Topic: Great Men
Beachfarmer's photo
Mon 03/21/11 11:42 AM
I hear a lot of stories lately of men who are NOT "Men".

I feel the need to hear stories of men who ARE "MEN" so that I might learn.

I was blessed with a FANTASTIC father..and realize I was indeed "blessed".

We all know that after all of it "women" have your back.

I need some inspirational stories of brothers/fathers/uncles..etc that have inspired YOU!

(obviously asking for the female perspective)

no photo
Mon 03/21/11 12:16 PM
I made a thread before to show an inspiring video about a father and his son. You may want to take a look. :)

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/21/11 12:18 PM
Shiki is a great man.

no photo
Mon 03/21/11 12:41 PM

I hear a lot of stories lately of men who are NOT "Men".

I feel the need to hear stories of men who ARE "MEN" so that I might learn.

I was blessed with a FANTASTIC father..and realize I was indeed "blessed".

We all know that after all of it "women" have your back.

I need some inspirational stories of brothers/fathers/uncles..etc that have inspired YOU!

(obviously asking for the female perspective)

well I have an inspiring story of a male relative. He was raised in a loving home but in his early teen years experienced trauma and personal tragedy that turned his world upside down. If I detailed for you the things he endured, you would not believe me.

With my help & advice and a lot of hard work & good decisions on his own, he graduated from college and is very successful in his job. Most people would prolly have given up on life under the same conditions, and let their lives go down the tubes. But he did not. He looked adversity in the face and said "up yours" basically.

He is an inspiration to me always. he is my son.

LAMom's photo
Mon 03/21/11 07:21 PM
Edited by LAMom on Mon 03/21/11 07:53 PM
I was 35 years old and preg.. with my last child,
Both my parents passed years prior to the news, that
I had a brain tumor and the likelyhood of me surviving
the surgery let alone the preg,,, was grim.....

A dear friend of mine Mr S.. a 72 year old man who I once
took care of,, came to me and reminded me I was not alone
I could get through this,, and with the power of Hope and
belief I did...

He guided me, held me and most of all cried with me...
I learned to walk, talk and live life again, with Mr S
right by my side,, my son carries his namesake as my
older children carry his love,, he has since passed
yet has not left us,,, he carries me and my children
through life,,, a journey I ponder daily,, yet I am not

To all the men in the world ...

Blessed are we:heart: to have met on the journey of life

krupa's photo
Mon 03/21/11 07:50 PM
Right here...

Don't let looks fool you....

25 years as a fighting instructor, professional body guard, got a room full of trophies for hand made show bikes and classic hot rods.

Weapons fabricator...



The very best friend any soul ever had...

His name is dad...

He is the man I try to be...

josie68's photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:03 PM
Edited by josie68 on Mon 03/21/11 08:14 PM
Oh Gosh,
I have had so many wonderful men in my life..

My Grandfather who's strength,love and protection, kept me safe from the world.

My uncle, who was the gentlest man I had ever met, until recently, he loved me and showed me off to the world, he made me believe in fairy tales, and he was my prince charming, the perfect man, gentle caring , loving, always there and always ready to lift you up and make your dreams come true. Well at least from a little girls perspective..

My dad, he taught me to laugh at life and never take anything to seriously. i never saw him unhappy or not smiling, he just smiled through everything.

My brother, he is a rock, solid, dependable never changing, always there.

My 10 uncles, they are all huge men all over 6 ft tall, solid as rocks and redy to protect you with their lives, they made me feel safe and secure,

I grew up with so many men in my life who where good and strong and faithful.
it took me 42 years to find a man who holds the same qualities as those men in my life.

Anacondaarms,, he showed me that someone will love me for who i am, faults and all, he loves the dumb things i do and just lets me be myself, he has restored what i had lost. My confidence to be who i am:heart: :heart: :heart:

And the longer I am on here the more faith i have in all of you men, there are so many of you here who I think are wonderful.

no photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:14 PM
Edited by Troublebug on Mon 03/21/11 08:17 PM

My dad. Even at his age (60's) he is still trying to be my biggest protector. And is one of my best friends. Always proud of me and let me know it, He has always supported me (right or wrong). and let me live and learn.

He has the personality (and physique) of Santa, and enjoys when people call him that. And especially when children believe he is SANTA.

Also this explains why I'm so short. Lead elf thats me.

no photo
Mon 03/21/11 11:16 PM
I was born into ****,,my dad was many bad things,,My mom struggled to win his love and to keep him away from other women,,so she was
as a mom,,also not the greatest because of her lack of being there for me. At eight years on,,I cooked my own food,I ran the streets all night verses getting beat on by my dad.,I got into booze and drugs around eleven years old.
I had no role models to learn from,,started working in a school work program at forteen,,I felt that was more productive to make money than to go to school,,so atfer passing ninth grade,,I left school, never attending High school. I had a bad deal with some acid once,,and asked God to help me,,and not let me die,,for that,,I would stop my drugs and being wild...I never looked back,,and doors just seemed to open,,I started driving a truck at 21
and I met a woman, at a bar,,we went back to her place for the night
I woke that next morning,,with a little baby boy looking at me,,on the couch with his mommy,,,he was about one and ahalf years old,,and had blond hair and blue eyes,,(like my own),when asking about his dad,,she said he never had one who claimed him.
She was sharing a trailer with a couple who I felt were bad news,,so I asked her to live with me together..I never was a person then to believe at all in marriage,,as my views all were bad,,so as we went on I said if we done well for a year together we would look at that,,well,,then she became pregnant with our son,,,I found out after we got married,,she was NOT a good Mother to them,,so we divorced and I fought for custody and lost,and that was the worst time of my entire life.My attorney told me I could retract from my lie,,saying her oldest was really mine,,BUT,,his name would have went back to her maiden name,,and he would had to grow knowing he had no dad to claime him,,so I said NO,,I would pay child support for his life to not have him grow knowing that.,I paid child support for over a year and seen them every weekend,,then as I said,,she wasn't a mother,,she gave me custidy and it was me and them,,I met a lady who had a daughter and we became a five pack,,,my oldest son was never told I was not his real dad,,until I felt he could handle that,,he was 22 when he learned I wasn't his real dad,,He said,,Dad your the only father thats always been there for me,,YOU are my dad.(we huged and cried).they are now 34, 32,and 30,,,my pride and life, has been in making them better human beings and better parents than mine,,and me
Their all productive and parents, themselves now...
They have never seen me drunk or any drugs,,and they were never beaten in anyway by me,,I never lied to any of them,,nor them to me.
I don't consider myself a great man,,,as my two boys(men) will surpass me in their lives with their children,,,,for THAT,,I was Blessed to have as my kids,,,and through God I over-came MUCH,,of who I could have become...For a guy who grew telling everyone he would never have kids or be a dad,,,,I was again wrong,,lol,and very blessed...
THIS was my life,,not just a story,,and for this,,I am very proud of me,,,and more proud,,of them..
IF you ALLOW God in,,,he will guide you through...:heart: