Topic: A Sad Day in Wisconsin?
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Tue 03/15/11 03:41 PM
Edited by artlo on Tue 03/15/11 03:44 PM
Then why do they not have the choice and union dues are automatically taken out of their checks reguadless if they agree to it or not.
I don't know. You will probably have to look into case law history for the answer to that.

You should probably start with the Wagner Act or Taft-Hartley.

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 03/15/11 03:49 PM
Again with law aside but then again even WITH the law present how is it legal to impose a charge on someone for a service they do not want and don't benefit from???

Stop mincing words and hiding behind legal ACTS. If we have a right to chose to be part of a union or not why must we pay them if we choose not to join? The whole concept of "Right to Work" is occluded by Union Dogma! NOT LAW!

Now then...

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 03/15/11 04:41 PM

Again with law aside but then again even WITH the law present how is it legal to impose a charge on someone for a service they do not want and don't benefit from???

Stop mincing words and hiding behind legal ACTS. If we have a right to chose to be part of a union or not why must we pay them if we choose not to join? The whole concept of "Right to Work" is occluded by Union Dogma! NOT LAW!

Now then...
I think the point he is makeing is that Unions fought for the 40 hour week, overtime and holidays. I think maybe your lacking in the study of history. When capitalism had no checks and balences people worked 7 days a week for verry low pay. American workers were worse off than the chinese workers of today. Even children were forced to work to help feed the family. Trust me if big business could turn back the clock and do it again they would.

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 03/16/11 08:41 PM

Again with law aside but then again even WITH the law present how is it legal to impose a charge on someone for a service they do not want and don't benefit from???

Stop mincing words and hiding behind legal ACTS. If we have a right to chose to be part of a union or not why must we pay them if we choose not to join? The whole concept of "Right to Work" is occluded by Union Dogma! NOT LAW!

Now then...
I think the point he is makeing is that Unions fought for the 40 hour week, overtime and holidays. I think maybe your lacking in the study of history. When capitalism had no checks and balences people worked 7 days a week for verry low pay. American workers were worse off than the chinese workers of today. Even children were forced to work to help feed the family. Trust me if big business could turn back the clock and do it again they would.

What do you do when an organization that was once good turns evil? How about granting any minority too much power over the majority? What of an organization that stagnates a work pool with incompetence?

So what the unions fought for these things, Government then imposes the rules and enforcement, not unions. Lately unions have gotten very greedy. They see an opportunity when a business is profiting. then they apply pressure. Then they cry when the business leaves taking all the work to say, China!

Trust me, pay anyone an inch of rope they run it to the end. I agree we need standards but to what expense to keeping work here? Find me a single TV made in America these days for starters. So when all the jobs are gone where are all these unions going to find work?

Frankly neither side is going to compromise any more and business is tired of compromising. On top of that businesses are now going to use strikes against unions in some creative ways and what will happen is the unions will be replaced by Scab labor happy to take half the pay to get the work. Think I am kidding, how do you lay a worker off without laying him off? Get him to go on strike and DRAG your heels negotiating!

Now here is another reality people don't see, Aerospace has been hammered buy Obama! They are looking for any reason to let anyone they can go. I am privy to one firm I will not name is about to encourage a strike. People at this firm are going BONKERS wondering if they are next.

Unions have far too much power. If the job wants you to work 60 hours and that is too much, don't take the job. What unions have become is Communism in a Democratic guise! They need to be leashed, period!

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 03/17/11 05:04 AM
Reading these comments allows me to see why our country is so screwed up. We have poor people against unions, how crazy is that. If you want to work more hours for less pay knock yourself out but dont rag on those of us who have dignity in the work place and a descent life style. I am sure most of you would gladly trade places with us if you could.

Business is going to go were they can make money by nature they are a greedy bunch. If you agree to work for less and less what will you be working for? It wont be the american dream thats for sure.

So good luck with that I will keep my 25.00 an hour job and overtime after 8 with a company pension and cadilac benefit plan.

You are free to clean fishtanks if that is what you choose but dont think what you think is right is right for the rest of us.

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 03/17/11 07:31 AM
Obviously most people do not really understand business.

If you have 100 employees with $25 and hour jobs. And you have 25 employees with 20 an hour pensions.

You will eventually go broke (as your margin becomes all pension you will be able to hire fewer and fewer employees).

After a while it becomes quite ovbvious that the Unions will eventually price themselves out of a job.

Begins to make one wonder who the actual greedy ones are.

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 03/17/11 03:39 PM

Obviously most people do not really understand business.

If you have 100 employees with $25 and hour jobs. And you have 25 employees with 20 an hour pensions.

You will eventually go broke (as your margin becomes all pension you will be able to hire fewer and fewer employees).

After a while it becomes quite ovbvious that the Unions will eventually price themselves out of a job.

Begins to make one wonder who the actual greedy ones are.

can't help but wonder, with all this hemorrhaging of money, why the men who helped make these iconic American companies the dinosaurs they are today are not taking a pay cut themselves. I mean, if you're going to exact a pound of flesh from your working rank and file, why not take a whack at yourself?

