Topic: BREEDING they key to attraction
rlynne's photo
Wed 03/02/11 06:07 PM
In studies people have shown to be most attracted to their genetic opposite because it will produce the most genetically strong offspring

also to that note and in direct contradiction to the above people are also shown to be attracted to those whom share similar traits to family members that inspire comfort....why she looks for someone like her dad or why he without realizing it wants someone with his mother's a**

the reason why a um, gracious posterior is attractive...well if your waist is smaller than your hips its an indication you can bear children well....

clear skin and even skin tone is an indication of youth and health as are glossy thick locks of hair....

there have been studies that show women on the pill, over time become more attracted to the feminine man....rather than the more biologically sound masculine man(for breeding purposes) this is due to the hormones that stop the whole pregnancy problem

so the conclusion is you're attracted to those with whom breeding would be most beneficial....

what do you think about that?

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/02/11 06:11 PM
I think we are attracted to everything and anything that makes us feel 'good' and we associate certain smells, sounds, behaviors, genders with times in our life that we have felt 'good' and

we seek to repeat that feeling

josie68's photo
Wed 03/02/11 06:19 PM
Edited by josie68 on Wed 03/02/11 06:32 PM
Yep that is sounds good.

I am only attracted to men with muscles and who are bigger than me, why, because they make me feel safe.

That is not to put anyone down, this is just me. I love men who arnt all muscles, but I am not attracted to them.

For me in a man, I am attracted to muscles, strenght and someone who makes me laugh..

I guess the biggest turn off for me is a man with soft hands. dumb but to me its important. I dont even know why, but if I met a man and he had pretty hands i would have trouble.

Probably like my personality can be annoying to some men, drool
I grew up with farmers, all had work hard hands and muscles, thats the only excuse i can think of. Besides saying that i am just shallow.tongue2

rlynne's photo
Wed 03/02/11 06:28 PM
I have a thing for rough hands too

it means to me that they work for a living..good strong rough hands is a sign they are good a what they do.. which means they are good a bringing home the bacon...its subconscious and not so true in the US but it used to be a common connection

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 03/02/11 06:32 PM
Well hell if it was due to breeding only I would be chit out of luck................:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hell if we all listen to the media or others of how to find that special one I feel we would forget to let our feelings take charge and just go with the flow.............

I'm all into letting things happen natural and if it is there it is there................forget what has been written of what works how would they know hell half of the ones that write all that stuff is not even in a relationship themselves........whoa

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 03/02/11 06:35 PM

I have a thing for rough hands too

it means to me that they work for a living..good strong rough hands is a sign they are good a what they do.. which means they are good a bringing home the bacon...its subconscious and not so true in the US but it used to be a common connection

Humm if that was true then I guess those that are CEO or owns their own business and bringing in over 6 digits a year is not good at what they do............noway noway

At times what is on the surface does not tell the whole picture...of who that person is or how good they are at what they do....whoa

Goofball73's photo
Wed 03/02/11 06:44 PM
I have rough hands :wink: laugh

Cheer_up's photo
Wed 03/02/11 06:47 PM

In studies people have shown to be most attracted to their genetic opposite because it will produce the most genetically strong offspring

also to that note and in direct contradiction to the above people are also shown to be attracted to those whom share similar traits to family members that inspire comfort....why she looks for someone like her dad or why he without realizing it wants someone with his mother's a**

the reason why a um, gracious posterior is attractive...well if your waist is smaller than your hips its an indication you can bear children well....

clear skin and even skin tone is an indication of youth and health as are glossy thick locks of hair....

there have been studies that show women on the pill, over time become more attracted to the feminine man....rather than the more biologically sound masculine man(for breeding purposes) this is due to the hormones that stop the whole pregnancy problem

so the conclusion is you're attracted to those with whom breeding would be most beneficial....

what do you think about that?
Curious who did these studies? and how many people did they ask 100 or 1 million lolll cause to me sound kind of strange i better watch out for lady's on the pill then cause i got muscles and brains but won't catch me in a pink shirt hahaha just me to funny flowerforyou waving :thumbsup:

josie68's photo
Wed 03/02/11 07:07 PM
Hmmm I think maybe in part its what we grew up with.
I grew up around outside men, who drove trucks and worked farms. My dad was a weight lifter and all the men we knew where larger and solid.
I guess that is what i naturally gravitate towards as that is what makes me comfortable.
I wouldnt be comfortable with anyone in a suit and having to go dinners and work things where i needed to fit in to impress work people, so naturally I tend to stear away from any men who fit into that catagory.
As i would definately put my foot in it.

