Topic: A Sad Day in Wisconsin?
willing2's photo
Thu 03/10/11 10:52 AM
Edited by willing2 on Thu 03/10/11 10:53 AM
From my experience in some of the cities I've lived in, their cost of living economies are base on the highest wages made.

Not everyone can get the $40.00 an hour job riding on a cart changing toilet rolls in the bathrooms at Boeing Aircraft Co.

Unions make everyone else pay more to live.

no photo
Thu 03/10/11 12:41 PM
OK. Help me figure this out. why are we getting an article like this from Faux News?

ShiningArmour's photo
Thu 03/10/11 01:15 PM

OK. Help me figure this out. why are we getting an article like this from Faux News?

Spell check is your friend. It's FOX news.

no photo
Thu 03/10/11 01:17 PM
It's FOX news.
Just like it's the DemocratIC Party

ShiningArmour's photo
Thu 03/10/11 01:19 PM

It's FOX news.
Just like it's the DemocratIC Party

You mean because it make you say Ick? I don't understand.

KerryO's photo
Thu 03/10/11 02:07 PM

From my experience in some of the cities I've lived in, their cost of living economies are base on the highest wages made.

Not everyone can get the $40.00 an hour job riding on a cart changing toilet rolls in the bathrooms at Boeing Aircraft Co.

Unions make everyone else pay more to live.

Yeah, they could probably hire illegals to do the same job for less than $5 hr. like some people we know.

Now there's an idea for Scott Walker-- instant green cards for any illegal willing to help bust unions by working for a pittance and using social services to make up the difference.

-Kerry O.

damnitscloudy's photo
Thu 03/10/11 02:34 PM

From my experience in some of the cities I've lived in, their cost of living economies are base on the highest wages made.

Not everyone can get the $40.00 an hour job riding on a cart changing toilet rolls in the bathrooms at Boeing Aircraft Co.

Unions make everyone else pay more to live.

Come to my airport. I'm paid 10 dollars an hour to change toilet paper rolls. And if you think its easy, try walking into a women's room to change toilet paper only to get yelled at and arrested on a weekly basis.

willing2's photo
Thu 03/10/11 02:36 PM

From my experience in some of the cities I've lived in, their cost of living economies are base on the highest wages made.

Not everyone can get the $40.00 an hour job riding on a cart changing toilet rolls in the bathrooms at Boeing Aircraft Co.

Unions make everyone else pay more to live.

Come to my airport. I'm paid 10 dollars an hour to change toilet paper rolls. And if you think its easy, try walking into a women's room to change toilet paper only to get yelled at and arrested on a weekly basis.

Boeing isn't an airport.

TJN's photo
Thu 03/10/11 05:10 PM
Reading this it makes me wonder if any of you have any idea of what really is in the bill.

The bill doesn't take away all their collective bargaining rights.
It only take away the part for benifits, and some of the rules. They can still bargain for wages.

It makes them pay 5% towards their pension of which they pay nothing now.

It makes them pay 12% of what their heath care costs of which they pay nothing.

Compare that to a FED employee who has no collective bargaining for wages, benifits. Also FED employees Pay 5% towards pension, 24% of healthcare.

I see it as not asking much.

We have civil service laws in WI that protect them there is no need to have a union for State or fed employees.

And I heard something about unemployed.

This bill will save 1,500 jobs right now. And 6,000 more in the next budget year.

So who was only thinking of themselvses? THe greedy state employees who are not willing to give and sucking of the tax payers.
They are willing to let their low seniority COWORKERS lose their jobs because they aren't willing to pay WAY LESS THAN ANY AMERICAN TOWARDS THEIR PENSION AND HEALTHCARE

no photo
Thu 03/10/11 06:38 PM
Reading your post makes me wonder if you have been listening to the news.
Democrats and union leaders offered to accept the increased cost of benefits but not the removal of bargaining rights.[9]
Compare that to a FED employee who has no collective bargaining for wages, benifits. Also FED employees Pay 5% towards pension, 24% of healthcare.

I see it as not asking much.
Sort of defeats the purpose of organizing as a collective bargaining unit, doesn't it? Why should they give up their rights because the employer has successfully screwed other workers out of their rights?

We have civil service laws in WI that protect them there is no need to have a union for State or fed employees.
You do know that teaching jobs are not civil wervice jobs, don't you?
This bill will save 1,500 jobs right now. And 6,000 more in the next budget year.