But that's not the American way. GM CEO Richard Wagoner took home a total of $14.5 million in 2007, a 41% increase over 2006. Meanwhile, GM posted a third quarter net loss of $2.5 billion (that's Billion. With a B.) My colleague Zac Bissonnette wonders what the man would have to do to get fired...join Al Qadea?

GM announced today in the Wall Street Journal that it would be making steep cuts in its white-collar ranks, too. But still no word on any sacrifices Mr. Wagoner might make.

Meanwhile, over at Ford, CEO Allan Mulally took home $22 million in salary and special prizes in 2007, the same year his company lost $2.7 billion. Ford reported a $129 million third quarter loss. Couldn't he step up to the plate and personally save his company $10 million a year?

Guess not.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 03/17/11 05:16 PM

Reading these comments allows me to see why our country is so screwed up. We have poor people against unions, how crazy is that. If you want to work more hours for less pay knock yourself out but dont rag on those of us who have dignity in the work place and a descent life style. I am sure most of you would gladly trade places with us if you could.

Business is going to go were they can make money by nature they are a greedy bunch. If you agree to work for less and less what will you be working for? It wont be the american dream thats for sure.

So good luck with that I will keep my 25.00 an hour job and overtime after 8 with a company pension and cadilac benefit plan.

You are free to clean fishtanks if that is what you choose but dont think what you think is right is right for the rest of us.

Cleaning fish tanks is not what I do, I build them. I did my share of tank scrubbing. Beats construction and auto mechanics hands down! you clearly have no clue about running a business. Why do you think so many manufacturing jobs left America? Cost of Labor, cost of taxation, cost of fees, costs of penalties. Here it is fine until they bleed. Not give financial incentives to do better be it environmental or a host of other issues. one thing that appalls me the most is what became of our justice system and any society that becomes dependent on parking tickets and traffic violations for revenue is FUQUED UP no matter how you tear it! Now for something I know you DON'T know about me. At least when we get big jobs I do get a bonus on every one I am part of! It is a sort of profit sharing. That surprise big fat check is nice.

Now bestinshow you want to point fingers at us and complain about how screwed up WE are well how about your European Blue Blood Old Money? Want to talk about Screwed up? How about The East India Trading Company. They were a real business of Exploitation. How about BP? They fuque up our southern coast and "We're sorry!" How about Russia and their liberal exchange of nuclear technologies with Islamic nations? OH LET US NOT FORGET ALL THOSE EUROPEANS WHO CONTRIBUTE TO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY! WHY? Who do you think is part of the reason why they want us weakened? Most Globalists who stand to gain the most money and power are European. they can't do that under the American model of free trade where the "free trade" was supposed to be under sensible guidelines and regulated to protect the American people from Carpetbagging Profiteers!

Also don't count too highly on your pension, a lot of Americans got fuqued out of their by...


ENRON! And a host of others like Maddenhof. So please don't go down the same road as other noteworthy liberals here. Fallacious arguments don't befit you!

Adventurebegins has a knack of filling in the blanks for me nicely. He can condense paragraphs of my arguments into a few sentences. we don't exactly see eye to eye but when we do well, we eat liberals for lunch!drinker

The picture is far larger than just unions. They became way too powerful and are part of the problem now. These dogs cannot run wild any more! They need to be leashed.

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 03/17/11 05:29 PM

Reading these comments allows me to see why our country is so screwed up. We have poor people against unions, how crazy is that. If you want to work more hours for less pay knock yourself out but dont rag on those of us who have dignity in the work place and a descent life style. I am sure most of you would gladly trade places with us if you could.

Business is going to go were they can make money by nature they are a greedy bunch. If you agree to work for less and less what will you be working for? It wont be the american dream thats for sure.

So good luck with that I will keep my 25.00 an hour job and overtime after 8 with a company pension and cadilac benefit plan.

You are free to clean fishtanks if that is what you choose but dont think what you think is right is right for the rest of us.

Cleaning fish tanks is not what I do, I build them. I did my share of tank scrubbing. Beats construction and auto mechanics hands down! you clearly have no clue about running a business. Why do you think so many manufacturing jobs left America? Cost of Labor, cost of taxation, cost of fees, costs of penalties. Here it is fine until they bleed. Not give financial incentives to do better be it environmental or a host of other issues. one thing that appalls me the most is what became of our justice system and any society that becomes dependent on parking tickets and traffic violations for revenue is FUQUED UP no matter how you tear it! Now for something I know you DON'T know about me. At least when we get big jobs I do get a bonus on every one I am part of! It is a sort of profit sharing. That surprise big fat check is nice.

Now bestinshow you want to point fingers at us and complain about how screwed up WE are well how about your European Blue Blood Old Money? Want to talk about Screwed up? How about The East India Trading Company. They were a real business of Exploitation. How about BP? They fuque up our southern coast and "We're sorry!" How about Russia and their liberal exchange of nuclear technologies with Islamic nations? OH LET US NOT FORGET ALL THOSE EUROPEANS WHO CONTRIBUTE TO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY! WHY? Who do you think is part of the reason why they want us weakened? Most Globalists who stand to gain the most money and power are European. they can't do that under the American model of free trade where the "free trade" was supposed to be under sensible guidelines and regulated to protect the American people from Carpetbagging Profiteers!

Also don't count too highly on your pension, a lot of Americans got fuqued out of their by...