no photo
Wed 03/02/11 07:16 PM

In studies people have shown to be most attracted to their genetic opposite because it will produce the most genetically strong offspring

also to that note and in direct contradiction to the above people are also shown to be attracted to those whom share similar traits to family members that inspire comfort....why she looks for someone like her dad or why he without realizing it wants someone with his mother's a**

the reason why a um, gracious posterior is attractive...well if your waist is smaller than your hips its an indication you can bear children well....

clear skin and even skin tone is an indication of youth and health as are glossy thick locks of hair....

there have been studies that show women on the pill, over time become more attracted to the feminine man....rather than the more biologically sound masculine man(for breeding purposes) this is due to the hormones that stop the whole pregnancy problem

so the conclusion is you're attracted to those with whom breeding would be most beneficial....

what do you think about that?

I've read several of these studies, and, while I understand the concept from a strictly biological-maintenance point of view, I'd have to say that this doesn't apply to me at all.

I've never been attracted to the Astarte-figurine-good-breeder look -- I know guys are supposed to like "big-boobs-big-butt" but I simply find the look unappealing. Give me the skinny, flat-chested, nerdy girl with glasses any day. Provided she doesn't have kids and doesn't want any.

My bottom line is this: if the whole thing is ultimately about nothing more than reproduction, then we might as well be tree shrews.

And I understand that mine is an unpopular stance -- trying to find a woman who doesn't have kids and who doesn't want kids is only slightly more difficult than finding a stegosaurus who can do card tricks. But I'm not ever going to be a breeder, and I have no interest in being with one -- despite anything these studies might indicate.

josie68's photo
Wed 03/02/11 07:20 PM

In studies people have shown to be most attracted to their genetic opposite because it will produce the most genetically strong offspring

also to that note and in direct contradiction to the above people are also shown to be attracted to those whom share similar traits to family members that inspire comfort....why she looks for someone like her dad or why he without realizing it wants someone with his mother's a**

the reason why a um, gracious posterior is attractive...well if your waist is smaller than your hips its an indication you can bear children well....

clear skin and even skin tone is an indication of youth and health as are glossy thick locks of hair....

there have been studies that show women on the pill, over time become more attracted to the feminine man....rather than the more biologically sound masculine man(for breeding purposes) this is due to the hormones that stop the whole pregnancy problem

so the conclusion is you're attracted to those with whom breeding would be most beneficial....

what do you think about that?

I've read several of these studies, and, while I understand the concept from a strictly biological-maintenance point of view, I'd have to say that this doesn't apply to me at all.

I've never been attracted to the Astarte-figurine-good-breeder look -- I know guys are supposed to like "big-boobs-big-butt" but I simply find the look unappealing. Give me the skinny, flat-chested, nerdy girl with glasses any day. Provided she doesn't have kids and doesn't want any.

My bottom line is this: if the whole thing is ultimately about nothing more than reproduction, then we might as well be tree shrews.

And I understand that mine is an unpopular stance -- trying to find a woman who doesn't have kids and who doesn't want kids is only slightly more difficult than finding a stegosaurus who can do card tricks. But I'm not ever going to be a breeder, and I have no interest in being with one -- despite anything these studies might indicate.

you know what lex, I think there are a fair few men out there like you. i just wishthat men who didnt want children would say so before you had them or before they got mixed up with women who do..
Never did understand why men pretend to like your kids and then later cant stand them..
You just have to respect a man who just says it like it is..:wink:

krupa's photo
Wed 03/02/11 07:20 PM
If you are looking at the potential for sex for nothing more than her shoving out some demon spawned hellion to ruin your life for the next 20+ years....then...yeah....find a healthy one to have your kid.

Since, I don't see a reason to force another Krupa onto an unsuspecting world.... I can hump any 300 pound, anemic, peglegged women with a glass eye and a toupee that I chose to.

