Topic: A Sad Day in Wisconsin?
AndyBgood's photo
Sun 03/20/11 12:32 PM
By the way, critical reasoning doesn't work so go right to soft insults? God that sucks!

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 03/20/11 04:35 PM
Edited by Bestinshow on Sun 03/20/11 04:43 PM

I pity Mr. W. Buffet.

He is being used by the DNC (why he allows it I really don't understand).

The DNC is not looking out for the working american. The DNC is looking out for the DNC.

They are using the working american.

However when they get the control they so desperately want they then immediately start taxing the piss out of everyone.

And the working 'class' american gets taxed more than anyone.

Cause those that 'run' the DNC are the same darn 'rich' folks they claim to be fighting.
Ring a bell and you will salivate.

Every right enjoyed by the working man has been gained or protected by progresives or liberals. Anyone who isnt willfully ignorant or propagandised knowes this. Oh why do I bother except for entertainment it all seems so pointless. laugh

That is the most, I mean THE MOST Fallacious thing you have said so far! Not all progressives are liberal and likewise you seem to think the DNC and liberalism are the answers to all of America's financial woes.

Now the person claiming others to be propagandist or led by propaganda are the ones spewing the most propaganda. You so easily discount all the tings people of the GOP have done for us that were beneficial for us. You likewise forget the BAD things the DNC has done to us. ACORN, Obamacare, Affirmative Action, and many others.

Now, I can ignore my telephone when it rings, can you? Wanna talk Pavlovian? you my friend bring this up way too much. Amazing how you jump the moment anyone says the DNC are bad. Yes the GOP is evil BUT so are your precious democrats.

So answer me this if you think you are so smart...

Where is America supposed to get all the money we spend on everything? More taxes like the Democratic Party is SOOOOO good at or print it? How about some financial responsibility in social spending? I take it that is too much to ask of the Democratic party?

Oh no, you want to go right to Pavlov!

So far you pare proving to be worst in show! No ribbon for you!
Its pretty simple. Dont start wars without a legitimate reasone. Stop funding Israels wars also. America needs a thriveing middle class to have a tax base to work from. Those who pay taxes should be the ones to benefit rather than the military/Industrial/oil/complex.

Its simply moronic to blame the democrats for the defecit. The big budget killers are the defence spending and interest on the debt that only makes the investing class(republicans) richer.

Realy not sure why I bother to try to educate you. Perhapse it is out of pity.

My future is verry secure. comeing up on 19 years on the union job site, great medical and a union protected pension. Haveing paid into social security I am looking to make more when I retire than working, I suppose you could say I live the american dream every day.

Today the steel head are running in the creek up the road and I intend to enjoy one of our local parks and do some grilling with my GF while the the boys catch some fish. I just love our public parks and allways vote yess on the tax levies that support them.

Claiming to be educated is the most sure fire way to prove your LACK of an education. Good for you, 19 years at the same union job. Bet it is civil or municipal and not manufacturing. And to base an economy on a middle class instead of having a fair and balanced taxation system and a welfare system that cannot be taken advantage of is what America needs besides Jobs. And here you are trying to bleed off to some Idyllic scene where your life is roses while the rest of us "Uneducated" people can suck rocks? You my friend are a (expletive involving feces and a part of the human anatomy above the shoulders!) plain and simple! It is thinking like this and arguments like this that serve no purpose! Good for you, you get to live the American Dream. I have had to grow up in the American Nightmare. "Know it alls" like you are the reason America is in such a fuqued position! Don't fall in the water AH! I wish you were fishing in Muskie territory. I would say reach on in and grab one of them! Better yet I wish you were fishing in Gator territory. Boy I would love to see how educated you are around them! Frankly it is people with an attitude like yours I despise the most! AS long as things go good for you and your way of life everything is good for us all? And you call me uneducated! Hope your pension is still there when you do retire! I know a lot of others who lost theirs either from investing foolishly (as in trusting the other guy to lead them the right way) and I also know others who think their unions are about to save them from loosing their jobs soon.

And vote yes on all taxes just for Public Parks? Just how stupid can you be? You like most other liberals just cry 'Raise Taxes' at every turn.

Yep, everything is Hunky Dory where you are. Good for you. You are definitely one of "those" people that cannot handle a competitive world! If you lost your job tomorrow what would you do? Go fishing?
after reading your latest rant I am not the least bit suprised you grew up in an amerian nightmare. I work in manufactureing by the way and no I am not that educated besides I like to read alot. A person I think creates the life they want for themselves. I had a few jobs that didnt have stability and actualy took a small pay cut to start were I am now 18 years ago but it was the right thing to do, I have been through this in other posts.

I started as a laborer in a union shop being I had no real skills except for some experience in a comercial heat treater(steel hardeneing).

I bid for other jobs and as time went by I had alot of job qualifications. To bid for a job only means they will train you if you cant learn or do the job you dont get qualified.

My most rescent job is a CNC operator. I operate 4 Mori Seiki Lathes that are robot fed in a mass production type environment. Out of the Ten guys who bid for the job only three of us were able to master all the skills needed. They t hen hired outside experience for the other two positions as per contract.

When I read things like we cant compete in the real world I have to chuckle. I am sure I would turn down more jobs than I would take being it would be difficult to find work that pays what I make with the benifits but that is true for most people who have worked a long time at the same location.

Our company pretty much has to hire ten men to get two because they are weeded out and weed themselves out by poor attendance or work ethic.

I as you know have never felt anyone should suck rocks as you claim. I am all for helping those less fortunate and think a bit of bad luck shouldnt be a life sentence. That is why I support health care for all and many other causes the right wing likes to rant against.

I have found it to be that those who could benefit the most from public programs somehow have been programmed to rant the loudest against them.

On a side note no I didnt fall in the water but this summer I will swim in the river as is the norm. I also like to sit and watch this cool beaver family come out at around dark and often see Bald eagles and blue Herrons and all types of wild life. We have a well protected non poluted river nearby. Most of its length is protected on both sides of the banks either by local and state parks or the nature conservancy, they have gone to a great deal of trouble to keep farm run off from entering the water shed. It realy is pristine.

AndyBgood's photo
Mon 03/21/11 12:52 PM
First and foremost one does not need to spend a lot just to maintain a wilderness preserve. the real cost is keeping poachers and vandals out of the parks. I have heard people cry "Fire prevention is needed" too but in the real scope of things that is made up. Forest Fires ARE part of Natural order. Man made or otherwise! Now with that said allow me to move on to the next point. You are a machinist and you trained. Congratulations! You have a skill not many can master and likewise have a skill that is in demand! Good for you. But like other machinists I know you let it get to your head. You can entertain job security, and that is what thousands of machinists said at McDonnell Douglas before they closed the Lakewood plant down. One day the company you work for could just go POOF into the Ether and then where is your pension? At Union hall? Hope so! But then there is the distinct possibility that financial mismanagement at the union itself could make your nest egg go poof as well. NOTHING In this life is fool proof. Now for some real world life outside of being a W-2 Laborer. This is the part you don't understand.

In the real world there is no Unions like in My trade for instance. Frankly the #1 killer of pet fish IS LOVE! Overfeeding can do VERY bad things to an aquarium very quickly. Overfeeding is the #1 reason I wind up having to figure out what is causing fish death in Aquariums. Disease is #2 followed by water quality and usually UNFILTERED TAP WATER is the culprit. Chloramine is not the usual problem either. But where there is one real professional there are ten hobbists and ten hacks competing for the work. Sure they charge less but the don't have the raw knowledge base and skill set I have. It is the one job I can tolerate and it takes more than just a marine biologist to handle the scope of what I do. I don't have any union protecting me from market forces. I don't have unions protecting me from competition. Now with competition aside let us talk the difference between labor and service.

Labor is the metaphorical 9 to 5. You punch in and punch out. Maybe get called in for over time now and then. Oh but not service. I have gotten the frantic emergency phone call at 2:30 AM and had to respond. A "9 to 5" such as yourself does not have to wear the mantle of authority nor do you have to wear any real mantle of responsibility other than to the machines you work with. Granted I get paid for what I do BUT like I said a Union in my business would be catastrophic and a waste of time. The End customer could care less if I am Union or Not. They care about what they get for their money. To charge more I have to offer what the other guy wont for the price. In my world the competition will not Gang Up and go on strike on our client base. That would be financial suicide as scabs move right the hell in!

Remember, I could care less HOW good you are, you are not indispensable and neither am I. I am just painful to replace. You might be too but once your usefulness wears off a Union will not protect you from squat! Sorry, having been in business for myself for as long as I have and having been part of a union myself I can safely say this with CONVICTION!

Unions are a lie run by liars. They have become a useless Juggernaut that is loosing momentum in the face of unemployment. They can kill a job just by becoming voted into a manufacturing facility. Unions are PART of the reason a lot of manufacturing left. Unions have cost America competitiveness in a global economy. And only a flag waving union zealot cannot see that they might be harming industry.

There is a big difference to me in a person who does like you do for instance operate a CNC earning $40 to $50 an hour (Including benefits) at a median level of seniority vs. someone who has been with say GM six years and making $40 to $50 an hour just bolting parts on cars in an assembly line. That does not require a whole lot of skill or training! $25 an hour for someone to hold up a sign in a construction site is ridiculous! $25 for someone swinging a hammer is not. That is hard work, More than driving bolts on an assembly line.

I can understand Unions can and do have a purpose but Union to union it is different. The Los Angeles Teacher's Union has prevented the LA Unified School District in getting rid of a lot of bad teachers so we are stuck with mediocre and below standard teachers teaching our children! The Pipe Fitters Union on the other hand demands competency and licensing to be a member. That is a good union. You are paying for nothing but the best there and when it comes to fire prevention going cheap is a bad gamble.

Now likewise where is the unions when a medium business owner is struggling to keep his business alive? Unions are not there for business owners. They like the mafia have this attitude. Every month, "Where is my fuquing money? I don't want to hear excuses." So now where are we? Am I having a delusional little rant? Am I throwing a Hizzie Fit? Actually I think I have articulated a point decently enough. You see things your way, I have been taught to see them otherwise. Why? I seen the many faces of Unions. I have seen the faces of business. What both sides do not see is their own avarice and greed. What really pisses me off more though is Unions and union laborers refuse to see what bad they could possibly be doing. More often than not strikes turn violent becasue Union laborers GET VIOLENT! The sad truth is if your job sucks go find a better job or quit whining and get back to work!

