Topic: A Sad Day in Wisconsin?
AndyBgood's photo
Thu 03/24/11 11:29 PM

"My responce is the economic elite are the only group that has seen their wealth increase and are probably the only group who can afford higher taxes. While the middle class and poor are makeing sacrafices the rich are getting richer.

I dont think its a good idea to cut food stamps and unemployment in these desperatly hard times, it will only increase crime and misery.

So yes by all means raise taxes to those who can afford it.

As far as spending cuts go, lets cut foreign aid and defence spending before we have grandma eating catfood. "

So called 'economic elite' are about 2% of the population. The 'rich' (above 200,000 in income by the Democratic tax 'wish' list) did not increase in income as a result of our current economic situation... Some lost considerably. (Yet the DNC would like to 'redistribute' what they earned).

No one has proposed cutting food stamps. Unemployement should never extend to more than a year. (else many people will not 'really' look for work).

Given a choice between cat food and people food grandma ain't stupid... Can for can cat food costs more.

Fear tactics...

If I may add as well,

There is a huge difference in helping the elderly especially when they paid tax dollars to see to it they had something to fall back on in their old age. But a Program Like WIC Women, Infants, Children is being abused ESPECIALLY since it is extended to illegal immigrants! Here we would normally sanction criminals but NO! We pay them to be criminals! On top of that illegals like say the Hispanic side of things have two, three, four children and we have to feed them while our own citizens can't claim more than one child? Like I also said the ultra elite wealthy have tax shelters raising your taxes will not touch!

It is one thing to lend aid to a family where both lost their jobs and they take on work that is beneath them becasue they are working at least. it is another thing when both parents DON'T work and don't try. They just show up at Social Security every two weeks. THAT IS UNFAIR TO US ALL! OCTOMOM was an abuse of the system and I wish she would just shrivel up and blow away! But no, we have to have compassion for all these dysfunctional losers in your book! They need to learn to fend for themselves like the rest of us with a spine! Life sucks and life is unfair. Get used to that!

We pander way too much to illegal immigration and Minorities in general. How about thinking more of the common welfare including us whites? Not JUST Blacks or Hispanics or whatever else! How about punishing criminals and STOP the racially biased hand outs? OH BUT NOW I AM A RACIST BECAUSE I WISH ALL AMERICANS WOULD JUST BE HAPPY BEING AMERICAN INSTEAD OF HAVING TO BE "SOMETHING AMERICAN?"

I suppose you are also going to claim FOX News steals souls too?

I am sick and tired of fear. I am sick and tired of all the Tree Hugging Kum Bye Ya BS! We live in a dirty decrepit house that nailing on a few more boards will not fix! We need to do some demolition, chase out the infestation, and seriously repair it before it all falls down around our heads.

I hate our administration but instead of what we have now, if we had a revolution tomorrow what would we be stuck with? A king? A new nobility? A complete disintegration of the union and civil war on a scale greater than the 1800s since we have nukes? We need to fix what we got becasue it did work once upon a time. WE THE PEOPLE FAILED OURSELVES!


And if life taught me one thing, You can be on top of the world today and face down in the mud tomorrow! Don't take what you got for granted. Life can and will piss on you if it gets a chance! And the worst part is that it usually is some other guy jealous of what you have doing the pissing.

Like I said, real life sucks!

Take that to the bank!:banana:

Wealth redistribution as you understand it is a myth!

Bestinshow's photo
Fri 03/25/11 04:36 AM

And don't go blaming the Republicans!
I blame the republicans and Fox news for enableing them and people like yourself who blame poor people and programs that benefit them for our troubles when reality is the rich are getting richer and the poor pooorer and all the while people like yourself demand we cut social programs that amount to a pitence of our debt and will increase suffering and misery and crime ten times the amount saved.

OH? REALLY? I grew up in poverty! I don't watch Fox News. I am not a Republican myself. Enabling me? PLEASE! I don't demand just cutting social programs, I demand more accountability in the system, removing redundant and useless programs, Eliminating the programs that are racially based no matter how much benefit you think you see in such programs, I also want to see drug testing in a lot of social programs to get the drug addicts out of the system.

We need to plug the financial leaks and I spelled out the failures of many of these "social programs" time and time again and here you are bashing Republicans AND Fox news again!

you sure can take a seriously complicated problem and solve it all with your ONE answer! Again WEAK SAUCE! And yet again you post an argument with NO substance to it other than a malicious opinion. You are a hate monger more so than me and I admit I have my share of hatreds which are not really unreasonable. I hate the Democratic Party for its numerous failures and NUMEROUS breaches of the Constitution.

Here are two other governments that had "Social Programs" that failed, NAZI GERMANY AND Communist Russia. Here you are waving the flag of Democracy under the Democratic Party just like a die hard Communist! Even Unions have fallen victim to the Communist Ideals but none of you would EVER admit that! And take a good look at Greece which is the Ultimate statement of the failures of Socialism before shooting your mouth off and getting your "Philosophical Bullets" deflected back at you!

I pain myself on trying to stand in the middle but you stand way too far to the left side and when a Right Winger crosses the line I will jump on them too. Not once have you ever demanded financial responsibility from your own favored Party. Just print and spend money like there is no tomorrow.

Sorry but blaming who you did the way you did got you the nun!

Try bringing an argument with substance to the table instead of this cut and dry "They empower people like you" speech!

God your reply was so WEAK!