ENRON! And a host of others like Maddenhof. So please don't go down the same road as other noteworthy liberals here. Fallacious arguments don't befit you!

Adventurebegins has a knack of filling in the blanks for me nicely. He can condense paragraphs of my arguments into a few sentences. we don't exactly see eye to eye but when we do well, we eat liberals for lunch!drinker

The picture is far larger than just unions. They became way too powerful and are part of the problem now. These dogs cannot run wild any more! They need to be leashed.
The reality is this. Unions are powerless few members and verry little political pull. Your argument has no merrit at all. Unions are dead and so is most american manufactureing. The demise of the unions didnt do anything to improve manufactureing. The only result is the jobs that havent been exported now pay less. I have yet to see you eat any liberal for lunch however most of the time you do provide the entertainment after lunch. drinker

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 03/17/11 09:26 PM

Reading these comments allows me to see why our country is so screwed up. We have poor people against unions, how crazy is that. If you want to work more hours for less pay knock yourself out but dont rag on those of us who have dignity in the work place and a descent life style. I am sure most of you would gladly trade places with us if you could.

Business is going to go were they can make money by nature they are a greedy bunch. If you agree to work for less and less what will you be working for? It wont be the american dream thats for sure.

So good luck with that I will keep my 25.00 an hour job and overtime after 8 with a company pension and cadilac benefit plan.

You are free to clean fishtanks if that is what you choose but dont think what you think is right is right for the rest of us.

Cleaning fish tanks is not what I do, I build them. I did my share of tank scrubbing. Beats construction and auto mechanics hands down! you clearly have no clue about running a business. Why do you think so many manufacturing jobs left America? Cost of Labor, cost of taxation, cost of fees, costs of penalties. Here it is fine until they bleed. Not give financial incentives to do better be it environmental or a host of other issues. one thing that appalls me the most is what became of our justice system and any society that becomes dependent on parking tickets and traffic violations for revenue is FUQUED UP no matter how you tear it! Now for something I know you DON'T know about me. At least when we get big jobs I do get a bonus on every one I am part of! It is a sort of profit sharing. That surprise big fat check is nice.

Now bestinshow you want to point fingers at us and complain about how screwed up WE are well how about your European Blue Blood Old Money? Want to talk about Screwed up? How about The East India Trading Company. They were a real business of Exploitation. How about BP? They fuque up our southern coast and "We're sorry!" How about Russia and their liberal exchange of nuclear technologies with Islamic nations? OH LET US NOT FORGET ALL THOSE EUROPEANS WHO CONTRIBUTE TO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY! WHY? Who do you think is part of the reason why they want us weakened? Most Globalists who stand to gain the most money and power are European. they can't do that under the American model of free trade where the "free trade" was supposed to be under sensible guidelines and regulated to protect the American people from Carpetbagging Profiteers!

Also don't count too highly on your pension, a lot of Americans got fuqued out of their by...


ENRON! And a host of others like Maddenhof. So please don't go down the same road as other noteworthy liberals here. Fallacious arguments don't befit you!

Adventurebegins has a knack of filling in the blanks for me nicely. He can condense paragraphs of my arguments into a few sentences. we don't exactly see eye to eye but when we do well, we eat liberals for lunch!drinker

The picture is far larger than just unions. They became way too powerful and are part of the problem now. These dogs cannot run wild any more! They need to be leashed.
The reality is this. Unions are powerless few members and verry little political pull. Your argument has no merrit at all. Unions are dead and so is most american manufactureing. The demise of the unions didnt do anything to improve manufactureing. The only result is the jobs that havent been exported now pay less. I have yet to see you eat any liberal for lunch however most of the time you do provide the entertainment after lunch. drinker

So why does the DNC in general spend so much energy sucking up to them for their votes is they are so powerless? If they were so powerless why did all the industry bail out of this country? they could not act to keep business here. I am glad you think I provide entertainment becasue others here think along similar lines as I do but for different reasons. I would like to know how many big businesses you serve or have served over time? Ever talk to someone who owns a global business? I do! I know several business owners and a couple ARE multinational and one is global. Now when trying to realize a problem who do you listen to? Armchair Experts and Talking Heads who never had a big business? That is the funny thing about what I do for a living. I have access to these people. Unless you are involved with a business like that or have some involvement you really don't know SHITTE! If someone who is doing global business says Unions are part of the problem and have cogent reasons why then guess what, your union dogma does not stack up for shitte!

Granted Unions are not the only problem they cite but unions make people think businesses are more responsible for benefits then they really are. Likewise Unions have made law and policy happen that stagnates job performance allowing incompetent and unqualified people to hold positions they should not be like teachers for example. I think the biggest difference here is there are two points of view, the one where people understand business and free enterprise and those who THINK they understand. Unions reach after a businesses profits just as badly as the government.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 03/17/11 09:27 PM
OH, and you don't think I have been chewing on some of the liberal voices here spouting their dogma? Believe what you will. You have yet to really come under the gun yourself but you have been able to ride the fringe pretty well. Don't get too deep in the water. Bigger sharks then me hide out there!