I am doing the one thing in life for a job right now that does not make me insane! That makes me happier than any Union can!

AndyBgood's photo
Mon 03/21/11 12:58 PM
Oh, and on top of that the National Parks you like to wave around and cast such Sylvan Images are thanks to a Republican, namely Theodore Roosevelt. Likewise his stance on Conservation was what led directly to the movement to help clean up industry especially when after WWII the effects on our world due to industrial pollution were becoming evident! Japan had a huge affect on Recycling post WWII and America was feeding into it supplying them with raw materials to recycle with like Glass and aluminum, wood chips and other materials. Germany had the worst pollution problem post WWII and they also contributed to the knowledge base we have. Oh but so many of you liberally minded folks want to think it was Democrats responsible for all the good things we have in America. Teddy Roosevelt fought a lot of opposition to his National Wilderness Preserves!

So Republicans are just evil huh???

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 03/21/11 03:07 PM

Oh, and on top of that the National Parks you like to wave around and cast such Sylvan Images are thanks to a Republican, namely Theodore Roosevelt. Likewise his stance on Conservation was what led directly to the movement to help clean up industry especially when after WWII the effects on our world due to industrial pollution were becoming evident! Japan had a huge affect on Recycling post WWII and America was feeding into it supplying them with raw materials to recycle with like Glass and aluminum, wood chips and other materials. Germany had the worst pollution problem post WWII and they also contributed to the knowledge base we have. Oh but so many of you liberally minded folks want to think it was Democrats responsible for all the good things we have in America. Teddy Roosevelt fought a lot of opposition to his National Wilderness Preserves!

So Republicans are just evil huh???
Your lack of history makes it difficult to reasone with you. I will try because its good brain candy.

In Theodor Roosevelts time the socialist party was the fastest growing political group in the country. It was the age of robber barons and trusts. Theodore Roosevelt did what he had to do to keep this country from going red. He busted the trusts created public parks and was considered a traitor to his class. He did this to make concesions to the seriouse political crisis of his day and he knew if things would continue as they had been there would have been revelution and all would lose. Yes he was a great man but also practical and he saw the writeing on the wall and prevented massive social upheavel.

AndyBgood's photo
Mon 03/21/11 05:44 PM

Oh, and on top of that the National Parks you like to wave around and cast such Sylvan Images are thanks to a Republican, namely Theodore Roosevelt. Likewise his stance on Conservation was what led directly to the movement to help clean up industry especially when after WWII the effects on our world due to industrial pollution were becoming evident! Japan had a huge affect on Recycling post WWII and America was feeding into it supplying them with raw materials to recycle with like Glass and aluminum, wood chips and other materials. Germany had the worst pollution problem post WWII and they also contributed to the knowledge base we have. Oh but so many of you liberally minded folks want to think it was Democrats responsible for all the good things we have in America. Teddy Roosevelt fought a lot of opposition to his National Wilderness Preserves!

So Republicans are just evil huh???
Your lack of history makes it difficult to reasone with you. I will try because its good brain candy.

In Theodor Roosevelts time the socialist party was the fastest growing political group in the country. It was the age of robber barons and trusts. Theodore Roosevelt did what he had to do to keep this country from going red. He busted the trusts created public parks and was considered a traitor to his class. He did this to make concesions to the seriouse political crisis of his day and he knew if things would continue as they had been there would have been revelution and all would lose. Yes he was a great man but also practical and he saw the writeing on the wall and prevented massive social upheavel.

And how is it a Union cannot be considered a "trust" of sorts. In some ways it fits the classical description only its interest is labor. not something like say Shoes or Iron Works. And Reasoning with me? Come on, Some of your arguments lack reason. Now in Teddy's time men like JP Morgan called the shots. He was the one man who would enter the president's office unannounced. Teddy was the first man to have him leave or be thrown from his office. Why was America in such Social upheaval? You seem to overlook Teddy inherited a Recession! It was all the same Banker BS that led us to that Recession, the Great Depression, and likewise our Depression! And likewise we have new trusts in our government in the guise of political lobbies and likewise all of the exact same failed BS tried by liberal, socialistic, or "Humanitarian" presidents time and time again.

Now to digress to Obama, the Democrat of choice... yeah I know BUT...

What real good has come of this President yet? What real change have we gotten? Sold out to Health care and Heath Care Insurance industries? More Cronyism? More bogus politics? Continued trade deficits? MORE MILITARY INVOLVEMENT ABROAD? Opening us to more social spending but cutting back on the military yet sending us out to make more war in other nations now? So where is the financial responsibility? Where is the transparency? Where is all the money coming from? Why is it so many "Educated People" seem to think government and social spending is the fix all solution to our woes? on top of all of that why is it Obama has not taken a firmer stance on illegal immigrants to make sure we don't have a more serious problem bite us like a city getting nuked by head case terrorists? And then let us mention the BLEED on our SOCIAL Services giving things to illegal aliens who have paid nothing into the system! You give to one person you take away from another!

Liberal politics lacks two things, Personal Accountability, Financial Responsibility! Those are the two CORE things that Liberalism falls short on by leaps and bounds. What will people do with the money they are given and likewise where is it coming from? I personally feel that receiving Welfare money should come with a required monthly random drug screening to wed out the drug addicts riding the system out! Likewise some aid SHOULD be paid back to make it an incentive to WORK rather than trying to get at the easy buck! On top of that we need to stop raping our students in college. College is getting outrageously expensive. Books for example are vastly over priced! But where do we make concessions and where to we make reform? We made too damn many concessions. Now it is time for people to man up, fess up, straighten up and fly straight or kiss off! no more free rides for those who don't deserve them. Rich people earned their money usually. Criminals are just criminals even if they get rich committing crime! Being all pissed off and jealous of another person's wealth is so sissy la la! Tax the rich is what all Liberals scream so loudly when they don't see that uncontrolled spending is America's #1 problem as well as corruption in our system.

The one and ONLY reason I would become president is to clean some house and kick some azz in our own house! Right into the presidency I would declare a state of emergency and hole the threat of martial law above congress's heads. The only thing they would be allowed to focus on is our budget for the moment. I would likewise invoke an executive order suspending all pay to them but make sure our military got paid since it is a matter of who is providing a valued service to America! Running us TRILLIONS in the red is an emergency! Likewise I would make demands on congress they would have to vote on and if needed I would call for special elections to be held to make sure congress got a real taste of how pissed off we are at them. One is a performance standard which says, America in red, Congress, Mr. President and Mr. Vice President, and the Senate no get paid! America in Black? All Smiles Mr Happy Time!

Another would be an end of Lobbies utterly and campaign reform. Likewise entitlements and subsidies GONE! And on top of that take our involvement in Libya for example. Hope the UN like getting the bill through the World Bank! Hope the UN likes paying rent too! Also, religion being tax free... Not on my watch! I would pull out of Libya and go HAMMER Iran's azz with our assets in Iraq at the slightest provocation including them threatening an attack. I would like to prove to them how I feel about being threatened. I am sure quite a few Americans share my sentiments. Likewise I would employ a different strategy in Afghanistan and use General Black Jack Pershing's way of handling Islamic insurgents using PORK! And our trade imbalances would also be addressed. Likewise I would also pressure the crap out of China over N Korea and their need to step in and make them negotiate in good faith to end the war or once we consolidate our forces we will bring the Korean war to an end with us Invading them and forcing an end once and for all with S Korea taking over the reunification and us leaving the area so KOREA as a whole can heal! China would be smart to not mess with Korean unification. Since the N Korean regime made it clear they would go nuke the moment they launch ANYTHING we could construe as an attempt to launch a nuke of any kind we strike them so hard with Nukes China gets the 411 on world peace. Play nice or stay home! That way these piss ant nations who want to matter in the big picture will think twice about playing the nuke card in negotiations.

Then again I could dream of an America with a spine and some balls again. For now we got a curtain hanger for a president and a badly divided house of power prostitution!

AndyBgood's photo
Mon 03/21/11 05:53 PM
Oh, and Teddy was a bigot who was so bad he disenfranchised Black Voters to the new (and very socialist even back then) Democratic Party!

Yep, I sure don't know my history! Teddy also was a total War Monger until the loss of his son Quentin in WWI. He wrote later had he had known the wisdom his son's death gave him he would never had been so eager to make war so easily.

Unfortunately wisdom comes to us at a very high cost sometimes! For now we have nothing but stubborn azzes and thick headed elephants running our congress with weasels, foxes, and chimpanzees handing them peanuts to perform for them! Both Azzes and Elephants LOVE peanuts!

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:41 PM
For all practical purposes Unions are Monopolies.

Once they get into an industry they spread completely into that industry...

Even to the point of being able to MONOPOLIZE labor in every company within that industry.

I thought there were laws against monopolies.

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 03/22/11 06:58 AM

Oh, and on top of that the National Parks you like to wave around and cast such Sylvan Images are thanks to a Republican, namely Theodore Roosevelt. Likewise his stance on Conservation was what led directly to the movement to help clean up industry especially when after WWII the effects on our world due to industrial pollution were becoming evident! Japan had a huge affect on Recycling post WWII and America was feeding into it supplying them with raw materials to recycle with like Glass and aluminum, wood chips and other materials. Germany had the worst pollution problem post WWII and they also contributed to the knowledge base we have. Oh but so many of you liberally minded folks want to think it was Democrats responsible for all the good things we have in America. Teddy Roosevelt fought a lot of opposition to his National Wilderness Preserves!

So Republicans are just evil huh???
Your lack of history makes it difficult to reasone with you. I will try because its good brain candy.

In Theodor Roosevelts time the socialist party was the fastest growing political group in the country. It was the age of robber barons and trusts. Theodore Roosevelt did what he had to do to keep this country from going red. He busted the trusts created public parks and was considered a traitor to his class. He did this to make concesions to the seriouse political crisis of his day and he knew if things would continue as they had been there would have been revelution and all would lose. Yes he was a great man but also practical and he saw the writeing on the wall and prevented massive social upheavel.