(let's face it....If a child had to learn from me....that would either be one fkdup kid or it would become a god.)

no photo
Wed 03/02/11 07:23 PM

In studies people have shown to be most attracted to their genetic opposite because it will produce the most genetically strong offspring

also to that note and in direct contradiction to the above people are also shown to be attracted to those whom share similar traits to family members that inspire comfort....why she looks for someone like her dad or why he without realizing it wants someone with his mother's a**

the reason why a um, gracious posterior is attractive...well if your waist is smaller than your hips its an indication you can bear children well....

clear skin and even skin tone is an indication of youth and health as are glossy thick locks of hair....

there have been studies that show women on the pill, over time become more attracted to the feminine man....rather than the more biologically sound masculine man(for breeding purposes) this is due to the hormones that stop the whole pregnancy problem

so the conclusion is you're attracted to those with whom breeding would be most beneficial....

what do you think about that?

I've read several of these studies, and, while I understand the concept from a strictly biological-maintenance point of view, I'd have to say that this doesn't apply to me at all.

I've never been attracted to the Astarte-figurine-good-breeder look -- I know guys are supposed to like "big-boobs-big-butt" but I simply find the look unappealing. Give me the skinny, flat-chested, nerdy girl with glasses any day. Provided she doesn't have kids and doesn't want any.

My bottom line is this: if the whole thing is ultimately about nothing more than reproduction, then we might as well be tree shrews.

And I understand that mine is an unpopular stance -- trying to find a woman who doesn't have kids and who doesn't want kids is only slightly more difficult than finding a stegosaurus who can do card tricks. But I'm not ever going to be a breeder, and I have no interest in being with one -- despite anything these studies might indicate.

I find offense at the generalization that women with hour glass figures & generous endowments are better for "breeding" or have any more or less interest in it than other woman, and offensive the idea that thin women are inherently less interested in breeding- that's ridiculous - I know it's not necessarily "your" assertion per se Lex, but still....

Oh, and actually I think your preference is the more common one- mostly due to our society's obsession with skinny - I think men are usually far more attracted to thin women. As the owner of an hour glass figure and generous endowments...I have a difficult time feeling that I'm thin enough - it's the unusual man who likes my figure -most want them skinny

no photo
Wed 03/02/11 07:25 PM
I agree with cheer up you need to cite these studies because even you admit they contradict each other and it sounds like you are taking bits and pieces of them. If they were both read in there entirety I'm sure you will find reasons as to why they are so different ( age demographic, social differences, economic, etc.) Love, lust, attraction is all dealt with in the brain even though everyone wants to say its in the heart. All those feelings are manifested from different levels of dopamine and seratonine in the brain. Different things trigger these responses from the brain which leads me to agree with Josie as children we are raised around certain things, types of people, and how we viewed them as children as our brains were developing and traits were being learned is how our brains react with the release of dopamine and seratonine as adults.

s1owhand's photo
Wed 03/02/11 07:34 PM

In studies people have shown to be most attracted to their genetic opposite because it will produce the most genetically strong offspring

also to that note and in direct contradiction to the above people are also shown to be attracted to those whom share similar traits to family members that inspire comfort....why she looks for someone like her dad or why he without realizing it wants someone with his mother's a**

the reason why a um, gracious posterior is attractive...well if your waist is smaller than your hips its an indication you can bear children well....

clear skin and even skin tone is an indication of youth and health as are glossy thick locks of hair....

there have been studies that show women on the pill, over time become more attracted to the feminine man....rather than the more biologically sound masculine man(for breeding purposes) this is due to the hormones that stop the whole pregnancy problem

so the conclusion is you're attracted to those with whom breeding would be most beneficial....

what do you think about that?

she already had a name picked out for our hypothetical daughter...


no photo
Wed 03/02/11 07:42 PM

In studies people have shown to be most attracted to their genetic opposite because it will produce the most genetically strong offspring

also to that note and in direct contradiction to the above people are also shown to be attracted to those whom share similar traits to family members that inspire comfort....why she looks for someone like her dad or why he without realizing it wants someone with his mother's a**

the reason why a um, gracious posterior is attractive...well if your waist is smaller than your hips its an indication you can bear children well....

clear skin and even skin tone is an indication of youth and health as are glossy thick locks of hair....

there have been studies that show women on the pill, over time become more attracted to the feminine man....rather than the more biologically sound masculine man(for breeding purposes) this is due to the hormones that stop the whole pregnancy problem

so the conclusion is you're attracted to those with whom breeding would be most beneficial....

what do you think about that?

I've read several of these studies, and, while I understand the concept from a strictly biological-maintenance point of view, I'd have to say that this doesn't apply to me at all.