Bestinshow's photo
Fri 03/18/11 04:25 AM

Reading these comments allows me to see why our country is so screwed up. We have poor people against unions, how crazy is that. If you want to work more hours for less pay knock yourself out but dont rag on those of us who have dignity in the work place and a descent life style. I am sure most of you would gladly trade places with us if you could.

Business is going to go were they can make money by nature they are a greedy bunch. If you agree to work for less and less what will you be working for? It wont be the american dream thats for sure.

So good luck with that I will keep my 25.00 an hour job and overtime after 8 with a company pension and cadilac benefit plan.

You are free to clean fishtanks if that is what you choose but dont think what you think is right is right for the rest of us.

Cleaning fish tanks is not what I do, I build them. I did my share of tank scrubbing. Beats construction and auto mechanics hands down! you clearly have no clue about running a business. Why do you think so many manufacturing jobs left America? Cost of Labor, cost of taxation, cost of fees, costs of penalties. Here it is fine until they bleed. Not give financial incentives to do better be it environmental or a host of other issues. one thing that appalls me the most is what became of our justice system and any society that becomes dependent on parking tickets and traffic violations for revenue is FUQUED UP no matter how you tear it! Now for something I know you DON'T know about me. At least when we get big jobs I do get a bonus on every one I am part of! It is a sort of profit sharing. That surprise big fat check is nice.

Now bestinshow you want to point fingers at us and complain about how screwed up WE are well how about your European Blue Blood Old Money? Want to talk about Screwed up? How about The East India Trading Company. They were a real business of Exploitation. How about BP? They fuque up our southern coast and "We're sorry!" How about Russia and their liberal exchange of nuclear technologies with Islamic nations? OH LET US NOT FORGET ALL THOSE EUROPEANS WHO CONTRIBUTE TO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY! WHY? Who do you think is part of the reason why they want us weakened? Most Globalists who stand to gain the most money and power are European. they can't do that under the American model of free trade where the "free trade" was supposed to be under sensible guidelines and regulated to protect the American people from Carpetbagging Profiteers!

Also don't count too highly on your pension, a lot of Americans got fuqued out of their by...


ENRON! And a host of others like Maddenhof. So please don't go down the same road as other noteworthy liberals here. Fallacious arguments don't befit you!

Adventurebegins has a knack of filling in the blanks for me nicely. He can condense paragraphs of my arguments into a few sentences. we don't exactly see eye to eye but when we do well, we eat liberals for lunch!drinker

The picture is far larger than just unions. They became way too powerful and are part of the problem now. These dogs cannot run wild any more! They need to be leashed.
The reality is this. Unions are powerless few members and verry little political pull. Your argument has no merrit at all. Unions are dead and so is most american manufactureing. The demise of the unions didnt do anything to improve manufactureing. The only result is the jobs that havent been exported now pay less. I have yet to see you eat any liberal for lunch however most of the time you do provide the entertainment after lunch. drinker

So why does the DNC in general spend so much energy sucking up to them for their votes is they are so powerless? If they were so powerless why did all the industry bail out of this country? they could not act to keep business here. I am glad you think I provide entertainment becasue others here think along similar lines as I do but for different reasons. I would like to know how many big businesses you serve or have served over time? Ever talk to someone who owns a global business? I do! I know several business owners and a couple ARE multinational and one is global. Now when trying to realize a problem who do you listen to? Armchair Experts and Talking Heads who never had a big business? That is the funny thing about what I do for a living. I have access to these people. Unless you are involved with a business like that or have some involvement you really don't know SHITTE! If someone who is doing global business says Unions are part of the problem and have cogent reasons why then guess what, your union dogma does not stack up for shitte!

Granted Unions are not the only problem they cite but unions make people think businesses are more responsible for benefits then they really are. Likewise Unions have made law and policy happen that stagnates job performance allowing incompetent and unqualified people to hold positions they should not be like teachers for example. I think the biggest difference here is there are two points of view, the one where people understand business and free enterprise and those who THINK they understand. Unions reach after a businesses profits just as badly as the government.
The DNC tends to look out for working people in general. If you were better informed you would know that medical benefits and retirenment were granted by business to people instead of salary increases. Of course people who run global business dont want to pay sHITTe and of course they will claim this or that in order to increase their profits and pay themselves even more. All Unions have ever asked for is a fair shake nobodey wants to kill the goose that lays the egg but if your cleaning its henhouse and bringing it food and water you should at least get a small slice of that egg.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 03/18/11 09:30 AM

Reading these comments allows me to see why our country is so screwed up. We have poor people against unions, how crazy is that. If you want to work more hours for less pay knock yourself out but dont rag on those of us who have dignity in the work place and a descent life style. I am sure most of you would gladly trade places with us if you could.

Business is going to go were they can make money by nature they are a greedy bunch. If you agree to work for less and less what will you be working for? It wont be the american dream thats for sure.

So good luck with that I will keep my 25.00 an hour job and overtime after 8 with a company pension and cadilac benefit plan.

You are free to clean fishtanks if that is what you choose but dont think what you think is right is right for the rest of us.

