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Topic: Why Do People Commit Suicide?
Greyhound's photo
Sat 07/07/07 06:11 AM
:cry: whisper... Native is right... please get some help. You need to go see someone who can help you deal with this. Don't be offended, I mean this in a nice way.:heart:

sandylou2456's photo
Sat 07/07/07 06:13 AM


Please listen to Native...
And remember we are all here for you.
Not a good thing to be that depressed...flowerforyou flowerforyou

Greyhound's photo
Sat 07/07/07 06:17 AM
:heart: Whisper :heart:
I'm only about a 20 minute ride from you, just say the word.

mbcasey's photo
Sat 07/07/07 08:31 AM
The replies here have been very helpful. Thanks to all.

Whisper...you need to get help. Someone said suicide hurts everyone..it is true. I haven't seen my friend for years and I still feel a great loss. No pain or agony is worth taking your own life.

I have bipolar depression. I know how life can be totally bleak and dark. Don't let it win. Depression is not worth losing your life over. Make yourself do things...get out of the house when you don't even want to get out of bed. Easier said than done, but it can and must be done to preserve sanity. Sorry folks, but the internet is great, but people need to get online less and outside more. Think outside the box...what is the worse thing that can happen? Take some risks and chances.

I thought I was going to die alone a year ago. I weighed 340 lbs and haven't been in a relationship for 13 years. I told myself you are responsible for your own life!! Go do something about it. I started to walk and diet and before too long, I lost 120 lbs. I started to look and feel better...I gained confidence I never had. I joined internet dating and I met the love of my life. In just one year, my life has turned from horrible to great! No booze, no drugs..nothing got me here but me. That sounds bragadocious, but it is the truth.

You have to do it yourself..stop looking at how horrible life is and start looking forward to how wonderful life can be. Thanks my friends.


Native_Grl39's photo
Sat 07/07/07 08:37 AM
Ken...WOW...I am in awwwwwwwwwweeeeee of your strength...Good for you for pulling yourself out of the darkness!!!!!!!!!!

flowerforyou flowerforyou

mbcasey's photo
Sat 07/07/07 08:40 AM
Thanks Native...I appreciate your kind words.

davinci1952's photo
Sat 07/07/07 08:40 AM
Sorry for your loss and your struggles Ken...In my family we have
2 members with schizophrenia ...& 2 others with bi polar disease..
my experiences as the oldest in the family is extensive...a good
support system and the love of family & friends are the only remedies
you can be sure of...no pearls of wisdom from me....only positive thoughts
for you

brokenheart :heart: brokenheart

Snugglesbyfire's photo
Sat 07/07/07 08:42 AM
I try to live by this motto, no matter how bad things seem...I look around find one thing, no matter how small it is to smile about........Ken you have done that by taking it a small step at a time...and getting to where you are today....Whisper...your a special lady, and please grab hold of that close friend of yours...and smack them a good one for me.........that was not being a friend...by saying what they did.... Every person is worthy of love, but remember you have to start with loving yourself. Please get the help, you have friends who are true friends rooting for you....

To everyone who has posted......(((((((((((((((YOUR NAME)))))))))))))))))))thank you for sharing

frankfk's photo
Sat 07/07/07 08:46 AM
It won't happens, if we share thier griefs, help them whatever they want at that time and stand firm with them, no matter what?

lazyj321's photo
Sat 07/07/07 08:50 AM
this is all sad to hear.. life isn't always that great.. sorry i hope everything gets better for you guys..

catchme_ifucan's photo
Sat 07/07/07 09:58 AM
Here is a Author of some books on healing...


James Van Praagh,
Healing Grief, Part 1
No matter where we live or what language we speak, we share a common experience with everyone else on the planet - the loss of someone or something close to us. Loss can be sudden, without warning, or predictable, and still we are unable to prevent it from happening. All loss brings up feelings and memories, and for some these experiences may seem uneventful, while for others such loss changes the course of their lives forever. When someone or something is gone from our lives, we experience an array of physical, emotional, and spiritual sensations known as grief. Webster's Dictionary defines grief as "a deep and poignant distress caused by or as if by bereavement; a cause of such suffering; a mishap, misadventure, trouble, annoyance; an unfortunate outcome: disaster."

you can read chapters online here..


pkh's photo
Sat 07/07/07 10:30 AM
I am so sorry for you and your in my prayers.It's so sad they feel like they have no other options.My daughter-inlaws 18yr old cousin just jumped off a bridge.Even though I did not no him,I felt so much pain that such a young person had nothing to live for.And Whisper,I don't no you ,but you seem to be a very bright and thoughtful person.Many people have depression,it's just admitting it and getting the right help,my prayers are with you.

dieselpit's photo
Sat 07/07/07 06:30 PM
well my step father killed himself and my daughters found him he hung himself in the garage,they came home and the sad thing was they new something was wrong!but the ****ed up thing he did this numerous of times with overdose and running the vechicle in the garage but that time he told him to go to the neighbors!but the actual death aint it its the tramua that one experiences,and i really came to become numb of all of it!but he was a ex vet and after 9/11 he started having flashbacks and living the war!he even took off with no trace and went looking for his war buddys!flasbacks are real post matic stress is real and the deamons or something was chasing him and he to like you in servere pain back leg u name it it happened to him!so i always ask myself are they committing a sin?or does it even exisit!do we or are we just a living cell that will just die!if you need to talk i got all the time in the world!angelina

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