, I would have no trouble stopping them, why, because its my job to protect them.. I wouldnt kill them as i wouldnt need to but i sure as heck would stop them. So noone can really say this or that should have happened as we wherent there we have no idea and never will, whats done is done and now we see what happens.
Both of our countries have a lot of good men out their, who risk their lives for us everyday.

We fight for what we believe in ( flowerforyou Jess included)
the same as your country does.

For me I am concerned about what will happen, but thats life.

we all are josie, each in our own way...flowerforyou

I know,

Our country will always stand behind yours, it always does.
And we can come across as abrasive at times and we do just say what we think, but we mean well, flowerforyou

i'm not thinking bad about anyone, I've always liked Aussies and their ways...we just disagreed on this, that's me, Aussies are like Canadians, only better...

hahaha, i dont know anything about aussies, except they have really thick accents, lol.

i never had any reason to talk bad about them, they are alot like us, in some ways better, ... i like them better than english people, not near as prudish or stuck up...

no photo
Mon 05/02/11 09:13 PM


I'd rather be called a liberal than what the ugly Americans should be called for their actions that are shaming all of this country around the world.

Again NO MATTER WHO THE PERSON WAS, THEY WERE SOMEONES DAD, BROTHER, SON, COUSIN, GRANDPA, ETC... giving respect to those family members who just lost a loved one should be paramount human respect.

all i can say to that is's the liberals that are pussifing america... this guy had 3000 people killed, and your praying to him??

Why are you taking one person's opinion and assuming all "liberals" are thinking the same way?

And who said they were praying to him? Perhaps you can point out that exact wording.

i thought you said yesterday you didn't care what i thought or said?
maybe i was dreaming that... did you change your mind? or you just can't get enough of me?

Can't answer the question? If you don't want people questioning you, perhaps you shouldn't put your thoughts on a public message board.

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 05/02/11 09:14 PM

No, its just the same mindless unfounded banter every single time. Its always hate, bigot, fear monger, hate monger, racist and she has nothing to back it up with. She just try's her damnedest to bait people, doesn't take psychologist top see it either.

Probably because some of the same people repeat the same hateful, bigoted things much of the time. Some people don't need baiting at all, they make themselves look bad on their own.

Wrong again, in the liberal mind they are always right and are never willing to compromise. Its their way or your a racist. Truth is, they're to busy smelling their own farts to pay attention, variety is a spice of life...try it sometime.

no photo
Mon 05/02/11 09:18 PM

No, its just the same mindless unfounded banter every single time. Its always hate, bigot, fear monger, hate monger, racist and she has nothing to back it up with. She just try's her damnedest to bait people, doesn't take psychologist top see it either.

Probably because some of the same people repeat the same hateful, bigoted things much of the time. Some people don't need baiting at all, they make themselves look bad on their own.

Wrong again, in the liberal mind they are always right and are never willing to compromise. Its their way or your a racist. Truth is, they're to busy smelling their own farts to pay attention, variety is a spice of life...try it sometime.

Huh. And the way I have seen it, some conservatives are just like that as well. Imagine that.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 05/02/11 09:22 PM


I'd rather be called a liberal than what the ugly Americans should be called for their actions that are shaming all of this country around the world.

Again NO MATTER WHO THE PERSON WAS, THEY WERE SOMEONES DAD, BROTHER, SON, COUSIN, GRANDPA, ETC... giving respect to those family members who just lost a loved one should be paramount human respect.

all i can say to that is's the liberals that are pussifing america... this guy had 3000 people killed, and your praying to him??

Why are you taking one person's opinion and assuming all "liberals" are thinking the same way?

And who said they were praying to him? Perhaps you can point out that exact wording.

i thought you said yesterday you didn't care what i thought or said?
maybe i was dreaming that... did you change your mind? or you just can't get enough of me?

Can't answer the question? If you don't want people questioning you, perhaps you shouldn't put your thoughts on a public message board.

can't or won't?'s hard to take someone like me seriously, anyway... and, as long as that "perhaps" is out there, "perhaps" you should worry about your posts, and let me worry about that more lib logic i smell there? getting a little miffed are we? "perhaps" you can join in with their singing, and then the evil republicans will go away...

mightymoe's photo
Mon 05/02/11 09:23 PM

No, its just the same mindless unfounded banter every single time. Its always hate, bigot, fear monger, hate monger, racist and she has nothing to back it up with. She just try's her damnedest to bait people, doesn't take psychologist top see it either.

Probably because some of the same people repeat the same hateful, bigoted things much of the time. Some people don't need baiting at all, they make themselves look bad on their own.

Wrong again, in the liberal mind they are always right and are never willing to compromise. Its their way or your a racist. Truth is, they're to busy smelling their own farts to pay attention, variety is a spice of life...try it sometime.

Huh. And the way I have seen it, some conservatives are just like that as well. Imagine that.

and the point is made! hahahahahahaha

josie68's photo
Mon 05/02/11 09:24 PM
HMMMMM Will World war 4 start on Mingle2:wink:

josie68's photo
Mon 05/02/11 09:27 PM
Edited by josie68 on Mon 05/02/11 09:28 PM

I don't know what is right and what is wrong, there always seems to be so many hidden political agenda's that I have no idea what is truth.

Things can't be changed, reguardless fo who likes or dislikes anything.
Yep everyone feels relief when a danger is removed, just sometimes you can jump out of the way of one snake to find out that you jumped into a heap of others.
I only see what the media portrays, and really, they mix things up so much that I wouldnt know who is right or wrong.

I guess both sides will always have a reason for doing what they do..