Cleaning fish tanks is not what I do, I build them. I did my share of tank scrubbing. Beats construction and auto mechanics hands down! you clearly have no clue about running a business. Why do you think so many manufacturing jobs left America? Cost of Labor, cost of taxation, cost of fees, costs of penalties. Here it is fine until they bleed. Not give financial incentives to do better be it environmental or a host of other issues. one thing that appalls me the most is what became of our justice system and any society that becomes dependent on parking tickets and traffic violations for revenue is FUQUED UP no matter how you tear it! Now for something I know you DON'T know about me. At least when we get big jobs I do get a bonus on every one I am part of! It is a sort of profit sharing. That surprise big fat check is nice.

Now bestinshow you want to point fingers at us and complain about how screwed up WE are well how about your European Blue Blood Old Money? Want to talk about Screwed up? How about The East India Trading Company. They were a real business of Exploitation. How about BP? They fuque up our southern coast and "We're sorry!" How about Russia and their liberal exchange of nuclear technologies with Islamic nations? OH LET US NOT FORGET ALL THOSE EUROPEANS WHO CONTRIBUTE TO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY! WHY? Who do you think is part of the reason why they want us weakened? Most Globalists who stand to gain the most money and power are European. they can't do that under the American model of free trade where the "free trade" was supposed to be under sensible guidelines and regulated to protect the American people from Carpetbagging Profiteers!

Also don't count too highly on your pension, a lot of Americans got fuqued out of their by...


ENRON! And a host of others like Maddenhof. So please don't go down the same road as other noteworthy liberals here. Fallacious arguments don't befit you!

Adventurebegins has a knack of filling in the blanks for me nicely. He can condense paragraphs of my arguments into a few sentences. we don't exactly see eye to eye but when we do well, we eat liberals for lunch!drinker

The picture is far larger than just unions. They became way too powerful and are part of the problem now. These dogs cannot run wild any more! They need to be leashed.
The reality is this. Unions are powerless few members and verry little political pull. Your argument has no merrit at all. Unions are dead and so is most american manufactureing. The demise of the unions didnt do anything to improve manufactureing. The only result is the jobs that havent been exported now pay less. I have yet to see you eat any liberal for lunch however most of the time you do provide the entertainment after lunch. drinker

So why does the DNC in general spend so much energy sucking up to them for their votes is they are so powerless? If they were so powerless why did all the industry bail out of this country? they could not act to keep business here. I am glad you think I provide entertainment becasue others here think along similar lines as I do but for different reasons. I would like to know how many big businesses you serve or have served over time? Ever talk to someone who owns a global business? I do! I know several business owners and a couple ARE multinational and one is global. Now when trying to realize a problem who do you listen to? Armchair Experts and Talking Heads who never had a big business? That is the funny thing about what I do for a living. I have access to these people. Unless you are involved with a business like that or have some involvement you really don't know SHITTE! If someone who is doing global business says Unions are part of the problem and have cogent reasons why then guess what, your union dogma does not stack up for shitte!

Granted Unions are not the only problem they cite but unions make people think businesses are more responsible for benefits then they really are. Likewise Unions have made law and policy happen that stagnates job performance allowing incompetent and unqualified people to hold positions they should not be like teachers for example. I think the biggest difference here is there are two points of view, the one where people understand business and free enterprise and those who THINK they understand. Unions reach after a businesses profits just as badly as the government.
The DNC tends to look out for working people in general. If you were better informed you would know that medical benefits and retirenment were granted by business to people instead of salary increases. Of course people who run global business dont want to pay sHITTe and of course they will claim this or that in order to increase their profits and pay themselves even more. All Unions have ever asked for is a fair shake nobodey wants to kill the goose that lays the egg but if your cleaning its henhouse and bringing it food and water you should at least get a small slice of that egg.

THAT IS A STEAMING LOAD at least in part. How can an uneducated and this means HS dropouts make over $40 PLUS benefits just to turn screws on an assembly line? Frankly too many of you are riding the Unions laurels of the past and not looking at their actions of the present. Sorry but Unions are wearing out their usefulness and granting them more power is sick and wrong on so many levels I won't get into that. I am not sure what the fallacy is called but Ignoring present failures and riding on past success is foolish and wrong. Why is it a union is voted in and a business closes down?

You likewise are playing right into the class warfare system Stalin was so good at. "Tax the rich" IS class warfare! I could care less what or how anyone including yourself wishes to see it. the problem is not the rich, it is a lack of responsibility of our own government that is the real crux of the biscuit. Another problem is that people took the phrase "promote the general welfare" to mean "Lets all be socialist" while people seem to forget the failures of communism and failures of past socialist governments. Now we need to get dragged down the same bunny hole? Why? Just because a few want a easy life on the backs of others? Rich people are not the only problem. Poor people are too. The rest of us are stuck in between these losers. The poor get pissed off they can't get what they want handed to them and blame the rich for their inability to do anything to get themselves ahead. life is not fair. Get over yourselves! Unions are not the answers to America's problems. Empower the unions more and watch more business leave. then what? We cut our own throats over principles?


Wave the commie flag elsewhere. This is America!

Bestinshow's photo
Fri 03/18/11 03:08 PM

Reading these comments allows me to see why our country is so screwed up. We have poor people against unions, how crazy is that. If you want to work more hours for less pay knock yourself out but dont rag on those of us who have dignity in the work place and a descent life style. I am sure most of you would gladly trade places with us if you could.