I blame a lot of the problems of this country on complacency in voters lie yourself who while you get to live the American dream could care less about the rest of us who don and don't walk to the beat of your drum! ALL the BS you spew is the same BS other liberals spew and it is all meaningless! Instead of looking at what the tea Party has to say you pick on Sarah Palin, Fox News, The GOP, The Right Wing, and "People like me." Well, here is a name of Ultimate Evil, NANCY PELOSI! Ted Kennedy (thank god he is dead!), Jessie Jackson, Janet Reno!!! oh but I could just go on and on but these names stick out the most for the moment!


How do you like me now?
I am sad you grew up in desperate poverty as you keep repeating it, it must be so. The formative years are so important in a persons development.

You keep saying that because my life is the american dream I dont care about anyone else and most of our disagreements are that I care about others and the republicans and yourself think everyman and woman regardless of circumstance should be left to the whims of the free market.

It seems as if you live in a bizzaro world and dont even understand our points of differences.

I work hard every day to keep good paying manufactureing union jobs right here in the USA.

I suppose there are real patriots and people who hide behind a flag and say they are patriots, seems to be the conservative mindset.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 03/25/11 10:24 AM

And don't go blaming the Republicans!
I blame the republicans and Fox news for enableing them and people like yourself who blame poor people and programs that benefit them for our troubles when reality is the rich are getting richer and the poor pooorer and all the while people like yourself demand we cut social programs that amount to a pitence of our debt and will increase suffering and misery and crime ten times the amount saved.

OH? REALLY? I grew up in poverty! I don't watch Fox News. I am not a Republican myself. Enabling me? PLEASE! I don't demand just cutting social programs, I demand more accountability in the system, removing redundant and useless programs, Eliminating the programs that are racially based no matter how much benefit you think you see in such programs, I also want to see drug testing in a lot of social programs to get the drug addicts out of the system.

We need to plug the financial leaks and I spelled out the failures of many of these "social programs" time and time again and here you are bashing Republicans AND Fox news again!

you sure can take a seriously complicated problem and solve it all with your ONE answer! Again WEAK SAUCE! And yet again you post an argument with NO substance to it other than a malicious opinion. You are a hate monger more so than me and I admit I have my share of hatreds which are not really unreasonable. I hate the Democratic Party for its numerous failures and NUMEROUS breaches of the Constitution.

Here are two other governments that had "Social Programs" that failed, NAZI GERMANY AND Communist Russia. Here you are waving the flag of Democracy under the Democratic Party just like a die hard Communist! Even Unions have fallen victim to the Communist Ideals but none of you would EVER admit that! And take a good look at Greece which is the Ultimate statement of the failures of Socialism before shooting your mouth off and getting your "Philosophical Bullets" deflected back at you!

I pain myself on trying to stand in the middle but you stand way too far to the left side and when a Right Winger crosses the line I will jump on them too. Not once have you ever demanded financial responsibility from your own favored Party. Just print and spend money like there is no tomorrow.

Sorry but blaming who you did the way you did got you the nun!

Try bringing an argument with substance to the table instead of this cut and dry "They empower people like you" speech!

God your reply was so WEAK!

I blame a lot of the problems of this country on complacency in voters lie yourself who while you get to live the American dream could care less about the rest of us who don and don't walk to the beat of your drum! ALL the BS you spew is the same BS other liberals spew and it is all meaningless! Instead of looking at what the tea Party has to say you pick on Sarah Palin, Fox News, The GOP, The Right Wing, and "People like me." Well, here is a name of Ultimate Evil, NANCY PELOSI! Ted Kennedy (thank god he is dead!), Jessie Jackson, Janet Reno!!! oh but I could just go on and on but these names stick out the most for the moment!


How do you like me now?
I am sad you grew up in desperate poverty as you keep repeating it, it must be so. The formative years are so important in a persons development.

You keep saying that because my life is the american dream I dont care about anyone else and most of our disagreements are that I care about others and the republicans and yourself think everyman and woman regardless of circumstance should be left to the whims of the free market.

It seems as if you live in a bizzaro world and dont even understand our points of differences.

I work hard every day to keep good paying manufactureing union jobs right here in the USA.

I suppose there are real patriots and people who hide behind a flag and say they are patriots, seems to be the conservative mindset.

And yet another fallacious statement based on ignorance!

SHAME ON YOU AGAIN! Try presenting an argument with substance rather than play off this disparaging. I am dragging myself out of a hole created by forces you don't know or understand. I am not going to toss blame around any more upon the shoulders of others for MY life. BUT I can identify the forces at work against us and you clearly cannot see them past your own dogma! This is like the fourth time you mentioned Bizzaro World in reference to my arguments. Time to pull your head from the sand! But then again the light may be too bright for you! the only hard work you know is your 9 to 5. And that is technical work yes but hard? NOT! I KNOW HARD WORK. I have been made to bleed by my work! I have been hurt on my jobs before. Don't assume anything with me like you are doing now! I have lived the total breakdown and failure of the system as a whole!

But as long as you got your 9 to 5 and your house and pension what does any thing else matter.

Sorry but your statement SUCKS! You got the NUN again and I am willing to bet you want to break Kerry O's 3 nun record! Go for it!

You are dodging the point!offtopic

Try presenting me with something other than dogma and BULLSHITTE for a change! Like I said, YOU KNOW NOTHING BUT YOU THINK YOU DO! You look at a car and all you see is four doors, four tires, and a paint job. I see the engine, transmission, seats, dash, and other components that make up the car!

Quit playing me for stupid! You can't even use a spell checker!

Bestinshow's photo
Fri 03/25/11 02:45 PM

And don't go blaming the Republicans!
I blame the republicans and Fox news for enableing them and people like yourself who blame poor people and programs that benefit them for our troubles when reality is the rich are getting richer and the poor pooorer and all the while people like yourself demand we cut social programs that amount to a pitence of our debt and will increase suffering and misery and crime ten times the amount saved.