Sadly for everyone, While America chose to go after the figureheads, the others really wont care they will just target everyone, and the more people who are there the better,

yep so many people on both sides have been hurt. and both country's are hurting, and both country's at times will rejoice in what they see as right.

But sadly in the long run we all lose..

thats why daddy bush was a one termer, he refused to go after saddam... that and a big lie...

Actually it was because of Ross Perot.

Hmmm I have heard of bush but not the other, and have no idea what they did or didnt do..

i don't like killing anyone, but everyone has a right to protect themselves, or their country. If someone tried to hurt any of my children and i had a gun, I would have no trouble stopping them, why, because its my job to protect them.. I wouldnt kill them as i wouldnt need to but i sure as heck would stop them. So noone can really say this or that should have happened as we wherent there we have no idea and never will, whats done is done and now we see what happens.
Both of our countries have a lot of good men out their, who risk their lives for us everyday.

We fight for what we believe in ( flowerforyou Jess included)
the same as your country does.

For me I am concerned about what will happen, but thats life.

we all are josie, each in our own way...flowerforyou

I know,

Our country will always stand behind yours, it always does.
And we can come across as abrasive at times and we do just say what we think, but we mean well, flowerforyou

i'm not thinking bad about anyone, I've always liked Aussies and their ways...we just disagreed on this, that's me, Aussies are like Canadians, only better...

hahaha, i dont know anything about aussies, except they have really thick accents, lol.

i never had any reason to talk bad about them, they are alot like us, in some ways better, ... i like them better than english people, not near as prudish or stuck up...

SSSSHHHHHH, you must not compare us to the english, they are the ones who dumped us here, we dont want them to find out how good we are incase they try and take our country back.

And not only they they just talk to well and are much better than us.. ( Well they seem to think so ) :thumbsup:

mightymoe's photo
Mon 05/02/11 09:28 PM

HMMMMM Will World war 4 start on Mingle2:wink:

the libs wouldn't stand a chance... haha tofu doesn't build muscle or brains

josie68's photo
Mon 05/02/11 09:42 PM

HMMMMM Will World war 4 start on Mingle2:wink:

the libs wouldn't stand a chance... haha tofu doesn't build muscle or brains

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Not sure if I should laugh, have no idea who stands for what or even who they are. so hopefully I dont offend anyone.

But it was funny laugh

mightymoe's photo
Mon 05/02/11 09:49 PM

HMMMMM Will World war 4 start on Mingle2:wink:

the libs wouldn't stand a chance... haha tofu doesn't build muscle or brains

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Not sure if I should laugh, have no idea who stands for what or even who they are. so hopefully I dont offend anyone.

But it was funny laugh

no, you didn't, that was me doing any offending on that...your to nice to offend people

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 05/02/11 10:04 PM

No, its just the same mindless unfounded banter every single time. Its always hate, bigot, fear monger, hate monger, racist and she has nothing to back it up with. She just try's her damnedest to bait people, doesn't take psychologist top see it either.

Probably because some of the same people repeat the same hateful, bigoted things much of the time. Some people don't need baiting at all, they make themselves look bad on their own.

Wrong again, in the liberal mind they are always right and are never willing to compromise. Its their way or your a racist. Truth is, they're to busy smelling their own farts to pay attention, variety is a spice of life...try it sometime.

Huh. And the way I have seen it, some conservatives are just like that as well. Imagine that.

Point me in the direction of a conservative on here who called someone a racist or any of those things when they weren't just smart buttn' someone?

Lpdon's photo
Mon 05/02/11 11:21 PM

I don't know what is right and what is wrong, there always seems to be so many hidden political agenda's that I have no idea what is truth.

Things can't be changed, reguardless fo who likes or dislikes anything.
Yep everyone feels relief when a danger is removed, just sometimes you can jump out of the way of one snake to find out that you jumped into a heap of others.
I only see what the media portrays, and really, they mix things up so much that I wouldnt know who is right or wrong.

I guess both sides will always have a reason for doing what they do..

Sadly for everyone, While America chose to go after the figureheads, the others really wont care they will just target everyone, and the more people who are there the better,

yep so many people on both sides have been hurt. and both country's are hurting, and both country's at times will rejoice in what they see as right.

But sadly in the long run we all lose..

thats why daddy bush was a one termer, he refused to go after saddam... that and a big lie...

Actually it was because of Ross Perot.

Hmmm I have heard of bush but not the other, and have no idea what they did or didnt do..

i don't like killing anyone, but everyone has a right to protect themselves, or their country. If someone tried to hurt any of my children and i had a gun, I would have no trouble stopping them, why, because its my job to protect them.. I wouldnt kill them as i wouldnt need to but i sure as heck would stop them. So noone can really say this or that should have happened as we wherent there we have no idea and never will, whats done is done and now we see what happens.
Both of our countries have a lot of good men out their, who risk their lives for us everyday.

We fight for what we believe in ( flowerforyou Jess included)
the same as your country does.

For me I am concerned about what will happen, but thats life.

we all are josie, each in our own way...flowerforyou

I know,

Our country will always stand behind yours, it always does.
And we can come across as abrasive at times and we do just say what we think, but we mean well, flowerforyou

i'm not thinking bad about anyone, I've always liked Aussies and their ways...we just disagreed on this, that's me, Aussies are like Canadians, only better...

hahaha, i dont know anything about aussies, except they have really thick accents, lol.

And they gave us Croccodile Dundee! :banana:

Lpdon's photo
Mon 05/02/11 11:22 PM

HMMMMM Will World war 4 start on Mingle2:wink:

the libs wouldn't stand a chance... haha tofu doesn't build muscle or brains