Who told you that?

They are willing to let their low seniority COWORKERS lose their jobs because they aren't willing to pay WAY LESS THAN ANY AMERICAN TOWARDS THEIR PENSION AND HEALTHCARE
They conceded on these points right off. Have you paid any attention to the news?

TJN's photo
Thu 03/10/11 07:33 PM
This bill will save 1,500 jobs right now. And 6,000 more in the next budget year.

Who told you that?

MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- Thousands of Wisconsin state workers were bracing for layoff notices Friday as Republican Gov. Scott Walker and absent Democrats remained in a standoff over a budget balancing bill that would also strip public workers of their collective bargaining rights.

Walker said he would issue 1,500 layoff notices Friday if at least one of the 14 Senate Democrats doesn't return from Illinois to give the Republican majority the quorum it needs to vote. Senate Republicans voted Thursday to hold the missing Democrats in contempt and force police to bring them back to the Capitol.

Sort of defeats the purpose of organizing as a collective bargaining unit, doesn't it? Why should they give up their rights because the employer has successfully screwed other workers out of their rights?

I really don't think FED employees have been screwed. They have it pretty well.

You do know that teaching jobs are not civil wervice jobs, don't you?

There is more confusion concerning civil service rights. Wisconsin state civil service laws only cover state level employees. Police and firefighters are exempt. Teachers employed by localities are not covered under state civil service protections. They may, however, be covered by county and local civil service protections. In fact, Wisconsin Code Chapter 63 requires a civil service commission for every county with at least 500,000 inhabitants. Madison qualifies for this. Counties with less than 500,000 inhabitants still may employ a civil service commission, it’s just not mandated under this section of the State Code.

In other words, every county in Wisconsin can have a civil service commission if so desired. They are then free to establish civil service protections for all county employees. Same goes for Wisconsin cities. Nothing is preventing teachers or other municipal employees from having basic civil service protections even if they aren’t employed by the state.

This is not what these employees and the unions have in mind. Their desire is strictly for bargaining rights over wages and benefits. Gov. Walker is leaving in place collective bargaining rights for wages so that’s a moot point. So the entire debate boils down to collective bargaining rights over benefits. Teachers can still bargain over wages and civil service protections can be installed at state, county and local levels to cover all levels of employees.

They conceded on these points right off. Have you paid any attention to the news?

Yes they did but they wouldn't budge at all on collective bargaining.

So I guess it depends on what you consider a news source.

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 03/10/11 07:34 PM
"Sort of defeats the purpose of organizing as a collective bargaining unit, doesn't it? Why should they give up their rights because the employer has successfully screwed other workers out of their rights? "

Bargining for wages and job discriptions and such is fine.

Allowing the steady 'politically' motivated increases in benefits that break the budget at the state level and completely destroys it in small cities and municiple areas is 'screwing' the TAXPAYER...

There are a heck of a lot of TAXPAYERS that are not democrats and DO NOT SUPPORT SUCH RIPOFFS...

and there are a lot more of those than the small 'screaming' mob that attempts 'rule' by minority...

They are just a bit more quiet.

Collective bargining is not a 'right'... it is a legal manuever.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 03/10/11 07:37 PM

YEPPERS! Sad day indeed.

Want to see me playing my tiny violin? You will need a magnifying glass!

Your Democrats brought this on trying to run and hide in Illinois!

So does the fruit of the Democrats actions taste bitter? Like I said in a previous post, if this is how the Democrats are going to "help us" face our collective economic crisis screw them. They do not deserve our votes!
I cant help but wonder how many well paid union people would no longer be able to afford and aquarium tech?

Here is a hint, I don't work in the public sector. I work for businesses! I work with union labor all the time. I know who the clowns are and who are not. Oh the stories I could tell about some of the union labor I came across in my day...

Besides, Aquarium Tech is only one of the many hats I wear! Lets see how union labor can afford it when their computer dies and they need me to fix it! Yes I do fix computers too! I even build them.

So you tell me? Chances are they could not afford me in the first place anyways!

This country may supposedly be free but I sure am not!:banana:

Bestinshow's photo
Fri 03/11/11 05:17 AM

YEPPERS! Sad day indeed.

Want to see me playing my tiny violin? You will need a magnifying glass!

Your Democrats brought this on trying to run and hide in Illinois!

