Topic: Can the Resurrection of Christ be proven scientifically | |
God is out to 'prove' nothing. God has nothing to 'prove'. It is our choice, our decision. It's all up to us, again God has nothing to 'prove'. It's only YOU that seems to have something to 'prove'.
Yes you are right. God has nothing to prove.. but... Again, Cowboy.... Abra is referring to the fact that Jesus (called God) had to rise from the dead to prove that there is life after death.... The story goes.. If Jesus had not done that.. would anyone have believed his claims? No, they would not. In fact, even his disciples denied and doubted him until they saw him and felt the holes in his hands and feet right? Then it is claimed all across the land that Jesus has risen from the dead..... so he must be God. That is what Abra is talking about. Jesus being resurrected wasn't to "prove" anything. Jesus conquered death, that is all. Wasn't a display to "prove" anything. Death is still amoung us as it has been. Merely a rending of the viel between this world and the next. Such a thing is a meaningless conquest. Sorta like charging an open door. and then claiming you opened it. |
JellyBean writes:
"Again, Cowboy.... Abra is referring to the fact that Jesus (called God) had to rise from the dead to prove that there is life after death...." Jesus is the new Adam. Jesus succeeded where Adam failed. Through Adam's transgression, humans were separated from God. Through Christ, humans were reunited with God. Jesus could always rise. He's God. He conquered death, and so death has no hold over Him. As a result, He gave His followers the ability to conquer death, as well, which is why when we die, we live forever, in His presence. As for why they are antagonizing, Cowboy, they could not use logic to refute Christ's resurrection so they are reverting to namecalling. Abra writes, "Well, when God speaks to me from the heavens in an audible physical voice, I'll believe." You have it backwards. You say: SEEING IS BELIEVING. We say: BELIEVING IS SEEING. |
Whatever Freakyshiki, its your dream. Say it anyway you like.
and have a blissful blissful day. |
You too. We'll chat more on Friday, upon Shiki's return, for...
Friday is: Shiki Is Nice Day!!! |
"Through Christ, humans were reunited with God. "
Empty concept. God never left humans. He is with each of us allways. Faith is believing without seeing. Faith is seeing without believing. God is with you. You need not seek him in another. He walks the same path you do. |
I like that andy. You should put that in my "inner scripture" thread.
Cowboy wrote:
God is out to 'prove' nothing. God has nothing to 'prove'. It is our choice, our decision. It's all up to us, again God has nothing to 'prove'. It's only YOU that seems to have something to 'prove'. You're the one who's trying to 'prove' that the Bible is the word of God. You even try to give 'evidence' for it, even after you've proclaimed that all evidence is nothing more than a matter of 'faith'. And, yes, I'm sorry to have to tell you this Cowboy, by any supposedly "righteous" entity (call it a "God" if you like) that expect people to OBEY it, must necessarily prove it's existence first, especially if it's going to be condemning people to eternal punishment if they don't believe it exists. So, yes, any entity that is going to condemn people to eternal punishment for not believing that it exists, must necessarily prove it's existence to the people. Otherwise, it cannot be said to be a "righteous" entity, by the very meaning of the concept of "righteousness". So either your so-called "God" is unrighteous, or it doesn't exist at all. Either way it flies in the face of what you claim your God must be like. Therefore, you're claims are necessarily false. |
Redy, you said there were dozens of documents disputing Christ's resurrection. Thus far, NOBODY has been able to find ONE. Not a person here. Not a person ever. They do not exist. As to whether faith is personal, that is the point for another topic. The original post was whether we can prove Christ's resurrection. I am stating we can. I have given one logical argument, and thus far, nobody has been able to disprove it. "freakyshiki there is no mounting evidence proving anyone's resurrection. At all. You keep saying there is, okay then, where is it?" The Bible, Josephus, Prius, to name but three. There are others. But, I am still waiting for your evidence that He did not rise from the dead. Because the bible claims to be the work god is not proof that it is. Becaue it claims that the events occured as the book portrays it, is not evidence of the validity of the statement. When you refer to Josephus or Prius - you are referring to someone else's educated belief that some text is the proof you seek. But if you were honest with yourself or even the slightes bit curious, you would continue to search and for every author who claims that those writings provide some kind proof, there are authors, just as educated, who logically dispute the article as proof. That is why I will not go to the trouble of providing all of those refutes - because they are every bit as easy to find as the proof you say you have. The point is, that the very small amount of information that is perported to support biblical events, have many strikes against them and the only reason they continue to be of interest is for those, like you, who only want to see the information from one point of view - the one that supports your belief. That's fine, but it is not without refute and it is not scientific. |
Edited by
Wed 03/30/11 05:28 PM
I believe it is as relevant to have an interest in books supporting the bible as it is to have interest in those whose purpose is to refute it
who is to say , there are not those on both sides who will not predictably choose those which support what they believe? but who is to say, likewise, that all who are interested in them are only interested in one point of view? |