And how is it a Union cannot be considered a "trust" of sorts. In some ways it fits the classical description only its interest is labor. not something like say Shoes or Iron Works. And Reasoning with me? Come on, Some of your arguments lack reason. Now in Teddy's time men like JP Morgan called the shots. He was the one man who would enter the president's office unannounced. Teddy was the first man to have him leave or be thrown from his office. Why was America in such Social upheaval? You seem to overlook Teddy inherited a Recession! It was all the same Banker BS that led us to that Recession, the Great Depression, and likewise our Depression! And likewise we have new trusts in our government in the guise of political lobbies and likewise all of the exact same failed BS tried by liberal, socialistic, or "Humanitarian" presidents time and time again.

Now to digress to Obama, the Democrat of choice... yeah I know BUT...

What real good has come of this President yet? What real change have we gotten? Sold out to Health care and Heath Care Insurance industries? More Cronyism? More bogus politics? Continued trade deficits? MORE MILITARY INVOLVEMENT ABROAD? Opening us to more social spending but cutting back on the military yet sending us out to make more war in other nations now? So where is the financial responsibility? Where is the transparency? Where is all the money coming from? Why is it so many "Educated People" seem to think government and social spending is the fix all solution to our woes? on top of all of that why is it Obama has not taken a firmer stance on illegal immigrants to make sure we don't have a more serious problem bite us like a city getting nuked by head case terrorists? And then let us mention the BLEED on our SOCIAL Services giving things to illegal aliens who have paid nothing into the system! You give to one person you take away from another!

Liberal politics lacks two things, Personal Accountability, Financial Responsibility! Those are the two CORE things that Liberalism falls short on by leaps and bounds. What will people do with the money they are given and likewise where is it coming from? I personally feel that receiving Welfare money should come with a required monthly random drug screening to wed out the drug addicts riding the system out! Likewise some aid SHOULD be paid back to make it an incentive to WORK rather than trying to get at the easy buck! On top of that we need to stop raping our students in college. College is getting outrageously expensive. Books for example are vastly over priced! But where do we make concessions and where to we make reform? We made too damn many concessions. Now it is time for people to man up, fess up, straighten up and fly straight or kiss off! no more free rides for those who don't deserve them. Rich people earned their money usually. Criminals are just criminals even if they get rich committing crime! Being all pissed off and jealous of another person's wealth is so sissy la la! Tax the rich is what all Liberals scream so loudly when they don't see that uncontrolled spending is America's #1 problem as well as corruption in our system.

The one and ONLY reason I would become president is to clean some house and kick some azz in our own house! Right into the presidency I would declare a state of emergency and hole the threat of martial law above congress's heads. The only thing they would be allowed to focus on is our budget for the moment. I would likewise invoke an executive order suspending all pay to them but make sure our military got paid since it is a matter of who is providing a valued service to America! Running us TRILLIONS in the red is an emergency! Likewise I would make demands on congress they would have to vote on and if needed I would call for special elections to be held to make sure congress got a real taste of how pissed off we are at them. One is a performance standard which says, America in red, Congress, Mr. President and Mr. Vice President, and the Senate no get paid! America in Black? All Smiles Mr Happy Time!

Another would be an end of Lobbies utterly and campaign reform. Likewise entitlements and subsidies GONE! And on top of that take our involvement in Libya for example. Hope the UN like getting the bill through the World Bank! Hope the UN likes paying rent too! Also, religion being tax free... Not on my watch! I would pull out of Libya and go HAMMER Iran's azz with our assets in Iraq at the slightest provocation including them threatening an attack. I would like to prove to them how I feel about being threatened. I am sure quite a few Americans share my sentiments. Likewise I would employ a different strategy in Afghanistan and use General Black Jack Pershing's way of handling Islamic insurgents using PORK! And our trade imbalances would also be addressed. Likewise I would also pressure the crap out of China over N Korea and their need to step in and make them negotiate in good faith to end the war or once we consolidate our forces we will bring the Korean war to an end with us Invading them and forcing an end once and for all with S Korea taking over the reunification and us leaving the area so KOREA as a whole can heal! China would be smart to not mess with Korean unification. Since the N Korean regime made it clear they would go nuke the moment they launch ANYTHING we could construe as an attempt to launch a nuke of any kind we strike them so hard with Nukes China gets the 411 on world peace. Play nice or stay home! That way these piss ant nations who want to matter in the big picture will think twice about playing the nuke card in negotiations.

Then again I could dream of an America with a spine and some balls again. For now we got a curtain hanger for a president and a badly divided house of power prostitution!
You may know enough about history to cherry pick it. I suggest maybe you should do some reading though.

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 03/22/11 09:08 AM

Oh, and on top of that the National Parks you like to wave around and cast such Sylvan Images are thanks to a Republican, namely Theodore Roosevelt. Likewise his stance on Conservation was what led directly to the movement to help clean up industry especially when after WWII the effects on our world due to industrial pollution were becoming evident! Japan had a huge affect on Recycling post WWII and America was feeding into it supplying them with raw materials to recycle with like Glass and aluminum, wood chips and other materials. Germany had the worst pollution problem post WWII and they also contributed to the knowledge base we have. Oh but so many of you liberally minded folks want to think it was Democrats responsible for all the good things we have in America. Teddy Roosevelt fought a lot of opposition to his National Wilderness Preserves!

So Republicans are just evil huh???
Your lack of history makes it difficult to reasone with you. I will try because its good brain candy.

In Theodor Roosevelts time the socialist party was the fastest growing political group in the country. It was the age of robber barons and trusts. Theodore Roosevelt did what he had to do to keep this country from going red. He busted the trusts created public parks and was considered a traitor to his class. He did this to make concesions to the seriouse political crisis of his day and he knew if things would continue as they had been there would have been revelution and all would lose. Yes he was a great man but also practical and he saw the writeing on the wall and prevented massive social upheavel.

And how is it a Union cannot be considered a "trust" of sorts. In some ways it fits the classical description only its interest is labor. not something like say Shoes or Iron Works. And Reasoning with me? Come on, Some of your arguments lack reason. Now in Teddy's time men like JP Morgan called the shots. He was the one man who would enter the president's office unannounced. Teddy was the first man to have him leave or be thrown from his office. Why was America in such Social upheaval? You seem to overlook Teddy inherited a Recession! It was all the same Banker BS that led us to that Recession, the Great Depression, and likewise our Depression! And likewise we have new trusts in our government in the guise of political lobbies and likewise all of the exact same failed BS tried by liberal, socialistic, or "Humanitarian" presidents time and time again.

Now to digress to Obama, the Democrat of choice... yeah I know BUT...

What real good has come of this President yet? What real change have we gotten? Sold out to Health care and Heath Care Insurance industries? More Cronyism? More bogus politics? Continued trade deficits? MORE MILITARY INVOLVEMENT ABROAD? Opening us to more social spending but cutting back on the military yet sending us out to make more war in other nations now? So where is the financial responsibility? Where is the transparency? Where is all the money coming from? Why is it so many "Educated People" seem to think government and social spending is the fix all solution to our woes? on top of all of that why is it Obama has not taken a firmer stance on illegal immigrants to make sure we don't have a more serious problem bite us like a city getting nuked by head case terrorists? And then let us mention the BLEED on our SOCIAL Services giving things to illegal aliens who have paid nothing into the system! You give to one person you take away from another!

Liberal politics lacks two things, Personal Accountability, Financial Responsibility! Those are the two CORE things that Liberalism falls short on by leaps and bounds. What will people do with the money they are given and likewise where is it coming from? I personally feel that receiving Welfare money should come with a required monthly random drug screening to wed out the drug addicts riding the system out! Likewise some aid SHOULD be paid back to make it an incentive to WORK rather than trying to get at the easy buck! On top of that we need to stop raping our students in college. College is getting outrageously expensive. Books for example are vastly over priced! But where do we make concessions and where to we make reform? We made too damn many concessions. Now it is time for people to man up, fess up, straighten up and fly straight or kiss off! no more free rides for those who don't deserve them. Rich people earned their money usually. Criminals are just criminals even if they get rich committing crime! Being all pissed off and jealous of another person's wealth is so sissy la la! Tax the rich is what all Liberals scream so loudly when they don't see that uncontrolled spending is America's #1 problem as well as corruption in our system.

The one and ONLY reason I would become president is to clean some house and kick some azz in our own house! Right into the presidency I would declare a state of emergency and hole the threat of martial law above congress's heads. The only thing they would be allowed to focus on is our budget for the moment. I would likewise invoke an executive order suspending all pay to them but make sure our military got paid since it is a matter of who is providing a valued service to America! Running us TRILLIONS in the red is an emergency! Likewise I would make demands on congress they would have to vote on and if needed I would call for special elections to be held to make sure congress got a real taste of how pissed off we are at them. One is a performance standard which says, America in red, Congress, Mr. President and Mr. Vice President, and the Senate no get paid! America in Black? All Smiles Mr Happy Time!

Another would be an end of Lobbies utterly and campaign reform. Likewise entitlements and subsidies GONE! And on top of that take our involvement in Libya for example. Hope the UN like getting the bill through the World Bank! Hope the UN likes paying rent too! Also, religion being tax free... Not on my watch! I would pull out of Libya and go HAMMER Iran's azz with our assets in Iraq at the slightest provocation including them threatening an attack. I would like to prove to them how I feel about being threatened. I am sure quite a few Americans share my sentiments. Likewise I would employ a different strategy in Afghanistan and use General Black Jack Pershing's way of handling Islamic insurgents using PORK! And our trade imbalances would also be addressed. Likewise I would also pressure the crap out of China over N Korea and their need to step in and make them negotiate in good faith to end the war or once we consolidate our forces we will bring the Korean war to an end with us Invading them and forcing an end once and for all with S Korea taking over the reunification and us leaving the area so KOREA as a whole can heal! China would be smart to not mess with Korean unification. Since the N Korean regime made it clear they would go nuke the moment they launch ANYTHING we could construe as an attempt to launch a nuke of any kind we strike them so hard with Nukes China gets the 411 on world peace. Play nice or stay home! That way these piss ant nations who want to matter in the big picture will think twice about playing the nuke card in negotiations.

Then again I could dream of an America with a spine and some balls again. For now we got a curtain hanger for a president and a badly divided house of power prostitution!
You may know enough about history to cherry pick it. I suggest maybe you should do some reading though.

