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Topic: With the People again?
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Sat 02/19/11 11:50 PM

I don't remember which thread, but you made a good case. I had to look back at a historical chart of real wages, but I found that you were right. 1974 was the turning point for wages. The year that Richard Nixon resigned and Gerald Ford took over. It's going to take some research to figure out the proximal cause of this rather abrupt trend reversal.

{BTW, I held some DLTR, but felt that the rally may be finished temporarily as the "recovery" seemed to be picking up steam. That may have been a mistake).

no photo
Sun 02/20/11 06:17 AM
Ahhh. Well, that didn't take long. Global recession, high unemployment and 11.6% inflation. And I thought that was supposed to have been all Jimmy Carters' fault.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 02/20/11 08:04 AM

I worked for IBEW #2 and the company I worked for wanted the Union it actually made things easier on them.

1. senority ruled because each job has a minimum job description.
telling each and every one of us what training we need if we want to advance to a different one. you have the these qualification and are the senior person. then the jobs yours. if u can not handle it then it bids again.

this brought about no fighting about who got a job. it also assured u if u tried to better yourself eventually u will probally get the job u have your eye on. noone stepping over your toes at the last minute fresh out of college.

2. Grievances the worker was protected esp. on safety issues where the boss would say do it and the employee felt it was unsafe we had an avenue to feel safe we would not be fired if we refused. non union what do they do if the Boss says do it or else?

3. Disciplines . anything that was going in your work history you had a representive of the Union as a witness of whats said and done. then from thier if a grievence is decided to be filed against the company or boss well then management if they were real azzes might think twice when this went before his bosses to look at how and why he was dispininaring an employee.

. the company I worked for like this because it took frivolous Lawsuits off thier back. discrimination ect. everything was documented. the company had the rules and the Union monitored them by the input of the members.

And like I said before safety issues that were brought up were really looked into by committees of the dept. safety committee to fix whatever a employee had concerns with. no do it or else with feaqr for your jobor life for that matter.

4. contracts were delt with upper management and our representives and u know our salaries were not the problem. a little on benefits but mainly trying to stretch the working rules.
like. showing up on jobsites 40 miles away instead of 15 or 25. it was usually the working rules being hashed out. The company was descent and we respected them and they respected us and the UNION was the arbitrator between us to make us feel we can speak our minds and not get demoted ,fired or even killed over fear of doing something unsafe.

Unions are at the Heart of what DEMOCRACY is about.

are those points not about the same in our system of Govt.?

I guess actual facts of what a Union is for does not fit the Repuplicans agenda.

the 2 classes of people they have been getting over the years.

The poor and the rich.. the rulers and the slaves?

that sir, is pure propaganda.

Republicans have throughout their history done as much for the american situation as the Democrats have...

and you know it.

so I must assume that you either work for one of the extremes that is trying to eat this country...

Or you are making money from the chaos.

No the Repuplicans got us into this mess.

they have always been pro RICH.. give to the rich and they will create jobs.

Reagonomics 101. they have always hated UNIONS because they say the American worker should be happy with having any job at whatever pay a company decides ( Rich Rule)

Democrats have always been for the common man to live with respect from thier Employers by better pay and benefits.

Democrats Unionize . Repuplicans no Unions

Actually Republicans (not the politicians but the VOTERS) Believe in the biggest Union of all...

The more perfect Union of the Citizens of the United States of America...

Once THAT Union starts to protest all bets are off.

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