Business is going to go were they can make money by nature they are a greedy bunch. If you agree to work for less and less what will you be working for? It wont be the american dream thats for sure.

So good luck with that I will keep my 25.00 an hour job and overtime after 8 with a company pension and cadilac benefit plan.

You are free to clean fishtanks if that is what you choose but dont think what you think is right is right for the rest of us.

Cleaning fish tanks is not what I do, I build them. I did my share of tank scrubbing. Beats construction and auto mechanics hands down! you clearly have no clue about running a business. Why do you think so many manufacturing jobs left America? Cost of Labor, cost of taxation, cost of fees, costs of penalties. Here it is fine until they bleed. Not give financial incentives to do better be it environmental or a host of other issues. one thing that appalls me the most is what became of our justice system and any society that becomes dependent on parking tickets and traffic violations for revenue is FUQUED UP no matter how you tear it! Now for something I know you DON'T know about me. At least when we get big jobs I do get a bonus on every one I am part of! It is a sort of profit sharing. That surprise big fat check is nice.

Now bestinshow you want to point fingers at us and complain about how screwed up WE are well how about your European Blue Blood Old Money? Want to talk about Screwed up? How about The East India Trading Company. They were a real business of Exploitation. How about BP? They fuque up our southern coast and "We're sorry!" How about Russia and their liberal exchange of nuclear technologies with Islamic nations? OH LET US NOT FORGET ALL THOSE EUROPEANS WHO CONTRIBUTE TO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY! WHY? Who do you think is part of the reason why they want us weakened? Most Globalists who stand to gain the most money and power are European. they can't do that under the American model of free trade where the "free trade" was supposed to be under sensible guidelines and regulated to protect the American people from Carpetbagging Profiteers!

Also don't count too highly on your pension, a lot of Americans got fuqued out of their by...


ENRON! And a host of others like Maddenhof. So please don't go down the same road as other noteworthy liberals here. Fallacious arguments don't befit you!

Adventurebegins has a knack of filling in the blanks for me nicely. He can condense paragraphs of my arguments into a few sentences. we don't exactly see eye to eye but when we do well, we eat liberals for lunch!drinker

The picture is far larger than just unions. They became way too powerful and are part of the problem now. These dogs cannot run wild any more! They need to be leashed.
The reality is this. Unions are powerless few members and verry little political pull. Your argument has no merrit at all. Unions are dead and so is most american manufactureing. The demise of the unions didnt do anything to improve manufactureing. The only result is the jobs that havent been exported now pay less. I have yet to see you eat any liberal for lunch however most of the time you do provide the entertainment after lunch. drinker

So why does the DNC in general spend so much energy sucking up to them for their votes is they are so powerless? If they were so powerless why did all the industry bail out of this country? they could not act to keep business here. I am glad you think I provide entertainment becasue others here think along similar lines as I do but for different reasons. I would like to know how many big businesses you serve or have served over time? Ever talk to someone who owns a global business? I do! I know several business owners and a couple ARE multinational and one is global. Now when trying to realize a problem who do you listen to? Armchair Experts and Talking Heads who never had a big business? That is the funny thing about what I do for a living. I have access to these people. Unless you are involved with a business like that or have some involvement you really don't know SHITTE! If someone who is doing global business says Unions are part of the problem and have cogent reasons why then guess what, your union dogma does not stack up for shitte!

Granted Unions are not the only problem they cite but unions make people think businesses are more responsible for benefits then they really are. Likewise Unions have made law and policy happen that stagnates job performance allowing incompetent and unqualified people to hold positions they should not be like teachers for example. I think the biggest difference here is there are two points of view, the one where people understand business and free enterprise and those who THINK they understand. Unions reach after a businesses profits just as badly as the government.
The DNC tends to look out for working people in general. If you were better informed you would know that medical benefits and retirenment were granted by business to people instead of salary increases. Of course people who run global business dont want to pay sHITTe and of course they will claim this or that in order to increase their profits and pay themselves even more. All Unions have ever asked for is a fair shake nobodey wants to kill the goose that lays the egg but if your cleaning its henhouse and bringing it food and water you should at least get a small slice of that egg.

THAT IS A STEAMING LOAD at least in part. How can an uneducated and this means HS dropouts make over $40 PLUS benefits just to turn screws on an assembly line? Frankly too many of you are riding the Unions laurels of the past and not looking at their actions of the present. Sorry but Unions are wearing out their usefulness and granting them more power is sick and wrong on so many levels I won't get into that. I am not sure what the fallacy is called but Ignoring present failures and riding on past success is foolish and wrong. Why is it a union is voted in and a business closes down?

You likewise are playing right into the class warfare system Stalin was so good at. "Tax the rich" IS class warfare! I could care less what or how anyone including yourself wishes to see it. the problem is not the rich, it is a lack of responsibility of our own government that is the real crux of the biscuit. Another problem is that people took the phrase "promote the general welfare" to mean "Lets all be socialist" while people seem to forget the failures of communism and failures of past socialist governments. Now we need to get dragged down the same bunny hole? Why? Just because a few want a easy life on the backs of others? Rich people are not the only problem. Poor people are too. The rest of us are stuck in between these losers. The poor get pissed off they can't get what they want handed to them and blame the rich for their inability to do anything to get themselves ahead. life is not fair. Get over yourselves! Unions are not the answers to America's problems. Empower the unions more and watch more business leave. then what? We cut our own throats over principles?