I can and will say the same about you. Funny how you fail to look at the dark side of the Liberal agenda. I suggest you pull your head out of the books for a change and look around! There is more to life than books. Likewise this is the kind of retort you Liberally minded love to pull so much. Statements with no substance! You dare to wave the Democratic party's flag and yet fail to see what good came from Republicans. All you can see are conservative religious zealots. Well, I see the Democratic Party as the Communist party now and likewise I see them as the greatest sellouts of America EVER! They also thrive on a nation divided.

So how about that opinion? Should I use smaller worlds and fewer sentences to not overwhelm your intellect? In other words should I talk dumber?

No, YOUR lack of historical knowledge and your inability to see past your own nose is your problem. I try to see things in a liberal light but then I see where a lot of the ideals fall short, HUMAN NATURE! But then again I suppose you are going to say I am wrong.

Being a Moderate Centrist means I am all for things that promote the common good for ALL Americans, not just blacks, minorities, Hispanics, or whoever else is out there. I am for social spending when if there are appropriate checks and balances to prevent abuse or propagating problems like drug abuse! Likewise Social Spending must be affordable. I also stand for LESS government and more personal responsibility but then here you come acting like people cannot be self responsible. YOU say we don't know any better. I have heard that said SO much directly and indirectly I can say safely that people who make the claims you do are more ignorant than I could ever achieve! Glad to know I am not the one sitting on the Jaded Throne!

So now what? Do we stick to the topic at hand or do we just go round and round with you trying to take cheap jabs and me just sweeping your argument's feet off of the floor again and again and again and again?

Don't make me break out the nun! Someone recently got me to use her on him three times in the same topic!

It is funny to me how when people say I am wrong they hold up billboards but when they are wrong and I am right suddenly they become quiet instead of admitting I was right in the first place! Yell all you want if that is what it takes to make you feel good about your political beliefs. But when you are proven wrong or shown shortfalls in your beliefs I am willing to bet money you just zip up and slide under some metaphoric rock and hide out the storm that follows!


Bestinshow's photo
Tue 03/22/11 04:28 PM

Oh, and on top of that the National Parks you like to wave around and cast such Sylvan Images are thanks to a Republican, namely Theodore Roosevelt. Likewise his stance on Conservation was what led directly to the movement to help clean up industry especially when after WWII the effects on our world due to industrial pollution were becoming evident! Japan had a huge affect on Recycling post WWII and America was feeding into it supplying them with raw materials to recycle with like Glass and aluminum, wood chips and other materials. Germany had the worst pollution problem post WWII and they also contributed to the knowledge base we have. Oh but so many of you liberally minded folks want to think it was Democrats responsible for all the good things we have in America. Teddy Roosevelt fought a lot of opposition to his National Wilderness Preserves!

So Republicans are just evil huh???
Your lack of history makes it difficult to reasone with you. I will try because its good brain candy.

In Theodor Roosevelts time the socialist party was the fastest growing political group in the country. It was the age of robber barons and trusts. Theodore Roosevelt did what he had to do to keep this country from going red. He busted the trusts created public parks and was considered a traitor to his class. He did this to make concesions to the seriouse political crisis of his day and he knew if things would continue as they had been there would have been revelution and all would lose. Yes he was a great man but also practical and he saw the writeing on the wall and prevented massive social upheavel.

And how is it a Union cannot be considered a "trust" of sorts. In some ways it fits the classical description only its interest is labor. not something like say Shoes or Iron Works. And Reasoning with me? Come on, Some of your arguments lack reason. Now in Teddy's time men like JP Morgan called the shots. He was the one man who would enter the president's office unannounced. Teddy was the first man to have him leave or be thrown from his office. Why was America in such Social upheaval? You seem to overlook Teddy inherited a Recession! It was all the same Banker BS that led us to that Recession, the Great Depression, and likewise our Depression! And likewise we have new trusts in our government in the guise of political lobbies and likewise all of the exact same failed BS tried by liberal, socialistic, or "Humanitarian" presidents time and time again.

Now to digress to Obama, the Democrat of choice... yeah I know BUT...

What real good has come of this President yet? What real change have we gotten? Sold out to Health care and Heath Care Insurance industries? More Cronyism? More bogus politics? Continued trade deficits? MORE MILITARY INVOLVEMENT ABROAD? Opening us to more social spending but cutting back on the military yet sending us out to make more war in other nations now? So where is the financial responsibility? Where is the transparency? Where is all the money coming from? Why is it so many "Educated People" seem to think government and social spending is the fix all solution to our woes? on top of all of that why is it Obama has not taken a firmer stance on illegal immigrants to make sure we don't have a more serious problem bite us like a city getting nuked by head case terrorists? And then let us mention the BLEED on our SOCIAL Services giving things to illegal aliens who have paid nothing into the system! You give to one person you take away from another!

Liberal politics lacks two things, Personal Accountability, Financial Responsibility! Those are the two CORE things that Liberalism falls short on by leaps and bounds. What will people do with the money they are given and likewise where is it coming from? I personally feel that receiving Welfare money should come with a required monthly random drug screening to wed out the drug addicts riding the system out! Likewise some aid SHOULD be paid back to make it an incentive to WORK rather than trying to get at the easy buck! On top of that we need to stop raping our students in college. College is getting outrageously expensive. Books for example are vastly over priced! But where do we make concessions and where to we make reform? We made too damn many concessions. Now it is time for people to man up, fess up, straighten up and fly straight or kiss off! no more free rides for those who don't deserve them. Rich people earned their money usually. Criminals are just criminals even if they get rich committing crime! Being all pissed off and jealous of another person's wealth is so sissy la la! Tax the rich is what all Liberals scream so loudly when they don't see that uncontrolled spending is America's #1 problem as well as corruption in our system.

The one and ONLY reason I would become president is to clean some house and kick some azz in our own house! Right into the presidency I would declare a state of emergency and hole the threat of martial law above congress's heads. The only thing they would be allowed to focus on is our budget for the moment. I would likewise invoke an executive order suspending all pay to them but make sure our military got paid since it is a matter of who is providing a valued service to America! Running us TRILLIONS in the red is an emergency! Likewise I would make demands on congress they would have to vote on and if needed I would call for special elections to be held to make sure congress got a real taste of how pissed off we are at them. One is a performance standard which says, America in red, Congress, Mr. President and Mr. Vice President, and the Senate no get paid! America in Black? All Smiles Mr Happy Time!

Another would be an end of Lobbies utterly and campaign reform. Likewise entitlements and subsidies GONE! And on top of that take our involvement in Libya for example. Hope the UN like getting the bill through the World Bank! Hope the UN likes paying rent too! Also, religion being tax free... Not on my watch! I would pull out of Libya and go HAMMER Iran's azz with our assets in Iraq at the slightest provocation including them threatening an attack. I would like to prove to them how I feel about being threatened. I am sure quite a few Americans share my sentiments. Likewise I would employ a different strategy in Afghanistan and use General Black Jack Pershing's way of handling Islamic insurgents using PORK! And our trade imbalances would also be addressed. Likewise I would also pressure the crap out of China over N Korea and their need to step in and make them negotiate in good faith to end the war or once we consolidate our forces we will bring the Korean war to an end with us Invading them and forcing an end once and for all with S Korea taking over the reunification and us leaving the area so KOREA as a whole can heal! China would be smart to not mess with Korean unification. Since the N Korean regime made it clear they would go nuke the moment they launch ANYTHING we could construe as an attempt to launch a nuke of any kind we strike them so hard with Nukes China gets the 411 on world peace. Play nice or stay home! That way these piss ant nations who want to matter in the big picture will think twice about playing the nuke card in negotiations.

Then again I could dream of an America with a spine and some balls again. For now we got a curtain hanger for a president and a badly divided house of power prostitution!
You may know enough about history to cherry pick it. I suggest maybe you should do some reading though.

I can and will say the same about you. Funny how you fail to look at the dark side of the Liberal agenda. I suggest you pull your head out of the books for a change and look around! There is more to life than books. Likewise this is the kind of retort you Liberally minded love to pull so much. Statements with no substance! You dare to wave the Democratic party's flag and yet fail to see what good came from Republicans. All you can see are conservative religious zealots. Well, I see the Democratic Party as the Communist party now and likewise I see them as the greatest sellouts of America EVER! They also thrive on a nation divided.

So how about that opinion? Should I use smaller worlds and fewer sentences to not overwhelm your intellect? In other words should I talk dumber?

No, YOUR lack of historical knowledge and your inability to see past your own nose is your problem. I try to see things in a liberal light but then I see where a lot of the ideals fall short, HUMAN NATURE! But then again I suppose you are going to say I am wrong.

Being a Moderate Centrist means I am all for things that promote the common good for ALL Americans, not just blacks, minorities, Hispanics, or whoever else is out there. I am for social spending when if there are appropriate checks and balances to prevent abuse or propagating problems like drug abuse! Likewise Social Spending must be affordable. I also stand for LESS government and more personal responsibility but then here you come acting like people cannot be self responsible. YOU say we don't know any better. I have heard that said SO much directly and indirectly I can say safely that people who make the claims you do are more ignorant than I could ever achieve! Glad to know I am not the one sitting on the Jaded Throne!

So now what? Do we stick to the topic at hand or do we just go round and round with you trying to take cheap jabs and me just sweeping your argument's feet off of the floor again and again and again and again?

Don't make me break out the nun! Someone recently got me to use her on him three times in the same topic!

It is funny to me how when people say I am wrong they hold up billboards but when they are wrong and I am right suddenly they become quiet instead of admitting I was right in the first place! Yell all you want if that is what it takes to make you feel good about your political beliefs. But when you are proven wrong or shown shortfalls in your beliefs I am willing to bet money you just zip up and slide under some metaphoric rock and hide out the storm that follows!

One only needs to look at the state of the nation today to see how wrong the republicans were. Cuttting taxes was suposed to help the economy we have done that more or less for the past twenty years. Look around and you will see your liveing in bizzaro world were poor people shrill for the rich people.

Chazster's photo
Tue 03/22/11 05:26 PM
yes because the rich are keeping the poor that way. It is their fault the poor are uneducated or don't have jobs etc.

