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Topic: Do you believe......
A_Midsummers_Dream's photo
Thu 06/28/07 07:48 PM
that you meet the people you do for a reason, or is it just some chance occurence?

My entire life I have been well raised. My fathers done a good job. He's taught me to take care of myself, to learn what the world has to teach me, and to do my best to accept all that is around me. I am the person I am because he did not pressure me to think like others, he urged me to think and be different but accept and grow from what others may have to teach me.

I believe that the people you meet help to teach you something, whether it's about your self, the world around you, or whatever else it is that they may have to offer.

The Lonely Walker
I've met you at a time in my life when I thought nobody would listen to me because I was younger. I believe I was suppossed to have met you because you taught me that my age wasn't stopping me from being listened to, it was my insecurites about my age. I thank you friendflowerforyou

Talked to me about her country, the things she grew up with and has told me many stories that I thorourghly enjoyed hearing. I beliene I met her so she could enlighten me on the misfortunes some countries face and the possibilities of things that I may face when I began my journey overseas.

Although sometimes diffucult to accept and agree with has made some excellent points, though many may not agree. He's challenged my way of thinking and offered insights on things I didn't fully comprehend before. A challenge is always fun to overcome, but AB sometimes you keep coming back for more.laugh Thank you.

I really needed to meet. He showed me decency that I thought most, if not all the male population seemed to be lacking.

My point is throughout my life I have met many people who have brought me to the path I now walk. Would you agree that those you've meet have been simply by chance, or have you met them for a reason?

I posted this here because many could loop it to fate which many could and would refer back to God, Jesus, etc.


SweetU2Lover's photo
Thu 06/28/07 08:02 PM
I totally agree. I think everyone we meet plays an important role in our lives. That's why I live with no regrets. For example, I had this best friend for about 5 years and he suddenly decides he no longer wants to be friends. It hurt--A LOT, but I'm not bitter or regretful about the situation at all. God knew when I needed him in my life. I learned more and accomplished more from him being in my life than I probably ever will!
That's why you should never be too quick to judge someone. You never know why God may have placed them in your path!

A_Midsummers_Dream's photo
Thu 06/28/07 08:10 PM
Completely understand where you're coming from. My mom used to have a poster with the kinds of friends you can have in your life. I can't remeber exactly what it said but it had something about there are those for a day possibly a spring those for a summer and those for all time, friends are like the seasons, they may change, but a friend like you will always stay the same. It was something to that affect. I always loved that poster.


Redykeulous's photo
Thu 06/28/07 08:20 PM
Yes, and good stories too. I believe that every person we touch in this life has purpose. Some we don't even know, some we never will. But touch them, we do. And when you've lived long enough the gift is finding just how someone from many years, actually left a mark on you.

SammyJo27's photo
Thu 06/28/07 08:20 PM
I agreepeoples pathes cross for good reason, we should try to learn something from everyone we meet.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 06/28/07 08:21 PM
Hi Di, how r u?
As a matter of fact Di is a good example.
She has taught me that no matter how apart we are in our views we always can be friends

A_Midsummers_Dream's photo
Thu 06/28/07 08:23 PM

That was beautifuly put. Thank you.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

knightless's photo
Thu 06/28/07 08:45 PM
I am with ya'll on this..I believe we are destined to cross paths with those that we encounter. I think we all have a purpose for meeting those we do, and they play a part in some way, or another.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 06/28/07 08:47 PM
Some lovely lady told me about the laws of attraction
basically it says that we attract things and people to fulfill a purpose
it's a cool documentary
if u guys have the chance to watched it's really cool

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 06/28/07 08:53 PM
Yes everyone meets for a reason. I use these forums for my studies/writings. I get a real good review of views on here. Thanks.. Miles

no photo
Thu 06/28/07 08:58 PM
Wonderfully put Redflowerforyou

Differentkindofwench's photo
Thu 06/28/07 09:02 PM
Yup, I agree with the rest.

no photo
Fri 06/29/07 09:43 PM
I've been thinking about this quite a bit today, I have lots of time to think. I feel that some people are meant to cross our paths for a reason, what ever that reason may be, predestined if you will. Others though are simply mere happenstance...they just are there for no reason just simply there. Ok this all made sense in my head when I was thinking about it, sorry if it doesn't make sense now, sometimes my words get in the way of my thoughts.

A_Midsummers_Dream's photo
Wed 07/04/07 09:21 AM
I know exactly what you mean. I feel the same. There are people that you are just suppossed to meet and others a long the way happen to be there. Perhaps to lead you to that person you are suppossed to meet. I met my bestfriend of 12 years in fourth grade cause I smacked a boy in the back of the head with my note book for calling me stupid and got sent into her classroom, and at lunch she came and sat by me and we've been friends ever since. We're the good kind of friends, where every now and then we lose contact, but for some reason we always find eachother agian. She's the only one I've ever met like that.


ezguy's photo
Wed 07/04/07 12:38 PM
Yes, I do believe everyone is in our lives for a reason. As well as that things happen to us for a reason.

The universe provides us with situations to teach us things. Whether its good or bad, I believe, its personal. That is, the universe is personally providing you a way to grow. And that, its your choice to learn it now, or learn it later.

dazzling_dave's photo
Wed 07/04/07 02:40 PM
God will give you what you need when you need it.

joshyfox's photo
Wed 07/04/07 03:00 PM
I've never liked FATE, predetermination is so boring...besides Fate cheats at cards.

Honestly though, I think god provides with what you need, but the same time provides it in many ways and leave it to us as how it happens. If everything is predetermined, what's the point of free will? Freedom? Living?

Differentkindofwench's photo
Wed 07/04/07 04:53 PM
What would be the point of free will? Hmmm, could everything be predetermined, forgotten, free will reigns specifically perhaps, so the will to follow a higher will is freely given. What? Walk away from Ego for a higher good of more than just self. Become what one may deem a sheep ----- such an ironic sense of humor.

Differentkindofwench's photo
Wed 07/04/07 06:01 PM
Just so nobody gets unduly bent out of shape regarding my second to last post. That was directed at myself - kind of thinking outloud, if you will.

ArtGurl's photo
Thu 07/05/07 11:57 AM
We are all just mirrors for one another and we recognize the reflections.

The people who cross my path are too familiar to be there by accident. It is the why that remains in question and the 'why' is not always clear until the looking back...

Some will come for a moment ... maybe just to exchange some piece of information that will help one another along their way...

Some will stay longer and become a friend and our paths will run parallel for a time...

If we are lucky some of those paths will run parallel for a lifetime.

Like pebbles in a pond though there are ripples sent and felt that we may never know.

And I agree, nicely put Red flowerforyou

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