So does the fruit of the Democrats actions taste bitter? Like I said in a previous post, if this is how the Democrats are going to "help us" face our collective economic crisis screw them. They do not deserve our votes!
I cant help but wonder how many well paid union people would no longer be able to afford and aquarium tech?

Here is a hint, I don't work in the public sector. I work for businesses! I work with union labor all the time. I know who the clowns are and who are not. Oh the stories I could tell about some of the union labor I came across in my day...

Besides, Aquarium Tech is only one of the many hats I wear! Lets see how union labor can afford it when their computer dies and they need me to fix it! Yes I do fix computers too! I even build them.

So you tell me? Chances are they could not afford me in the first place anyways!

This country may supposedly be free but I sure am not!:banana:
You remind me of this guy I know who works the plant nurseries that are fairly prolific in my county. He does soil samples and recomends fertalisers and also tests for plant type disease and what insecatcides and fungacides to use. He would also down grade union wages and work rules etc etc. When the economy turned sour the first things people stopped buying we decorative plants and flowers. About half the nursries are now out of business and as a result his pay has been cut in half. I suppose I am trying to say be carefull what you wish for because things often have unforseen consequences.

I am not sure what country or king this was who wanted to raise revenue by taxing mens beards as a beard was considerd fashionable in its day. the unforseen consequence was the men shaved their beards rather than pay the tax, Tax revenue did increase though because they began shaveing more often and barbers had a dramatic increase in taxable income as well as blade manufacturers. Ok I am bored and we have a foot of snow in Northeast Ohio.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 03/11/11 10:44 AM

YEPPERS! Sad day indeed.

Want to see me playing my tiny violin? You will need a magnifying glass!

Your Democrats brought this on trying to run and hide in Illinois!

So does the fruit of the Democrats actions taste bitter? Like I said in a previous post, if this is how the Democrats are going to "help us" face our collective economic crisis screw them. They do not deserve our votes!
I cant help but wonder how many well paid union people would no longer be able to afford and aquarium tech?

Here is a hint, I don't work in the public sector. I work for businesses! I work with union labor all the time. I know who the clowns are and who are not. Oh the stories I could tell about some of the union labor I came across in my day...

Besides, Aquarium Tech is only one of the many hats I wear! Lets see how union labor can afford it when their computer dies and they need me to fix it! Yes I do fix computers too! I even build them.

So you tell me? Chances are they could not afford me in the first place anyways!

This country may supposedly be free but I sure am not!:banana:
You remind me of this guy I know who works the plant nurseries that are fairly prolific in my county. He does soil samples and recomends fertalisers and also tests for plant type disease and what insecatcides and fungacides to use. He would also down grade union wages and work rules etc etc. When the economy turned sour the first things people stopped buying we decorative plants and flowers. About half the nursries are now out of business and as a result his pay has been cut in half. I suppose I am trying to say be carefull what you wish for because things often have unforseen consequences.

I am not sure what country or king this was who wanted to raise revenue by taxing mens beards as a beard was considerd fashionable in its day. the unforseen consequence was the men shaved their beards rather than pay the tax, Tax revenue did increase though because they began shaveing more often and barbers had a dramatic increase in taxable income as well as blade manufacturers. Ok I am bored and we have a foot of snow in Northeast Ohio.

When gas prices hit $4.00 a gallon in 2009 I seen the writing on the wall. I lost half of my customers within a month thanks to that! I warned all of my friends in construction what was coming and they didn't believe me. When they were begging me to help them find work I told them I was fighting to keep myself employed. Now with fuel prices reaching those same highs I am not as worried these days since I have gotten into a niche no one else can fill. There are VERY FEW "Aquarium Techs" who can do jellyfish. I am successfully rearing some right now for a very large client! I sort of have better job security than most since I got a job! Likewise I may not be getting premium wages BUT I can pay my bills. You either adapt or die! Plain and simple! If you re unwilling to be exploited a little in economic times like these you will starve!

So go hungry holding out for principles or suck up some pride and eat? I prefer to eat!

no photo
Sat 03/12/11 07:32 AM
I think that this is really, really cool! Scott Walker's approval ratings are in the toilet and President Obama's approval ratings are nicely on the way up in Wisconsin.

ShiningArmour's photo
Sat 03/12/11 08:14 AM

I think that this is really, really cool! Scott Walker's approval ratings are in the toilet and President Obama's approval ratings are nicely on the way up in Wisconsin.