I've never been attracted to the Astarte-figurine-good-breeder look -- I know guys are supposed to like "big-boobs-big-butt" but I simply find the look unappealing. Give me the skinny, flat-chested, nerdy girl with glasses any day. Provided she doesn't have kids and doesn't want any.

My bottom line is this: if the whole thing is ultimately about nothing more than reproduction, then we might as well be tree shrews.

And I understand that mine is an unpopular stance -- trying to find a woman who doesn't have kids and who doesn't want kids is only slightly more difficult than finding a stegosaurus who can do card tricks. But I'm not ever going to be a breeder, and I have no interest in being with one -- despite anything these studies might indicate.

you know what lex, I think there are a fair few men out there like you. i just wishthat men who didnt want children would say so before you had them or before they got mixed up with women who do..
Never did understand why men pretend to like your kids and then later cant stand them..
You just have to respect a man who just says it like it is..:wink:

I've known, since I was about 21 or 22, that I had no interest in being a parent or dating one. And I've tried to be very clear about this ever since.

My problem is that, when I would meet someone new, she would almost always say, "yeah, I don't want kids either." Then, three months into the relationship, everything changes and suddenly it's "I want a bay-bee!"

Several of them came right out and told me (long after the fact) that they were CONVINCED they would be able to change me into a standard parental unit if I just stayed with them long enough to let it happen.

Uh, sorry, no. This is why I'm skeptical about anyone who claims they truly don't want kids.

Mayhem_J's photo
Wed 03/02/11 07:44 PM
I like big butts and I cannot lie.

Totage's photo
Wed 03/02/11 07:48 PM

In studies people have shown to be most attracted to their genetic opposite because it will produce the most genetically strong offspring

also to that note and in direct contradiction to the above people are also shown to be attracted to those whom share similar traits to family members that inspire comfort....why she looks for someone like her dad or why he without realizing it wants someone with his mother's a**

the reason why a um, gracious posterior is attractive...well if your waist is smaller than your hips its an indication you can bear children well....

clear skin and even skin tone is an indication of youth and health as are glossy thick locks of hair....

there have been studies that show women on the pill, over time become more attracted to the feminine man....rather than the more biologically sound masculine man(for breeding purposes) this is due to the hormones that stop the whole pregnancy problem

so the conclusion is you're attracted to those with whom breeding would be most beneficial....

what do you think about that?

I don't think so. What about gays, lesbians, bis, or even asexuals? How can being attracted to the SAME geneder or no gender be beneficial for breeding?

no photo
Wed 03/02/11 07:54 PM

I find offense at the generalization that women with hour glass figures & generous endowments are better for "breeding" or have any more or less interest in it than other woman,

I can't speak to this. My experience has been that there aren't any women who aren't interested in breeding, just a lot who falsely CLAIM not to be.

I'm not in a position to evaluate who wants to breed more than whom -- I don't have any frame of reference here, and what's the unit of measurement, anyway? I can only speak for myself, and I'm not breedable!

and offensive the idea that thin women are inherently less interested in breeding- that's ridiculous - I know it's not necessarily "your" assertion per se Lex, but still....

Well, sure, it's a generalization, and those tend to be eminently shaky anyway. I suppose if one takes physical appearance as having a 100% correlation with breeding intent, one could take the stance that the skinny ones have less interest in breeding. I haven't seen that. I wish I could say I had! But no -- I've only had one girlfriend who legitimately had no intentions of being a parent. ONE. And she's the only one I've ever known -- and she is physically the bigger-boobs-and-butt type. The stereotype (if there really is one) hasn't held up here.

Oh, and actually I think your preference is the more common one- mostly due to our society's obsession with skinny - I think men are usually far more attracted to thin women. As the owner of an hour glass figure and generous endowments...I have a difficult time feeling that I'm thin enough - it's the unusual man who likes my figure -most want them skinny

I don't know, from what I've seen, guys like the big boobs. The guys I've known from playing hockey and baseball, guys I've been in bands with, that sort of thing. The standard "ideal girl" (for them) is the Playboy Bunny type -- with all the prerequisite "good breeder" accoutrements. I think I've developed a sort of aversion to those physical features which (subconsciously or not) serve as reproductive "indicators."

markc48's photo
Wed 03/02/11 08:08 PM
I just like practice breeding. pitchfork laugh