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 03/22/11 06:03 PM

Oh, and on top of that the National Parks you like to wave around and cast such Sylvan Images are thanks to a Republican, namely Theodore Roosevelt. Likewise his stance on Conservation was what led directly to the movement to help clean up industry especially when after WWII the effects on our world due to industrial pollution were becoming evident! Japan had a huge affect on Recycling post WWII and America was feeding into it supplying them with raw materials to recycle with like Glass and aluminum, wood chips and other materials. Germany had the worst pollution problem post WWII and they also contributed to the knowledge base we have. Oh but so many of you liberally minded folks want to think it was Democrats responsible for all the good things we have in America. Teddy Roosevelt fought a lot of opposition to his National Wilderness Preserves!

So Republicans are just evil huh???
Your lack of history makes it difficult to reasone with you. I will try because its good brain candy.

In Theodor Roosevelts time the socialist party was the fastest growing political group in the country. It was the age of robber barons and trusts. Theodore Roosevelt did what he had to do to keep this country from going red. He busted the trusts created public parks and was considered a traitor to his class. He did this to make concesions to the seriouse political crisis of his day and he knew if things would continue as they had been there would have been revelution and all would lose. Yes he was a great man but also practical and he saw the writeing on the wall and prevented massive social upheavel.

And how is it a Union cannot be considered a "trust" of sorts. In some ways it fits the classical description only its interest is labor. not something like say Shoes or Iron Works. And Reasoning with me? Come on, Some of your arguments lack reason. Now in Teddy's time men like JP Morgan called the shots. He was the one man who would enter the president's office unannounced. Teddy was the first man to have him leave or be thrown from his office. Why was America in such Social upheaval? You seem to overlook Teddy inherited a Recession! It was all the same Banker BS that led us to that Recession, the Great Depression, and likewise our Depression! And likewise we have new trusts in our government in the guise of political lobbies and likewise all of the exact same failed BS tried by liberal, socialistic, or "Humanitarian" presidents time and time again.

Now to digress to Obama, the Democrat of choice... yeah I know BUT...

What real good has come of this President yet? What real change have we gotten? Sold out to Health care and Heath Care Insurance industries? More Cronyism? More bogus politics? Continued trade deficits? MORE MILITARY INVOLVEMENT ABROAD? Opening us to more social spending but cutting back on the military yet sending us out to make more war in other nations now? So where is the financial responsibility? Where is the transparency? Where is all the money coming from? Why is it so many "Educated People" seem to think government and social spending is the fix all solution to our woes? on top of all of that why is it Obama has not taken a firmer stance on illegal immigrants to make sure we don't have a more serious problem bite us like a city getting nuked by head case terrorists? And then let us mention the BLEED on our SOCIAL Services giving things to illegal aliens who have paid nothing into the system! You give to one person you take away from another!

Liberal politics lacks two things, Personal Accountability, Financial Responsibility! Those are the two CORE things that Liberalism falls short on by leaps and bounds. What will people do with the money they are given and likewise where is it coming from? I personally feel that receiving Welfare money should come with a required monthly random drug screening to wed out the drug addicts riding the system out! Likewise some aid SHOULD be paid back to make it an incentive to WORK rather than trying to get at the easy buck! On top of that we need to stop raping our students in college. College is getting outrageously expensive. Books for example are vastly over priced! But where do we make concessions and where to we make reform? We made too damn many concessions. Now it is time for people to man up, fess up, straighten up and fly straight or kiss off! no more free rides for those who don't deserve them. Rich people earned their money usually. Criminals are just criminals even if they get rich committing crime! Being all pissed off and jealous of another person's wealth is so sissy la la! Tax the rich is what all Liberals scream so loudly when they don't see that uncontrolled spending is America's #1 problem as well as corruption in our system.

The one and ONLY reason I would become president is to clean some house and kick some azz in our own house! Right into the presidency I would declare a state of emergency and hole the threat of martial law above congress's heads. The only thing they would be allowed to focus on is our budget for the moment. I would likewise invoke an executive order suspending all pay to them but make sure our military got paid since it is a matter of who is providing a valued service to America! Running us TRILLIONS in the red is an emergency! Likewise I would make demands on congress they would have to vote on and if needed I would call for special elections to be held to make sure congress got a real taste of how pissed off we are at them. One is a performance standard which says, America in red, Congress, Mr. President and Mr. Vice President, and the Senate no get paid! America in Black? All Smiles Mr Happy Time!

Another would be an end of Lobbies utterly and campaign reform. Likewise entitlements and subsidies GONE! And on top of that take our involvement in Libya for example. Hope the UN like getting the bill through the World Bank! Hope the UN likes paying rent too! Also, religion being tax free... Not on my watch! I would pull out of Libya and go HAMMER Iran's azz with our assets in Iraq at the slightest provocation including them threatening an attack. I would like to prove to them how I feel about being threatened. I am sure quite a few Americans share my sentiments. Likewise I would employ a different strategy in Afghanistan and use General Black Jack Pershing's way of handling Islamic insurgents using PORK! And our trade imbalances would also be addressed. Likewise I would also pressure the crap out of China over N Korea and their need to step in and make them negotiate in good faith to end the war or once we consolidate our forces we will bring the Korean war to an end with us Invading them and forcing an end once and for all with S Korea taking over the reunification and us leaving the area so KOREA as a whole can heal! China would be smart to not mess with Korean unification. Since the N Korean regime made it clear they would go nuke the moment they launch ANYTHING we could construe as an attempt to launch a nuke of any kind we strike them so hard with Nukes China gets the 411 on world peace. Play nice or stay home! That way these piss ant nations who want to matter in the big picture will think twice about playing the nuke card in negotiations.

Then again I could dream of an America with a spine and some balls again. For now we got a curtain hanger for a president and a badly divided house of power prostitution!
You may know enough about history to cherry pick it. I suggest maybe you should do some reading though.

I can and will say the same about you. Funny how you fail to look at the dark side of the Liberal agenda. I suggest you pull your head out of the books for a change and look around! There is more to life than books. Likewise this is the kind of retort you Liberally minded love to pull so much. Statements with no substance! You dare to wave the Democratic party's flag and yet fail to see what good came from Republicans. All you can see are conservative religious zealots. Well, I see the Democratic Party as the Communist party now and likewise I see them as the greatest sellouts of America EVER! They also thrive on a nation divided.

So how about that opinion? Should I use smaller worlds and fewer sentences to not overwhelm your intellect? In other words should I talk dumber?

No, YOUR lack of historical knowledge and your inability to see past your own nose is your problem. I try to see things in a liberal light but then I see where a lot of the ideals fall short, HUMAN NATURE! But then again I suppose you are going to say I am wrong.

Being a Moderate Centrist means I am all for things that promote the common good for ALL Americans, not just blacks, minorities, Hispanics, or whoever else is out there. I am for social spending when if there are appropriate checks and balances to prevent abuse or propagating problems like drug abuse! Likewise Social Spending must be affordable. I also stand for LESS government and more personal responsibility but then here you come acting like people cannot be self responsible. YOU say we don't know any better. I have heard that said SO much directly and indirectly I can say safely that people who make the claims you do are more ignorant than I could ever achieve! Glad to know I am not the one sitting on the Jaded Throne!

So now what? Do we stick to the topic at hand or do we just go round and round with you trying to take cheap jabs and me just sweeping your argument's feet off of the floor again and again and again and again?

Don't make me break out the nun! Someone recently got me to use her on him three times in the same topic!

It is funny to me how when people say I am wrong they hold up billboards but when they are wrong and I am right suddenly they become quiet instead of admitting I was right in the first place! Yell all you want if that is what it takes to make you feel good about your political beliefs. But when you are proven wrong or shown shortfalls in your beliefs I am willing to bet money you just zip up and slide under some metaphoric rock and hide out the storm that follows!

One only needs to look at the state of the nation today to see how wrong the republicans were. Cuttting taxes was suposed to help the economy we have done that more or less for the past twenty years. Look around and you will see your liveing in bizzaro world were poor people shrill for the rich people.

Now for the flip side of the coin...
How about all that uncontrolled social spending?


Pork Barrel?


But those are just buzz words...

How about this, Several TRILLION dollar Deficit and growing?

Ambiguous enforcement of laws, especially Immigration(!)???

Uncontrolled spending?

Redundant Programs?

Foreign aid to hostile nations?

STILL Backwards energy policies?

Excessive involvement in foreign affairs?

Hypocritical and counterproductive "Social Experiments" like Prohibition and Affirmative Action?

How about stripping our military's budget but increasing hostile involvement on more than one front?

And likewise doing so without Congress's blessing through Obama???

(Sometimes I think Hillary Clinton has her lips wrapped tightly around Obama's weenie but that is hearsay I will admit!)


Actively funding and endorsing organizations that promote criminal behavior and also ways of milking the system like ACORN?

Not putting distance between them and rogue members like the Reverend Al Sharpton and the Reverend Jessie Jackson who spread racism and hatred behind the word of God!

Repeatedly trying to engage in criminal behavior disproportionally vs. Republicans. You cannot see that a lot of these same "Democrats" are using the system and political affiliations to profit just like members of the Republican party.

Cramming Obama Care down our throats without US voting on something that critical.

Attacking the rich and engaging actively in class warfare!

Attacking the Tea Party in less than civil manner and on nothing pertaining to issues! Just scandal, lies, and innuendo! And oh how they pick on Sarah Palin. I hope one day she bites the LibDems in the azz but GOOD!

Assisting heavily in Privatization and deregulation.

Participating in exchanges of technology and information that are extremely questionable like Clinton's little give away to China! Nudge Nudge Wink Wink!

Every answer to every problem is raise already ridiculous taxes.

Financial incompetence.

Gerrymandering which is illegal!

Fighting Voter Reform!

Exasperating Bureaucracy.

Creating unnecessary departments and agencies within our government.

Refuse to end lobbying.

Refuse Campaign reform...

Lack any common sense any more at all if they ever did...

And to make matters even worst is they do not have anyone's interests at heart other than their own!! Law is like fashion to the Democratic Party.


Forcing "Politically Correct" on us!

This would be me flipping the whole of the Democratic party off.

And just to be fair I am also flipping off the Republican Party!




The Great Wall of America.




Energy policy

being too deep in bed with big business


BUT more often than not it is Democrats who vote for the sillier stuff and pretend they did nothing wrong!!!

