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Topic: Tithing...God and Money !!!
msharmony's photo
Thu 01/13/11 07:44 PM

Thomas 3474 wrote ".I don't think giving 10% to God is unreasonable."
and that really is my question....how does the $$ end up in God's hands ????

I agree with charity and helping people, actually wouldn't more people be helped if the $$ didn't go to religion....buildings, church bank accounts, support the Vatican etc... and just....help people directly ???

Thomas 3474 also wrote "God does say what you give will be multiplied many times over." As you know Joel Osteen makes around 80 million dollars each year conveying this message that God is honor bound and duty bound to return the favor.

Thomas, I appreciate what you wrote and I think it is exemplary for what many would write....

As we non-believers say "just be good for goodness sake"

We all know it doesn't go into Gods hands.But we also know what we are giving in going to be used for Gods will.It will be used first and foremost to keep the lights and heat on in the church,helping the poor,helping the homeless,world wide missionaries,etc.In other words what ever it is going to we can rest assured it is going to a good cause that is biblically correct and something that would make God happy.

The answer to your second question in no it wouldn't.I have a member in my church that was at one time a powerful drug kingpin.He said he had bricks of cash in every room,a endless supply of women,and was snorting cocaine like Al pachino in Scarface.He said his life was totally empty and meaningless.He said only after he gave his life to Christ did he for the first time feel set free and happy.

In reality I think the majority of people would give anything to find inner peace,feel loved no matter who they are or what they have done,be forgiven for their past wrong doings,have true friends and a purpose in life,know where they go when they die,and know that someone is always looking out for them and caring for them.

Money can't do any of that for you but Christianity can.When people lose their father or mother you think giving them a hand full of cash will make them feel better?I don't.But telling them that their mother or father is in paradise where they will never feel sorrow and will never grow old will.

Christianity is the only religion that has millions of people from all walks of life all over the world that can claim it has changed their lives dramatically.From prostitutes,drug addicts,kings and queens,suicide survivors,Atheists,and everyone else you can think of they can tell you that Christianity saved their lives.You will never read "I was suicidal and Atheism saved my life".You will never read "I was in jail shooting a needle in my vain on the verge of a overdose but Buddhism saved my life".

Christianity is also the only religion that can perform healing right before your eyes.Millions of people all over the world are healed from everything from deafness,blindness,paralysis,and other problems.

You and others probably have no idea how much the churches help the world.Churches run probably all the orphanages,pretty sure all the food banks,and probably all the homeless shelters.Churches will give you a place to live if you lose your house,money to pay the rent and bills,and will take care of your children all free of charge.Churches run clinics to get people off of drugs and alcohol,and offer homes to battered and abused women.

Christian ministries feed starving children around the world,send doctors to poor villages for free medical care,build houses and schools,and do many other things with out one penny from our Government or ask for anything in return.No other religion or Government comes close to doing even 1/10th the Christians are doing.During hurricane Katrina the people who said they got the most help was from the churches.

Joel Osteen and others who makes millions are few and far between.The majority of pastors only make a average wage if that.You must remember many people loyal to the church often leave their house and property to the church.So if you have a mega church with 30,000 members that is a lot of money coming in.Is it unreasonable to live the life of a millionaire if you have $60,000,000 coming into your church every year?Not at all.It would seem ridiculous if the pastor of that church was driving up in a pinto and talking in old blue jeans and a white t-shirt.The bible says you reap what you sow.

lol...at a pinto,,now THATS funny

I agree, its nto about whats in the bank, but whats in the heart

rich men dont automatically get into heaven but neither do poor men

pastors who make preaching their living should earn an income that reflects the hard work they are doing,,,

Thomas3474's photo
Thu 01/13/11 11:07 PM

A middle aged man in Washington state just won the megamillions...he and one other person. It was worth over 300 million. This man got on TV and said that the money belongs to God, it's all going to his church for any needed repairs the church may have.
Seems to me that half of that money (even after taxes) would better serve gods people by feeding them than sitting in a bank waiting for the church to need a new roof.

Yes, we should all give back, can people be forced to share...no.

I have been saying for years instead of having this 300 million dollar jackpot,they should just make 300 people 1 million dollar winners.Even if it was only 20 million a week that is still 20 people every week becoming millionaires.This would spread to the entire community all over America since you would have more winners and more people giving money to friends and family.

creativesoul's photo
Thu 01/13/11 11:29 PM
To whom do the pastors tithe?

Osteen give up 8 mil a year?

RainbowTrout's photo
Sat 01/22/11 07:46 AM
I was just reading about theses monarchians.

Sabellius, fl. 215, Christian priest and theologian, b. probably Libya or Egypt. He went to Rome, became the leader of those who accepted the doctrine of modalistic monarchianism and was excommunicated by Pope St. Calixtus I in 220. Opposing the orthodox teaching of "essential Trinity," Sabellius advanced the doctrine of the "economic Trinity." God, he held, was one indivisible substance, but with three fundamental activities, or modes, appearing successively as the Father (the creator and lawgiver), as the Son (the redeemer), and as the Holy Spirit (the maker of life and the divine presence within men). The term Sabellianism later was used to include all sorts of speculative ideas that had become attached to the original ideas of Sabellius and his followers. In the East, all monarchians came to be labeled Sabellians.

monarchianism (mōnär`kēənĭzəm) [Gr.,=belief in the rule of one], the concept of God that maintains his sole authority even over Christ and the Holy Spirit. Its characteristic tenet, that God the Father and Jesus are one person, was developed in two forms in early Christianity. Dynamistic monarchians, such as the Theodotians and Paul of Samosata held that Jesus was born a man and received the Christ as a power from God at a later time Modalistic monarchians taught that God is unknowable, except for his manifestations, or modes; Christ is one of these. Because of the consequent implication that God the Father must have died on the cross, they were called Patripassians [Lat.,= the Father suffering]. Sabellius fully developed modalism.


A branch of the Monarchians, founded by Theodotus the banker. (See MONARCHIANS.) Another quite distinct sect or party is refuted by Marcus Eremita, who seems to have been a disciple of St. John Chrysostom. His book Eis ton Melchisedek, or according to Photius "Against the Melchisedekites" (P.G., lxv, 1117), speaks of these new teachers as making Melchisedech an incarnation of the Logos. They were anathematized by the bishops, but would not cease to preach. They seem to have been otherwise orthodox. St. Jerome (Ep. 73) refutes an anonymous work which identified Melchisedech with the Holy Ghost. About A.D. 600, Timotheus, Presbyter of Constantinople, in his book De receptione Haereticorum (Cotelier, "Monumenta eccles. Graeca", III, 392; P.G., LXXXVI, 34) adds at the end of his list of heretics who need rebaptism the Melchisedechians, "now called Athingani" (Intangibles). They live in Phrygia, and are neither Hebrews nor Gentiles. They keep the Sabbath, but are not circumcised. They will not touch any man. If food is offered to them, they ask for it to be placed on the ground; then they come and take it. They give to others with the same precautions. Nothing more is known of this curious sect.


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