Topic: "Birthright Citizenship" Will Be Target of House GOP Majorit
msharmony's photo
Fri 11/19/10 12:47 PM
what is the point of having laws, if we dont enforce them and give the impression that we EXPECT them to be followed or else have consequences?

why should the millions of immigrants who respect the country enough to follow the laws continue to do so if they are shown that the laws should take a back seat to LOVE AND COMPASSION

I think laws can be enforced with love and compassion, thats why I suggest sending the family back HOME with whatever they earned

but I dont suggest sticking americans with the caretaking of children whose parents didnt take responsibility to care for them the LEGAL way, they had families elsewhere before they were born, almost guaranteed, there is nothing hateful about sending them to their FAMILIES and expecting those adults to follow the laws to bring them here or make them citizens

Dragoness's photo
Fri 11/19/10 12:48 PM
The idea of believing in anchor babies is a hateful belief to have.

Making our law makers hatemongerers.

no photo
Fri 11/19/10 12:49 PM
so a fifteen year old who was born here,
doesn't speak another language other than english,
knows nobody from his parent's home nation,
should leave this foreign nation full of strangers,
and go "home."
sounds reasonable.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 11/19/10 12:50 PM
Shame on our law makers for entertaining hate and furthering hateful agendas.

msharmony's photo
Fri 11/19/10 12:53 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 11/19/10 12:54 PM

so a fifteen year old who was born here,
doesn't speak another language other than english,
knows nobody from his parent's home nation,
should leave this foreign nation full of strangers,
and go "home."
sounds reasonable.

yes, absolutely,,,just as reasonable as the parents decision to put them in that position

or the decision not to make sure he 'knew' his other family back home

or the decision not to travel back home to their FAMILY to have the child

or just as reasonable as a child ending in foster care because their parents decided to deal drugs

we have plenty of foster chldren and orphans in the system because their AMERICAN parents broke laws, why continue to increase that number to include IMMIGRANTS who break the law to be here,,,

we are the ADULTS, we cant blame other adults for the consequences WE BRING upon our children,,,,

mightymoe's photo
Fri 11/19/10 01:01 PM

so a fifteen year old who was born here,
doesn't speak another language other than english,
knows nobody from his parent's home nation,
should leave this foreign nation full of strangers,
and go "home."
sounds reasonable.

their parents should have followed the laws...when people break laws, there are repercussions... Why don't we just not have any laws and everyone do as they please?? If the kid was born here, they do not have anything to worry about...

no photo
Fri 11/19/10 01:01 PM
but you're the ones ****ing the kids over.
how are you not to blame.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 11/19/10 01:02 PM

i don't understand you people... even Canada, the most liberal nation on earth, wised up and got rid of those stupid laws... its about time, and it should have been done years ago.

You might want to check on that again. Unless its happened real recently and I missed it, canada still has the same law. We just don't seem to have the same problems most likely cause we don't border Mexico of course.

you might wanna look it up... i did two weeks ago and canada got rid of the anchor baby law because of the chinese...

lol I love info on the internet, some says yes some says no LOL going to go look at the actual govt sites. lol

you prove it... your the one arguing... post a link

mightymoe's photo
Fri 11/19/10 01:03 PM

but you're the ones ****ing the kids over.
how are you not to blame.

no, their parents did when they came things the right way, and there won't be any problems such as these

Dragoness's photo
Fri 11/19/10 01:03 PM
All the logicing doesn't change the fact it is an hateful idea aimed at babies because of a prejudice against the parents.

no photo
Fri 11/19/10 01:06 PM
their parents aren't the ones sending them "home."

msharmony's photo
Fri 11/19/10 01:06 PM

but you're the ones ****ing the kids over.
how are you not to blame.

because I did not BIRTH the child in a country I had no LEGAL RIGHT to be in

THATS the decision that screws the child over

just as much as if I decide to murder their father and thus send them to a foster care with STRANGERS (because the law would require me to go to jail)

its not those who would put the child in foster care that screwed it , it was MY OWN CHOICES

mightymoe's photo
Fri 11/19/10 01:09 PM

their parents aren't the ones sending them "home."

Their parents came here illegally to have them... and they don't send the kids home, just the illegal ones...

Dragoness's photo
Fri 11/19/10 01:09 PM
Our laws are correct as they stand and should stay the same.

We should not get caught into the hatemongering of the law makers.

Babies should not be allowed to be targeted because of some peoples hatred.

msharmony's photo
Fri 11/19/10 01:10 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 11/19/10 01:11 PM

All the logicing doesn't change the fact it is an hateful idea aimed at babies because of a prejudice against the parents.

mine is not prejudice against the parents, mind is a logical thought process which is considering the REALITY that resources and funds do have a LIMIT and that limit will screw over alot of people who FOLLOW laws if we continue to add on to our debts the cost of covering children who have had their parents removed due to illegal immigration,,,

as I said, If I get pregnant while visiting switzerland, I have nine months to get my behind back home where my child will have my family and my country supporting them instead of staying on in switzerland illegally to guilt them into feeling as if they should instead,,,

I have had two children they each have family HERE on both their parents sides, just as those children do

it is far from hateful for a child to be rejoined with family,, no matter how DIFFICULT others like to paint the situation to be

no photo
Fri 11/19/10 01:11 PM
so because you didn't do the same thing as they,
we should screw over someone else.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 11/19/10 01:11 PM

All the logicing doesn't change the fact it is an hateful idea aimed at babies because of a prejudice against the parents.

Why don't you go to another country ILLEGALLY and have a baby and see what happens...

msharmony's photo
Fri 11/19/10 01:12 PM

so because you didn't do the same thing as they,
we should screw over someone else.

wow, how is it screwing a child over to have them go back with biological family?

we arent talking about sending them into the woods to fend for themeslves,,,

step back from the emotionalism and actually THINK about it,,,

mightymoe's photo
Fri 11/19/10 01:13 PM

All the logicing doesn't change the fact it is an hateful idea aimed at babies because of a prejudice against the parents.

mine is not prejudice against the parents, mind is a logical thought process which is considering the REALITY that resources and funds do have a LIMIT and that limit will screw over alot of people who FOLLOW laws if we continue to add on to our debts the cost of covering children who have had their parents removed due to illegal immigration,,,

as I said, If I get pregnant while visiting switzerland, I have nine months to get my behind back home where my child will have my family and my country supporting them instead of staying on in switzerland illegally to guilt them into feeling as if they should instead,,,

I have had two children they each have family HERE on both their parents sides, just as those children do

it is far from hateful for a child to be rejoined with family,, no matter how DIFFICULT others like to paint the situation to be

if your VISITING Switzerland, you entered the country LEGALLY, If you snuck in, That is ILLEGAL...

no photo
Fri 11/19/10 01:13 PM

Their parents came here illegally to have them... and they don't send the kids home, just the illegal ones...

but you don't want them to be citizens,
so you want them out.
sending them "home."