But as long as you got YOUR union and YOUR secure job everything you think must be right while the rest of us NON Union are not deserving? We should not get anything becasue we don't comply with YOUR world views? I keep asking where all this miracle money to save America is going to come from. You scream TAX THE RICH as loud as your fingers can type like so many other noteworthy folks here BUT BUT BUT with Congresses track record they get more money they will SPEND MORE MONEY! The debt will not get dented significantly and likewise WE WILL STILL BE IN DEBT!!! The idea is to break the debt cycle not become trapped in it! Congress has a lot of financial leaks to fix first! ALL OF THE MONEY GARNERED FROM TAXING THE RICH IS NOT ENOUGH TO EVEN MAKE ANY KIND OF REAL DENT IN THE NATIONAL DEBT OR NATIONAL SPENDING!

Don't try to feed me that line either that "Its a start." Every pebble I toss down a hill side could be the start of an uncontrollable land slide that kills everyone including myself. I see the whole Taxing the rich becoming a MUCH more insidious problem! It leads to more and more taxation! And it leads to everyone getting squeezed more and more.

SO now your response is????

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 03/22/11 08:33 PM
"One only needs to look at the state of the nation today to see how wrong the republicans were. Cuttting taxes was suposed to help the economy we have done that more or less for the past twenty years. Look around and you will see your liveing in bizzaro world were poor people shrill for the rich people. "

True in its small part.

Not so true in the bigger picture.

Cutting taxes will only solved one side of the equation...but spending was increased in the mistaken assumption that Democrats would ride President Obama's coattails to complete control.

One must put the brakes on spending (then high taxes will not be necessary), and neither party was willing to stop the spending until the Tea boiled over and changed the political landscape.

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 03/23/11 04:30 AM

Oh, and on top of that the National Parks you like to wave around and cast such Sylvan Images are thanks to a Republican, namely Theodore Roosevelt. Likewise his stance on Conservation was what led directly to the movement to help clean up industry especially when after WWII the effects on our world due to industrial pollution were becoming evident! Japan had a huge affect on Recycling post WWII and America was feeding into it supplying them with raw materials to recycle with like Glass and aluminum, wood chips and other materials. Germany had the worst pollution problem post WWII and they also contributed to the knowledge base we have. Oh but so many of you liberally minded folks want to think it was Democrats responsible for all the good things we have in America. Teddy Roosevelt fought a lot of opposition to his National Wilderness Preserves!

So Republicans are just evil huh???
Your lack of history makes it difficult to reasone with you. I will try because its good brain candy.

In Theodor Roosevelts time the socialist party was the fastest growing political group in the country. It was the age of robber barons and trusts. Theodore Roosevelt did what he had to do to keep this country from going red. He busted the trusts created public parks and was considered a traitor to his class. He did this to make concesions to the seriouse political crisis of his day and he knew if things would continue as they had been there would have been revelution and all would lose. Yes he was a great man but also practical and he saw the writeing on the wall and prevented massive social upheavel.

And how is it a Union cannot be considered a "trust" of sorts. In some ways it fits the classical description only its interest is labor. not something like say Shoes or Iron Works. And Reasoning with me? Come on, Some of your arguments lack reason. Now in Teddy's time men like JP Morgan called the shots. He was the one man who would enter the president's office unannounced. Teddy was the first man to have him leave or be thrown from his office. Why was America in such Social upheaval? You seem to overlook Teddy inherited a Recession! It was all the same Banker BS that led us to that Recession, the Great Depression, and likewise our Depression! And likewise we have new trusts in our government in the guise of political lobbies and likewise all of the exact same failed BS tried by liberal, socialistic, or "Humanitarian" presidents time and time again.

Now to digress to Obama, the Democrat of choice... yeah I know BUT...

What real good has come of this President yet? What real change have we gotten? Sold out to Health care and Heath Care Insurance industries? More Cronyism? More bogus politics? Continued trade deficits? MORE MILITARY INVOLVEMENT ABROAD? Opening us to more social spending but cutting back on the military yet sending us out to make more war in other nations now? So where is the financial responsibility? Where is the transparency? Where is all the money coming from? Why is it so many "Educated People" seem to think government and social spending is the fix all solution to our woes? on top of all of that why is it Obama has not taken a firmer stance on illegal immigrants to make sure we don't have a more serious problem bite us like a city getting nuked by head case terrorists? And then let us mention the BLEED on our SOCIAL Services giving things to illegal aliens who have paid nothing into the system! You give to one person you take away from another!

Liberal politics lacks two things, Personal Accountability, Financial Responsibility! Those are the two CORE things that Liberalism falls short on by leaps and bounds. What will people do with the money they are given and likewise where is it coming from? I personally feel that receiving Welfare money should come with a required monthly random drug screening to wed out the drug addicts riding the system out! Likewise some aid SHOULD be paid back to make it an incentive to WORK rather than trying to get at the easy buck! On top of that we need to stop raping our students in college. College is getting outrageously expensive. Books for example are vastly over priced! But where do we make concessions and where to we make reform? We made too damn many concessions. Now it is time for people to man up, fess up, straighten up and fly straight or kiss off! no more free rides for those who don't deserve them. Rich people earned their money usually. Criminals are just criminals even if they get rich committing crime! Being all pissed off and jealous of another person's wealth is so sissy la la! Tax the rich is what all Liberals scream so loudly when they don't see that uncontrolled spending is America's #1 problem as well as corruption in our system.

The one and ONLY reason I would become president is to clean some house and kick some azz in our own house! Right into the presidency I would declare a state of emergency and hole the threat of martial law above congress's heads. The only thing they would be allowed to focus on is our budget for the moment. I would likewise invoke an executive order suspending all pay to them but make sure our military got paid since it is a matter of who is providing a valued service to America! Running us TRILLIONS in the red is an emergency! Likewise I would make demands on congress they would have to vote on and if needed I would call for special elections to be held to make sure congress got a real taste of how pissed off we are at them. One is a performance standard which says, America in red, Congress, Mr. President and Mr. Vice President, and the Senate no get paid! America in Black? All Smiles Mr Happy Time!

Another would be an end of Lobbies utterly and campaign reform. Likewise entitlements and subsidies GONE! And on top of that take our involvement in Libya for example. Hope the UN like getting the bill through the World Bank! Hope the UN likes paying rent too! Also, religion being tax free... Not on my watch! I would pull out of Libya and go HAMMER Iran's azz with our assets in Iraq at the slightest provocation including them threatening an attack. I would like to prove to them how I feel about being threatened. I am sure quite a few Americans share my sentiments. Likewise I would employ a different strategy in Afghanistan and use General Black Jack Pershing's way of handling Islamic insurgents using PORK! And our trade imbalances would also be addressed. Likewise I would also pressure the crap out of China over N Korea and their need to step in and make them negotiate in good faith to end the war or once we consolidate our forces we will bring the Korean war to an end with us Invading them and forcing an end once and for all with S Korea taking over the reunification and us leaving the area so KOREA as a whole can heal! China would be smart to not mess with Korean unification. Since the N Korean regime made it clear they would go nuke the moment they launch ANYTHING we could construe as an attempt to launch a nuke of any kind we strike them so hard with Nukes China gets the 411 on world peace. Play nice or stay home! That way these piss ant nations who want to matter in the big picture will think twice about playing the nuke card in negotiations.

Then again I could dream of an America with a spine and some balls again. For now we got a curtain hanger for a president and a badly divided house of power prostitution!
You may know enough about history to cherry pick it. I suggest maybe you should do some reading though.

I can and will say the same about you. Funny how you fail to look at the dark side of the Liberal agenda. I suggest you pull your head out of the books for a change and look around! There is more to life than books. Likewise this is the kind of retort you Liberally minded love to pull so much. Statements with no substance! You dare to wave the Democratic party's flag and yet fail to see what good came from Republicans. All you can see are conservative religious zealots. Well, I see the Democratic Party as the Communist party now and likewise I see them as the greatest sellouts of America EVER! They also thrive on a nation divided.

So how about that opinion? Should I use smaller worlds and fewer sentences to not overwhelm your intellect? In other words should I talk dumber?

No, YOUR lack of historical knowledge and your inability to see past your own nose is your problem. I try to see things in a liberal light but then I see where a lot of the ideals fall short, HUMAN NATURE! But then again I suppose you are going to say I am wrong.

Being a Moderate Centrist means I am all for things that promote the common good for ALL Americans, not just blacks, minorities, Hispanics, or whoever else is out there. I am for social spending when if there are appropriate checks and balances to prevent abuse or propagating problems like drug abuse! Likewise Social Spending must be affordable. I also stand for LESS government and more personal responsibility but then here you come acting like people cannot be self responsible. YOU say we don't know any better. I have heard that said SO much directly and indirectly I can say safely that people who make the claims you do are more ignorant than I could ever achieve! Glad to know I am not the one sitting on the Jaded Throne!

So now what? Do we stick to the topic at hand or do we just go round and round with you trying to take cheap jabs and me just sweeping your argument's feet off of the floor again and again and again and again?

Don't make me break out the nun! Someone recently got me to use her on him three times in the same topic!

It is funny to me how when people say I am wrong they hold up billboards but when they are wrong and I am right suddenly they become quiet instead of admitting I was right in the first place! Yell all you want if that is what it takes to make you feel good about your political beliefs. But when you are proven wrong or shown shortfalls in your beliefs I am willing to bet money you just zip up and slide under some metaphoric rock and hide out the storm that follows!

One only needs to look at the state of the nation today to see how wrong the republicans were. Cuttting taxes was suposed to help the economy we have done that more or less for the past twenty years. Look around and you will see your liveing in bizzaro world were poor people shrill for the rich people.

Now for the flip side of the coin...
How about all that uncontrolled social spending?


Pork Barrel?


But those are just buzz words...

How about this, Several TRILLION dollar Deficit and growing?

Ambiguous enforcement of laws, especially Immigration(!)???

Uncontrolled spending?

Redundant Programs?

Foreign aid to hostile nations?

STILL Backwards energy policies?

Excessive involvement in foreign affairs?

Hypocritical and counterproductive "Social Experiments" like Prohibition and Affirmative Action?

How about stripping our military's budget but increasing hostile involvement on more than one front?

And likewise doing so without Congress's blessing through Obama???

(Sometimes I think Hillary Clinton has her lips wrapped tightly around Obama's weenie but that is hearsay I will admit!)


Actively funding and endorsing organizations that promote criminal behavior and also ways of milking the system like ACORN?

Not putting distance between them and rogue members like the Reverend Al Sharpton and the Reverend Jessie Jackson who spread racism and hatred behind the word of God!

Repeatedly trying to engage in criminal behavior disproportionally vs. Republicans. You cannot see that a lot of these same "Democrats" are using the system and political affiliations to profit just like members of the Republican party.

Cramming Obama Care down our throats without US voting on something that critical.

Attacking the rich and engaging actively in class warfare!

Attacking the Tea Party in less than civil manner and on nothing pertaining to issues! Just scandal, lies, and innuendo! And oh how they pick on Sarah Palin. I hope one day she bites the LibDems in the azz but GOOD!

Assisting heavily in Privatization and deregulation.

Participating in exchanges of technology and information that are extremely questionable like Clinton's little give away to China! Nudge Nudge Wink Wink!

Every answer to every problem is raise already ridiculous taxes.

Financial incompetence.

Gerrymandering which is illegal!

Fighting Voter Reform!

Exasperating Bureaucracy.

Creating unnecessary departments and agencies within our government.

Refuse to end lobbying.

Refuse Campaign reform...

Lack any common sense any more at all if they ever did...

And to make matters even worst is they do not have anyone's interests at heart other than their own!! Law is like fashion to the Democratic Party.


Forcing "Politically Correct" on us!

This would be me flipping the whole of the Democratic party off.

And just to be fair I am also flipping off the Republican Party!




The Great Wall of America.




Energy policy

being too deep in bed with big business


BUT more often than not it is Democrats who vote for the sillier stuff and pretend they did nothing wrong!!!

But as long as you got YOUR union and YOUR secure job everything you think must be right while the rest of us NON Union are not deserving? We should not get anything becasue we don't comply with YOUR world views? I keep asking where all this miracle money to save America is going to come from. You scream TAX THE RICH as loud as your fingers can type like so many other noteworthy folks here BUT BUT BUT with Congresses track record they get more money they will SPEND MORE MONEY! The debt will not get dented significantly and likewise WE WILL STILL BE IN DEBT!!! The idea is to break the debt cycle not become trapped in it! Congress has a lot of financial leaks to fix first! ALL OF THE MONEY GARNERED FROM TAXING THE RICH IS NOT ENOUGH TO EVEN MAKE ANY KIND OF REAL DENT IN THE NATIONAL DEBT OR NATIONAL SPENDING!

Don't try to feed me that line either that "Its a start." Every pebble I toss down a hill side could be the start of an uncontrollable land slide that kills everyone including myself. I see the whole Taxing the rich becoming a MUCH more insidious problem! It leads to more and more taxation! And it leads to everyone getting squeezed more and more.

SO now your response is????
My responce is the economic elite are the only group that has seen their wealth increase and are probably the only group who can afford higher taxes. While the middle class and poor are makeing sacrafices the rich are getting richer.

I dont think its a good idea to cut food stamps and unemployment in these desperatly hard times, it will only increase crime and misery.

So yes by all means raise taxes to those who can afford it.

As far as spending cuts go, lets cut foreign aid and defence spending before we have grandma eating catfood.

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 03/23/11 05:53 PM

Oh, and on top of that the National Parks you like to wave around and cast such Sylvan Images are thanks to a Republican, namely Theodore Roosevelt. Likewise his stance on Conservation was what led directly to the movement to help clean up industry especially when after WWII the effects on our world due to industrial pollution were becoming evident! Japan had a huge affect on Recycling post WWII and America was feeding into it supplying them with raw materials to recycle with like Glass and aluminum, wood chips and other materials. Germany had the worst pollution problem post WWII and they also contributed to the knowledge base we have. Oh but so many of you liberally minded folks want to think it was Democrats responsible for all the good things we have in America. Teddy Roosevelt fought a lot of opposition to his National Wilderness Preserves!

So Republicans are just evil huh???
Your lack of history makes it difficult to reasone with you. I will try because its good brain candy.

In Theodor Roosevelts time the socialist party was the fastest growing political group in the country. It was the age of robber barons and trusts. Theodore Roosevelt did what he had to do to keep this country from going red. He busted the trusts created public parks and was considered a traitor to his class. He did this to make concesions to the seriouse political crisis of his day and he knew if things would continue as they had been there would have been revelution and all would lose. Yes he was a great man but also practical and he saw the writeing on the wall and prevented massive social upheavel.

And how is it a Union cannot be considered a "trust" of sorts. In some ways it fits the classical description only its interest is labor. not something like say Shoes or Iron Works. And Reasoning with me? Come on, Some of your arguments lack reason. Now in Teddy's time men like JP Morgan called the shots. He was the one man who would enter the president's office unannounced. Teddy was the first man to have him leave or be thrown from his office. Why was America in such Social upheaval? You seem to overlook Teddy inherited a Recession! It was all the same Banker BS that led us to that Recession, the Great Depression, and likewise our Depression! And likewise we have new trusts in our government in the guise of political lobbies and likewise all of the exact same failed BS tried by liberal, socialistic, or "Humanitarian" presidents time and time again.

Now to digress to Obama, the Democrat of choice... yeah I know BUT...

What real good has come of this President yet? What real change have we gotten? Sold out to Health care and Heath Care Insurance industries? More Cronyism? More bogus politics? Continued trade deficits? MORE MILITARY INVOLVEMENT ABROAD? Opening us to more social spending but cutting back on the military yet sending us out to make more war in other nations now? So where is the financial responsibility? Where is the transparency? Where is all the money coming from? Why is it so many "Educated People" seem to think government and social spending is the fix all solution to our woes? on top of all of that why is it Obama has not taken a firmer stance on illegal immigrants to make sure we don't have a more serious problem bite us like a city getting nuked by head case terrorists? And then let us mention the BLEED on our SOCIAL Services giving things to illegal aliens who have paid nothing into the system! You give to one person you take away from another!

Liberal politics lacks two things, Personal Accountability, Financial Responsibility! Those are the two CORE things that Liberalism falls short on by leaps and bounds. What will people do with the money they are given and likewise where is it coming from? I personally feel that receiving Welfare money should come with a required monthly random drug screening to wed out the drug addicts riding the system out! Likewise some aid SHOULD be paid back to make it an incentive to WORK rather than trying to get at the easy buck! On top of that we need to stop raping our students in college. College is getting outrageously expensive. Books for example are vastly over priced! But where do we make concessions and where to we make reform? We made too damn many concessions. Now it is time for people to man up, fess up, straighten up and fly straight or kiss off! no more free rides for those who don't deserve them. Rich people earned their money usually. Criminals are just criminals even if they get rich committing crime! Being all pissed off and jealous of another person's wealth is so sissy la la! Tax the rich is what all Liberals scream so loudly when they don't see that uncontrolled spending is America's #1 problem as well as corruption in our system.

The one and ONLY reason I would become president is to clean some house and kick some azz in our own house! Right into the presidency I would declare a state of emergency and hole the threat of martial law above congress's heads. The only thing they would be allowed to focus on is our budget for the moment. I would likewise invoke an executive order suspending all pay to them but make sure our military got paid since it is a matter of who is providing a valued service to America! Running us TRILLIONS in the red is an emergency! Likewise I would make demands on congress they would have to vote on and if needed I would call for special elections to be held to make sure congress got a real taste of how pissed off we are at them. One is a performance standard which says, America in red, Congress, Mr. President and Mr. Vice President, and the Senate no get paid! America in Black? All Smiles Mr Happy Time!

Another would be an end of Lobbies utterly and campaign reform. Likewise entitlements and subsidies GONE! And on top of that take our involvement in Libya for example. Hope the UN like getting the bill through the World Bank! Hope the UN likes paying rent too! Also, religion being tax free... Not on my watch! I would pull out of Libya and go HAMMER Iran's azz with our assets in Iraq at the slightest provocation including them threatening an attack. I would like to prove to them how I feel about being threatened. I am sure quite a few Americans share my sentiments. Likewise I would employ a different strategy in Afghanistan and use General Black Jack Pershing's way of handling Islamic insurgents using PORK! And our trade imbalances would also be addressed. Likewise I would also pressure the crap out of China over N Korea and their need to step in and make them negotiate in good faith to end the war or once we consolidate our forces we will bring the Korean war to an end with us Invading them and forcing an end once and for all with S Korea taking over the reunification and us leaving the area so KOREA as a whole can heal! China would be smart to not mess with Korean unification. Since the N Korean regime made it clear they would go nuke the moment they launch ANYTHING we could construe as an attempt to launch a nuke of any kind we strike them so hard with Nukes China gets the 411 on world peace. Play nice or stay home! That way these piss ant nations who want to matter in the big picture will think twice about playing the nuke card in negotiations.

Then again I could dream of an America with a spine and some balls again. For now we got a curtain hanger for a president and a badly divided house of power prostitution!
You may know enough about history to cherry pick it. I suggest maybe you should do some reading though.

I can and will say the same about you. Funny how you fail to look at the dark side of the Liberal agenda. I suggest you pull your head out of the books for a change and look around! There is more to life than books. Likewise this is the kind of retort you Liberally minded love to pull so much. Statements with no substance! You dare to wave the Democratic party's flag and yet fail to see what good came from Republicans. All you can see are conservative religious zealots. Well, I see the Democratic Party as the Communist party now and likewise I see them as the greatest sellouts of America EVER! They also thrive on a nation divided.

So how about that opinion? Should I use smaller worlds and fewer sentences to not overwhelm your intellect? In other words should I talk dumber?

No, YOUR lack of historical knowledge and your inability to see past your own nose is your problem. I try to see things in a liberal light but then I see where a lot of the ideals fall short, HUMAN NATURE! But then again I suppose you are going to say I am wrong.

Being a Moderate Centrist means I am all for things that promote the common good for ALL Americans, not just blacks, minorities, Hispanics, or whoever else is out there. I am for social spending when if there are appropriate checks and balances to prevent abuse or propagating problems like drug abuse! Likewise Social Spending must be affordable. I also stand for LESS government and more personal responsibility but then here you come acting like people cannot be self responsible. YOU say we don't know any better. I have heard that said SO much directly and indirectly I can say safely that people who make the claims you do are more ignorant than I could ever achieve! Glad to know I am not the one sitting on the Jaded Throne!

So now what? Do we stick to the topic at hand or do we just go round and round with you trying to take cheap jabs and me just sweeping your argument's feet off of the floor again and again and again and again?