OH? REALLY? I grew up in poverty! I don't watch Fox News. I am not a Republican myself. Enabling me? PLEASE! I don't demand just cutting social programs, I demand more accountability in the system, removing redundant and useless programs, Eliminating the programs that are racially based no matter how much benefit you think you see in such programs, I also want to see drug testing in a lot of social programs to get the drug addicts out of the system.

We need to plug the financial leaks and I spelled out the failures of many of these "social programs" time and time again and here you are bashing Republicans AND Fox news again!

you sure can take a seriously complicated problem and solve it all with your ONE answer! Again WEAK SAUCE! And yet again you post an argument with NO substance to it other than a malicious opinion. You are a hate monger more so than me and I admit I have my share of hatreds which are not really unreasonable. I hate the Democratic Party for its numerous failures and NUMEROUS breaches of the Constitution.

Here are two other governments that had "Social Programs" that failed, NAZI GERMANY AND Communist Russia. Here you are waving the flag of Democracy under the Democratic Party just like a die hard Communist! Even Unions have fallen victim to the Communist Ideals but none of you would EVER admit that! And take a good look at Greece which is the Ultimate statement of the failures of Socialism before shooting your mouth off and getting your "Philosophical Bullets" deflected back at you!

I pain myself on trying to stand in the middle but you stand way too far to the left side and when a Right Winger crosses the line I will jump on them too. Not once have you ever demanded financial responsibility from your own favored Party. Just print and spend money like there is no tomorrow.

Sorry but blaming who you did the way you did got you the nun!

Try bringing an argument with substance to the table instead of this cut and dry "They empower people like you" speech!

God your reply was so WEAK!

I blame a lot of the problems of this country on complacency in voters lie yourself who while you get to live the American dream could care less about the rest of us who don and don't walk to the beat of your drum! ALL the BS you spew is the same BS other liberals spew and it is all meaningless! Instead of looking at what the tea Party has to say you pick on Sarah Palin, Fox News, The GOP, The Right Wing, and "People like me." Well, here is a name of Ultimate Evil, NANCY PELOSI! Ted Kennedy (thank god he is dead!), Jessie Jackson, Janet Reno!!! oh but I could just go on and on but these names stick out the most for the moment!


How do you like me now?
I am sad you grew up in desperate poverty as you keep repeating it, it must be so. The formative years are so important in a persons development.

You keep saying that because my life is the american dream I dont care about anyone else and most of our disagreements are that I care about others and the republicans and yourself think everyman and woman regardless of circumstance should be left to the whims of the free market.

It seems as if you live in a bizzaro world and dont even understand our points of differences.

I work hard every day to keep good paying manufactureing union jobs right here in the USA.

I suppose there are real patriots and people who hide behind a flag and say they are patriots, seems to be the conservative mindset.

And yet another fallacious statement based on ignorance!

SHAME ON YOU AGAIN! Try presenting an argument with substance rather than play off this disparaging. I am dragging myself out of a hole created by forces you don't know or understand. I am not going to toss blame around any more upon the shoulders of others for MY life. BUT I can identify the forces at work against us and you clearly cannot see them past your own dogma! This is like the fourth time you mentioned Bizzaro World in reference to my arguments. Time to pull your head from the sand! But then again the light may be too bright for you! the only hard work you know is your 9 to 5. And that is technical work yes but hard? NOT! I KNOW HARD WORK. I have been made to bleed by my work! I have been hurt on my jobs before. Don't assume anything with me like you are doing now! I have lived the total breakdown and failure of the system as a whole!

But as long as you got your 9 to 5 and your house and pension what does any thing else matter.

Sorry but your statement SUCKS! You got the NUN again and I am willing to bet you want to break Kerry O's 3 nun record! Go for it!

You are dodging the point!offtopic

Try presenting me with something other than dogma and BULLSHITTE for a change! Like I said, YOU KNOW NOTHING BUT YOU THINK YOU DO! You look at a car and all you see is four doors, four tires, and a paint job. I see the engine, transmission, seats, dash, and other components that make up the car!

Quit playing me for stupid! You can't even use a spell checker!
I am just wondering. While you were groweing up in poverty did you or your family ever recieve any type of assistance? Free Lunch? Food stamps? things of that nature?

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 03/26/11 05:11 PM

And don't go blaming the Republicans!
I blame the republicans and Fox news for enableing them and people like yourself who blame poor people and programs that benefit them for our troubles when reality is the rich are getting richer and the poor pooorer and all the while people like yourself demand we cut social programs that amount to a pitence of our debt and will increase suffering and misery and crime ten times the amount saved.

OH? REALLY? I grew up in poverty! I don't watch Fox News. I am not a Republican myself. Enabling me? PLEASE! I don't demand just cutting social programs, I demand more accountability in the system, removing redundant and useless programs, Eliminating the programs that are racially based no matter how much benefit you think you see in such programs, I also want to see drug testing in a lot of social programs to get the drug addicts out of the system.

We need to plug the financial leaks and I spelled out the failures of many of these "social programs" time and time again and here you are bashing Republicans AND Fox news again!

you sure can take a seriously complicated problem and solve it all with your ONE answer! Again WEAK SAUCE! And yet again you post an argument with NO substance to it other than a malicious opinion. You are a hate monger more so than me and I admit I have my share of hatreds which are not really unreasonable. I hate the Democratic Party for its numerous failures and NUMEROUS breaches of the Constitution.

Here are two other governments that had "Social Programs" that failed, NAZI GERMANY AND Communist Russia. Here you are waving the flag of Democracy under the Democratic Party just like a die hard Communist! Even Unions have fallen victim to the Communist Ideals but none of you would EVER admit that! And take a good look at Greece which is the Ultimate statement of the failures of Socialism before shooting your mouth off and getting your "Philosophical Bullets" deflected back at you!

I pain myself on trying to stand in the middle but you stand way too far to the left side and when a Right Winger crosses the line I will jump on them too. Not once have you ever demanded financial responsibility from your own favored Party. Just print and spend money like there is no tomorrow.

Sorry but blaming who you did the way you did got you the nun!

Try bringing an argument with substance to the table instead of this cut and dry "They empower people like you" speech!

God your reply was so WEAK!

I blame a lot of the problems of this country on complacency in voters lie yourself who while you get to live the American dream could care less about the rest of us who don and don't walk to the beat of your drum! ALL the BS you spew is the same BS other liberals spew and it is all meaningless! Instead of looking at what the tea Party has to say you pick on Sarah Palin, Fox News, The GOP, The Right Wing, and "People like me." Well, here is a name of Ultimate Evil, NANCY PELOSI! Ted Kennedy (thank god he is dead!), Jessie Jackson, Janet Reno!!! oh but I could just go on and on but these names stick out the most for the moment!


How do you like me now?
I am sad you grew up in desperate poverty as you keep repeating it, it must be so. The formative years are so important in a persons development.

You keep saying that because my life is the american dream I dont care about anyone else and most of our disagreements are that I care about others and the republicans and yourself think everyman and woman regardless of circumstance should be left to the whims of the free market.

It seems as if you live in a bizzaro world and dont even understand our points of differences.

I work hard every day to keep good paying manufactureing union jobs right here in the USA.

I suppose there are real patriots and people who hide behind a flag and say they are patriots, seems to be the conservative mindset.

And yet another fallacious statement based on ignorance!

SHAME ON YOU AGAIN! Try presenting an argument with substance rather than play off this disparaging. I am dragging myself out of a hole created by forces you don't know or understand. I am not going to toss blame around any more upon the shoulders of others for MY life. BUT I can identify the forces at work against us and you clearly cannot see them past your own dogma! This is like the fourth time you mentioned Bizzaro World in reference to my arguments. Time to pull your head from the sand! But then again the light may be too bright for you! the only hard work you know is your 9 to 5. And that is technical work yes but hard? NOT! I KNOW HARD WORK. I have been made to bleed by my work! I have been hurt on my jobs before. Don't assume anything with me like you are doing now! I have lived the total breakdown and failure of the system as a whole!

But as long as you got your 9 to 5 and your house and pension what does any thing else matter.

Sorry but your statement SUCKS! You got the NUN again and I am willing to bet you want to break Kerry O's 3 nun record! Go for it!

You are dodging the point!offtopic

Try presenting me with something other than dogma and BULLSHITTE for a change! Like I said, YOU KNOW NOTHING BUT YOU THINK YOU DO! You look at a car and all you see is four doors, four tires, and a paint job. I see the engine, transmission, seats, dash, and other components that make up the car!

Quit playing me for stupid! You can't even use a spell checker!
I am just wondering. While you were groweing up in poverty did you or your family ever recieve any type of assistance? Free Lunch? Food stamps? things of that nature?

OH SO YOU WANT TO GO THERE HUH? OK smart azz, since you asked... Back in 1976 when the economy went to hell we did for two months. Now smartazz is where your argument is about to get a bite in the azz!

I went with my mom with my brother so she could show the official she had two children. There were black women asking others to borrow their children to get more money and blatantly doing that in the office. Suddenly a woman with one kid had six! My mom had gotten a new job and got off of welfare but had to fight them to get off of it! She even has spoken of that time with regret!

Now between the two parents of mine my father was on unemployment more than he was working! He was a dead beat and a loach who shot his mouth off and lost jobs to his not being able to SHUT UP! My father lived for manipulation. My mom however had work ethic and she pulled in the big heads, went to school and got a better job! She taught me to avoid assistance at all costs. Wonder why she divorced him??? I sure don't!

When I was in college I was on MediCal but got off of it when I left school. I didn't use it very much. I did not take that as a ticket to milk the system for cosmetic surgery! Now we did not have much when I grew up becasue my father was a financial IDIOT! My first real W-2 job I got when I was 13. I have been working ever since! Likewise my father backstabbed me so many times in so many ways by the time I was 25 I left hm behind NEVER to speak with him again! My High School years were 3 1/2 of the WORST years of my life thanks to a system that for some odd reason never fingered my father as the problem.

In grade school my emotional problems were attributed to a chemical imbalance and was ordered by the LA unified School District to put me on Ritalin or Child Social Services was going to take me from my parents. Years later TWO Psychologists I was ordered to see finally fingered my father as the source and well head of my emotional problems but BY then I was forced to take 150 mgs of Ritalin in three 50mg doses. Even after the limit was set on how much Ritalin could be fed to a kid short of a court order I was taking FIVE TIMES the legal maximum prescription (The current legal limit is 30mg in one day unless an increase is granted by a panel of doctors and a court order!). I was a Ritalin Ginnie Pig and had my childhood FUCQUED UP by doctors and the LA Unified School District and left to suffer at the hands of an ABUSIVE father who no one ever 'suspected' as being the reason I was such a messed up kid! BOTH psychiatrists who seen me and found out how much Ritalin I was being fed were stunned! I was never compensated for being used for experimental (at the time) drugs. Welcome to your Utopian system or do you think I am making this up?

I myself outside of TWO YEARS on MediCal have never received a DIME of Unemployment or Welfare. I fend for myself for as hard as that may seem to you. Here they do not help out "Healthy White Folks" with no kids. It may be different where you live but when I needed it I was turned down for unemployment and kept from jobs thanks to Affirmative Action.

I HAVE HAD TO WALK IN THE DARK AND EAT SHITTE FOR YEARS THANKS TO OUR SYSTEM! So how do I get my stolen Childhood back? I CAN'T! How do I get vindication for what I been through? I CAN'T! So while you stand in your imaginary rose garden I am standing in a wasteland filled with opinions and idiots!

There are a lot more details to this as well but I am not here to make excuses to you or anyone. If you think this is an excuse well go (**** ********!!!). People who will not do what it takes to pull their own weigh are "Poor" people. I am working towards making something of myself and I may fail but at least I am out there trying and not holding my hand out for freebees! While most clowns are trying to get unemployment I am hustling up work. I also refrained from having kids and finance is only part of the reason. So why should we help out an illegal alien with six kids? Why should we even help out anyone past one kid? Let them dump their irresponsibility on the rest of us becasue we have to have a heart? If you can't afford to have children DON'T HAVE THEM! Oh but that means people would suddenly have to be responsible for themselves!

So there! Next question?

Bestinshow's photo
Sat 03/26/11 05:54 PM

And don't go blaming the Republicans!
I blame the republicans and Fox news for enableing them and people like yourself who blame poor people and programs that benefit them for our troubles when reality is the rich are getting richer and the poor pooorer and all the while people like yourself demand we cut social programs that amount to a pitence of our debt and will increase suffering and misery and crime ten times the amount saved.

OH? REALLY? I grew up in poverty! I don't watch Fox News. I am not a Republican myself. Enabling me? PLEASE! I don't demand just cutting social programs, I demand more accountability in the system, removing redundant and useless programs, Eliminating the programs that are racially based no matter how much benefit you think you see in such programs, I also want to see drug testing in a lot of social programs to get the drug addicts out of the system.

We need to plug the financial leaks and I spelled out the failures of many of these "social programs" time and time again and here you are bashing Republicans AND Fox news again!

you sure can take a seriously complicated problem and solve it all with your ONE answer! Again WEAK SAUCE! And yet again you post an argument with NO substance to it other than a malicious opinion. You are a hate monger more so than me and I admit I have my share of hatreds which are not really unreasonable. I hate the Democratic Party for its numerous failures and NUMEROUS breaches of the Constitution.

Here are two other governments that had "Social Programs" that failed, NAZI GERMANY AND Communist Russia. Here you are waving the flag of Democracy under the Democratic Party just like a die hard Communist! Even Unions have fallen victim to the Communist Ideals but none of you would EVER admit that! And take a good look at Greece which is the Ultimate statement of the failures of Socialism before shooting your mouth off and getting your "Philosophical Bullets" deflected back at you!

I pain myself on trying to stand in the middle but you stand way too far to the left side and when a Right Winger crosses the line I will jump on them too. Not once have you ever demanded financial responsibility from your own favored Party. Just print and spend money like there is no tomorrow.

Sorry but blaming who you did the way you did got you the nun!

Try bringing an argument with substance to the table instead of this cut and dry "They empower people like you" speech!

God your reply was so WEAK!

I blame a lot of the problems of this country on complacency in voters lie yourself who while you get to live the American dream could care less about the rest of us who don and don't walk to the beat of your drum! ALL the BS you spew is the same BS other liberals spew and it is all meaningless! Instead of looking at what the tea Party has to say you pick on Sarah Palin, Fox News, The GOP, The Right Wing, and "People like me." Well, here is a name of Ultimate Evil, NANCY PELOSI! Ted Kennedy (thank god he is dead!), Jessie Jackson, Janet Reno!!! oh but I could just go on and on but these names stick out the most for the moment!


How do you like me now?
I am sad you grew up in desperate poverty as you keep repeating it, it must be so. The formative years are so important in a persons development.

You keep saying that because my life is the american dream I dont care about anyone else and most of our disagreements are that I care about others and the republicans and yourself think everyman and woman regardless of circumstance should be left to the whims of the free market.

It seems as if you live in a bizzaro world and dont even understand our points of differences.

I work hard every day to keep good paying manufactureing union jobs right here in the USA.

I suppose there are real patriots and people who hide behind a flag and say they are patriots, seems to be the conservative mindset.

And yet another fallacious statement based on ignorance!

SHAME ON YOU AGAIN! Try presenting an argument with substance rather than play off this disparaging. I am dragging myself out of a hole created by forces you don't know or understand. I am not going to toss blame around any more upon the shoulders of others for MY life. BUT I can identify the forces at work against us and you clearly cannot see them past your own dogma! This is like the fourth time you mentioned Bizzaro World in reference to my arguments. Time to pull your head from the sand! But then again the light may be too bright for you! the only hard work you know is your 9 to 5. And that is technical work yes but hard? NOT! I KNOW HARD WORK. I have been made to bleed by my work! I have been hurt on my jobs before. Don't assume anything with me like you are doing now! I have lived the total breakdown and failure of the system as a whole!

But as long as you got your 9 to 5 and your house and pension what does any thing else matter.

Sorry but your statement SUCKS! You got the NUN again and I am willing to bet you want to break Kerry O's 3 nun record! Go for it!

You are dodging the point!offtopic

Try presenting me with something other than dogma and BULLSHITTE for a change! Like I said, YOU KNOW NOTHING BUT YOU THINK YOU DO! You look at a car and all you see is four doors, four tires, and a paint job. I see the engine, transmission, seats, dash, and other components that make up the car!

Quit playing me for stupid! You can't even use a spell checker!
I am just wondering. While you were groweing up in poverty did you or your family ever recieve any type of assistance? Free Lunch? Food stamps? things of that nature?

OH SO YOU WANT TO GO THERE HUH? OK smart azz, since you asked... Back in 1976 when the economy went to hell we did for two months. Now smartazz is where your argument is about to get a bite in the azz!

I went with my mom with my brother so she could show the official she had two children. There were black women asking others to borrow their children to get more money and blatantly doing that in the office. Suddenly a woman with one kid had six! My mom had gotten a new job and got off of welfare but had to fight them to get off of it! She even has spoken of that time with regret!

Now between the two parents of mine my father was on unemployment more than he was working! He was a dead beat and a loach who shot his mouth off and lost jobs to his not being able to SHUT UP! My father lived for manipulation. My mom however had work ethic and she pulled in the big heads, went to school and got a better job! She taught me to avoid assistance at all costs. Wonder why she divorced him??? I sure don't!

When I was in college I was on MediCal but got off of it when I left school. I didn't use it very much. I did not take that as a ticket to milk the system for cosmetic surgery! Now we did not have much when I grew up becasue my father was a financial IDIOT! My first real W-2 job I got when I was 13. I have been working ever since! Likewise my father backstabbed me so many times in so many ways by the time I was 25 I left hm behind NEVER to speak with him again! My High School years were 3 1/2 of the WORST years of my life thanks to a system that for some odd reason never fingered my father as the problem.

In grade school my emotional problems were attributed to a chemical imbalance and was ordered by the LA unified School District to put me on Ritalin or Child Social Services was going to take me from my parents. Years later TWO Psychologists I was ordered to see finally fingered my father as the source and well head of my emotional problems but BY then I was forced to take 150 mgs of Ritalin in three 50mg doses. Even after the limit was set on how much Ritalin could be fed to a kid short of a court order I was taking FIVE TIMES the legal maximum prescription (The current legal limit is 30mg in one day unless an increase is granted by a panel of doctors and a court order!). I was a Ritalin Ginnie Pig and had my childhood FUCQUED UP by doctors and the LA Unified School District and left to suffer at the hands of an ABUSIVE father who no one ever 'suspected' as being the reason I was such a messed up kid! BOTH psychiatrists who seen me and found out how much Ritalin I was being fed were stunned! I was never compensated for being used for experimental (at the time) drugs. Welcome to your Utopian system or do you think I am making this up?

I myself outside of TWO YEARS on MediCal have never received a DIME of Unemployment or Welfare. I fend for myself for as hard as that may seem to you. Here they do not help out "Healthy White Folks" with no kids. It may be different where you live but when I needed it I was turned down for unemployment and kept from jobs thanks to Affirmative Action.

I HAVE HAD TO WALK IN THE DARK AND EAT SHITTE FOR YEARS THANKS TO OUR SYSTEM! So how do I get my stolen Childhood back? I CAN'T! How do I get vindication for what I been through? I CAN'T! So while you stand in your imaginary rose garden I am standing in a wasteland filled with opinions and idiots!

There are a lot more details to this as well but I am not here to make excuses to you or anyone. If you think this is an excuse well go (**** ********!!!). People who will not do what it takes to pull their own weigh are "Poor" people. I am working towards making something of myself and I may fail but at least I am out there trying and not holding my hand out for freebees! While most clowns are trying to get unemployment I am hustling up work. I also refrained from having kids and finance is only part of the reason. So why should we help out an illegal alien with six kids? Why should we even help out anyone past one kid? Let them dump their irresponsibility on the rest of us becasue we have to have a heart? If you can't afford to have children DON'T HAVE THEM! Oh but that means people would suddenly have to be responsible for themselves!

So there! Next question?
A simple yes or no would have been sufficent.

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 03/26/11 09:27 PM
The devil hides in the details! And no a simple yes or no would not do! I illustrated several failures within our system! Hard to chew on isn't it? That people can do the shitte they do to others? Forcing kids to take experimental drugs to control behavior? People milking the system instead of trying to spine up and earn a living? How the whole culture of "No one left behind" does indeed leave some behind intentionally and unintentionally? People can and will manipulate a simple yes or no answer to fit their views. I am not letting you have that luxury.

So, still want to tell me the government is leveling out the play field with their BULLSHITTE???? Still want to try and convince me Liberals are innocent of being part of the problem??? Hey, this perfect system helped make the person I am today! I wonder how many REAL monsters our system has created over the years?? All of these CRAP social programs are what is making more poor people stay poor! Why work when you can get hand outs?

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 03/27/11 02:52 PM

The devil hides in the details! And no a simple yes or no would not do! I illustrated several failures within our system! Hard to chew on isn't it? That people can do the shitte they do to others? Forcing kids to take experimental drugs to control behavior? People milking the system instead of trying to spine up and earn a living? How the whole culture of "No one left behind" does indeed leave some behind intentionally and unintentionally? People can and will manipulate a simple yes or no answer to fit their views. I am not letting you have that luxury.

So, still want to tell me the government is leveling out the play field with their BULLSHITTE???? Still want to try and convince me Liberals are innocent of being part of the problem??? Hey, this perfect system helped make the person I am today! I wonder how many REAL monsters our system has created over the years?? All of these CRAP social programs are what is making more poor people stay poor! Why work when you can get hand outs?
I am just glad there was a government agency to help you and your family in your time of need. The fact that you are independent and can take care of yourself is a posative afermation the system works. Realy no telling what could have happened to you had someone not been there to help. That is why I am a progresive. Its far better to help peeople get back on their feet than to deal with the consequences of people walking around hungry and commiting crimes simply because they are hungry.

no photo
Sun 03/27/11 03:40 PM
Build a man a fire, and he will stay warm for the rest of the night. Set a man on fire, and he will stay warm for the rest of his life.

