Topic: When it hurts
David_Stuart's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:17 PM
true you got to remember he use to play football there known for
covering other guys butts

kisses17's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:19 PM
Haha... i didnt know that... but very good point... he likes those tight

David_Stuart's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:20 PM
man this is the first time i ever chatted on this site and im already
having fun

David_Stuart's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:21 PM
i feel sorry for the guy he only playing offense not even defence okay
lets not crack on gays anymore he might cry

kisses17's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:22 PM
Its cuz im fun.. im a fun (you'll only get that if you watch

kisses17's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:23 PM
he shut the hell up though... thats all i wanted...

David_Stuart's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:23 PM
well i learn something new every day well miss fun im mister wild how
are you lol

David_Stuart's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:24 PM
well becareful i dont want him coming out of the closet soon

kisses17's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:26 PM
Hunny you wont stop learnin things from me and my best
friend are some of the craziest girls youll ever meet... but in a good
way not bad!!! im fine... just waitin for my friend to call to see what
we are doin tonight... how are you...

David_Stuart's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:33 PM
im doing good you do know what goes with wild right i can learn alot and
teach alot

kisses17's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:36 PM
thats true...

BelovedCarrie's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:37 PM
Personally, I do not believe in cheating. Cheating is just an
intentional plan to hurt someone. If you want to cheat, just leave that
person because it's much better than cheating. Or just don't cheat at
all, it's liberating and a good trait to have.

David_Stuart's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:37 PM
so what does miss fun and crazy do for fun

kisses17's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:42 PM
Umm i just like to hang out with friends and my daddy... Hes the best...
I like to drink on occasion... but only at places im not leavin... im
not stupid about those things and i dont like people that are... my
friend and i are always doin somethin... we cant sit around... lol... we
go crazy... usually we are the highlight of the night... or mornin...
when ever we end the what do you do???

David_Stuart's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:49 PM
wild stuf like sky diving or bunjee jumping street racing or anything
that will attract my attention i like to dance and just have some good
old fashion fun what ever that means i like to hang with my friends but
its hard to do that because i just moved to a new state and havent met
anyone here and i like to travel alot. and i like to make ppl smile as
much as possible if cutting off my arm will get a smile on there face i
would do it

kisses17's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:55 PM
yup thats what i like to do too!!! In fact if im not smilin or makin ppl
smile ppl think there is somethin wrong with me...

David_Stuart's photo
Sun 10/08/06 02:02 PM
i believe life is a joke so laugh

kisses17's photo
Sun 10/08/06 02:05 PM
I agree but i also know that there is time to be serious

David_Stuart's photo
Sun 10/08/06 02:08 PM
yes there is time to be serious i do believe that to but one thing i
dont believe in is sadness or madness

smokeythebear's photo
Sun 10/08/06 05:58 PM
Can she, and why does she are two entirely different questions. Almost
everything is universal in the same way that pussy is! Maybe we ought
to just face the realization that a good woman is as hard to find.