Don't make me break out the nun! Someone recently got me to use her on him three times in the same topic!

It is funny to me how when people say I am wrong they hold up billboards but when they are wrong and I am right suddenly they become quiet instead of admitting I was right in the first place! Yell all you want if that is what it takes to make you feel good about your political beliefs. But when you are proven wrong or shown shortfalls in your beliefs I am willing to bet money you just zip up and slide under some metaphoric rock and hide out the storm that follows!

One only needs to look at the state of the nation today to see how wrong the republicans were. Cuttting taxes was suposed to help the economy we have done that more or less for the past twenty years. Look around and you will see your liveing in bizzaro world were poor people shrill for the rich people.

Now for the flip side of the coin...
How about all that uncontrolled social spending?


Pork Barrel?


But those are just buzz words...

How about this, Several TRILLION dollar Deficit and growing?

Ambiguous enforcement of laws, especially Immigration(!)???

Uncontrolled spending?

Redundant Programs?

Foreign aid to hostile nations?

STILL Backwards energy policies?

Excessive involvement in foreign affairs?

Hypocritical and counterproductive "Social Experiments" like Prohibition and Affirmative Action?

How about stripping our military's budget but increasing hostile involvement on more than one front?

And likewise doing so without Congress's blessing through Obama???

(Sometimes I think Hillary Clinton has her lips wrapped tightly around Obama's weenie but that is hearsay I will admit!)


Actively funding and endorsing organizations that promote criminal behavior and also ways of milking the system like ACORN?

Not putting distance between them and rogue members like the Reverend Al Sharpton and the Reverend Jessie Jackson who spread racism and hatred behind the word of God!

Repeatedly trying to engage in criminal behavior disproportionally vs. Republicans. You cannot see that a lot of these same "Democrats" are using the system and political affiliations to profit just like members of the Republican party.

Cramming Obama Care down our throats without US voting on something that critical.

Attacking the rich and engaging actively in class warfare!

Attacking the Tea Party in less than civil manner and on nothing pertaining to issues! Just scandal, lies, and innuendo! And oh how they pick on Sarah Palin. I hope one day she bites the LibDems in the azz but GOOD!

Assisting heavily in Privatization and deregulation.

Participating in exchanges of technology and information that are extremely questionable like Clinton's little give away to China! Nudge Nudge Wink Wink!

Every answer to every problem is raise already ridiculous taxes.

Financial incompetence.

Gerrymandering which is illegal!

Fighting Voter Reform!

Exasperating Bureaucracy.

Creating unnecessary departments and agencies within our government.

Refuse to end lobbying.

Refuse Campaign reform...

Lack any common sense any more at all if they ever did...

And to make matters even worst is they do not have anyone's interests at heart other than their own!! Law is like fashion to the Democratic Party.


Forcing "Politically Correct" on us!

This would be me flipping the whole of the Democratic party off.

And just to be fair I am also flipping off the Republican Party!




The Great Wall of America.




Energy policy

being too deep in bed with big business


BUT more often than not it is Democrats who vote for the sillier stuff and pretend they did nothing wrong!!!

But as long as you got YOUR union and YOUR secure job everything you think must be right while the rest of us NON Union are not deserving? We should not get anything becasue we don't comply with YOUR world views? I keep asking where all this miracle money to save America is going to come from. You scream TAX THE RICH as loud as your fingers can type like so many other noteworthy folks here BUT BUT BUT with Congresses track record they get more money they will SPEND MORE MONEY! The debt will not get dented significantly and likewise WE WILL STILL BE IN DEBT!!! The idea is to break the debt cycle not become trapped in it! Congress has a lot of financial leaks to fix first! ALL OF THE MONEY GARNERED FROM TAXING THE RICH IS NOT ENOUGH TO EVEN MAKE ANY KIND OF REAL DENT IN THE NATIONAL DEBT OR NATIONAL SPENDING!

Don't try to feed me that line either that "Its a start." Every pebble I toss down a hill side could be the start of an uncontrollable land slide that kills everyone including myself. I see the whole Taxing the rich becoming a MUCH more insidious problem! It leads to more and more taxation! And it leads to everyone getting squeezed more and more.

SO now your response is????
My responce is the economic elite are the only group that has seen their wealth increase and are probably the only group who can afford higher taxes. While the middle class and poor are makeing sacrafices the rich are getting richer.

I dont think its a good idea to cut food stamps and unemployment in these desperatly hard times, it will only increase crime and misery.

So yes by all means raise taxes to those who can afford it.

As far as spending cuts go, lets cut foreign aid and defence spending before we have grandma eating catfood.


Then let us evaluate our tax system in general. First of all how can it be legal or constitutional for government to tax gasoline, then tax that again based on the value of the taxed gas? Double taxation is legal? Next, let us look at where and who sales tax tends to hurt the most, All us working schmucks and (COUGH COUGH) the poor. Our government taxes the crap out of us. Now for this elitist wealth you speak of. Because of the complications of our tax code, written to favor the Federal Treasury (BANKS! BANKS! BANKS!) and these wealthy elitists happen to have direct ties with, coupled with the fact they make money all over the world and likewise find shelters by having an off shore corporation claim the income and they filter it thorough the system so they don't have to pay so much tax in the first place.

We need corporate reform
Financial Reform
trade Reform,
Welfare reform,
and a host of other reforms to get this beast leashed once and for all! In order to go after the ultra elite rich you must find the loopholes they use and remove them. BUT BUT BUT likewise you must remain fair to them as long as they play fair! International business is taxed WAY differently than business here! THAT IS THE CHINK IN THE ARMOR!

With the Federal Treasury and Federal Reserve in place as they are we are not going to end this continual cycle of mismanagement. Can you see now where your dogma ends? The Ultra Rich ARE the Globalists everyone who fears NWO fears! THESE are the men who managed to manipulate the system and position themselves above the law by press of wealth. The hide behind archaic rules and loopholes and protect themselves behind corporations and other various fronts to filter their money!

BUT ALSO without financial responsibility on the behalf of Congress none of this will matter for SHITTE! All along you think there is one answer but becasue of how complicated the situation a DEMOCRATIC PARTY CRY OF KILL THE RICH WON'T WORK! You can't. You kill them the middle class becomes the HAVES everyone hates! You and others play into the hate cycle this country needs to break. Don't hate the rich, hate the system they manage to use against us!

If the Democratic Party was for some REAL honest to god change don't you think by now we would have it?

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 03/23/11 05:53 PM
And don't go blaming the Republicans!

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 03/24/11 04:50 AM

And don't go blaming the Republicans!
I blame the republicans and Fox news for enableing them and people like yourself who blame poor people and programs that benefit them for our troubles when reality is the rich are getting richer and the poor pooorer and all the while people like yourself demand we cut social programs that amount to a pitence of our debt and will increase suffering and misery and crime ten times the amount saved.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 03/24/11 03:23 PM

And don't go blaming the Republicans!
I blame the republicans and Fox news for enableing them and people like yourself who blame poor people and programs that benefit them for our troubles when reality is the rich are getting richer and the poor pooorer and all the while people like yourself demand we cut social programs that amount to a pitence of our debt and will increase suffering and misery and crime ten times the amount saved.

OH? REALLY? I grew up in poverty! I don't watch Fox News. I am not a Republican myself. Enabling me? PLEASE! I don't demand just cutting social programs, I demand more accountability in the system, removing redundant and useless programs, Eliminating the programs that are racially based no matter how much benefit you think you see in such programs, I also want to see drug testing in a lot of social programs to get the drug addicts out of the system.

We need to plug the financial leaks and I spelled out the failures of many of these "social programs" time and time again and here you are bashing Republicans AND Fox news again!

you sure can take a seriously complicated problem and solve it all with your ONE answer! Again WEAK SAUCE! And yet again you post an argument with NO substance to it other than a malicious opinion. You are a hate monger more so than me and I admit I have my share of hatreds which are not really unreasonable. I hate the Democratic Party for its numerous failures and NUMEROUS breaches of the Constitution.

Here are two other governments that had "Social Programs" that failed, NAZI GERMANY AND Communist Russia. Here you are waving the flag of Democracy under the Democratic Party just like a die hard Communist! Even Unions have fallen victim to the Communist Ideals but none of you would EVER admit that! And take a good look at Greece which is the Ultimate statement of the failures of Socialism before shooting your mouth off and getting your "Philosophical Bullets" deflected back at you!

I pain myself on trying to stand in the middle but you stand way too far to the left side and when a Right Winger crosses the line I will jump on them too. Not once have you ever demanded financial responsibility from your own favored Party. Just print and spend money like there is no tomorrow.

Sorry but blaming who you did the way you did got you the nun!

Try bringing an argument with substance to the table instead of this cut and dry "They empower people like you" speech!

God your reply was so WEAK!

I blame a lot of the problems of this country on complacency in voters lie yourself who while you get to live the American dream could care less about the rest of us who don and don't walk to the beat of your drum! ALL the BS you spew is the same BS other liberals spew and it is all meaningless! Instead of looking at what the tea Party has to say you pick on Sarah Palin, Fox News, The GOP, The Right Wing, and "People like me." Well, here is a name of Ultimate Evil, NANCY PELOSI! Ted Kennedy (thank god he is dead!), Jessie Jackson, Janet Reno!!! oh but I could just go on and on but these names stick out the most for the moment!


How do you like me now?

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 03/24/11 07:11 PM
"My responce is the economic elite are the only group that has seen their wealth increase and are probably the only group who can afford higher taxes. While the middle class and poor are makeing sacrafices the rich are getting richer.

I dont think its a good idea to cut food stamps and unemployment in these desperatly hard times, it will only increase crime and misery.

So yes by all means raise taxes to those who can afford it.

As far as spending cuts go, lets cut foreign aid and defence spending before we have grandma eating catfood. "

So called 'economic elite' are about 2% of the population. The 'rich' (above 200,000 in income by the Democratic tax 'wish' list) did not increase in income as a result of our current economic situation... Some lost considerably. (Yet the DNC would like to 'redistribute' what they earned).

No one has proposed cutting food stamps. Unemployement should never extend to more than a year. (else many people will not 'really' look for work).

Given a choice between cat food and people food grandma ain't stupid... Can for can cat food costs more.

Fear tactics...