TJN's photo
Sun 03/27/11 04:19 PM

Build a man a fire, and he will stay warm for the rest of the night. Set a man on fire, and he will stay warm for the rest of his life.

That's kinda like the saying

"Conservatives teach you how to fish. Liberals take your fish and give them to someone unwilling to fish."

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 03/27/11 04:27 PM

The devil hides in the details! And no a simple yes or no would not do! I illustrated several failures within our system! Hard to chew on isn't it? That people can do the shitte they do to others? Forcing kids to take experimental drugs to control behavior? People milking the system instead of trying to spine up and earn a living? How the whole culture of "No one left behind" does indeed leave some behind intentionally and unintentionally? People can and will manipulate a simple yes or no answer to fit their views. I am not letting you have that luxury.

So, still want to tell me the government is leveling out the play field with their BULLSHITTE???? Still want to try and convince me Liberals are innocent of being part of the problem??? Hey, this perfect system helped make the person I am today! I wonder how many REAL monsters our system has created over the years?? All of these CRAP social programs are what is making more poor people stay poor! Why work when you can get hand outs?
I am just glad there was a government agency to help you and your family in your time of need. The fact that you are independent and can take care of yourself is a posative afermation the system works. Realy no telling what could have happened to you had someone not been there to help. That is why I am a progresive. Its far better to help peeople get back on their feet than to deal with the consequences of people walking around hungry and commiting crimes simply because they are hungry.

That whole argument is fallacious to the max! The system works by screwing with people's lives? You just want to alter words and twist them around to make you feel good about our country being a jalopy with a nice paint job! Even to this day the government has become more and more infringing. A parent cannot spank a deserving child or else face fines and child social services. And we wonder why some kids are shitte heads. And in the same breath parents with issues likewise slip under the cracks in the system. Child abuse is still a sad reality! That is partially due to the confusing rules applied to parenthood these days and the fact parents are actually in a bogus position to act when needed. Oh but you don't see how there are people who will do anything to milk any welfare system. And the system turns a blind eye to it.

we subsidized Haiti's food supply so they didn't have any domestic agriculture. Then when they had that big earthquake that destroyed their harbor they starved. They could not feed themselves at all. Chile got hit with TWO substantially bigger earthquakes and they managed for themselves! Japan got hit with the mother of all recorded disasters and pridefully they said they didn't want help. They had to swallow a lot of pride and admit they were in over their heads! It wasn't that they didn't have enough money. they didn't have enough resources to cope since most of their resources got destroyed! In the middle of their bad weather season!

We are in a deficit. What of our magnificent system that "works fine" according to you if we get hit with something just as bad? Let us say Yellowstone goes POP in 2012? This isn't Japan. There was no looting there. There was no gangs pillaging areas and taking advantage of the ones hurt in the disaster. The first thing that happens in a disaster here is looting. New Orleans post Hurricane Katrina was an example of that! Our country is wholly mismanaged. programs are mismanaged and not established with guidelines to prevent it from becoming a problem itself. Yeah, bravo for the help I and my family received.

(whispering) but that has nothing to do with financial responsibility now does it?

Business 101: If net yield in is not equaling product return of some kind to garner some kind of return it is a useless program. Something like Welfare should assist people who got caught between jobs. A disaster hits them and they need time to reestablish themselves. Not give money to raise six kids to a stay at home mother who buys lottery tickets and blames everything for her not being able to work becasue she is 600 pounds but can get her fat azz to the corner store to buy her ten lottery tickets every day! People show up at welfare offices looking as pathetic as they can until they leave in a Range Rover or BMW or some pimped out ghetto Hooptie. Here I would say 1 out of every 15 people you see on the streets holding signs that say "Homeless and Hungry" NEEDS help for real. The rest are Alcoholics and Drug Addicts who receive aid and likewise panhandle. Their teeth are a dead give away most are sucking the glass dicque.

So, please demonstrate some more of your word twisting...

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 03/27/11 04:27 PM
Burn BABY BURN!!!pitchfork

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 03/27/11 04:42 PM
The reality is the system was there for you and your family yet you insist it not be there for someone else. No twisting on my part just yours.

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 03/27/11 06:28 PM

The reality is the system was there for you and your family yet you insist it not be there for someone else. No twisting on my part just yours.

Au Contrare mi friar! Last I heard there is a points system used to calculate aid these days and race still is applied in the calculation. If you don't calculate you don't get help! So now here you come trying to say, "They are here for you aren't they?" when the answer is they are not here for everyone. Then on top of that with a system strained to the maximum Obama puts MORE strain on it! Again you are not getting the point at all but diverting to a simple little dogmatic tangent. When the system does break down it will be there for no one at all. It is breaking down now. This is not a car consuming oil. This is a car with a piston rod knocking and low oil pressure! So now about forcing parents to make their kids take experimental drugs... So the system is there for us??? They know how to raise "The People's" children better than the parents? They want the authority but not the responsibility? I agree abuse is one thing but restraining a parent's right to discipline their children to the point where their authority is rendered useless?

You are so blind I wonder why I waste time with this argument other than the fact it is nice to prove you wrong and watch you sit there and act like I didn't. Do you walk in green pastures with a rainbow over your head all the time with John Denver singing "Sunshine on my shoulder" on your mind??? Can't you see how badly damaged the machine is or are you of the thought, "If the alternator is bad don't replace it, bolt on another one and now we have two?" Eghad man! You really have no clue how convoluted and messed up our financial controls are in our government? We are extending our military further and cutting back on the military spending and not getting paid back for the use of our assets? We are cutting in all other areas except two, Social Spending (Including Entitlements, Subsidies, etc) and the paychecks of our Government officials.