"Real liberal politics" Can you truly trust these guys?

Here's a fun one!

metalwing's photo
Sat 03/12/11 09:30 AM

I think that this is really, really cool! Scott Walker's approval ratings are in the toilet and President Obama's approval ratings are nicely on the way up in Wisconsin.

"Real liberal politics" Can you truly trust these guys?

Here's a fun one!

Do you really want to confuse the issues with facts?laugh

Bestinshow's photo
Sat 03/12/11 09:43 AM
Edited by Bestinshow on Sat 03/12/11 09:45 AM

YEPPERS! Sad day indeed.

Want to see me playing my tiny violin? You will need a magnifying glass!

Your Democrats brought this on trying to run and hide in Illinois!

So does the fruit of the Democrats actions taste bitter? Like I said in a previous post, if this is how the Democrats are going to "help us" face our collective economic crisis screw them. They do not deserve our votes!
I cant help but wonder how many well paid union people would no longer be able to afford and aquarium tech?

Here is a hint, I don't work in the public sector. I work for businesses! I work with union labor all the time. I know who the clowns are and who are not. Oh the stories I could tell about some of the union labor I came across in my day...

Besides, Aquarium Tech is only one of the many hats I wear! Lets see how union labor can afford it when their computer dies and they need me to fix it! Yes I do fix computers too! I even build them.

So you tell me? Chances are they could not afford me in the first place anyways!

This country may supposedly be free but I sure am not!:banana:
You remind me of this guy I know who works the plant nurseries that are fairly prolific in my county. He does soil samples and recomends fertalisers and also tests for plant type disease and what insecatcides and fungacides to use. He would also down grade union wages and work rules etc etc. When the economy turned sour the first things people stopped buying we decorative plants and flowers. About half the nursries are now out of business and as a result his pay has been cut in half. I suppose I am trying to say be carefull what you wish for because things often have unforseen consequences.

I am not sure what country or king this was who wanted to raise revenue by taxing mens beards as a beard was considerd fashionable in its day. the unforseen consequence was the men shaved their beards rather than pay the tax, Tax revenue did increase though because they began shaveing more often and barbers had a dramatic increase in taxable income as well as blade manufacturers. Ok I am bored and we have a foot of snow in Northeast Ohio.

When gas prices hit $4.00 a gallon in 2009 I seen the writing on the wall. I lost half of my customers within a month thanks to that! I warned all of my friends in construction what was coming and they didn't believe me. When they were begging me to help them find work I told them I was fighting to keep myself employed. Now with fuel prices reaching those same highs I am not as worried these days since I have gotten into a niche no one else can fill. There are VERY FEW "Aquarium Techs" who can do jellyfish. I am successfully rearing some right now for a very large client! I sort of have better job security than most since I got a job! Likewise I may not be getting premium wages BUT I can pay my bills. You either adapt or die! Plain and simple! If you re unwilling to be exploited a little in economic times like these you will starve!

So go hungry holding out for principles or suck up some pride and eat? I prefer to eat!
Funny you should mention the writeing on the wall. I have worked non union as a younger man and thought hard work and dedication would be enough to get me raises at least to keep up with inflation. After five years on a job I was actualy told on my last review that despite my outstnding work I was paid to much and only could be afforded a dime more an hour, after all I was the highest paid hourly worker etc etc. I saw the writeing on the wall and changed jobs within four weeks and have worked in a union shop for the last 18 years and have never had to endure a preformance review or be told I made to much. I have cost of liveing raises depending on the economy and the security of senority on the job. I would have to say the american dream is still in my life but I know if current trends continue everyones lifestyle will be in jeapordy unlesss of course for the most affluent among us who can hop on their private jet and flee any disaster scene to one of their vacation homes and never have to struggle to rebuild or face hard life choices.

Today its public workers yesterday it was auto workers, everyone except the most affluent are makeing sacrafices and here in Uber amerika we have aquraium techs arguing the case for the wealthy and why they shouldnt sacrafice like everyone else.

One fact remains we will all be to old to work one day, we will all get sick and need medical care are we going to be acountry that turns its back on those in need or are we going to be a descent society with checks and ballances that ensures everyone gets a fair shake?

no photo
Sat 03/12/11 09:44 AM
Too bad your poll didn't tell us what the polls in Wisconsin said. My poll did.