Topic: do u feel loved
ajagirl's photo
Tue 03/29/11 04:57 AM
I sure do feel love..,

no photo
Tue 03/29/11 05:41 AM
Edited by verymezah on Tue 03/29/11 05:49 AM
i feel loved.. but these days its more of a conditional love that ppl feel for others.. it kinda makes me sick that unconditional love doesnt exist anymore..

no photo
Tue 03/29/11 05:47 AM

redishmars's photo
Tue 03/29/11 05:57 AM

i feel loved.. but these days its more of a conditional love that ppl feel for others.. it kinda makes me sick that unconditional love doesnt exist anymore..

I love myself unconditionaly. and, this alows me to love others unconditional as well.
so, Yes I do feel loved.

no photo
Tue 03/29/11 06:00 AM

i feel loved.. but these days its more of a conditional love that ppl feel for others.. it kinda makes me sick that unconditional love doesnt exist anymore..

I love myself unconditionaly. and, this alows me to love others unconditional as well.
so, Yes I do feel loved.

do u feel others love u unconditionaly?

axl_rose40's photo
Tue 03/29/11 06:52 AM
Yes, I definitely feel loved love Everywhere I go, I feel the love that I have not just from my family but also from my friends. Maybe it's because I don't have any qualms in expressing the love that I have for them too. The most wonderful love I feel is the love my Creator showers me with by having me surrounded with people I love most.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Tue 03/29/11 02:27 PM

I KNOW I'm loved as I love them back,,my family,,kids grand kids,mom,,,,but you asked do I feel loved,,,,Family is a always constant never turned away reality of being human and a father.

Feeling love,,as in someone really loving me for who I am who is NOT part of my family,,,no,,,as THAT,,shall be my forever void to not feel inside...BUT,,that is life and how that cookie rolls,,,,,
so I am glad you asked me,,,because I was just starting to forget that miss:angry: grumble ,,,,,,,,just kidding,,
This is a nice post man...drinker :heart:

You know that we all love you just the way you are. :)

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 03/29/11 02:32 PM
My family loves me...Outside of that though, can't say I particularly care anymore.

RowBaby's photo
Tue 03/29/11 02:36 PM

My family loves me...Outside of that though, can't say I particularly care anymore.

flowerforyou we :heart: you

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 03/29/11 02:38 PM

My family loves me...Outside of that though, can't say I particularly care anymore.

flowerforyou we :heart: you


soufiehere's photo
Tue 03/29/11 04:36 PM

My family loves me...Outside of that
though, can't say I particularly
care anymore.

flowerforyou we :heart: you
flowerforyou we :heart: you

winterblue56's photo
Wed 03/30/11 05:33 PM
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. :wink:

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/30/11 05:35 PM
I have always known my Family and God love me. As for anyone else,, the jury is still out,,,lol

I think my first husband loved me,,,in hindsight,,,

no photo
Wed 03/30/11 05:48 PM
yup it comes from having fun with everyday life and only investing yourself in someone who really matters because they will do the same to you.

Rfah's photo
Wed 03/30/11 05:57 PM



no photo
Wed 03/30/11 07:06 PM

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. :wink:

interesting smokin

DeathsTreaty's photo
Wed 03/30/11 07:10 PM
Deatheaty relived a nightmare, I do not feel loved...I do not feel much since then...

Frown...dont smille...but never hate

Simply learn and try to move on..

josie68's photo
Wed 03/30/11 09:07 PM

Mikey, Mikey, Mikey, you are an in-the-closet Shik-meister. Admit it!!!
Ok U got me!!!!! U are the one that ran away with my Blow up doll though!!! She been patched many times!!drinker laugh

but Mikey you replaced it with your harem,

Yes i definatley feel loved.flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 03/30/11 09:35 PM

I KNOW I'm loved as I love them back,,my family,,kids grand kids,mom,,,,but you asked do I feel loved,,,,Family is a always constant never turned away reality of being human and a father.

Feeling love,,as in someone really loving me for who I am who is NOT part of my family,,,no,,,as THAT,,shall be my forever void to not feel inside...BUT,,that is life and how that cookie rolls,,,,,
so I am glad you asked me,,,because I was just starting to forget that miss:angry: grumble ,,,,,,,,just kidding,,
This is a nice post man...drinker :heart:

You know that we all love you just the way you are. :)

Thank you Sleepless,,,truly that means a bunch,,,and if words could give real hugs,,mine would be all over you about RIGHT NOW......:wink: :heart: flowerforyou
Its funny,,it seems that as I FEEL I've outstayed my presents on here,,,like five years on a single site,,and ...
THAT just sucks....and I get to watch many who if we had ever had a chance to meet,,MAYBE could have been more,,I watch or have seen,,so many,,find their happiness in another,,and leave here with their dreams,,,,,it beautiful to see,,yet so pulling in reflection of myself here.....But your words have hugged my heart tonight,,and for THAT,,I AM BLESSED,,,,tyflowerforyou

mssilverfox's photo
Wed 03/30/11 09:39 PM
Not feeling it tonight sad2