So between the two where would you like to see a cut? Now how do you think our Government officials see the answer to that Question????

Quit trying to divert me from the argument at hand. MILKERS and mismanagement of finances!

Riddle me this and riddle me that!
What is synonymous with pork and fat?

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 03/27/11 06:29 PM
And the answer to the last question is Pig and Obese!


no photo
Thu 03/31/11 09:12 AM
This just gets more and more interesting.
MADISON, Wis. — A Wisconsin judge ruled Thursday the state's divisive new collective bargaining law had not taken effect, and officials in Republican Gov. Scott Walker's administration say he plans to comply with the ruling and to halt preparations to begin deducting money from public workers' paychecks.
Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi issued her declaration a day after Walker's aides said they believed the law was processed correctly and that they would continue efforts to enact it, despite the judge's warning to halt such efforts.
Two Walker administration officials who spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity because the governor hadn't publicly announced his plans said he would announce later Thursday that he would comply with Sumi's ruling.
The law would require most public sector workers to contribute more to their health care and pensions, changes that amount to an average 8 percent pay cut. The measure also strips them of their right to collectively bargain any work conditions except wages.
Walker signed the proposal into law earlier this month after weeks of large pro-union protests in and around the state Capitol, prompting Democrats to file several lawsuits challenging its legitimacy.
Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne filed a lawsuit alleging Republican legislative leaders violated the state's open meetings law in the run-up to a vote on the plan. Sumi issued an order blocking Secretary of State Doug La Follette from publishing the law, typically the last step before it can take effect while she considers the case.
But Republicans convinced another state office to publish the law online on Friday and declared the law took effect the following day. The state Department of Administration has begun preparations to start taking the deductions out of state workers' paychecks.
Sumi issued another restraining order on Tuesday after a day of testimony that reiterated her initial order. She warned anyone who violated it would face sanctions.
But state Justice Department attorneys and DOA Secretary Mike Huebsch said they didn't believe that order applied to the Walker administration since it wasn't named as a defendant in Ozanne's lawsuit. They continued work to implement the bill.
Early Thursday morning Sumi added the non-effect declaration to her restraining order clarifying that the law has not been published and is therefore not in effect. She is expected to take more testimony at a hearing on Friday.
Ozanne said Thursday that Sumi's ruling speaks for itself. Justice Department spokesman Bill Cosh had no immediate comment.
A spokesman for Republican Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald said he had nothing new to say beyond his previous statement that he didn't believe the judge had the authority to interject herself into the affairs of the Legislature given the separation of powers.
A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald had no immediate comment.
The Legislature was scheduled to be in session Tuesday to pass other parts of Walker's plan to balance the current year's budget that faces a $137 million shortfall. There were no immediate plans to take up the collective bargaining piece again. The judge has said lawmakers could avoid the legal fight by passing it a second time, but legislative leaders have said they are confident it was done correctly the first time and it will prevail in court.
The law would require that about $30 million be saved by the state by July 1 through increased pension and health care contributions. If enactment of the law is delayed, the deductions from state workers would have to increase in order to get those savings by that time.

InvictusV's photo
Thu 03/31/11 09:18 AM

Build a man a fire, and he will stay warm for the rest of the night. Set a man on fire, and he will stay warm for the rest of his life.

That's kinda like the saying

"Conservatives teach you how to fish. Liberals take your fish and give them to someone unwilling to fish."

Damn.. That is pretty good..

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 03/31/11 09:29 AM

Build a man a fire, and he will stay warm for the rest of the night. Set a man on fire, and he will stay warm for the rest of his life.

That's kinda like the saying

"Conservatives teach you how to fish. Liberals take your fish and give them to someone unwilling to fish."

Damn.. That is pretty good..

Slam and DUNK!

no photo
Fri 04/01/11 09:28 AM

signature gatherers for recalls of Wisconsin Republicans who voted for Scott Walker's famous Union busting law have gathered all the signatures required for a recal move against Dan Kapanke.
Recall petition organizers in Wisconsin will file their signatures today against Dan Kapanke, the most vulnerable of all the eight Republican state Senators:

La Crosse area Democrats say they will file petitions today with enough signatures to trigger a recall election of Sen. Dan Kapanke, one of eight Senate Republicans targeted over votes to curtail collective bargaining rights for public workers. If approved, it would be just the fifth recall election of a Wisconsin legislator.
Recall organizer Pat Scheller said volunteers have gathered more than the 15,588 signatures needed and that they plan to take them to Madison after a noon rally today at La Crosse City Hall.Â%C2%A0Kapanke

no photo
Fri 04/01/11 09:33 AM
The re-election campaign for Justice David Prosser for the Wisconsin supreme Court is seen as a pivotal bellweather for things to come in Wisconsin.
former Democratic Gov. Pat Lucey resigned as honorary co-chairman of Justice David Prosser's Supreme Court campaign and instead endorsed his opponent, JoAnne Kloppenburg.
Lucey, governor of Wisconsin from 1971 to 1977 who just turned 93, said in a statement: "I can no longer in good conscience lend my name and support to Justice Prosser's candidacy. Too much has come to light that Justice Prosser has lost the most crucial of characteristics for a Supreme Court justice — as for any judge — even-handed impartiality. Along with that failing has come a disturbing distemper and lack of civility that does not bode well for the high court in the face of demands that are sure to be placed on it in these times of great political and legal volatility."