Topic: casual sex | |
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Thu 01/27/11 09:00 AM
why are so many people afraid of women who are willing to admit their high level sexuality? Most women really do like sex, but if a woman admits to having many partners, or is willing to say that she digs having casual flings, she is called a tramp,or worse discuss I know in many religious circles the idea is to save intimacy for marital commitment, so, technically, either gender sexually active outside of marriage is considered a fornicator (or much harsher term) because people are so hesitant to commit to marriage, that view has laxed a bit to just include those not in SOME TYPE of commitment(not necessarily marriage) our male driven culture currently has 'evolved' to pretty much excuse men their behaviors and limit those judgments to women alone, although our video culture is shifting the tides towards emulating instead of stigmatizing such women Im sure we will be 'evolving' once again to a time when any type of sexual activity, as long as its consentual, will be completely accepted if not even admired,,, |
oh not afraid of women with a high sex drive, really enjoyable. ![]() but its how they handle thier drive, is what is scary. crap who wants to get a death sentence just because of wanting to have thier needs meet. ![]() What is scary about how they handle their sex drive? |
oh not afraid of women with a high sex drive, really enjoyable. ![]() but its how they handle thier drive, is what is scary. crap who wants to get a death sentence just because of wanting to have thier needs meet. ![]() What is scary about how they handle their sex drive? You mean like when guys will go after anything that moves? That's not just restricted to one gender. |
<------ getting her needs met...awh riiiight!!!!
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Casual sex is a waste of time so I would automatically run like hell...maybe there are other guys that don't mind a girl that sleeps with anything that has two legs and a *rooster* but personally, I don't have the time, my life is a bit more important.
why are so many people afraid of women who are willing to admit their high level sexuality? Most women really do like sex, but if a woman admits to having many partners, or is willing to say that she digs having casual flings, she is called a tramp,or worse discuss I think everyone is different, I enjoy sex but am very shy and was always to embarrassed to sleep with anyone that I didnt know very well hmm or was married to, but others are different. I guess people are always looking for something to judge others on so if it wasnt that they would find something else. |
I have a high sex drive, but can't do casual/NSA sex! I have too many issues about being touched by people I don't know well, it's simply not fulfilling to me, I don't want to risk getting STDs and honestly, most men aren't worth the time wasted doing it anyhow. Most talk a big game, but leave you disappointed!
I don't judge anyone else for it though! Do it, have fun, and be safe! However, I am not opposed to FWB agreements & generally find one of those when not in an LTR! |
oh not afraid of women with a high sex drive, really enjoyable. ![]() but its how they handle thier drive, is what is scary. crap who wants to get a death sentence just because of wanting to have thier needs meet. ![]() What is scary about how they handle their sex drive? You mean like when guys will go after anything that moves? That's not just restricted to one gender. ![]() |
oh not afraid of women with a high sex drive, really enjoyable. ![]() but its how they handle thier drive, is what is scary. crap who wants to get a death sentence just because of wanting to have thier needs meet. ![]() What is scary about how they handle their sex drive? You mean like when guys will go after anything that moves? That's not just restricted to one gender. ![]() If you'd like to start another one, go ahead. |
why are so many people afraid of women who are willing to admit their high level sexuality? Most women really do like sex, but if a woman admits to having many partners, or is willing to say that she digs having casual flings, she is called a tramp,or worse discuss I can sum it up in this one sentence... Quasi Puritanical (Victorian) ideologies coupled with social stigmata based on religious prejudice. That and people are all screwed up about it! Say 'Sex' in a theater real loud and you may as well be yelling fire in it. That gets the Chimpanzees hooting! |
![]() it's hypocritical at best........reaction of depraved at worst!!! |
why are so many people afraid of women who are willing to admit their high level sexuality? Most women really do like sex, but if a woman admits to having many partners, or is willing to say that she digs having casual flings, she is called a tramp,or worse discuss I don't think name calling is every necessary and it's just plain rude and shows a lack of character on the person doing it. However, I would like to clarify what you said....most women do like sex, but that doesn't mean she has a lot of partners. I do not think casual sex is a good thing for men or women. JMO. |
I don't know about everyone else, but I never even bother asking someone I date how many people they've had sex with. The past is the past. It's not something i worry about.
Who has a probelm with women who like sex? I don't have a problem with it, I like sex too... however, I am also into monogamy... so by definition - your not my type... I think sex drive is one thing, and having casual sex is a whole other thing entirely... To each his/her own... if it makes you happy go for it!... but just because a man prefers monogamy doesn't mean he is judgemental... *sigh*... people are who they are, as you should be... just like you don't want other to judge or change you, don't judge or try to change them... good luck! $.02 ![]() You can't assume that just because someone is down for casual sex at times that they can't be monogamous. I agree, but if someone is having casual sex - they are not being monogamous (by definition)... she said she was having casual sex - just not my cup of tea. I am sure many out there would prefer it that way (casual)... It's rather hypocritical to say "I have casual sex" and "why do people say I am a tramp"... I guess I was trying to say embrace who you are, but realize not everyone will like it... Personally, I treasure my sexual experiences - and save them for the peoople with whom I am in a relationship with, becuase for me it's more than the physical pleasure of the act itself. Someone who has casual sex (in my opinion) is more into the physical aspects of their sexuality - therefore is not my type. Someone who lives a monogamous lifestyle is more suited for my personality - since THAT is how I live my life... perhaps more on topic, I just should have said "Different strokes for different folks (literally) ![]() $.02 ![]() So, if someone is not in a relationship at the time and has sex, does that make you assume they're not going to be able to be in a monogamous relationship? Do you ask someone before getting into a relationship with them if they've had sex while not in a relationship? And would that actually affect your decision about being in a relationship with them? No, that is not an assumption that I would make. People have sexual needs as do I, they just deal with them in a way that makes them happy. o, I don't ask for a sexual history before getting into a relationship (allthough the dicussions over time tend to "feel that out" as a subject or aspect of the dating process). Would it affect my decision? Yes, of course. If a woman told me that she has been with a guy as "friends with benefits" before I met her, or if she makes it known that she enjoys sleeping around - she's not my type and I would not pursue a relationship with her. How do you determine if he/she is "the type that sleeps around" - well, that's the catch isn't it?.... Oh to be clarivoyant... It's pretty simple really. I enjoy a deeper connection other than good sex, if someone would be willing to jump in bed with me the first 5 days I know them - it's not my style or what I enjoy. But that's just me. $.02 ![]() And the good news in all of this is you are definitely not her type either, Isn''t it great the way that works out ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I believe that a woman should do what she likes or what pleases her. I would not recommend that she tell everyone but then again I feel the same about a man who does the same.
It is really none of my or anyone elses business what someone does to please themselves sexually. The only exception is if I need to protect a child or someone who is mentally unable to protect themselves. Then it is mine and the laws business. Do what you do. If it bothers you to do it then don't do it. |
Lay that pipe!
Lay that pipe! u have a pipe??? ![]() ![]() |
why are so many people afraid of women who are willing to admit their high level sexuality? Most women really do like sex, but if a woman admits to having many partners, or is willing to say that she digs having casual flings, she is called a tramp,or worse discuss High sex drive is normal. Casual sex, I don't believe in, but I don't judge those that are in to that. The number of sex partners one has had is not important, as long as she can be faithful and committed. |