Wave the commie flag elsewhere. This is America!
Often your comments are so pavlovian social engineers should have them framed on a wall being you shrill so well for corperate umerika.

There’s class warfare, all right,” Mr. Buffett said, “but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”

Wareen Buffet

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 03/18/11 06:40 PM
I pity Mr. W. Buffet.

He is being used by the DNC (why he allows it I really don't understand).

The DNC is not looking out for the working american. The DNC is looking out for the DNC.

They are using the working american.

However when they get the control they so desperately want they then immediately start taxing the piss out of everyone.

And the working 'class' american gets taxed more than anyone.

Cause those that 'run' the DNC are the same darn 'rich' folks they claim to be fighting.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 03/18/11 08:13 PM

I pity Mr. W. Buffet.

He is being used by the DNC (why he allows it I really don't understand).

The DNC is not looking out for the working american. The DNC is looking out for the DNC.

They are using the working american.

However when they get the control they so desperately want they then immediately start taxing the piss out of everyone.

And the working 'class' american gets taxed more than anyone.

Cause those that 'run' the DNC are the same darn 'rich' folks they claim to be fighting.

Frame this on the wall bestinshow!:banana:

Or let me guess and say historical evidence of the DNC's misdeeds should be overlooked too? ACORN anyone???

Bestinshow's photo
Sat 03/19/11 04:15 AM

I pity Mr. W. Buffet.

He is being used by the DNC (why he allows it I really don't understand).

The DNC is not looking out for the working american. The DNC is looking out for the DNC.

They are using the working american.

However when they get the control they so desperately want they then immediately start taxing the piss out of everyone.

And the working 'class' american gets taxed more than anyone.

Cause those that 'run' the DNC are the same darn 'rich' folks they claim to be fighting.
Ring a bell and you will salivate.

Every right enjoyed by the working man has been gained or protected by progresives or liberals. Anyone who isnt willfully ignorant or propagandised knowes this. Oh why do I bother except for entertainment it all seems so pointless. laugh

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 03/19/11 01:17 PM

I pity Mr. W. Buffet.

He is being used by the DNC (why he allows it I really don't understand).

The DNC is not looking out for the working american. The DNC is looking out for the DNC.

They are using the working american.

However when they get the control they so desperately want they then immediately start taxing the piss out of everyone.

And the working 'class' american gets taxed more than anyone.

Cause those that 'run' the DNC are the same darn 'rich' folks they claim to be fighting.
Ring a bell and you will salivate.

Every right enjoyed by the working man has been gained or protected by progresives or liberals. Anyone who isnt willfully ignorant or propagandised knowes this. Oh why do I bother except for entertainment it all seems so pointless. laugh

That is the most, I mean THE MOST Fallacious thing you have said so far! Not all progressives are liberal and likewise you seem to think the DNC and liberalism are the answers to all of America's financial woes.

Now the person claiming others to be propagandist or led by propaganda are the ones spewing the most propaganda. You so easily discount all the tings people of the GOP have done for us that were beneficial for us. You likewise forget the BAD things the DNC has done to us. ACORN, Obamacare, Affirmative Action, and many others.

Now, I can ignore my telephone when it rings, can you? Wanna talk Pavlovian? you my friend bring this up way too much. Amazing how you jump the moment anyone says the DNC are bad. Yes the GOP is evil BUT so are your precious democrats.

So answer me this if you think you are so smart...

Where is America supposed to get all the money we spend on everything? More taxes like the Democratic Party is SOOOOO good at or print it? How about some financial responsibility in social spending? I take it that is too much to ask of the Democratic party?

Oh no, you want to go right to Pavlov!

So far you pare proving to be worst in show! No ribbon for you!

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 03/20/11 09:46 AM

I pity Mr. W. Buffet.

He is being used by the DNC (why he allows it I really don't understand).

The DNC is not looking out for the working american. The DNC is looking out for the DNC.

They are using the working american.

However when they get the control they so desperately want they then immediately start taxing the piss out of everyone.

And the working 'class' american gets taxed more than anyone.

Cause those that 'run' the DNC are the same darn 'rich' folks they claim to be fighting.
Ring a bell and you will salivate.

Every right enjoyed by the working man has been gained or protected by progresives or liberals. Anyone who isnt willfully ignorant or propagandised knowes this. Oh why do I bother except for entertainment it all seems so pointless. laugh

That is the most, I mean THE MOST Fallacious thing you have said so far! Not all progressives are liberal and likewise you seem to think the DNC and liberalism are the answers to all of America's financial woes.

Now the person claiming others to be propagandist or led by propaganda are the ones spewing the most propaganda. You so easily discount all the tings people of the GOP have done for us that were beneficial for us. You likewise forget the BAD things the DNC has done to us. ACORN, Obamacare, Affirmative Action, and many others.

Now, I can ignore my telephone when it rings, can you? Wanna talk Pavlovian? you my friend bring this up way too much. Amazing how you jump the moment anyone says the DNC are bad. Yes the GOP is evil BUT so are your precious democrats.

So answer me this if you think you are so smart...

Where is America supposed to get all the money we spend on everything? More taxes like the Democratic Party is SOOOOO good at or print it? How about some financial responsibility in social spending? I take it that is too much to ask of the Democratic party?

Oh no, you want to go right to Pavlov!

So far you pare proving to be worst in show! No ribbon for you!
Its pretty simple. Dont start wars without a legitimate reasone. Stop funding Israels wars also. America needs a thriveing middle class to have a tax base to work from. Those who pay taxes should be the ones to benefit rather than the military/Industrial/oil/complex.

Its simply moronic to blame the democrats for the defecit. The big budget killers are the defence spending and interest on the debt that only makes the investing class(republicans) richer.

Realy not sure why I bother to try to educate you. Perhapse it is out of pity.

My future is verry secure. comeing up on 19 years on the union job site, great medical and a union protected pension. Haveing paid into social security I am looking to make more when I retire than working, I suppose you could say I live the american dream every day.

Today the steel head are running in the creek up the road and I intend to enjoy one of our local parks and do some grilling with my GF while the the boys catch some fish. I just love our public parks and allways vote yess on the tax levies that support them.

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 03/20/11 12:31 PM

I pity Mr. W. Buffet.

He is being used by the DNC (why he allows it I really don't understand).

The DNC is not looking out for the working american. The DNC is looking out for the DNC.

They are using the working american.

However when they get the control they so desperately want they then immediately start taxing the piss out of everyone.

And the working 'class' american gets taxed more than anyone.

Cause those that 'run' the DNC are the same darn 'rich' folks they claim to be fighting.
Ring a bell and you will salivate.

Every right enjoyed by the working man has been gained or protected by progresives or liberals. Anyone who isnt willfully ignorant or propagandised knowes this. Oh why do I bother except for entertainment it all seems so pointless. laugh

That is the most, I mean THE MOST Fallacious thing you have said so far! Not all progressives are liberal and likewise you seem to think the DNC and liberalism are the answers to all of America's financial woes.

Now the person claiming others to be propagandist or led by propaganda are the ones spewing the most propaganda. You so easily discount all the tings people of the GOP have done for us that were beneficial for us. You likewise forget the BAD things the DNC has done to us. ACORN, Obamacare, Affirmative Action, and many others.

Now, I can ignore my telephone when it rings, can you? Wanna talk Pavlovian? you my friend bring this up way too much. Amazing how you jump the moment anyone says the DNC are bad. Yes the GOP is evil BUT so are your precious democrats.

So answer me this if you think you are so smart...

Where is America supposed to get all the money we spend on everything? More taxes like the Democratic Party is SOOOOO good at or print it? How about some financial responsibility in social spending? I take it that is too much to ask of the Democratic party?

Oh no, you want to go right to Pavlov!

So far you pare proving to be worst in show! No ribbon for you!
Its pretty simple. Dont start wars without a legitimate reasone. Stop funding Israels wars also. America needs a thriveing middle class to have a tax base to work from. Those who pay taxes should be the ones to benefit rather than the military/Industrial/oil/complex.

Its simply moronic to blame the democrats for the defecit. The big budget killers are the defence spending and interest on the debt that only makes the investing class(republicans) richer.

Realy not sure why I bother to try to educate you. Perhapse it is out of pity.

My future is verry secure. comeing up on 19 years on the union job site, great medical and a union protected pension. Haveing paid into social security I am looking to make more when I retire than working, I suppose you could say I live the american dream every day.

Today the steel head are running in the creek up the road and I intend to enjoy one of our local parks and do some grilling with my GF while the the boys catch some fish. I just love our public parks and allways vote yess on the tax levies that support them.

Claiming to be educated is the most sure fire way to prove your LACK of an education. Good for you, 19 years at the same union job. Bet it is civil or municipal and not manufacturing. And to base an economy on a middle class instead of having a fair and balanced taxation system and a welfare system that cannot be taken advantage of is what America needs besides Jobs. And here you are trying to bleed off to some Idyllic scene where your life is roses while the rest of us "Uneducated" people can suck rocks? You my friend are a (expletive involving feces and a part of the human anatomy above the shoulders!) plain and simple! It is thinking like this and arguments like this that serve no purpose! Good for you, you get to live the American Dream. I have had to grow up in the American Nightmare. "Know it alls" like you are the reason America is in such a fuqued position! Don't fall in the water AH! I wish you were fishing in Muskie territory. I would say reach on in and grab one of them! Better yet I wish you were fishing in Gator territory. Boy I would love to see how educated you are around them! Frankly it is people with an attitude like yours I despise the most! AS long as things go good for you and your way of life everything is good for us all? And you call me uneducated! Hope your pension is still there when you do retire! I know a lot of others who lost theirs either from investing foolishly (as in trusting the other guy to lead them the right way) and I also know others who think their unions are about to save them from loosing their jobs soon.

And vote yes on all taxes just for Public Parks? Just how stupid can you be? You like most other liberals just cry 'Raise Taxes' at every turn.

Yep, everything is Hunky Dory where you are. Good for you. You are definitely one of "those" people that cannot handle a competitive world! If you lost your job tomorrow what would you do? Go fishing?